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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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ah ah anger hit the roof as over a 1000000 protesters against controversial pension reform clash with police across france. bit as the french president defends has hated bill. washington pledges support for creating a coast of a national army as serbia marked 24 years since nato led forces. far belgrade, no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they have never asked us. we have not provided tick tock, c, e o testifies in u. s. congress that the chinese government has no access to users private data. as
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washington claims the app is a threat to national security. ah, good afternoon for martine or national studios in moscow, and welcome to this hour's top stories across the globe. i'm fear, allies about out of control. that's how french citizens describe violent clashes with police that ever ruptured across the country. with some news outlets like me, the demonstrations to a war zone. over a 1000000 protesters took to the streets against the controversial pension reform heavily armored police have been using tear gas, water, cannon, don grenades, and but hans against protesters. ah, ah
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ah ah, president micron has brushed aside concerns about police tactics, calling the protestors voices illegitimate while pressing on with plans to raise the pension age, inflaming public anger. but he apparently takes a different stance when it comes to protest in other countries. the crowd, whatever form it takes, has no legitimacy in the face of the people who express themselves through their elected representatives in parliament. revolution cannot be achieved on its own. it can be only conducted by the people in europe in the you must continue to support the hundreds of thousands of bell russians who peacefully protest for their rights,
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their freedom and their sovereignty. i salute the courage of the hundreds of thousands of venezuelans marching for their freedom in a very clear way, france condemns the repressions carried out today by the iranian regime. and we stand by these women. they are a sovereign people fighting for their freedom, listening to law call, trying to defend his decision to push through this particular law without a vote. you think that the french actually had a chance to express themselves through democratic charles. now remember the several yellow mass protesters had lost eyes as a result of french police action. we're talking here about france, whose recent leaders have been quick to back protests elsewhere. remember that former french president nicholas apathy praise the arab spring protesters a decade ago and back to the resulting regime change of leaders like alcohol bag bo, of could, di, blah, and mom are gadhafi of libya and lights are cosy. michael has also cheered on
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protestors in other countries. so in the absence of the vote on the reform itself, protesters have continued to take to the street to express their upset and how the whole thing has been handled. so paris right now is basically a giant health scape of trash from the sanitation workers joining this strike, which makes for convenient tenure for protesters. so there are trash fires pretty much everywhere. tourists are getting a complimentary dose of tear gas to go with their fresh bye. yes. and also a free french revolution experienced tour of the french capital. so the increase of frances retirement age from see to, to 64 years has been rammed through the french national assembly, not by democratic vote by, by french president emmanuel michaels prime minister elizabeth bone evoking clause 49.3 of the french constitution. now that clause permits the government to push through new laws and very limited circumstances without any vote. and also cutting
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short any debate or discussion on the issue. so apparently popular protests are only legitimate if they aren't challenging the policies and action of mac home and is western bodies. michael was positioning himself as the defender of democracy, but all he's really defending is the increasingly on democratic establishment. washington, as promised, the self proclaimed republic of kosovo, its full support in creating an army that will work closely with nato. that's according to the u. s. ambassador to the nation as serbia prepares to mark 24 years since nato led forces. bon belgrade, the u. s. fully support kosovo, secure to forces, comprehensive transition into a multi ethnic professional nato. interoperable territorial defense force proud of her continuous and excellent cooperation. following the bombing of serbia, the un gave permission for a nato led international peacekeeping force to be formed in pristina. with the goal
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of providing stability to the war torn region, the mission consisted of both nato and non nato members, which organized several joy exercises with local security forces tasks with non military functions. however, in 2018 pristina announced its plans to change and transform the kosovo security forces into a fully fledged army. despite objections from local serbian residence, moscow has long question coast those claimed independence and criticized the western bombing campaign. in 1999 on the eve of the anniversary of nato's attack, russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman has passed doubt on the humanist reputation of the us and its allies. under the cynical guise of humanitarian intervention for $78.00 days, nato aircraft and navy struck the peaceful cities of this country. more than 2000
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missiles were fired. $14000.00 bombs and other munitions were dropped, including those containing depleted uranium. the same one that britain considers its standard for use the reputation of the collective west as some kind of peacemaker humanist. some kind of righteous man, was forever buried in yugoslavia the u. s. and he said the same, they were concerned about the humorous issues affecting companions in the regional or so products of serbia. and part of what was once a former yugoslavia. so it was battling and the army surgeon seem possible either by the so called the coastal abrasion, army or kaylee. and the us threatened to bonds have been 1st to don, my fellow americans. to day our armed forces joined our nato allies and airstrikes against serbian forces. responsible for the brutality and kosovo expected the
