tv News RT March 24, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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to speak to some of the most prominent locals of all phone and uncover some with i guess bills on the street says over 1000000 protestors against nationwide pension reformed clash with police across france. as the french president defense is controversial, bill us turns a blind eye to china's warning not to cross it. red lines, pledging further weapon deliveries to taiwan functions on iran have failed to achieve their intended the goals according to the us treasury secretary, the u. s. promise is to be false restrictions a mark for year since need to lead forth is bonded upgrade as phase drives to the
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west may back the creation of a customer national army with july from our studio here in moscow, you're watching r t international. my name is peter scott's here with all the latest this friday afternoon. thanks for joining us. out of control. that's how french people have described violent clashes with police. it's of a rope that across the country. there's some news outlets likening the demonstrations to a war zone of a $1000000.00 protesters took the streets against a controversial pension reform bill that would raise the retirement age to $64.00 from $62.00 heavily armored police have been using tear gas water, cannon, stone grenades, and buttons to disperse protesters. ah ah,
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the president micron has brushed aside concerns about police tactics, calling the protesters, voices illegitimate, while pressing on with funds to raise the pension age. but he apparently takes a very different stance when it comes to protest in other countries. the crowd, whatever form it takes, has no legitimacy in the face of the people who express themselves through their elected representatives in parliament. revolution cannot be achieved on its own. it can be only conducted by the people in europe in the you must continue to support the hundreds of thousands of bell russians who peacefully protest for their rights,
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their freedom and their sovereignty. i salute the courage of the hundreds of thousands of venezuelans marching for their freedom. in a very clear way, france condemns the repressions carried out today by the iranian regime. and we stand by these women. they are a sovereign people fighting for their freedom, listening to my call, trying to defend his decision to push through this particular law without a vote. you think that the french actually had a chance to express themselves through democratic charles. now remember the several yellow mess protesters had lost eyes as a result of french police action. we're talking here about france, whose recent leaders have been quick to back protests elsewhere. remember that former french president nicholas acquisition praise the arab spring protesters a decade ago. and back to the resulting regime change of leaders like low haul back bow of could be blah. and lamar gadhafi of libya and lights are cosy. michael has also cheered on protestors in other countries. so in the absence of the
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vote on the reform itself, protesters have continued to take to the street to express their upset at how the whole thing has been handled. so parents right now is basically a giant health scape of trash from the sanitation workers joining the strike, which makes for convenient tenure for protesters. so there are trash fires pretty much everywhere. tourists are getting a complimentary dose of tear gas to go with their fresh bye. yes. and also a free french revolution experienced tour of the french capital. so the increase of france's retirement age from stick to the 64 years has been rammed through the french national assembly, not by democratic vote by, by french president emmanuel michaels prime minister elizabeth bon evoking clause 49.3, the french constitution. now that clause permits the government to push through new laws and very limited circumstances without any vote. and also cutting short any
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debate or discussion on the issue. so apparently popular protests are only legitimate if they aren't challenging the policies and action of mac home and is western bodies. michael was positioning himself as the defender of democracy, but all he's really defending is the increasingly on democratic establishment. washington plans to ignore china's warning that supply weapons to taiwan is a red line that's according to your secretary of state antony lincoln. whether the p r c is said to you or to anybody that works. the state department, any of our diplomats that there are some sort of red line involved with stepping up our foreign military for no one to the extent they've ever tried to say anything like like that of that's not something that we would obviously take into account the commons come amid a cooling relations between washington and beijing, according to the one china policy, washington should only recognize until with beijing, while abstaining from formal cooperation with ty, one. washington continues to cross china's red lines by supporting ty,
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one's independence, that the u. s. has repeatedly warned about it's red lines. it does seem only failed side knowledge, those of china if there are any thoughts and an efforts by the chinese and others to provide lethal support to the russians and their brutal attack against ukraine, that that is unacceptable. again, that would be a red line. what i want to do with him when we talk is lay out what the, what, what kind of what each of our red lines are understand what he believes to be in the critical national interest of china. what i know to be the critical, interesting united states and determine whether or not they conflict with one another. we cannot have a situation where chemical or biological weapons are falling into the hands of the wrong people. we have been very clear to the assad regime but also to other players on the ground that
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a red line for us is we start saying a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around for being utilized. but we spoke to also journalists and activists, thomas father, he says that the u. s. is seeking to maintain his had gemini in the world. it just shows how delusional the u. s. has become the u. s. seems to think that it still lives in the well of the ninety's as well or to the u. s. has pretty much been running the world as you would a mafia style racket, you know, resorting to exactly the same techniques that matthew results to control. a city extortion, a bullying, blackmail violence, what it hasn't realized is that that world has changed. and now what used to be fed very powerful kingpin that controlled the entire city has now turned into an old, slightly seen our man that doesn't control much of the city. i am much of the world any more. in fact, controls only a few small neighborhoods in that city, namely,
