tv News RT March 30, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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no fear, no judgement. heard my story did nothing to challenge it. validate the top headlines right now. what are the international a wall street journal correspondence facing 20 years in prison? he's arrested by russian authority to say he's a u. s. spy. that they caught red handed, the u. s. congress rejects legislation to increase the oversight of the billions being sent for ukraine. but if i can tons of regular americans about why that taxpayer dollars continue to be spent far away from the program, a form australian soldier, charged for the war. prime is granted fail. the court says his life could be endangered if he goes to prison. he's accused of murdering an unarmed gun father.
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kenya is engulfed by a wave of protests, the building set on fire business, shut down all of it for years, looting and police and violently dispersing the crown. the scots, i'm really big developing storage. that's our here on our team to national it is so good to have you with us for this live broadcast from moscow. we do kick off this our now with breaking news here. when are you into a national russian authorities, if detained a correspondent of the wall street journal on suspicion of conducting espionage activities for the us government will learn more about this right now. autism or a culture of joining us live in the studio. well, it sounds like he's in a lot of trouble. marina could tell us what do you know, what was the latest you know now? yes, for even a girl sco which according to the statement released by ross federal security service, he was detained in the city of you got it involved while he was try and so pain secret information relating to one of russia's military industrial complex. since
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we don't know more details regarding that, and after that a criminal case was opened against them on espionage charges. and like i said, he faces 20 years in prison. if he is convicted. now wall street journal has since come out saying that they vehemently deny all accusations against their dedicated journalist and they're afraid for his safety. and they of course, demand his urgent belief now, who is this guy? so even a girl, it's a he, a 32 years old. he's a correspondent for the moscow bureau of the world street journal. previously worked for the bicycle times agent, front press and his main topic, seen something, russia, ukraine, and former soviet union states. so this is what he's been doing. he wasn't the credits of journalists who got his accreditation from russia's defense ministry, and obviously somewhere along the lines, something went wrong. this is what the roches foreign ministry had to say regarding this case. what this employee of the american publication,
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the wall street journal was doing in the secretary and berg has nothing to do with journalism. unfortunately, this is not the 1st time that the status of a foreign correspondent along with a journalistic visit. the credit ation was used by a foreigner in our country to cover up activities that were not journalism. this is not the 1st time that such a westerner has been caught red handed and latimer puter. spokes person was also asked to comment on this. and he said, well, this is an f as be matter. but as far as he's concerned, the man was called right handed, basically with evidence points to the fact that he was a spy working on behalf of the american government. and once again, the wall street journal denies it, but if indeed this man is a spy, the volts for journal of course of what i know because this is something that, as we've seen in the past, the cold war, for example, this is all public information. one of several american journalists doesn't, and others put it into 100 journalists for use as spies,
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the gathering intelligence. this is exactly what they're talking about. this is something that the wall street journal wouldn't necessarily know, because this would be a contract that would be maintained between the journalists and the ca. for example, though they are very strong words from the criminal spokes person. mr. pest golf, saying that this jonas was caught red handed, that does mean he was caught in the act exactly earlier. and of course the evidence, it's not exactly like they can provide it, because again, it's a secret information which apparently shouldn't have been being in the journalist had so, but we're still waiting to hear more details regarding the case for sure. and hopefully we'll get it today. yeah, more details will unfold as the day proceeds, marina cause river. thank you. what is good to have you with us here when i asked you to national for this live broadcast from moscow. let's take this conversation further here on the program across live to again us put coding via the chief editor, say finish m v letty joining us there were naughty. hey, thank you very much for coming on janice. always good to see you,
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my friend. what do you think about this? the, the cabinet spokes person was the pest golf, saying the journalist was caught red handed. what do you think has actually happened? no, no, we see that russia is hello boosting h o e information d for assistance. and i have been working since 2015 to 2018 in dorm, the international bridge center. and our, and i was the director of these institutions. we are, that was exactly to control. and to operate with the foreign journalists, you really don't was in regards to people republic and to do make or what the foreign correspondents are doing. and aren't they following? they're working class and what was to walk working plan of the so correspondence and what was the motivation behind that? that is the real question here. and what we see here is that what was
