tv News RT March 23, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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of traditions, an amazing mix of cultures and peoples, but what makes this place so appealing? we're going to speak to some of the most prominent locals of all phone and uncover some of the secrets with headlines this our the see i invented a media cover story to conceal american involvement in the notes theme sabotaged that civil into pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, this is german state intelligence also had a role in the plot. also i had i'm standing in the middle of a crater made by that such go ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear ammunition. obviously, this was not the case this time around. however, this building has been completely destroyed. the legacy of on the left hits a water supply the philippine vital for the city survival. new delhi
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scale down security at the british diplomatic offices as it chooses. the u. s. a. failing to provide the u. k. of fading to provide adequate protection of indian office in london that was attacked by radical separate this group. this is really which is coming in on the vanity has been removed from the british high commission in new delhi is seen as a different type of talia to be one of the south southern african nation. other than by way rises up against us. equinox sanctions over in nuclear, tobacco export to russia. with us, it's about, we have so much to offer with a new wave office in bobby and specific new wave, a pharmacist who wants to achieve mobile, want to see our country press back. ah,
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good afternoon and welcome to our to international broadcasting live from moscow, just past the hour. it's great to have you with us. i'm rather mommy. let's take a look at some stories this hour. yet another revelation by the pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh, he says, the c, i a invented a media cover up story to conceal the american involvement in the north stream pipeline, sabotaged hersh says this was conducted with the help of german state intelligence right after charles lo love shows visits in washington trip with almost no public events and no press conference. i was told by someone with access to diplomatic intelligence that there was a discussion of the pipeline expo z a. as a result, certain elements in the central intelligence agency were asked to prepare a cover story in collaboration with german intelligence that would provide the
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american and german press with an alternative version for the destruction of north stream 2. in the words of the intelligence community, the agency was to post the system in an effort to discount the claim that biden had ordered the pipelines destruction. following that report, the node stream explosion was once again brought up in a white house, a news conference, a senior us official, reaffirmed washington's position to the public that the u. s. was not involved in any way, despite what so ripples might say. meanwhile, german media has reported that authorities have been unable to determine who was responsible for the sabotage as investigators struggle with a lack of physical evidence. his art is caleb moping with more details on the story . the new article published wednesday by pulitzer prize winning journalist says that biden met with the german chancellor, and that they had
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a meeting to discuss putting out their own version of the dance to distract from hirsch's bombshell revelations. basically it appears that meeting took place in early march. it was an 80 minute meeting between biden and the german chancellor, and which they decided they would come up with a new version of that's here's what the article from seymour hersh had to say. it was a total fabrication by american intelligence that was passed along to the germans and aimed at discredit. in your story, i was told by source within the american intelligence community, the disinformation professionals inside the cia understand that a propaganda gambit can only work if those receiving it are desperate for a story that can diminish or displace an unwanted truth. now you as mainstream media has not given a lot of attention or coverage to hirsch's revelations. they have kind of led their audiences to look elsewhere and not highlighted this. now hers argues that this is
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because mainstream in the united states is taking the lead from the white house and following the administration and trying not to point to what has been revealed. the times reporters in washington were at the mercy of white house officials who had access to intelligence. but the information they received originated with a group of ca, experts in deception and propaganda whose mission was to feed the newspaper a cover story and to protect a president who made an unwise decision and is now lying about it. now, julian barnes, who is the national security correspondent of the new york times, has been outspoken trying to make the case that indeed it was not the united states that is responsible for the destruction of the nordstrom to pipeline. he's been appearing on podcasts and going elsewhere, grasping at st. raw's trying to make the argument that despite what has been revealed, it was not direct action from the united states. a decision by the us government to
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destroy the pipeline. here's julian barnes. could this have been done by non state actors to this had been done by a group of individuals who were not working for a government, kind of like freelance saboteurs. so where did you take this new question? well, we started asking who might these sabbath tours b, or if we couldn't answer that, who might they be aligned with? right, could they be pro russian saboteurs? could they be other saboteurs? and the more we talk to officials who had access to intelligence, the more we saw this theory gaining traction. my gosh, i should be very clear that we know really very little right. this group remains
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mysterious and it remains the serious not just to us, but also to the u. s. government officials that we have spoken to you as mainstream media seems to be very desperately trying to make the case that somehow the united states is not responsible. that seymour hersh, his mom shall revelations, cannot be taken seriously. one thing that was pointed out in hershey's recent article is that biden has not ordered any investigation into the nordstrom to attack and the destruction of the pipeline. hersch argues that this is because biden knows what happened. the chairman of the german opposition group for sovereignty and constitution. ralph thomas ne, mayer says the scenario pushed by western officials and mainstream media outlets is clearly out of face. no one believes now the official version. i mean, everyone says no, it must have been de americans because mr. biden earlier in february on the 22 set out, we have ways to stop it. that meant not stream to pipeline. well, it is,
