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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] ah or no, you served with the united states. his name is the main initiate of anti russians with the new forum, a moscow lays out a new foreign policy concept. branding works and actions against russia hybrid war as a foreign minister. so get a lot of says the country wanted to isolate itself, but it's ready for dialogue and a new multi colo reality. saudi arabia agreed to join the shanghai cooperation organization as a dialogue partner. we've come to meet the strengthening of time between beijing
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and with providing has rejected the wall street journal's please to expel russian. different about this from america. verse forms to the rest of the outlets. journalist on challenges of being with we are certainly work no way into the evening hours here at moscow. it's great to have your company. of course it's r t international. we'll pick this up with a, quote, washington. it's the main initiator of anti russian policy. that is the message from moscow, as russia lays out its new foreign policy concept for the upcoming years. i russia is our top diplomat labrador also says moscow is determined to build stronger ties with the developing. what glove, when you search over the united states is named as the main initiator of anti russian policy because of in general for the west policy of weakening. russia is called the review of your time with the new foreign policy comes in. that assumes
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absolute rejection of neo colonial practices and him and is a cause. anything for a strategic partnership with our great neighbors in china, in india, countries of the islamic world, of the latin american country, the countries of africa and countries of southeast asia. nowhere these marina cars are repre, join me in the studio here to break down a some of the most important points of this new foreign policy doctrine. the updated foreign policy concept has some 76 points. we won't go through them all. but just to give a main just of things, basically it's all about as it states, it's in the document abandoning the dominance of the united states and working on strengthening corporation with other countries to make sure that this is a multi polo world. something that we've been hearing about rory for a couple of months. this is not really cemented this now in the document. it's decree that was signed by vladimir putin and what it states here is for example,
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we've seen that the u. s. is the main source thursday of this. and so russia policy and the document urges other countries, for example, to abandon the answer russia policy want and also to get a greater independence from the united states. and russia for its part is planning to help developing countries, for example, to play a great role in the global economic affairs, who are the roches friends. we're talking about china, india, africa, it's stated in the com and document as well, that islamic civilization, it's always seen in russia as friendly and they will continue to work on it. and the key point here, every time that we're talking about a corporation, one another country, it's all about being mutually beneficial. so they are benefits not only russia, but the other country that we're talking about and make sure that this is a multi polar world where the interests not only of the united states and the west are being observed, but also all of these other countries. and so that these other countries play
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a bigger role and we're not talking about the monopoly or the head to money that we've heard from the west. and it's allies. of course, one of the things that we put in was saying was that the global economy is going through serious changes, switching to new centers of power for the new multi polar world order. putin saying this is a key trend. it is a key trend and also in this document, it does say it does face that there will, there are, of course, is fine to break up officer and partnerships that russia is form. and now with these other countries and that will work on eliminates. and that's, and when it sees something interference happening, it will act and respond. also. there will be tackling, in terms of humanitarian policies abroad. the priorities are bruce, the phobia will seen how much that's changed, especially since the special military operation began, protects in the russian language. russian culture were sports. they're trying to cancel anything russian. it's the years now in europe and around the world. slab, rope before minister keeps playing host to all these other for a minute,
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just to keep rushing to moscow and if they're not rushing to moscow marina, they're going to beige in, for example, next week. macros. the teacher's pet is going to beige with some of angela and i. so i assume that they would cap in hand because they know the multi polar world is already departing. exactly. so will be interesting to see what they achieve, if anything, when they go to beijing and what happens there. but also again, just to return to this updated foreign policy concept in it. the 1st point actually does states in the very beginning that russia does not feed soft as an enemy of the west. it does not want to isolate the self from the west. me, but the sure and your name was make sure we know 2018 cells from the west, and we have no initial cost on intentions towards them. but they must understand that interaction with russia is possible with the rejection of confrontation to you . so, except the reality that this is the common them all type, whole world that can no longer deny it. and what they're trying to do is to make
