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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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is historic for a number of reasons. first to accent, the growing russia, china strategic partnership. and 2nd, to demonstrate what both countries publicly advocated the transition to a multi polar world beyond american hegemony. a u. k. as a now it's not only the supply of tanks to crane, but also shells with depleted uranium. it seems that the west has really decided to fight russia to the last ukranian. moscow was that the u. k. will be violating international law. it sounds talk to you in ammunition to grain. she's you being wrapped up a 3 day visit to moscow. the saying that china and russia are spearheading changes that the world haven't seen in that 100 years of
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finance call for life demonstrations. i'm hunger strikes, approved against the abuses by is really, authorities. as the whole new month of ramadan they get with good. and i welcome to the international broadcasting live from las vegas just past the hour. and it's great to have you with us. i'm more time on me. let's take a look at the top stories. this, our moscow has express scathing criticism over western powers, accusing them of trying to dominate the world at all costs, including by violating international law. those remarks were made in response to the u. k. announcement that it would supply ukraine with toxic. you'd rainy him laden, ammunition, known for turning former combat zones into an habitable wastelands russian present
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put in raise the issue at a news conference alongside chinese, either. she's in ping, blurry ministers for but the u. k. as announced, not only the supply of tanks to ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium. it seems that the west has really decided to fight russia to the last ukranian nodded words. but in reality, if all of this happens, russia will have to react accordingly. based on the fact that the collective west is beginning to use weapons with a nuclear component. depleted uranium. marty rouse, have been previously used by western military is of piss opponents ahmed weaponry. as mercy tanks, despite the grave environmental concerns, russia's foreign ministry has warned about the devastating impacts of using such ammunition too cheaply meaning it shall was depleted uranium to store not only current generations,
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but also future ones. these weapons have already been used in recent history. they inflict, in comparable damage in contrast with conventional weapons, but they also have a direct impact in human health. the targets of the munitions will suffer as well. those currently residing in the affected area as well as future generations in addition to killing people. this munitions also destroy the land. they affect the soil and the ground water for many years ago. it was thought is safely me reports about the history of the west usage of depleted uranium ammunition i am the devastating consequences those actions this announcement appears to be a very dangerous escalation. now of course the use of depleted uranium remains incredibly controversial. anita a gray area in terms of the legislation and usually they have already lost all sense of orientation in their actions. and now these actions undermine the strategic stability of the entire world. first of all,
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these are the anglo saxons who are. c dragging the rest of the collective westwood, them who have imagined themselves as hedge payments for a long time and want to maintain this head yamani with all their might. this decision means that they are ready to take not just risks, but to violate international humanitarian law. i was who was the case in 1999 in yugoslavia and much more like i wouldn't be surprised if that happens, but there's no doubt that it won't end well for them. the united states used a depleted uranium, perhaps most famously in the iraqi town of fallujah, leading to a rising birth defects her abnormalities cancers, miscarriages. and this kind of thing with a study saying that the rising cancer there was worse than that seen in her rossimer where of course the united states dropped an atom bomb at the end of the 2nd world war. now i've spoken to medics on the ground. there i was there just
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last week and they said that there was, undeniably a causal link between the use of depleted uranium. and these are these birth effects and or other health issues. but they also told me that they'd been pressured by the united states not to speak out against her against this. now, i heard this many, many times. and of course the report the i just referred to, was barely covered in the western press meeting. the scandal him for lucia has really been covered up, but here's what some of those on the ground have said that a bad model. however, we didn't expect our 1st child to be born deformed before the u. s. invasion. children were rarely born with deformities. hello j, maybe one or 2 cases out of a 1000 births. a year later, we decided to have another baby, but the 2nd baby was also born deformed, just a hm. and my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2021. they told us that he is sick and feeling poorly. the reason is that felicia was
