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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2023 12:00pm-12:24pm EDT

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what it made me, it made me give up with anything, investigations were too often handled so many of the worst criminals got away. the bishop's got what it was they want to do. everything in their power to put deputy back to the united nation is telling our author of friday soon, power happening station will drive to maintain big global head to press the new lower, empower the state to shut down new except the an india is funny. flights over russian space, despite pressure from sudden, than the never sleeps type of your news on the international lines from baset to the un, essentially pushing back. he says western powers arm is on the territory. it's ally, bella bruce, adding that america has logged in nato countries. along russia's board, the west of the concerts of rules based on the national or the 6 that the others
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should implement. these rules they wanted were privileged position in the world to preserve the will be, do not hesitate to act. and i very much colonial or neo colonial, lower many years for decades already. and then when the russia analysis already a stop is julia many developing countries, especially aware of possible consequences of the criticism also of worship consequences. so it was during a year and a security council meeting, or he pointed out, but russia has demanded for a long time that he said moscow can't stand idly by, as nato countries are actually writing that i see is this should do it. so do last rushing than former, an american citizen, the same to abandon the weapons to the territory of the united states. u. s. weapons are usually recall that poland also agreements your participating tailored to the measures taken by the president until russia are aimed at the 50 united
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nations. assembled to discuss the issue of ruth and bell ruth agreeing to host those tactics. used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia of various things that we've seen throughout western media over the past. something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in western united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united vast policy as been aimed at trying to dictate and zeppelin is thrown at the can. will western countries are simply trying to import them to put in order to then demand this freaked complies. they themselves, of course, do not consider themselves bound by any means of ensuring the person above the so called gold to holiness. from developing countries can be renew, misled, and he mixed in demanding that russia not be able to develop roofs while the united states and its allies have nuclear weapons. the council overall meeting highlighted
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very big differences between roles. advanced russia made clear that the united states is seeking resolution and not really enforcing any of this radical order from a back to our routers. you end up at ambassador gotten partners have severely depleted that military resources as they have contains into that clung fix on. but she's throwing our when the west says mother lives almost always from sources. say, i'm not able to to, to win over russia because of what are the steps they will do? you speak about washington professionalism, but united states has the right to do whatever he wants of the town. they try to mobilize to pounds of these. not so interfere, decided russia and the, and the foreign policy, right? mobile x like people leaving in country to, to the others, rectal authority to shut down media outlets. it deems onyx involved at all takes
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the power of the ukrainian council on the t. v. later of mass media in that country . the ability to impose bad news agencies that cannot do so without even involving the countries judicial after the ukrainian government has bod, a number of political opposition parties. one of those factions even receive 2000000 votes in the recent election views on russia, that contradict, he has narrative to be approved by domestic authorities and the press in that country. the international federation of journalists of ukraine, an independent media trade, union of ukraine, the new legislation, and to start a broad inclusive dialogue with got reactions from journalists, jason, michael and the boys of knowledge about the similar actions taken by other states. between the, especially one of this magnitude, if this isn't deep, then the stakes are very high and press freedoms. the very i control and propaganda is instrumental to the public for the giving of arms. and, you know,
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the use of taxpayers, money to the site of the united states side of western europe. so great to manufacture consent than the all the instruments or media media the, you know, the, the government aligned will fall into line and gives the support. i don't think any but commitments to democracy and free speech implemented at home. and given that they've already nice people roll, he's not already banned old. you know, all the, it's just one of those. if i run it because this decision shrieking about the arrest of wall street journal reporter who was coffee and their eyes, the hack on freedom of press. but this is not because there is to it the head of a prominent shoes. me put on house arrest. i should say is ukraine authorities a base eyes to russia of the court session and was at 1st postpone trial, reschedule for monday. however, it was then suddenly recon roof is nothing more than political persecution. but her,
