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tv   Africa Now  RT  March 28, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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when i can, boy, you can get us my, when we have 6 in front with a k, 43 beautiful. this is a bullet proof. we have an arm. it was. i really think people are going to struggle to shoot through. the hope all is this just to take a quick trip to the beach to see more often than not, doesn't make it into the mainstream. hello, welcome to this week. so from somalia, a country many have either never heard of heard only bad things about a couldn't find on the map. situated on the horn of africa, it has the longest co sign on the continent, mainland, the country is most famous for wait for it. it's poet, but unfortunately, yes, so will war for an involvement and interference? most of the american has the countries one of the poorest in the world,
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almost 3 in 4 people live below the poverty line. $1.00 us dollars a day. international traveler, fine. so we warn you, not your travel here due to armed conflict, and as you can find me, the sound of the human helicopters keeping watch these an ongoing, very high, quick, careless, detect, and kidnapping and dangerous level of violent crime. this is a thing of what it's like to visit as a foreigner or german. i think here in the capital of somali market issue for several days now, and i can tell you that this is my 1st time to the country. and 1st impressions are that the people are extremely hospitable, extremely kind and gracious. not this was a former colony of both italy and indian italians only really being spoken by the much older generation. most people do speak english and if it's not a good, yes,
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there is a kind of smattering of english. i was hoping to show you a bit of the life in the streets of market issue. but we are having to go every way with a 247 schools. we are not an office are the faces of the security guards that are with us all the time. the fact that i'm working on the ground is extremely unusual. the security has given me a few minutes to do this report and entered it back into the vehicle. and that is because the government here is blocking the militant group, which is an offshoot of islamic state. the mon, on face things, the worst drought in history. it is very, very hot, yet only after arriving was a whole march and april or the hottest month, the baker planning next time in that regard. but as you see, there are people on the street is some kind of life. older women are dressed in traditional clothing and every way you go people,
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notice you because of course we look a bit strange and we look as if we foreign, the hotel that we staying in is actually an compound. and the way it works is that any time we want to leave those tests and they come with us, the compound itself is to could not only with, on the to know who are holding. i'm using a k 47, but this was a sam bag. it's also to make and all of that is mean to help you hi, behind. if there is some kind of shootout or provide some kind of protection every way we go, we have these local contracts with us. so here is a group of local contractors that have just driven past us and we have the same. we usually have 6 types in the vehicle in front and then the rest of the team is into the vehicle following behind and id remains a concern. anytime we stay part of the vehicle is a con. so in summer we've been given the sun life now that we can also speak enough
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and it's time to get back in. but i am hoping to show you at least yeah, where that is kind of more of a main street, a little bit of what life in this very, very poor african country looks like. i'm not sure if you can hear the word in the call to prayer. this is a with him country. it is 20 muslims. it is regarded africa most. i'm a genius population. 85. it's tomorrow. and then if we can just kind of pan around here, you can see a bit of life. again, i'm constantly surrounded by the security guards and any kind of mtv one to do any kind of discussion has to be arranged. ok, we're being off not to shows one camera people also camera shot. i do want to say that people have very proud. it's a country that people go to, which is unfortunate and it is because of the situation situation. in fact,
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if we can just when a little bit this way, we won't show you the woman, but i just want to show you like the barriers and the kind of activity that is everywhere. for those of us who remember reporting in iraq and those kind of countries, it brings back that kind of memory. this is a very dangerous country. there is a lot of security that needed. but at the same time, it's unfortunate because it is a country that seems to have been forgotten and my experiences have been nothing but but it wasn't oil like this for millennia tamales, port, connector traders across the indian ocean. in the 1800s, the country was colonized by person and to me and the famine of 993 led the american military here. so what started as an annotated release, soon late one of the heaviest losses sustained by the american army in one best known as the battle of montgomery. she is one listener,