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a battleground from 2005 to 2013, especially in the district. we are living in it and we are not the 1st or the last case, u. s. forces bombed the city here with white phosphorus and other weapons. now of course, it's not the just the u. s. nato admitted to dropping some 31000 uranium missiles during the 1999 bombing of yugoslavia. with more than $300.00 italian soldiers said to have died as a result of exposure to the material their company involved in a court case against the military alliance. now, some experts have said that the use of depleted uranium presents a major global threat is worth quoting. one academic study which described depleted uranium as the trojan horse of nuclear war. now, it said, the use of depleted uranium weaponry, defying all international treaties, who slowly annihilate all species on earth, including the human species. and yet the united states continues to do so with full
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knowledge of its destructive potential now, unsurprisingly, perhaps, and that the u. s. along with france and britain have lead opposition to calls for battle, the use of depleted uranium on the battlefield. a britain has looked quite absurdly absurdly, perhaps claimed that her depleted uranium shells are no more radioactive than household appliances. while the u. s. has repeatedly denied a call to link between the use of depleted uranium and these illnesses and cancers and birth effects that we've heard about and to admit otherwise would lead them open to potential war crimes charges. but the world health organization has also raise it turns over the use of depleted uranium. let's listen in soluble, inhaled uranium particles, one to 10 micro meters in size tend to be retained in the lung and may lead to radiation damage of the lung. and even the lung cancer, if a high enough dose occurs over a prolonged period. now the wodehouse organization has carried out extensive research and extensive studies into depleted uranium. but some expert say that that
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body has also been pressured into no playing down the effects of depleted uranium. not this, of course is fueled those claims of a cover up. and i think this isn't the 1st time that we've heard the concerns raised about the use of depleted uranium back in january. of course, the white house refused to confirm whether it was sending these ammunition tipped with uranium to, to use in a ukraine. but what we can say about what's happening is it's a very controversial move and a could dangerous a dangerously escalate things in ukraine a time when others a talking about a peaceful resolution. meanwhile, several levels of the u. s. congress have urged present joe biden to send cluster munitions, ukraine, the senior russian diplomat and washington massive arms suppliers. ukraine, show that the u. s. is directly involved in the conflicts.
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we're right to urge you to mediately provide close to mean you should, such as dual purpose, improved conventional munitions to the ukranian armed forces remain deeply disappointed in your administration's reluctance to provide you cleaned with the right type in the amount of loan wage foyers and maneuver capability to create and exploit operational breakthroughs against the russians increasingly more lethal long range and complex modern weaponry systems are being considered to saturate the battlefield on the ukrainian side. by doing so, the u. s. has repeatedly confirmed its status as a party directly involved in the conflict. while it appears that americans understand the risks of polling and the call of that, american journalist glenn, gwen world, has asserted that the u. s. o new wants the conflict to continue in order to weaken russia with ukraine. b is as a porn of western powers. from the very beginning, it's been clear that the us wants is, were to continue and wants to go on for as long as possible because they have no
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interest in protecting ukraine. they instead wanna sacrifice ukraine, have ukraine destroyed in order to advance what they think is the united states political interest geopolitical interest of weakening russia. and the way to do that is to use ukraine as a pawn kill as many ukrainians as possible destroy their whole country if they have to do in order to prolong the war as long as possible. and the response of the u. s . government is defenders has been we don't have any position about when the war ends that's completely up to the ukrainians when they want to end the war. thinking in the war, if they don't, will support them and the lie just got revealed. if you listen to what john kirby said, they asked him, are the ukrainians willing to have a ceasefire? and he said, not only won't they, we won't allow it either, essentially admitting finely. what's wrong, been obvious at the country funding the war, providing the arms for the war, which is united states determines if and when the war ends. and we obviously don't want that word n. so as the u. s. is seeking to prolong this ukraine loan for content. there are
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other concerns at home about a lack of funding for crucial services for a meg, america's own sodas. as the movie struggles with a high rate of suicide, more than a 500 new estimates he personnel committed suicide in 2021. common reasons include abuse and depression. even officer is hiring from them. as in many veterans decided to take their own lives. suicide is the 2nd largest cause of death for retired us. so it is with more than a 125000 such deaths documented since 2001. but suicide is not the only major issue that us soldiers face. there are reports of sexual harassment, of female members of the armed forces, as well as veterans suffering from substance abuse and post traumatic stress disorder. civil rights attorney,
