tv Africa Now RT March 20, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EDT
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the leading european countries took away tens of millions of african lives. the organisation of united nations classifies that trans atlantic slave trade as one of the gravest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deportation of people ever seen by mankind. mm hm. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's tracy implementation. let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk with
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oh, most evasion of right of the night to pass is fundamentally racist. now, racism leads to genocide, very straightforward. they believe that they are superior. if you think that you are superior, and that's why you origin wise, everybody else poor, you shut out of your mind the idea that they are poor because you are making them by robbing number, getting to buy your course dead. some of the rest of it and you think no, it must be because they are inferior people. what do you do with inferior people and you get rid of a a, the
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the grain situation in impact on the african continent is the data consequence of the war in cream, which is an imperialist tool, which is a war against russian people and thrash and state by our traditional enemies western imperialism. so i'm just calling upon the west. if make would leave the center for that. of course, this price is gonna go down and the low cost of living can be experience in the country. and we all can be comfortable and happy as my understanding with people some free but also we talking about almost getting me people i've been in this future, of course we in africa one with the russian people. historically direction people have never colonized us. the great basket of africa is empty. week and grain lying
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in wait millions of miles away from starving mouth. russia is doing its best to feed africa. at western sanctions on moscow have emptied the supply lines and are contributing to the biggest genocide in recent history. these are the victims. hello, welcome to this week's african. now show. this week you find us in the faithful republic of somalia, in the horn of africa, were coming to you from the capital city, mogadishu. and the next few weeks by the end of may, as many as 8000000 people in somalia will die from starvation. almost 3 times that number, some 21000000 people will die across eastern africa. the causes been drought, climate change conflict with the else about terrorist group, and the impact of the russia ukraine conflict. and that's what we're focusing on in
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this week show a year on how has what many here called the russian natal conflict, exacerbated the dias, situation on the ground who was to blame and what is being done to remedy the situation in somalia, 90 percent of the countries we, it comes from russia and ukraine, but these supplies are no longer coming. i visited a cam for internally displaced people. i'm here on the outskirts are v, capital, city of somalia, mogadishu, ad and internally displaced camp. there are little tens of thousands of people here many who come a little different parts of the country. now all people started coming here years ago, really because of drought because of famine because of conflict in the areas. but the situation has deteriorated a lot since the written grain crisis began a year ago falling the russia ukraine conflict. not all around us is security. they've taught us, we don't have more than a few minutes here. and as one of them explained to me that was in seconds of us
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arriving one of the people here was on his cellphone, was warning, i'll shabby sympathizes all militants themselves sign for me. yes. and they will be on the way, had to watch us with us. so we have a huge sticking with here from literally just a few moments. the situation here with children around with no shoes, that's come and place a food and, and also with the conditions in which people are living in these plastic made to kids. i mean, i've never seen a source with clients and done it's extremely dry. it's extremely hot. this is one of the worst famines i'm cooking. the was family members. a part of africa has a faith in the history. and that's why it's been called latest genocide ever. and this is the country that traditionally has group. we to grade it because of climate
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change because all will in global politics. and because of the fact that they've been 6 seasons without rainfall, we have a situation now the brain can be close here. the country is relying and has been relying on the reach and grain that it gets from russia, ukraine, and those supplies for the bit of part b. yeah. have completely dried up. so you're looking at an, a famine that is going to kill millions of people here. russian president vladimir putin is well aware of the situation and has vowed to increase the export of wheat and grain. no problem. sewell with them, they're not putting near solutions, but shows too much noise, acknowledging the 4th person in the course of compliance credit issued juvenile school. but she a vis the believe is a she for me was, was, i mean, usually, but hold until graham the minute or you're from nebraska little him national credit
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. it was mean utilize the partial stopped good company. so you're a little hoarded. we good and you wouldn't be stuck in some way for us to if, if there was a little bit to, to do, to belittle some, some additional stuff now to the some fill of the boat to get her bulky skim water action with which blended. nobody ever knows they might some 2 bills. and recently russia agreed to renew the black sea initiative for another 60 days, during which green exports can leave via the black sea. it follows previous agreements aimed at improving the humanitarian crisis on the ground. i spoke to somali political and economic analyst. there were 2 agreements fairly double assigned on july 2020, tory,
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and the grid. the 1st agreement was memorandum of understanding really, between the russian federation on the united nation. russia was required to facilitate really, it is at food and that applies our exports to relate to the global market. and the 2nd agreement was really what we call a black sea green initiative clearly, and that the agreement was joined to sign a trailer by russia for the ration ukraine on turkey, unwholesome brokerage on, wouldn't necessarily buy the united nation. so that agreement, it's a real rush to make sure that trailer f x about of, of green fly that is from your brain, paul trail to the outside market. so we know that i'll soon i was really russia and ukraine conflict is talk to the really absolutely, absolutely. they sell to us the food christ in santa. so it's, so we know that the food crises, happy skyrocketed sort of wrapping on it as it has real effect of really poor
