tv News RT March 17, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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ah, a a new era, the russian chinese relation, as it's confirmed change in paying supposed trip off to re election will be to moscow next week. opening pandora's box, china did announce is the strengthening of nuclear cooperation between australia, big u. s. and the u. k saying it could the rest of the global security and we continue on special coverage of the grim legacy left by the disastrous us led war in iraq. 20 years since then. us president george w bush is ultimatum to saddam hussein to give up power or face war
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a very well welcome visibility international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us. so it's official champagne is set to visit moscow next week to meet a lot of a person that will be plenty to discuss from the russian chinese strategic partnership to pressing global issues. assigning of bilateral agreements has also been announced with more details to follow chinese foreign ministry spokesperson. one gwin been has emphasized that this coalition is a win win partnership. and it's not a get any 3rd party. said you, me to wish you follow johnson you, president, seizing pink state visit to russia will be a journey of peace practice. true multilateralism based on the principles of non aligned, non confrontation and non targeting of 3rd parties promote the democratization of international relations. build a multi polar world pattern,
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improved global governance, and contribute to world development. china will uphold an object of an impartial position on the ukraine crisis and play a constructive role in persuading and promoting peace talks. the development of strategic cooperative partnerships between china and russia. benefits both the people of the 2 countries and the world. this differs from the practice of some countries holding the cold war mindset. forming cliques everywhere, engaging in confrontation, building small circles and camps, and had gemini and bullying everywhere. china's foreign ministry also said that this is going to be a meeting of peace. that's because beijing is ready to play a constructive role in regulating the ukraine conflict. and we also heard from that foreign ministry of china that there, that beijing is also looking to basically ground these talks and the principles of non confrontation with 3rd party. so that's all among other topics on the agenda,
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including a questions of international and regional importance, as well as strengthening the strategic or cooperative partnership between these 2 countries. now it's also important to understand that these talks are i have just been announced on the backdrop of the marine security belt joint naval exercises which are between china, russia and iran. and these have been taking place in the gulf of all mon, since march 15th. so it represents another frontier of developing co operation between these 2 countries in this situation, specifically naval and military cooperation. earlier we spoke to nelson, one vice chairman of the shanghai center for win pack and international studies. he says ukraine is likely to be top of the agenda of all the topics that to the 2 country leaders between mr. she and her president poking her. i think the topic of the ongoing conflict in ukraine is certainly going to be on top of the agenda
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and that's going to be discussed for julie. but barry mind that china has recently published it's position ah, on supporting peace and ceasefire ah, off the conflict. so i believe this is certainly going to be discussed. i think this is also a clear message that has been sent out with regard to the upcoming visitor president t to moscow. now, china's independence in its foreign policy and its handling of international relations is not going to be to with her influence or even manipulated, or you've been deterred by any 3rd party off on monday to wednesday. next week we're bringing special coverage at the chinese leaders. she didn't pings visits to moscow, both on there and on line. so to join us for that, ah,
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opening pandora's bulk south, how the chinese foreign ministry has labor with the increase in nuclear cooperation between australia, the u. k, and the u. s. calling it a threat to global peace and security. you all call hon for us. britain and australia are engaged in an anglo saxon cabal, establishing a so called trilateral security partnership and promoting cooperation on nuclear submarines and the sophisticated military technology. this is a typical case of cold war mentality, and it's like opening a pandora's box. it will have serious impacts on regional and global peace and
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security. the reaction comes off, the washington agreed to sell up to $220.00 tomahawk cruise missiles to australia, making the country early, the 2nd american ally off the britain to gain access to the advanced us weapons. according to the 2021 deal, cambra pledge to buy 3 nuclear submarines from washington. the vessels could be useful platform to launch the long range tomahawk missiles which china seas as a threat. when meanwhile debates saw her the way to store the radioactive ways that will be produced by australia's future submarines with the victoria and west australian premie is making it clear that it's not welcome in the states to bring some clarity to the aforementioned deal. the all because contract is a motif decade packed between australia, the u. k, and the u. s. under the agreement, australian sailors will be sent to other member countries for training on using nuclear subs after 4 years,