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you know what the so called collective west. that's because now you have countries that have stood up that are standing up against the u. s. power. i will knows that the so called rules based order was always a u. s. or west based order that's clear to everyone now. and so, you know, it is idea that us still thinks that it can make the rules that it can make everyone else abide by those rules as it has done for a very long time. just shows that the u. s. leadership at least, is completely out of touch. with reality the u. s. has again criticized the human rights in india. so i think challenges to freedom of expression all the time while praising the democratic values. the bind washington anew delhi philosophies, india correspondence, vernon chava has more details. biden administration's india's track of g honestly seems a bit confusing. on one hand, the u. s. slams india for human rights violation in the country. and the other had
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had said that had values, its strategic partnership. we've the india appointment of the top you as to feel mat in new delhi, the man and a garcia t he stand your has been marked by a series of scandal, and he has been appointed at the u. s. envoy in new delhi. now this appointment took place after a gap off to we're, as that's been the longest gap ever, that india did not have a u. s. ambassador, but as far as this man and before we, before he got appointed done, he basically said that he wants to, in to fair in india's matter. never mind that his own tenure has been marked by a series of scandals. but i intend to engage directly with civil society. there are groups that are actively fighting for the human rights of people on the ground in india, or that will get direct engagement from me. for me, these will not be after thoughts. i master's degrees and human rights international law. i've fought for human rights on 4 different continents. do we have your
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commitment that you will be a voice in regards to any discrimination against minority groups such as the muslim population within india? i would not only just bring it up, but it would not be something at the end as an obligation. it would be a core piece of what all the engage in mind and counterparts of confirmed with the boy angel doesn't need. does anybody interfering in a personal matter and secondly, not from a man who was on years has been marked by os cds. a scam like he was the mare, los angeles, there were number of taught us organized against him outside his residence as well . now, honestly by don't speak of the u. s. ambassador to india is a bit of a question mark and the appointment diplomatic appointments usually don't. to make headlines. this one did just because of the choice of biden's administration. washington has promised casa vo. it's full support in creating an army that will
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work closely with need. so that's according to the u. s. on baset to the nation bus . be prepared to mark 24 years since need to lead forces bombed belgrade. the u. s . fully support because of a security forces, comprehensive transition into multi ethnic professional need to interoperable territorial defense force proud of our continuous and excellent cooperation. following the bombing of serbia, the u. n. gave permission for nathan lead international peacekeeping force to be formed in pristina. with the goal of providing stability to the water and region. the mission consisted of both nato and non nato members, which organized several joint exercises with local security forces fast with non military functions. however, in 2018, christina analysis funds to change and transform the cost of security forces into a fully fledged army. despite objections from local serbian residence. now moscow doesn't recognize the cost of those independence and has criticized opening the
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western bombing campaign of $99.00. under the eve of the anniversary of nato, the commercial foreign ministry spokesman cast down on the humanist reputation of the us and its allies. under the cynical guise of humanitarian intervention for $78.00 days, nato aircraft and navy struck the peaceful cities of this country. more than 2000 missiles were fired, 14000 bombs and other munitions were dropped, including those containing depleted uranium. the same one, the britain considers its standard for use. the reputation of the collective west as some kind of peacemaker humanist, some kind of righteous man, was forever buried in yugoslavia. they were saying they were concerned about the human rights issues affecting millions in the regional also problems of serbia and part of what was once former insomnia was battling. and i'm an agency and also by the so called,
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also ration army or kaylee and us press into bonds to be done. my fellow americans. today, our armed forces joined our nato allies and airstrikes against serbian forces responsible for the brutality and cultural. it's expensive. the proverbial shore to thought this war last 2 or 3 weeks. but it will go on for 70 days. operation allied force, that's what they call it. it. the work planes carried out 900 in more air strikes during every day of 72 bombing conveyed. which officially claimed that we sent a 158 civilian life. probably the more, but sort of been sources into the actual death was as the piece twice the month into can even depleted uranium. and it says air strikes on
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this by this i was showing that children born after it can suffer severe consequences of this, especially in the cancer related illnesses, very little or so has been done to all those responsible to be accountable for this position. so that's what we're talking about. several types of cancer leukemia. throat cancer, thyroid gland, cancer, brain tumors, bone cancer, and several other types of cancer which are caused by depleted uranium. the world health organization based in leone has proved this claim. they found the cause and effect relationship between cancer and uranium. when i am not suing nato because of the financial gain, i'm suing them because i want to prove to the world that a crime against serbian people has been committed. the crime was committed by criminals in the nato alliance. i hope i will live long enough to see the success of this lawsuit. i am waiting to see the confirmation that the depleted uranium is responsible for what's happened to us. any more,
