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tv   Interview  RT  March 28, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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a bath and he says, i'm not going to put a a form already. a lot of them bought a nissan levy and he's not because normally with he's here with us. the 1st one here that you know, with, with with
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i, my name is frank from a research in philadelphia. got in the movement in any age, 13 or 14. we are violent towards those people because we believe that we're in the race. we're here 1st and this is our country being part of that movement. i got your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible and accepted when i talked to level life after, hey, is an organization that was founded by for skin, neo nazi white supremacists in the u. s. in canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get out. is 2 parts to getting out of a violent extremely good. the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you leave the social group. and then the next part is d. radicalization where belief systems are too far removed. it was very impactful when someone finally, in the long, no sir, no judge, man, you heard my story,
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did nothing to challenge it. ah ah, he's talking about the court issue, just some good esl sheet. of the story come up with bush kickbusch from which mutually which will allow what he's he's not a strip of denial for you, maria who eco. just yeah, i was on august the 21. and then you left when you?
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yeah. well then you put the salute lidiam was 0. see no 11 the choice. talk a good one. you are. so the choice is just a quick to mr. she with genius with wish him lou lou do. still is just us. oh boy at the tone. please, yeah, it's no, it's no, we do. but as it hopefully you can, but the most a smart that each still to with the clear with on to right now she's there. how can i those numbers of national with article, can you possibly keep it slow? i'll make them looking for picture them yet from fisher, especially by the same layers.
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ah ah, i know, but he said he's going to miss owens or thank you for your time. over the last year and a half context happened tons to find between russian officials and african ladies. gifts that have you noticed any shift senior relations between russia? any african consonants. yeah, good afternoon and thank you for your question. there certainly has been an upsurge in russian african contacts, but it has nothing to do with the developments of this last year. in fact, we've observed increased levels of interaction with the african continent ever since the 1st russia africa summit held in saatchi in 2019 asked for last year. president putin has had numerous conversations with the presidents of egypt, molly and the central african republic, the president of senegal, mackey, sal,
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who's also the chairman of the african union, came to so she alongside the chairman of the african union commission. most of fac, he mot. he had a productive conversation with president putin. it was a very valuable meeting, and at the end of 2022, we had a visit from the president of guinea best. so on february 18th, 2023, president putin sent his greetings to the 36th assembly of the african union, held and addis ababa, yours truly was present at the event and spoke to representatives of a number of african nations. so we have contacts both at the level of heads of state and at other levels. russian foreign ministers survey leverage is also engaged in active communication with his african counterparts. just days ago in sashi, he had meetings with the foreign ministers of several african countries. like i
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said, russia is engaged in continuous and will establish to dialogue at various levels, both with african leaders and with our diplomatic counterparts across numerous foreign ministries represent that he mentioned the russian president who in his speech is often professed to western near colonialism when he talks about our partners, or rather, our rivals approach to developing nations. even though the declaration of the granting of independence tick lanelle country and be buds have been in place for all the 60 s on this point to have 2 questions. if i may, i would like to start with the psychological aspect, like from your experience, how didn't african countries that experienced the pressures of colonialism feel about the west attempts to push them around? what is your action of diving? in most cases, the response is unconcealed irritation, mostly because african people are well aware of the role our country played in liberating them from colonial bondage. and when they see others trying to label
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russians as imperialists were to claim that russia wants to plunder the continent. basically trying to shift the blame on us. certainly the majority of africans feel nothing but discussed and revulsion. and we see that too. i have an impression that lately, despite their stubbornness, which is not unlike the stubbornness displayed by certain other nations, europeans have at last started to realize that a frontal assault, an attempt to bend their african partners to their will by sheer force will not achieve much. still old habits die hard, colonial and neo colonial thinking is still very much alive. it manifests itself in the form of patronizing attitudes, lecturing, and moralizing insisting that the western model and that model alone should be accepted as a gift from the gods by our african friends. and that the only way to live is by
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western prescriptions. all these attitudes are, of course, very much alive. obviously, behind this horror of arrogance and false superior already. there is also a basic desire to keep african nations dependent on the west by imposing for norms and rules, social and economic models, all in order to maintain western dominance in african markets and to keep african countries politically and economically subservient. that mr. o 0, if you say that the west says one thing and does something different, they talk about friendship and mutually beneficial relations rapid but a reality. they still use force, but i am curious about your experiences. diplomat. you've been doing this for a long time and diplomacy, rec, by some level of emotional intelligence, this ability to come to an agreement and reach the objective depends on once on the stand and on who they're dealing with. why do you think western colleagues are so