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a great problem since 2014 forward in don't. but it's the problem now for whole russia, russia really needs now this information d for systems saw that or kind of misunderstandings or criminal activities can be stalled. but it is, it is, it is difficult to get a clear picture here. hey john, it's obviously it's early days right now, and more information will inevitably come out on his employer. the journalist employed the wall street journal, refuting the accusations, insisting that he's innocent, demanding his release. is it possible though, yon us that the, the wall street journal maybe just had no idea that that journalist was, was up to something that they, that they simply didn't know about? yeah, this is all about the the working plan and the transparency of the working plans you normally do. of course, as we know, i have a great experience from understanding the difference between journalists and propagandists and hinder oh,
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i'm one of the properties. there are spies and they are very active. they have been very active against the dorm was republics from the west and the situation east. and was that the of the dormitory bobbies were fighting and yet not only against ukrainian forces, but all benito forces as well. and these journalists are from the nato countries. so they are potential spies, potential harm makers, and that's why we have russia has all the reasons to be very careful where is suspicious but, but in the end of this is all about, oh, up working all kind of misunderstanding what we need is a transparency. forty's, so go, journalist, who are operating in the russian soil or those those are trying to, to lee me at least the work of the proper candies. this is a very complicated matter and wendy, if it be, have to come, you know, like when, when don't, but when the local authorities have to come in an interview,
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a journal is joss, did. it's already a breach too far, hopefully and in the future, all these kind of even can't be pretended wit, full and understandable control. and i mean i can't, can i can i jump in? i just, i think he raises some very, very good points that janice, i'm so grateful you're joining us here on the program life it vote for this, the unfolding, breaking news here. but you know, this guy was working for the, for the wall street journal. you know, he said you take the wall street journal, i don't know, take the new york times, take the washington post. i'm not saying it, but there are certainly some people out there who say that these outlets are a mouthpiece for the us. intel and political establishment, that's what some people say, i mean there are also some people that might say this could just be a case of the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time time. but that being said, yanez america has previously faced allegations of using diplomats as spies. maria is a hot of a of the russian ministry of foreign affairs says that this guy was using journalism as a cover. now if any of that is true, is it possible?
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this is a common tactic for people to try and uncover intelligence by using journalism accreditation as a cover obsolete. you are already on the, on the boy. oh, you don't, but we have to really interview too many working class because they were not following up all when they said that we were going to cover decent that and they were found from the totally different directions doing differently. but the other things, what they said they would be doing, then there is a reason to believe that that they are for, for totally different the past what they should be doing, what they say for local authorities, for the accreditation authorities, these kind of issues they need for control from both sides so that no misunderstanding can happen in favor of the poor and journalist and those free shows. and, and this is something we'll need to be cool with. we are in the information of war and media using as a car,
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especially in g o o people working for the n g a claim to be journalist. they claim to be some that, but actually what they are doing, they're collecting, crucial information which affect the outcome of the war. and that is what we're talking about now. and we're talking russian media and the nato journalists. yes, we're already seeing reaction and the western political something in the, in the media establishment as well. i've seen some of the mainstream networks. so in 16 essentially that this guy is innocent, that he should be released and so on and so forth. it kind of makes me think for moment of above brittany greiner, you remember the, the american basketball player who was briefly incarcerated in russia and then she was sent back to america. i guess there was some sort of behind closed doors, negotiation going on there. is that going to be the future for this journalist of the wall street journal? is that going to be his future? do you think? is he going to be essentially used in some kind of a trade agreement or kind of like what, what happened with brittany greiner?
