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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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a relation with ah, due to lately, as americans placed their tactical nuclear weapons on their allies, territory, and train crews and pilots to use them if necessary. we have decided to do the same . vladimir putin announces russia will deploy tactical nuclear weapons to bela ruse . he says moscow will retain control of the arms the central american nation of europe establishes, ties with china after breaking off decades long relations with taiwan. and the west is fully aware of the negative consequences that depleted uranium ammunition causes to human health and the environment that's according to moscow
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who slammed the u. k. plan to supply care with radioactive shelves. ah, good afternoon from martine or national studios in moscow. and welcome to the weekly with the hour and weeks top stories worldwide. i'm fiorella isabel, great to have you with us. to our top story, russia will station, tactical nuclear weapons and neighboring bella ruse in response to the deployment of american nukes and europe. that's the announcement from president vladimir putin in his latest interview. this message press president lucas shank, who was right when he says that bell roost is our closest ally. as americans placed their tactical nuclear weapons on their allies, territory, and trained crews and pilots to use them if necessary. we have decided to do the same without violating our obligations that we continued to meet. in terms of non proliferation of nuclear weapons. we have already
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a sister or bela russian colleagues in refitting their planes. 10 planes are ready to carry such weapons. we have already sent are well known and efficient iskander systems which can carry such weapons. beginning on the 3rd of april, we will start to train crews, and on the 1st of july, we will finish the construction of a storage facility, specifically for tactical nuclear weapons on bell russian territory. we will not hand over the weapons to bela bruce, just as the u. s. doesn't due to its allies. we're simply doing what they have been doing for decades. vladimir putin also discussed the nurturing sabotage. he pointed to a statement from russian experts that a device found near the pipelines could have been used to transmit a signal to set off the explosion. the russian leader also spoke on political matters, recalling his recent meeting with shipping and moscow as a productive unpleasant affair. earlier we spoke to former pentagon security policy analyst, michael maloof, who discuss what the president said in the interview. i think the just,
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the deployment response is a response in kind to appeals by, by putting repeatedly to de escalate. and all he's doing is bringing parity some semblance of parity and indivisibility. if you will, because under the visibility which was heavily violated by the west, you don't arm the, the west at the expense of the east, but they, they've done that. so i'm envisioning that, that bella ruth and the other members of the collective security treaty organization could become at the new warsaw pact if you will. in response to the existence of an expanded nato. and i see that evolving quite clearly now with the, with the movement of new nuclear facilities into bella
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roost. and that could be extended to the other members of the c s t o. they have an article for which is equivalent to nato's article 5, which is natasha on one of the attack on all. so this is a very interesting development. during the interview, president boon added that western powers tried to disrupt negotiations with its chinese counterpart. that reaction came in response to reports that a 1000000 artillery shells have been sent to ukraine by western partners. that information was revealed the same day he met with the chinese leader where the pair discuss beijing's piece plan for the ukranian conflict. during the meeting, the 2 side sat there relations don't represent a military alliance aimed at other countries. the leaders also expressed concern over u. s. military and biological activities. calling for washington to explain a south african. it's all colon richie. the chinese russian ties have gone far beyond bilateral relations over the last and years,
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and are crucial and vital importance for today's world order. a relationship is built on contributing to the progress of mankind were guided by the principles in the un charter and a day to an unbiased view were always ready for peace and dialogue. we firmly stand on the right side of history western efforts to isolate and to contain russia both economically and politically hit a wall to day. as the chinese leader came out and said that not only was china happy about the record trade, that in our joys with russia at a $190000000000.00 turn over year, it'll increase that trade to a much greater figure by 2030 that these the plan voiced by vladimir putin and she, jim being of china booth came out and loaded where relations are right now. they're at a historic height. they said the best they've been in centuries more than that of vladimir putin. and she jumping listed the various areas where they would work together,