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obviously, i call it weapons of mass. distraction that's pronounced this way and done, it all makes sense because they don't want people to really question the legitimacy of our governments finding. i mean, the german government has done some investigation and they cannot share it. even with members of parliament, they can't, they say to south african connection, they say we can't tell you what we found out because it's that damaging for a partner nation. they don't mention which one that this could do serious harm for the national security interest off some other nation. so we can all get to it as a german people. we want a gas from not stream to. we want to have a good relationship with russia and we want to have peace, of course, and that is all about that. and mister shots is not looking sovereign in his decision when he can be ordered to come to washington and get new orders. india has been scaling down security at british diplomatic offices including
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removing safety barriers outside the k high commission in new delhi. those, those is followed an attack by a radical separatist group on an indian diplomatic office in london for which new delhi has said, the british authorities should be held accountable. all these are ruined and sharma report from the deli hello makes totally unfolding your new delhi, is that the british high commission year has lost its extra security. security also has been reduced at the residence of the british envoy in new delhi. it seems like india has had enough. now, don't get me wrong in the us. not trying to be irresponsible. here. it is just the sun and barricades. little put here that have been removed. the security personnel still stay poor to inside. but why is india taken this measure? which is seen as a retaliatory one
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a potentially because last week on sunday. in fact, there was a group or college sunny separatist that stage the forest outside. the indian high commission in london, casanya separatists are essentially group all see men who is seek indian and job to be a separate country. now this color stanley separatist, wal, normally stage dog porters outside the indian high commission in london. but they also entered inside and they removed the indian flag. they pull down the indian tribe of flag, of course india filters and it has launched a product has stopped with the british government, u. k. deputy commissioner was summon and was one demand in an explanation too fast to be off the culprits and the bug patriot is off. what happened at london
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yesterday to be off weekly, arrested, and prosecuted. we launched a strong protest and also clearly indicated to the british authorities for the need for them to put up and he could security up b, b, u k. hi michelle. i do all of this happening on the watch or, or prime minister the indian origin. what was the british police are doing? that's a question mark, considering it fails to stop all of that from happening. but of course, the british government also has come out with the reply button bare minimum diplomatic reply. so to say, will always take the security of the high commission and all foreign mission cindy, u. k. extremely seriously and prevent and robustly respond to incident such as this . now india is not okay with only what, what india wants is action. i'm not asking for much, it's basic,
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isn't it for our country to protect itself foreign missions on it? soil. so that's what in dell is asking for us this response really at which is coming in. all the barricades being removed from the british high commission in new delhi is seen as a did for tap, a retaliatory. one, russia has warned that western powers are leading the world to quote, nuclear armageddon. russia's ambassadors, the u. s. made those comments in response to washington's attempts to down play a plan, buys ally the u. k. to send you renewed laden ammunition, g grain. and he make no mistake in this is yet another straw man through which the russians are driving a stake. this kind of ammunition is fairly commonplace. been in use for, for decades. american officials have he to yet another law with their irresponsible statements. let me remind you that money using these kind of ammunition,
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radioactive dust, settles on the grounds, it is extremely toxic and cannot be de contaminated. such substances broke outbreaks of cancer. the american snobbish to very well because they have already used this weapons in iraq and yugoslavia. it seems that the enlightened west, led by washington has irrevocably decided to bring humanity to dangerous line beyond which nuclear armageddon looms clearly. washington has emphasized that the us isn't planning to send such ammunition. although it has been downplaying concerns about the negative effects on the environment. depleted uranium ammunition use the piercing armored vehicles, especially tanks, has been unknown to release thompson's into the soil. and the fact the ground water britain has insisted that the uranium layton weaponry will not lead to a nuclear escalation. the senior russian official has opposed those phone saying
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such ammunition is comparable to a dirty bomb. they can see in the sink and here and you know, to hear that the black is white and the white is black and it's normal predicate. then the light is more terrible, it's more reliable. it's nice to discuss this issue. it's really serious issue, but nobody on them. i'm in the system to discuss what the consequences that we had an intervention. and the forum for security corporation here mean because it's very dangerous it's, it's a dirty kind of dirty bob. and we had already seen the consequences of using this in the us. and i was hearing me and i was a witness how they used it. i haven't seen the consequence in that time, but it started 90 and i was here and it was in iraq,
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a logical. this is a lung cancer sit or increased specially children. i don't know why, but it's interesting to say to pronounce against it, but i think it's just the bed frame that sits there for a don't do this very simple london, it has a long tradition of to do make programs for russia, you have 300 years history and no one of the great, it's a politician, 100 years ago said that, but it didn't feel uncomfortable when there is no, there are no conflicts in europe. so the lens of the former yugoslavia who suffer from those strikes are still seeking justice decades. all for the nato bombing