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sure that they don't hurt all the countries while they're trying to hang on to that dominance. because russia will no longer allow it, china will no longer allow it. there are other countries, bigger power houses in the world data already and they're coming together. they just slipped back to what we call. so ago when the chinese president came to moscow . and as he was leaving food and what was the one thing that he said we're witnessing the biggest changes in a 100 years. and you and me are driving these changes from a lot of putin simply said, i agree. yeah. and they're not the only ones saying this, everyone is aware of this, nothing. this is why they are so concerned in the way, because this is our power house, the union that we're seeing now. one of the key points of today's foreign policy announcement by moscow was out of the burgeoning multipart a world. and i spoke with job critical analyst, joe mill anger, who says that african countries welcome russia is expanding global outreach. seems like russia was
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a bit. is there it was more on the back seat in terms of before and police back now it's outside, it's out there and it's willing to do you think that there with talk everyone is excited because they're always looked into one direction for the past 400 years so finally did the change and also there is a warm feeling the way by that i shall see. there are other countries, especially in african countries, this madness what is opposed to the western countries who will come into a t do what they should do. blue 10 was here that says that the lid was yeah, i come, my law here is here to tie in and she to one to me i've really got to remain in the hands of the western of which that i was out. so it to us, it's a bit offensive enough regard to say, luscious isolated,
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meaning they can come to states that, ah, in good terms with russia, so you not count it. so you can only be counted if you denounce russia because that's what they've been trying to achieve that side. that with money that i didn't, let's now how many countries are they going to take to war? if they want to do that, they can't autonomy it don't. let's rust out military that is already exhausted. so it, it, literally unfounded, completely not. so they believed that the worst it must be new york in london was somewhat police or belgium. saudi arabia has agreed to join the shanghai cooperation organization as a dialogue partner or the moves comes in with the strengthening of ties between react and beijing. now a saudi cabinet session to prove the decision earlier. china has been fostering allies in the middle east, essentially to counter american influence. recently brokering an agreement between a re add on terror on that review, bad diplomatic size, while the saudi state energy company,
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aramco is just sign to major deal to beijing on energy cooperation. letter i discussed the saudi reaction to joining b. s. c o plus the dollars placed, and that will today with the abilities i will him a retired navy commodore. here are some of, well, some of the highlights. so dad is joining, it's a not, not, not to full membership. so now this looked like some things, the, the importance of saudi arabia, saudi arabia is the, one of these things, a sort of verse of why the income security, which is that, that would cover over everything. but i don't think it's abandoning the united states because the united states was a total as the number one he's on the whole world. and one very, very important point is that it's china to the home was as
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willing because he did the work is pretty big responsibility. and this is very, very big burden. and the end time i need to do a lot regarding how they do the outside world, but leading, leading that well, mr. m. okay. my mainly i like how you said that, but you're saying china is not ready to lead the world like america is. but america, sorry to say is a war mongering nation. look at all the countries that america has invaded over how many decades and you're telling me that china is not ready to leave the world. well, i'm not, i'm not here to get a certain point, but it is, it is china ready to respond. so the responsibility of the whole world, the united states is very powerful in economy and culture, education, innovation, and technology. so business, something be. and also note that the,
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even the chinese currency is likely tied up by a price to the us dollar dollar. it's being slowly pushed out by members of the s c o, the bricks, the assay, and the global stuff. how can you tell me, how can you tell me for the dollar it will be taking forever. it's already fading around the world. people are pushing it out, there's not really not space economy is one of the world economy at the, at the time when the populations, 5 percent, as i said, whether you agree with us politics or disagree with them like them. don't want them until today. we've been hearing since the seventy's about the diminishing done. and it's going to be nice. yes. so would you be something more and more with that? but that doesn't mean that we are going to of a sudden with a push button. disregard the, the,