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build on those relations, and they're pretty much everything. their culture. there are trade business, financial services, as well as technology energy and much, much more. those countries optimistic about the future. the chinese also brought with them a plan, a plan for piece, kilograms to ammonia is full, as we believe that many of the points of china's piece plan are similar to our views and can be taken in action for the peaceful settlement. when the western key of are ready to accept these, however, so far we see no willingness on their part. that may imprudent also during the press conference, told the audience that the various dignitaries, the delegations. what is the press that while he and she jumping, talked, vladimir putin was, was brief that the great britain and official air had announced that they would now supply depleted uranium rounds to the ukrainian military,
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the same depleted uranium that has been linked to countless deaths and birth defects, cancer in areas such as a rock where it has been used, low even used it for, but a u. k. as an outs, not only the supply of tanks to ukraine, but also shells with depleted uranium. it seems that the west has really decided to fight russia to the last ukranian nodded words. but in reality, great, if all of this happens, russia will have to react accordingly. based on the fact that the collective west is beginning to use weapons with a new killer component, all an old grand ambitious plans voiced by, by china, and by russia. the leaders of both, both saying that they stood for a multi polar world than that they would work to develop that world. and the various systems and bodies that govern it. a world based on, on rules and laws,
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in which china and russia will remain good friends. earlier, my colleague worries to shave, discuss a range of topics involving the chinese presidents visit with a panel of guess from the west. cling long to a unipolar world to whether or not beijing's proposed piece plan for you brain will become a reality. the world is, is changing. it's had enough of the, let's call it from what it is. western arrogance. and it will start to form their own alliances in response to the deployment of western alliances such as made of the existence of which still defies any logic. because the better lines are supposed to fight communism and protect the west from the fatty logical spread a and military spread and was countered by the war. so fact,
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which was promptly dismantled. and you know, chide china has, has come to moscow with a potential piece proposal. for the conflict in ukraine, a john kirby of the us national security council, formerly of the us state department, john kirby saying washington is not interested about a possible seas foreign ukraine, particularly if it's mediated by china. alex, why would washington be against ending the conflict? we've seen the collapse of their financial system over the last couple of weeks here. that truly shows you the power that washington really has nowadays, which is not much they're used to ripping up agreements. they're in to that apparently, and they're up to really no good on the international world wide. i would say diplomacy levels while the u. s. is scrambling. china is now gain partners one by one with their belt road initiative. and through the belt road initiative, investing in other countries, they are once again building a relationship. that is what the world is up against. and i think it's,
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it's quite challenging for the u. s. he make a very good point. alex, which i'll take over to the benjamin chow now, because how, how do you think, benjamin, that the members of the bricks group of nations and i also african state to how do you think they perceive the beijing proposed a piece plan? now we are seeing opposite trends in it. well those, this portray can and there is this can let by to lester the showing a clear trend of equalization which could tongue bad because equal seymour's as train an interest more segregated. and it worries becoming a more serious um, game, ah, you know, people form cancer. we understand that, but it is quite unreasonable that the us now is when the, asking people to reject any piece plans on ukraine as you raised. right. that these are, you know, there are currently 20 african country meters here in moscow seeking collaboration . yet dibiase and other can do the exclusive cups in the name of democracy prog.