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campaign, we heard from a serbian lawyer who filed multiple lawsuit against nature. he says, the use of depleted uranium ammunition is a criminal offense, as it devastates instant lives. little depleted uranium is incredibly harmful. it's radioactive, the half life of to pleaded uranium last 4500000000 years. this means that if it is fired into some territory, it remains there forever. in fertility, develops in adults and a number of immune diseases developing children. ammunition would depleted uranium primarily affects the environment. it essentially amounts to eco side to pleaded uranium pollutes the soil, the crown water and the air. 15 tons of depleted uranium have been dumped into serbia annually around 30000 people get sick and about 15000 di, for most of them. these are the consequences of the bombing of the country would depleted uranium ammunition i'm handling the cases of people affected by depleted
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uranium during the nato bombing here in serbia. more than 3500 people with cancer have approach my office. so we brought this case to a serbian court. only a court can confirm the truth and determine whether the disease is due to depleted uranium. we sent everything to the institute of nanotechnology, where through the course of analysis, it is possible to prove the presence of uranium and other heavy metals in the client's body. thus, we prove a connection between the disease and the bombing. even without the you re, am, am ammunition. the ukrainian ali has been tormenting the city of done us a recent attack, mike youth tulsa's severely damaged a water supply facility that it considers vital for the city. are thinkers for robin and catherine, rubles, ah,
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bearer. these are the remains of a soviet maids at such car missile, which was fired by you korean military against as civilian area here, hinden as thankfully no one was injured or killed during this attack. however, a local water treatment plants, or rather the maintenance shop here, was completely destroyed. take a look at that. ah, realty o coach structure. so oh it is a missile strike happened about 4 am and most of our emergency service is located in this building. at the time of strike, thankfully no one was inside, the building and all the repair equipment were completely destroyed. our service can no longer operate here. that william does anybody. so i'm standing in the
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middle of a crate. are made by that such go ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear ammunition. obviously, this was not the case. this time around. however, this building has been completely destroyed. now the radius of this crater is about 25 meters and the depth while he could fit another 3 or 4 or 4 me thankfully, no one was heard or injured during this blast. that took place at 4 o'clock in the morning. ah, ah, up through the corners hoarded this were every day we do repair and restoration work. sure. we do it. even under settings. if water leaks it must be eliminated to problem shedding is taking place here, even though it's a civilian area, young, there are no military facilities here. the school is 15 meters away. earlier, we were lucky to show his at 4 am schools. it struck later which no one would have been alive. the city of jeannette scanned its outskirts,
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are under constant ukrainian artillery shelling. now this is just the latest example of destruction in a civilian area. maintenance workers here are doing their best and they're working every day in order to fix what ukraine is destroying on a daily basis. now shannon continues even right now, as we speak hand people around us are now hiding in basement for one quarter. if our t, the next republic the southern are for the nation of zimbabwe has been seeking to strengthen its economy tires with russia, including exiles of fruit, coffee, tea, and tobacco. despite us sanctions and rise in price is the fuel, am fertilizers, cimbawe. we have shown economic resilience and growth that husband, especially the case with tobacco production, which accounts for a quarter of the countries export revenue. lo, horribles,
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up mary mondale. as the details in bob was tobacco farmers are proving that yourself sustainable economy as possible. regardless of the south african country being under sanctions imposed by the west. this year the country is expecting a total of $230000000000.00 k g 's off tobacco. despite the high increases in prices or fed, laser is and other chemicals. our cost of doing business is going up after li sanctions are imposed on december around early $2.00, thousands are led 292-9000 into early 2000. so our tobacco production in output grew by 15 percent year on year from 2019 to 2020 pill. that is after that point of innovation we're, we're promulgated be agriculture and foot systems transformation strategy and agriculture recovery. and, and growth crunch saw above out for the cheer,
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goodbye 15 percent to buffer export school by 26 percent, which was quite, quite incredible. regardless of the increase in fertilizer and chemical prices across the world. zimbabwe, the young farmers are grateful to the support the country has been receiving from countries like russia and bella. ruth, something that i could have done. maybe sy fy fixes example that if it i can now produce maybe 15 he does because everything is made much more efficient. so we really grateful for that. and we hope that these bilateral agreements at these bilateral relationships between our country and other countries, not just russia, bill, a roost and so on. but many of the countries come on board work with us as above, where we have so much to offer with a new wave of his and bob leanne's perceive every new wave of farmers who want to achieve more will want to see our country press bar and we are ready to put in the work in 2021 in barbara and more than $850000000.00 united states dollars in
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tobacco exports. it will be interesting to see how the country golden list industry will continue in the coming years. mary moody are reporting for r t in had at a symbolic it seems that some u. s. allies, australia, for it was our, was started turning their back from washington or syrian centers, 3rd, jordan. still john has even a huge the u. s. of persist in the using armed conflicts to advance its own national interests. they begin a conflict in their national interest. i'm, they ended in their national interest, the people of vietnam, the paypal o iraq, the people of afghanistan know that america is a very bad house guest or says of the only one of the other countries around the world are distancing themselves from us policies. recent research has
