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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 25, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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is being targeted, how real are the assassination plot against you right now as we speak? be as escalation blog. unfortunately, i ran the dent on me when i was very lucky. i'm lucky to be alive and where my legs. i was wanting full, almost 2 months before the attempt. i give the exact manner in which they were going to try. and as i said, we blame it on a religious fanatic. but it was all done by a people in the prime minister. they did minister and one senior intelligence agency guy, and they had planned this murder nation, and i was lucky to be alive and unfortunately they're still in a position of power. and so therefore, even though the investigation had started, but the scan demystification because it was pointing in the direction of
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a proper conspiracy on the lines which i had predicted. and therefore they just, they sabotaged the investigation. so the trench israel, because these people are sitting in bower, they are petrified, that if i win the elections, they would be in trouble, are held accountable. so they have been doing them since then. when i was saved by the almighty, just in the nick of time there to a dense to but beyond 11 on saturday there was a problem and i almost walked into this distress. and a little nick of time i got back because they had planned a you know, to kill me there. and then i discovered that they were going to do another action against on my me. on wednesday they were going to do this action where my supporters were there and they were planting people in my supporters would have fired the police and the police and the destination would have given my supporters
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and eventually come after me. so, i mean it's, it's a difficult time in august on because we, i have a government which is a drift. we have a government which cannot then the would get on a goal, but they could make situation in the country, which is we're passing through the worst crisis in history. the was governance and history. and then we have people who are petrified of elections. so the elections on the 2 men problems that have been announced by the supreme court on the very front, the petrified the elections. my body will sweep them because in order been bullied by bob bodies, boys who wouldn't do the majority focused on hence than wanting to get rid of it out of the 37 by elections in the last few months. my body, a sweat 30 or so you know you the reason you asked me in the beginning how rid of
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the threat, the thread is ran until the elections because they want that if the election stick, but as i come back into the bar, they will be held accountable, i'll get to the economy in a moment. is it true that as v t i lead to fall? georgie says, in the indian papers actually caught up with the story of us, that you are going to be part of multi body negotiations, agreeing on a process when you elections. and does that make any difference as regards yourself? because because you're banned from going for these elections by pakistani authorities. well, i'm not bad at all. but 443 cases against me. 5 by the government. under $43.00, it must be somewhat calm. i remember i've been in the public for the last 50 years . i'm the most well known bugs in history and people know me. i have never broken any law. and suddenly, in the last few months,
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in trying to remove be from the election, raise them $543.00 cases of all which you start from, blast me to sedition. to dare is a most of them are terrorism, will support is in the peace movement in say, nature country say that it was your opposition to drones. things that you've done certainly would have irritated the cia and anthony blinking. but what about these gifts that you received from foreign governments? when you a p. m, between 201820? 22. what he, what about those judges is $75.00 on history. the law says that when a head of state law, any one and bower ministers, all army generals, only one when they receive gifts, then the law says that you bear a certain amount or do those state. it used to be 20 percent, and my diamond was 50 percent when you paid 50 percent, the guess for yours to do whatever you want. but guess you did not claim washington
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and in the market. so this has been the law for 70 years. i and i'm waiting for, does this job, this is a allegation i'm waiting for this to go to gord. you would find out that people would find out the only head austin, possibly the only hosted who went by the book who declared everything and who did everything legal is sitting here. well, of course some i'd say that you appointed people when you were prime minister. that i don't know whether you think they were part of a conspiracy for a spokesperson and edema. so john white is he saying things like i was impressed by a emron cons. anti corruption platform was tied to the status quo, but then saw that well, con, publicly talked about the poor. privately, he surrounded himself with wealthy investors. well, what do you make of that? in others that you, you appointed?
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when you, you appointed people that now criticize you. so this guy came from one of the party joined me before 2000 elections. and then he lost the elections. and so as a consolation, i gave him some advice issue. and then he went back to the party to the body game from so when he, when you go back, what are you going to say? why, why did you leave your body? you know, why are you back? what else is you going to say? i am really disappointed. i thought this was this, i mean, you know, these are politicians. what are they going to say? remember, the only government that has been removed and i, history and not to hook her up. she was my government. when my government was removed, in 17 years, we had the best economic performance and that's documented in economics avail. august on an annual report published on the economy published by this government. so it has the best economic record in 70 years and was not removed on corruption.