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coarsely up with standard china and undergrads have established diplomatic ties after the central american nation and a decade long relations with taiwan, honduras is an important country in central america. the government of honduras chooses to stand with $100.00 and a $21.00 countries in the world recognise and undertake to adhere to the one china principal, severe the so called diplomatic relations with taiwan, established diplomatic relations, would the people's republic of china and undertake that hand euros shall no longer develop an official relations or official exchanges with taiwan. this is the right choice, that is in line with the prevailing trend and supported by the people. china highly appreciate that. the suffering of ties came after the 100 on foreign minister visited beijing. the honduran foreign ministry stated that it recognized taiwan is an inseparable part of chinese territory and china as the only legitimate government,
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the loss of relations with under as slaves. taiwan with formal diplomatic ties with just 13 states around the globe. taiwan in turn accused the central american country of being lured by china, which is promising financial assistance by joan boyer single pitching boundary. taiwan ministry of foreign affairs would like to warn beijing that its attempts to lure our diplomatic allies with false promises, in order to squeeze or diplomatic space has seriously harmed the feelings of the ty when his people and sped up the divergence of cross street relations and check out our website, archie dot com, to find out more about washington's efforts to exert its influence on doris. by pressuring the central american nation to opt out of establishing ties with china, disease in no agriculture. the russian defense ministry has said that the west is well aware of the irreparable harm that depleted uranium causes to civilians and the environment as well as to ukrainian service men,
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but still plans to send the ammunition to ukraine anyway. moscow calls the move, the pinnacle of shamelessness. santos, of bringing you. thank you. both. the west is well aware of the negative consequences of the use of depleted uranium ammunition, despite the fact that the use of such munitions will cause irreparable harm to the health of ukrainian armed forces and the civilian population. however, nato countries and particular great britain expressed their readiness to supply these type of weapons to the key of regime nato has actually become an accomplice to horrific crimes ukrainians for nato, as we all see, are just expendable. no one cares about their fate. either in european capitals or across the ocean. the pinnacle of shamelessness was the recent reports about britain's readiness to supply the key of regime with depleted uranium ammunition. earlier british authorities announce that they intend to supply ukraine with depleted uranium projectiles,
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which work to pierce tanks and armored vehicles vladimir putin more and that russia would be forced to respond accordingly. john curvy national security council spokesperson diminished the severity of london's plans, saying that the use of such arms is what he calls fairly commonplace. i mean, make no mistake in this is yet another straw man through which the russians are driving a stick. this kind of ammunition is fairly commonplace. been in use for, for decades. the west has use weapons containing depleted uranium in europe during the bombing of former yugoslavia. according to an admission of the former nato secretary general lord robertson and south, more than $30000.00 rounds of ammunition with depleted uranium were dropped on belgrade. serbian officials who this week marked 24 years since the beginning of the nato bombing said, those numbers are actually higher use of depleted uranium in the both in sparked
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a number of lawsuits by those who participated in the operations, including soldiers from italy, france, and the u k, according to independent journalist to some pro rock of ich and member of the serbian parliament meals bonds or the consequences for those involved were terrible . i know good consequences. i had a huge i think that the bonding was simply unjustified. the dead for the use of the plant, the bloated uranium, and plus the bombs. what example was also unjustified, that the consequences at a better but although they have not yet been fully explored, especially when it comes to though you're a new home, as you imagine, certainly i can see with the continuous increase in the number of concepts in the number of my league and diseases, the research on that topic is being done, although it should be also said and undermined that natalie is this some of the
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aging them some with asian dead early since simeon nuns, m a z m u, serbia, today is the number one country in europe when it comes to the number of people suffering from cancer. and this is the clear consequences of the bombings with depleted uranium. for hundreds of years, i will remain present in our water, air and soil, by giving ukraine such weapons. they will pollute the territory of ukraine on which many depend for food don't. i simply could not believe when i heard the information that great britain is offering ukraine weapons with depleted uranium. russia is not serbia, russia, cannon will respond in a completely different manner. it is just simply unbelievable that the west is trying to drag every one into destruction when they conduct their aggression towards the former yugoslavia. they used forbidden weapons. according to sources, saudi arabia and syria are set to resume counsellor services between the 2
