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tv   Inland Visions  RT  March 24, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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o elisa, counter russian state total narrative. i've stivers i phone and the most landscape div asking him not getting calls all something up for a group in the 55 with okay, so mine is gonna be the one else with will ban in the european union. the kremlin, yup. machines. the state on russia for date and split our t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with requests with
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ah mm . this is the ancient lake by called more specifically, the island of the all full and also known as the heart of bye call. straight away. you can feel something mystical here. a place of unique traditions, an amazing mix of cultures and peoples. but what makes this place so appealing, we're going to speak to some of the most prominent locals of our horn and uncover some of its secrets are ah,
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for. 3 2 ah, we're on our way to see you, william with his guide. her family has been on our horn for several generations, reserving the islands legacy, taking care of the local museum. 3 2 ah julia, hello, thanks for meeting us here. oh, such an interesting interesting place. tell me, have you lived here your entire life and what gives you the motivation to stay here and preserve this culture in this heritage for everybody? yes, if you're back when i was young, my parents used to bring me here to visit my grandparents that i spend whole summer
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here. you know, one thing i can say about all hon island is that i've never wanted to live anywhere else. but, but when you come to all hun, you, especially in summers, you get the sense of freedom is not good. and i don't just mean to move around. do i'm talking about a state of mind who would know you're surrounded by endless blue sky? will the see the mountains and the vast steps that i am i just go with it gives you an undescribable feeling of inner freedom with them. then there is no way i'd trade being here for anything else. i the all hung museum is my life's work legit and much more. it's my duty to carry on the legacy of my ancestors. he it's life in my yeah, it's not just my life, but my whole family's to this such a wonderful energy to this place. you can feel it, but it's also bringing more traffic to all horn and to the island. is this hurting the energy here or does it help in some way? is there a balance here?
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oh, nice not. you didn't like that. there is no clear answer. it stuck with all hahn is millions of years old blue. it was here before you. it's alive now. you and it will live on it. see, i wouldn't say that the energy of this place is negatively affected him. so i'm really looking forward to seeing the museum. can you show me the way i'm gonna share this way? so you ya, we're in the museum that your grandfather built. and there is a theory that the center of civilization is in africa, but we're getting more information that another center is right here in by call. or in fact, we know that native americans can trace some of their ancestry back here too. bye call. can you tell me a little bit more about that particular unit of cars that pro i like to tell you about a researcher from your courts who spent his life studying league by carl i. his name was things love girl love. indeed, he has since passed away, nor the idea he put forward. it was that at one time before the bye call basin was
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formed a present. this area was inhabited by one of the oldest civilizations on the planet at new some of then, when the tectonic plates started to shave, down and the bottom of lake michael began to sink. this entire population sank under the water with their tufts of borrowing from the name atlanta, the girl off called this civilization by carlita. and it's an uncontested fact that the people that inhabited all hon island migrated eastwards because this was during h in times. and the exact reason is still unknown than you would. it could have been due to an advancing lace here. don't get, maybe they were simply traveling, look, or perhaps they followed animal herds to retain a source of food that whatever the reason they went east to leave you at that time, the bearing straight that did not exist. no, and the 2 continents were connected through a narrow land way which sciences slater called the bearing land bridge. busy through this land bridge,
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you people could cross to the other side and settle there because it is believed that these people were the original north american indian c. as for several years, the experts conducted are here, logical research and excavations, gifts and scientists carried out various lab tests. i knew it was confirmed that the people who lives in the bi col region and on all hon islands, they were the ancestor of the north american indians. so this really is a melting pot and mixture of cultures and mixture of religions. um, so how does it affect people on the island? do people get along here? we do not know if you miss allison, that we do have a mix of cultures here and not just in the sense of everyday culture. it's. we've had people of orthodox faith, sham hands, buddhists, catholics, and muslims. a major ta, tardy, asper is so yes, this place really is a melting part of the normal people would pass along parts of their culture and borrow other tribes customers on you. these days, almost all the bureaus and in general,
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the people living here like combined the practices of both shamanism and orthodox christianity. i know when they go to church services, but they also observe the customs and traditions of shamanism she targets as members of any other faith that happened to be on the island here, respect these geminus, tick rituals and the practices are strictly observed him. so that's the kind of cultural influence we've experienced tony's listen. if i look around the museum, i see many interesting artifacts and exhibits. i understand some of the artifacts that you have here are really rich in heritage and culture and historical. can you show me some of the artifacts that you have, but it never let me show you then because in one so you tell me about this is very interesting. good advice segment. well, this is part of a we're out your, to my traditional housing. who does? it usually has 8 walls and every space serves a specific purpose. you the fireplace was in the center room and it's where the