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robert patel says the u. s. misuse is it's meant 3 by fighting offensive was abroad . well, for something america has to make better use of our troops who are on active duty only cindy, them to combat one is directly into defense of the united states of america. not these wars of colonization. not here. you worn out these wars to settle conflicts and other places. america has not 40 defense of war, perhaps as to war 1812. so we deploy our troops less around the globe and don't have them an app to fire situation. you have a far lower chance of having mental illness and p t. s. the develop a country to has a $830.00 of $1000000000.00 merit military defense budget. how is the belief of vinny that we should be investing further in the health and safety, long term, or soldiers to america is never fully been able to compensate and care for veterans after they've returned home. and i think this should be one of the reasons that american, all of the nations should take
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a very strong look at reason for going to arm conflict. because the, the fighting does not stop at the succession of hostilities. the fighting often for the combatants remains woodard contin, or continued for remainder of their lives. meanwhile, the claim conveys an potential pause for a peaceful resolution, were discussed by seizing thing and vladimir, put him to relent. talks in moscow. law games to a movie is full, as we believe that many of the points of china's piece plan are similar to our views and can be taken in action for the peaceful settlement. when the western key of are ready to accept these. however, so far we see no willingness on their part to our point plan was put forward by beijing last month, adding clues closes about a ceasefire, a resumption of direct dialogue and the end of sanctions. however, instead of engaging in dialogue, you claims present that nancy has complain that china ignored the ukranian peace
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plan that keith had previously convey to beijing via diplomatic channels. meanwhile, the u. s. a said that china is not impartial regarding the conflict and should exert pressure on moscow to end it. you can reasonably look at it. china is impartial in any way and they haven't condemned this. now, china wants to play a constructive role here in this conflict. then they are press russia to poach troops out of ukraine and ukrainian sovereign territory. they should urge urge president boone to cease bombing cities, hospitals and schools to stop the war crimes in the atrocities and end the war today could happen late now or as a leader had also signed the alarm irish shown skepticism about the deepening ties of theme moscow and beijing, the some saying would be the west's worst nightmare we heard from expert on chinese
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affairs is the western powers. are afraid of the rising influence of china and russia. those a great deal of ah, falls. the narrative in the west led by the united states sort of demonizing china, demonizing, russia. and this is as a reflex action and kind of fear. add that the u. s. lead hedge money and it seems to be under siege and, and you can see that they are playing this out. false narrative in am blackening demonizing. china over human rights overseen jan over hong kong. our over am a walkway and even over tick tock and, and, and anything you know, can be twisted ab to implied at a fabulous i, china set out to destroy the world. now the reality is, fall from the case is it is absolutely a fear of the emerging multi polar world that would put the u. s. in a 2nd place,
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just one of many. so at this juncture, are you don't fear and panic is kind of driving it. remember, originally the us wanted to make sure that russia and europe did not come together here. europe's manufacturing prowess with rushes. resources would have been i threat to u. s. a. jeremy economically so unfortunately what they've done is they've pushed together china and russia, which is even more fearsome og cooperation and at this juncture, and they're in a panic. she's in being fed serve also wraps up on wednesday. his audio correspondent shabbos on the atmosphere surrounding the 3 day visit. interestingly, president, she chose bosco for his 1st visit, after his initial appointment as president,
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and he has yet again returned to moscow as his 1st visit post his a 3rd reelection. his unprecedented action. that was really marked his visit has been the warmth with which the 2 men have greeted each other. how they've addressed each other throughout this landmark visit. of course, a geopolitical at power house of a visit with the eyes of the world firmly on moscow. but it's been really fascinating to see how the body language between these 2 men has evolved throughout the visit. and we can have a listen to how they refer to that close friendship. here. yet, walk along the cedar chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last 10 years, and are of crucial and vital importance for today's world order. a relationship is built on contributing to the progress of mankind. we guided by the principles in the un charter and a dead to an unbiased view, were always ready for peace and dialogue. we firmly stand on the right side of history that with russian chinese relations are at the highest level ever in our
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exemplary. this is an example of how world powers who are permanent members of the un security council, and who bear special responsibility for maintain stability and security on the planet should interact. we really have to understand that while this friendship grows and burdens the eyes of the world are certainly now on moscow. and beijing as they seek to put meet on the bones of the agreements, they've sign, or shabbos, or t va new co, moscow. ah, well i was thinking of the others now. murano of the beginning of the muslim holy month of ramadan as long why protests and prisoners hunger strikes against is really policies empower farm broker. so have gathered the support policy is who
