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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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ah ah yes, so lies they want to do everything in their power to preserve their privileged position in the world. russia devotee ambassador to the un tells oxy after a recent security council meeting that western powers have an insatiable drive to maintain that global hegemony. ukraine a further crimes down on freedom of the press in the country with a new law. empowering this thing to shut down critical out in india's flagship airline. in 5th, a will continue flights in a rush, an ass space, despite pressure from western power. a
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very warm welcome to you from the entire international news team. we're coming to you live from us. let's take a look at the top stories is out rushes devotee, ambassador to the un says it's hypocritical for western powers to lash out at a proposal for most of the station nuclear weapons on territory of its allied bella roost. that's because the u. s. has a long been station in nuclear arms in nato countries, relatively near russia's borders. the west is trying to act within the concepts of rules based on national order, where it's all, it's all alone sets the rules and seeks that the others should implement these rules. they want to do everything in their power to preserve their privileged position in the world to preserve the well being of the so called golden 1000000000
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by any price or do not hesitate to act. and i very much colonial or neo colonial logic in deploying nuclear weapons in the western countries. ringback for many years, for decades already. and then when the russia analysis simulate, lance simply announces they already stopped hysteria. many developing countries, especially weaker developing countries there of course, aware of the possible consequences of the criticism of washington economic consequences, political consequences, financial consequences. jan recent us security council meeting, russia top envoy to the organization, the city, the bins here demanded that the us would draw all of its nuclear weapons from other countries. he said moscow cannot stand idly by as nato countries conduct mercy drills for using nuclear arms. but she is, she should do it. so do,
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most russia in the 90s took all measures to withdraw nuclear weapons from the territory of the former usaa. we urged americans to do the same to abandon the thinking of the cold war period to return all us nuclear weapons to the territory of the united states. u. s. weapons are deployed in the netherlands, germany, or turkey and other nato countries. recall that poland also agreed to participate in joint nuclear exercises. this is exactly the area that the measures taken by the president of russia are aimed at the 15 member body that leads the united nations assembled to discuss the issue of tactical nuclear weapons being deployed by russia in bel groups and deliveries agreeing to host those tactical nuclear weapons, now, many us aligned countries used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia to blame russia for the conflict in your brain to
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a huge rata of various things that we've seen throughout western media over the past months. however, when russia took to the floor, they pointed out something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in western media has worked to just simply not mansion, which is that the united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of nuclear agreements. and he went over in detail all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united states or in the, from there we went on to highlight how u. s. policy as been aimed at trying to dictate and control other countries and escalate tensions around the world. zip, at least one of the key western countries are simply trying to impose their own rules on the rest of the world. beneficial only to them in order to then demand their strict compliance from other states. they themselves, of course, do not consider themselves bound by any obligations. such inherently neo colonial
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latitudes are aimed at ensuring the prosperity of the so called golden 1000000000 at any cost. neither we know our colleagues from developing countries can be appearing hypocrisy, trying to bend the before the council conflicts rather than seeking resolution and not really enforcing any of this rhetoric we hear about a rules based global order. you and definitely, did me see pollyanna feel so said western powers evolves the printer, that missy resources, by feeling going, is war effort against russia. russia is strong enough. we will, we will compare it to the whole of the western world. and now, when the west has mobilized almost all its resources, so key was the man, the payment desk again. and they are not able to do to win over russia. ukraine. i think now they are the concerns because of what are the steps they will do?