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inconsiderate? and insensitive in that context. isn't there any other way, or is there some other reason? maybe they just can't behave any other way. sometimes our western non partners for lack of a better word, states, all the right things like macros did during his recent african toward a when he visited angola, the republic of congo and the democratic republic of the congo. he said that france was no longer going to be patronizing and his dealings with africa. it would not lecture the countries of the continent, but the existing narrative, such as europe's conviction that their model is the best, and that there can never be anything better, prevent them from discarding these stereotypes. they're not seeing the fundamental shift happening in the world with new models and success stories emerging. and these models have nothing to do with the western understanding of democracy,
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security and integration, the west and especially europe, will have to deal with certain emotions before that can realised that the world has switched to a different pattern. i have had many conversations with our african partners. they are well educated and very knowledgeable people who understand their national interests. and they are constantly told about the superiority of the western model . they have stopped paying attention to such lectures right now. speaking of national interest, the west is actively trying to promoted so called gwinnett jammed down to continents. and these green and g talk is not always welcomed by countries that hath lost natural resources. some of those countries still have a way to go in their development, but their resources could potentially play a material in their growth. have you african colleague shared their thoughts on that with he? do they think such policy as fat? we talk about that, of course, not just me. my colleagues also discussed this with our african partners. people in
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africa noticed the huge gap between the west's words and deeds. they demand that africa switches to the green agenda model that they have been imposing for many years, saying no to oil and gas, switching to solar and wind power instead. but in their own countries, they have recently been choosing not even gas, but coal and other ancient sources of power that are very harmful to the environment. gretel, son berg has become irrelevant. we don't hear about her any more. so it's a weird situation when in their own countries, europeans use more oil, gas and coal, importing these resources from africa. but at the same time, they insist that africa should stop using this energy. they force green loans on african governments that can only be used on wind and solar energy. this is a very controversial situation. why are you doing this?
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african suspect that this is being done, so that real industrialization cannot happen and their countries, europeans want to suck up all the oil and gas from africa to make up for the apps and to russian commodities. among other things, it means that the neo colonial model of development were rather, lack of development, is maintained in africa when europe gets all the resources from the continent and doesn't allow it to grow objectively. the west green model has serious flaws because the green model can also include nuclear energy and hydro power, which can be stable sources of power that do not depend on nature as much. i'd like to ask you about the expertise and skills that how well developed and how can she, when we have a visible competitive edge. how a p nowadays and maybe some other kinds of energy to our african poppies. of course, they are appealing and the whole world knows that one can try to gloss over these
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facts, but they are well known. russia has the highest competencies in the nuclear sphere . we are the leaders and not just in one area, but in the whole nuclear cycle. we lead not only in generating electricity at nuclear power plants, but also at building a whole line up of them, including floating nuclear power plants, compact and nuclear reactors, and fast neutron reactors. in other words, we have a very broad area of expertise including nuclear medicine, isotope production and training human resources in these areas. talking about nuclear power, we indeed have a lot to offer 2 african countries and they are interested in it back in september 2018. we put these issues in our memorandum of cooperation with the african union, which was signed following the russia, africa summit. and the implementation of these agreements is already underway. you know that there is a nuclear power plant being built in egypt and we are in talks with other african
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partners on implementing projects in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. we're convinced that this is one of the ways that leads to the creation of the power generating groundwork that is required for the large scale industrialization of africa. not to mention the fact that we have good competencies and innovative state of the art solutions in the field of hydropower that we are ready to offer to our african partners. do. let me ask what may seem like an arrogance tourette's. i p ill question, melissa. many still sing of africa as a safari destination at best a continent devoid of any high education or technological stand. it's, do you think africa has enough specialist or educational infrastructure to used as technologies to develop them and to do it safely? what you got right is that there is this obvious lack of awareness about the capabilities of the 2 sides, both in russian society and business circles,
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and african societies and business circles. unfortunately, little is known in russia about the level of development of the african continent is growing at a very fast pace with countries like tiny or wanda, boasting annual growth rates of up to 70 percent. other countries show amazing growth as well. take ethiopia or some other countries, for example, where conditions are becoming ripe for a true industrial leap during soviet times. and russia carries this on to day. hundreds of thousands of experts were trained in very diverse areas and today these experts can bring great value to the african continent in solving issues like conflict, settlement, industrialization and infrastructure development. good talking of stereotypes. and now the common stereotype is hunger in africa. the level of the continent, the space in food shortages, it is mostly true. and russia possesses advanced agriculture technology. do you see