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washington on longer more basis submarines in western australia than cambra must buy 3 u. s. model subs in the early 2013 with the option to purchase to more by 2040 the australia navy will receive custom sub designs with a combination of u. k. and the u. s. defense technology new care, free advocates and analyst dave sweeney. phase. the pucks poses a serious environmental threat and provokes a military escalation. there is a lot of surprise, stunned surprise, really about the extent of the announcement made this week about the rapidity of the deployment. about the fact that stray will be hosting high level radioactive waste. a lot of shock and anger about the cost, the current price tag is $368000000000.00. let's try and. busy dollars,
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and that is at a time when a stria, like many other country, is facing economic difficulty, rising cost of living prices and the costs that are associated with increasing climate impacts and people assigning why wouldn't we are made the decision? and. busy surely there a way that we can catch a large amount of money. the single largest buy farm president bought capital expenditure in defense in australia history generate surely. there are ways that we can spend the maintenance, pressing human and environmental names far more importantly and far more effectively than the acquisition of nuclear submarines. there's a lot of concern that these locks astray into war fighting plants reduces australia sovereignty and independence of positioning. an increase in great environmental threats should something go wrong with the sub environmental threat
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through high level whites and above all military threat and military. they disastrous war in iraq, which left the trail of destruction under reported 1000000 people that is coming up on its grimma 20th anniversary. we're bringing you all special coverage if the conflicts that through the oil rich country into chaos and the stabilize the region for years to come. ah, 20 years ago to the day george w bush made the decision to ouster than iraqi leader. saddam hussein by force saying he had to give up power and leave the country or face attack by thousands of us and allied troops. saddam hussein and his sons must leave iraq within 48 hours. their refusal to do so will result in military conflict
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commenced at a time of our choosing. should saddam hussein shoes confrontation, the american people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war. and every measure will be taken to when it does mind george bush's promise to take every measure to avoid war. his ultimate decision to invade iraq through the country on the why to region into chaos. displacing millions and killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. the u. s. invaded iraq, under the pretext of stopping the danger from its alleged weapons of mass destruction. st. peaceful attempts to disarm baghdad had failed without despite un inspectors reporting no evidence of weapons in iraq. george bush results mason came out of the us. you can, spain signed a joint draft resolution seeking military action, but 2 days later, the u. s. and its allies attack to rock without un approval. the world is
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better off without saddam in power. george bush's words were banked by former british prime minister, tony blair, driven by desire for regime change. the u. k. decided to join us forces in toppling the iraqi government and unleashing chaos in the country. our teeth, marina calls river, picks up the story. once a years after the us led invasion of iraq and one question remains, could it have been prevented? well, the answer seems to be no, because it was the plan all along. after $911.00, it was payback time for america. and the hans for state sponsors of terrorism was on after afghanistan, iraq became the next target. and the british prime minister, tony blair, became george bush's accomplice. all that was missing was an excuse to invade. well here in the declassified letter, we can see how blair tells bush that he's with him no matter what. as in,
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he'll support him in removing saddam hussein from power. i will be with you will it's heather, getting rid of saddam is the right thing to do. he's a potential threat he could be contained in another secret memo were told that the pair were concocting a p r campaign on how to sell the iraq war. an entire year before the us invaded to pay him said we needed an accompanying payoff strategy that highlighted the risks of saddam's w m. d program. and his appalling human rights record, bush strongly agreed to pay him said this approach would be important in managing european public opinion. and in helping the president constructs an international coalition, the p. m said no one could doubt the world would be a better place if there were a regime change in iraq. what's more, they had a strategy in case that saddam hussein actually gave you an weapons inspectors free
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reign to check on everything. the p. m. late a commented to me privately that had spoken again to bush about the issue of un inspectors. bush and acknowledged that there was just a possibility that saddam would allow them in and go about their own business. if that happened, we would have to adjust our approach accordingly. so they didn't even want full transparency. that is pretended to wanted, hoping iraq's leader would say no. and that would be enough to topple him. well, september 2002, tony blair's infamous claim. the intelligence, the picture they paint is one accumulated over the last 4 years. it is extensive detail and authority. it concludes that iraq has chemical and biological weapons that saddam has continued to produce them. that he has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes. 45 minutes. really sounds fake.
