tv News RT March 18, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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a couple people with a russia celebrates the 9th anniversary of the crimea referendum. we take a look at the classified a buttons to invade crimea as far back as 1957. also this our yet has decided to spend $20000.00 to the organization of american state that is not concerned with the region where ukraine is located. the gray zone reveals cash drugs. ukraine is funding a washington based organization as give us for more western support. funding, austrian politician to buttons to demolish its memorial to children, killed in the nato bombing of yugoslavia back in 1009,
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causing outrage among local corn. they can take away their monuments of the crimes . they have committed all around the world, their monuments, other rivers of blood, of innocent people. those demands will not be fulfilled in serbia. it is not going to happen with this one minute past 5 pm on saturday evening. hey moss: going peter scott and wherever you journalist from welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis, not cedar. russia celebrates the 9th anniversary of the crimea, be joining the country about the macpherson visiting the city of 7 store. paul. the russian president drove his own vehicle to the events where he took part in the opening of a local art school and a children's center declassified ca, documents reveals washington had plans to start to complete through moscow through
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an invasion of crimea. as far back as 957, it's now been almost a decade since the crime in referendum brought the peninsula back into the russian fold. and occasion that there were some presidents marked by promising to protect the region at all costs. davis didn't as it continued you, she was stupid, 9 years ago the residence of crimean some estoppel made there unambiguous and final historical choice to again and for a more become part of our big united country is obvious that her crime in some estoppel issues of security are of high priority, especially today, but it will do everything to stop any threats. see you in few of the way, 9 years ago, crimea voted to reunite with russia despite much protest from kiev and the west, which continues to this day. but this price peninsula was in washington's cross hairs for a lot longer than just about a decade. way back in 1957, the cia prepared plans to divide and conquer. what was then soviet ukraine featuring a report that divided the republic into 12 zones of varying potential support for
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the conclusion then, and now much of western ukraine views collaboration with the u. s. favorably don boss in crimea, not so much in 2 areas of the ukraine, the local population apparently hold few grievances against the regime and probably would not assist special forces. the 1st is the crimean peninsula, which has historically been a part of russia being incorporated into the ukraine, only in february, 954 when it was transferred away from the rest of us are the 2nd area with a population strongly loyal to the regime, is the don bass, don bass is the center of heavy industry and mining in the ukraine, and apart from the crimea is the least ukranian district and its population and national character. ukrainians are a minority in the dawn bass, and those who live there are mostly urbanized frequently speak russian, and in many cases no longer consider themselves ukrainian cartucker than
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a desa. we're not far behind those regions in terms of anti western sentiment. and lo and behold, they had formed their own independence movements during euro, my dog, both of which were crushed by the ukrainian government, the 1957, c. i a report put certain regions west of lou ganske into another category entirely where a specific support was to be expected. but the most anti soviet area was designated zone 8. these were areas where pro nazi and nationalist sentiments were high. and the us expected the least resistance, and that also happened to be rich in natural gas. ah, you'll notice this document when it was classified in 2017, but it does reveal a few important facts. the u. s. has long been looking to get its hands on ukraine . it's long been trying to sabotage russia and until recently,
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it essentially recognized on boss and crimea as russian, as ukraine continues to ask for financial support for the war gifts one says the organization of american states, us, according to gray zone journalist on the pill, you conducted an investigation related to the funding of the organization. while it looks ridiculous that ukraine is constantly begging the united states to send more taxpayer dollars, we constantly have us politicians on screen in the united states trying to convince the us public that we should be spending more taxpayer dollars to crane because they're broke and they deserve it apparently, and yet has decided to send $20000.00 to the organization of american dates, a multilateral institution that is not concerned with the region where ukraine is located. and so there's really no reason for ukraine to be sending this money to an organization in washington that is concerned with issues in the latin american and