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counter discriminate. one, the after russia invaded ukraine, depending full malia is still feeling a factor of letting pie, the router, and the long running regional daughter put millions others. driscoll, starvation, the russia ukraine war has greatly impacted food security. a. so malia has greatly been dependent on impulse from russia and ukraine, that apart from great reduction of the width supply in market for must bear the brunt of the suction imposed on russia with increased for the prizes. since farmers use water upon machines to it, he gave their crops. i saw my lays on the precipice or was 6 successive fail rainy season. ali also was at russia ukraine debacle. has heavily dent at 8 grand wharton country used to receive from international donors of the focus on interest has now shifted to ukraine. so malia has been a longstanding recipient of funding from the international community on the organizations. but when other crisis come about in the world,
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international bodies become spread thin and sometimes fixated on one issue over another. people have even questioned the colossal amount of money being spent by international donors in buying heavy as he loved many african pundits say, the biggest instigator behind the crisis is the united states. i reported in south africa ne tap with a former member of the south african national assembly system for tom. i think he is for your time. maybe if we can just start by telling us what you make of the weeds and grain crisis that has the fuel prices and those poverty levels that we're seeing within the african continent. basically, the grain situation in its impact on the african continent is the direct consequence of the war in ukraine, which is an imperialist war. we should say, war against the russian people and thrashing state by our traditional enemies
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western imperialism. so we are suffering into african quincy quentin and as a consequence of the door. and of course, it also has an impact on the russian economy as well, or the progressive people with russia, africa suffering, as a consequence of this will, which is a provocation by western imperialism in terms of to tutorial integrity of the russian people. so the war must be stopped. the western powers must get out of russia must get out of ukraine. and you can, people end the russian people, one people end of month resolved this whole thing to dialogue. do they agree with the fact that the sanctions imposed upon russia by the we have actually added in fact, caused this weekend, green crisis? absolutely. the tech on the russian economy as part of supposedly supporting new clean transgressions. like in a rush and to return to the integrity part of the so this is
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a deliberate cation of the western world against the russian people. and as a consequence, we in africa suffer. of course we in africa are one with the russian people. historically, directional people have never colonized us, the russian people who stood with us against our party, the armed us. they give us arms to be able to fight for liberation. they give us sent you. i did one deal, but it did. government was persecuting some of us and gave us even military training. so the african continent and russia are one, it is not just south africa. and russia supported many other african countries, india fight against colonialism against the same western that glass us. what to date, directly or taking russia, that is why the african continent, and i'm very pleased about that. we are very clear that do stand with russia. and of course, now the whole world is suffering as a consequence of destroy europe itself is in trouble in terms of its electricity
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situation. because of this war, the war must be stopped, and russia must be left to run its country without interference from the west. at maybe just for clarity, are you saying that if it wasn't for these sanctions who would not be seen or even experiencing these blockade of exports from russia and these other places is m. it is a direct consequence of the war. and this war is in and now a creation by the western world. and now we are suffering in terms of our economies because economy, se interlinked. what happens in russia as quinta quince is for what had been everywhere in the world. and we know that our relationship with russia in terms of this commodity of grace and so on it's, it's in, it's critical to the sustaining of the african continent. so the war his is
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directly responsible for the crisis. we should, the world is experiencing, not just in the african continent, even europe is suffering, is a consequential diesel. and just on that, a lot of people say that the, they're, the resources that have been provided by the waste to ukraine could have been used to better solve the problems that the african continent is facing. especially in many parts of the african continent where poll routine. honda is really doing a most yes, it is a total em misuse of resources by the west. these resources could solve the problems of the world. but you see they want to subdue russia. they need to defeat russia goods, russia together with the bricks process, is there block to be, i guess, western imperialism and russia, the leading force in that arrangement. so if they defeat russia, dando, lookin, we can to whole an unmanned western world. and we are part of the bricks
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process as part of our claim to national so very neat to real liberation for our people's own democracies. we shall not influenced by western imperialism. so the west is had taken russia precisely to decide, typically this new force which goes against russia, russia up m a, india, china, south africa, to get our, we costs you the majority of the population of the world already. and the temps of could mean fast as he couldn't go green konami's and the west is not here with that . and i have seen the leading force into pretty close as it is being picked, and maybe just out of curiosity. what does the new developments offer? russia agreeing to extend the black sea green deal for the next 60 days, mean for the african continent showing that should be seen as a positive, right?
