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tv   Interview  RT  March 20, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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something terrifying. i saw people in complete disarray. for example, there was always a risk that any resident could be shot dead on the street. this incident took place in the al cartler via there was a turmoil. some process boy were killed by blackwater. p. m. c. we went to this place only after the black water left by then black water was something terrible for us. this incident was not particularly disgust at the meetings by the government, then the u. s. and u. k. government official position for the invasion was that a rock possessed weapons of mass destruction, but contradictory evidence exist it. david kelly, a breeder scientist, and leading w m. d, expert testified that officials knew the accusations about the arms were false and disputed tony blair's statement. kelly was later found dead. the host of going under ground says, there is a long history of suppressing true narratives and britain if they go against the government. one. it was dr. david kelly, talk to the program. i worked for
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a day program. he explained clearly that the british government would deliberately me words that the report render gilligan used for the show sex stuff. the information about w m d. and when he later testified in parliamentary committee, he was put under a lot of pressure and he was found dead. but this is a long line of information troubles in britain. we must remember that while at the moment britain may be torturing julian assigned the long history in which any attempt to try to get the truth in britain in the media is suppressed and 20 years on the iraq war. example of dr. david kelly is just one of them. interesting that the family of dr. david kelly hardly speak about the death of the breadwinner in the family. the government scientist nearly 20 is on those that made
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a lot of money out of the iraq war that killed wounded on displaced perhaps tens of millions in the region and beyond for the effects and after effects of the iraq war . those arms companies are doing better than ever and have the ear of nature. government says we can see in the proxy war against russia in ukraine and as for the people that were actually involved in the plotting and lying to their publics, they obviously have got scott free. and that's all for now. be sure to check out our c dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. was he right back here at the top of the hour? ah ah
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ah, we'll arby us mister president. welcome to moscow and archie. your official visit is happening in the context of major regional and international transformations. what has changed for domestics? you've been a syria about to start a new chapter mama. can we say that you're meeting with president put in on march 15th was a landmark event. dylan via leone le may be naughty landmark event, but it was an important meeting since damascus is an integral part of the world. todd damascus, influences the world and the world influences damascus. so the question is, what has changed in the world? in recent years, the corona virus pandemic has brought major changes to our lifestyle politics, economy, interests, and shifted the balance of power. then the war in ukraine began li bringing even bigger changes. we live in a changing world. the importance of this visit is based on the fact that russia and
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syria share approaches to the world that affects us every day. mil melissa, which specific issues did you discuss with president putin series dealing with the aftermath of a devastated earthquake? i yeah. syrians had enough problems already and then the earthquake happened on top of everything. what they can amik and political aspects. did you discuss with flood moore? put it in the kremlin in his he a thea asked for the political aspect of life will not wait for us, so to speak a little if we don't discuss everything, if we don't form our mutual position and a plan of action in time, things will happen fast and the national interests of syria and russia will suffer when we talk about wars, blockades, or earthquakes. the economic aspect plays the key part. discussing economic repercussions of disasters is very important. that's why during this visit,
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we focus mostly on the economy. and it was a comprehensive, inclusive, and substantial conversation, especially when we discussed specific projects that the visit was scheduled before the earthquake. but the timing is right to the considering the larger political context that includes the turkish issue and other aspects as well as our economic partnership level. and the situation with siri is economy method and had the through not big enough sanctions. some of them were lifted after the earthquake in syria. what do you need now in order to rebuild, sir in cities after the disaster? are there specific numbers yet? syria had been leaving with the conflict for 12 years. and then the earthquake happened. i'm guessing the numbers will be astronomical and look at the deducted how you are right. our preliminary estimates is that syria will need more than $400000000000.00 after the war, and it's just an approximation. the final number might be higher because we still
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have areas that are not controlled by the syrian government. we need $50000000000.00 to deal the aftermath of the earthquake. again, this is also an approximation. since we haven't yet calculated the damage to residential and government buildings or infrastructure, we need more time to get the final number. but the damage that has been done to buildings and infrastructure by the war and earthquake has more than a material dimension. we have to look at the konami damage as a whole. the economy suffered more than anything going back to your question about what's needed to rebuild the country. sanctions haven't really been lifted. a specific exception was made for certain humanitarian aid deliveries. however, in order for our economy, our industries and trade to grow, we must have access to various products and necessities that people in any country
