tv News RT March 25, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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of the national mm. a a rest across the global financial system continues as the largest gym and bank li, just 20 percent of its value in less than a month. that's up to several years buying crushed results in bailouts. reminiscence of 2008 divided administration blew up and all 3 pipelines to gain control over western europe. well, that's the claim by investigative journalist seymour hersh pipeline that shows control full of gas and windows. coming up. he was going to open up the pipeline and make it to do its job, its transfer even gonna make the people warm make the businesses happy. and so we didn't give him that option on the us,
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vice president comalla harris is that to visit africa on sunday. and it concerns in washington over there, growing russian on chinese presence on the comes with the july from our studio here in the russian kept. so you're watching out the international. my name is peter scott's here with all the latest this saturday evening. thanks for joining us. for the risk of global banking crisis looms ever nearer. as deutscher bank germany is biggest lender lost a 20 percent of its value since march. registering a drop in stock of 9 percent as recent trading closed. but the rumblings in the market started after 3 major american bank stuff across similar to that of 2008. the u. s. government was quick to intervene, betting out the bank. so i'm handing out significant sums of money to the financial sector. but that didn't stop the chain reaction or defaults in europe, where most major banks are losing stock on my credit suisse one assistance,
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major lenders has been bought by a competitor with the financial system going through turbulence. the u. s. president didn't seem phased by the trend. i think they've done a pretty damn good job people. so savings are secure. and even those beyond the $250000.00 or 50, i see is guarantee them an american taxpayer is not gonna have to pay a penny. the banks are in pretty good shape, i think is going to take a little while for things to just calm down, but i don't see anything it's on the horizon is about to explode with german chancello love souls also says there's nothing to be concerned about our correspondent j bose investigates a senior politicians and economists tried to reassure increasingly nervous financial markets, global anxieties over recent bank failures rumble on the merger of 2 big swiss banks, u. b. s. and credit suisse has created a financial bet him off,
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valued at over $1.00 trillion dollars in a deal which threatens the squeaky clean image of the swiss banking sector device. i totally could. it did selfish on the extensive liquidity assistance provided the time needed to find a solution to safeguard financial stability. this solution had to be worked out under considerable time pressure in order to be ready before the asian markets open this week to sign and, and solvents of credit suisse would have had severe consequences for national international financial stability. and for this was economy taken, this risk would have been irresponsible. this new super bank, born out of a hastily arranged merger, now has a value that completely de wars the highly developed a $100000000000.00 swiss economy. and has raised concerns about granting such immense power to a single financial institution lawyer. but i'm like so mommy, there won't be an impact on me, but order waste is really too bad than a bank with 170 years of history is going to vanish just like that. it hurts me as
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a customer. we will use our son look pretty lazy. i feel a lot of fragility in light of the current situation on this with financial system now will only have a single big bank, u b. s. and that is not good. it's good to have competition. and we won't have that anymore off some merger between her, her credit suisse and a u. b. s. a is a kind offer, hugged, and marriage between 2 lame dogs, of course, ah, to situation with sir. it can't decrease. i was going badly, but you be s as now a longstanding aisd streets are also bad records are in banking and i'm, i don't believe that it's east kind of marriage a clue. so, in the long term,
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the crises for ordinary workers and communities, it essentially means that regardless of what your economy actually produces, peter cars, energy medicines are high tech services and accounts for nothing. if a major bank fails, leaving ordinary citizens to face the catastrophic consequences of that failure, this leaves us to ask ourselves what the actual value of these vast financial institutions is to the societies they've so badly failed. while these institutions provide some payment and transaction services to their wealthy depositors and borrowers, the rest is essentially investment banking, which focuses exclusively on making money for guess who. that's right, the investment bank and it's shareholders who's disproportionate influence on the world's economy simply doesn't correspond with the services they provide. and if and when these giants, who are seemingly too big to fail, need bailey out, is the ordinary taxpayer that usually left to pick up the pieces just like they did
