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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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rarely frontin central american electoral politics. however, biden's nato proxy war in ukraine against russia is turning into an exception. as long as it takes end blank checks are not going down well with the g o p base. can republicans afford to continue to support and finance war a loan that you served with united states is name is the main initiative, anti russian of honesty, revenue, foreign policy, a seems absolutely rejection of neo clay. and had you been with moscow laid out, it's new foreign policy doctrine from the western actions against russia, hybrid war, foreign minister, lever on bonds, that country won't isolated. so on days, ready for dialogue in multi fuller reality program this hour, sunday, everybody agrees to join the shanghai cooperation organization as
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a dialogue part, the mood comes and made a recent strengthening of ties between b. j. under yet moscow say the decision to station some of its nuclear weapons and neighboring bella. ruth, is a direct response to nato's expansion of atomic arms on territories close to russia . this is exactly the area that measures taken by the residence. russia are, which has so frightened lensky regime and it's west and sponsors support teachers seriously thing that we want to not react to so provocative statements and actions with welcome to our t international. my name's you know, neil on 30 minutes of news and views and starts rushes ambassador to the un has called for the withdrawal of all american made nuclear weapons from non
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u. s. territories. he also stated moscow cannot sit. i don't, in the face of a growing number of nato allies conducting nuclear weapon drift. it should do it so doable. rushing in the 90s took all measures to withdraw nuclear weapons from the territory of the former usaa when we averaged americans to do the same, to abandon the thinking of the cold period to return all of us nuclear weapons to the territory of the united states and we also called for the elimination of the relevant infrastructure in europe and the cessation of the practice of the united states and nato through, by conducting nuclear missions. so the practice is incompatible with neither the less and nor the spirit of the non proliferation treaty. we have asked nato to bring at this policy in line with its accepted commitments. the modernization of these huge reserves is only gaining momentum. us weapons are deployed in the netherlands, germany returning,
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and other nato countries. recall that poland are also agreed to participate in joint nuclear sizes. this is exactly the area that we measure is taken by the president of russia are aimed at the reuters and which has so frightened the zalinski regime and its west and sponsors or didn't hear seriously think that we would not react in your provocative statements and actions the 15 member body that leads the united nations assembled to discuss the issue of tactical nuclear weapons being deployed by russia in bel groups and deliveries of rain to host those tactical nuclear weapons. now, many usaa line countries used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia to blame russia for the conflict in ukraine through a huge russia of various things that we've seen throughout western media over the past months. however, when russia talked to the floor, they pointed out something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in
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western media has worked to just simply not mention which is that the united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of nuclear agreements. and he went over again detail all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united states from there. and he went on to highlight how you asked policy more as been aimed at trying to dictate and control other countries and escalate tensions around the world. here's what we heard from russian ambassador and had been, zia zeppelin is thrown of the camel's. western countries are simply trying to impose their own rules on the rest of the world. beneficial wholly to them in order to then to monitor this strict compliance from other states. they themselves, of course, do not consider themselves bound by any obligations. such inherently neo colonial latch to choose are aimed at ensuring the prosperity only so called goldens
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1000000000 at any cost. neither. we know our colleagues from developing countries can be misled, and he more a representative of bell roost gave a strong rebuke to the western critics of their partnership with russia. here's what he had to say. moving out the growth and we have repeatedly center. we will repeated here, you should not meddle in our domestic affairs, and you may should deal with your own countries and rail human rights problems. she will life and dignity held still, security. and you haven't even attempt to find out about the desires of the bell. russian piano, when the bell of russian people are taking important domestic decisions in the country, all have no idea of what the bell, a russian, people really thinking it's we invite all the citizens and taxpayers to take an interest in what their own countries are doing. you could issue a parent hypocrisy of the united states and demanding that russia and not be able to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to bel roost while the united states and its allies have nuclear weapons. and that was made clear by the remark,
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fine. and then zia, before the council, china also called for the escalation i in particular in regard to nuclear weapons i, and also emphasizing the need for a resolution of the conflict in your brain or negotiations. take way over all the meeting. i. ready like very big differences between major countries represented on the council when it comes their interpretation of world of that russia made clear that the united states is acting in a way that is provoking conflict rather than seeking resolution. and not really enforcing any of this rhetoric we hear about a rules based global order. well, to discuss this more, i'm delighted to say we're joined live on the program buying to mitree polio ski deputy ambassador of russia to the united nations ministry you're most welcome. thank you. hello, the west has lashed diets,
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russia for deploying some of its nuclear arms. to bel roussel, we're hearing branding it on necessary escalation when you hear that, those terms, what your reaction? well, the only words that come to my mind when i see these things are double standards later on double standards. i think that the west is trying to act within the concepts of rules based international order, where it's all, it's all alone sets the rules and seeks that the others should implement these rules. otherwise, it's difficult to explain how they would try to ignore their own behavior by the states, 1st and foremost, in deploying nuclear weapons in the western countries for many years, for decades already. and then when the russia analysis simulate lands simply analysis they already pub, she's trying to blame russia for kind of escalation. this is the same effort,
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but western countries were using it when speaking about all these supplements, my ability to reaching we are, which we are undermined by washington. the best of you to be made. very good. good. i will say it's a of all these things always needs by washington which undermine strategic stability. so the only thing is really coming to the mind of those who look at this is how, how can the way the rest be so critical in dealing with this issue. there have also been calls to strip russia of its veto power in the un security council. how realistic is something like that could happen? what would be the consequences of it? it's absolutely unrealistic. i will say. so. it says wishful thinking and personal
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crusades of some of the people are much linked to the m and nothing more. because if we imagine anything of this magnitude happening in international relations, it's a total or sets of the system of international relations that have right now and of course undermine the duct, the, to the, to the base of the nation's executed signals. i think that the consequences for international cooperation would be devastating. in this case. the west, as you know, constantly coincide, russia, ukraine, but at the same time, whenever military interventions, now the us adventure isn't, has dawn in iraq or afghanistan, those countries are still dealing with the, the aftermath of that. it's just brushed aside almost why the silence.