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need. nothing has changed in that respect, but syria will be able to recuperate after the war and the earthquake, even without this type of help. because we have all the resources. the problem is that this process is more complicated now, and the cost is higher despite everything, there is progress. unfortunately, we see it only in certain aspects like electrical energy, for example, what the syrian need, it needs the blockade to wind. the thought. so the west is line when it's asked to the media that sanctions have been lifted so that the syrian people can get help. and it doesn't matter if they are areas controlled by the syrian government or not . is this political hypocrisy? every aspect of european politics is built on lies and the west lies about syria as well. if you don't lie, you can't represent the west and i'm not exaggerate. we have dealt with many problems over the years,
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even when the relations between syria and the west were good. even then there were lies and hypocrisy on the part of the west. and now the same as happy in would the crane conflict or any other crisis. european countries lie, they want to show off their humanity, but it is all fake. they want to look goods in the way they are dealing with the earthquake aftermath and syria so that nobody could call them inhumane. but they never delivered any aid to syria. verbal and cities have also been devastated by the recent earthquakes. it's now secret today that there is a continuous effort to normalize whatever is possible in the relations between damascus and ankara. these disaster has effected both sir. enter kia kit is perhaps give a push to this process and help the 2 countries overcome some disagreements and perhaps overlook some things. isn't the time to do this? overall, i don't think our 2 nations have any disagreements. the problems are caused by the
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turkish politicians who have their personal ambitions that they seek to pursue by waging a war in syria. that's how it was when this war started, and it hasn't changed until today. so to answer your question, i can see that the only earthquake that could effectively change turkey a foreign policy and encourage the turkish leadership to look for a dialogue with syria under the current circumstances is the presidential election in turkey. there is nothing else that now if you have right also that have been reports recently about your pending meeting with president tuan, mediated by russia and iran as part of the senate process. it is well known that in politics there are no conflicts or alliances that last forever. are you ready to meet with president ad on what are serious goals? in this case, syria's main priority is to have all the illegally deployed foreign troops removed and that concerns mostly the u. s. and turkish troops. they are the only troops illegally deployed in syria. another thing syria needs is to cut all support to
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terrorist groups, such as terrier sham, alumnis for a front and the likes of them. it doesn't matter what they call themselves. they have one founder that bank rolls them all. turkey a's latest proposal involves a 4 lateral meeting at the top level of deputy foreign ministers, and yet they didn't propose any agenda for this meeting. so no condition and no expectations. so why do we need to go? we didn't set any conditions despite the fact that they are trying to touts in the media that syria is refusing to go and setting some very demanding conditions. the issue of foreign military presence on our territory had been raised before and nothing has changed since it is a matter of our sovereignty. it's not a political issue. we are not accepting the invitation to the meeting because we don't understand what the meeting is for. why we need to go, that's the problem. we're trying to obtain a clear agenda model. so series, ny,
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going to participate in the mid enough deputy for ministers scheduled in moscow is the mid and canceled little ha in my, our position is that either we receive a clearly defined agenda for this meeting or in it's absence. we are only prepared to talk about the withdrawal of turkish troops from syrian territory. it took him say there is he, mister president, if the conditions are met and serious position is taken into account, will you be prepared to meet present at dawn prior to the presidential election in turkey on may 14th, or rather after it, the meeting of president assad and ardon is believed by many to have a potential to greatly influence the outcome of both the presidential and parliamentary elections into gear. and the date of such a meeting is of big importance. and are you ready to help present or go on gained some points before the election were up in about and of course not let me know before 2 parties to meet. they need to have some common interests for turkey,
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a and as president, the election is the priority and nothing else. everything else is secondary for syria, restoring our sovereignty and having foreign troops removed from our territory. is the priority. do these priorities align? they don't. if they did align, if with drawing turkish troops could secure president early on a new presidential term, both parties would have no problem. but so far we don't see any common ground since the interests of the 2 parties in question are not aligned. that is the problem. what does this mean that the meaning could still take place? of course if the conditions are met and serious conditions to be free of foreign military presence. so if these conditions are met, we won't even wait for any particular date. we will be ready to meet today or tomorrow. there are no logistical problems with organizing this meeting. it can take place as long as this priority condition of ours is met. ok from blue in the,