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you speak about washington. so then of course, the proceeds from the, from the concept of american exceptionalism, that united states has the right to do whatever he wants of the international arena . and now they view russia and china as a threats, they try to mobilize to counts of these, these threats, and they want everybody else to be silent or not. so it's a fear on the side of russia and china. and i think that's the only probation of their foreign policy but they act like. ringback people leaving him on the separate planets, having the right to do whatever they want in the country to, to the others. ukraine has in st. hit a new law getting puns and he is government direct authority to buy any media outlet it deems unacceptable without a court decision. the law and smiles or powers of the crating council on television
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and radio broadcasting making it the so regulator of mass media. it has the power to impose fines or restrictions or completely banned news agencies without involving the countries judicial system privacy, li cronin government ban opposition, policies, viewed as having sympathies to russia that included a major faction that received 2000000 votes in recent elections. the new bad on me, the ill, so prohibit depictions of russia that contradict, gives official narratives. now any reporting in a ukrainian news outlet without russia or about for us as a, as a must at least have the approval all the domestic authorities. the legislation have sparks, grave concerns about freedom of the press in ukraine. the international federation of journalists joins it's ukrainian affiliates, the national union of journalists,
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ukraine, an independent media trade, union of ukraine, and calling on the government to revise the new legislation. and to start a broad inclusive dialogue with journalist unions and the media sector. or your reactions from just jason michael and the boy shallots about the new queen in law, as well as similar actions by western governments. this is a conflict situation and in every conflict situation, especially one of this magnitude, if this is indeed a proxy conflict between russia and the united states, then the stakes are very high and press freedoms. the very idea of press as an instrument of control and propaganda is instrumental to public opinion gaining public support, you know, manufacturing consent for the giving of arms. and, you know, the use of taxpayers money to fight a war in sight of the united states outside of western europe. so
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a great deal of consent is required and in order to manufacture consent than the all the instruments of the, the state than all gra, for media media the, you know, the, the government aligned media in the west and in the united states will fall into line against the support, i don't think anybody should expect the west to condemn this for all of their public commitments to democracy and free speech. we could in fact argue that the ukrainian model is being implemented at home. and given that they've already declared zelinski the next best thing to a st and had been there, i see your role in guess he's already banned old. you know, all the opposition parties. he's already nationalized the media. it's just one of those. if i run it because it, this decision comes the day after the western journalists are shrieking about the rest of that wall street journal reporter who was reportedly caught red handed,
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trying to spy on russia. and that's obviously in their eyes. the hack on freedom of the press, but this is not because it doesn't matter what you do. it's only always who you are that's, that's all there is to it. the executive board of the international months, the fund i m f, has approved a $15600000000.00 financing package for ukraine. that means the country is now receiving $115000000000.00 of economic support. compromise of debt relief, grants and loans. this 48 month program is the biggest loan ukraine has received for any one, sol since the star from the home. so it is also the 1st time the i m f has given, helps a country currently engaged in the military conflicts. $2700000000.00 is said to be an immediate dispersement, while the rest is due to be released over the next 4 years. however,
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the money comes with strict conditions, which will require heave to undertake significant financial reforms. he claims economy contracted by about one 3rd last year with the government seeking at least $38000000000.00 from foreign donors to plug this fiscal gap around. 20000000000 in loans and grants has also been pledged from the u. s. and e. u earlier my colleague you know, neil spoke with an expert. busy in the strategic lead the ship with a focus on crisis management in emerging markets, the specialist says, the i mentioned the loan will only increase increase dependence on western powers. boring from the i m f is not cheap. indeed, because you have to base rate $3.00 for every pay out, there's a surcharge. and then if you take out a lot of money, it gets even more expensive because they're shipping kind of incentive not to take
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out so much money. you current suffers damage to its infrastructure, you know, then it gets a loan to rebuild, then that's rebuilding and then there's another attack and then you get another on . so in time so was, this is always difficult and we should not forget their huge legacy problems. now, the scapegoat is russia, but the ukraine was in a, in a very bad economic situation because of all the galks and bet fiscal policy before the military operation started. i think it's extremely risky and you can not use the standard approach, you know, which is tough fiscal policy and so on. actually, it would need a tailored approach. it's hard to think that this is completely al touristic, what the i m f is doing. i don't think that this is very touristic in reality, and i think they are
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a couple of hidden agenda items which the western countries in particular facility one is to make the make ukraine more dependent on the west, more dependent on ever increasing amounts of further loans just we pay the previous loans. the other thing is that it's actually a nice scheme for the western countries, which now deliver weapons actually took that money to get cash for the weapons because otherwise it would be a gift. or sometimes they give their older weapons in order to buy newer weather and get the budget levels up in their home country. absolutely. it's a very nice scheme to return the router and the equipment, the military equipment. so and afterwards, when they said that trapped the trip, there's a sense of urgency and there will be
