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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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ah, ah ah li headlines. it's our yeah, it's another revelation why pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, as he says, the german tong, i'm kind of just agencies help us in baldwin. the nodes being sabotaged. russia was that the britons plans to send you any ammunition to you is a pop to post nuclear armageddon as london out of washington trying to downplay the devastating effects of those weapons. also, standing in the middle of a crater made by the ballistic missile,
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which is capable of carrying nuclear ammunition. obviously, this was not the case. this time around. however, this building has been completely destroyed a crack on the net hit, a water supply that the vital publicity survival, a nation of them bob way arises up against the usb economic sanctions. offering it back over to russia with us, it's about we have so much to offer with a new wave office in bobby, and to say that the new wave of families wants to achieve more. want to see our country press a welcome to our, to international broadcasting life for most guys, just post the i'm as always, it's great to have you with us. i'm right mommy. let's take a look at the top floor. is this our yet another revelation about us involvement in
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the node stream sabotaged pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh says, germany is chalked our shows. hope the u. s. government cover up its role in the bombing. i was told by someone with access to diplomatic intelligence that there was a discussion of the pipeline expos, a. as a result, certain elements in the central intelligence agency were asked to prepare a cover story in collaboration with german intelligence that would provide the american and german press, with an alternative version for the destruction of nordstrom to in the words of the intelligence community. the agency was to post the system in an effort to discount the claim that biden had ordered the pipelines destruction. for a of our, of all the knows fair explosion was once again brought up in a white house news conference. a senior us official reaffirmed washington's position to the public that the u. s. was not involved in any way,
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despite what certain media reports say, germany hasn't commented on the new development is art is caleb more been with more details on the story? a new article published wednesday by pulitzer prize winning journalist says that biden met with the german chancellor, and they had a meeting to discuss putting out their own version of events to distract from hirsch's bombshell revelations. basically, it appears the meeting took place in early march with an 80 minute meeting between biden and the german chancellor, and which they decided they would come up with a new version of the dance. here's what the article from seymour hersh had to say. it was a total fabrication by american intelligence that was passed along to the germans and aimed at discrediting your story. i was told by source within the american intelligence community, the disinformation professionals inside the ca understand that propaganda gambit
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can only work if those receiving it are desperate for a story that can diminish or displace an unwanted truth. now you as mainstream media has not given a lot of attention or coverage to hirsch's revelations. they have kind of led their audiences to look elsewhere and not highlighted this. now hers argues that this is because mainstream media in the united states is taking the lead from the white house and following the administration and trying not to point to what has been revealed. the times reporters in washington were at the mercy of white house officials who had access to intelligence. but the information they received originated with a group of ca, experts in deception and propaganda whose mission was to feed the newspaper a cover story, and to protect a president who made an unwise decision and is now lying about it. now julian bar, sue is the national security correspondent of the new york times has been outspoken trying to make the case that indeed it was not the united states that is
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responsible for the destruction of nordstrom to pipeline. he's been appearing on podcasts and going elsewhere, grasping it, raw's trying to make the argument that despite what has been revealed, it was not direct action from the united states. a decision by the us government to destroy the pipeline. here's julian barnes. could this have been done by non state actors to this had been done by a group of individuals who were not working for a government, kind of like freelance saboteurs. so where did you take this new question? well, we started asking, who might these savage tours be or if we couldn't answer that, who might they be aligned with? right, could they be pro russian saboteurs? could they be other saboteurs?