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obviously that severe be disputed by the opposition. you tweeted on sunday. fascism is at unprecedented levels under the premiership of your successor. no. was sheriff's brother shabazz um does that include the ios i boss nadeem and u. z, a fascist. and what is the role of the military here because to have fascism, you need a strong military. are you saying that there are others beside the prime minister? the new prime minister that are part of fascism in modern day pakistan. never in a democratic government and have a fundamental rights of the citizens. a democratic rights. never the freedom of speech never hasn't been so much at stake, right? as right now, i mean all these rights have disappeared, but his son is passing through the worst human right catastrophe. in
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a democratic history. yes, in some military dictatorships there was probably similar circumstances. but in general motions dictatorship, it was liberal compared to what we are going to right now. well that's, that's obviously quite a, quite his statement. have you had any or any contact with us authorities because the optics of your overthrow were that you were with vladimir putin as the response by russia to nature provocation as russia. so it had happened in don bass, and there's been very little support for you from washington. but on the other hand, you have tempered your initial charge is that washington was, or the sole conspirator to of the qu, that you allege when my gunman was removed. so just to give you a, he was exactly what happened. a cipher, which is of which is a correspondence from our ambassador and we're mat. yeah. so that, oh gosh,
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one is what is called the cypress secret correspondence. arrived at the foreign office and at my desk. no, what did it say? daughter louis telling the budget sunny investor that if you do not remove him, ron con, your prime minister and a vote of no confidence, there will be consequences by august on the next. it is a voter. no conferencing is be a government that had the best economic performance in 70 years. as you know, as you know now, chabarise sharif is saying they have a leak already of you saying we must use this. i mean, that doesn't necessarily negate the fact that the biden administration was trying to overthrow you, but it was that true to the audio recording of you saying we must use as one can understand you wanting to use it. after all, it's a conversation which was state by the secret agencies. and then the doctor did, you know, you know, now if you have, if,
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if the dave your conversation, i mean, we're artificial intelligence. you can actually do anything. so the doctor, the conversation, but let me just make it a fake tape but so, so not when i was doctor, there were some things that were right, but then there were, you know, you can easy doctorate. but the point is, i mean that cipher public i and michael i of course, a good polish of what was it, a of the the exactly correspondence because it's a secret goal. but we put that cipher in front of a cabinet us national security council by his son officially de marsh, the u. s. y, interfering and internal affairs. so that's the cipher. but later on we discovered it with what you would have for him to. we discovered that it was own army chief who was campaign against b, who was a min architect of conspiring to remove
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b. you're talking about generalize him an air? no, no, i'm talking you my general badge. why is the ex army chief ok? he was conspiring, he was telling b, u. s. he had hired a lobbyist or who santa connie, on up here on my government barrel, who was loving against bill washington during the americans. a look in on when to rashawn is on a gordon as of the whole of foreign office. all, all the stakeholders were not on board and that was in the cipher too. and he campaign that iran is andy american and general america and so level. now he does go and then they will poison against the big line above good relationship with the trump administration. former prime minister, i'll stop you there more from the 22nd prime minister pockets on the chairman of the p t. i. m on con, up to this break. ah,
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blue, blue, blue, a blue, blue with blue. ah it ah
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ah ah, ah, welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with overthrown bug is sunny by minister emron con. as you know, the white house has been denying a lot of stories, not least the nord stream destruction story revealed by seymour hersh, but day, according to your allegations about the fact you were threatened by consequences. as appearing in that cipher or code, the biden spokesperson and kate bedingfield is on the record. the saying there is absolutely no truth to that allegation that you made. well,
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hardly are they going to say that, you know, we were involved in a regime jane and bugs on. obviously they were denied, but the factors, the side for was the ocean conversation between ambassador in washington and on a lou. and that was reported to me and the exact words were that you should get rid of your prime minister in a board of no conferences. and surprisingly, the next day there was a lot of new confidence. well, let's go to the economy then, because you've been talking about the threat to the sovereign debt rating of pakistan. why do you believe china is not waiting for you to be back? empower in pakistan of the of asset budget con, already been in bay. jing of china giving pakistan $500000000.00 to facilitate it. seems a loans possible 1200000000 dollars from the u e, where i'm talking to, from, in the kingdom of saudi arabia. why are these countries not reacting more
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extremely in, or at least in a way that would suit your political parties position? well, you see from what i can get, i mean, i can only assume this because i have no contact with any of the foreign countries . so i can see why there are reacting. but i can assume the what is happening is the ganges outside august on financial institutions outside august on and all the businesses will august on have lost faith in the us government. and why? and the last with, because the economy has been so badly managed, that we are passing through the worst economic crisis in our history. so our, our currency has plunged our growth. it has gone down ah, exports, you know, where to creation, how do you get? well, but producing by exporting, well all you did i want to give is to facilitate the i'm floats. surely. i mean
