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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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oh her ah, the headlines right now, one ocoee international and there is gigi pink arriving in moscow on the heels of his re election. it's 1st international trip brings him straight to russia, discussed the emerging multi polar world with president vladimir putin. with russia's president says, in case the black sea grain deal is not extended, russia is ready to supply african countries most in need for free. also ahead a supplier of right in the world. why a big margin that machine roll african countries,
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africa shipping out to be the largest market. india increase as rice exports to africa is the country supplies that consonant with the crucial food staple to meet his needs. in south africa, braces for nationwide labor strike coals from the political opposition for president graham, a photo to step down with . and so the multi polar well taking center stage today in moscow with africa summit and the arrival of china as president. and while it said the prudent and president g will toll peace and prosperity, no one truly knows exactly what else they will be discussing. rest assured, the hero. naughty international. we will keep you posted. ah,
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exactly. the chinese leaders reaching thing has touched down here at moscow and is headed for one on one talks with russia's president vladimir putin will be discussing forging ties. but also that a very, very important part of the center stage piece. the roadmap for a multi polar world. let's get the details with donald quota teaching ping as arrived for his highly anticipated visit with russian president vladimir putin here, which is expected to, to, to start around $430.00 p. m. moscow time, according to the kremlin spokesperson dmitri pascall with his welcome ceremony, are scheduled for 3 pm. moscow time signs have been set up across the highway into the city, welcoming the chinese president to russia. as this is his 1st trip abroad, since he was reelected. any really set the tone for this meeting in an article he published before this visit. he said that the world is going through tremendous
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changes the likes of which we have not seen for at least a century. he said that the tendencies that the world is seeing right now towards multi polarity and mutual cooperation are irreversible and greater democracy as well. he said the international community has not recognized any say, any one system, any one country as superior over another. so we also saw another article written by vladimir putin actually, which basically played to the same tune, but vladimir putin focus a lot on how the united states has been trying to dominate the world. and he criticized that quite a bit. let's take a look at what they said, mature and stable bilateral ties are constantly gaining you strength and serve as a benchmark for a new type of interstate relations. characterized by mutual respects peaceful coexistence and mutual beneficial cultivation. unlike some countries, the claim had yamani and bring discourse to world harmony. russia and china are literally and figuratively building bridges. russian chinese relations are an
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example of harmonious and creative co operation. between major powers is a press conference expected at the, at the end of this a 2 day set of meetings because they are going to be meeting over the span of 2 days. the 1st day is going to be mostly informal meetings between choosing paying and vladimir putin where they will be discussing business. but of course they are also personal friends. so they, she think pink specifically has said he's really looking forward to that. but on the 2nd day, we are expected to see an official statement come out for the media in terms of the takeaways from these talks, because again, they're expected to talk about a lot of topics. the main one obviously has to do with the ukraine conflict because china has said that it's looking to take a constructive role in regulating the ukraine conflict and perhaps contributing to the construct to the organization of some sort of piece plan. the chinese foreign
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ministry even said that this meeting between changing paying and vladimir putin is going to be a meeting of peace. so that's the main thing that is going to be the on the agenda according to reports. but there's also, of course, a lot of other things connected to the strategic partnership that china and russia have enjoyed. obviously, china is russia's most significant strategic partner on the world stage. they have a lot of economic deals together and there are thinking of only signing off on more a number of bilateral agreements are already expected to be signed between the 2 leaders as well. and simply, they want all of this to contribute to a further deepening of the sort of a relationship based on mutual cooperation, peaceful coexistence and mutual respect that both countries have enjoyed for decades. yeah, we can take this whole conversation further. we're some guests here. what archie international us course, live now. so out of it, yelling an expert on china affairs and coffee co aku, essentially from the center for africa. china studies at the university of