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caribbean region. unless ukraine is just there, pretty much to just nudge the institution even further in the direction of acting as a tool of us policy in the region which and ukraine is just supporting the us and its mission. converting the into that recording to the i m f. ukraine is the poorest country in europe. g, d, p is estimates. it's a followed by a 30 percent the end of last year. the worst results in the country's history. that's largely because of versus military offensive. excuse me, but if i this, you can on several, you members sponsor the u. s. based body, the organization which claims to promote democracy includes all american nations except cuban but as well. some latin american countries have criticized the organisation thing. it's loss legitimacy on the per, i'm pill again, says that the, oh yes, is this all of the u. s. intervention in locked in america? the oas, especially over the past several years. the main,
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it's the main purpose of its existence has been to further, extremely aggressive us intervention policies in latin america and the caribbean. this is under the leadership of secretary general luis al ma grow who is currently facing an ethics investigation tomorrow, as well as some of the us diplomats, if you can call them that. who worked there during the trump administration really weaponized the o. s. in order to achieve u. s. policy goals with respect specifically to venezuela, nicaragua, and bolivia. you may recall that the o. s was instrumental in providing the justification for the coo in 2019 that took place in bolivia, ousted the democratically elected president abel morales, and installed a very brutal military dictatorship. a hunter said truly in the country for,
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for several months until it was defeated by the boot bolivian people. germany has canceled the women's fencing world cope after the sports governing the agency listed upon on russian and bella, russian athletes was falling on the 6th sense of nations voting to allow the countries to complete all season. wonder chava has more. oh not why yet wide enough to get a port in what's happening deal renew? denny is the big great tool for russia and bella region athletes. they are competing in the women won't sing, jump in shape with their national flags, unmatched and symbol. the international boxing association listed sanctions on the meeting along the route, the lead to compete our usual the should participate. it should not be some kind of privilege that is given depending on the circumstances. each international association should have the standards, like why belonging to would tell or no rush or not believe so going stronger and
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louder gentlemen, athletes, us to us or to petition unchanged or, or z, demanding geopolitical influence should not impact long, big essentially saying that politics and for should not be intertwined. the petitioner, on the undersigned, therefore colon the german interior ministry, to refrain from any attempts to exert political influence on the international olympic committee and the german olympics sports federation. with the aim of preventing russian and bell russian athletes from returning to the olympic games, the olympic games must not be politicized. perhaps it would be safe to say that the international halting irene. i was getting boring without strong players. if anything was the suggest. seeing that next year in 2024 russian class could play in the ice hockey warren championship. everyone is interested in our national team and
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the national team of bell roost returned to the international stage. without his teams, the championship is incomplete and the metals that countries will win and future competitions without our national teams will be incomplete. it's already confirmed that from april lithia, i rush in and bellows and athletes would be allowed to compete at the international fencing federation of ends. this after a decision at that extraordinary congress held mine, but a plan was caught in germany, has been cancelled off to the decision to luciano right here in bella rouge, annapolis. this drove strong reaction from the paternity. those countries that cannot hold competitions on equal terms will not hold them. others will there in large numbers to day it is germany, tomorrow it may be another country. what was now with an athlete, honestly supported the return of russian and better rouge. and i believe they also
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want to live thing all the suspension on the place. politics should not put pressure in sport to withdraw from its fundamental values. also doroty and unity. a positive trend can be seen in the unfair treatment of russian and bella, vision, athletes who know there me come a day when sports politics will not be made by politicians on official winds and sharma, r t, new delhi. we also spoke with deanna talk to a member of the russian women's boxing team on how she felt dawning her nation's flag of the world championships in india this week. graham, there was a great honor for me to fly the russian flag finally here, the anthem, and where russian cymbals, after a long break, i was proud to carry the flag of our country discussions over whether we should compete as refugees were absolutely unacceptable. why should we abandon our country? i would like to express my great gratitude to the international boxing association