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countries. this comes after a halt and diplomatic relations following re add backing the serious opposition in 2012. earlier our sister channels spoke with the prime minister of yelman's national salvation government. he says, the power that western colonial states used to have had shifted to an eastern alliance salon hammer aim chuckling zealand. currently, the power that existed in america in europe is being swayed to the east towards russia and china. consequently, it is only natural for these 2 new superpowers to be the focus of a wide range of interest throughout the world. this new eastern alliance that we are seen develop is by nations that are not colonial nations that are not ravaging, pillaging and exploiting other nations in south america, africa, or in asia. they do not practice colonial zation in other nations. the western alliance only seeks to steal wealth and extort a nation's natural resources. this is a good example of double standard culture possessed by european nations. european
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politicians do not have the humanitarian morals and ethics to resolve the issues happening in the world. they distinguish between which refugees they like and don't like, and they distinguish between asylum seekers in nations and those who are in need. they practice what can be categorized as a double character or double standard. they talk about not having enough resources to fund humanitarian aid, but on the other hand, they fund ukrainian government with money and weapons. imagine in just one year, 200000000000 dollars were allocated to the key of regime. while the rest of the world only received $20.00 to $30000000000.00 and funding, this is their policy with nations in the middle east. they deal and communicate with elite politicians of that nation and conspire with them to transform the people into slaves. china and russia do not engage in such manners. how will archie, steve sweeney break sound? the factor is that may lead to the anger washington's decades long influence in the middle east. america's global domination is under threat as its role as
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a world leader seems to be slipping out of its growth. a major breakthrough in global politics could see peace between u. s. ally, saudi arabia and us enemy, syria, and harold, an end to media, decade of wool. now, in a deal report to be broken by russia, the 2 countries are set to provide conscious services and reopen their respective embassies with the us left out in the cold cash. if i'm a little who was other than the source in the saudi ministry of foreign affairs reveal it, ongoing discussions have begun with assyrian ministry of foreign affairs commencing on what was circulated by some international media outlets. the source indicated, the discussions are underway between officials in the kingdom and their counterparts in syria about resume and the provision of consular services. he came home on the heels of the announcement that china had brought saudi arabia and iran together with the pair agreeing to re stole diplomatic ties. off the days of talks,
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relations broke down in 2016 and worse and amid the devastating conflict in ukraine seen by some as a proxy war between the 2 nations, the reproach, one could see an end to fighting there. i'm bring home to its people who have been bombed to the brink of the wolves worth famish in a century. bombs, of course, have been supplied by the u. s. as part of its destructive road in the region. the talks this time have fully combed through the merits of the disputes between saudi arabia and iran, and explored effective ways to resolve disputes. saudi arabia hopes that this will open a new chapter and bilateral ties under the architecture of a brotherly relationship. shayna has provided favorable conditions for rich and disagreement. this vivid demonstration of the basic policies and concepts of china's diplomacy, which includes the major initiative of building and community with a shared future mankind. iran firmly supports the relevant initiatives. russia has
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also played a mediating role between turkey and syria, where the potential road map to peace, which could see the 2 countries presidents meet face to face. are sad, who met with vladimir putin a moscow earlier this month has called on turkey to end. what he describes as anchor's occupation and support for terrorist groups. such meetings should be prepared with prior coordination and planning between rush in syria in order to be effective and achieve the specific goals that series expecting. it is in stark contrast to the u. s. approach and sylvia, which has seen miss all strikes and punitive sanctions described as an economic wall efforts to dislodge. i said have also included a $1000000000.00 cova cia program operation. timber sick of all funding and arming a mary out of syrian rebel groups. i'm washington is clear that it's still once regime change in syria. but washington's regional allies,
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a welcoming syria back into the arab league, from which it was suspended in 2011. russia's relations with africa. i've also sent the us into a tailspin with vice president. come on, harris. the late his official was sent to the continent on a charm offensive to counter russia. china influence an increase the pressure to bring africa firmly into the u. s. via of influence. but a true partnership with africa means that we talk about and consult on elements of chinese engagement on the elements of china's engagement that concern us, including in the technological, economic, military and global governance domains. obviously, we can't ignore the current geopolitical moment. it's no secret that we are engaged in competition with china, and we've said very clearly, we intend to out compete china in the long term. we've made it clear we have real