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that's why the prime minister sharon sharif is saying you're derailing your own i m f. program. if you are prime minister, would you just go along with facilitating washington money again? reports are that the i m f may not be sending the $1100000000.00 trunk. you probably want that washington money, would you rather than a more independent pakistan with relying on bricks countries? oh, object of getting an i'm as ron is a bridging lawn until you make your structure changes in your economy. that is supposed to be just a breathing long for you to get on your feet, but you know, that's no one of the i m f does to global south country. no, i know that's not what the i m f does, but the countries have to take responsibility. now what will be trying to do? and i just give you an example of what we were trying to do. raise your revenues, so exports remittances raise the number of donna's coming in because i am, it only comes in when you have a shortage of dollars or you're going to con,
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goes into deficit. so we were trying to raise our revenues and gradually try to squeeze expenditure. this is what happens when a house goes into debt. now, what is happening right now is that when you are exposed to go start going down when your remittance to start going down. in other words, you're going to income goes down. you're in deep trouble because you're just taking loans. when you have no capacity to pay them back, if you've, unless you grid, where are you going to pay your loss back? this is the crunch we've got stuck, and right now we have all these loans accumulating. we are boring money, which is why the other countries are elected, but i capacity to pay back has been reduced. so who is in control of pakistan that who is in control of those who want to do you harm? well, this government was brought in by the ex army chief that he was the army chief general module since then has been brought up by the stablish. but they're 12 parties,
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scholarship, which is forming this government, which means no one is enjoys. they're all over the place. if the establishment withdrew support from his government. if we're going to day, there's nothing to bind it together. it is just the establishment keeping them together, which is why i'm saying the situation is untenable. at the moment, there is so much political uncertainty, no one, just the government, the only way forward, a free and fair elections allow government government, which is public mandate. the confidence of the people that is a government then which can start restructuring the economy, making different choices, you know, difficult decisions and, and only a government public mandate can get us out of this mess. and many say that you are the most popular politician in pakistan. you obviously won the majority of the votes in 2018,
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but you also know the history of assassinations of pakistani leaders. he still refusing personal bodyguards. i was as the assassination of them when i was extremely lucky to be alive. this young man, when he saw i'm drawing a gun just 2030 feet away. feet away from me. had he not has put his hand on the gun, it would have it be on the dog body and other people because he put his hand on the gum and the last it hit my legs and other people plus it was another shooter in the front. so, but it's in the legs, man, i went on and then a bullet from the shooter in front window, the head since then i've taken precautions. now i speak in front of a bullet proof screen, and i am taking precautions because the guy who planned these as a vision all in power, those who are supposed to defend me are the ones i am in the greatest danger from. they of course deny that they say they're protecting you clearly. what about you?
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explain the silence. then i mean the, the am your children's uncle is the you you came in is to for overseas territory is not gold. now, lord goldsmith, he, it's been on this show. why no, why nothing from him here. the problems and by august on have to be solved by the people by august on harvey. am i going to ask other countries look and you know, i was, i was asked is no, i was wondering why they didn't volunteer to. as you know, nature governments have a lot of talking about different countries in the global south. they just not talking about democracy in pakistan. all i wanted then, you know, countries abroad to talk about other, the greatest violation of human rights sticking base right now in my country. we actually have the worst form of fascism in this country, glam, known on media. jonas being put into jail one of our best investigative journalists,
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are chetry, rounded out, killed in kenya, assassinated, or over top. dennis had left the country and who killed i, shad sharif. you believe it was a name and you to boss of the i a saudi. i believe it was the same guy that tried to kill me. they would deny that, but you don't have that. the evidence asserted. well, this is, this is a top pakistani john is killed in kenya after being in dubai. of course, for those who don't know him, so unless you have a proper investigation, how can you find the proofs? and when the investigation was going on, in my case, they came and sat judge on the bruce, this gum, and then destroy it all. and all the evidence that was collected so far has been destroyed. they have destroyed the joint investigating committee. this. this is completely minister reader, why? because they are sitting in bower and didn't know where the investigation was eating. same as with the jealous archery his,