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in the model. what is your take on the domestic situation in to get the turkish opposition seems to be more open towards damascus and it's vision than the ruling justice and development party. from the very start of this conflict, we have been trying to never become a player on turkey a's domestic scene regardless of our agreements or disagreements with any of its domestic actors. it would be wrong to make our national interests hostage to the political games of another country, 1st and foremost because it's another country. and we do not take part in any of its political processes. and secondly, because that would disparage our national interests that are our ultimate priority here. the thought through the turkish defense minister said that the presence of turkish troops on syrians territory is not an occupation, as you call it, anchor expects damascus to understand its position on the kurdish groups. do you understand the turkish governments concerns about separatist and nationalist
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movements that threats on the national security of both turkey and the syrian, our republic? and then we'll go to hand. if it is not an occupation, then what is it? it turns out we invited them to syria for a visit. what is the rationale here? i don't know which law he relies on in this case. if he turns to the 1st laws, even before the code of hammurabi or to contemporary laws, he will not find anything to support his case unless he turns to the roman laws created at a time when countries defined their borders on the basis of their military power. perhaps in his mind, he lives in that era asked for their concerns. he's not even telling half truths, but the opposite of the truth with the i wish he were brave enough to admit the truth, which is that before the war, since 2000 or even 998, there were no serious issues on the syrian turkish border we had the donna
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agreement, mutual understanding, cooperation, and almost complete consensus on the issue of security. he should have had the courage to say that the current security problems are caused by turkish policies, especially early guns policies. they are the ones who created what we have today. they have 2 major challenges, right now. security and refugees. both of these problems have been created for turkey. yay, by the justice and development party under early ons leadership. you mentioned the a don agreement, doesn't that agreement justify took his presence in syria. they claim that these presence is for their own national security in the region, which is in line with the agreement. there may be 2 agreements over the distance, but the agreement is to their own. and the 1st of all, disagreement has not been ratified by the parliament. there was a security agreement to be legally precise. secondly, in the agreement, talks about chasing terrorists 5 kilometers deep into syria across the border.
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there was no pursuit of terrorists because the situation in syria was good. this state controlled at the borders. there was an army police and security forces who did their duty. therefore, there was no need to be guided by the clause and the clause was not invoked. in essence, they justify their actions by a problem which they have caused themselves. going back to the question about the searing kurtz has the visit by united states sherman of the joint chiefs of staff mark merely to northeastern syria changed the way you view kurdish malicious. have they become for you just like i says, i'll know srp or just show me? and my question is whether you have severed all ties with the kurds and has mark meal is visit, which you may well describe is illegitimate. l e n a to the curse from you. for me, this visit did not have a direct bearing on the way we view these groups. first, this visit showed that it is the united states rather than the country. it accuses
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that is the world's biggest rogue state. the americans are 2nd to none in terms of how often they violate international law. this visit violated the sovereignty of another state and therefore constituted a violation of international law. as for the groups, you mentioned in your question, we need to avoid laying all the blame on the kurds since there are arrows serving in the people's defense units and the syrian democratic forces to most of the kurds are patriots. although considering the situation in these regions as well as the facts and that the pro american groups control these territories, prohibiting, or restricting any patriotic activity, one cannot fail to get the impression that most of the people there are not patriots. i suggest that we treat anyone working with the americans as a foreign agent, which is self evident or don't have that. can we discuss regional developments to what do you think about the saudi ran deal to normalize relations and restore
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diplomatic ties? what impact would have on the developments in and around syria? we often hear that the running presence and influence alienate syria from the arab world to day, the 2 conscious reconciled. how will these affect the situation inside syria, owen, we were pleasantly surprised by this reconciliation. we can also call it a meeting held with china's good offices, talks and contacts started several years ago, and they chose a good moments to announce their reconciliation. at the same time. this also means that syria is no longer an arena, m for saudi iranian confrontation. there were several instances when this was the case, and this was the way various parties viewed the situation in syria before. well, in fact, saudi arabia changed at santa tud toward serious several years ago when it stopped its attempts at interfering in our domestic affairs or supporting various groups.