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johannesburg where now nearly about 5 past 3, monday afternoon. both of you gentlemen, a very well welcome to both is great to have you on the program here at archie international today. i would like you both to listen to this 1st question very carefully, because ultimately at the end of the day when you look at what's happening right now with a multi polar world, the africa summit today. here at moscow, china's president heron, moscow. the west's uni polo world agenda is essentially being challenged and the multi polar will partner in president g has just arrived a few hours ago here in most, i mean, is this visit cementing the foundation of the bricks, groups, power, and the world. and how does india and south africa view the trip now 1st over to coffee, co, acco, and then out of in i'm to you, mr. co op your thoughts? yes. excellent question. i think this is a very, very important trip. sax, it's, i would call it an existential partnership trip. and that deals with those keys
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that ration not only shaping the new international order, but also positioning china, russia, and all the bricks, countries as very important power players that will really change. and it's a chair, there's been 2 national order, the most important making sure that the multi world takes place. so out of the, the key agenda that you mention there to that i think they should have warner flag . it's basically the idea that the bricks a very important and as you know, the next summit is taking place here for august. i think this is going to be a very what meeting will be great plus the expansion of the bricks and so forth. but also the fact that this summons will be so important, but it turned out it's well organize and clearly put together, govern the risk to ration ship bricks. and then the 2nd one is the idea that the
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united states now is becoming more and more the aggression than the peacemaker. and so the role of the of president she going to russia is extraordinary important. i think president sheen is really great. the global piece to be an over very difficult indeed. and it is hope that with president putin will be able to cut a deal in the korean war. not quite sure, but it's something that the whole world thursday looking forward to it. but we have to say, let's give them credit and hopefully they'll come coffee. interesting comments and strong comments as well out of in, over to your comments. i mean, is the west unipolar world now being strengthened by this budgeting, multi polar world. this is something is really upsetting for the rest of the world because this is a very structured lead time was that i think i, let's, let's,
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let's go back and for the way here will not the africa which is taking place where we should have been ease in moscow, eastern time when same so we could just people coming to russia, he would being appointed s. c m's a german on. so the president of china just before the china broke, could a great deal between the, the ruby and iran as a peacemaker. and then taking what the president and the c c m c chairmanship coming to moscow to broker apiece and try to, you know, give a prospect in ideas for bricks is not only the bricks where chinese work and working with much larger positioning chinese working with indian russia in russia and china product an agent as well as soon as he goes back to charmer, he's going to paul conference, which is again a nickel nomic stomach, which is going to start from $28.00. so you would see that the would march this month has been fully packed, and germany is doing a lot of leg work to, to,
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to prove that it can do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to security. pays and brokering how many i'm like minded countries. i think you make a very good point out of it when you, when you say that china is doing is such a large amount of leg work these days. i like the way you put that. it was funny, interesting how you could, you call china the peacemaker, and the way it was, it was the mediator for his approach mall between saudi arabia and iran. however, china being the peacemaker on that front, is okay. but according to mr. kirby out of washington, mr. kirby saying that if indeed puting in g try to call for a truce in ukraine, it will be unacceptable. that's coming from john kirby out of washington coffee over to you. why would john kirby be opposed to a peace process if perhaps mediated in ukraine by china? well, this is very clear when he's a, is a toady for the defense and,
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and the arms industry. me are states and he is just so generally what he's masters of proven to say, and his masters are very clear. they are not for peace. most of the things there been going around the world, the past 40 years, or just destruction, destruction from wars, and then creating an enormous amount of global trauma that many of us have, hadn't been able to recover from. so this is the kind of speech that we're here, in fact one of the most important challenge is that this partnership between christian and seen and in prison, which will have is that kind of consistent challenge. and there are even concerned that the u. s. with which lead west might be able to even undermine and disrupt the brick science that africa. so people very concerned about that. but what is important is that the speech from the pentagon is just telling us the sending the signal that i'm sure there is now a day or 2 on one hand, president soon and then present, which in,