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in 2008 civilian fact that we had now this kind of huge monopoly. we have to remind us that both the u. b. s and at credit suisse before the manager. words are mos 2 important suites banks is a situation we at now is a kind of concentration, but not the concentration of good banks, but concentration of bad banks. and if this kind of situation is not directly addressed, giggles, ricky, fixed by authorities, b, z government or b, z us sent a central bank. then we will go on, swore a long number off, recurrent fries each. the widespread use of corporation tax to avoid far higher income tax rates now is reserved for ordinary workers. it's also now widely
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exploited by institutional investors and their backers. this feeds into the bazaar reality that a global banking sector that should exist to serve economic activity has now grown to, to war. those very economies, they are supposed to support as ordinary taxpayers faced the very real possibility of yet again picking up the tab for these huge profit mills. it's time to ask ourselves, who's working for who and whether there's a better way to protect their societies from the devastating consequences they face when the bankers under backers just keep getting it wrong, while enjoying a complete lack of accountability. in other news, demarc hurst found an unknown objects near where the north stream pipeline was damaged after a massive blast last september. and it will invite the russian control operates of the pipeline to analyze it. and it comes as investigates. the journalist seymour hersh explained what he believes stands behind the recent years probe that blamed a pro ukrainian group for the attack. they can watch the full version of his
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interview on direct impacts throughout the day. how nazi and his great tisa. why the united states seems to have and i'll use this word and you tell me if it's over used not in this case, invented or planted this most recent story. why are they doing this? because they, the, the united states knows who did it. they know the president did it. you can the another way of asking this question that no reporter is asking to press conference, the, the let we blow the pipeline and pipe and biden's. okay. i can tell you one thing about the ca when it wants to do something down and dirty. they know how to keep it . they know how to keep it small. that you know what i'm saying. yeah. the people who know very small and the president wasn't really getting briefed. the director was the final point. yeah. the guys in the field and the less that the white house knows the better because it's a talkative whitehouse. difficulty of the emission and it was, by the way, what,
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what the intelligence community did. there was quite spectacular, even though that they, they didn't like the end. but they were given assignment, come up with an option. if you want to blow up the pipelines, you have to do it in such a way that we can't be blamed. right? the war is by september when, when biden said, let's do it and gave the order. the war was certainly sold out. and we've put now $125120000000000.00 into that war. and western europe was being asked to give more and more. and the concern was, they could see in western europe. and in germany, what we want being told too much at this war was going nowhere so, so they were concerned if it blew up right after our ships or our military exercises that we were doing, there happened everybody. we know we weren't exactly right about that. so the idea was the weight, but why you picked 3 months and 3 and a half months. the wait was the question. i wondered why did you suddenly do it in
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late september? because to get back to the point, the war wasn't going well as he was afraid that europe was going to begin to walk away, particularly the germans, germans, after world war 2 are not interested in a big military, but winter's coming up for europe. and yeah, the was, he was going to open up the pipeline and make us do his job as chancellor even and make the people warm make the businesses happy. and so we didn't give him that option. western europe doesn't have the gas and oil. we've always had western europe back. ah, yes, presents. joe biden is in the middle of a long way to visit to neighboring canada. and he used the opportunity to take a job at the perceived threats opposed to both countries by china, canada and the united states. acknowledge the serious, long term challenge to the international order posed by the people's republic of china, including disruptive actions such as economic coersion, non market policies and practices,
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and human rights abuses. and that's all locals and also we're are happy to host joe biden as a group of protesters to the st. calling on candidates to leave. nate, so that's why criticizing what they call imperialist u. s. foreign policy. we vote to canadian journalist and that's vis, eaves angler. who says that also was ready to sacrifice its economic interests, to support the us. china is the most populous nation on earth and as a country that has done well economically over the past couple decades is increasingly challenging us power in, in, in asia and the u. s has been the single dominated power in recent decades and wants to continue that and it sees china's economic rise and growing diplomatic and, and other influence as a threat to its destination. unfortunately, the catering government is,