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a lot of pressure to actually use the frozen for foreign currency reserves of russia, which is about 300000000000 dollars. so maybe this money then will be used for to repay this i m f, loans and all the other loads. the head of a prominent monitoring here says he has been put on house arrest. as the queen authorities have strengthened, they clamped down on christian clergy. members with religious ties to russia. law and force and offices have reported the radio demand fee that metro metropolitan. pavel was in charge of an operation that the russian orthodox church has described as a continuation of lawlessness. oh,
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well friday cloud calling for the eviction of the clergy arrived at the mos in cave, shouting insult and demanding that the months of a case the premises. meanwhile, of christians in key have been seeking to prevent police from entering the church. and removing the clergyman, the government has been seeking to cut the sentries, old ties between all those ukrainians and moscow, moscow and the adviser to grant presence of, as he said, the church needs to be, quote, physically cleaned out. unique chance when everything could be resolved very quickly and painlessly was during the 1st 3 to 6 months of the war. then it was possible to simply physically clean out many pro russians. today it is a little more difficult. but again, a little harder does not mean impossible. and today we must use legal and tough means to sweep them away. the monks say that the actions of them are illegal and that they have every right to stay in the manase or you and reward has also
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questioned the validity of the authorities. measures religious figures worldwide include po, including pope frances, have expressed concern about church freedoms. being restricted in ukraine, a greek orthodox archbishop, has called on the international community to help stop the persecution as he described. the crackdown as an attack on christianity in general. and the hazard in the jerusalem church, which is one of the oldest christine orthodox churches in the world. we believe the systematic persecution suffered by the fraternal ukrainian orthodox church is an attack on all of us on all orthodox churches in the world, or old christian churches and on old, noble humanitarian ethical and spiritual values, cubes, rulers, on the west to trying to strike the ukrainian orthodox church, a raise it camps, government is working hard to do this. i don't think the west is just silent. it's
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an accomplice in this crime. if we say that the west is just silent, we will not reflect the whole reality. the western system and those who claim to be its rulers, whether in the u. s. or elsewhere, or trying to undermine the authority of the orthodox church, not only in ukraine, but in the world. the orthodox church is under attack everywhere because it has preserved and maintains faith, morality, and values, including family values. meanwhile, in europe, despite russia's concerns about nato expansion, the blows is set to get even larger. the turkish parliament has decided now back to now back finance bid to join their lives of the angler. removed its initial opposition to the move. i welcome to vote of the grand national assembly of tortilla to complete the recertification of finland. succession. this will make the whole nato family stronger and safer. so finland,
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now as joining nato, it adds another 1300 kilometers to the western military alliance is border with russia. at this point, it's kind of like some guy at a party getting within 3 inches of your face and insisting that because he's not actually touching you, he's just breathing in your face that he's respecting your personal space. now we keep hearing from nato officials and western leaders that nato is a defensive alliance, purely and strictly. but at what point does this endless encroachment just become offensive, particularly when there's entire liaison that law is to target russia and that it's become really bold in acting unilaterally on its own and circumventing the united nations security council when it comes to bombing other countries. that don't adhere to the western agenda, like for example, serbia and libya just to name a couple. one member of the hungarian national assembly expressed concerns today about what sin wins, inclusion could mean for peace and stability. if finland joins nature,
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this will increase the possibility of an escalation, as well as the risk of a direct armed conflict between a native member state and russia. nato is participating in a game that the u. s. is playing beyond the borders of the alliance. the u. s. is using crane as a puppet. in reality, it's not in the interest of the e. u to support the ukranian conflict and the sanction regime against russia. however, there is a bloodthirsty atmosphere of war among e, you politicians, finland, being a member of the european union has also recently joined the chorus of western voices rationing up the pro war rhetoric against russia. and that's a new position for europe actually, which over the past few decades hasn't always blindly cited with washington, former french president, jacques chirac and german chancellor. gerhard schroeder, allied with russian president vladimir putin against the u. s. invasion of iraq,
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for example. and that was at a time when washington was looking to build that so called coalition of the willing . and that descent is actually what kept europe out of that particular quagmire to the economic and other benefit of the entire block and people of europe. today though, where's the voice of reason in europe? well hungarian prime minister, victor r bon, is still trying to draw attention to the fact that europe's role as a peacemaker has pretty much gone out the window with the conflict in ukraine. the number of countries supporting peace instead of war has not increased at all. people want peace while you leaders are taking a pro war stance for them. the main issue continues to be deciding which weapons to send to ukraine. it is slowly becoming a legitimate question among e u. leaders, whether e u. member states could send peacekeeping troops to ukraine in some form. not only
