tv Cross Talk RT March 22, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate andrew. let me go to you. first thing in hong kong, you know, there's a very interesting juxtaposition. if you turn on american television, they're all wondering, of donald trump is going to be arrested later. this week for hush money and things like that, or they're talking about hunter biden's laptop still. and as they are doing that, we have a world historic meeting going on here in moscow with the chinese president's visit . i mean, how out of touch is the. 6 west, when it comes to the burgeoning relationship between moscow and beijing, go ahead. andrew and hong kong. well, i think that the west led by the united states is see our by that the mantra or a that the american there as a so called liberal or order or should that to stay forever and led by american haitian money. because the west is regard of is the best system,
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the world. it should be imposed on all countries. and the whole rivalry with china and, and russia is, is, is hi to be a contest between democracy and authoritarianism. so there was a lot of force rhetoric and our explain why, because as of only about a few days ago, according to the latest research, by a paris based and independent research institution called the i, p. s. o s. looking at the happiness index of countries around the world as to what extent are people in different countries are few happy under their government? and guess what? china came on top and the number 2 is saudi arabia, where these 2 are not democracies, but yet there people have never felt happier than before. so this is because their
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lives of the as far as time is concerned and the lives of the vast majority of the people have been miraculously transform under the tutelage of the childish communist party for the past 4 years. and this has been confirmed also the support of the people of the government on for also by harvard kennedy school study a year and a half ago. and by the an element e d e l m a n trust barometer base in new york. so this rhetoric about a contest between democracy or call proceed as the, the more democracy, more quiet country in the world to be fired by the united states is the happiest, most successful country. as you just said, i mean, previous president donald trump is about to be arrested. come come. we also solve crimes and, and let alone so immoral acts. well,
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that's the whole point and he's trying to make, i mean, there seems to be and you know what countries and think what countries are and thinking which ones aren't. ok. and let me go to a robert in houston. i mean, this is, this is a very important event in the, with the backdrop of china is proposed a 12 point piece process for, for ukraine, just recently broker to deal between saudi arabia in iran. president assad visited moscow recently. there's a lot of things going on in the world here, and it's not necessarily, you know, the west pcs that is a threat to their had gemini. but a lot of other actor is welcomed this as a real a realignment to forces in the world. i mean, it's something a lot of people in the world actually embrace and i'm not afraid of. go ahead, robert. yeah, that's a key point. the media right now is covered the g meetings, but it's kind of research see metal or rhetoric. and you know,
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i think that's what americans don't understand because we kind of get a very different approach to the word here from the media, which is very much based in just kind of moral terms good and evil. it's very simplistic. but you know, way that i think the rest of. ready clearly, she's differently. so you have when you're with united stage, but that is presented kind of is the only way we can get into that's clearly not the case. so the united states waiting this war economically, especially against china per decade or so now. and you still have to be used economy of the world. the dollars still used for global as go currency of china and manufactured wheat on united states. the chinese are trading in asia with rush . all with united states has peach tree bouts with us as well as lenders piece proposal, along with the brokerage negotiation, saudi iran show chemical america such as well. so all of these ways i'd say cheese