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i will not report. we will never trust them again, and we will never forgive them for the children, the civilian casualties and the uranium knob are listen, i say they conducted the biggest ethnic cleansing of the serbian population and creation cost of a home while it kept silent about it and i'm here because it hurts me. my father is a wu veteran and i'm and violet his sacrifice. everything for the state will. according to do shon carroll carriage a serbian journalist, the bombing of yugoslavia represents at a precedence for nato, the fax to the, the so called the counselor independence recognition commissioner, organizations is closed. so this is the, this is the alternative path. how do or legitimize position of kosovo in international relations for us and nato, for the u. s, which was the global hagaman at the debt. the time that you, i am framework became too narrow. do that, oh,
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organizationally and politically. the u. s. did not want to seek a brewer from russia, china, or european countries for the dimensions all around the world. in this context, context that the canoe was larry and it presented a president. net could then be used anywhere else in the case of the ukrainian crisis. it will have added that the leave, the do escalation, since it will not force the russian leadership to negotiate. on the contrary, it will leave the possibility for up, but as the process, the order one that is the broker answer. mocking the anniversary of nathan, the bombing of yugoslavia. you can head over to r t dot com. so it's our documentary on the events of those years to shed light on the lives of people who came face to face with that war. today our armed forces joined our nato allies and airstrikes against serbian forces. ready ah,
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me in the me. ready ready ringback well, 44, yes. the us 1st impose sanctions on iraq and washington finally admitted that it doesn't. they haven't achieved the results. so they hoped for our sanctions on iran has created a real economic crisis in the country. and iran is greatly suffering economically because of the sanctions. has that forced to change in behavior? the answer is much less than we would ideally like. the u. s. has finally been said that the reading sanctions haven't been as effective as expected. the eu has hit the country with another round of restrictions. europe has extended sanctions
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against officials from to run on entities accused of supporting ongoing crackdowns on protesters in the nation. demonstrations of the country broke out last september, following the death of the printer to your muscle. i mean the one in police custody for allegedly improperly wearing the had scarf about lonnie general director of the falls, news agencies, international departments. so the west, the board of iranians apparently contradicts its sanction policy. the united states has excessively use the sanctions against many countries, including iran. this excessive use from time to time has backfired because the most sanctions are supposed to change. sometimes a system somewhere or sometimes at least that behavior of that system. none of these let's say goals have happened v. iran. i can refer to 2 kinds of contradictions. when it comes to on the one. on the one side,
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they're talking about the long see i'm talking to you wrong, but that the same time they are imposing sanctions and they are applying pressure against the country. this indicates economy in contradiction. the 2nd point is that they claim to be supporting your raymond people. how can you support, let's say, ordinary people by imposing sanctions on the country. if they really want to support the people they can lift the sanctions. but because the primary goal of the sanction are ordinary people, and this quite indicates that they are somehow their claims. and the lords do not meet their actions practices. while the west apparently doesn't always hesitate to interfere in the internal affairs of some foreign countries when it comes to issues close to the home. the russian card is often on the table. well, that is the case of the east palestine in a higher where locals are still still ins,
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coat with the catastrophic consequences following a chemical train. derailments as sitting with the media outlets are attempting to divert attention to russia. ortiz kellum open house mall was a huge derailments with possibly devastating consequences for the environment. trained carrying hazardous materials went off the tracks in east palestine. ohio hazardous materials were spilled and burst into flames. some of the fires burned for 2 days straight, billowing toxic chemical clouds into the skies. but within 2 days we saw russian trolls and boss circling the carnage and spreading disinformation. this is what the associated press reports. the accounts which barrels as criminal token boys immediate. so picks claimed without evidence that authorities in ohio were lying about the true impact of the chemical spill regularly spoon. answer us propaganda. the accounts show how easily afforded and states and americans willing to spread
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their propaganda can explode. social media platforms like twitter in an effort to steal domestic discourse. that is pro russia accounts were described as such by reset. this is a non profit based in london. reset describes itself as researching the impact of social media on democracy. let's look into this interesting group cited as experts by mainstream media. reset is a group we're looking at. this is the same game we've been writing about for months . think tank x claims to have a magic machine linking and account to russia. shares findings with report to why he writes article if platform said doesn't zap the account rinse repeat. the groove was started by a former hillary clinton adviser members of the world economic forum as well as the ahmed yard network. these are voices that mainstream media is keen to defend and urge us to trust pierre ahmed yar who owns the intercept funds reset directly.