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especially considering the impact that this has had on the african continent. that is a positive development ratio is really doing positive things and a very difficult war situation. the russian economy and the fear for tick. and the russian economy needs all the resources entirely for its own sustenance. but even now, we see that extending the hand of the data to the african continent, and that is how russia has always related to the african continent. we are still grateful today for the russian support for our fight against a part of the drive in south africa. so the, you know, external diplomatic polish of russia, one which is progressive, which is what we support. now, just before we let you go from an african, in africa and seeing these things before your eyes, what do you think the solution is?
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yes, this war against the russian people is a highly wasteful a war. these resources which the west is using to subsidize this and just all in fact, to legitimately belong to the african people in the other under developed a countries the west is always saying that it does not have enough resources to support the development of the western. i mean, none western countries in the african continent, but they have all this money to fight the russian people in an illegitimate war which is totally unjustified. we are calling for the west to stop the war against russia and to re direct to those resources which are totally misused in good development into the development of the african continent. in particular, here in somali at the food crisis is being managed by the somali disaster management agency. sadhana i met with mohammed mor, lynn. it's policy and partnership advisor. it has been it has been
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a point of debate and i don't really want to going to direct into european countries and, and the 80 they say providing to you free. but one thing it certainly did, misty, diverted the attention of poor countries. and that meant a lot of the suffering that had been happening was not on the radar of the major donor contributors, such as the under united states. so i would not necessarily say that yes, ukraine happened on everyone else was left now. but what i would say is that it diverted the, the necessary attention away strong people
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like ours in the region of certain. and we still don't understand why ah, that we see other media and she is given to other mitchell concerts. and i understand there are other major conflicts, there are people suffering but also we're talking about almost a fairly mean people have been effective in this region by the drugs. and if this know any immediate attention given to that, the situation might be you agree with that? personally, i think the media attention wasn't given to the spot the world simply because of the same reasons. ukrainian other active conflicts plaza and also think that there has been a lot of what we've done that peak, which is the traditional governors as well. i've been experiencing their own
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economic issues. i'm therefore, i think their donations in these or cut washer is the world's leading exposure of nitrogen, the 2nd of potassium and the 3rd of phosphorus fertilizer. so when exports a halted price escalade and those prices will ready high before the war. we visit to south to hit areas. china is among the many countries that have been hit by the weird and grain prices. most of the weird consume him is imported from russia and with the global sanctions. i play this as the left most canyons filling the latch of hunger. we speak to our brain by the train, expert and unrepentant for some on says, my name is happiness with our and of course, as we all know at the moment to experience the global functions, that's preventing the imposition of wheat into the country. he realized this cause of inflation that we support that we to come on cutting. they become expensive and
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now we're facing. honda is a country, this is a situation that many kenyans are going through that he's are fixing by no more likelihood of the common one. actually, so i'm just calling upon the west if they could lift the sanction. so that of course this prices can go down and the low cost of living can be experience in the country. and we all can be comfortable and happy as a kind of number on, even if i speak about something like a basic commodity like but the price of bread be sweating today. i put that could take her 7 years ago at 40 shoes. i'm taking up 60 opportunities and the funny bit of it is that the cost of living is going high. will list there what's, what's a, what's i get a, what's i get maybe as an employee, i didn't want stops. this affect me in a manner that is good a my didn't done experience deal totally craze. this bad cough of clearing. ask one app. right next to you or so,
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bye back or for for i'm i'm the than for the sitting now is that are rather than, than sitting for the course of feeling run have to deal with the snacks or ducks and those are smokey's. you find the places he's on the higher price we bad place because period i do find that even it affect our customer has efforts and mechanisms to have bought this disaster continue. and it can then are not being able to import the much needed we to feed our populace. the citizens the i'm, i live to, bearing the brunt of our pricing and high levels of hunger and poverty. the sound cushing to impulse door rush hour by the west on the countries will part of that exotic commercial for last, bt russia and africa deal to the collage at off the top part operation in any to be