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. it's a gemini, charles, it's my cheater. and so, you know, it's, it's kind of using the, wanting left of his pocket, which is this massive a rubber budget. robert, don't you find it really interesting is that, you know, just on a and the last new cycle on fox news they were on the guest were talking about the loss of american hegemony. and i think it's so kind of out of sync again, let me go to matthew on this. is that a the world is tired of american hegemony. that's why it's being chao and jan. that's why different centers of power of coming into being, particularly there's the strategic relationship between russia and china. it's really interesting how that they, the west always finds is threatening. but for other countries, particularly russia and china, they find it liberating to be done with american hegemony. it's really amazing the different mindsets here. go head matthew. yeah, no, absolutely. i mean, a anglo american i'll say anglo to say infuse a little bit of, i think her drama into the causal nexus of the post world war 2 age has been,
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has had 80 plus years to prove itself and demonstrates its superiority as the best of all possible orders, and what we've seen is just simply hundreds of regime change operations carried out since most a day in iran and, and even in nicaragua before that and all the way up to the present order assassinations of leaders of different heads of state, including america's own leaders who tried to resist this internet this, this deep state column built up inside of its heart. so you had a lot of time to prove that the system is the superior order and we've had libya or rat sirius thrown back into dark age chaos. situations in the name of the democracy building of the rules based international order. and i mean, if you just read the chinese a globe both a global security initiative but also the, the u. s. had gemini and its perils, another document outlining its philosophy of how governance and especially on security should operate back on february 21st 22nd. it really lays out that look,
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the only thing it works is when, when cooperation and looking at points of collaboration which manifest in things like iran, saudi arabia on taunts the turkey syria relationship, beginning to re hill slowly. right. did this work africa where i need the development for africa works. and so i think what we see coming in with shooting things visit to russia has been a real hope for the 3rd world and everything. i only want to say the 3rd world that the world it's been prevented from developing and becoming modern for the past. matthew, i refer to it is the global majority. and because that's exactly what it is here, let me go back to andrew and in hong kong, i guess what really gets american foreign policy people upset is that china is proposing peace around the world. you know, brokering day, you know, saudi arabia and iran, you know, that that was a tough one to do. the united states was not in a position to do it because it's huge. his sides,
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china didn't choose aside. that's why we have a piece processed their potential piece process. put it that way. go ahead andrew. well, i think that done. it's your politics lot usually dictated by philosophies as the this, the think teeth usually about a change of power. our power in them. you can all the power and to political power and all these dynamics are changing all the time. out of the 2nd world war, of course, the only and largest and most powerful country. and i have been the united states and they were have been able to call the shots and they, they thought that, ok, i'm less bring china into their system. and so that, and any kind of for cheap goods can be outsourced to try to get to with the polluting industries. and then they read the best of the benefits. so sitting on top of the pile, without realizing that china, having joined the w t o as growing this economy, now the 2nd largest and is grown to be the world's largest trader. i had the united
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states and the largest manufacturer and, and the center of the supply and very chain. and everything is always making always everything is making china. you go to the markets and, and, and even if the problem is not mark big in china, taurus, if embedded in, it's somewhere in terms of logistics in terms of components in terms of materials and so, and that, that's the reality. and then of course china now and seem to be eating american sluggish, no longer exporting only cheap goods, but also high technology goods. and in some measure it, let me jump in here. when i get, i want to get robert in before we go to the bank that you, andrew brings up an interesting point. i mean, why does one country have to be number one? why can there be a multi polar world? i mean, that's a, that's what the chinese and the russians are asking, why does, why, why do we need a hedge, a man, robert?
