tv News RT March 30, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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and i the show that digs deep into foreign policy and current affairs, i'm your house manila chant. thank you for tuning and we'll see you again next time to figure out the ammo. ah ah moscow slop started washington's advice for all american citizens to leave russia saying it just beards more, but i will get caught red handed out after a wall street journal reporter was arrested on claims of involvement in espionage for the u. s. government romping. all the rhetoric just ahead of a visit to china. the european commission president give beijing's desire for a multi polar world, the cold shoulder, while also warning that country should be told that western agenda, if it wants normal relation with brazil on china, strike
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a deal to bypass the dollar. returning to their own currency for use and by law through trade, we look into the ramifications of that. go with one minute past midnight in moscow. this is our t. let's get into our top story. this. our russia is foreign ministry spokeswoman has slammed washington's latest advice to all americans in russia to leave the country. murray is a heart of says us authorities are only telling citizens that go because they fear, lord journalists engaged in espionage will be caught. it comes after a reporter for the wall street journal was detained by russian authorities amid spying claim. please, he'd the u. s. government warning not to travel to russia. us citizens residing or
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traveling in russia should depart right away. as the state department continues to advise. i think john care be forgot to ed engaged in espionage before the word americans. it must have been said between the lines of moscow court on thursday rule to keep the wall street journal reported behind bars for the next 2 months, pending further investigation. ortiz, marina cost river, has been following developments for us. there's a lot of thrust here at the moment, waiting to catch any glimpse all the american journalists and any time the black car behind me makes any sort of noise like right now. we believe that the american journalist is in that car right now, the black car that is deporting this courtroom. he can see there we go. and we believe that even girl school, which is now leaving the moscow court. and as we can see, there's not only lots of press here, but some heavy duty armed guards. and that's because earlier in the day this court
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received a bomb threat that had to be evacuated. this is shortly right before even getsco's actually made it here. but since then, they checked everything, everything was okay and the, the preceding returns are back to normal. and we heard that the chief investigator asked for even girl courts to receive espionage charges. now once again, this all comes after the f as be released, the statements where they said that they detains of the american journalists in the city of you got it in book while he was receiving the secret information. now, 32 year old reporter, ah, he's been working for the moscow bureau of the wall street journal. previously he worked for the moscow times. i, he worked for agency france price. he was in accredited a journalist. he had an accreditation from russia's foreign ministry right now, they'll be looking into his activities here in russia were heard from all the crumb and spokesperson ms. scott earlier said that he was caught red handed,
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meaning that they have the evidence to charge him. i would assume so right now will be waiting to see what the outcome is after this hearing and will no doubt be given you more information as soon as we have it. earlier we discussed the claims of the reporter spying on the russian defense industry with independent journalist, mike jones on former us marine john mark took is no secret, especially in this day and age that the american journalistic structure. all of them just about are working for the united states government. it really depends on what this individual was trying to get. but if you're trying to get military secrets related to like weapons, like how much they're producing or anything like this, that's very detrimental to russian security. and you know, they can't just let something like that go, unfortunately, trying to gather
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a secret information is not a normal thing that journalists do. i mean, they report on the ground in different countries. but you're, you're not really supposed to be going to weapons manufacturers and trying to obtain deep secrets. i would expect a lot of spin on it and down playing his role and why he was there were speculating at the moment, but i wouldn't be surprised if it were to do with perhaps even the production of ammunition levels. because we know that the west is very concerned, you can't seem to ramp up their supplies. and perhaps he's trying to ascertain just how capable russian industry is. if indeed this is as it is, claim to be. again, it's another level of desperation. i feel of the u. s. and the collective west as they desperately try to scramble to gain some advantage in that huge blunder and mistake that they've made and they're desperately trying to trying to back pedal
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ok. something else to tell you by today, the european union said relations with china are dependent on the country stance in the ukrainian context, suggesting beijing should follow the western lead agenda. however, that does not fit with the principles of a multi polar world order that china is pushing for something that's greatly concerning brussels. any piece plan which would in effect consolidate russian annexations is simply not a viable plan. we have to be frank on this point. oh, china continues to interact with proteins. war will be a determining factor for each china relations. going follow it while lookout china . the i'm elected queen of europe. ursula vander line,
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and the self appointed hall monitor for the global school yard is telling you that she and europe are going to be watching you while you hang out with russia, which it considers to be a bad influence on you. and just might decide to punish you if she doesn't like what she sees. and he's coming over to beijing next week with everyone's teachers, pet french president, a menu. and michael, and what you going to do, he's going to go over there and weigh your finger in chinese president. she's in ping's face. father, mine said that china was becoming more repressive at home and more assertive abroad, as she runs over to china, to assert herself on behalf of the e. u. in the wake of an entire winter during which she and european leaders are cracking down european shower time. no, that's not repressive at all. it's the kind of rhetoric that we've seen all over the mainstream western press talk about china preparing for war. even though it's the us that's been doing pretty much everything,