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beyond the increment in with petroleum eatable, oil. the price of for lies are highly increased. russia is the biggest ex, parts are off nitro. jim bad the front flies that end of the 2nd in the chart. most important, a global supply of potassium and phosphate. the russia, ukraine, water has impeded supply in the lead to global increase in their prices. i mean, everything has gone through the roof. the supply chain was disrupted, and food supplies, fertilizer, petroleum, which is due to be dependent. the 3 most important, the biggest, important out this things we need probably to the 2nd biggest import of fertilizer in the, into africa. next to probably tells africa we are 120000000 people, the 2nd biggest population in africa. so we need to import quite a lot of projects and then also we don't have any oil. so we are dependent on
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imported oil. i mean, they don't price was to was like $31.00 or it's now about 60 or so it just double the price. in fact, still that is some level of subsidy in the, in the market. so if we start paying the full price of the fuel employee would go even higher unless you know the could or price coming down. so those are the things which we are now facing. the trade between the 2 countries has to increase, you know, because at the end of the day, russia at the big producer of steel, metal kind of things, fuel fuel is probably we buying it from neighboring countries, sudan, and then g, and sort of the, you know, maybe transportation, it's easier, but which is in a big product, i'm in the room to 2 countries, ukraine and then crash us claim to be producing 40 percent of the global width production and so on. so i think i don't think it's directly affected. the tutor at
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the moment, except you know, the price rise and to supply, i don't know where they have been, which is coming. you know, from a different place though was be to russia and ukraine and that the west, the sand cushion or rush hour force a baby european government to america policy ship, for instance, with production is encouraged. a similar measure would be to replace the imported nitrogen bears the fog flies us was local substitutes like on a mile west and the compost. this besought melissa oddity. i'd be isabella. even one of the most powerful economies in africa being south africa is not exempt from feeling the ripple effects of a worldwide shortage in weeks and grains that was both created and then exacerbated by the length of this conflict. we travel now to the southern tip of africa. now would many african countries importing as much as 50 percent of the a wheat from russia and ukraine. mays meal as
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a staple food in africa has now become an affordable to many people. the continued high price of ms meal in some areas of the continent means that it could soon be off. the menu in this situation has gotten out of hand and it's not the milling meals that has got an expensive, it's oil and other essential commodities. 10 cages of mays may last me less than 2 weeks, and it cost me more than a $100.00 south african drainage. and remember, i used the cheapest brains, but even that doesn't help. i eat the staple food for 2 to 3 times a day. mm dunham. but the waves get in so expensive. i worry that one day i'll wake up and won't be able to even afford the smallest speck of mail mail every week. the prices differ and it's getting harder and harder to even it, like i used to. all i want to do is use it in small amounts or without wasting in a more i don't even know more about the trade in expos,
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but when i head about people talking about the lexia development, i gotta be happy because that would mean more. we'd green in africa, which means prices will go down. is it true? i'm really praying and wishing that things could go back to normal. because i'm nothing without meas mill. i wake up and use it for my breakfast. even before i go to bed, this is the last thing i have in the house. my entire life in existence depends on may's mil. now it's clear that informal settlements within the african continent are the hardest hits would nothing to replace the traditional may's meal africa stay pool is now becoming a luxury that an increasing number of people cannot afford any more. and this increases on the daily basis for c, r no, lou, we are calling in to hi miss bird. while that brings us to the end of this week show, we hope you enjoyed it. and if not enjoyed,
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at least learned something. if he miss last week's episode, we looked at the american dollars declining influence and use in africa. as more more countries search for alternatives, either in the form of a common bricks, currency, or choosing a few african currencies to trade in. next week we come to again from somalia, but this time we explore this little known country. that is a no go on international advisories. and as you can hear, the fire fight behind me. you can always find us on our social media handles until next week, from noon between from a gun friendly and gun, happy country, good bye. stay safe, and stay with or t. operation
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. aerodynamic began shortly after world war 2 and lost it almost 3 decades. it wasn't a major effort to try and split the ukraine or from the soviet union, us intelligence together with hypnos, executioners trained hundreds of saboteurs to be deployed in the soviet union. stalkers was on the east of alberto. so we'll have started with jonesboro, georgia and service unit more than yesterday. today. security service of ukraine uses not only this testing methods, but also the ideology of the nationalist a so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms. race is often very dramatic,
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that development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with me a hello and welcome to well, the part of the economist stupid has been the actual off american in western political thinking even before it helped bill clinton to win the 9 to 92 presidential election. the pursuit of money and profits above everything else has guided the.
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