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opportunities for synergy between rushing africa for best practice changing corporation gear? you are right. this question needs to be split into several parts. part one is the opportunity for russia to supply agricultural products and fertilizers to african countries. and part 2 is the ability of african countries to produce their own agricultural products. russia is currently one of the leaders in green production and export. as president putin said at the international parliamentary conference, it has produced over 150000000 tons of grain crops, and is at a loss where it can export all of this grain. russia is willing to export the excesses of grain that it has. we can export it to african countries. unfortunately, the west has set up with a system of restrictions, unilateral sanctions against russia that are illegal. and the sanctions regime
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doesn't help to resolve the hunger issues in africa, especially in this a horace, a hell region, a 4000 kilometer wide strip of land between the arabic speaking north and central africa that stretches from the atlantic to the red sea. and of course, there are serious problems that need to be addressed in particular in the horn of africa. it is true that russia is delivering food assistance to the region, including through the world food program. in 2020, it supplied $200000000.00 worth of food to developing countries. part of that food went to africa. however, humanitarian aid or supplies of food alone were even fertilizers. do not provide a solution to the problem as i see it, they needed solution lies in securing food self sufficiency for african countries. you see the african markets are mostly controlled by western countries. today, we're dealing with colonial mentality here,
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which is largely based on pragmatic calculations by the europeans, willing to keep these markets under their control. i have seen it with my own eyes in many african countries where highly fertile farming lands that could yield crops 3 times a year are not cultivated, but instead, you can see supermarkets everywhere selling french or german were dutch agriculture products. i'm sure the west would like things to go on like this, but this will not happen. so i'm sure that as a professional diplomat, you a degree that every significant world power has its own tradition of diplomacy. with its profound matheson approaches to fostering and maintaining relations, and many laden world powers, and now competing on the african continent. these include china, the united states, and even europe as a whole. individual european nations and latin america is also show an interest. russia's approach is different to the ears if what makes for should different combat all these actors in the way there are bids and relations with the african
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continent. well, 1st of all, the diplomacy, tools and methods are the same for every one. people have been practicing diplomacy for thousands of years, ever since they started organizing themselves into states and states required diplomatic communication. so russia certainly use as many of the same diplomatic tools used by other countries. but of course, we also have something that makes us different. and that is having no hidden agenda whenever discussing anything, we are not implying something else entirely. we are discussing exactly what we have put on the agenda this way. our diplomacy is more honest and open and strictly goal oriented. what also makes us different is our respect for our partners. we never patronize. we don't double deal like others who say one thing to our face and do the opposite. the way it happened with the minsk agreements,
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one could call this our preferred method. yet on the other hand, one could also say that russia is simply upholding the traditional standards of diplomacy, such as packed a soon servando, meaning agreements must be kept. we do our best to deliver on that. although the truth is that keeping an agreement doesn't always involve its faithful delivery by one side. only. reciprocity is a funding principle of diplomacy, and russia upholds it to and observes, all international laws and regulations that have been generated in the course of many centuries. and particularly those introduced by the united nations. so i would called russia's approach to diplomacy, un centric. this isn't russia's own definition of it, the term was proposed by china, and that is where we completely agree with them. it refers to respecting international laws and regulations, as opposed to simply using them in pursuit of one's vested interests. as since you
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mentioned again of us and moms of international law, i would like to talk about the universal western model of democracy despite the fact that it's a common notion. it's how to grasp what it stands for in practical terms. but there has been this idea for a long time that the americans know how different countries should build their societies on what principles and so on. the ended up setting themselves up as the arbutus of progress, given the diversity of the continent to a many different cultures exist. what do you think constitutes democracy in the african context? and more generally, can there be universal model of governance at least for african conscious. thank you for this question. apparently, as our western partners still have to admit that there is no universal model of governance and no universal model of democracy in the western model that has been sold to us. and that has been sold quite successfully in recent years. is that
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there is this correct political model, and if you follow all the norms imposed by this political model than your economy will be fine as well. your economy will develop because you follow the rules of political democracy. but go, so the good wasn't, will appear and gave you everything you need. yes, the good wizard will appear and give you everything you need. so the west has always assumed that it's like a set menu where you have to take the whole deal. it's like when you come to a restaurant and they tell you that you have to eat everything on the menu rather than take your choice. and if you refuse to each one of the dishes, you get nothing. that was their model of democracy and as other models developed, we saw that china, for example, has its own model of democracy and society. but it doesn't stop their economy from developing or perhaps it even helps it. why?