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i have never been on the head of aggression against a garage, blah, blah, blah, blah. so some of the lateness videos now from outside the monastery there and he has a month vacate the premises. so that's as orthodox christians and removing the clergyman while the government has been trying to say, triology, that device that ukraine's president said the church needs a unique chance when everything could be resolved very quickly and painlessly to simply physically clean out many pro russians today. it is a little hospital, and today we must use legal and tough means to sweep them are illegal and that they have every right to stay at the monastery. ne measures and even pope france has getting involved. exp are saying the greek orthodox archbishop, called on the global community to help to stop christianity for the west is just silent. it's nicole that the west is just silent. we will not reflect the whole reality, the western system, and those who claim to be it's rulers,
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whether in the u. s. or elsewhere, we're trying to undermine the authority of the orthodox church, not only in ukraine, but in the world. the orthodox church is under attack everywhere because it has preserved and maintains faith, morality and values, including family valuables. at the head of india's flagship airline has insisted that it will continue to conduct flights over russian air space, despite some pressure from certain western partners. the ceo of our india adamantly defended the company's decision, saying it's simply a matter of economics. if that's the way the winds are blowing and it is most economical. if we prevent certain carriers from over flying certain places, it doesn't necessarily stop people moving. it just changes where they're moving through. i think the chief off and india he defended the right of air india to fly through russian skies in this cells on the pool to interview to the telegraph.
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the journalist with the telegraph and interviewed mister wilson, he basically was giving him the logic that if you're flying or russia, then you're basically helping russia fund the war in ukraine to which sha, mr. wilson raised strongly, ah, have rubbish all those cleans. in fact, i remember most of the western a lines they have quoted flying through russia, ukraine as well as bender who was and essentially what's that done is it has made the hours longer. it has made the dig, it's more expensive. needless to say, more feel well already has a shortage of feel, was not insistently all source ever and line. they've approached western government saying that an airline which is flying through the russian sky should be prohibited for landing western soil. now when they seeing you that india and china, they companies have an unfair advantage. foreign airlines using russian air space
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on flights to and from the us are gaining a significant competitive advantage over us carriers in major markets, including china and india. this situation is directly to the benefit of foreign airlines and at the expense of the us as a whole, with fewer connections to key markets, fewer high paying airline jobs. so you're paying as far as a east to west. the road from east to west is concerned, the best possible way is flying through the giant territory of russia. what it does is it makes it shorter, it makes it cheaper. but as far as india and china are concerned, they've not signed up to the sanctions. so these 2 may be able to use this route, but interesting how inoffensive entitlement they think that it's so key for eastern airlines to software as much as western airlines and why perhaps it's dying to
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think the other way. the netherlands air force killed at least 7 civilians and a 2016 attack on a residential building in iraq. this is the revelation being made by the dutch media outlets and see that the dutch defense minister reacted to the new report by calling for a government lead inquiry into the attack. the minister claims that a us led coalition of fighting isis mistakenly targeted the building as a terrorist headquarters. in most school. the government has not been transparent about the 2016 attack until now, despite repeated requests by the dutch m. p. 's. as strikes by the netherlands forces have been hotly debated by lawmakers following a 2019 report incident that and other incident 4 years before the killed at least 70 civilians, when it's tough to get a clear picture on that. that's why not the independent journalist. sonya vanden
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n de joining us here on our international this year. i saw you great to see you. thank you so much for coming on the program on this saturday. what, what is, what is, what is your take on the investigation following this media report about this dutch strike on most old in 2016. it's, it's, it's almost ancient history by this point, why they've taken so long to come out. of course, if it's been hidden all the time, this usually is going to come out. so now it comes out. but imagine that between 20142018 around about 600 asked tracks from deduct from the dutch air force i rec, and syria. so they threw around $2200.00 homes and now we only have 2 cases. that's the case of have each other and the case now emotional where each, at least 70 people died and multiple at least 11. so imagine the other aspects. what did they do to the people?