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head, who allowed us to moss, to our anthem. we communicate well with other teams and there's absolutely no pressure on us. i think that a lot of people will support me, that sports should remain out of politics. this is completely different there. i hope, sooner or later we will come to this. a recent israeli raid on the city of jenny has enraged palestinians who've taken to the streets in the thousands on thursday morning march to the sides. wherefore palestinians were killed during the israeli assaults. one of the victims was a 16 year old boy. according to the palestinian health ministry, 20 more people were injured in the gunfire. some witnesses to the debate share their experiences. the clock nod. we heard the sound of gunfire and asked to that an empty scotto and my car exploded on my vehicle was destroyed. then the armed clashes began to play up. the opened fire in the shop. we were in and we were stuck hiding for more than 2 hours. then they blew up the car. they came on with the
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nestle key and lou, many citizens here a 16 year old boy was injured and later died. may god have mercy on him. about 3 of us were inch it this rod a special forces headed to the sense of janine and surrounded it as a lead. there were mothball and clashes and they had children fly randomly in order to escape him home with his combs, amid arising number of his early settlers sikes on palestinian farmers depriving them of their land. ortiz maria phenomena picks up the story, growing all lives. so taking care of sheep does not sound like dangerous jobs, but here in the west bank that listing and farmers and shepherds received threats and get us sold it on a daily basis. by israeli settlers who say the greenfields, they hurries greys on, belong to them. for 42 said there's attacked me, they hit me with an olive tree branch in my face and throw dirt at me. the purpose prayed me so i lost my vision and then they started bidding me a number of jewish outposts in this area actually illegal. andres railey law and
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israeli court ruled to demolish and evacuate them, but they are being reinforced instead. and the number of settlers a tags is rising local show me of the do. they filmed that catches a very aggressive behavior. when israeli sat there live in nearby, he was identified but wasn't detained, or prosecuted. abu mar had farmer from the palestinian town of syndrome, was there what had happened? together with the mayor and other palestinian landowners? he filed an official complaint against the settlers through the palestinians to be in lee as on office. the fact was closed to 0. walk through the army, was there watching and didn't intervene until the israeli police came. then police pushed the settlers away from us securities tight in this region. we drove through numerous checkpoints and met several military patrols. how? laura, they palestine in village that suffered an unprecedented attack by israeli settlers
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last month is in these area to one person died then dozens of cars and homes were burned. the attackers called it revenge for a deadly shooting in which to his railey brothers had been killed. israel increase that security presence in the area shortly after, as it said to counter terrorism as son, douglas, a palestinian in charge of israeli settlement issues in the north. although occupying west bank says these rarely forces a here to protect settlers. yeah, and it was, it is clear that a green light was given to the settlers by the current government of nit on yahoo, smarter and been veer. and that the decision to arm them confirms that they are the, was directing the army on the ground when the settlers attacked the philistines, if they face resistance, the army intervenes by hitting the area with tear gas so that the settlers escape safely. as san says, not only have the attacks increased recently, they also became more organized with settlers, better trained and well armed with a connivance of these railey government, or with its direct support,
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would have comedy even whistled. the government is made up of settlers to day. even the judge of the high court of justice is a settler. 11 class members live in the settlements and for ministers as well. the settlers have become part of the government. they cannot get rid of themselves. the mentality has become a saddler mentality. the u. n. u s. e u organizations like amnesty international, have repeatedly sent a message to jerusalem warning. the settlement policies dangerous contradicts the idea of a 2 state solution and encourages the settlers aggression. israel's response was bold and clear. the settlements will expand, beautiful and peaceful as this area may look. it hides life threatening dangers. the palestinian presidency offers says last year there were a $16000.00 tags on palestinian farms ways rarely satler's. thousands of trees were burnt. cod animals slow to those stolen. and just since the beginning of this year, 7 palestinians were killed in these attacks, fearing for their lives and after losing hope that the law will protect them. many