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i think that to where we go to the moment that the, if it be a just call me call me in an interview and a job there. generally there is a basis of course that we shouldn't jump to conclusions and on what the parties are saying. but then already a lot of things that happen too much to do to speeches. i think that the russian official has a very like a smooth and neutron kong attitude to work for a journalist as i am here in doing this for 8 years for from the local authorities . and now from the rational authorities, they are willing to be working possibilities. but, but if they go to guy like like they say read, i'm doing something totally different. the whole community of the journalist, the international journalism, is in danger because of the one who wrote an apple in the back. and of course, when it comes from the war to journal, you have times or, or do you rather me,
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brooke, into channels that makes the situation even worse, chief editor of the finish and v let, he's gonna put coney joining us here for this breaking news coverage on all the international, great to see you. thanks very much for your time. thank you very much. i was good to have your company for this program. at the u. s. congress has rejected an initiative to closely monitor the billions of dollars and overall aid being shipped to you crane that's despite demand. so the us make sure that the weapons sent actually end up where they are intended. this body has spent to date $113000000000.00 on the warn you crank and counting, and yet we do not have any direct oversight of any of the money that is being spent . listen, we learned this the hard way in afghanistan, when it's the american media, they're reporting that only 30 percent of the american arm sent to ukraine. actually get to the front lines. i mean,
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while the used border control agency has sounded the alarm about a substantial increase in gun smuggling. every rising concerns among regular americans about why that government continues to send more than a $100000000000.00 in a to ukraine. while those funds, perhaps, might be better spent on domestic needs, plenty to be a candidate boy. we need to know where the money is being spent and not, not fraud, it would feel better if we used our resources to support and aid people. and those people within our borders ran outside to, to make it better than that years that it is only obvious well when it comes to the military, industrial complex, one of the main beneficiaries of the u. s. defense funding actually is private
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contractors. they're estimates that over the past year, independent recipients got more than half of washington's national security budget . the u. s. inspect the general in afghanistan is warner. this could signal corruption between the government on that of what. yeah, the military industrial complex. you are bound to get corrupt elements of not only the ukrainian or the whole government, but also of us government contract us or other 3rd party contractors to try to steal the money. there is just so much money going in and it's hard to keep track off. i'm not super optimistic that we're going to learn a lesson. i've been in washington since 92 and learning lessons is not in our d. n a in the united states. on fortunately or just for a moment, let's take a look at how the cost for ukraine's war effort compared with those of other major conflicts waged by washington. so for example, spending on military a to key f is actually supports the annual us funding of its previous war. enough
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dentist on of us is also estimated to have spent on ukraine about half of the money did on average per year in vietnam. of course, both vietnam and the african, the star wars were enormous failures for the united states. so despite the enormous tolls on the economy and public sentiments regarding the government, there's still no clear indication of a potential limit to the u. s. commitment to the ongoing conflict in ukraine. here at ot see, we did hear from a retired us air force lieutenant come, who says there is a bipartisan support for ramping up ukraine's war effort. as congressmen are often directly funded by what, yeah, you get to the military industrial complex. i know how the us senate gets reelected and they get re elected through their relationships and the donors that they have in this country. and many of those are from the defense sector, and so, you know, it's not in their interest to reduce spending. it's not in their interest to ask hard questions that may lead to the reduction. and that's,
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that's exactly what would happen if we actually looked at this. there is by bipartisan support to continue to spend, as we saw with the senate, the senate vote just recently. i think we'll hear more talk about it as a, as the various candidates try to lay the waste in the fraud and the destruction. on the other side, we know from viet nam and from afghanistan in many other places that we don't care about democracy. in fact, the only kind of democracy, the united states really like this, the kind that is allied with its current political interest, even though congress doesn't seem to have learned it's less than on afghan. it's dan, i think the american people kind of have and i do see more popular pushback against what the congress is doing. the americans are tired of this very commitment. they don't see it in productive. they don't understand what it's about and they don't even know the full history. and some of that truth comes out on how long that this government on united states government has doped this war has tried to really
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sacrifice ukraine at this altar as they find these things out and they are beginning to they become angry. and so i don't, the support in this country is not there for increasing the only support i see is support to end the war. this year the former australian soldier charged with motoring. an african villager has been granted bales of the court. he believed his life could be endanger if he sent the prison helmet camera footage appears to show all of a jordan shult, shooting an unarmed farmer several times during the 2012, a alleged war crime, a warning you may find this following video to stopping. ah, i ah right now, right? not guy. right