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here. as for all this talk of severing syria, iran ties. this topic has become irrelevant several years ago. i think that there is a general understanding of what these relations represent. mutual trust has been under pending relations between syria and iran for for decades. now, if we cannot stay true to our existing friends, how can other friends and brothers that we have expect us to stay true to them? i think that this is no longer a problem for the arab world. this is our position on this matter of them, and you can see with her, little european, in how will these agreement affect the developments in lebanon. these country has always served as a testing ground of sorts for regional agreements. today, there is a push to back, so a man friend g f to become lebanon's president. do you believe that the saudi ran and you can help lebanon overcome the immense challenges it faces today?
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none of me on the north carolina to we all influence something or somebody while also being subjected to outside influence. of course, this influence can be both negative and positive. it is also clear that the entire region, as well as syria and lebanon, stand to benefit in various ways from a deal like the one between saudi arabia and iran, or any other agreement. we can say that overall, the deal will definitely play its role. however, we have yet to see how it will influence the situation. specifically, no handler said he to the how the media suggested that israel stands to lose the most from the deal between riyadh and tell ron, aren't you afraid that television will continue showing the syrian territory in order to destabilize the region. each time they shall, syria, they claim to be targeted. iran and malicious. they run in positions or iranian ammunition warehouses. aren't you afraid that the saudi ran? india will make sir old gentleman target for israeli air forces. and israel has
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been doing this all along and has never stopped. it tries to throw the region into confusion every now and then. it all started back in 2013 when the syrian army was about to succeed in its efforts to defeat terrorist groups. in 2014, it also happens against the backdrop of serious successes today. whenever we achieve something in our counter terrorist efforts, israel wakes up launches it strikes. we're starts working with these groups. it has never abandoned its policy of messing up the cards. on the one hand, israel is an enemy, while on the other hand, it is a quasi state rooted in terrorism. so it is quite natural for it to find itself on the side of terrorism. what is israel and game as it continues to shelter in territory? and just recently they attack aleppo international airport, where humanitarian aid for earthquake victims was coming. maybe russian officials
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told you something about this to model these actions seek to weaken syria. none of this has anything to do with iran or anything else. these really are well aware that most of the targets are syrian targets. these targets have nothing to do with iran on the senate. this years are oblique. stomach will be held in saudi arabia. will you attended if you are invited? what can you say about the tentative visit of the saudi foreign minister to damascus, as well as the possible visit to syria by the king of jordan at the head of an arab delegation or contact? why, how do you feel about such potential actions by arab countries? would you welcome and delegation from saudi arabia in damascus? who, neck of the day it has so far? the arab countries have just put forward a number of ideas and proposals. we do not have anything concrete at the moment. how will it all evolve? we will c, we are waiting for an action plan to resolve the syrian crisis. as for possible
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meeting us with arab or non arab states, we have not broken off relations with any arab states. on the contrary, the arab countries severed their relations with syria. we do not believe that severing relations is in principle, the right political action naturally, and we are in contact with every state, including the non arab countries that have severed relations with serial. this is our principal general position. now, please remind me what the 1st half of the question was about. will you attend the arab league summit if you are invited to ah, the arab league summit regarding the arab league summit, i would like to say the following. serious membership in the arab league has been suspended, so before syria can participate in the summit, its membership in the arab league must 1st be restored, but that issue alone requires a summit. actually, we came up with our stance, even before the recent summit in algeria, we share it with the algerian foreign minister. during his visit to syria. on the
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eve of the summit, we also informed the other ministers who visited syria in february in the wake of the earthquakes. we informed them all that returning to the arab league for the sake of membership is not the ultimate goal for syria. our common goal is ensuring concerted action. my all arab states, syria can only return to the arab league when the arab league over comes its internal divisions and starts to take consensus based decisions. it could take a 1000 years for the arabs to reach a consensus. well then we will wait for a 1000 years back. but this is our principal position. like i said, returning to the arab league is not an end in itself for syria. why go back if all you'll get is people saying, oh, they're back, but just a meeting between you and the comprehensive saudi arabia if you haven't been. so mon could be a game changer for the region that fair enough, but that's a different matter. when we talked to the algerian foreign minister and other arab