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and the more we talk to officials who had access to intelligence, the more we saw this theory gaining traction. my god, i should be very clear that we know ho really very little right. this group remains mysterious and it remains mysterious, not just to us, but also to the u. s. government officials that we have spoken to you as mainstream media seems to be very desperately trying to make the case that somehow the united states is not responsible. that seymour hersh his mom shall revelations, cannot be taken seriously. one thing that was pointed out in hershey's recent article is that biden has not ordered any investigation into the nord stream to attack and the destruction of the pipeline. hersch argues that this is because by knows what happened. the chairman of the german opposition group for sovereignty and constitution. ralph thomas in the mayor says the scenario pushed by western
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officials and mainstream media outlets is clearly out of place. no one believes now the official version. i mean, everyone says no, it must have been american because mr. biden, earlier in february and $22.00 said we have to stop at the mentor stream to pipeline. well, it is, obviously, i call it happens of mass distraction that's pronounced this way. and then it all makes sense because they don't want people to really question the legitimacy of our government is finding, i mean, the german government has done some investigation and they cannot share it. even with members of parliament, they can't they say to sarah bragg. and next they say we can tell you what we found out because it's that damaging for a partner nation. they don't mention which one that this could do serious harm for the national security interest of some other nation. so we can all get to it as the german people. we want the gas from not stream to. we want to have good
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relationship with russia and we want to have peace, of course, and that is all about that. and mr. shots is not looking sovereign in his decision when he can be order to come to washington and get new artists. russia has warned that western powers are leading the world to quote, nuclear mcgayden ross's. i'm baffled to the us made those comments in response to washington. the terrace to down plan plan buys ally the u. k. to send you random laden, i'm munition to ukraine. and he'd make no mistake in this is yet another straw man through which the russians are driving a stake. this kind of ammunition is fairly commonplace. been in use for, for decades. american officials have he to yet another law with their irresponsible statements. let me remind you that when using this kind of ammunition,
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radioactive dust settled on the grounds, it is extremely toxic and cannot be de contaminated. such substances broke outbreaks of cancer. the american snobbish to very well because they have already used this weapons in iraq and yugoslavia. it seems that the enlightened west, led by washington has irrevocably decided to bring humanity to dangerous line beyond which nuclear armageddon looms clearly. washington has emphasized that the u . s. isn't planning to send such ammunition, although it has been down playing concern about the negative effects on the environment. depleted uranium ammunition used for piercing armored vehicles, especially tangs as being known to release taxes into the soil and effect the ground water. britain has insisted that the uranium laid in weaponry will not lead to a nuclear escalation. a senior russian official has opposed those claims saying,
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such ammunition is comparable to a dirty bomb. they can see it is inc. i a customer here and you're not to hear that the black is white and the white is black and it's normal practice. then the light is more terrible, it's more reliable. it does this issue. it's really serious issue, but nobody on them. i mean of the best ones to sit them to discuss what the consequences that we had an intervention. and the forum for security cooperation here, warming to that, it's very dangerous it's, it's a dirty kind of dirty bob and who had already seen the consequences of using this in the u. s. m, and i was here in the and i and i was witness how they used it. i haven't seen the consequences then, but it started night and i was here and it was in iraq, a logical. this is
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a lung cancer center increased specially in children. i don't know why, but it's in their interest to say to say to pronounce against it, but i think it's just the bed frame, a government, they don't want to make a contradiction to, to go to the conflict, to the, the position on lessons here. and it's seen during the discussions, but the cool everybody understand it's necessary to do something can be express position, not openly, just not to damage their own diplomatic careers that says they're afraid of this very simple london. that has a long tradition of to do to make programs
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to russia. you have 300 years history and no one of the great petitions, 100 years ago, said that it feels uncomfortable when there is no. there are no conflicts in europe, even without the uranium ammunition you, clay in army, has been tormenting the city of dun asked recent attack by his forces to very damaged a water supply facility is considered vital for the city of the correspondent roman casa of reports. ah, but ah, these are the remains of a soviet maids at such car missile, which was fired by you korean military against a civilian area here. hinden asked,
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i thankfully, no one was injured or killed during this attack. however, a local water treatment plants, or rather the maintenance shop here, was completely destroyed. take a look at that. ah, realty o coach structure. so ah, what is the missile strike happened about 4 am anymore. so our emergency service is located in this building level, starting at the time of strike. thankfully no one was inside of the building and all the repair equipment were completely destroyed. our service can no longer operate here. mr. william, does anybody. so i'm standing in the middle of a crate are made by that such go ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear ammunition. obviously, this was not the case. this time around. however, this building has been completely destroyed. now the radius of this crater is about
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25 meters and the depth while he could fit another 3 or 4 or 4 me thankfully, no one was heard or injured during this blast. that took place at 4 o'clock in the morning. ah, ah, up through the corners hoarded this week, every day we do repair and restoration work issues that we do even on the shell exist skills. if water leaks it must be eliminated, a problem shedding is taking place. it, even though it's a civilian area, young loses no military facilities here. the school is 50 meters away here when we would lucky that. so his 4 m school instruct later on which no one would have been alive. the city of jeannette scanned its outskirts, are under constant ukrainian artillery shelling. now this is just the latest example of destruction in a civilian area. maintenance workers here are doing their best and how they're
