tv News RT March 21, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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a he had a couple of people, but there was a headlines on auto international right now. as eugene ping's trip to moscow directly off to his re election is an indication that russia china relations have entered a new era. and that is the message from the russian prime minister during his tuesday meeting with china's progressive also ahead for you this hour. ah, and a wrong turn. the tables on from the accused of the country, of violating democratic principles as if practice downs on protests in paris, while the french president has condemned it, runs approach to demonstrations. also
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a form usaa baset or says sanctions against russia can be lifted only if president putin tones himself in western authorities at the hey this as many officials across the world have already said the sanctions have already largely failed with . well, all sorts of talks going on today. the many behind closed doors. it is day to put it in his chinese count about here at moscow. president g saying the relationship between china and russia has never been stronger. and we'll be covering that live comments old, a right here on out to you international. ah, let's look at have you with us for this day. and this program live from moscow. russia,
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china relations have successfully overcome many difficulties over the years. and that defined the logic of choosing moscow was the 1st place to visit after the presidential election. that is the message from china's president, gigi ping, who's in russia on a 3 day visit. sanchez, 10 years ago off to my 1st election to the posts of chairman my 1st 4 in 3 pos to russia. i clearly remember this visits and it remains in my memory. the fact that i chose was shows my 1st foreign was it's also been reelected, is completely consistent with historical logic. because all countries are the largest ne, bus and comprehensive strategic partners. all relationship has gone from many trials over the years and has grown stronger day by day you or less it? oh yeah. so when the comments coming out from both of these are world leaders and they all, they, they seem to be very well very close to each other. these days is often referred to each other as dear friend. and there is our senior correspondent morales gasdio
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who's, who's obviously covering what is a very significant and even historic event happening in moscow this week to tell us about it more seriously. the western press. right now, western governments, they keep getting really upset over the chinese president being here at moscow. what's wrong with that? shouldn't this be a good thing for the world? i wasn't for the west because these, these, these, it is testament that their policy of sanctions of trying to isolate russia. well, it isn't working a 3 day visit by the president of the world's biggest economy. and that goes, there was a long way to show you where china's priority is low, who it is placing its bets on the school's route. we have to bear in mind the trade between russia and china has balloon it is of an all time, all time high as well as relations we heard the,
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the russian pilot is the said relations abetted out than at any point in the side, a russian history of relations and he said that they're, they're, they're stronger than they've been centuries and centuries ever since. they've been diplomatic ties. while the numbers of the numbers back it up, russian exports and chinese imports into russia. i have ballooned a 190000000000 in mutual trade over the past year. certainly, china realizes that it could well be in russia's position in the near future. the west makes move secret of the fact that it also wants to isolate, to restrain and contain china. and it has done so along the, the south, along the south east of the, the pacific. and china is desperate to secure allies to secure
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a future for its new silk road for its export. outside towards europe, towards africa, the middle east, and some of those parts lay through russia with . but i wanted to, i want to pick you up on a point here because obviously we've got a lot of issues to cover over the next 48 hours as the trip continues. heron, moscow. but her, one of the things has been talked about as a potential a piece plan for the conflict in ukraine. china has got a piece plan with it, and putin has said that they will give it serious consideration. meantime, washington has said, well, we don't care, we're not interested if russia and china present some sort of piece plan for the conflict in ukraine. what do you, what kind of suspicions do you have about this much? you've spent so much time down there in that part of the world during this ongoing conflict. what are your expectations for success with a chinese proposed piece plan?