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in the bricks are talking about peace. while the united states let listen collective is talking about war, and that's gonna be a problem going forward. but we're hoping that piece one for them. we appreciate that coffee over to you out of in what, what, why, why do you think the west does appear and, and the, and the media establishment says, well, why does the west appears so worried about china and russia coming closer together? and in a particular, china's president in moscow today, i think that could be a good, i've a different shift in the perception of security and strategy alignment in the eastern hemisphere of the world. and i think that for all good regions to the west would not be ready to accept such a gravitational shift in this, that group of factions. and that has happened over the period of last 2 months. and a couple of months back, a situation was different. you know, boggle and putting a cap on pricing with russia was sent into the rest of the world. and suddenly,
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after trying to come into russia and doing all this leg book, i think that has created some kind of insecurity them in the comparative countries . and i want to point to, i don't hear where the, what the us thinks is their national interest, their sovereign matters. then taking the same part of me to what china doesn't russia? it is. don't use our mattress. why not did it has to be some tolerance in that respect already? yeah, i appreciate that coffee just of just got a little bit more time just for one more question. if i can copy over to you right now, seeing what many according a domino effect from certain western banks that have been crashing over the past week or so. some people say that the years of sanctions against russia have almost amalgamated into a kevlar bullet proof vests. meaning that when the west and people are saying it's not if, but when it does habits, economic come out to calamity and it may already be beginning. some people say that russia is now protected from an economic collapse in the west do to years of
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sanctions forcing russia to internalize coffee. 20 seconds left for you. yes, i mean, clearly one of the things that russia's maid should use to create a resilient economy to 2014 after the crimea event. and that's built the rush of strength with the rush of my truck to be perhaps one of the biggest winters out of this whole crime, the ukraine war. and india also might come out of there as well because you get a position in the very nicely. so we're looking at something very, very interested in current use, coffee quack from the center for africa, china studies at the university of john, his book, an out of in gallery, an expert on china refers to both of you gentlemen. thank you so much for joining us. i've really enjoyed that. thank you. thank you. now, as president putin weights for his chinese counterpart to arrive downtown the kremlin,
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he addressed the international russia africa parliamentary conference in moscow this monday morning, here on the capital. the event attended by delegations from over 40 africa nations, ultimately aimed at strengthening economic and political ties between russia and the continent. busy and his speech, he led out that the black sea grain deal has only benefited those with their plates full. this stay on the pool of sibling. we insist on full compliance with key russian requirements. first of all, taking care that green and fertilizers go to the countries in need in africa, and not going to the well fed european market to well fed european country seat. the meanwhile of the total amount of green and cereals exported from ukraine about 45 percent went to european countries in only 3 percent to africa. i would like to emphasize that only taken into account our position will a fair and comprehensive implementation of the black sea grain deal be insured. and depending on this, we will decide on or further participation relative love. india has
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increased its rice exports to africa, helping the continent. cope with devastating food shortages are of course well known during sharma, is in india and polo. and david in nigeria they can bring us the story of rising cooperation. oh, over the years my jewish have enjoyed rice from india, particularly the bas matter rise. but although the government has put in place measures to reduce importation and encourage local rise, production sell us the india rise. see, my dear it's love of find variety can nuff the question is is of gluten free and low, but rice and the it contains all the, it's essentially lazy. i minus if it is low in sodium consumers of
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derisive the long grain makes it stand out into bed mattress. i like it because it's it has a long green it sling. i don't fussy, i don't fancy fatty rice and italy 2nd as i it is. and i love the tastes as much, is more expensive. so not everybody like an affordable does them know what they once can afford it? yeah. so as, as it's all like me, family to restaurant. once i see the long green does it for me, right. a petition into nigeria has been in a downward trend. so my jurors who prefer and depend largely on the indian rise, i refuse to accept home grown rights varieties. oh, i made gilbert ford cry says conflict unsub sequence sanctions making things difficult across the world. there's a sliver of good news coming in from the global south africa's future. all scenes increasingly connected with india as rise diplomacy between the 2 countries