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the relation with the united states. quote, israel is on a rampage against human rights. that's the damning indictment of the head of the global body. human rights watch. with the current state of the israeli government and the tax on the dish or in particular, we see that this is not a human wise complied government. this is a government that's actually on a rampage against human rights domestically against its own people in israel. now this comes off to a letter the president biden signed by 10 us will make it criticize the israeli government and several cabinet members, particularly the national security and finance ministers. the list of concerns include an escalation of violence, the killing of both palestinians and israelis. westbank settlement expansion and using us so weapons in human rights crimes. more details to come on that angle. the mean time is ready for ministry of fit and back of the comments from human rights watch. israel is a strong and vibrant democracy. the demonstrators over the last few months or an
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impressive example of it. hundreds of thousands of people are manifesting in the streets, no violence protected by the police. this is how real democracy works. that's not a human under labor rights lawyer done kovachick joining us here on the international down. it's always good to see you a very warm welcome to you. great to have you on the program. as always, i know you are following the statements made right there. what do you make of this? i mean that's pretty strong words from the head of human rights watch. yeah, well i am happily surprised by these words. usually i find human rights watch to be . busy more or less a mouth piece of the west, they tend to be to save their, their, their biggest criticisms for adversaries of the united states. but here they're really going after israel. and they even said something in that report where they, they criticize the us for not holding israel to account for human rights violations and saying that the us should hold them account in the same way that they all
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countries like china. that's a radical thing for human rights watch to say, but it's an appropriate thing to say. they should have been saying the sort of thing for a long time. it may be chose to shift while i was just, you know, on, if you've done i was just, you say they perhaps should have been doing this for a long time already its own barely speaking. now why, i mean, do you think it's just it's, it's really the 1st time it's had concerns like this in my, well, they certainly had some criticisms of israel in the past, but again, to, to make a statement that the u. s. should treat like countries alike. and again, the credit to be critical of israel as much as they are china, that, that i've never heard before that that's something different. and i again, maybe the views of, you know, human rights institutions are changing. maybe they realize they've been too much in the, you know, sway of their donors and let's face it,
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they get all their donations from the western and it will act that certain objectivity and therefore credibility. and i hope any of something that i've been writing about this for a long time myself, being critical of really how these human rights groups have really been in the tank for the west. and i hope that's changed dining. it wasn't that long ago, a few weeks ago than if y'all was complaining that he still hasn't been invited to the by the white house. and then there was a word out of the white house and yet chill out, mate will. but we'll get together soon enough, and now we see bite and saying that is not the time to invite prime minister netanyahu to the white house done. us all, make us writing a joint letter abiding to look into israel's actions. is it possible and it sounds quite frankly unlikely, but is it possible? but the u. s. is taking a new stance towards that. number one, ally in the middle east. it may be, and i think one of the reasons for this, by the way,
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is this piece agreement that was brokered by china between iran and saudi arabia. the us now realizes it's out in the cold, in the middle east or west asia. it's appropriately call. and of course the u. s. is position on israel has been as, as always been alienating to the gulf states and other arab countries. but now the u. s. i do think feels it's got to do something to stay in the game in the middle east and i think part of that is going to be to be more critical of israel. so you have the dynamics, you're shipping. yeah, yeah. just just quickly before that to go down to me that someone was saying to me in an interview in the past few days that, that the, the israeli leadership tends to get along pretty badly with a democrat leadership in washington. and they seem to get along better with, with republicans. how would you assess that? i think there's some truth to that,
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but let's face that they get along with both pretty darn well. israel's, the 3rd rails, we say of american politics. neither party has wanted to alienate israel. you know, it's a matter of degree, i suppose. but again, i do. so i do that, given that what i just said, i think it is significant that now the democrats seem to be willing to criticize because even the democrats have been really willing to do that. it is interesting because it's a human and labor rights lawyer joining us live. always good to see it, and thanks for you to rory. thank you. the russian ambassador to the un has called for the withdrawal of all us made nuclear weapons from non us territories. he also claimed russia cannot sit idly by in the face of a growing number of nato allies conducting nuclear weapons drill, receive russia in the 90s, took all measures to withdrawn nuclear weapons from the territory of the former ussr. yes, we urged americans to do the same,