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is joining this increasingly belligerent policy that has us setting a basis in, or bases in the philippines. more forces in japan, south korea, to basically try to taiwan, to try to contain china. and i don't, i think it's actually quite contrary to the interests of even canadian, much of canadian business. but the intelligence apparatus and created military and their arms producers very much see containing china as serving via the u. s. empires interests with us. presidents also touched on alliance building, pointing at the extension of nato and g. seven's visit influence. significantly extended our alliances. i haven't seen that happen with china and or russian or anybody else in the world. we're in a situation united states. we're nato,
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a stronger role together. the g 7 a quad, the asi on japan, korea. i have a my staff point out to me. i have now met with 80 percent of the world leaders. just as a president, were the ones expanding eliasis opposition? not name for me were that code, but it's by buttons, comments on the growth of a western lead alliance data suggest that briggs countries represents over 3000000000 people compared to around 8000000 in the g. 7. airlines encompasses developing economies such as russia, china, india, brazilian, south africa with economic growth reaching more than 6 percent. now, some long vice chairman of the shanghai center and val die club experts says criticism of china strength in size with russia is simply based in fair. i think m all, all the criticisms on china's strengthening of his relations with russia or i can see is a as a complex of confusion,
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misunderstanding desperation and fear. this is clearly show who is on that ra or side of history by now, because china has reassured that its relation with russia is purely bi lateral and is not against any other part of it. so by looking at what a president biden has said that he's actually against himself by saying that he is rallying up, that you as is rolling up. so many countries are against the other side who is the other side. the china promotes peaceful development and doesn't practice trade protectionism and what the u. s. as it's being trying to do is exactly the opposite . they are doing trade protection is right now, and this is, i think what the rest of the world would have to wake up to realize in the news
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you as president comalla harris starts a week long trip to africa on sunday. the whites are says her visits aims to strengthen business ties and expand joint ventures, the constant, the triple strengthened, the united states partnerships without african, and advance all share efforts and security in the can army chris parity through all the trip in partnership with african governments. and private sector, the vice president will advance efforts to expand access to the digital economy, support climate adaptation and resilience, and strengthen business ties. investment include in through innovation entrepreneurship and the economic empowerment of women for the vice president is set to meet with the leaders of gonna tanzania and zambia with some media reports claim in its highest will address china's engagements in debt restructuring, as well as other economic issues during during hurts hor, the vice president's visit follow the slew of the visits by top us officials with secretary of state unseen, lincoln and treasury secretary janet yet and also having visited africa since the
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beginning of the year. ships come as washington seeks to account for the rising influence of russia and china on the continent with versus foreign minister. second love over also conducting it's for the let's cross live now to discuss this with international policy consultant, i called new york are called dark joining us now from south su, done thanks very much for joining us this evening. now. come on, la. horace is the 3rd top us officials to visit the african continent since the beginning of the year. the russian foreign minister said again, love rob is also conducted extensive tools of africa. moscow's also hosted african leaders, i believe last week in your opinion was, was increasing interest in africa by the lights of russia and china and america believing. thank you for having me. i think the increasing interest is due to the fact that china has really began to penetrate into the african economics to particularly do the natural resources. if you look at the level of investment in the level partnership that china has across africa is bass. and in most countries,
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you look at from big countries such as niger area, south africa tends to smaller economies such as south sedan, chad. so the chinese have really penetrated into the african markets and they maintain very strong economic relations. this country never seem billions of dollars with a contract to build infrastructure, to do business, do do industrialization. so this has caught the eye in the united states and cut the eyes of other countries because they believe that is becoming demonic, meaning china. now it's taking over the final frontier, which is africa. and which would you think africa is leaning? do you think this trip by the u. s. vice president is going to sway some nations in africa to lean towards the u. s. or the china. what do you think the outcome of this visit is going to be? i think the outcome will be nothing because does when you talk about coaching a southern country, africa is not a contract because 4554 country. and they're diverse in their own nature. diverse