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proverbial shore to throw this war last for free weeks. but it would go on for 70 days over oppression. i force that's what they call it in the war plans carried out the 900 and more air strikes during every day of sunday school bombing campaign. which officially claim that the san a $158.00 civilian life probably will more. but so been sources into the actual death was as the price demand and to help the use of depleted uranium and the it says air strikes on or you were flavia. this by this i was showing that the children born after he had suffered severe consequences of this, especially in the cancer related illnesses are very little or so has been done to hold those responsible to be accountable for this position. so the sort of the lease we're talking about several types of cancer leukemia, throat cancer,
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thyroid gland, cancer, brain tumors, bone cancer, and several other types of cancer which are caused by depleted uranium. the world health organization based in leone has proved this claim. they found the cause and effect relationship between cancer and uranium. well, we're, we're not. i am not suing nato because of the financial gain. i'm suing them because i want to prove to the world better crime against serbian people has been committed. the crime was committed by criminals in the nato alliance. i hope i will live long enough to see the success of this lawsuit. i am waiting to see the confirmation that the depleted uranium is responsible for what's happened to us. any more i will not keep on. we will never trust them again, and we will never forgive them for the children, the civilian casualties and the uranium no less. and i say they conducted the biggest ethnic cleansing of the serbian population and corporation cost of a home while it kept silent about it. and i'm here because it hurts me. my father
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is a wu veteran and i'm and violet his sacrifice, everything for the state. according to do shon, pro rock of ich, a serbian independent journalist. the bombing of yugoslavia represented a precedent for nato forces. the box to the, the so called the counselor independence recognition commissioner, organizations is closed. so this is the, this is the alternative path. how do i get in my position of kosovo in international relations for us and nato, for the u. s, which was the global hagaman at the debt. the time that you m framework became too narrow. do that. oh, organizationally and politically. the u. s. did not want to seek a brewer from russia, china, or european countries for the dimensions all around the world. in this context, context that, that, that can you go slowly and present that a president. net good then be used anywhere else in the case of the ukrainian
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crisis. it will have added that the leave, the to escalation, since it will not force the russian leadership to negotiate. on the contrary, it will leave the possibility for us, but as to cross it, the one that is the broker answer. marking the anniversary of nato's bombing of yugoslavia, you can head over to r t dot com to watch our documentary on the events of those years, shedding lie on the lives of people who came face to face with war. today our armed forces joined our nato allies and air strikes against serbian forces. ah. the white glove with them reported by visit. okay, we'll get this going from bad to worse grades night. skyline again,
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it's by flames. nato insisted it strikes against the sloppier would go off me me as that was possibly cost me you know your bushes for most efficient as me.
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ready me i the chinese government has no access to private data on tick tock, users. that's the position of the company, c, e o. as he was forced to defend the platform before u. s. congress, while officials grilled him over fears of popular app, could be a way for china to spy on us citizens despite no tangible evidence presented to back up the claim. the chinese government has that data. well, how can you promise that that will move into the, into the united states of american be protected here, a congressman? i have seen no evidence that the chinese government has access to that data. they
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have never asked us. we have not provided, let you know i've asked that i find that actually preposterous. i have 1st looked in, i have seen no evidence of this happening. and in order to assure everybody here and all our uses, our commitment is to move the data in into the united states to be stored on american soil by an american company overseen by american personnel. so we have the ceo of tick tock testifying before a u. s. congressional committee and explaining the great length, the tick tock goes to in order to protect the data of its users. however, these answers are not satisfying for many in the u. s. congress, i in addition to that, there are concerns about problematic videos on tick tock depicting violence, suicide, drug use and other harmful issues that a similar app which operates on the chinese mainland sensor. so at this point in the testimony, we heard a rather harsh questioning of u. s. officials are where they pressed the seo of the tick tock corporation about
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why a similar censorship measure was not being used for content directed at the united states as was done with contact directed at the chinese mainland. now tick tock has faced a wave of the allegations that it is somehow a mechanism for spreading chinese influence or spying on americans for the chinese government in 2020, at hired a u. s. citizen. as it's c e o, and the company has set up privacy protection centers, a transparency centers in both the united states and in europe in order to ensure the privacy and protection of its users in order to make clear that their data not being used for some nefarious purpose i, however, these answers have not been satisfactory to the u. s. government u. s. officials continue to hurl allegations against tick tock as we saw in today's congressional hearings. a. it's also worth noting that a 150000000 people use tick tock around the world,