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but statistically, looking back of the past 3 decades, the west hasn't, haven't been exactly, you know, big, big fans of, of piece. i'd say the boys, libya, syria, iran, back of canister. china came in and suited up a baxon, negotiated a peace deal agreement. we even talks between iran and saudi arabia. something that the west has either been unwilling or unable to do for many, many years. china is interested in stability, especially especially throughout eurasia, which, a, it's economic prosperity lies in the stability of eurasia. here we, we will to have to understand that this is a big statement by china 3 day visit she, jim, pigs 1st since his re election. and to rush away, he's meeting the president by,
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he's meeting the prime minister, members of the communist party of russia as well. they have a meeting scheduled with the chinese with a chinese leader. but it's worth saying that vladimir putin yesterday and she duping, they talked at length for hours and hours. we have heard that their exchange was, was frank, it was very serious. and it was a wide exchange of opinions. they also talked about the chinese piece class. new details have been forthcoming. the russian presidential administration has come up with the present spokesperson and said that, you know, this isn't the time once they've given their statement in a few hours today. then you learn the details about this piece, plant, about what they agreed upon, but obviously, you know, we, we've seen leader after leader in europe in north america coming out and saying that, we don't want peace. and you, craig,
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we want russia defeated. we want play jean change in russia. we want the president, as well as senior russian officials tried an international law courts. they are interested in diplomacy at this time, which is in sharp contrast to china. so naturally, as is the way of the west, they have tried to discredit shipping's visit. they have tried to humiliate washer by saying it's it's, it's a junior partner and that it's giving up. it's insolvency for china. anything to drive a wedge between busha and china, evidently from what we're seeing today, they have been unsuccessful. yeah, murat, although when it comes to the meeting's already happening here in the russian capital, we've seen a lot of friendship and a lot of open to our diplomacy going on. and i know that you are monitoring audio today, or the chinese president meeting with the russian prime minister just stick with us here. we can have a quick listen to what they said about the relationship now between russia and china. russia, despite the unfavorable external situation,
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turbulence in global markets, increasing sanctions from the collective west trade and economic cooperation between russia and china is developing successfully. last year. our trade has increased by almost a 3rd and approach to $190000000000.00. i am convinced that this year we will fulfill the tasks set by you and president putin, to bring our mutual tray to $200000000000.00. so the trade just keeps on going up mode at all and many, many feet as well. the strategic partnership between russia and china continues to blossom. i'm not, i'd really appreciate that report from you. i know you will be keeping your finger on the pulse of the next 2 days worth of these meetings. but i just want to say from me, your colleague, often many, many years know all of us here at the national. you look pretty good for a man who's been up all night as we understand. at 5 o'clock this morning, you became the father of a healthy little baby boy from all of us here at all. it's a national, we send you all. congratulations, our love, best wishes. i will see you. let's say this conversation for the now not
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about morality is budgeting family, but about that of the blossoming multi pro. well now to beijing and mr. turn fund. he's now joining us there on the program here. essentially, you also the senior fellow of the ty institute and director of the research department at the national strategy institute things y university. a very will welcome to today. thank you very much for joining us on this program. what do you, what do you mean make today? the chinese president, sitting down with the russian prime minister, is that a normal meeting to take place, or is this perhaps another sign of a growing friendship between china and russia? yes. oh, greedily yes, i think it is a, is a very positive a fight because because it is single is the chinese site one to in the future to develop a mo, the columbia copper issues with russia congress. but russia is, is facing it. it was facing a lot of a lot of difficulties in the world these days,
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particularly coming from our western professional partners. the whole idea has been to isolate russia, but china's visit here was eating ping coming straight to moscow almost immediately after winning his 3rd presidential election. that would seem to me that it doesn't really show that russia has been isolated by some of the biggest players in the world. yes, yes. ah, yes. i see. i think the, the economy a corporation benefits of a pro, a yes, by russia and china. the both is, is very obviously the us because no, we can see the under of the current situation is the war economy you countries face of many are seventies china and russia ish big. yes. ours biggest. the bruce with emerging market now marketing companies. it is expected to continue. yes, the to so we use this with us as opportunity to our boss,
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the b r i and the u. risha economy, a union corporations jointly maintain the industrial chair supply the ability. yes. and also the only hope, i think the 2 peoples around the 1600000000 people, but also want to inject more positive energy in the boards. i think it makes them very, very good points them as to fun. i mean, i was going to bring you up on that and you know, when it comes to, for example, you talk about the coagulation of certain strategic partnerships around the world. whether it's the brakes, the s c o, the shanghai cooperation organization, the i see on what should we just say the global south, for example, these countries, and we're not talking about western hemisphere. countries like a latin america fair enough, but these countries bricks as seo asked young, they represent the biggest labor forces in the world they, they represent the biggest industries in the world. these are the energy movers and
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shakers of the world. some people are saying that the true power mechanisms of the world, the traditional unipolar world, are broken the now developing into this new power mechanism, even possibly a new commodity back currency presented by those of the bricks, families, it is, it, has it come to a time and i don't want to be a doomsday right here, but has it come to a time where the traditional unipolar world is having to re adjust for what is a multi polar world now? yes, ask me or what the us personally yes i, i understand the majority of people follow how state their fees because the to yes, the sincerely yes. yes. the truly fierce. the spirit, the spirit our of the, the car, the catholics. not only alimentary refused, but also for the, the other, the food security and also the, the yes, the, and the security, the hope?