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followed lasting decades and virtually destroying the country's economy and infrastructure. in the last few years, to attend this attention to the fighting, looked an initial known as also above his loyalty on time, back to clans and warner. with what years of absent government entities, the militants have provided, such as running their own schools, clinics and collecting trash. the new international recognized government, while framing with us was chosen by its own people and not installed by washington . at somalis have not forgotten america's contribution to the chaos post. well, i think it's, you know, it's a mixed bag. you have some so molly's that support america. and you know, i'm happy with the intervention you know, in the fight against osha bob. but there are some that are, you know, quite skeptical. and you know, i think that america just opportunist looking to exploit so monday, you know,
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because so molly, as, as people, they are very wary of outsiders. but you know, all in all, i think, you know, it's a mixed bag and the some, while the people, you know, they're, they, they're on the fence. the u. s. is aim initially was to help. and from in relief with the u. n. you know, at the time where so molly was in the 2nd year of the civil war and the country was in a state of disarray. unfortunately, the mission, you know, took a different time, turned into a political thing where they wanted to snatch and grab and, you know, apprehend one of somebody, the biggest warlords in a deed. this in turn led to the bustle of a mobile dish, or which was a horrible loss of life on both sides. currently, just a few minutes ago i had, we had a very loud explosion. i really do hope that nobody's hurt and you know that it's not devastating, but to assess the political situation,
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the political future of somalia. this is a country that has been in war for the past 3 decades. it's a very gradual process, the piece of stability. but, you know, with the current regime, there is a glimmer of hope in the darkness because they are really, you know, taking the fight to show up. they are pushing them out of rural areas where they may be, you know, held for almost a decade. and you know, with the current regime, you know, all shall be on the hills and they're practically non existence and sent in central somalia. so if you know, the current regime carries on and on this trajectory, i think it's think we have a lot to look for to, and, you know, never give up hope, you know, and i think it in fort for me, i submitted before materia,
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my men did the stud, with one of the bill to the service, but my, my dream is to build capacity and it all for us to be more in the city of use and all the money for emergency to you. some of the money in developments or for example, in what are assistance in the snow. but why the, what the plan all the time when the, to dick wells, when the to, you know, a come up in the what to the salvation. and i love who, so we need to little think about how we reduce the resources i just this are, are helping us. but the government's literally those decisions you know, on one hand, in a, the intellectual community. and we are very thankful that this of what at the somalia citizen sentiment to one it does have a thick it and also that other i didn't to leaders in the world such as ukraine w, this bigger legal to somebody, the somalia. so a lot of what is with you live,
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but so under the smaller much it's more of the thing. and i hope the older community would be genovius inclusive samaria, exceptional because of that show up. and because of the calamities a w, r, facing the consequences disproportion that, you know, someone who had faced the problems that other kinds of scientists facing. i'll show up. little dick one told me the enough one of the country it and the did the control is the objection early on the it is which with low livestock and didn't allow people to farm the didn't allow and the be able to do whatever they want. salt in service of for economy i what addiction is good, don't yet to be up because of those and not to lose the group on climate change is vivid to somebody that other other parts of the world, those are missing out is more difficult. years of civil row have resulted in a summer to ask for a scattered across the world. nearly 3000000 live enabling kenya. and while some of
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them arrived with money and set up businesses many feet across the border as refugees, our porter and olive oil could gay visits the community more than 5000 kilometers from home is a miley refugee crisis is one of the most challenging mass displacement situations in the world. over the last 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people have fled somalia, due to political instability and dangerous civil wars. the southern africa is currently hosting over 100000 registered, so mighty refugees, half of whom live in south africa to girls or maria at the moment. and so it's not there, but i life and look, they peace fully. so i am scared myself also. yeah. i decided 1st naked to come here is not in my
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plan. i come to king a fast or so from there when they kill my brother. i had said it to move to come this site. actually i just run away from her too much problem in my country. i recently, they give us a good a. well come in here. everything is all right, but the problem we have here in the home affairs is just like when we just try to get our boss, these are really big, difficult to helen and our kids are born here. my the home, they a safe. yeah. were so, but sometimes the thought of them growing up and realizing been not african hits me every day we see young and small. so mine has been killed even yet in south africa, bottom. but this country is way safe for them to malia. i appreciate everything about south africa, how they treat as refugees and how they welcome our children that schools. but i