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to abandon the thinking of the cold war period to return all us nuclear weapons to the territory of the united states. we also called for the elimination of the relevant infrastructure in europe and the cessation of the practice of the united states and nato by conducting nuclear missions. a trust practice is incompatible with neither the letter nor the spirit of the non proliferation treaty. like a polish, we have asked nato to bring its policy in line with its accepted commitments. with the modernization of these huge reserves is only gaining momentum. us weapons are deployed in the netherlands to germany, turkey and other nato countries gave me which recall that poland also agreed to participate in joint nuclear exercises against the background of nato's open declaration of its desire to inflict strategic destruction on russia. as it is obvious, that such actions require a response from us in including the military sphere is to ensure russia and bowler russia. this is exactly the area that the measures taken by the president of russia
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are aimed at and which has so frightened the zalinski regime and its western sponsorship to kill or did you seriously think that we would not react here provocative statements and actions while staying in new york for now and join our correspond they're yours right? that caleb boffin. caleb, i know you've been following closely what was said at the un security council. so of all of us here at auto international headquarters in moscow. walter, what was some of the highlights as far as you're concerned? well, the 15 member body that leads the united nations assembled to discuss the issue of tactical nuclear weapons being deployed by russia in dela roofs and bella bruce agreeing to host those tactical nuclear weapons. now, many us aligned countries used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia to blame russia for the conflict in ukraine to accuse russia of various things that we've seen throughout western media. over the past months, however, when russet took to the floor,
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they pointed out something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in western media has worked to just simply not mention which is that the united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of nuclear agreements. and he went over in detail, all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united states. from there, he went on to highlight how u. s. policy has been aimed at trying to dictate and control other countries and escalate tensions around the world. here's what we heard from russian ambassador and have been zia. another game of western countries are simply trying to impose their own rules on the rest of the world. we need an official only to them in order to then demand their strict compliance from other stations. they themselves, of course, not consider themselves bound by any obligations, be such inherently neo colonial attitudes are aimed at ensuring the prosperity of the so called golden 1000000000 at any cost. neither we nor our colleagues from
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developing countries can be misled anymore. and now the apparent hypocrisy of the united states in demanding that russia not be able to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to bel roost. while the united states and its allies have nuclear weapons. that was made clear by the remarks buying the ben via before the council. china also called for the escalation and particular in regard to nuclear weapons and also emphasizing the need. ready a resolution of the conflict in ukraine or negotiations to take life over all the meeting highlighted very big differences between major countries represented on the council when it comes to their interpretation of world advance. russia made clear that the united states is acting in a way that is provoking conflict rather than seeking resolution. and not really enforcing any of this rhetoric we hear about a rules based global order. all right, artist, callum awesome,
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thank you. the wall street journal has demanded rushers. i'm basset to the us along with all russian journalists currently in america, be expelled from the country and comes after a reporter for the us offered was arrested in russia on thursday on charges of espionage. however, president biden says right now, there are no plans to expel anyone o the bite and administration will have to consider diplomatic and political escalation expelling russia's ambassador to the u. s. as well as all russian journalists working here would be the minimum to expect. so this come without this, i will, 3 journalist was arrested by the f s. b. he's accused of trying to obtain classified information about the russian defense industry. russian court ruled to keep the american journalist behind bars with 2 months pending further investigation. he could face up to 2 decades in prison. found guilty of the west,