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yes. yeah. the, the future is the michael, molly? yes. marty. larry ward, the the security, the framework is a stable in lou. multiple the yes, i think the market paul award is of stability for the year. so for the benefits of the word future, i think the yes there is also is chinese site to be pursued a pursuit. but we can see is also the trend of the future worth but know the trellis will clear, but he still in progress. but we can see i wish i wish would a week. boom. we will have to utilize the fact. now the industrial words, the g a, u, g 7, leading hourly, us isa, you know me, late a, if oppose either one economy. i mr. chang from there,
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senior fellow at the time. and sir john has live, heard our to international some very interesting perspective analysis. thank you very, very much for your time. we appreciate that. thank you. thank you. was, could have your company for this program. let's take this conversation out just a little bit farther costing life to a political analyst, alexander pipe, if you can join us now here. all what is essentially the 2nd day alexander of this historic visit here to moscow. so good to see you. and so good to have you with us here on the program today. alexandra, the western media outlets have certainly been criticizing the chinese leaders visit here to moscow to describing the, the deepening ties between russia and china. as, as the west's worst nightmare, it just seemed a little bit dramatic. what, what are your thoughts on that message? well, the west is becoming and solving increasingly small mind there, terry. jealous. i mean, this has been driven by the lowest passions and it shows,
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i mean what's, what's, what's, what's there not to white glove out of the meeting between our chinese and the russian leader. i don't, they're not threatening one. they're not on imposing sanctions on anyone. they're not telling others how to live, but isn't it strange, alexander, sort of jump, inmate, but isn't it strange that you know that his john kobe and he's like no, no, no, any piece plan? no, we're not going to support it. what so ever? mean that is just bizarre, that, that, that's the equivalent of him saying, no, we want more bloodshed in ukraine. that's exactly right. and there was a point that was going to make a china and russia been engaged piece initiatives this year matches this year. but this year has been marked by russian and chinese successful piece initiatives. on the other hand, in this year,
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the west has repeatedly turned down any chance of peace in ukraine, and it bothers them. the piece might break out actually. and that's a huge, huge contrast that everyone can see between this flailing unipolar world is obviously going into sunset permanent, sunset, and it's multi polar world. if you couldn't, he couldn't see a more opposite image. and you have the, the number one nuclear power in the world, in russia, you have the number one economic power in the world is china. and they're engaged in brokering piece everywhere. this is not just ukraine where they're trying to reach a peace agreement. they've already been successful in the middle east. all china and russia are china with iran and saudi arabia, russia, with turkey and syria. what has the west don successfully to broker piece anyway
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this year? i know where, in fact they're trying to start wars start new wars. do you think you think i was on it sort of jumping again? maybe. did you think it was almost inevitable that it's kind of multiple in a world would start to grow? when you consider that it's actually what has been a hedge, i'm on now for, i don't know how many centuries we should say 3 centuries roughly or so. is it the natural course of events now that people have had enough that people want to have sovereignty, independence, they want to have a safe currency they can use without being under the threat of sanctions. for example, i mean the, what, the indian entities and president just the other day saying, we need to get off the swift system for fear out of being punished if we use a dollar and cross washington. i mean, is it perhaps inevitable off the how many hundreds of years that countries would start to learn to grow a backbone and to stand on their own 2 feet? well, you know, yeah, everything has a beginning and an end. but let's just, let's just remember the fall of the berlin wall 30 years ago. i and proclaims of
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history. well, you know what a 30 years ago, i'm much of the world was willing to go along with a new tax america. as long as it was benevolent, and as long as they stayed true to their work, meaning they just want peace and democracy and free trade for everyone. and nobody was complaining really, russia was totally cooperative. china was totally cooperative. and what happened? what happened was that natal continue to exist, natal started expanding to the east natal bomb u. s. lobby out on the americans invaded. iraq. are laws follow revolutions. so you know, they blew their chance of having like a golden censure if it's like a new pox. romana they really the world had no beefs about that. so in the end, when they saw that the words didn't match the deeds,