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well, it turned out to be, which was confirmed by british weapons x for a dr. telly to a b b. c. journalist. it was transformed in the week before it was published to make it 6 here. the classic example was the claim that weapons of mass destruction were ready for use within 45 minutes. that information was not in the original draft. it was included in the dossier against our wishes because it wasn't reliable . most of the things in the dossier were double sauced, but that was single sauced and we believe that the sauce was wrong. this fiasco even made it to the parliamentary hearings, which is where doctor kelly's name was revealed as he was asked to give evidence on what he knew. 2 days later, the man who set the british government sec, stop iraq's w m d. dosier was found dead and 10 years after saddam hussein was hanged,
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they rock inquiry known as a chill cut report, revealed that the so called the rocky vic tater, posed no imminent threats at the time of the invasion. and that the war was fought on the basis of flawed intelligence. the spotlight was now put on george bush and tony blair, with some calling for the pair to be prosecuted and even take in their case, took courts. saddam hussein had note posed an immediate threat to the interest of the u. k. the intelligence regarding the weapons of mass destructions was presented with an warrenton certainty. the invasion was not necessary and the invasion had been undertaken without the authority of the one security council. what's the attempts made to prosecute mister blair failed? as the u. k. court ruled that there exists no crime under english law, which the former prime minister could be charged with. and the international criminal court said that the decision he made to go to war in 2003 is beyond their
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emits of investigations. and that's it. i apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was, was wrong. the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought over a 100000 civilian iraqis, killed many more displaced, british and american soldiers dead for no apparent reason. and this is what they get. oops, sorry about that. and what was the plan for the country after saddam hussein? well, they didn't care, as was revealed in a secret memo, ands of what that they care about iraq's oil reserves. and they were discussing it before the war even began declassified documents states that the british government was encouraged to start preliminary work to ensure you k companies are well placed to pick up contracts in the aftermath of the war. by way of specific follow up,
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we should convene meeting with b, p shell and other appropriate u. k. companies, whether together or separately to explore ideas and tap into the expertise, we would need to handle this carefully and assure it was confidential to avoid charges of oil motivations. so preliminary work to ensure you k companies will place to pick up contracts in the aftermath. this is all in the public domain, it's been swenson years and still no one has been held accountable. a country was destroyed, a president's was basically assassinated and those who did it aren't behind bars. no, but lecturing others on war and peace. the bad guys got away, unbelievable, as he continues his coverage of the legacy, the u. s. left in iraq after the unprovoked invasion. later, throughout the day, stationed at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to
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disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from grayed. a green food and fleet with its own yes republic, russian troops and now fighting for a key facility inside all till moscow called back commute. according to the regions head, the battle of attrition that has been raging for months and west and officials of reportedly concerned that ukraine is burning through ammunition faster than it can
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be replenished with us as care. prepare for a spring day counter offensive in a bid to turn the tide. with so much riding on a ukrainian country offensive, the united states and britain are preparing to ship thousands of nato and soviet type artillery rounds and rockets to help shore up supplies for a coming ukrainian offensive. but a senior american defense official described that as a last ditch effort, because ukraine's allies do not have enough ammunition to keep up with ukraine space. and their stocks are critically low. concerns over m, king stockpiles. com as the current usage of ammunition vastly exceeds production by caves, allies. for instance, every month ukraine uses more than 4 times more $155.00 millimeter shells, and are produced in the entire us for the us marine corps intelligence off with a scott ritter tells us more.
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meanwhile, has been revealed there to ukraine, has been among the known american contributors to the washington based organization of american states. according to documents published by the grazer, investigative journalists on your around pill and organization, which claims to promote democracy includes the all american nations accept cuba. and venezuela, as a block refuses to recognize the current governments of those countries. despite having nothing to do with the american, the european union itself and several members also finance responses of the us based posey. let's get the details from the journalist who wrote the story great journalist on you around pill. many thanks for joining us on the program. and so what's your take on why ukraine, which is essentially on western financial life support is funding this american organization? that was my 1st question. how is it possible that a country that has ukraine, that is dependent on us taxpayer dollars to funded own public pensions?