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i've been jailed by israel. 30 years there have vowed to go on hunger like as they say, those facilities are white with abuse. r t correspondent, maria, the notion that explains the difficulty of palestinian prisoners endure. it is really jails. prisons are not supposed to be resorts, nor is jail time vacation. but esteemed in an israeli prison for palestinian inmates his pashley taff. it's awfully my way is from ramallah. he was sentenced 8 times and had spent a total of 9 years in israeli correctional facilities for his alleged connection with the popular front for the liberation of palestine and resistance movement that israel considers a terrorist organization. tortures sold her confinement, medical, neglect, food and sleep deprivation. constant searches of cells, the least is long, and the goal is not to correct. a person eater after leaves,
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but to break and subdue the girl, want her to design, be boiler turner and nor there is nor her birth. there is no way for you as palestinian to get to order a she done to you order and dependence. you have to give up and to know that we are strong and you are real weeks, then you have to live as we want. family visits are among the sensitive issues. he said he has 5 kids. his youngest son was 5 days old when he arrested last the next time it had off. so him, he was almost 3. the 1st time he gave this son hug was another half a year later, as physical contact is highly restricted, during the rare 45 minute long visits, it was never easy. 8, it off says, but it seems to have worsened after ben could be it. had of the jewish power party was appointed. israel's national security minister overseen prisons. that was the
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start of what many c as a brutal crack down has part of this campaign via am on on a things ordered shower times shortened and trying to shut down. jail. bakeries is not logical. the terrorists who murdered children and women will get fresh bread every morning as if they were at a restaurant. derucia, russia sousa. i hope it's just the beginning to end the summer camp conditions in jails. it's almost impossible for a foreign journalist to get access to film inside israel. jail's rare reports mostly from israeli media have become the sole source of visual information from behind bars and some of them indeed betray israeli prisons like 5 star hotels. we show one such clip to it had off. he watched it carefully. so very big lie because these are boats, as we told the one, to build the a very strong inside montela the biggest thing. and it does notice in order to make
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it easy for the world, the really community and for others underwear to understand. kirkland, christina kristen had demit, is it a mala based angio that defends prisoners rise in israeli and international court. and in the media, they documented piles. of violations and discrimination in more than 3 decades of work. if you re compare with the treatment of the is that only prisoners inside the israeli prisons, even those that they are arrested for security cases, even those that they are convicted with attacks against palestinians. they would be treated differently from their palestinian prisoners. this is part of the apartheid regime that we're talking about that the israeli state is imposing amnesty international and human rights watch issued numerous reports condemning some israeli policies regarding palestinian prisoners. however,
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the international criminal court, which is examining the legality of israelis settlement, for example, so far decided not to investigate the prisoner situation. this is all for prison. the only israeli jail technically situated in the west bank palestinian prisoners behind these walls as well as in other israel prisons have been suffering from violations of their human rights. has israel's new conservative government intensifies? it's craig down if their conditions are not improved. the anger may spill out into the streets, half the occupied westbank, fueling and already dramatic escalation on the ground. roofing ocean r, r t from the palestinian administration. is urls and national security minister has ordered a bomb against a palestinian broad calls amid escreen tensions in the region. the bukosa called the voice of palestine would not be allowed to operate within is re territory, but could continue operations in the west bank and the gaza strip is when he
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thought he say the measure is intended to prevent support from terrorism following the order. israel police in easter isn't reported. he summoned 5 policy in journalist for questioning. amir alba, general manager of the marcellus production company, which works with the voice of palestine told all see how the is really government rated his company. he said the mistreatment of janice by israeli authorities goes against internationally accepted practices, an ahmed, dumber than amsterdam yesterday in office. a far television company in the city of jerusalem, specifically in the baton in a district, was rated by the police without any warrant. i was summoned for interrogation along with 6 other employees of the company under the pretax that it was forbidden to provide services for palestinian television grammar. a few months ago,