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now the case was initially exposed in the australian media 3 years ago with footage of the killing shown to the public. now the defense team for schultz who is currently 41 years old, has argued that he does not pose a flight risk because he has so far abided by all the restrictions imposed by the court. the court also note that the incident occurred a decade ago during the war in afghanistan, and the defendant is not considered a threat to australian society for the victims. father abdul malik, is still suffering from the loss. the rocky face had wound women covered his face in it, hold them to take him to the graveyard. mother said what he's burial was that i came back to see the place. i saw the whitfield where he was killed. the week was flattened my whole around with a host of other whistle bowers program, john chirico. he says that the course decision is based on a nonsense excuse and carry echo, says the authorities. i want it to feed the australian public. a fixed narrative. i
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think that the reason why justice hasn't been served in australia is there is the same reason the justice hasn't been served in the united states. there's a tendency by our governments to cover up the crime and to punish the whistleblowers. this case is another one of those crimes in a long line of crimes against civilians carried out in australia where it appears that the perpetrator is going to get away with it. i think that is utter nonsense that was used just as an excuse for the public. if this were in the united states, this soldier would be put in solitary confinement for his own protection. even if the australians don't do that, they can certainly put him in a local jail, out in the middle of nowhere, to keep him safe or in a low or minimum security prison to await trial where everybody is on his best behavior. and he wouldn't be in any danger at all. the military said australian
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soldiers have an impact implicated the alleged motors of thought he 9 anom of prisoners, all civilians and afghanistan. around half of those cases will refer to investigators to determine whether there was sufficient evidence for trials a back to john carrack. you one more time here who says the australian government itself must ensure that justice prevails. it's up to the australian government to ensure that justice is carried out, show the world that they're serious about the rule of law and about human rights. i'm not surprised, but i am disappointed. i'm not surprised because, you know, using the united states as an example. well, the united states was the major power in afghanistan for the entire period that the australian military was there. so presumably the united states would have to assist in the prosecution. in the i, c. c of a soldier, even from australia and the u. s. is never going to to cooperate in something like
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that. so it just seems to me that the ice, he sees hands are tied and dead. they would not a, they would not be able to carry out a successful prosecution. thousands of protesters of hit the streets of the kenyan capital to protest against rising cost of living at $1.00 local reporter, part of the details about the demonstrations on that of the international response . the aftermath of the anti gum in protest, attention of the international community with africa now calling please. unrestrained in kenya, the 1st round of the month, protest, people kill, whole set ablaze was looted on businesses and destroyed private property, incubate and it'll be known to be the bedrock of that position before the name of the anything didn't commit to the position. you really trying to fight 3
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elections has been use medicaid and some of them. but actually you will be to wait for the community for that. but you are wondering when the police is coming and think that they are just wondering how can he doesn't have a demonstration. but the only thing that he has to do is to wait for the security of the police never showed up why not a year to issue any press statement. now this comes after the opposition leader, right? being declared monday on the day so much actually in came up with a fucking, how much the bread, deep concern would be appropriate calling on the stakeholders, engage in dialogue to address any differences between the government and the
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opposition. for the sake of national unity, the chairperson of the african union commission, mussa fuck emma expresses deep concern and violence following public protests in kenya since the 21st of march 2023. which has resulted in loss of life damage to property. and the interruption of certain economic activities in the capital, nairobi, religious leaders of all, come on strongly condemning the act and calling on the government on the opposition to have done no peace to prevail in the country. this comes after our charge under mollusk was set ablaze night after they brought this recording on 4 latisha's 3 free to cease and desist from using inflammatory language in political rigid a social media quite both. how to stand on 3 sites follow us. we just abundantly lead to the unfortunate events of last night. here we call of
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you he caught up on you can call that him of william i do you have alternative approaches to how do you agree with civil society organizations of thought being thought into political pollution. but really saying the whole vision of the double knob said, look, jelena leadership and national security, and walk of unknown people to our talk. the property of the opposition leader, mr. dean got under for president or can yetta. canada from was taught us goons looked at his life though and cut down trees. things also seem to get down for the journalist as they faced whole city from holy guns on police in different parts of the country. ammonia tino art in, natalie some e u officials or rather annoyed at the baltic state of estonia, saying it's been abusing a reimbursement scheme for arms supplies to ukraine. they say the country has been