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why the, why, the rejection of, of, of any kind of criticism on those countries of what happened there, or do you think by washington? well, i think it's, if you speak about washington, so then of course, they proceed from the, from the concept of american exceptionalism. that united states has the right to do whatever it wants of the international arena. and everything that's us does. projects is positive by nature, by default. other countries, world western countries, the course of here to the block discipline. they do not dare to, to, to make one step aside from the park line defined by watching from many developing countries, especially weaker developing countries then, of course, aware of possible consequences of the criticism of washington economic consequences,
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political consequences, financial consequences. and that's why, of course, the very much you're lucky to show their disapproval publicly, but it doesn't mean that they approve everything that washington has been doing or is doing it's, it's a national i read that and you will see that even critical voices coming from from some members of international community living with you on this program, deputy minister, i speak to a lot of officials, a lot of analysts from the developing world, from the global science and other areas. and one thing increasingly in the last number of months they wanted to speak about is multi polarity world, going away from, from one country, completing control and having a more equitable future. do you see our position to that? absolutely. there is an ar them's position from the us run this allies because they want to do everything in their power to preserve their privileged position in the
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world to preserve the well being of the so called golden 1000000000 by any price. they are not hesitate to acting very much colonial or neo colonial logic. so that's the only position that we have these objective and global transformation processes that are on the wait. but i think it's quite clear that these processes are launched and they are on the way regardless of the sex whether washington allies approved approved of these processes or not. so i think that's a clear objective reality. i think it's worth pointing as well. that's whenever i read an article in the west by russian sanctions, it's invariably said that the world is against russia. now when you look at the, the number of countries who did not vote to join in with the sanctions policy, it's actually more against the done with it in the u. n. why do you think that's
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not being heard out? all? does the west not respect those countries there say as much or is it just convenient to ignore? i think that the top european diploma burrell gave a very brilliant they will say explanation a little bit. this logic, when he said that europe is a beautiful garden, surrounded by the jungle. so they all they care about these got them. and they want to presume it's from us. the weeds coming from the jungle. and i think that's the really the, the essence of the western thinking towards the world. and now they view russia and china as a threat. they try to mobilize to counts of these, these threats, and they want everybody else to the file and not so interfere decided russia and china. and i think that's the only probation there for them for the x,
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like people leaving him on the separate planets, having the right to do what they will they want on the others. but are you concerned that the u. s. indeed, other western countries could become more aggressive in defending what they perceive as the liberal world order of president biden, as described as such. think we are aggressive enough already now you see how much they are involved in this proxy war with russia and ukraine, providing weapons on providing all kinds of intelligence and advisors and mercenaries. so you great, because otherwise it was great and would have been already losing this war several times. so i think they are aggressive enough. it's hard to see what, what, what, what else they are ready to do, to preserve their exceptionalism, to preserve well being of the world of valium. but i think that they are the same
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time. also aware of the reasons of direct confrontation, of nuclear power and what, what would be the consequences for the whole planets. all this, i guess, recently made an interesting point to me on the program here. mr. young, the thing that nato has vastly more weapons and more money, more people in russia. so what does that have to fear from the country? it's an interesting point, isn't it? yeah, absolutely. what not all the things are going to be explained by the quantity of the villages. so, i mean you sham thanks. whatever. i think that russia is strong enough, we will write, you will need to compare it to the whole of the western world. and now, when the west has mobilized almost all its resources to keep regime and thing and those lamps again, and they are not able to to, to win over russia. ukraine. i think now they are big concerns because of what are
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the steps they could do. and you also know that russia was, this is some kind of sophisticated weapons which the west still doesn't have in mind 1st and foremost, hypersonic weapons. so it's very relative and it depends on the point of view that, that you will take. but the one thing is absolutely clear that nobody and all planets will be interested in direct foundation between the russian lates or russia, and the us being nuclear powers. and the, the quantities of munition or nuclear warheads might not be the definitely criteria by which we can judge sheets or danger for the whole learning. understood just while we have you on the program, sir. what do you see is the single biggest obstacle to piece in ukraine and dung boss as it stumps? well, it's absolutely clear that the obstacle to peace would be the criminals and ask g