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get scared for them. but i'm actually there, you know, you tinkin it's risky, you give, but i, you don't know when there was that did that? did to kill in each other once you lose their kid, because i lose my family. so it's better because the mileage have been displaced for generations. many somali children have been born in refugee camps. luckily for those in south africa, they have a place to call home. even though with challenges exist, novia couldn't get out of sea pretoria. it's not just conflict that some arlington had to contend with. for more than 50 years, the country has faced multiple severe droughts. in 2011, more than a quarter of a 1000000 people died from famine. not only has the country not had a chance to recover from that, that there's been no rain for the last 6 years. tragically,
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experts agree that the common child is the worst in recorded history. but from april, international agencies have decided to cut back on 8. dr. abraham de ganna ali says at western humanitarian assistance, has always been a double edged sword. i believe we do with her. with the help of the so mothers themselves, we are the and with the support of the international community will overcome this crisis on we will love the abyss will oh, somalia been attempts to ship. some donors have begun to some other and they are being held to some, i mean, they said a lot of lives when there's people one very there when people and i love food, love of water or floods. they were saving lives. however, sometimes, ah, the prescription or the ambrose that we use can create
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a kind of dependence and misuse of resources. and one of that, some of the simple things that i would mention is that you, you, you give kath weaver, when you call it and conditional gath pharma was supposed to see. the band is bomb. police lice who was gay, who are cross. we'll have a ghost. when did you lose that? any of you ever did you, my mother will life by giving god will not go back to the far. the government is working hard to reverse the situation and recently established the somali disaster management agency submit to which coordinates or disaster related incident from the country. i think some time on the ground with them. i want to
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have it in a hole. in the hall. ha, ha ha, ha. b a, b, you will give that it. one of the major crises, somali disaster management agency, thought matt is facing at the moment, is trying to prevent what could potentially become the biggest genocide the world has ever seen. current projection rates suggest as many as 9000000 somalis and 12000000 more people from across east africa could die from hunger in the coming
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months. sought my has become the backbone of somalia, approved by the cabinet after the government prioritize the urgent need to manage disasters and take care of people from the homes because of famine and conflict. aside from facilitating relief efforts from both local and international organizations, it focuses on helping communities build capacity to be able to feed himself in future and manage disasters in the areas. the agencies credo is that humanitarian assistance should be free from politics. and it seems that people to the worst it area is to provide food, clothing, shelter, and support. you are familiar with the situation when you come to a camp like this, what, what do you notice what, what for you is important to actually look at and you see what this is all if you think you think it can help all
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these people what can you give them all in the summer. why look enough? yeah. why do you give them these, this material? it's on the what you can give them a hoses. religious enough budget. what did they do for toilets? so these 2 toilets, yes, it's $200.00 families. i mean, you are going to see the gap between hunger and resources is big, but saga is working to narrow it and create lasting food security. one day before we return to capital to capital malia,
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i'll show that killed 7 security personnel and into the 11 government officials in the bombing attack on the guest count where they were holding a conference. we are running our logistics team to list to quit that the people here to move the dish. and then we prepare the unplug, you know, and it talks hospital. there's a lot of people getting warned, but the sooner people 10, so this thing we are making to support to evacuate in addition to school media has been that community to be tough. it's a fraction now after the civil war in last 22 years. and there is mainly focusing in the trauma from the old country in the health care system in our country, conduct the last 2 years. it's improving and we believe in a, you know, we can do before we use to send the patient outside because it's not easy for us to
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manage under to, you know, to do some operations in our country. nowadays we have the capacity to do all the stuff is different kind of operation and we think belief that there is a guy there's improvement in going on in the health sector, but there's still a gap of improvement. yes, of conflict ended generations of knowledge, private local initiatives funded by somalian money and supported by the government, bring together generations of professionals to nurture homegrown talent. i caught up with the director of the center for leadership development face in more condition when it comes to writing soon. the studies that has been in the domain of european scientists of starting from the colonial and mission is coming and the travelers and so on. that it was only in,