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intensifies in near the cheapest supplier or roy in the world by a big margin that has she and. and so rural african countries and al africa shaping out to be india largest market. africa as the merge does a lucrative market for indian rice exporters and india as a reliable and reasonable one for africa. india exports rise to over $150.00 countries and out of the $14000000.00 tons of rice, it has exported so far this year. over 9 millions of going to africa alone. africa has traditionally been nobody, large market photo with non bus went the days because racism is effected as compared to quality, which is so important in other markets, lake southeast asia, australia you, etc,
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and know the estimate of ministry of agriculture. is there $21.00? $22.00. we had 122000000 done. so what a sport actual africa has been importing roughly around to toad some more than 2 3rd of would over all non less my feet a 6 foot india primarily exports spar boiled non basmati rice to africa. and since africa is a price sensitive market, the benefits are $2.00. we wrote, it gets both a good deal for tom and good quality at low prices. and they are just like the rest of the wall has been trying to ensure the domestic market have what it needs and restricted the ag school to wife. last september. it is unlikely to lift the export ban any time soon to continue in shore food security at home. and india, despite the restrictions, has remained the world's largest exporter all thrice by that is no impact
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on the old, all exports is primarily because of world a still looks at indiana. uh, you know, a stepladder race and we have, we still have display 20 was in duty. we still have um, an edge. whatever completely to us. i was referring to internet in phases yesterday . this stood d dollar barked on the plan. so by that it is compared with thailand, dog pakistan, v still heaven. so as our india is exporting our increased amounts of rice to africa, the russian president vladimir putin during the africa summit today here at moscow has said that a russian assets, for example, frozen in, seized in europe for example, fertilizer and grain putin. so that could all be sent to africa for free. let's look at now. more details on this crossing. like for correspondent marina culture. ever more details on this marina. good to see you. so what,
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what else did president putin had to say regarding the grain? veal and essentially helping africa o vladimir putin said that he's eager to see that the grain reaches those who need it the most. which is why agree to the great deal to begin with that also reach to extended, make sure to whole, to help those who need it the most. but he's disappointed with the fact that what we've seen is out of $827.00 ships at the quoted ukraine, only 3 percent actually made it to africa and those who need it most. whereas a 45 percent went to, as he quoted well fed europeans and these other europeans who have been accused of russia put in people's lives in danger, by supposedly prompting this global food prices. whereas russia for exports and 20000000 tons of great to africa alone. and it's not clear whether rochelle will go on to extend the grain deal beyond the 60 days that it's now extended by bosses wanted to reassure african countries that they would not be abandoned. just in
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which just keep it even if we decide not to extend the deal after 60 days, that we are ready to deliver all the volumes that was sent to the countries in need in africa during the previous time, from russia to these countries for free. this of course, got lots of cheers from the crowd as good news over $20000000000.00 that to write off for african countries. i've really enjoyed that. and this is just one of the many ways in which russia and africa strengthening their relation and their corporation. a bilateral trade, for example, increase to $18000000000.00 in the past year, and vladimir putin emphasized that he will continue to prioritize corporation with african cons. please, in particular, also enough warning to a recent study, just fresh out russia is now the leading supplier of firearms to sub saharan africa . but one issue that kept being repeated over and over here today is what
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parliamentarians, not only from russia but africa in particular. there are seen a tendency neil colonialism tendencies in africa right now. and we've heard opinion here that western countries seem to want to take a, it's all african countries purely for their natural resources and then not really benefits in it. and in contrast, they see russia as a reliable partner, one that understands them understands very history, their culture, their values and traditions. and so they're looking to both certain that relationship and they're also looking at other aspect science and technology of course, and also education. we know that there are about 35000 african students and russel 6000 are here on the scholarship. they're going to significantly increase that amount in terms of global security. we've heard from the democratic republic of congo, asked for immediate assistance as they battle all terrorist threats in the east of the country. it's a loss of corporation. they're seeking out ways how to become stronger and better in this multi polo world. because vladimir putin also emphasized that it's becoming
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more and more evident and clear that the world is much bigger than just the european union. and the united states who are focusing it seems on taken advantage of countries and basically telling them what to do. and this is all of course, in the lead up all the major russia, africa summit that we are expecting at the end of july in st. petersburg, so this was a test drive he could say, and it was a very, very successful one. did he say marina getting a very warm reception from a delegates representing 40 different countries from the african continent. you mentioned that putin said that certain western partners still have neo colonial ideologies towards the african continent. put and also said russia is ready to work together to stabilize and enforce independence and sovereignty on the african continent. it's a day one all day to with just picking off this summit right now here. marina will be talking to you very soon. thanks for that. now to south africa,