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concerns about some of china's behavior in africa and around the world as washington is focused on countering russia. china influence moscow and beijing. a moving closer together, sending shivers down the spine of the west. the crucial peace deals negotiated by russia and china, respectively show who is the driving seat and an emerging multi polar world in houston and his little medi lucel's. mostly, over all our interaction in the international arena is promoting the fundamental principles of international order and multi polarity, while russia and china show leadership brokering piece deals. the u. s. approach of gumbo diplomacy, bombing countries to smithereens, is seeing it become increasingly more isolated. the hypocrisy over concerns of chinese and russian aggression is clear to see. it seems a global bully is finally being brought to hill as a new world order is emerging. bring an end to western dominance. journalist and
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writer hind armless stop. i says that reconciliation between saudi arabian syria is an important step. as u. s. influence in the region is denied this time is the 1st time posey. suppose we have noticed major rejection of the usaa insurance here in the middle east. here . we can notice that this is a kind of decision of companies in this region who get twice a 1000000. russia has a very important choice at intervention. the reason i believe that after the war in the financing or has changed and became menu that wasn't both really pieces in the war with only killing and soil. i believe with some developments
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with calculation that mattel has to come to flow and we had no zillow as many issues in the fields or without cooperation with us was a horrible iranian threat to our country. that's how the u. k. security minister, branded the islamic center for england, which lawmakers want to shut down. sadly, the slamming center for england is not alone, and the work of this law mcrib aleutian to regard core is not limited to those iranian proxy organizations. the government was pulling together to convert this wild threat that's taken over a country and is now threatening ours. members of british parliament claimed the center is run by direct representatives of iran supreme leader. they alleged that to wrong connection to the london mosque runs through iran's revolutionary guard. that group has long been labeled a terrorist organization by american law makers who are now urging their european
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allies including the u. k to follow suit. earlier we spoke with an independent journalist, she says, the u. k. political system needs to take steps to get rid of his on the phobia. obviously they always come with excuses of security, but this is the country where based on reports, 40 over 40 percent of mosques have come under attacks over the past 3 years. and a great percentage of voters have been that have been surveyed in different elections. have said that they feel islam is generally a threat. so, so we're talking about a country that has a phobia grounded in that society and in as well as the political system of the media. and you see the same security minister quitting in the arabic and congratulating muslims for ramadan, but at the same time portraying muslims as being
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a threat. this is clearly very hypocritical and has nothing to do with security or was fighting terrorism. it's all has to do with trying to gemini and isolated wrong ways of protests have hit france in the country. southwest police clash with demonstrators who torts their vehicles as they demanded. halting the construction of a water reservoir with the raleigh had started peacefully with some $25000.00 local taking part. however, a number of people were injured in subsequent suffolk with belief. local authority say at least 2 people are now in critical condition. this comes amid weeks long protest across the country over the government's new pension reform belt, increasing the retirement age to 64 instead of 62 without
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a parliamentary vote. here's some footage from the tumultuous streets of the french nation. ah ah ah ah. out of control, that's how french citizens describe violent clashes with police. with some news outlets liking the chaos to award zone over a 1000000 protesters have taken to the streets against that controversial pension reform heavily armor police have used tear gas water cannon stung grenades and but
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. * hans against the protesters. however, french president micron brushed aside concerns about the police tactics and called the protesters, voices. illegitimate. news in barn con has delivered a fiery speech to supporters utter. riley. it'll hor, pakistan saturday night. despite attempts by the authorities to block roads leading to the event hands of thousands of people gathered. as the former prime minister spoke for almost 2 hours and his address, he called on citizens and government organizations to support the rule of law in the country. a local journalists brings us this report from the scene. i got them on hon. i have a political analyst has declared this one of the most successful shows of power by all means, the crowd is likely close to 70 to 80000 people. in ron con, speech was mostly focused on the supremacy of the rule of law in the country and real freedom. he criticized the violation of the constitution by not holding
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elections within the 90 days after the dissolution of the provincial parliaments. he also appealed to the nation to rise up and stand by the supreme court. he asked the supreme court judges, which has the support of these masses to move ahead to protect the constitution by taking serious notice of denying elections with the 90 days. he rejected the announcement of holding elections on october 6th. instead he demanded the election commission to follow the supreme court verdict of hoarding elections on april 30th in pune john province. he was insisting on the supremacy of the constitution. those were the hour and weeks top stories from all over the glove for the latest breaking news and updates had over to r t dot com. and don't forget to fall us on all social media platforms. thanks for joining in. we'll see a back at the top of the hour. good. ah .


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