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family guardian spirit dwelled us in the master of the fire. and the urine is battelle. when the family sat down to eat or had guests over the 1st bite was always given to the fire of booth, only after that they would start eating it. the bur outs believed that fire purified everything, cleaned the euro from evil spirits that could harm residence. don't say so, this is the central part. when i go, there were also the east and west sides of the yard of the east side was for women with horizon because a woman has children, the giver of life, the beginning of a new life and the sun rises in the east and a new day begins this symbolizes the beginning of something new i zion's cow. ah you men occupied the west facing part of the yard. the sun sets in the west and the day's over that will be end. death was instant men were hunters and warriors. they brought death now. but you want, and if there was a baby in the yard,
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the cradle would be between the entrance and the fireplace is that's where they would hide it. you might. the fire was supposed to protect the baby from all evil spirits. ignominy shall madness used various elements to protect them and gone so that there is one hanging over there. but they made them to be extremely scary. looking, shamans would make spirits dwell in such an angle, so it would gain protective powers. ah, that's why they had to look terrifying. so that evil spirits trying to get into the yard would be scared and run away. just the ease up. but here is another symbol, thorns up sir gay asked me if you can see these posts all around. i'll han sir game means a tethering post. wouldn't it was used to tie horses up as there are flat steps all around here. after riding for days, they needed rest with them, but they couldn't tie their horses to just anything. so bore out started installing these posts on the boundaries between their villages. soon the surgery posts became sacred,
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narrow because they turned into meeting spots between families and tribes. and i'm glad they would spray them in a ritual, as they believed they had sacred powers. with the guarding spirit grew stronger and people began to do rituals near them. i gave them failures, took google and provided gabrielle the. i love how everything has not just a purpose, but it also has a meaning to it as well. um you mentioned about shamanism, it's not just a part of the culture or religion. it's a really important part of all of everything here, but i wanted to go with more than one. can you tell me more about shamanism in better culture? so my knees with the excursion shamanism is not really
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a culture or religion. really. it's more like the world view of the variety of people living here. in ancient times, people watch different processes for analyzed them and made conclusions. even if there was a storm, there won't be any fish, william, if there is thunder, isn't it? is going to rain. if there is drought, there won't be any harvest to his dis, they connected all these processes to territorial spirits of youth. shamanism is the belief that everything has a spiritual master, and you should be very careful with the spiritual world. mean you shouldn't damage nature rover so it is more like a world view and people have maintained it for generations. and i, cecilia, have you ever visited the showman or do you believe in a showman powers? yes, a minute to be go. well, i've never tried to them. i do believe in that power, you know, but it should be a last resort. i am lucky to have never been in a situation where i might need it. of some ways when i'm ill, the doctor can diagnose or treat me as to me. i think you could. you have to
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understand that shamanism is not to be mast, whether there was love. you have to be careful with that of really cha man's communicate with evil. spirits as well when they enter a trance with the spirits of the underground. any proof that it's not right to think of them in terms of good and evil spirits can harm people sometimes. so you shouldn't go after the services of a showman, for sheer curiosity. um, you can talk to them, but ask for their help only when you have no other option ones and i never had to thankfully, of the both ca, noise. all hon is the heart of shamanism in eastern siberia does because its energy is strong here and you have to face the spiritual world, whether you like it or not, do sometimes the spirits guide you as people say among them. any one can go out into the woods or did you get laws? no, no. and simply travel in circles until they die. he put them you. nobody knows why this happened. allah! a person can be living here his whole life and still get lost once he leaves his
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village for money. this has happened more than once, the medium of another thing, but you must always make an offering to the spirits at the highest mountain between the town of career v and the ferry. look at the dap of all haunts. spirits are powerful, they're not now. will you have to make an offering of even if you don't believe in spirits most but you, when i was a child with my family, lived an unguarded williams on it. and one time we came to the island by car with our friends like you, but it was in the seventy's when cars were slow and the roads bumpy, shall we? but we stopped to have a snack near the sir. gay posts. um he not the very i was 7 with my brother was 14 that there was another boy with us. my mother and the boys father who was driving him. the boy and i saw coins scattered by the sir, gave you. so we ran to collect them. i didn't get enough good, the man said, go on that i will pay for the fairy with them. the fairy wasn't free back then was