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it actively can to gin up tensions between china and taiwan. particularity within the context of the conflict in ukraine, in which ukrainians are pretty much playing the role against russia on behalf of western interests. that tie, one would be playing for them against china in the event that a conflict ever went hot and popped off. and there's been no war since all of these kinds of headlines have started appearing back in 2020, at the very latest, but constant talking about war is and china and it's just been ongoing. and most telling of underlines said we're president. she's parting words to russian president vladimir putin on the steps outside the crew. when when he said right now there are changes the likes of which we haven't seen for a 100 years and we are the, was driving these changes together. chinese communist parties flee a goal is
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a systemic change of the international order with china at its center. we have seen it with china's positions in multi lateral bodies which show its determination to promote an alternative vision of the world order. and we have seen the show of friendship in moscow, which says a 1000 words about this new vision for an international order. okay, so she singled those words out, you kind of to wonder why she so bothered by the prospect of multi polarity, which is essentially what the 2 men were talking about. perhaps because the risks losing its quote in a multi polo world in which the u. s. doesn't run the show with europe riding shotgun in which casey thing fonder line would have eased up on the threats like the one she made to reassess the massive trade deal. the china comprehensive trade
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agreement on investment ratified in 2020. but when it was then frozen in 2021 after brussels in beijing sanctioned each other's officials, still were talking about the use largest trading partner in a time when it still paying a really high price. and of course, the citizens, especially from cunning itself off from its talk provider of cheap energy, which would be russia. so wagner line also sounded during this talk that to face here, like someone who is invited over to a dinner party, but realized a few days before that it would be really awkward if she didn't at least try re framing things a bit, given that she had just spent the last few years, totally publicly badmouthing the host. our relationship with china is one of the most intricate and important anywhere in the world. and how we manage it will be a determining factor. i believe it is neither viable,
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non your interest to decoupled from china or we relations. i'm not black or white. and i, we spun cannot be either. this is why we need to focus on de risk. not d couple that, that sounds like an effort to not show up on the door of china with your foot shoved deep down your throat in your mouth. yeah, the relationship isn't black or white. all right? because europe has no clear and independent strategic vision unless ambiguity is suddenly a strategy towards your talk trading partner. and it seems like it doesn't really have a clue where it's going either. it's trying to cater to washington's anti china interests, while at the same time wanting to preserve its own interests with china, brussels basically trying to drive down the highway while straddling to different lanes, which really, in any case doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do. well one
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e u country that often challenges the directives coming from brussels is hungry. a know the deputy speaker of that nation's parliament has said it's in the core interests of europe as a whole, to achieve peace in ukraine as soon as possible. because of the economic damage being inflicted on the continent through its own sanctions on moscow. initially, nita was created as an alliance, the purpose of which was to protect the member states from armed conflicts on their territory. now nato is participating in the united states game using ukraine as a puppet. in reality, it is not in the interests of the european union to support the continuation of the ukrainian conflict and the sanctions regime against russia. however, many you politicians want to escalate conflict rhetoric while german, all the german council for constitution and sovereignty grouping, ralph t niemeyer told me, europeans are growing increasingly concerned about their economies with the
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sanctions against russia, largely helping the opposite effect. you know, since that time that we are suffering from the gas crisis from the energy crisis away, economies are suffering, we lose jobs, we have a high inflation that has the appropriated people directly. so this was the time that people said they don't want to support ukraine. anymore as much as they used to do, and more than half of the population says already, no arms please do more diplomatic steps. on the 5th of december 2022 to you commission, anti german government had said that the jewish bar pipeline that us getting us oil from iran from russia will be shot on the 1st of january 2023. now, do you commission when to cause us time to negotiate that they deliver oil that we are electric now from rational supply since the 1st of january. and this was commencing, they said on the 1st of april and about 3 days. now that last talk that russia
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would consider that to stop that because they can, because it was about pipeline network is by rushing state companies. they controlled company and they could of course say no. so i bagged the kremlin, actually in my position as an oppositional leader, i said, please let state oil from cars or stand through your pipelines because our economy cannot have that. and i know that mr. charles is in that box because he said he would arrest mr. food in the field ever came to germany in order, you know, we have to put this rhetoric aside and find pragmatic solutions. and of course, lift the sanctions because the only dimension us less russia. okay, something else to tell you by today, china's armed forces on the russian military are now working to strengthen their strategic exchanges to safeguards, international and regional security and stability. about it's,