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know exactly this for sure. sure. the last 30 years, the really guy united states that you know currently we are all damaged and we're not chow, especially from china. and you have a really great crowd, global warming. you might just release another really dire reports which are being set aside. reserves or rhetoric based on military aggression and special military power. bassett, detached by just because i think like i said that's, that's what you have to laugh at. it's, it's last major, you know, play, which is, you know, military power, kill the weapons, a webpage basis, all the bases overseas based. okay. robert, i have to jump in and we're going to go to a break here. but why does it being number one, have to be the military? why can it be, you know, prosperity or trade? i mean, that would be for quite some time. i'm going to let you get an answer that when we get back from our break, generally we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real new state with
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a a will never be a victory for russia. we solution with newton or them, but look at a mean crane more is a proxy war. this is a war between russia and the united states. muslim army comes to not shoot, get them in continuity. america forces are and you're not in your gage in conflict of russian forces. american forces are here and defend nato allies . what happens that nato escalates even more than the special military operation become a war when you but those have so that was a demo and that'll that doesn't, is my dog. i see it that i see you with
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some once you miss only just to finish the ring, your sewage narrow secrets, nicole who's in the least counter russian state little never, i've side as i phone and the most landscape destination. i'm not getting a group in 55 with okay, so 9 is 25 and speaking with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine estate on russia for date and school r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and
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with this ship, lucy come using. gotcha. russian gosh chip. and she bowes affordable and ship. you are in the stable, which has been proved, not the case. it is a will. that is no longer there. with bay went, that's a good, it's a so for me, i can't that on the other should add good. okay. mr. water bottleneck. their muslim ship was like, well, ball and yelling me when you bought used guns from wounded and you could keep
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probably squeaking like leaving them on what your food, your cooling, who your wiser you decide. i'll sanctions just thanks. i'm see a section of kristen because he wants to change the behavior of government because chris, them, why that hasn't happened? sanctions hasn't function. ah, welcome back across stock were all things are considered non peter le beltran manager, we're discussing russia china relations. ah. okay, let's go back to robert in, in houston. i want you to finish off your answer before we went to our break here. i mean it's, you know, i, you know it, matthews already touched on it. robert, but you know that this whole had gemini model with rules based order, whatever that means it's not working. it's not working for the vast majority of the
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world. and that's why we see these movements to get away from it. they financial control in the dollar. all of this because that's just a weapon, it's a cudgel, okay? and more and more countries say they don't want to be fall victim to that they want prosperity and they want security. that's not ideological for the vast majority of the world. but american hegemony as seen in, in, in, in washington, in london, in brussels, maybe even kev is very ideological. go ahead, robert. yeah, well, it's not the united states for america. it's either a top one percentage of the top 10 percent like green, a grill, and prices right now. you know, bank wages, the health care system, united states, it really terrible condition housing debt. and so in lieu of taking actions that would alleviate the problem, because he's at a stage that we're going to re servicing the cold war mccarthy's of, you know, that will be social, straight up here with the socials of the u. s. so instead,
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you know, you kind of make this plate for germany based on military strengths, military power. you create these, these charts, which you installed the monsters to destroy long ago. right after world war 2, george kenneth favorite of question. do you have 6 percent of the population and 50 percent of the wealth and our task is to maintain this position of disparity. and that's where we still american policy to, to maintain the power to electrical power. and it used the sally idea to americans that you would get prosperity from that, you know, in detroit at the steel mills of places like that. that's not there anymore. now it's based on fear and, and all these other problems that have urged. so you talk about things like china, russia rather than the global warming, which is obviously, you know, great crisis for any the extinction of the entire planet. and in the us, we're just not really discussing it or doing much about it. you know, i don't really see any meaningful political discussion in united states if you watch cable news anyway. you know, matthew, you know, i, i started out by who i talking about, you know,
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a multi polar world and how both russian china working towards it. now i think that's a very smart idea. it's, it's for security reasons. it's very hard, but it's very practical and pragmatic because the, the, the west war against russia is to take russia out and break it up and then go take on china and the chinese and the russians both know that. go ahead, matthew. yeah, that's right. i mean, dividing conquer has been the, the age old formula that's been applied again, again for centuries. obviously the nuclear bomb had really distorted or thrown off that formula for the past 80 years. but the being presented, he said it directly in, in 1087 that you know, he laid out the designs for what is it, something like 12 micro federations with no nationalistic and orientations that should be put under the dominance of the u. s. of the i m f. if y'all seen doctrine, the sort of doctrine that had taken control of russia back the 990 had been not