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shown that despite around $140.00 countries condemning the ukrainian conflict, 85 percent of the world's population does not participate in the western sanctions against russia. r t correspondent, steve sweeney. as the details. the u. s. clearly views itself as a global leader, the most important country on the planet. they are both countries that chief in bristol, at u. s. leadership around the world. and in china's case, in particular, they certainly like to challenge us leadership around the world, based on america's increasing leadership around the world, launched at u. s. leadership around the world. every country on the continent is different, has different needs and, and, and different expectations of american leadership. that's the power of american convening leadership. what they're trying to do, which is basically challenge american leadership. but no matter how many times kirby says it's a large part of the world sees things differently. this has become more evident
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after chinese president changing pings, landmark meeting with president vladimir putin in moscow yet will colon rachida. chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last 10 years, and are of crucial and vital importance for today's world order. a relationship is built on contributing to the progress of mankind were guided by the principles in the un charter and a day to an unbiased view were always ready for peace and dialogue. we firmly stand on the right side of history. the meeting caused concern for the u. s. and was described at the west worst nightmare. any ceasefire that does not address the removal of russian forces from ukraine would effectively ratify russia's illegal conquests. as the u. s. spins its narrative of a global consensus against russia. the truth is that 85 percent of the world's population has not joined western sanctions on moscow. while the western narrative
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on ukraine is falling apart. there is a growing awareness of the proxy war in ukraine has been sure by interest. it frankly came more about destroying russia than saving you crime. my position on this war hasn't been popular. i know that. but more people are now saying that the effectively what the war effectively began with the u. s. back who of 2014, that saw the replacement of the ukranian government. since then, ethnic russians have been targeted by neo nazi groups operating under sanction by the ukraine government. even the former u. s. ally of brazil has rejected the west plans to send on to ukraine and wants to increase its cooperation with russia. russia is not an insignificant country rusher is very important in terms of ensuring peace across the world for centuries. countries across the african continent, including eritrea also disagree with the western narrative. let me take this opportunity to re offend me. editors principally position on the ukraine. critics,
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a pretext that has said the sacrifices ukraine and niches people for the deposit for quote, 42 puddles of destroying the reconfiguration. the relationship between russia and africa is growing. president putin recently announced that relations were the content or a priority for moscow writing of $20000000000.00 of the debt of african countries. while the u. s. has very little to say to the people of africa is charisma. and in us shows us again, this shift from african nations to russia can be explained primarily by the pragmatic liberation of russia. because in his collaboration, especially in terms of security rushes of all increasingly pragmatic and to fight against terrorism and the south hell. while in the case of the united states and european nations, they're more political than pragmatic on the ground. so african states really need pragmatically aberration that really brings about change. how many years has this
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calibration existed between african nations and the united states? but all the time, the crisis is only increasing. so that is why african nations today are more for russia. then for the united states, the guy from history of, i don't know, people are more russian oriented because they are a great power. and we can see they have started to help certain african countries in difficulty with terrorism already. and molly, we could see the armament support, so it's good. we can collaborate with russia as we have already noticed the results in mommy. it is something that cannot be hidden really by turning to the middle east. china has broken an historic piece still between saudi arabia and iran, which could see an end to the conflict in yemen. a country which has been bothered to the brink of the world's worth farming, more than a century, of course, with the help of arms and military support from washington. so it seems that at least 85 percent of the world rejects you as colonialism. as we start to see the
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beginnings of a new world order, the us federal reserve has raise interest rates yet. thank yet them efforts contains thyra with the invasion. thus, despite similar measures, having already been actuated to the recent collapse of multiple us banks, the u. s. federally savvy, j e l l has insisted that the situation is under control. so we'll let you know that a 2nd. let's go now though we, i think you live to russian for mrs. gay. my brother is in a meeting with his counterpart when the eastern african nation of burgundy. let's listen where i'm at. they're going to zation took place recently. so you come on how they're monday. so leaving you, my mind developing its economy, pays special attention to it, which is supporting best stability in the space part of africa. much to start on,
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you know, we, when i talked about our bilateral ties us through that we share the same attitude that they should be consistently ranked and all the areas. and we have a great sugar on practical stamps, weaknesses, re stamps on deepening. so when your trade economic humanitarian corporation can create an ups, and we talked in particular balance such promising areas as a full use of nuclear power between our countries because there is a roadmap. in this regard, we are drafting intergovernmental agreement and memorandum on the training halls personnel in nuclear power in you pursuits the up and off the pharmacy that we will get him back in a few moments.
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