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how does it have money to spend extra, apparently, $20000.00 to send to the organization of american states, a multilateral institution that is not even focused on the region in which ukraine is located. it just makes absolutely no sense. and it did make sense once i actually reviewed the full list of permanent states observer states that give money to the o. s because they're pretty much universally strong. u. s. allies. that's includes the entire european union, which i believe donates are. i think it was $3000000.00 to the o. s which is a pretty high number. in fact, it might even be $6000000.00. i don't have it right in front of me, but that's more than many actual member oas states contribute to the organization. and i,
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i stumbled upon this information because i was looking up the statistic that i often hear people repeat that the u. s. funds around 60 percent of the budget, and i wanted to just check the math myself. and so i was looking through the budget and then i noticed that, oh wait, there weren't always only just american states donating to the group. but there's this whole list of observer states including ukraine that give money as well. and so what i think that winds up representing is that essentially the united states is giving a lot more than the baseline of support that it is putting into the organization. so when we say that the u. s. is funding it 60 percent already that figure actually is a lot higher can when you consider the fact that all of these countries such as korea, italy, the united kingdom and ukraine are also getting money to the group that kind of is
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just like extra us funding at least the funding would have the same political way that us dollars worth would. so it's just a way, i think, of the united states to have more of a, a role in the o. s. and it already does. and i mean, it should be outrageous to any ukrainian that their government is spending money on, on the o. s. yeah. $20000.00 from you. credit isn't a large sum. is it? so perhaps it's more a symbolic contribution. what do you think? yes, and i should note actually that in the aftermath of the launch of russia, special military operation in ukraine last year, the o. s actually kicked out russia as a permanent member observing member of the organization. and so it's really, i think, yes, sending a political message to say, well, we're keeping ukraine on on, on board and even going to we is
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a little money out of them. and it's ukraine's way of being a good well tool of the united states. i suppose make them to do it on the program . it's really great to have you on, on your prom pill grades on journalists, appreciate it. russia, how's this miss claims that has been illegally deporting children from former parts of easton ukraine as moscow points to need to evacuate mine as away from military combat zones? russia children's rights commission has posted a sarcastic response to the hague, for issuing of arrest warrants for her. and president putin on alleged war crimes charges. it's great that the international community appreciates the work to help the children of our country. the fact that we don't leave them in war zones that we evacuate them, create good conditions for them. surround them with loving and caring people null and void about how russia's foreign ministry has branded the international criminal court arrest warrants most go say that move has no legal ramifications for the
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country. and it's not a party to the ccs international statute. the hey claims the western president and children's wives commission that are responsible for reporting ukrainian children allegations previously voice by key. if the icpc story fiction is not recognized by countries including russia, china, india, and the u. s. the i c c. arrest warrant is also been brought up at the un security council where rushes and voice landed as legitimate loose with somebody in the i. c . c is a puppet in the hands of the collective west, which is always willing to carry out pseudo jurisdiction based on their orders. it is particularly cynical that these judicially insignificant rulings come on. the eve of the 20th anniversary of the us, illegal invasion of iraq were the i, c. c had jurisdiction, but didn't do anything to bring those guilty to account. russia does not participate in the rome statute. and the i,
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c. c's jurisdiction does not cover russia and its citizens. we consider all documents from this body as a legal and avoid issue. let's get law on a session. now for marty's caleb, more pin, he's been following the web security council meeting kayla. get to see what else was said at the events. well, the un security council meeting began with a rather dramatic interaction. russia had put forward to speak, a humanitarian activist from the donnette peoples republic. and we saw the united states and its allies maneuver with a vote to prevent this person from taking the floor at the security council meeting and briefing about the humanitarian situation in the don at people's republic. now, the russian ambassador was quick to call out this maneuver for what it was censorship and silencing of the truth that the un security council to leave school did. we regret the fact that
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a number of delegations today have spoken out against the don't ask human rights speaker. we proposed, we see in this the manifestation of hypocrisy and double standards at a time when representatives of dumbass have been suffering from this war unleashed by key of against them. and they have been refused, under trumped up pretexts, to enjoy the right to speak in front of the security council. this merely confirms the fact that you do not view the residence of don bass as people, and you have no concerns whatsoever about their suffering. now russia has announced they plan to convene an informal meeting of the un security council, where they will discuss the issue of evacuated children, and they will allow the dpr representative to take the floor assistant with that. oh, okay, let me, thanks for those details. really appreciate that. that thought is caleb warping speaking to us from new york? of all the latest news updates. don't forget, you can check our website,
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bring me to marry marie. she van dissolve, is you get me that song. i'm dad. when this once i got you going to say thank you, i'm a fan always as a ship even you are pretty. she said she did you. so she didn't, will she actually oh for the more no, no yes had saw to ice could shun number? no i'm she e this equal full is assistant that we neil on p facility. but that's when you ma'am, sits up to dead. go eat when you bring the old only kid. instead 2 people hear them . i was on the co pay since one. it is also show best care of cisco's worshipping can well care venue, testing one on his one is the last 2 days from the sick. one mean call naval, can you call name veg coexist? a numeric id she never showed to digest. cuz sydney dig through full, led to mouth about enough to hope what mc keflin about was all the court said you buddha, when he saw says, well, you didn't bow he, vic, hello to of the chicago. ah,
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[000:00:00;00] with hello and welcome to cross hawk where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle slowly but surely, legacy media support of the west warren russia is changing. ukraine is not winning and hardly likely to win in the end. propaganda is at times powerful, but hard. cold facts eventually trump fables written by the elite mediocre scribes cross sucking ukraine and propaganda. i'm joined by my guest,
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