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because their model is adapted to their society and it seems that models of governance should be adapted to the level of development, traditions, routes, faith, and they cannot develop in isolation from all of that. and the same goes for africa . there are no universal models. some states are federations, like the federal democratic republic of ethiopia, or nigeria. some are unitary. the continence is populated by very different people with different languages, religions, traditions, everything is different. when you go around to different countries, you see that they are indeed very diverse. as i see it, the new model of international order that both russia and china are promoting is based on the understanding that we are developing as one human race that has different civilizations. oh, very diverse with their own peculiarities. yes. perhaps we can speak of
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a kind of common african civilization. i say perhaps this is a question for researchers, but at the same time we see a multitude of languages, cultures, and fakes take ethiopia. it is a predominantly christian country, orthodox christian, in a sense, it doesn't share the idea of the trinity, but it's still an orthodox christian country. and if you go there, you will see that the people there are very kind. com, open, non aggressive. they are believers, true believers, other countries about half of them are predominantly muslim. they also have their own message to the world. and this seems to correspond to their local history, to the logic of their development. so their political models are also somewhat different, but these countries are successful in their social and economic development. of course, africa has some problems caused by some unresolved conflicts. but we have to admit
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that to a large extent, it was the result of colonial practices and the trauma that was caused to the people of africa by the long period of colonialism, robbery, slave trade. and finally, the artificial separation of the peoples of african, all the borders are arbitrary. it is a patchwork quilt, and this is well understood by the peoples of africa by the countries of africa, by the african union, who are all striving to develop integration processes to overcome this fragmentation of the body of africa caused by the western states to unite people and to give them the conditions they need to develop while of course, respecting the specifics of each of these countries. and i think we're seeing that this model is beginning to dominate, instead of being subjugated by the so called universal model of democracy offered and even imposed by western countries. i would like to finish by developing your
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matha and the garden of the wilds. different flowers in trees. can bloom. it just makes the fragments more beautiful. thank you very much for his interview. it was very interesting. thank you very much. ah ah ah, ah, ah . with the discovery of the new world, at the end of the 15th century, there appeared atlantic slave dre. the slave traders from european countries started building forth on the western coast of the african continent to transport
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the african inhabitants to america, to be forced into hard labor. until the middle of the 17th century. portugal had played the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for the span of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured during transportation and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this ruthless people trade practiced by the leading european countries took away tens of millions of african lives. the organisation of united
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nations classifies that trans atlantic slave trade as one of the gravest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deportation of people ever seen by mankind. ah, with, i'm here to play with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinions, you won't get anywhere else. welcome it pleases you to have the state department to see a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, i change and whatever you do, don't watch my show, stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change. dwayne thing
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i am, my name is frank richardson. so daughter got in the movement in age, 13 or 14. we are violent towards those people because we believe that we're in a race. we're here 1st and this is our country being part of that movement. i got your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible and accepted when i talked to level life after, hey, is an organization that was founded by for a skinhead neo nazi white supremacists in the u. s. in canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get out. was 2 parts to getting out of a violent extremely good. the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you leave the social group. and then the next part is d. radicalization work belief systems. yeah, you all are to remove those very impactful when someone finally came along with no
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fear, no judgement, you heard my story did nothing to challenge it without a a appreciate with the killing me. so luck with that you found that i out of them doesn't that i don't know how that he's kind of.


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