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and that number continues to rise despite the heated allegations leveled from voices in the united states. however, a poll did indicate that 40 percent of americans would favor a ban on tick tock. now there have been a number of us states that have passed a law for bidding tick tock from being used on government devices. we saw the scenes today in congress. the heated exchanges that went on so the controversy continues surrounding this social media app, legal and media analysts line all believes all social media platforms are equally loanable to data breaches, including those based in the u. s. p. tick tock just being picked on because it's chinese and this c e o acquitted himself splendidly better than anything i and i as a lawyer, i'm watching the way he answered the questions very, very well. may i ask you
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a question? i wish he would have said, what madam congress, a person make, may i see your phone for a 2nd? do you mind if i see it? oh, you've got facebook, instagram, twitter, and you may have this in that. do you know where this data go collectively? do you know where the servers are? do you know how? no, you don't. there is, i don't. one is say somebody with your to a scrum is going on. rachel, there's a, there's this idea. we're tick. tock is the embodiment of all leave. why is tick tock in this was? i think the gravamen of this whole story. why is it substantially and significantly more dangerous than any other application? why is it? and there are 2 issues, content and the actual data capture. 2 completely different issues, concomitant issues, important issues, but separate and i think it was blurred. i think ultimately the tick tock, seo, one,
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washington will ignore china's warning that supplying weapons to tie one is a red line that's according to u. s. secretary of state anthony blinkin, whether the p r c is said to you or to anybody that works the state department, any of our diplomats that there was some sort of red line involved with us stepping up our formal turf. now? no one to the cynthia ever tried to say anything like that of that's not something that we would obviously take into account the commons hum, amid a cooling and relations between washington in beijing over a number of issues. the us previously warned repeatedly about its red lines, but had seemingly failed to see or acknowledge the red lines of others. if there are any thoughts and efforts by the chinese and others to provide lethal support to the russians and their brutal attack against ukraine, that that is unacceptable. again, that would be a red line. what i want to do with him when we talk is lay out what,
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what kind of what each of our red lines are understand what he believes to be in the critical national interest of china. what i know to be the critical, interesting john station to determine whether or not they conflict with one another . we cannot have a situation where a chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people. we have been very clear to the outside regime but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is we start saying a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around for being utilized. let's all cross live to author, journalists, and activists. thomas fuzzy. welcome thomas. what's your assessment regarding comments made by anthony blinking on supplying arms to taiwan? well, look, i mean, it just shows how delusional the u. s. has become the u. s. seems to think that it
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still lives in the ninety's. you know, we're realized for a very long time, around 6 years as world war 2, the u. s. is pretty much been running the world as you would a mafia style racket, you know, resorting to exactly the same techniques that matthew results to control a city. so you know, x, torsion, bullying, black, male, violence, and murder. that's pretty much how the u. s. has been running the world for the past for, for, for most of the past 7 years, what it hasn't realized is that that world has changed. now what used to be a fed very powerful kingpin that controlled the entire city has now turned into an old, slightly seen our man that doesn't control much of the city. i eat much of the world anymore. in fact, controls only a few. you know,
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small neighborhoods in that city, namely, you know what the so called collective west. and that's because now you have countries that have stood up that are standing up against the u. s. power, and that has been the case for quite some time. so if we look at ukraine and nato's involvement and ukraine, the most glaring fact is that the u. s. as a managed to get a single no country that doesn't belong to the collective west on board with either sanctions and even less. so provided military aid to ukraine, so the only countries are following the way that the u. s. on ukraine, as on a number of other issues, are the ones that, you know, i said she directly under us fear of influence and which in many cases involves a large u. s. military presence in those countries. and so what were these such statements by the us? i think they elicit amusement and anger, i would say in most of the,
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you know, in most countries around the world because they, you know, it shows that the u. s. busy still sees itself as well as will make a still, you know, i will know that the so called rules based daughter was always a us to a west based order that's clear to everyone now. and so, you know, it is, i did us still things that can make the rules that can make everyone else abide by those rules as it has done for a very long time. yeah, i mean, i think it's just, it just shows that the, the u. s. is completely out of us leadership at least is completely out of touch with reality. i mean, they almost seem to be suffering from a case of mass gets a free. i mean, they don't realize that most of the world is, you know, is tired of these, of these, of these antiques they, you know, they see right through the u. s. the u. s. propaganda tired of the hypocrisy,