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his investigation hasn't already been scuttled. would you do things differently? now i know out influence of con, local p t. i, leader in the have eliana has been killed this week. members of your party are being killed or would you have done things differently as regards the military? the secret services in pakistan which you you after will lead luckiest on these structures were there on the or leadership? good luck we have and budget on. we have a history, we gave the starter of a security state. we had this big fear of never 7 times our size, which we had a do dick as 3 wars against them. so they will, you know, we, the gundy naturally would have a fear that it, by so not exist, you know, because the naval was so huge and therefore it started off as a security state. and then when i was a politician, most of the army came in and,
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and both marcia laws, we had 3 much laws out of the last 60 years. ah, we've been ruled by the army and roughly all by these 2 families. so the democratic system still in vol. ring is still hasn't of all property and we have our own. let me just can be we have the war on gender for almost 15 years. and that again, to us more into the security, stayed by the agencies as the intelligence agencies play the huge order. so we are now trying to have all of a system. what is that equilibrium at the moment is going librium at the moment. in this case of this government, it is almost completely the establishment running the show of the nuclear weapons safe. absolutely. i think of one thing there is a consensus in bygone. it is on nuclear weapons because, you know, everyone recognizes that that guarantees us security. so there is
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a consensus across body line everyone, everyone august on believes that we must keep them secure there and can. but you just said that those elements of the security state have been problematic over recent years. and yet they're in control of the nuclear weapons. no problems, but between the the balance for the military and the civilian relationship. that's where the problem is. it's not as far as the nuclear, that concerned there's a consensus august on that we need to look after them and keep them secure by that . because that ensures our security and safety, well, as your family are attacked, as your recovering from being shot says, you're under threat of assassination. how is it to view she, gen ping, visiting moscow and both put in and she, heralding almost a new world order, which seems to be very different at 1st sight to that,
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that we've seen since 945. i see, you know, great change is taking place. i mean, of course, in china and russia is one because it seems that the u. s. this policy is just pushing countries into blocks. is a home a giant brought together iran in saudi arabia. i think that's one of the best developments as far as buckeye son is concerned, because iran is a neighbor and saudi arabia is one of our closest friends for years. so them together, easy tensions for us. we feel that it's a great step over it. but what i do not want these last developing countries like us should choose either one side or the other. because india has, i must have mine yes for the policy. their ideal non alignment when they were born, warren countries, when rocks, india sort of standards in the making itself
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a country which is non aligned and, and their voice intent relationship. but everyone and that's what i want my son to be. we don't want to be like we were in the cold water line with us and therefore we would not have relationship with the entire central ation blog which was with, with the soviet union. so now i would really like, for, from my son's point of view, we, you know, we need to have trade trade with her on trade with central asia right up to russia because thus these are our neighbors and china, of course. and one day i hope that we have trade with india and we have a proper relationship with india once. hopefully the spiritual sword. well just very, very briefly. if shabba sharif tried to follow those kinds of geopolitical policies, would he be subject to what you alleged? you as subjected to by the, by doing administration, would he be overthrown if he wanted to be not aligned love, bravo,
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shavon chief and his brother and austin doughty, is that they have billions of dollars lying outside august on and western capital properties. they've got their brochure, a guns, and what is not just bug a sunny, bought a dish loose dashed, money laundering from the countries and do a western government and offshore accounts. this is the problem with the most of developing one. and the moment the leadership, as money outside is going to be in the sort of billions of dollars. i'm afraid they can never take independent decisions. they get, are they have an independent foreign policy for the benefit of their own people? well, of course, all those politicians deny any wrong doing. they're all welcome to come on the show . show my prime minister, american. thank you and that's over the show will be back on monday. mean, well, you can give the judge my role as social media if it's not sensitive in your country and had to watch. i know going on the grantee on rumble dot com to watch
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new and all that. it's all going underground c on monday. hm . ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk in the west. it's called a marriage of convenience, but for russia and china, their relationship is strategic and an alternative to the west, so called rules based order with the west refuses to recognize the russians in the chinese practice. and it's called multi polarity
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operation. aerodynamic began shortly after world war 2 and lost it almost 3 decades . it wasn't a major effort to try and split the ukraine off from the soviet union, u. s. intelligence. together with hypnos, executioners drained hundreds of saboteurs to be deployed in the soviet union. this focused on the east of wonder, so will i'm starting with today is security service of ukraine uses not only the statistic methods, but also the ideology of the nationalist a a t international
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vladimir putin phase. russia will deploy its nuclear weapons in neighboring deliveries to cool to get a similar what the us does with some effects date. so allied with the pi didn't administration that blew up p know, extreme, quite blind to rain in western europe, which we relied on chief russian. yeah, that's the latest claim from renown. the investigative to fight blind, that shows control full of.


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