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as the e u, abdicating its role of honest broker or mediator between the west and the east. but it's joining washington and conveniently, exploiting the conflict in ukraine in which it keeps saying that it isn't directly involved to write a blank check for its own military industrial complex. as suggested recently by the blocks chief diplomat, yoseph bro, europeans have reduced investment in the defense industry over the past 20 years. but due to the radically shifted security environment, we need to increase that again. specifically, we want to deliver a 1000000 artillery shells to ukraine within a year, knowing how easily europe was willing to follow along with washington's project of militarize in the ukranian border with russia under the guise at the mix peace accords. he operative word there being peace. any new nato expansion along russia's border with in europe isn't exactly comforting for the future of european p
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security or stability. we heard from finished up my fat form, a member of the council of europe. peter is scholar, he says, a current set of phases beneficial oney to the us as europe is lose an independence to washington. now the mc gullies, i think for us, mary good, because it will thank down europe it as it passed. it is done already. now, if i tell you a joke, i can say that u. s. has one already germany and e u in the ukranian war, russia is, aren't botched. i just looked at the trade surplus of the 3 top countries in the world, and china, 900000000005 ah russia, 330000000000 and saudi arabia, 200000000000. they have more trade bloss sharp lost than
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u. s. has trade that theses one failure left germany is number 7, europe is going down and i don't know why the european leaders don't any more have this selfish, realistic approach. and jeff political thinking that maybe it is because they used to trust that us is fixing their things. and they are not accustomed to that us is like baker cleaning europe now out of energy out of money out of power, out of own politics. and that's a big bed of india's flagship airline, has insisted that it will come to you to conduct flies in russian estimate despite pressure from western powers. the seo of the air india have adamantly defended the
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company's decision. as the south asian countries maintains strong incoming fires with russia, if that's the way the winds are blowing and it is most economical. if we prevent certain carriers from over flying certain places, it doesn't necessarily stop people moving. it just changes where they're moving through. i think the chief off and india he defended the right of air india to fly through russian skies in this cells on the pool to interview to the telegraph. the journalist with the telegraph, who interviewed mister wilson, he basically was giving him the logic that if you're flying or russia, then you're basically helping russia fund the war in ukraine to which sha, mr. wilson raised strongly. i have rubbish all those cleans. in fact, i remember most of the west in a line, they have quoted flying through russia,
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ukraine as well as bender who was and essentially what's that done is it has made the hours longer. it has made the dig, it's more expensive. needless to say, more feel, well already there's a shortage of feel was not insistently, also a 7 airline. they've approached western government saying that an airline which is flying through the russian sky should be prohibited for landing western soil. now when they seeing you that india and china, they companies have an unfair advantage. foreign airlines using russian air space on flights to and from the us are gaining a significant competitive advantage over us carriers in major markets, including china and india. this situation is directly to the benefit of foreign airlines and at the expense of the u. s. as a whole, with fewer connections to key markets, fewer high paying airline jobs. so you're paying as far as
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a east to west. the road from east to west is, can send the best possible way, is flying to the giant territory in russia. what does it it makes it shorter, it makes it cheaper. but as i, as in india and china concerned they've not signed up to the sanctions. so they still may be able to use this route, but interesting how inoffensive entitlement they think that it's okay for eastern airlines to suffer as much as western airlines. and why i have since time to think the other way in is low. i'm just as mad as acute, prominent opposition, position ra, who gandhi, of supporting interference, my foreign powers in the countries domestic affairs. thank you. rahul gandhi for inviting foreign powers for interference into india's internal matters.
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remember, indian judiciary can't be influenced by foreign interference. india won't tolerate foreign influence any more because our prime minister isn't around modi. some lesson powers have expressed support for a whole gandhi, a former member of the indian national parliament. germany, for example, said it was concerned about the matter as it questioned the adherents of democratic principles in the south asian country. we expect that the standards of judicial independence and fundamental democratic principles will equally apply to the proceedings against my will. gandhi, here, some background on this for a whole gandhi was recently conveyed, said on a defamation charge from a few years ago, for making an insulting remark against prime minister miranda mode. he was sentenced to 2 years in prison, but received a 30 day suspension. while he appealed the conviction, gibbons, who exit do rosa,
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she agreed with the indian omens position on the matter. he said the other countries and keep the noses out of the south, asian nations internal affairs. they never did. and in the little matter, especially visa, we did a order by you, you should, you should not talk about a came from countries like germany with like indian speech generally doesn't like, there are other countries in proof. you know, i want him to limit, i received a bill, it was in order to buy a lot of mental india and as far as a to him. but she has one choice. is it a little for him?
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he has got to be should eat and you know, because the word and i know you know, you can't, we can't do it. all right. well that's all from me today. my colleague, rory, so she'll be with you at the top of the hour. i'm my mom was here all day. ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time. time to sit down, talk the
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finish wartime photograph archive has very few photos of the concentration camps. i'd in those few, it seems as if prisoners move behind the bob. why, of their own accord are very content with their lives. here, for instance, a photo from one of the pictures of votes camps inscribed today is sunday, a day off in the large day. but camp female workers have lined up in the yard.


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