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charging for the price of completely new weaponry. other countries usually get compensated for one or 2 thirds of the cost. so let's get more now with arctic contributor, it's rachel boston. if someone offered to pay you to give your current wardrobe away to charity and then replaced the items that you gave away, would you seize the opportunity to purge it all in favor of a new upgrade? because that's what at least one european union country is now accused of doing with weapons for ukraine. the european union set up a fund to reimburse member states that donate weapons to kiev based on the estimated cost of the old weapons compared to a brand new version of the same one. for example, sweden estimated it's really old weapons to be worth about 26 percent of the value of the new ones. france figured theirs were worth about 71 percent of a new version. but latvia figured its weapons were worth 99 percent of the full value of a new version, lithuanian 93 percent,
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and estonia 91 percent. that's according to the western press. citing european diplomatic sources and singling out estonia in particular. the core part of the other countries complaint is that estonia has been particularly skilled at getting very high reimbursements for old gear. in absolute numbers, estonia put in a claim for a 160500000 euros of new weapons under the 1st trench for which was then reimbursed, a 134200000 euros. it's kind of like selling old stuff on ebay for absolutely no discount, just putting it on there for full price. surely there are some solid criteria being used to calculate reimbursement though, right? after all, we're talking about you taxpayer funds here and not an open bar or a shopping spree. generally speaking, there are 3 different values. countries can claim the replacement value based on
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the price of new material, the actual cash value based on the estimated price at which the gear could be were sold and the original procurement value based on the price originally paid to plymouth said the debate over his tony as reimbursement has exposed the fact that there is no clear methodology over which system to use for payback. so brussel set up a big pot of free money set vag parameters for accessing it. and now the countries involved are all running to the press to establish other in the back with allegations of cheating. how totally shocking for an institution that is currently caught up in a corruption scandal that turned the european parliament into a giant crime scene last december with authority seizing data and equipment relating to shady foreign lobbying allegations, directly touching high writing darlings of the e u establishment apparently it still hasn't matters yet, act together to prevent even more potential corruption, european commission,
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prisoner or so vander line, proposed back then an independent ethics body, and quote, very clear rules in the wake of that scandal. it is a question of confidence of people into our institutions and this confidence and trust into our institutions needs highest standards and of independence and integrity. and yet here we are very 3 months later. and the rules for accessing a big part of you cache are so unclear that the block so, and officials are complaining about it. as stoney responded to the new allegations in a statement, acknowledging that some of the weapons that the sent to ukraine were apparently so old that they aren't even produced anymore. the aim of the european piece font system is to restore the member states on defense capabilities. the declaration of european peace fund and donations on the by to self recovery value is completely in accordance with the rules and apply in the event that the production of the donated
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equipment has been terminated and the restoration of its capacity is important from the point of view of national defense, estonia added that this is not quote, an e, you compensation scheme, but the stakes are much higher to beat back russian aggression. the biggest challenge to our security architecture since the 2nd world war. now actually it is literally an e compensation scheme that we're dealing with here, but apparently now any and all shady ness is supposed to be just swept under the rug if it's related to ukraine. before we wrap up this liberal character at odds, he saudi arabia, jordan, and the u. a. e. they've old condemned a decision by the israeli government to wish you construction permits for a 1000 new homes on palestinian land. other media says that israeli authorities of even bigger plans to build a well up to $7000.00 jewish homes across the west bank or residents of one
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palestinian village in the west buying their of decided, sag matters into their own hands. if moved back into ancestry caves, instead of allowing the area to be taken over by israeli settlers, the locals have been suffering from a lack of basic necessities such as water, electricity, and even furniture. they also reportedly face attacks from israelis in the area i. she valeca, although lights in the cave is difficult. we are holding on to our land that we inherited this land from our fathers and our grandfathers. and we will not give up this legacy because we love this place. even though we do not have water, electricity, or other necessities for life, in addition to the fact that the settlements are surrounding us, settlers continue attacking us and prevent us from reaching our lands. we are in need of assistance and financial and political support in order to continue our confrontation with all the israeli plans that aim to displace us along the calendar
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