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local farmers, young and old, have decided to the attack as satisfaction to move living this fertile land that has been feeding them for generations behind raising ocean r t. from the palestinian authority. the un security council has voted to prolonged its peacekeeping mission in south dawn until march 2024, as with russia and china abstaining. and they said to the resolution impede on the nations independence, the resolution of inter communal conflicts can only be carried out and closed coordination with local authorities and 3, a comprehensive approach that removes root causes, builds without students potential and strengthens it's unified armed forces. elections, finance, and resource management, or internal affairs in any country. this draft resolution in making demands and imposing conditions on this murderers without the consent of south sudan. glaylock suits all normal unreasonable limits. the newly adopted resolution means the 17000
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un troops, and over 2000 police personnel will remain in the country. despite the violence remains rampant in the oil rich nation, where most people continue to live in poverty. and this is the 1st time the mission in africa has been criticized previously to peace keeping missions in a d. c. and molly dri, protests across africa with demonstrates is claiming that the you and i failed to protect civilians. civilization also had to rejoice peacekeepers from the central african republic pulling expectations of sexual exploitation and violence. we spoke to journalists at y'all. l. molly, you said that the un needs to reassess his mission to be effective? if we make this men, anybody tuition of international mission and especially in africa for life, for example, like in congo, even in doubtful. and in a right right now we need for even mission in the area,
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but i live there. it's awfully pop in. there is a violation event that if people who are in now, they are running and they're not affect if next for that mission unit event to protect civilian. and if you go to go to molly before working center, i'll click on all the other parties. there is no mission, i think they did this. there is a kind of, of the, of the failure of the sky and of the mission. and they need to read as just men and terms of doing our technician to be more effective in terms of the international community to see exactly how, how far it's not enough to come up with a ration our resolution with the other chapter or something. but how far this mission can be effective, us ambassador to kenya has pledge to safeguard the rights of the l g, b t, q,
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community in the country. this is the kenyan governments of pose the supreme court decision to allow l g b, t, q, q. many seem to be registered. a local correspondence. nairobi has more in the story in kenya make many of african countries. there has been a complicated history when it comes to the l g b to q, ride. the country has since been divided on opinion would lead us both in the government and the opposition. taking a found on condemning the l. g, b to q relations in the country. they were somebody to kenya met whitman up, however, later routed america, support on the l. g. b t q. community thing she held the meeting with stakeholders over the past week might seem and i met with the algebra g, q i plus community and stakeholders to support human rights of algae b t q, y plus persons. the us probably advances assets to protect algebra, t q i plus passes from discrimination and violence and will continue to stand out for human rights and equality with quite the recent supreme court ruling allowing
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for the registration of l. u b t q organizations in the country. many are asking why the t, okay for the u. s. government to enforce west from interference and views into the domestic affairs. if our country, our supreme court, i believe the accepted so it will be something going on rampage because everybody know, think that because supreme court as well did accept it, the americans view. so they will have to do it whether we want it or not, for the meddling in our culture. our coach is what we've had for the last 20 years . and ever since we are democracy, coaches would we've had no, i personally feel of the, nor the condition met with the you with, with the can government issues though the you with us, they did that washington won't interfere with kenya dunn's on the issue lock on want to make their own choice hormones are to news natalie to west africa. now when i jillions are returning to the polls for the cabinet
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tauriel elections which are taking place today. saturday, durians are set to light new states governors who have the most influence on domestic policy. officials will be chosen in $28.00 out of the $36.00 nigerian state with new state assembly is also election. the polls have been delayed for a week by the lights or commission due to the reconfiguration of voting machines, which i've been in the spotlights after voting disputes following bullet to new booth victory in the presidential race. we thought to governance experts besides more can you use those attentions arising in the country the whole lot of surprises and offerings from the presidential election to the format of the monitor on to the house of assembly elections that local government jones. i'm currently doing on to be from the news, situational rooms, who been visiting all day. it's all it's, it's almost gloomy because we see a legal stage hyper tension between citizens and security agents.