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according to the chinese defense ministry spokesperson. some will, ged, lots of chinese military will work together with the russian military to further strength and strategic communication and coordination. we will organize, joint maritime and air patrols in bilateral military drills and deepen military trust. we will continue to make contributions to maintain or international and regional security instability. it serves to build a community with a shared future for mankind. the statement follow as president, she's recent visit to moscow during which both he and vladimir putin advocated for a greater development of bilateral practical cooperation. the visit was denounced by washington, calling to back the pentagon's 2024 budget, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff u. s. general mark milly said if the world wants peace, washington must remain at cedar. for the 1st time, the united states was facing 2 major nuclear powers,
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whose vital national security interests are in competition with united states. while the people's republic of china and russia have the means to threaten our interests in our way of life. but war with either is neither inevitable nor imminent. we must remain the most powerful nation. if the great par piece is to continue to hold. there is nothing more expensive than fighting a war. and preparing for war is also very expensive. but fighting a war is the most expensive, but preparing for war will deter that war. i encouraged the congress to support this budget. a speaking to r t, former virginia state senator for the republican party. dick black said global peace can only be achieved if washington abandons its aggressive rhetoric and actions towards masculine beijing. there has there been such bellicose language used by many leaders in the united states is very unfortunate. there's this
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insistence on maintaining a unipolar world. we're, we're emerging into a multi polar world. i don't think russia is trying to take over the world. i don't think china is. i think that we're insisting on maintaining this global dominance, which is gradually becoming a little bit shaky right now. let me just touch on china. we are continually poking a sharp stick in there. i over taiwan. i think if we would simply leave things alone, i don't think there would be nearly the tension there is. but we have nancy pelosi, the speaker, the house flying to taiwan, to sort of increase the,
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the level of tension there. we have adopted this extraordinarily provocative and aggressive program and we've got to withdraw from it somehow and lower the tensions there. lawmakers in the us are pressing the biden administration to investigate. israel's use of american weapons says criticism grows over scenes of violence involving and against palestinians on the actions of the new right wing is released from them. we urge immediate action to prevent the further loss of israeli and palestinian lives. we call on your administration to ensure that all future foreign assistance to israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support. a gross violations of human rights, including by strengthening end use monitoring and financial tracking. the letter signed by 10 democrats criticizes the israeli government on several cabinet members,
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particularly the national security and finance ministers. the list of concerns include some escalation and violence, the killing of goes, palestinians, i'm this really westbank settlement expansion. i'm using us weapons in human rights cries for 2023. congress appropriated $3800000000.00 in a to israel for defense, and nearly $100000000.00 more quote in funding for other cooperative defense and non defense broken. well this year i got off to a particularly deadly start with more than $85.00 palestinians kill since january, including 16 children. last year was the deadliest for those in the west bank since 2004, who director of the international action center thing tank, sora flanders, believes washington news exactly what the weapons it's sent to israel are being used for exactly what those weapons are doing. they're intended to kill palestinian
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people. it's not a surprise. it's not o g. we lost sight of a few guns and know the from the very beginning. that's what the weapons are intended to do. and that is very much what they achieve. so it's what the bombs are meant to do the bring down entire apartment complexes it's, it's what the weapons that kill children are meant to do whether on the west bank and gaza, or within the existing borders of israel to day. they're meant as repression against the palestinian people, and they're also meant for war on the surrounding countries as we see in syria to their stay, where it's israel bombs. so they don't lose sight of these weapons. they know what they're doing and they're doing what they're intended to do. no spokesman for the un secretary general appeared somewhat puzzled this week about whether the u. s. has
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a military presence in syria. now the confusion came to light in an exchange with a reporter from the c. dtn used that we're take a look at this. what's the, what's the difference is related to that syria has no attrition in syria and the situation you're crying. there's no us armed forces inside of syria. and so i'd, as i don't have a, it's not a of a parallel situation issue. another note, there's no u. s. u. s. military personnel, i believe is military activity. yeah. but, but of a but in terms of ground presence in syria, i'm not aware of that. okay. 5 us service members were injured in that attack. if there's no, there were no us soldier service members in syria. how could they got injured? but that's weird, right? should i ask, when it all comes after on american military base in syria was attacked earlier this month, the mascot has accused the us of stealing the countries oiled under the guise of
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a suppose an anti terrorism operation. washington, which is believed to have had forces in syria for nearly a decade, openly call for regime change in the country. stephen, selena, a journalist in syria is of the view america has taken the un hostage american appearance in the, in syria. yes, it is illegal in any country. if the government of the country and the leader of the country asked for help from an from a friendly country states that cow syria did with iran the suited with russia. that is legal appearance that is held from one prince to another friendly country. but the united states came in to syria and occupied that he's still here. yeah. we are all of the oil. well, the gas will and the week of syria and are harvesting them. and pumping the oil and gas, the stealing them and using the answer and using that money to fund the kurdish militia