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was absolutely clear from 2014 when there was the legal anti constitutional cool committed by the west. ukrainian or russian call came to power. and well, when all these nation was elements came to power, we were very local about these were highlights and what is happening in ukraine? where insisting on ukraine implementing means agreements. the west also was trying to pretend that it was willing to, to enforce green. so implemented subrogation, but in reality it was just arming, easy, and it's quite clear that this is a labrador called united states. and so what we have in ukraine is absolutely into russian stuff all the ordinance. and we have such a neighbor as the neighbor that's not only threatening us for the neighbor that was for 8 years showing civilian civilian population of don bus,
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healing women and children with absolutely no reaction whatsoever from from the west. so of course these things should be removed if we speak about about some kind of piece. yeah. and just finally, i'm interested about your, your day to day job. how do you rate communication between russia and and western nations primarily at the un kirtley this is the place where where countries are supposed to come together to talk to hear each other's concerns is about happening . absolutely there us. so there is. ringback special, i will say rules in the security council, in general, rules of communication. most of the communication is happening at the expert level where we don't have any problem interacting with our former western partners. and you need to understand that the agenda of the you and the agenda security council
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is not limited to the questions related to your grade. there are a lot of issues relating to other problems and conflicts and conflict situation where we don't speak about ukraine number, where we have to interact to find the balance and to move forward with the national corporation. and we saw that concrete field. so where we have some problem of interaction use or the level of top segers in, in west emissions in new york, i think they have political, they have been politically for be them from de camp. it's also home, brussels or washington. i don't know to make a reasonable contact with russia diploma and some of our good friends from the delegation. so they admitted that there is session instruction coming from from their capitals. so they will of course, avoid being seen in public with us. they will not visit our meetings organized by russia or receptions for article events,
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and they do not welcome us later. but i don't think it's, it's really big problem because like diplomatic was in new york is very active. we have a lot of other activities to see to and sometimes saving every evening would be really a benefit. instead of going to some ballot a section in some western or american mission. i got it as always, thank you for the direct answers to the questions. every time you are in the program, dmitri polanski, deputy, and foster of russia to the united nations many thanks. washington is the main initiator avante russian policy. that is, the message from mosque was the kremlin lays out. it's new foreign policy concept for the coming years. how the country's top diplomat circle of rafael to said. russia is determined to build stronger relations with the developing world, blowing them in, you serve the loop fluid. you go, michael,
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united states as an age, as the main initiate of anti russian policy. but in general, the west policy of weakening russia is called a hybrid war. the new title room you form policy concept mo, assumes an absolute rejection of neo colonial practices. and hedgeland isn't glimpse, of course, is being sat for a strategic partnership with our great neighbors. and i'm china, india, and countries of the islamic world. the latin american countries limited countries of africa and countries of southwest asia. when i wake along with it as earlier in the day, our correspond marina cost forever broke down. some of the main points off that document, the updated foreign policy concept has some 76 points. we won't go through them all . but just to give a main just store of things, basically it's all about, as they said in the document, abandoning the dominance of the united states and working on strengthening corporation with other countries to make sure that this is a mold type. holo world,
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something that we've been hearing about rory for a couple of months now, but this is now really cemented the selling, the document just decrease that was signed by vladimir putin and what it states here is, for example, we've seen that the u. s. is the main source thursday of this answer, russia policy and the document urges other countries, for example, to abandon the answer russia policy want and also to get a greater independence from the united states. and russia for its part is planning to help developing countries. for example, to play a greater role in the global economic affairs who are the roches friends. we're talking about china, india, africa, it states it in the com and document as well, that islamic civilization, it's always seen in russia as friendly and they will continue to work on it. and the key point here, every time that we're talking about a corporation, one another country, it's all about being mutually beneficial. so they are benefits not only russia, but the other country that we're talking about and make sure that this is a multi polar world where the interests not only of the united states and the west
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are being observed, but also all of these other countries. and so that these other countries play a bigger role and we're not talking about the monopoly or the head to money that we've heard from the west. and it's allies. of course, one of the things that we put in was saying was that the global economy is going through serious changes, switching to new centers of power for the new multi polar world order. putin saying this is a key trend. it is a key trend and also in this document, it does say, it does say that there will of course, as signs to break up certain partnerships that russia is forming now with these other countries and that will work on eliminates in that. and when it sees something interference happening, it will act and respond also that there will be tackling, in terms of a humanitarian policies abroad. the priorities are bruce, a phobia, we've seen how much that's changed, especially since the special military operation began for sites in the russian