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and they city diverse and language culture. but if you look at kamala, here it is visiting ghana, which is part of a lot. and then it was just for the east africa community and then via which is part of the static community. and what they're, the biggest discussion is going to be debt restructuring, because if you look at them, be the 1st african country to default on the sovereign debt. they're uncovered. 19 and is working. must have been credited or who are the chinese that are gonna have his own challenges right now as we speak, hasn't had district issues as basically just have to tell him this. and them be a now had issues with a lot of gifts with china. but what africa one africa has that sitting down as individual countries and developing unique relationship with united states and united states has to take this relationship seriously. they should spend the president because the only time they send officials when china is moving,
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then they're not peers and offer something to the countries, offer them investment, offer them fun, offer them loan, but is there a mirror? is known as materialistic issues. sation, and it's thinking african businessman, african leaders, and is always constantly accusing them of failing and being on democratic. and this has turned to africa away from america to china. know, just to play devil's advocate head. there have been some critics of china's role in the african continent saying that they're providing money quite cheaply and getting some african nations into a so called debt trap. what would you say to those allegations? those allegations are valid within the question. i was counter with people in the said, the trap, i mean many as an african, i feel that some of the loan, some of these are questionable but what is the counter? what is alternative, if you are an african president, african at a state and you want to build roads, wonderful hospitals, you want to build airports,
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want to do economic development. and you go to the west in the west telling, you know, your democratic, your dictator criticize you. they sanction and you turn east and you find that you have another partners. often your package to build a new airport to build a rose real infrastructure to build power plant. you didn't go with somebody as a development. granted, yes, some of those terms may not be favorable. but what is the alternative and is the question, are we supposed to many people in the west? what are you going to offer to counter trying to ask to be economic package? it cannot be paternalism, it cannot be sanction. they cannot be accusing. he will be under my credits, you have to offer economic added packages to these people because you lack economic leverage. an african countries in chinese have economic leverage. well, i called new york i called dark. thank you very much for your time and your thoughts. today's been very good to have you on the program. thank you. my dear and presence mohammed buccheri has urged his people to share their food with those in
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need had over rama, done as the country suffers from skyrocketing prices. the leader also went on to condemn unscrupulous sellers who have artificially inflated prices to make a profit during the secret months. i am particularly aware of the activities of treatise, hurt, officially increase the prices of their goods, including food at the beginning of every ramadan. are going to the latest report nigeria is in the midst of a major food crisis with more than 4000000 people in need of nutritional assistance . the lack of funding and gasoline as well as growing stability, is let's over a 1000000 people in need. a few monetary aid is estimated that more than a $1000000.00 is needed to help the nation of 18 percent from last year. one of the major issue facing nigeria is the threat of terrorism from the boca her millison group. since it emerged in 2009, the group's activities have claimed to thousands of lives and displaced millions of people most in the countries north. france has been a long time ally in combat in the threats. but after years of supporting the multinational joint task force,
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it's apartment has little to show for its newly lights. the presence mohammad hour is pledged to open accounts terrorism center to be security in the region. we f o 2 political analyst and human rights activists on the show who says it could boost the fights on terra and i think the peculiarity does and in the program is usually a home grown problem. watson and julia is now sophisticated kaufman support in terms of capacity to be military plus and then on also the technology to be able to pay these. and then data is betty rice, as it is all of the election that really happens, the president elect cannibal, and also his bias presidential team out there must have these knowledge. i did the bug out, i did the context of what this problem is. so if they can be able to put their houses in order and bring the best brenda walked together, what ensuring that they can be able to holistically that is the problem i think
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would be. and off to me on a i can say yes, they can be able to 100 that thing when you have these 2 people combine their own airport and in expedia in handling such a tang. i think julia can be able to handle these political crisis. russia on the u. s. cost verbally, the latest un security council meeting where moscow accused the world's chemical weapons watchdog offense objects to investigate various obligations of chemical weapons use. we have seen how in the recent years, almost any mention of the o, p. c. w has been politicized in an anti russian and anti syria and fashion. the traditional resolution of the un general assembly on the implementation of the chemical weapons convention has acquired a distinctly propagandist character for us. but to go counselor, don kelly, also talk to the floor. the un sarcuse moscow of waging a disinformation campaign over chemical weapons. the american official also play in