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in the eighty's that we had produced a whole intellectuals who are starting to, to write while, while we were on a low our way to establish that a credible academic, a capacity for, for the countries. the working in civil came and needs collapsed. now it took us almost 20 years to have in the can say again, universities now we have plenty of them and that's another thing. what we have lost in the civil war is not just generally the collapse of the government and the destruction of all the properties that owned by the government. that the, the books, the documents, the,
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everything that was in the archive is also lost. and so the risk is that this national wealth of our intellectual heritage is at risk of being lost if he does not. if it's not captured and through the, our work, we try to transfer that knowledge and experience from that generation to the new generation. if you have lost those materials, the only people who remember and have experienced that life as a once the professionals who are live. so they, they have forecasts in somalia, it's much, much more value than in any other country. if you go now to the ministries, you will find near professional young professionals. all of them had been trained
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in the country and they have gone through the cation while the bullets were still being fired. sometimes on them, sometimes as good in the crossfire. no matter what happens in this country, whether it's done by international or you know, after is it's our responsibility to the chemical self. somalia was being nice, visited country in the world last year with less than 100 visitors. and it's really a pity because the country has a lot to offer, as you can see from the front behind me, there are a number of historical sites, beaches, water, floors, mountain ranges and national parks. yes. yes. the economy is broken. 20 american $1.05. this amount of somalia shillings people here do the best with what they have
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and kind of difficult and frame. ah, well that brings us to the end of this week. so we hope you found it informative. if you missed last week, we will also in somalia, focusing on hope and green crisis has affected this cost as well as many blame the weights for instigating and protecting the rushing. you can contact the court next week. we will be coming on station on each occasion in africa. if this is something i feel we'd love to hear from you, as we're always on the search for new ideas and input,
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you can always catch us on the social media handles that you'll see on your screen . for myself, my team from a another side of the somalia story who often is neglected, find the mainstream place from a semi and unfold, somalia, we produce a wells who's ah, oh, a decision with
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ah, ah, imposing democracy, not gay toward democracy's culture. something is, but for iraq, it's not that bad been not about the state. i'm thinking good for russia is not good for america, for iraq. you cannot be a post, thanks society. ah
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ah ah ah i am my name is frank from a reserves and philadelphia got in the move in age 13 or 14, and we were violent towards those people because we believed that we're in this race. we were here 1st and this is our country being part of that movement. i got
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your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible and accepted when i talked to level life after hey, is an organization that was founded by 4 of skinheads, neo nazi white supremacists in the u. s. in canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get half is 2 parts to getting out of it by an extremely good. the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you leave the social group. and then the next part is d, radicalization. work belief systems. ology are removed. it was very impactful. when someone finally came along with no fear, no judgement, you heard my story did nothing to challenge it. validate with who needs to come to the russian state
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will never be tied up. i'm phoning the most 19 div asking him then i'll set up for a week within the 55 when. okay, so my new group i'm speaking with, we will van in the european union, the kremlin. yup. machine. the state aunt, rush up to date and split our t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube, with a a journalist say the american, made
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a high powered search engine chance to pay lists. the 2014 made a new claim as a crew to washington had that among others as don contrast to the u. s. narrative, but it doesn't tend to fit in other countries. us vice president, pamela harris, get on to listen to this life on human rights, especially if it's gonna in a big boost. washington been fluent in africa. i'm just trying to say if it's open for foreign investors with us, then it takes an opposing song by considering your bill that would take talk run did a national security risk by the white house with .


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