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language. russian culture were sports, they're trying to cancel anything russian. it seems now in europe and, and around the world. flavor of the foreign minister keeps playing host to all these other for a minute. does a keep rushing to moscow and if they're not rushing to moscow, marina, they're going to beijing for example, next week macro. the teacher's pet is going to beijing with o'sullivan de la, and i. so i assume that going there with that cap in hand, because they know the multi polar world is already departing. exactly, said will be interesting to see what they achieve, if anything, when they go to beijing m, what happens there? but also, again, just to return to this updated to a foreign policy concept in it. the 1st point actually does states in the very beginning that russia does not seats off as an enemy all of the west. it does not want to isolate the self from the west. be me, but the sure you, he was much, you know, so isolating ourselves from the west. we have know initially all his style engines towards them before, but they must understand the interaction with russia is possible with the rejection
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of confrontation. so accept the reality that this is becoming a multi paula world that can no longer deny it. and what they're trying to do is to make sure that they don't hurt all the countries while they're trying to hang on to that dominance, because russia will no longer allow it. china will no longer allow it. there are other countries, bigger power houses in the world data already, and they're coming together. they just slip back to wallow, week or so ago when the chinese president came to moscow. and as he was leaving putin was one thing that he said we're witnessing that biggest changes in a 100. yes. and you and me are driving these changes from vitamin putin simply said, i agree. yeah. and they're not the only ones saying this, everyone is aware of this. nothing less is why they are so concerned in the west, because this is a power house union that we're seeing them. jackie shall do a political analyst in south africa, told us not as russia expands, ties with the global science that makes the long dominant west uncomfortable suits
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to collapse. oh, that was so did you, was it for a wide variety of reasons while russia has not had that central to? i don't know. i am an expression, chris, not with too long a wrist in particular. you got it. and pretty much of we have enjoyed all near it was you to go below portfolio realization certain definitely in africa that that was sick and tired of hearing all these negative things. rushes which seem really have no basis in truth and reality. africa has experienced russia and china in terms of mutual respect, mutual benefits, mutual dignity, more often than not. we've experienced the west as this big monster
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that an imposed look. so that dictates that gives ultimatums. saudi arabia has agreed to join the shanghai cooperation organization of a dialogue partner. the move comes amid the strengthening of toys between re and i'm basing aside the cabinet session approved the decision earlier. china has been fostering allies in the middle east to country u. s. inputs recently brokering an agreement between maria ran that revived their diplomatic relations. additionally, the saudi states energy company over, i'm co, has 2 major things with asian on oil cooperation. with earlier my colleague research shea discuss the study reaction to joining us. seal was the dollars place in the world today with retired commodore in this saudi arabian navy abdullatif outlooking. so do i need is joining, it's a not, not, not to full membership. so now this looked like some things,
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the importance of saudi arabia. saudi arabia is doing all these things, a sort of verse of why the income relation or know the whole or you're going to station is full of to come security. which means that that would cover about every . but i don't think it's abandoning the united states because the united states, though, as a total, as the number one he's on the whole world. and one very, very important point is that it's china to the home or as it's willing because he was, is, is pretty big responsibility. and this is very, very big burden and, and china, i need to do our last regarding how they do the outside world leading, leading that, well, mr. m. okay. my mainly i like how you said that, but you're saying china is not ready to lead the world like america. it's what
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america, sorry to say is a war mongering nation. look at all the countries that america has invaded over how many decades and you're telling me that china is not ready to leave the world while i'm, i'm not, i'm not here to get a certain point, but it is, it is china ready to pick the response on the responsibility of the united states is very powerful in economy and culture indication, innovation and technology. so business something b. and also note that the, even the chinese currency is technically tied up by a price to the us dollar dollar. it's being slowly pushed out by members of the s c o, the bricks, the assay, and the global south. how can you tell me, how can you tell me that the dollar will be king forever? it's already fading around the world. people are pushing it out, there is nothing in the united states economy is one 3rd of the work,
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the economy at the, at the time when the populations buy from sun. i said whether you agree with us politics or disagree with them, like them don't like them until we meet here in the seventy's, the diminishing and it's going to be yes. that would be something more and more with that. but that doesn't mean that we are going to part of a sudden with a push button. disregard the, the, the relation with the united states. well, us national security and intelligence expert melvin goodman phase washington pushed saudi arabia closer to china, being an unreliable partner. goodman, who previously worked as an analyst for the cia on the state department, made those comments to journalist option returns on his show going underground. do you can watch the full episode here saturday.


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