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the syrian government for targeting its own civilians. the o. p. c. w indicates a damascus in the killing of 43 people and a chemical weapon weapon. it's a chemical incidence in the city of doom, in 2018, which syria called a rebel attack. the executive director of the ron paul ensued for peace and prosperity done mcadams. he says the u. s. is the one spreading this information legality to both of us to follow the duma, a parent or suppose that chemical attacks know that the final report was riddled with errors. it was plenty wrong with it. the very, very seasoned investigators were concerned about the final product that were whistleblower saying the investigation doesn't, wasn't done right. all of these things lead to a very, very tainted report. you know, there's been great investigative journalist like aramark pay that have looked at it . so there are huge questions, but for political reasons, the u. s. and the u. k. having already bombed syria because of the so called the
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tax, they needed to have a report that came to the conclusion that they wanted. and that's why they exhorted all the pressure they did on the o. p. c, w, and really compromise the integrity of the organization. well, i read the statement of john kelly, i'm not sure who he is. he's probably just a regular state department bureaucrat, diplomat. it really seemed like an exercise in projection basically everything that he was accusing the russians of doing with regard to the p. c. w was very blatantly done by the us and the partners. i think the statement was pretty low level look like something written out of hillary clinton's office using the russians of deception. disinformation, you know, the same. they basically the same thing that they've always been doing. washington is that appoints a special and boy in bella rule to support opposition leaders in the country. well it's according to the u. s. secretary of state. can you talk about what you're thinking with respect to a special envoy for bell roofs and when,
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when might we see that appointment happen? no. thank you very much center for raising that and yes or 2 things. as you know, day in day out, we have the vilnius based of with when he of ace beatrice affairs unit that's are embedded in, in our embassy and they're doing the day in day out contact. because so much as you know, the democratic opposition is in is in lithuania, but at your point i were very actively looking at moving forward the special envoy . what i'm considering right now looking at is dual, having a very senior official in our european affairs bureau to also service the envoy to be able to then go in and out engage senior levels with the, with the opposition, even as the dealers affairs unit. that's based in lithuania, does the kind of day and day out engagement or while washington openly support the political opposition in belarus, it still accuses russia of meddling and u. s. internal affairs from accusing phone president donald trump of siding with the kremlin to manipulate elections, to happen up, hysteria must media of his alleged ties with russian president vladimir putin prob,
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involves the media companies acceptance of 8000000 dollars from a source with suspected russian tie. it's about how our former president consistently sent signals that he was not on ukraine side. he was on prudence. russia state media backed the republican candidate, donald trump, a man known for his affinity towards russia. le, according to earl robinson, retired us lieutenant colonel washington's funds have delivery. so yet another attendance, it's meddling in something the us would never tolerate. we would go absolutely crazy and we would probably sanction who knows, who knows who we probably would have, but joe biden, on the phone with somebody or were at lincoln, it would not be, it is not acceptable. would not be that bullying that it's the pointing a formal representative to the interest rates and,
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and work with the opposition. i mean, it's clearly clearly, you know, it looks like they're going to, once again go down the potential regime change though it just is the indicator of the arrogant within our foreign policy team. and it kind of like, almost like we feel that we're the rulers of the world and we can do as we were. so i think that will, it is just another symbol of them. i think this will further alienate other countries than they are very, very boxes on dealing with let's all for now to be sure to check out our website r t dot com for the latest breaking news and updates. in the meantime to see right back here at the top of the hour, thanks for watching with ah
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there were at least 270 massacres of local depot. any resistance to the british was answered with doubled cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they are. men, women, and children are shot whenever they can be met with squatter. henry myrick wrote in a letter to his family in england, in 18. 46. australia's past is rightly described as blood soaked and races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent, then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had decreased till 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical facts, the problem of full recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved.
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