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though has been quick to condemn rogers actions rushes decision to detain. a u. s. journalist shows their complete disregard for media freedom. we stand shoulder to shoulder with the u. s. in defense of these fundamental democratic principles, the e u condemns the detention of evan durst. greevich a journalist in us citizen in russia, journalists must be allowed to exercise their profession freely and deserve protection. the russian authorities demonstrate yet again, their systematic disregard for media freedom. while the russian, a foreign ministry spokesman murray as a hot of slime, the chief for his comments saying he could show the same courtesy to arrested sputnik journalist. mad up cost sam. and though to julian songs, we've been in a u. k. maximum security prison since 2019. well, let's get the taken all of this from jonathan ortho. daniel the zog, he's joining us here one or 2 international daniel. great to see you as always a very one. welcome to you. the u. k. a foreign secretary accusing rusher of violating press freedoms yet, i guess at the same time,
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the problem was about judy nissan's remaining behind bars. it's a, well, i don't know. how do you read it? i think the parallels is quite striking. i mean, i mean i don't support the arrest about hershey bits clearly, but the but the, what's been done to julian sanchez is tragic. it's brutal, it's unjust and extreme. and it shows that the west really is not committed to a free press at all. i mean, he's, and he's, and in a maximum security prison, his health has suffered, his mental balance appears to have suffered. so essentially, the british authorities are doing to him what the soviet authorities used to do to, to dissidence dissidence, back in the 1900 sixties and seventies. what i can i jump in, dunham, sort of jump in, but i've got very little time here, but i wanted to ask you so, so you don't believe the allegations against you've got to go to, excuse me, good coverage. i mean, is it, is it possibly a case of the wrong man in the wrong place or the wrong time,
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or is he just being used? what do you, what do you thing, what is your hunch? my hunch is that it's a political retaliation. my hunches that he's a journalist working there, he may have, you know, he may have strayed at some sensitive area, but usually i wouldn't, i wouldn't like the journalist to be arrested much less charged with a crime like espionage which is of course, you know, as serious as they come, but i'm just simply saying that if the yes, the us who are truly honest would apply the same standard to julian, the saw shoes also been charged with espionage and could face they'd life life in prison if he's ever extradited to the united states what about, what about the criminal spokesperson? dmitri pasco, for use really strong words. when it comes to the wall street journal, john and he said, he said he was caught red handed. i. e, he was caught in the act. i mean, do you think the criminal spokes person is not accurate with that? every thing i know about her events is that he's in the,
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he's an honest journalist. he's not a spy. that is my opinion. he may have, he may have, you know, tread now go on over into dangerous territory. you may have offended the russian authorities in some way. he may have, you know, he may have done something wrong conceivably, but he's still a journalist performing his jobs and i think it's extremely dangerous when any journalist is charged with espionage and that i, as i point out, that applies to julian. massage. i was, you know, because he is understand the journalist. gotcha. but he was on a tour of a military industrial facility. and i don't know if you've ever done that in russia before and or even in america. but typically when you do a to a such as that, they will tell you, you walk along the dotted line here, you turn left here, don't look over there. you can film with cameras here. you don't film over there. i mean, when you go into a military industrial complex for a tour,
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they are specifically not going to show you everything. there are only certain things you can see. is it possible this journalist for the wall street journal, he just pushed a bit too hard? did he do something he shouldn't have done? i mean, all was he trying some people say to get his hands on sensitive private state secrets. it's certainly possible. he did something he shouldn't have done. we don't know the facts. journalists tend to push journalists, or aggressive journalists wants information. they want to suck up as much as possible. so you know, so it's very possible that he, that he treaded, he trod on somebody's toes. but as i said, applying a charge of espionage, 9 vague on its face. unwarranted fair enough, daniela's our author and the john list himself. it's always great to have you on the program. really appreciate your insight and comment tree. thank you. thank you and i thank you for joining us here. this program live from moscow. it's been
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a busy friday so far bound to get even busier with my colleague unit o'neill at the desk in hoffman. i was a ah ah need to come to russian state
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total narrative. i've tied as i'm phoning most landscape div asking him i'm not getting a group in the city battle did. okay, so mine is to final speed anyone else with will ban in the european union? the kremlin? yup. machine. the state aunt, rush up to date and split our t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with . mm hm.
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ah ah ah, we are in the middle of a global energy crisis about precedent complexity and depth economies. markets and policies are being greatly impacted. yet despite unrelenting at geo political and economic concerns, governments are still clinging to dramatic environmental policies. i'm getting


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