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we're also seeing defense across revise the common states and the boy you see it also insults nigeria, you know, having issues with the suppression of what the up off the citizens would not come out to be costing that because of the church of bobbins and down the react shows, which is you know, across soon the presidential elections some news just and now the former us president donald, show me claims that he will be arrested on tuesday on his social media platform. truth social, the former president pointed to news reports about the possibility he could be arrested this upcoming tuesday, and called on americans to quote, take on nation bark. numerous criminal investigations are underway in new york, but there's been no official confirmation or of charges nor an arrest warrant by your warranties. lossy correspondence, nicole service joins me now in the studio. marina said the quote,
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the statement from donald trump, they're not out of carrots, it should take him seriously. what can you times? well, there is no reason that he mentioned why he believes he will be arrested next week, but he didn't make some claims regarding so called ongoing leaks in the media. there. regarding one of his cases is facing several ongoing investigations that are being done against them. not only in new york, there's also in georgia for example, but this one in particular is the one that involves the so called hush payment to stormy daniels, the point star, and the 2016 presidential campaign. this is what we're talking about. and apparently donald trump, for some reason he has information and also we're know that there's been news reports in the media in the united states, claiming that the manhattan district attorney has been making conversations with law enforcement authorities in new york city. preparing for what could happen in case donald trump is indicted in this ongoing investigation which where expected
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results in the coming weeks. so maybe this is what donald trump is referring to and he's expecting why they're planning something. why the plan and extra security potentially is something going to happen? will they arrest me? so a little bit about that case, in particular, the money that we're talking about, his attorney at the time who handled the payment. now he pled guilty in 2018. there were federal charges brought against him, but donald trump was never charged regarding his role in all that. so this is something that they're looking into it again. and this, once again, this is along with all of the other ongoing investigations that we know regarding donald trump. so this is what we're seeing now. and he, of course he went to vans. where does donald trump lifes, events online as well? but this time it's not twitter disease in his own social media platform. and he's urging supporters to come out and, you know, support him, go out and protest. and this is water authorities. there's actually local
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authorities are concerned about because we saw what happened last time. he went on social media urgent people to come out. this was in, i'm sure you remember right after he will also presidential elections and he, why on twitter. and then we saw what happened. they stormed congress. and this is what local authorities are afraid of. now that he's posting and balancing a line, so we'll see how this will turn out and will he be arrested boy, he knocks is indeed, what's this space? well, luckily we don't have too long to wait. find out what happens on tuesday. thanks bringing up the dates. on that marina well, and now for a know the subjects. if on this breaking you sort of cos, lived on to blogger david fry height. well, the u. s. for president donald trump claims that he will be arrested on tuesday. quite a bombshell treat. what do you make of this, david? it's, it is the next step in the attempt to basically criminalize any form of protests result this. call the prosecution. it's quite obviously a which front is
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a politically motivated, which means whether or not trump actually gets indicted. arrested, coughed, does the per walk, where democrats can then say, weiss impeached, arrested handcuff. it's an attempt to discredit from, obviously, in a, in advance of 2024 elections. but there's a broader context to all of this. and we're seeing a player right now. whether or not this leak is legit, whether not it actually happens and maybe, you know, trump is not getting it right and he's not about to get arrested if he does get arrested it and he does get cost and people do protest. you already see the angle now that they are trying to preemptively effectively criminalize any form of protests which has been sort of the underlying goal since january 6. and we had our protest in canada. we're the, you know, the government sees on that opportunity to try to effectively criminalize protest and they seem to have gotten away with it. they did that with january 6, whether or not there were provocateurs in the crowd. and it seems pretty clear that there were, this is like the $2.00,
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come out with any outlandish charges because the power lies in the charge, not the conviction which might never happen. even if it ever is to trial. the power lies in the charges. get people riled up hope that they get violent so that you can effectively ban a legalized protest in america. that's the path that we're on. we can certainly understand as to what happened with january, that people would be concerned when from calls on people to take to the streets, to support him. oh, and i, i knows when can appreciate it. it's almost by design now that we effectively know that whether or not january 6 was a set up in the technical sense, it was facilitated. it was allowed to happen. we now know from the trials of the keepers and the proud boys. we know that the f b i had infiltrated plans of seditious conspiracy, india, legit or perpetrators. and yet then claim to not have had any advanced warning of january 6th. everybody in intelligence knew what was potentially coming. it was the capital was understaffed because of coven. so, you know,
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they didn't have enough police officer there to defend the capital. they knew what was going to happen, arguably, allowed it to happen and possibly, and probably had instigators or agile provocateur in the crowd to make sure that it did happen. that's what i see attempting to have happened now set it up, get people so bloody enraged that they're trying to indict a former president on charges that even federal investigators didn't, didn't find a sufficient cause for charges back with the investigated rama with these charges. try to discredit the candidate, try to royal at the base so much so that any violence, whether it's legit or provoked by an agent provocateur can then get weaponized to ban protest altogether. and to make trump look even worse, that is the end goal. i don't know why the deep state and politicians in america are so bloody afraid of trump if they think he has no chance of winning the next election. but their fear and their attempts to basically politically take him out. and then politically weaponized that to ban any of his.
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