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burdened by actual patriot national to didn't want to sacrifice their heritage on this altar of the new world order. so instead again and again in various ways we have similar us think tanks that have images of a carved up china, highly reduced in size with maybe 6 little micro federations under the control of the world bank. and i m f and trying to see that the, the ukraine formula is being applied in its own back yard, in the, in the guise of both taiwan and japan, which have their own sort of similarities to ukraine situation in their own way. and any complete full spectrum military dominance, military build up around their perimeter, just like in russia. and we have the same discussion, the article, the see where the, where things are going. and they see that the u. s. is sitting on the biggest time bomb called the financial bubble. oh yeah. the only matter lapses. oh yeah. so that's a big factor. yeah. yeah. look who has problems with dad and i can tell you who's going to be a problem in the world. ok. you know, andrew,
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it's very interesting to me is that everyone likes to say that this is a marriage of convenience, the russians and the chinese. but actually, i look at it this way is that, you know, the russian, china accused of being revisionist powers, revisionist power is actually their status quo powers. they will, they want to appeal to the united nations charter. and the rules based order has nothing to do with the, with the un charter. but, you know, with western propaganda, it's actually quite sophisticated in it's ubiquitous, you know, but there is a huge distinction between looking towards the charter and this rules based order andro. well, of course, the am special relationship between russia and china as the product of, of so food, very powerful dynamic forces. first of all, the relationship already started very close. relationship will really started well before the current. and you claim war, i mean,
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am because both countries are extremely complementary. economically, russia has been the world's largest one that it was launches explorer. oh, energy, or gas in the oil m, as well as minerals, but also agricultural products. and russia is the world largest exporter of agricultural fertilizes. and then china is the world's largest customer, but both the both energy and the agricultural products. so actually the 2 countries are intertwined together well before the european war. now and then andrew, andrew and i to point out that neither one of these countries want to export their model to the other one. okay, that's a, a respect of sovereignty and k. and again, that doesn't go along with the rules base order, because you, everyone has to be recreated in the image of the the liberal order which the world
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does not want. we know that. okay, yeah, let me go, let me go to robert. right now. it interest in reading the pages of politico. it's interesting that the zalinski regime is very hesitant to criticize china. so we have a client state 100 percent client state of the west of the united states. and they are hesitating now because they see the role that russia and china are playing on the world. say that tells you everything you really need to know. a client state is beginning. that wants to hedge their bets. very interesting, robert, go ahead. yeah, shiners that they did, she could say, sure, american policy makers more anything else because china is now a threat to american germany, american power, especially economic power manufacturing, trade, everything else. and so that's why talks really be shut out of the u. s. before they begin to wall street journal company, official war, going to be american ruling elite. they said, you know, dr. a not start with the chinese model. this has worked.
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as you pointed out, i think it's kind of what the u. s. did it the end of the 20th century is sending out trade sheets and sending out diplomats belton road initiative. yeah. the piece docs between the saudis and iran ears. and so it's saying, hey, we know, you know, it's central at central asia and ask about, in the middle east to say we have something to offer you. and you're right, it's not really based on, you know, kind of a commitment to have the same kind of political system or political reality. it's this idea, you know, united states called the open door, you know, at the end of the 20th century 19th, 20th and early 20th century. and that's kind of what the chinese are doing. they're not saying, hey, we're going to come in here. we're going to blow you to bed. we're going to send you military were approaching armies. what they're saying is we're gonna, you know, extend trade. we're going to help you develop some kind of manufacturing based that will help you know, the word back of the 20 central would be modernized and it's working, you know, and much of the world now. trying to have this diplomatic initiative, this,
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this political event obviously terrifies united states now. and so, you know, you have issues like ukraine, which has been a real boom for raytheon in general dynamics and companies like that for data, right? it gives nate the reason to adjust another reason to exist but. ready for the globe interview for the people in the united states here, like i said before, we're not benefiting from this military industrial complex either you can say in the 50s or sixties, the u. s. was typical american was but now you know, personal debt student a deteriorated health care system, horrible infrastructure trained derailments every day. horrible pollution problems . so it's a fairly great political crisis in the united states is focusing on these parks between your you know, kind of, it is taking these ancillary issues with blowing up, or rather they're dealing with, with the real problems we face, which is, you know, absolutely. now releasing a child to this, the liberal order, as well as an alternative to this kind of american system. this was kind of,