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separate this, want to separate and get into pieces. and that is why why i because they want to keep the mask this week. does it get the student government and who's the president of dr. michelle? i thought the ones that we why do they want this week? because he's outside the united states, and he doesn't go under the orders of the united states and the united states embassy today. the u. n. is taking hostage by the united states. well, as we have been hearing, cried this programmers, countries increasingly make moves become less dependent on the u. s. brazil and china have struck a deal to drop the dollar and bilateral trade transactions in favor of their own currencies. an agreement and setting, paying and seeing one has been solved with brazil, which greatly facilitates our trait. we are planning to expand corporation in the
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field of food and mineral extraction, and to search for a possibility of exporting goods with high added value from china to brazil and from brazil to china. well, the deal enable was china on the biggest economy in latin america to conduct financial transactions directly without converting their currencies into u. s. dollars. now that's significant because it's expected reduce costs and facilitate bilateral trade and investment. china remains of brazil is largest trading partner, followed by the u. s. on is also brazil's biggest export market as well. all that comes just days after for the 1st time, china used its own currency to import around 65000 tons of liquefied natural gas from the u. a. it was a french company incident. they total energy to settled on the beijing is increasingly trying to use the you and to buy energy on the global markets. a move seen by many as a threat to the greenback brazilian political science expert. paulo affonso
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believes that process of not term we're increasingly hearing d. dollarization is already underway. in these are inevitable new realities. the behavior of the u. s. has weakened the power of the donor as they use that currency to dominate the world. i think dominance of the donor is coming to an end. perhaps the process of di dollarization will take a long time, but suddenly it's already been gone and i should say quite intensively, especially after the destabilization of the situation on the international arena. the weakening of the dollar is inevitable due to the transition of trade transactions to national currencies. there's no need for extra intermediate trading operations the necessary if the deals are set in dollars. however, this is a new mechanism and is still unknown how companies will use it. nevertheless, we're confident that this will create a legal infrastructure for the development and enhancement of trading relations. john has been brazil's largest trading partner since the 2000. the shift to using
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national currencies is easier and more beneficial for all sides. for me, practical point of view. that's why we're seeing the decline of the mediation of donna ah. okay, there's something we're closely following on the program. a case brought by the ukranian orthodox church, stating that the termination of a lease agreement on its largest monastery was illegal has been rejected by a court and key. if it comes, it made a government attempt to evict monks from the site. monastery officials have said the president, zalinski is quote, kicking monks out onto the streets of local media report that arm police attempted to enter the holy grounds to victor parishioners on the monks residing there of the same time, a ukrainian cultural tough force whose mission is to quote, ensure the safety of cultural property arrived,
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but apparently did nothing to hold the eviction, intense moscow from here for acting against the monastery, the defenseless occupants, he rushes foreign ministry, get it because it is the plane in this very moment, the key regime continues it's offensive against canonical orthodoxy. zelinski and other green and f is, are not interested in issues of faith or morality. they're driven solely by self interest, the desire for personal enrichment. they're ready for any steps including the use of foreign one. yeah. what we're seeing now is the crime of the key of regime against its own people. when turkey parliament, or meanwhile, excuse me, monks on worshippers spent the night in the church, preventing law enforcement from entering the secrets place though they say key abductions are illegal of every right to stay in the monastery. pope frances has said, he's ready to act as
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a mediator. and it's not only the said sending the alarm. the united nations was raised concerns to over a key of raid on the countries biggest monastery. you can hit the r t dot com for the details of life, love him years. landscape crock! done on religious orthodoxy in ukraine. ok, just before we go, some use reaching us on the program. turkey's parliament has approved a bill to a law of finland to join nato. now the turkish parliament was the last member of the country itself, of the alliance to approve them move after hungry at the december bill earlier in the week. we know as well in march, the turkish president says, i'm quote, will give health think it's blessing,
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has finland at the concrete steps he said to crack down and groups at seen by on cra us terrorists, finland and sweden, by the way, asked to join the trans atlantic military alliance last year, so i'm sure there will be some revocation to that and plenty of reaction to that news as well. we'll bring it to you in the coming hours. sure. all right, and that is where we leave the news right off for now. i will be back in do, but all your updates in 30 minutes do hope you can join me then to goodbye. the oh, when i want something wrong, when i just don't hold any world is yes to safe out.
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disdain becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of horn, we choose to look for common ground. filling policy is rarely frontin central american electoral politics. however, biden's nato proxy war in ukraine against russia is turning into an exception. as long as it takes and blank checks are not going down wealth with the g o p base. and republicans afford to continue to support 5 winds war with cars, they already cars the ship here. guys leak a duster also a use for me. you are just.
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