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we covered events, syndic, nice set with colleagues ala must rekey, a correspondent for palestinian television. one of the ministers of the governments, and one of the members of the class sets of the recruits party, published a photo of us working in the class. it, which should embody the democracy that they supposedly follow. there was the persecution of the correspondence on social networks, even comments with threats, to kill them. israel's radical government ignores and international statements. it continues to treat journalists with racism, which is completely contrary to all international laws, human rights and freedoms of the media. these railey government is trying to put pressure on journalists who are bringing the truth to the world, exposing these rarely governments false commitment to democracy as it tries to silence the voice of truth them. to this i had thought israeli official stoat tensions in the region by saying that palestine does not exist. it does not have
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its own history all language, but statement if both heart condemnation from palestine was jordan and even the european union. in the faucet he had to let the i'd love the stephen by his really minister smith. trish that there is no palestinian nation and that it was invented within the last 100 years is conclusive evidence of the extremist racist and scientist. ideology that drives the current israeli government. mostly her, i'm sorry yet that the statements made by minister in israeli government, a racist inflammatory and provocative. i have to deplore this unacceptable comment . it is wrong. it is disrespectful. it is dangerous. it is counter productive to say these kinds of things in a situation that is already very tense. could you imagine if a palestinian leader would have said the state of israel does not exist? what would have been the reaction? we heard from a path in just as it is ray,
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the authorities of sabotage peace efforts as they pursue their own interests. i think the israeli government is nav blackmailed by their own making because a nathan yeah. i was trying to stay out of jail and he has collected everybody that she can, that supports his and changes in the law so that he can say out of jail. and as a result, he is under their own under mercy. if he goes against them, they will make it to govern for so he has a little choice. he's angry israel into the anger and the american xander in the world. and the palestinians younger in georgia to which they have a history through it only because he wants to stay out of jail. and so this is the problem of the net anyhow on making, by putting himself with the radical racist groups that basically are black mailing him 2 days earlier. they were meeting in the shadow, michelle, before that, they're me, when i go by the u. s. american, the jordanians, the oceans,
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are trying to get the israel used to deescalate. and these really promised to deescalate and then their senior minister does what he just did and it blows up the entire effort by the americans and the arabs too. especially with the rather than starting tomorrow, the day after it blows up the entire attempt to de escalate the situation. it shows that we need to political situation, not the military one security solution. the current government has given an ultimatum to christian clergyman at a prominent orthodox model street in key. now the mugs must either align with the state supported patriarch or be banished from the premises. i'm convinced the situation will drastically change when the citizens leave the monastery. i believe the collaborative work of specialists and law enforcement officers will motivate that decision. pope frances expressed support for the months at the keys
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massage at attention was drawn to the issue by moscow's pat 3 up cray. the pope said that the fighting between ukrainian and russian forces should not impacts wholly relics. i think about the orthodox monk so that keith more necessary. i asked the politician volt into conflict, respect to religious sites. ukraine. 3rd, he's have repeated re did the marcy on allegations that's clergy members have pro russian sympathies, their religious community. they refused to cut as historical ties with the oath of patent cute in moscow, ukraine's presidents and as he has approved the crimes out saying that country needs to protect his spiritual independence against russia was go. that said his actions in the matter have exposed criminal intent. conservative danny pond
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coff has jolt and says kim's a current government is committing acts of repression. the only further justify rushes military intervention. i'm really not surprised by anything. so once he did 1st he did for it does because the 1st thing he did is came in and been any sort of opposition media within the country and just shut them down. and now he's going after the, the people of faith and the people have faith communities because they know that they are going to follow what is good because that in large part is the same playbook they use. and world war 2 in germany. matter fact, there is almost no difference between the 2 and what hitler did and nazi germany and what is being done right now. and you, crick putin is doing the work that maybe, should've been done a long time ago. had it not been for our elected leaders or selected leaders using this as the devil's playground for so long on the doorsteps of russia.


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