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how many more civilians are killed or in the name of killing isis? and this is what was going on for the years. and it's really, you know, they are not clear about it. and also in $22018.00, it became clear that the government find plenty of groups in syria came out. so, you know, they had lots of, well, you know, that last moment that was common doesn't entirely surprise me when it comes to what was an attempt about regime change in syria. the poor, outside government, under pressure from mercenaries, armies of mercenaries, and a lot of them were getting training and money and weapons and even medical assistance from nate. so partners throughout all of that, but forgive me getting kenny back on track. sonya i wanted to ask you that the, the dutch seem to be laying the blame on the, on these death for the u. s. for wrongly identifying the building is housing terrorist. is it just a case of the, the blame game, or is there any truth to that?
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do you think to blame game? i think because of course, the us has all the stuff and like images or so. and they claim that they have just following the orders from the us, or would they just, you know, rely on the instigation of us. so the satellite images, so they only have to go to target and they claim what they did was i think it's just a blank game against the orders gave the orders, they said ok, this place that you have to ball now. so, but i think that's really the shows that the whole european countries are relying actually on the us. we can see it is in this war. now of course, again in the ukraine. so i think of course, that does have responsibility because day through the bombs. what about though,
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i mean the dutch media for claiming that the government simply has not been trans buyer. and what do you think the main reason behind that? well, we have the government in the netherlands who is not transparent since around about 12 years. so it doesn't surprise me that they're not transparent on this issue. they were transparent about the syrian or iraq war. now they are not transparent. so this is media is and also civilians are claiming this in 12 years. and it's true, you know, this is our, our, the government has a model, is the prime minister, has a nickname, the lying very pinocchio. so, i mean, everything is covered out there everything. and also the syrian and i record, this is terrible. and i'm wondering how many more casualties will come up, how many more cases like have you like most, most likely, also in syria there's
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a lot of cities under the pretext of isis or dash what? yeah, i mean, you know, the, the key word being, i think, transparency, that you mentioned, it almost takes me back to the, the tragedy of m h 17. that was shut down, that you're a member in the ukrainian regions, july 2040 and all of that was blamed on russia all the western media, all the western political establishments, blame the, the bombing of, i may, 17 of those tragic lives being lost. i landed on russia, but america said we have the radar footage showing exactly where that missile came from. 8 but we're not going to show it to you because actually it contradicted that mainstream narrative by independent dutch journalist as sonya abandon n day. it's always good to see you. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. israeli new governments on a quote rampage against human rights. that characterization coming from the head of the international organization,
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human rights watch. with the current state of the israeli government and the tax on the dish or in particular, we see that this is not a human wise complied government. this is a government that's actually on a rampage against human rights domestically against its own people in israel. well, there could take from the human rights watch dog coming off the protest erupt at a cross israel following, given y'all was proposed judicial reforms, but he did eventually back down. the legislation would have limited the power of the country supreme court and give them the government the ability to select judgment. the israel's foreign ministry hit back with a comments made by human rights watch calling itself an example of democracy. the remarks are an amazing example of how bias she in the organization of israel is a strong and vibrant democracy that demonstrates his over the last few months or an impressive example of it. hundreds of thousands of people are manifesting in the streets. no violence protected by the police. this is how real democracy works. it is yet another example of an organization that targets israel on anything without
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the minimum understanding of fairness it other in the program i was speaking to side advocate for the washington bureau chief for the jerusalem based palestinian newspaper. he agrees with the human rights watch groups assessment, but he said israel will never be held to account. anyone has always been and he would write the abuse for him page, you know, i guess the palestinian you know, i mean, and it is great that we see demonstrations in and israel in pursuit of reversing lease and judicial reforms from time to time. well, we see some statement there. i managed to get this focus on last week or the week before to say some strong words. again, it is really abusive, but it never really go beyond that. i don't know how it would be held accountable as long as it is being protected completely by then. act is america. i mean it should be held accountable by and it's a cutting off a nice day supplies israel with $3800000000.00