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the hide of the double standards and then on the following the u. s. and a westmore in general, that they're not on board with it anymore. and you know, and so now what you have is this very powerful and used to be a very powerful kingpin that's walking around the city with an m 16. you know, in his, in his hands threatening and everybody and, you know, still thinking it's, it's a power, you know, has the power used to have in it's in its golden, it's golden days. i'm sort of questioned. i think most of the countries around the world are asking themselves as they see the u. s. office. they see to mess the u. s . has dot ukraine in. and as they see the u. s. now stoking war with, with, with russia was china. i think most of what, most of the countries on the wild austin themselves, you know what, you know, what to do with what is the major, you know, what is seen by most my,
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most countries as the main problem for world peace today. and that is the u. s. i mean it's, it's a country has become completely, completely unhinged. you know, it's engaged in approx, was russia and ukraine. and now it wants to open a new front and in china, hoping use taiwan as you know, as an excuse just like it used ukraine. let me open his teeth. absolutely, and you're absolutely right. and just let me ask you one other question. what consequences could the us potentially face as they continue to cross these red lines made clear by other states, considering everything you just mentioned and how the world is shifting? well, i mean, i think the u. s. risks facing very serious consequences. it's already faced in serious consequences in the, in the economic route. it's, it's economic,
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the decline is inevitable at this point, you know, where seen also major, you know, energy producing countries in the middle east that are also shifting towards the kind of you raise and access. we see china that play in an increasingly influential role in the, in the middle east. and in fact has been put into play a much more positive role than the one the u. s. has faith in recent years and decades, at least so far and, but also in the middle to realm, i think it was what was seen in ukraine. is that, you know, the, the u. s. has been has, has, has full was with, with very, very helpful, very uneven was, you know, for the past decades, it's attacked mostly poor countries. that militarily was infinitely weaker than,
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than the u. s. and that's why it's been able to just go in and turn those countries to rubble as it did in, in iraq and didn't have ghana stat as it partly did in syria. but of course, and what that, what the u. s. is learning now, is that going to war, going to war with and a natural military superpower, such as russia and even more so such as china is a completely different fan. so i think a lot of military strategists would say that u. s. has no chance of winning an actual shooting war in the pacific with, with china, any honest military strategy as well. we'll, we'll say that, you know, the, the china has been preparing for a defensive war for a very long time. and i think it's highly unlikely the u. s. would, would be able to come out victorious in such and
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such a scenario. and so the question is, what, what are they do? what are they trying to do? what they hope to achieve? this is an incredibly dangerous situation because of course, as we have seen in ukraine, it's very, you know, once, once you start the proxy was, they can ask, they tend to escalate relatively quickly. once they start escalating it, it becomes increasingly hard to, to, to, to do, to, to dial back the tone of the, of the conflict. and that's what we're seeing, the ukraine and what we risk seeing a repetition of that in the south china sea. i think that would be, you know, that the consequences could be potentially catastrophic 1st and foremost for, for us. but of course, for the world at large. absolutely. sorry to interrupt you. we are running out of time author journalists and active as thomas fuzzy. thank you very much. you're welcome. the former pakistani prime minister in wrong con has claimed
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washington foreign policy is dividing countries into blogs. he made the claims while speaking with option returns the ongoing underground. you can watch the full episode on saturday, but in the meantime, here's a teaser how is it to view she gin being visiting moscow and both the putin and she heralding almost a new world order. which seems to be very different at 1st sight to that, that we've seen since 945. i see, you know, bridges taking place. i mean, of course, china and russia is one because it seems that the u. s. is policy is just pushing countries into blocks in their home jain. i've brought together iran in saudi arabia. i think that's one of the best developments as far
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as my son is concerned, because iran is a neighbor and somebody is one of our closest friends for years. so them together, easy tensions for us. we feel that it's a great step over it. but what i do not want these last developing countries like us, you choose either one side or the other because india has, i mustn't mind years for the policy. their ideal non alignment when they were born, warren countries, when rocks in the us are standard in the making itself, a country which is non aligned and, and then when intent relationship with everyone. and that's what i want. my son to be in the u. s. has again slammed human rights in india, fighting challenges to freedom of expression while praising the democratic values that by washington and new delhi
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r t. then your corresponding routine sharma has more details. biden administration's india's track of g honestly seems a bit confusing on one hand, the u. s. slams india for human rights violation in the country and the other had, sees that had values, its strategic partnership. we've, the india appointment off the top. you as diplomat in new delhi, the man a garcia t he stand your has been marked by a series of scandal and he has been appointed at the u. s. envoy in new delhi. now this appointment took place after a gap or asked to, we'll, as that's been the longest gap ever, that india did not have a u. s. ambassador, beautiful as this man. and before we, before he got appointed, does, he basically said that he wants to, into fair in india's mca, never mind, that his own tenure has been marked by a series of scandals. but i intend to engage.


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