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ministers, we informed them that syria will return to the arab league only after a consensus is restored there. another condition for our return is the return to proper bilateral relations. if we don't want syria to be a battle ground for settling other nations scores, we need to build good bilateral relations with every arab country. so i don't think that conditions are right as yet for syria to return to the arab league. the now for my 2nd to last question, mister president, you have arrived in moscow at a time when russia is essentially locked in a fight against old nater in dumbass around the world. these developments are referred to as the war, new credit that in russia we called these special military operation. what does these confrontation mean for syria? some say that american influence in many parts of the world has started to dwindle . recently, we have seen china step up as a mediator between saudi arabia and iran. and is this the beginning of
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a multiple world order? the multi polar world is gradually taking shape is going to be a long process. the west and especially the u. s. has been engaged in an existential war for years, yet it is true that american influence in the world has been slowly diminishing. but let's be real. this doesn't mean that the united states is no longer a global superpower. that said, when donald trump became president, the u. s, which used to be the strongest player on the global market, started losing its power. on the one hand, the u. s. chose to remain open economically, but on the other hand, it also tried to clamp down on china's tech companies in america. this is evidence that washington no longer considers itself the ultimate superpower before we used to criticize donald trump. now that we have joe biden to deal with, it seems like trump was a st compared to him. that's right. what's even worse is that now it's not the
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american president, we're the u. s. administration that make all the decisions but a group of lobbyists with their own interests. they used to have absolute control over global markets. they enjoyed had gemini and politics and other areas, but now it is slipping away from them. america's greatest weakness is its own currency. the dollar, once the dollar is no longer at the top of the economy, food chain, the balance of power in the world will shift giving way to we multi polar system. however, should the dollar remain dominant. the world will stay unipolar, even if there is some multi polarity in the political or military sense here. mr. president, in conclusion, i'd like to ask you one final question about present ardon. we know that prison put on is working hard to be a mediator between syria and to work yet and to figure out some kind of a diplomatic solution. did you discuss that with mr. put in in the kremlin? did he over any guarantees that took year?
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would withdraw and return to his borders if she removes a hat with a normalization effort. again, that would help her do on score some points just before the election. what did president put in say to you on the subject? no, i did not receive any guarantees given or to one's behavior. perhaps the reason for that is that no one can guarantee what ardon will do next. with ardon, you can't plan ahead even for a couple of days. the man is constantly switching between policies. it's almost like a vicious circle, so i don't believe that any world leader could put trust an art on some guarantees . the latest change in his policy has been for the better. he said that he's willing to be open towards syria, willing to let the refugees back and that could carry positive message. but are his promises built to last? the presidential election is just around the corner. what will turkish politics look like after the election? nobody knows, it is all temporary fleeting,
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no real commitment. what you described is just a short turn tactic designed to achieve turkey's goals and not serious. in fact, there is no one in the world we could ask for guarantees, right now, races, resident of the steering arb republic, bouchard allison, and thank you very much for these conversation. thank you. ah, ah ah, ah ah
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ah, in terms of russia and china is development of an international strategic agenda, we need to ensure fairness and equality in the wealth. friday's revelations in arrives in russia on his 1st official visit since reelection, as, as the 2 countries strategic relationship is vital. and based on the historic type of the neighboring states. pression, president vladimir says that in case complexity, rangel is not extended. russia is ready to supply the african countries most in need for free and south africa. braces for a nationwide labor strike. i made calls from the political opposition for president randal closer.


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