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which is essentially bracing for a nation wide label strike as political opponents cool for president pseudo. i'm a photo to resign. the country's lead has dance, those to volunteer, calling them an undemocratic attempt at regime south africa is governed by the rule of law. we are a constitutional democracy. regime change can only come about through the vote. it cannot come about through anaki unleashing this order in the country or the economic freedom fighters party claims. the main goal is to force present or am officer to step down. they've accused him of failing to root out corruption and address rising unemployment. and the following footage. showing protestors gathering in pretoria with political opposition leaders ultimately rallying the crowds. let's get the details now from the scene and i corresponding catabolic that say south africa's opposition
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party. in this case. the 3rd largest or political party in the country as represented in the south african parliament, the economic freedom fighters are demanding that the settle rams. plaza dashes the step down. they say according to the lead of the party, julius melina, that the country is tired of the constant rolling blackouts and the high unemployment, the high crime rate, as well as the dwindling and failing economy. here is his deputy, who had an interview with me earlier when a huge crisis which as a to his to years of ago will, must take much more decisive action on we cannot wait, we elections what the action, what ticking means on the 20th of march is to see, let us remove the subjective weaknesses of defeat, and that includes the head of state, and that is what you're finding within the country as the overwhelming mood and the
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former leader of south africa. second biggest opposition party will now lead a civil society movement called one south africa. missed them with my money, with his daughter. but once i'm africa needs at the moment is shown on the growth. some africa needs at the moment, the enforcement of the law. and it did soon show that it delivers on the subject of switches to keep the lights on. so as for the events on monday, a national shut down is not something that's going to house. there is no doubt that the e f. f has certainly made a mark for itself. the south african government has been seen as revis. i'm making is gallery to make sure that there is no repeat of 2 years ago when we had the july riots went for some extended period of them. 5 days we saw malls going up in flames . we saw warehouses going up in flames. that it seemed like a speed of onyx. now this time the south african government is moved swiftly
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deploying over 3400 soldiers to add to the security as well as the metro police that you find in different localities. they have really come out of this looking rather worried and where i've been now more items bending in the capital city, victoria. but india, when i was enjo, had, has been, i founded to be rather reminiscent of the coven days, rather looking like a ghost. how do you re silence if you will, and that, according to the police minister, just goes to show how well the police have done this time. so an estimated 1000000 civilian deaths, allege war crimes. a country devastated a today marks 2 decades since that all began with the us led invasion of iraq 20th march, 2003, the u. s. but boots on the ground, backed by what were false allegations, the country possessed weapons of mass destructions. well, we'll continuing our special coverage of the conflict, which through the oil rich middle eastern country into chaos, and destabilize the entire region.
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aah! march 2000 or 3 miss isles began raining down on baghdad or the in suing invasion, left behind enormous destruction and estimated 1000000 people dead. but our teens are steep. sweeney. it brings us this report on the u. s. bombing campaign, which was unleashed on the iraqi capital at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations, to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from grave danger. eye witnesses described what happened when missiles writing down on the iraqi capital a march 2003. while the attack was anticipated,
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locals will have traumatized by the sheer scale of the destruction ah, blue. it was very difficult for the country, and for all iraqis citizens on that day, a disaster struck my nephew was killed in the 1st strike on that god damn day bushes, a criminal. it was his fault. they are all criminals. they trampled on humanity. they hate people. this was to be expected of them. they came to destroy the country, not to protect the citizens of iraq. it was a curse time for all. iraqis were still feeling the consequences of this. the world was promised, the american soldiers would be welcomed with open arms with flowers. and with sweets, while a swift victory was guaranteed, we are in the square where the americans tore down the statue of saddam hussein. but what many people don't realize is that he was just.


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