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a year. and arms alone so that that's quite a leverage that they can use. i don't see that this car will be accountable. i don't see it's really reversing course. i see unfortunately, that will move forward and will probably implement the sit educational reform. beijing is set to host high level talks between japanese and chinese diplomats. so it's going to be their 1st face to face in 3 years. and it does come with pensions over japan's plans to were strict semiconductor manufacturing equipment exports to china. curbing beijing's ability to make advance chips for its high tech sector. earlier i was talking with a c, g, t, and report her uni face shao who says that both countries are very important to each other, but they do have issues. well, the 2 countries are neighbors, so, so technically they're important to each other and that the bilateral relationship should start itself should serve the common interest. but
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a japan has been really taking top positions on certain issues towards china such as the south and east china. see. i also said that there are many other issues such as the islands and the tie. one question, as well as the situation in brain could be discussed, it's kind of restrictions all the exports of 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. and this is really comes out one day before the foreign ministers, japanese for a minister's visit to china. so it's really not normal, it's certainly it's kind of a cold war mentality and the action of unilateralism and all the reason for that is just to find and the reason an excuse to bolster its defense capacity capacity. and as you said, it's also the, the agenda from the west seeking alliance, which is the purpose of it. it's to contain china. ah,
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the international court of justice has rejected iran's request to gain control of about $2000000000.00 worth of its assets frozen by the us in the central bank. however, in the room and get note that the washington had overstepped its bounds. clearly something tara was happy to hear these lama republic of iran believes that the ruling issued by the international court of justice shows the solidity of around the arguments and the righteousness of iran request. in this important verdict, the icy j correctly rejected all the fake defences of the u. s. and while the international court upheld the us, keeping a key to those funds, which amounts to much $2000000000.00 and bonds with accumulated interest, they did concede that a washington seizure of the assets breaches in 1955 treaty between the countries and it must provide one called a degree of compensation, but less that amount undetermined for now. iran initially appealed to the hague
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based court in 2016 off of the u. s. supreme court ruled that the money should go to the victims of alleged terror attacks. we heard from her on university professor side mohammed mirandi. he agreed with certain aspects of the ruling, but also said the court is biased. the court to be fair did expose the fact that the u. s. case was irrational, it was not justified. and that the iranian position was reasonable and within the framework of law. and in that sense, it was a positive ruling. united states has exposed itself to be a country that steals it, steals the iranian ships as steals iranian oil. it feels while from iranian bank accounts, on the other hand, the i c. c shows itself to be toothless because attic admit that the
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iranian case is valid and that the american argument is not acceptable. on the one hand, i think it shows that a i, c, c is not credible. it is feeble. it is a too much way too much under the influence of western power. it's been a full day, a busy stories here at odds. he international. we come to life in the center of the russian capital and certainly not going to slow down any time which we hadn't a saturday evening here at moscow. union o'neill here at the desk in half an hour's time. i do hope you can join him from clarissa chose, i've been doing news now for some 30 years and 2 different languages, no less all over the world. and here in the united states, interviewed for president, founded a $1000000000.00 business. i believe new should be honest and direct and impactful,
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which is why we call this direct impact. ah. so here we go. happen for the 1st time in the history of the united states, a former president has been criminally indicted by a grand jury grand jury in new york. after hearing evidence, in the case against mister trump, has apparently decided that there is enough there to charge him with a crime. so what is it really about? well, it's about a woman, i'm about to introduce you to the scene here with me. in fact, back on a cnn, and now i'd like to introduce you to somebody who may be taking the senator on. she is considering the possibility. some would say there's a whole lot of people who wanted to do just that. this is stormy daniels. she's joining us now. stormy, thanks so much for being with us. thank you for having me. you are referred to by
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some as an adult entertainers. some of the news stories are saying you're a porn star. how would you describe yourself? all of the above i exotic dancer points are i don't film director, we get pictures, contracts or whatever you want to call me is that with me whatever we want to call her seems to be fine with her. that was stormy daniels and it's apparent that she received. and here's where we get to the meat of the matter, right. she got a payoff of a $130000.00 as what is described as hush money.
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