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jimmy. dora found out that many of the accounts described by all ned yars network and organization as being part of some kind of russian conspiracy or just plain fake. we're in fact, real people. this is in the news right now. it says pro moscow voices tried to steer ohio train. disaster debate will. now if you talk about this, they're going to say you're doing russian propaganda. that's what the next thing to happened to you is alex, is you're going to be called a russian propagandist or a dupe of putin nero that's coming, right? yeah, i saw that and i'll say is i think it's bold then to call air air brockovich. it a russian plant. they call the president of the united states that for 4 straight years buddy. so u. s. media blamed russia without any real evidence. it jumped on that old trope about russian propaganda to shut down the voices of real americans with real concerns. this sounds like hamilton's 68 all over again,
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shall we review. in the early trump years, there was a, an organization called hamilton, 68. that was the source of probably hundreds of new stories over the course of a period of years that was allegedly tracking russian bots. their secret sauce was a list of 600 accounts. they said were linked to russian influence. well, in the twitter files we found the list, and the list of what you say is mostly bereft of russians, but is full of real americans. and what they basically did as a fraud. these accounts, they concluded, and neither strongly russia nor stromey boats, no evidence to support the statement that the dashboard is a finger on the pulse of russian inflammation ops, hotly illuminating a massive influence operation. so once again, you ass mainstream media has been caught playing the russia card, trying to protect the american establishment from legitimate criticism. but the
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real question is, does this even work any more? does anyone still buy it? caleb martin, r t, washington d. c. vs deputy foreign minister has confirmed that fox news host took acosta, and had made an official request for an interview with ladyman putin. that's something that coulson claims us intelligence discovered by spying on him. yamaha vito's. i can confirm that this journalist made such a request some time ago. our system is designed so that this kind of request is automatically reported to the presidential administration, where it's considered in terms of the messages. i wouldn't be surprised that the national security agency, or the federal bureau of investigation is collecting data from your smartphone right now. so coulson claims the essay tops his phone in order to sabotage his attempt to interview let him imputes in, in july 2021. those claims he contacts his russia's deputy foreign minister, but later received a call from a source who knew confidential information about the proposed interview. where are
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you going to do interview putin? why wouldn't had it set up? i was working on it and they broke into my text messages, the adding of an essay, broken deer signal, cuz they admitted it really. oh yeah. well, the us national security agency dismissed, took austin's claim, saying that he's never been in an it's a been unintelligence targets of the agency. but swan person accused of being a criminal intermediary by the an essay grey's own journalist on your part on pill . or she says otherwise, the legal for the and as they to spy on the communications of us citizens. and pretty much as a result of the sweeping, domestic spying powers that were ushered in as a result of president george w bush's war on terror. those national security regulations were slowly walked back to the point that us authorities could claim it was okay to spy on the communications of a us citizen as long it was part of their overall effort to monitor the
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communications of foreign government officials. and so in this case, it's possible that the essay was monitoring the communications of russian deputy foreign minister raw gov. but the fact that an as an essay whistleblower came forward and told tucker that the u. s. government was actually planning on leaking his tax essentially unmasking his identity as a u. s. citizen, a journalist who was in contact with rob cobb in order to embarrass him and, and do this for political reasons. shows the length to which these powers are getting abused us authorities are abusing these buying powers. they weren't actually interested in leaking this information because they believe that i or tucker, had in some way violated the law and had an inappropriate relationship with the
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russian government. they were seat simply seeking to embarrass tucker carlson to discredit him by implying that he was communicating with the russian or kremlin agent, me a u. s. citizen who has no formal relationship with the russian government or financially or otherwise. my and i'll at that i work for the gray zone is completely independent. we don't get money from states or even state funded organizations. and so they were using me in order to imply through innuendo that tucker was somehow speaking with russian agents in a way that was inappropriate. and then by extension, they were trying to de, legitimize any views that he takes regarding russia or the current war. and ukraine finally, form of puck is sunny. prime minister in ranken has claimed that washington's foreign policy is dividing countries into blocks. we made the claims while speaking with option with tansy ongoing on the ground. and you can watch the full episode on saturday, but has a quick teaser in the meantime. how is it to view?
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she jin, being visiting moscow and a boat for pigeon. and she, heralding almost a new world order, which seems to be very different at 1st sight to that, that we've seen since 1945. i see, you know, great changes taking place. i mean, oh, courses china and russia is one because it seems as if the u. s. is policy is just a pushing countries into last a home just brought together iran and saudi arabia. i think that's one of the best developments as far as buckeye son is concerned, because iran is a neighbor and saudi arabia is one of our closest friends for years. so them together eases tensions for us. we feel that it's a great step forward. but what i do not want these last developing countries
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like us, you choose either one side or the other. because india has, i must have my india or policy their ideal non alignment when they were born warren countries, when rocks in the us and a standard in the making itself, a country which is non aligned and, and their voice intent relationship with everyone. and that's what i want published on to be more on any of those stories you've just seen as well as all the latest updates r t dot com is your place to go. my name is peter scott. i be back at the top of the hour with all of today's top stories. thanks for watching. ah ah.
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