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that's when we had to move toward the multi polar world. and it's now, are you reversible people that have enough of in unipolar threats. unipolar dick thought, unipolar unilateralism, nobody wants to go back to that. and china and russia and the pillars of this new approach tolerant approach. they keep emphasizing basic things that everyone likes . everyone understands coexistence, an equal basis quite sisters of peoples of nations, of civilizations. on the other hand, on the western part, we have the so called rules based order. we make up the rules and you listen and tomorrow, if we don't like the rules will change that and you get it, adapt to the new new rules. so, you know, the choice is obviously just the question of who ah, more easily get away from this ha, unipolar boot and enter the freedom of this new mole to polar order that's being
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developed before a very eyes. alexander is something that i think the word you were using there was actually coming from the chinese president. he's, he's cold the, the burgeoning and blossoming multi poto world is called it irreversible. and then in the past couple of months we've had the e. u foreign affairs chief joseph burrell, saying how worried he was that these multiple black swans on the horizon were accelerating to such a degree. political analyst, alexander povich. thanks for joining us. i look forward to seeing you again soon. me too. thanks. ah. well it's ok to have your company for this program live from moscow. let's shift gears for a moment here now to the protests against the pension reform in france, while a monday for they were smashed by a pretty heavy handed police presence. the incident to the national capital sponsor widespread concerns about the issue of police brutality.
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ah, no. the french are police to water demonstrators have not gone unnoticed. as the iranian foreign ministry has spoken on about the classes, it said tactics used against the protesters violate the principles of democracy. the french police, resorting to violence against protests, is indicative of the french governments known commitment to the principles of democracy and freedom of expression advised to enjoy behavior and instrumental use of human rights stop resorting to violence and dealing with protesters. now for 5 consecutive days, a french protesters have been marching against my friends efforts to raise the pension age. last week the reform was adopted via a special constitutional power that get this enabled it to bypass the parliamentary vote. but there's been
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a world little criticism among fellow european countries about the matter is however, in stark contrast, for example, to what happened with iran when there was widespread anger over its handling of nationwide protest. the french president was at that time, one of the most vocal critics. i am in favor of a strong diplomatic reaction and sanctions on the figures of the regime who have a responsibility in the repression of this revolution. a political committee shall break more, says that the west approach of criticizing what happens elsewhere while staying quiet about developments at home. well, sounds a bit like a poll chrissy. i think the main lessons from this is that each county should take care of his own internal affairs and not being paid to intervene in those over the counties. because obviously he has no means to impose any sanctions on friends with global west imposing sanctions on their hands. now maybe the impression in your
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hands, i'm willing to believe that it's a house or them in fans, but the hand, the suit subjected to a series of sanctions. evan seems that i'm a nation of 79, and that's the book is the, i mean it's always, i mean the west is of good, always been saying about its own kind of every event is nice. got presented. if it can be blame on the ocean, the chinese uranium questions, then it's good for them. if it's blame the wisdom, government is simply not making the decision in france on both in the united states or hardly have the hope of the united states, as well. as i know well, as of the whole french retirement age is, are rising to cover government coffers that are short more money is being sent to you. credit in e u. defense ministers on foreign ministers of agreed to a 2000000000 euro ammunition plan for re supplying ukrainian army and reinforcing the blocks military industrial complex will again discuss the situation in ukraine