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the bill is that so we boarded the boat to 7 year olds in the back seat to run. the fairies were small, the only fit 2 cars. our car was at the bag, richie the blue ridge, the ramp was lifted by chains and the fairy set sail in the 3rd half way across. the all. hans, give her the straight the fairies end and died. i'm with the ram fell down and our car started to roll back towards the water. i put on board all the men on the fairy tried to hold on to the car, really? the boy and i the ones who collected the coins were in the back seat. good yet the ferry was narrow and we couldn't open the car doors this machine, you could still go no latisha. you as soon as we were out, the engine started again here, the ramp was able to close and the car stopped moving. what would you will even spirits after that? you? my mother became a believer law. things like this happened here all the time. the keys, shamanism is all around here. you say said, and you can't help but believe in it. and when you didn't get it balconies dinner
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tonight, we did with julia. it's been an incredibly interesting conversation. i certainly learned about thank you very much. since shamanism is an integral part of the culture here we to decided to receive our blessings. and we're going to see valentine, her guy of the chief sham. i'm here on a horn valentine. hi. this is us. i father, i just had tied a green ribbon on to the pole here. i hope that's a good luck color. hope that means something good for our team. at the heart of mac, and it's a good omen. emily green is the color of the earth, love the earth, and the sky will help you. blue being the sky and green the earth over. it'll help you in the hopefully all of us ever thought that there be peace and harmony fall is
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like less. if she won't remember them, come over here. these are see again. so tethering post 4 horses said jack, one are gods who descended from the sky or cards. came down here to save the world from evil. these spirits are all across the shores of by karl. but these posts are here because the chief cut lives in this rock, according to legend. what's your po? let's hear what the go ahead if you good. so it seems to me that being a sharman, you have to be knowledgeable about medicine. you have to know about are the spirits, but also i do you have to be a psychologist as well for yourself? of course, for my shamrock needs to know how to be a psychologist, an oracle, a healer, and a fortune teller. well, he must be all for things for the how often do people come to see you and i, can you give me an example of what they come to see for lucia? what of them? who are the people come with all kinds of requests along low self and they asked
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for spells to protect and rituals, all rights to increase crop yield, the cattle, breeding, hunting, and fishing. i think there are also birth and age related rituals for you from marriages to burial ceremonies, all the events that happen in our lives. we're talking about. we only perform rituals. if we're are just living. this is lou lou. he had a home a a, b, a. is there anything that is taboo or anything thats forbidden?
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i a ritual that you as a showman will not or cannot do? you will judge the bull away and i will never do a ritual to start war that we don't want was that we won't agree to harm any one or do evil's others. what evil violent or wicked things are taboo and something will refuse to do what guns can you treat anything with the help of a showman? yet there is a shifting cover. so even of course not to day modern medicine can do almost anything that we stay clear. sometimes we use traditional healing practices when people come to us thoroughly. otherwise we let professional doctors do their job would be at the new medicine. is there to treat people there and we look after the spiritual part hobby or the full year. and what about people relying too much on shamanism? is it where you actually have to refer people to actually go see
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a traditional western medicine? cuz the such things happen, of course if a sharma knows he can't really help someone will send them to a doctor if there's a broken bone, for example, for them and the patient needs a splint or a cast that they need to see a doctor. what does your, there's nothing a shaman can do. in this case. i could hit my tambourine a 1000 times and it wouldn't help and deliver a sham and needs to be able to tell people when they can't help. let's go back to yours. what is a common misconception about sharman is that you would like to clear up or what is something that you can tell people that they don't know about? shamanism law. most people's idea of a sham on is a person jumping around and beating a tambourine. what a good. it's a general misconception. you need to understand that a sham on is some on equipped with spiritual knowledge. i need someone who knows the legends and traditions of the people. he's the bearer of the people spirit in russia. traditional shamanism is practiced among indigenous ethnic groups,
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the inhabiting siberia, the north, and the far east. you don't want some russians, italians or french might have is just a hobby neo shamanism which is not the same traditional shamanism as a religion. a faith practiced by indigenous ethnic groups. while neo shamanism is like a punk some culture, but the neo shamanism and traditional shamanism things are 2 entirely different thing. what's our told you that you needed to be a showman? how did you know that shamanism was your calling? lawyer, it was tradition that initiated me into sha manhood from when the year and i started learning studying the religion. i can't say i've always known i'd be a showman for you. i didn't know. i lived like many other people worked at a factory served in the army, just like most people of my generation. and then i was chosen to become a showman of which was and i took up my new duties for that infancy curriculum.