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i mean, i mean it, you know, the new liberal order is just as bad for the united states as it is for other countries. exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah. i mean, i, for the life of me why the american congress pays ukrainian pensions, but it won't take care of pensioners in america or veterans or any other group. ok, really? yeah. so. ready abuser around, but nobody for palestine, ohio is trained a good point, matthew, you know, one of the, one of the biggest difference we see right now is that, you know, ever since the end of the cold war, the great powers didn't confront each other. they had proxy wars all over the place here. they didn't go toe to toe, but now we see elements within the american administration and want to go to tell with russia and china at the same time. the great powers traditionally don't go after each other. you know why? because you can fail. it's existential. that's why we live in
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a very dangerous time. we have great powers, the united states confronting other great powers that's. that's a no no. because you can lose matthew. yeah, no, absolutely. i mean, the, again, as i mentioned earlier, the, the advent of the nuclear bomb really change the calculus of how global empire could ever function again and throughout the cold war period of the mutually assured destruction of formula that was set out by folks like bertrand russell sorta had a balance of terror that didn't result in destroying everything. but now we're at a point where we have a systemic break. and i think that that factor of transatlantic systemic banking meltdown. but it's not just the banking, the physical in struck the physical means of production, which have been atrophied consistently for 50 plus years. are now variables that are shaping the thinking of certain fanatics who unfortunately have access to be watch mechanisms of many of these nuclear warheads who can do nothing but doubled down on the script that they had laid out back in 109192. when the world was one,
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it was the, you know, end of nation states and one world government was here and of history. and they seemed to still hold on to the delusion at that script still applies to the current aid, despite the fact that reality has completely changed from their ivory tower. and i think you see some, some signs of major infighting amongst different factions of oligarchical interest . right. now we're some are saying, oh, well maybe we should like live to fight another date of birth. this plan. i think the jeffrey sachs angle is, is playing a role in that. and then on other angles, you have the more fanatical neil con drive of just, you know, we can do nothing but what we're program to do, which is had gemini with no negotiation. and that's scary. it's a very, very proud of, that's how we end the program. it's scary and certainly as gentlemen, it's all the time we have a want to thank my guests and toko houston and in hong kong, and want to thank our viewers for watching us here. and archie, see you next time. remember rostock rolls. ah,
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ah ah! since the beginning of its history, the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colonists headed for that total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent, american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservations and given the worst agricultural territories. while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of vice of native americans lived by hunting these wild animal, colonists slaughter the bison,
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and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dot, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan expressed the essence of this policy. in the infamous words, the only good india is a dead indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is deal unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been the majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today . ah, ah, green government has been killing his own people and on boss ideas. estimation of
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mission ought to be covered in western media and hasn't been covered for the last 8 years. i'm here for 5 minutes and then i'm told the 1st 5 people they found it was 5 decapitated heads provided up in a quarterly equus thought demand employee, fos, cathartic to me. can you use me? no fiber to say is when your father law kid evie, the inflammation war. almost all the independent journalists pointed out that nato and the u. s. were directly responsible for initiating the military conflict and ukraine, all casualties of it. as long as we want the war to continue, we will fight that war using ukrainian sized proxies, and we will fight it to the last ukrainian death. that's what's happened in dumbass this whole time. this is, these aren't objects, these are people. and so that's what i do,
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what i do. that's why i'm here with headlines right now. and alex international most go says that you k is escalating the conflict by promising to send depleted uranium. i'm the addition to ukraine, russia highlight the devastating a health consequences for civilians and the military off of they've been used by the west in yugoslavia and iraq with president eugene date wraps up. is 3, dave, is it a moscow saying that china, russia, and leaving the changes to the world hasn't been an overall 100 pulitzer prize winning the award winning journalist seymour shows, new details of the north stream pipeline sabotaged push, says germany, it's helping america, the height, the truth.
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