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and the support to be given to him in particular, on the basis of the high representatives proposal concerning the use of the european piece facility from the mission for in order to accelerate the transfer of ammunition to ukraine. this will allow group purchases and therefore faster deliveries at better prices. and finally, with the objective of strength thing, european production capacities. this is a concrete way to help ukraine in the funding is to be conducted in 2 stages of 1st the u. s. set to transfer 1000000000 euros for ammunition. that can be quickly delivered. second stage for the same amount of funding to be spent on a massive joint procurement pushed for nato caliber $155.00 millimeter artillery shells are thus with its assistance to ukraine. the e e. e. e was also strengthening its defense industry, author an analyst, and nichol modica for it. she says that while focusing on ukraine, western elites of essentially turned a blind eye to their own countries, internal problems. we discovered that there is money, there is money, but unfortunately it's not used for the europeans. the europeans are going through
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a very tight economic situation. now, inflation has skyrocketed. we've got unemployment, we've got many social problems for ukraine. they found 2000000000, and this is 2000000000 that has to be added to already of the billions of years, which have already been spent by the european union and the u. s. for the war and ukraine. so the money is there. it's just that this has become the priority of the european union. the leads in brussels are totally disconnected from the rest of the population in 2014, when there was a civil war in ukraine to try to broker piece a european union never looked for peace. it has been looking for war and now it's a, it's, it's getting to 1000000000 euros worth of ammunition to ukraine. and this is going to cause a lot of dead, lot of casualties. and definitely it will have consequences for the rest of europe . and prominent u. s. law and as i said, the only way for international sanctions against russia to be lifted is for president putin to turn himself into western authorities in the hague. and that's
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according to steven rappe, who previously served as the u. s. ambassador at lodge a war crime issues. this makes boot in a pariah. if he travels, he risks arrest. this never goes away. russia cannot gain really from sanctions without compliance with the warrants. but its comment came shortly after the international criminal court issued a warrant to arrest vladimir putin. the court has accused food and of abducting children from wars owns in the ukraine conflict. russia has maintained that it evacuate civilians if they are in danger, made intense fighting. rushes economy has suffered to a lesser degree from the western sanctions that many analysts expected that they were initially imposed in 2014. russia has been restructuring its domestic production and focusing on exports to non western countries that are refused to comply with the restrictions. but i talked to jack rasmussen, professor of economics and politics, that's and there is college and california says that the international criminal court move is what he says. he says it's
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a desperate bid to further isolate russia. so it sanctions policy has not been affected. affective law, russia's economy has not really been impacted seriously. it's, it's a currency is not collapsed. it's still selling oil, revenue and other other industrial commodities. unemployment rate is probably better than some places in europe, inflation rates, not that great, great. and the growth rate. well, it slipped a little bit, not much, but that's true throughout the world many economy. so the sanctions have not had the effect on russia. and you might interpret these moves, you know, with the i c, c and the price caps is kind of a desperate moves they want regime change. they man and us need only thing. they can get it by getting red, potent and not putting up. wanted to price on his head,
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so to speak, you know, mysterious illness and the east african nation of a tanzania has infected 70 people 5. and now while the dead. and the only thing is like a ebola is raising concerns that it could actually be a re emergence of that extremely fatal virus. a team of doctors are deployed to the tanzanian city of car gara, which borders uganda in order to identify the disease of the investigation follows an am bola outbreak of uganda that locked in nearly 4 months before ending in january, as well as a rat disease outbreak in tanzania last year, which killed 3 police people and infected 20 others. tanzanian health ministry, assuring the public everything will be okay soon. as i city police on the board, i think the government and health workers have to get a for doing everything possible to make sure the concerns of citizens are addressed . while avoiding the spread of disease. the ministry has also st. experts with all necessary equipment needed for protection. thankfully we had enough funds,
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health workers and vehicles supply the region and as a result, we have managed to control the disease. well, there's a shortage of use that i hear an aussie international as we come to you live from the russian capital chinese president jim king his hair in moscow having numerous meetings with guten, and the russian prime minister machine as well. an awful lot to tell you about all day today. this is options. mm ah ah ah.
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