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what can you see about the future, or what can you tell us about, or even your hopes about humanity and what we can expect moving forward more humankind is standing at the threshold. there's a choice to meg, either to slide back and become like reptiles, crocodiles give or move forward to spiritual height and become better people at each turn at every rebirth. a person should become better, stronger, more beautiful, and closer to perfection. each time we need to take one small step upwards and become a little bit better than before. every person needs to work on themselves to improve and re educate themselves. i feel it's very important. i thank you, dear sure, lou, bear with me here on. oh,
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horn that magic is everywhere and it can be clearly expressed through art. and it can be seen through the eyes of artist dashing number called in with, ah, dashing high hello. i thank you for having us in your workshop to see where the magic has made. and you yourself started as a local branch, an artist, and now your world famous. and you said that your success is based on your roots at
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home. can you tell me about that? that they are a thought. i think it's because i'm still a barrage to an artist. it's just a geography in some regard has become wider. yeah. this area around black carl has given me everything. knowledge, culture, history. how would you like, how has a vast history news? archaeological findings indicate a great civilization, was here a few century d. c. it's a fascinating world ocean authority to this new interesting. now you're an artist, but also every one in your family is an artist as well. talk to me a little bit about a genetic do you think or is it nurture the, the surrounding culture has inspired, you know? yeah. well, i think it's both, but mostly i would say it's genetic, but them for generations. my ancestors were craftsman calling you back then it was difficult to call in the heart of them in those times, just like in renaissance europe. these artists were jacks of all trades,
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and so were our ancestor didn't, i didn't, i thought they would create everything from daily items to church, goods and humanities in some way. that is an art people by can had a lot of knowledge in a lot of craft, a movie. mr. now your sculpture on cape a hub, boy is known as the guardian of bye call. we went out to visit it. it's, it's beautiful piece, but you call it the father of by call. is there a difference? do you have a different meaning to this particular piece of artwork? what ethical music can impurity in language? i call it by girl, by veil, by weight that were by girl is by karl and by they is father, according to our ancient tradition. they're 13 day tease around by cal, and we worships a 13 keepers of the lake, but as i united them all in one face to emphasize this ancient culture. to me, it's a collective image. the related to the national culture and beliefs of the local
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population of the public knows it as the keeper of biker, but to me, it's by gal buffet. now we live in an age of multiculturalism, where sometimes local indigenous cultures can get lost in their identity. can be lost forever. what do you see yourself as kind of a guardian of brach in culture, or maybe at least preserving your culture for future generations to come? no, yeah, boomers to, well, i do this deliberately mindfully minimizing the knowledge i have from my ancestor says, am i pass it on using the instruments i possess? being a sculptor, i cast my ard and bronze, or willow rider or musician. i would of course be different. no, i use visual are to pass on this knowledge. i keep saying though, i grown that we are losing our culture of this knowledge. an alarming pace. 9. this is what worries me a lot, washington and your work is an exciting.
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it's energetic, it's fantastic. um, there's also it can, it can actually be intimidating in some ways, but there's also definitely a magical quality to it. do you think that there's a mystical side to be an artist as well? mo ya's name, i don't know about other artists. another culture south nick. well i think what i do is characteristic of my people know and siberian people's in general. the union for it is only being characterized as buddhist. start for the past few centuries of western before that it was considered a pagan culture of even today. and buddhism in this region was strongly mix with pagan culture. what got it? i think this pagan aspect shows quite strongly in my article because siberia is mighty most iberia is all about this raw power it through it. and so is by coll denise of even with its wins and extreme temperature studio. and if it's cold here, it's freezing. when it's hot here it's hotter and my art is much like nature in yet
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whether i wanted or not. it's just the way it is separate other than i used. thank you very much for taking us, taking the time to see us. she's going to play great. martha. ah mm ah ah ah,
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when emily and not of course you go, we use an i made it failed, but ideally chaslek if all knowledge was focal more of ne, anchor clean. so key i cleared him up a car that took was the thing to hedge. vivita the, i mean some all see i was i was on the medi medicare place or you can throw it up here. but i think aconia, i just want to get a better puzzle. now the key for table pres watson is indeed a big rush. but as it books, people come up with somebody about a fire, becky, don't fuck gold. and i day and for me to match the inside until a gina i don't call my bad a deal because of the game. reviled immanuel
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good for the dickies off. i was looking at paying the with 4 by 5 in your cheerios. i was on saw a van capital 2 children i spoke with, assuming you a new modem, which we think will ah ah
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ah anger hit the roof as over a 1000000 protesters against controversial pension reward clash with belief across france. bit as the french president defend his hated bill, washington pledge a support for creating a coast of a national army at serbia marked 24 years since nato led forces. bob belgrade, no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they have never asked us, we have not provided tick tock, c e o testifies, and u. s. congress that the chinese government has no access to users private data as.


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