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working every day in order to fix what ukraine is destroying on a daily basis. now shannon continues even right now as we speak, hands at people around us are now hiding in basement for one quarter. if arte done escrow public, meanwhile, in the neighboring of the upper rosier region, the local authorities say you quote, an ages have conducted a terrorist bombing, the major city of many people. a police officer was severely wounded in the explosion. i'm has been hospitalized. a local senior official said, we have track was part of intimidation tactics by cues, forces intended to the stabilize the region. which last year voted in a referendum to join russia. this is a developing story. we will of course, keep you updated so we get more information. ah,
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india has been scaling down security, british diplomatic overseas, including removing security barriers outside the u. k. hi, commission in new delhi. those measures followed an attack by a radical separate this group on an indian diplomatic office in london for which new delhi has said, the british authorities shouldn't be held accountable as was live now to tease rhonda and sharma for further details about this issue. roger, this is an interesting story. what do we know so far? is certainly a very, very interesting story unfolding your role in new delhi as well as in london. also sure, you see the big news from new delhi is that the british, my commission has no x for security. security also has been reduced from a residence or the british boy here when you leave,
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it seems like india has had enough. don't get me wrong in the us, not trying to be responsible. your box on it is just a security which has been removed, the security personnel, the still the port. what of why has this happened to measure taken by india, which is seen as a retaliatory? one, it's essentially because the last week on sunday, in fact, a group all 4 call a sunny separatist staged, a protest outside net indian high commission in london. now the, the group, the color funny separate is group essentially is a group or 4 men from the see community who desire, who seek for indian job to be a separate country. and what they did was this entire more, not only the stage, a process outside the indian high commission in london. but they also entered inside they pulled the, in fact, removed the indian flag,
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the indian i for the london. and what was the british please doing? essentially, nothing done today. i didn't do anything to stop all of this now in the else few days. and it has loads a protest with a vicious or not government. u k, a pretty high commissioner was summon and was one demand in an explanation to ask to be asked the culprits and the perpetrators of what happened at london yesterday to be up quickly arrested and prosecuted. we launched a strong protest and also clearly indicated to the british authorities for the need for them to put up adequate security api. wow, we're actually me and we'll do it. he had an uncle at the head of law live in more to the out of the south. that hood had unused kareem or to the new so to several
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phone, no more to be seen in london or what he, what elisha. but who will be nobody in turkey don't be has he met pickering rob? alright. in julia, i met makita. been there yet, or a little bit. while clerkly, what are you to call him allah to him. and cuz she posed or to lot of be what about was do a ga, extremely seriously and prevent and robustly respond to incidents such as this. so in the. 7 long bind just words. what i was looking for is action basic, right? because to protect all 4 of missions in the host country is the bare minimum that you can ask for. of course, this action by india now seen as a retaliatory, one as a tit for tat 100. thanks so much for bringing it up to speed. that is interesting will of course be keeping an eye on what the, how this is developed. i forget that it went out to the
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african, the, the south african nation always involved way has been seeking to strengthen is economic ties with russia, including exports of fruit, coffee, t, tobacco. now the smart us sanctions, i'm rising price is the fuel and fertilizers, zimbabwe has an equal make resilience and growth that has been especially the case with bucko production, which accounts for a quarter of the countries export revenue. well, who revolts up marian when they have the details in bob was tobacco. farmers are proving that to self sustainable economy as possible. regardless of the south african country being under sanctions imposed by the wes this year. if the country is expecting a total of $230000000000.00 k g 's off tobacco, despite the high increases in prices or fet laser is and other chemicals,
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our cost of doing business is going up after lea sanctions are imposed on december around early 2 thousands lead to 1997 into early 2000. so our tobacco production in output grew by 15 percent yawn year from 2019 to 20 to 20 pill. that is after that point of innovation were promulgated by agriculture and foot systems transform mission strategy and agriculture recovery and growth. glad saw above out for the cheer group by 15 percent to buffer export school by 26 percent, which was quite, quite credible regardless of the increase in fertilizer and chemical prices across the world. zimbabwe, the young farmers are grateful to the support the country has been receiving from countries like russia and bella. ruth, something that i could have done, maybe 55 fixes example that if it i can now produce maybe 15 he does because
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everything is made much more efficient. so we really grateful for that. and we hope that these bilateral agreements and these bilateral relationships between our country and other countries, not just and russia, bella luce, and so on. but many other countries come on board work with us as above where we have so much to offer with a new wave of his and bob, we inspire save every new wave of farmers who want to achieve more will want to see our country press bar and to we're ready to put in the work in 2021. this is in barbara and more than $850000000.00 united states dollars in tobacco exports. it will be interesting to see how the countries gordon live in the 3 will cantino in the coming years. met him would be a reporting for r t in had at a symbolic. meanwhile, farmers in romania, bel, gary, i'm polar wisc, being put out of business, follows a suit of great an oil seed importance from ukraine, which was supposed to go to impoverished nations in africa. the european commission
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has responded by establishing a 56000000 euro fund to help those affected by the crushing low who prices also contributed. rachel muslim picks up the stories so the european union is having to bail itself out yet again. good thing that they have a seemingly endless supply of taxpayer cash to toss at the problems that they create for themselves. so it turns out that there's even more evidence now that all this talk about, the desperate need to get ukranian grayed out of the conflict zones. who africans don't go hungry, was just a pretext to get more ukrainian grain in to europe. until recently, anyone even suggesting that was accused of peddling dis information. as far back as july of 2022 polish farmers said they were worried because 80 percent of the grade coming out of ukraine was going through their country and at risk leaking into the polish market and depressing the prices of their products. but back then,
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the polish agriculture minister called any suggestions of ukrainian grain ending up on the polish market, quote, information chaos, and the dissemination of false information. yeah, the problem was about as fake as the billions of euros the brussels is now tossing at it. this is support for the foremost affected by the increase of inputs from ukraine, not for the consequences of the war. we have reserve for the crisis reserve and we used to live 56000000 euros for the specific situation. target president regime air to one pointed out in january that 44 percent of ukrainian grain was being sent to europe. there's been so much of it going to spain that it's used to feed pegs and livestock there rather than people with the end result being that the country was able to hike it's port exports by 25 percent last year, but with their own grains devalued as
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a result of the flooded markets. european farmers don't seem happy about their businesses being made unwitting martyrs for ukraine and pushed out of their own markets in order to keep the sales revenues flowing to kiev. in effect is in local regional markets have dropped, causing a significant impact on farmers income. the commission is not reacting swiftly enough. our members had already flagged the concerns about market disruptions last year. so apparently the farmers just don't have much of an appreciation for the amount of time it took brussels to a mass. the massive piles of cash required to push in their policy disaster as it circle back and crash landed right on european farmers. the cash mountains they've just announced are for poland, romania and bulgaria. but hungarian and slovakian farmers say they're hurting to. we have proven through statistical data of figures that hungarian farmers are
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indeed incurring huge losses because of the grain going through the solidarity lane, staying and hungry. instead of reaching its intended destination. the commission made a political decision rather than a professional, one. exchange price of hungarian grain has fallen from $300.00 euros to $217.00 euros. but the e u denied hungary in slovakia is requests for assistance. brussels has burned so many holes and its own wallet that it now has to make cut pro, decisions about which of its kids get to eat and hungry as like their red headed step child. all this flooding of the eat with ukrainian grain could have been avoided quite easily if brussels had just ensured that the food was going to, it's stated purpose that is feeding the world's poor. russian president, vladimir putin has been warning all along. that all of it was being mr. acted spirit or why she would. what from august 1st 2022 to march 20th 202-3820 7
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ships left ukraine, of which only 3000000 tons of grain were sent to africa. and 1300000 to the poorest countries in africa. as i said, almost 45 percent went to well fed european countries, despite the fact that this whole deal was presented under the pretext of insuring the interests of african countries. so after banning russian fertilizer, an energy brussels also made its farmers struggle to compete with a flood of ukrainian grain. and now the e. u is having to pay the price literally to the tune of billions. yet another resounding policy success from the big brain bureaucrats in brussels. another $350000000.00 in weapons and equipment is heading from the u. s. to ukraine. 6 to the conflict a rotted last year. the usda sent up to ukraine. more than $46000000000.00 emerge,
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aid, some us, well, she experts have pointed out in the country may actually be saving on storage and potential dismantlement costs by sending that weaponry to ukraine. some of those estimates of amount, it's a half of the original cost of the equipment that would mean that the u. s. is not only fueling his military efforts against russia, but also potentially saving money for what pentagon official, michael, who says this scheme as enabled the u. s. i was advised to save billions of dollars . the cost of demilitarize, a lot of that equipment is about half again of what the cost, original cost of the equipment was. you're talking potentially billions. yeah. that would save billions, especially even i'll goes to ukraine. that saves a lot in terms of having to replenish or, or in terms of demilitarize. so i think that this will be,
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this is something to look forward to, but it's going to take a while to back up what, what has been sent with new equipment. the supplies are not unlimited, and i think they probably cannot go for a much longer, more than probably another 6 months to, to almost a year at the most and without some very serious replenishment and reconnoitering of resources, which i don't see happening right now. the american people will not support it. reverse research has a show that where certain powers have been saving enormous cough with their supply ukraine. us, bradley, time, cost $4300000.00 fine. the country gets a substantial reduction on expenses. the storage and potential dismantlement
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amounting to almost half its original price. the same goes for javelin and the taxes which cost $176000.00, those each european powers are so if you have in pounds are also reportedly getting similar savings. a british challenge it to tank is said to cost more than $5000000.00 and a german leper to tax is estimated $11000000.00. another global commodity is making headlines as a london middle exchange was rocked by was being described as a major setback. instead of bags of nickel in their warehouse, they've found stones london, metal exchange warehouse warrants used to be the goal standard warehouse warrants around the world, treated as a new cache equivalent. sophie has gone horribly wrong. the l m e.


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