tv News RT April 1, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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now a a a, a court in ukraine, how to confine the head of the country's largest monastery to 60 days, hard to read about sounds like clumping down on religious figures, with traditional values to rush it a life. they want to do everything in their power to preserve their privileged position in the world rating to r. t rushes deputy ambassador to the un takes aim at western powers, accusing them of having an insatiable thirst to maintain their global india's flagship or line insisted will continue flights over russian aerospace,
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this spike pressure from western park in the report claims the central african republic case in a dire situation as nearly half the population faces severe food insecurity to countries, presidential office, age resource hungary, i decide dr. is enough to take some responsibility for the nation with land is rich gold, diamonds, iron man is an oil. this should have made the population of the central african republic prosperous. but unfortunately, we see how some nations are plunging our country into poverty in from moscow to the world. this is our t great to have you with us for the news, our the head of ukraine's largest ministry, which has been the center of the crack done by authorities over its traditional
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ties to russia, has been confined to heiser rest. for 60 days, the sentence was 100 done during metropolitan popple 2nd court appearance. after the 1st was halted due to an illness he had suffered. this was the albert's reaction to the room. yes mr. moon intro is not i didn't do anything. i know this is a political case because i was told to switch to the key of backed orthodox church of ukraine, but i said, no, i was threatened. the security services of ukraine came to me and said, a criminal case should be opened against me and it was, i don't know who planned it. i'm not going to figure that out because it's not my style to settle accounts. well, the holy figure now has to wear an electronic tag for the next 2 months. metropolitans lawyer said the up it would appeal up to 2 health concerns. they also state where he has been confined to house arrest is not fit for human habitation. r
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t, senior correspondent, morocco against the of took us through the background to the situation earlier. this is the culmination of government policy in care of which has been to dismantle the ukranian orthodox church, which ukraine has made no secret that jesus to pro ration and to independent the we catches, of course, that the ukrainian orthodox church is the biggest religious grouping in ukraine, so this was no simple task for a president vladimir zelinski as well as his administration. he's. he's bacchus metropolitan puzzle at the head of the key of the chips. lava was detained earlier today. he was taken to a court hearing. he felt poorly was taken the hospital of enforce fully by ukrainian security agents. taken back the court, we knew that he is being charged on 2 counts. one ease sparking and finding into
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religious hatreds and enmity. the subject matter of the evidence we haven't seen, but also with rejecting the premise of the russian aggression, which in kevin will, over ukraine, is seen something as, as gospel that russia is via aggressive, should be resist every wet of the scenes from the monastery. the key of which of lava ah harrowing for many orthodox folk from not justin in ukraine. but all over the world, their sending shudders through worshippers of v, as in such that supports us those against the eviction and the takeover of for you kids. what have you quince? largest monasteries is that they're there, they're praying, they're trying to resist without violence. and you have ukranian nationalists also at the scene. radicals who haven't the slightest interested in religion, but a just happy to be somewhere where,
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what they deem what are being called per russians are being evicted. you have seen showing people praying on their knees and around them dancing ukrainians, dancing nationalists, sorry, radicals, chanting insults, threats of things that become voice. describe on air and dancing about the jewish about this occasion. that has been very little comment from abroad, from various religious organizations and rights movements about what is happening, it is being studiously ignored. we can say that with the degree of accuracy because there has been said so little comment. also we have heard from the ukranian government which again 1st has since 2000. 1 and 18 made it a policy to try and replace the ukranian orthodox church, which it ceases independent and unruly and far too per russian with the orthodox
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church of ukraine which, which is a very different thing in, teaches a very different religion. although claiming to be the same they, they, for example, teach, the ukrainian should never have children with russians, that ukrainian should only intermix with ukrainian is to keep the blood pure. we've also heard the presidential advisor come out and comment on what is happening, saying now is the time to eliminate the unruly clergy. a unique chance when everything could be resolved very quickly and painlessly was during the 1st 3 to 6 months of the war. then it was possible to simply physically clean out many pro russians. today it is a little more difficult. but again, a little harder does not mean impossible. and today we must use legal and tough means to sweep them away. you credit and government, as i said, has been at it for years. and in recent months of the past, off for you, so vc these efforts to clamp down to pressure to dismantle the ukranian orthodox
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church have only ramped up. you had zelinski launching raids using the ukranian s b u, the security service to target ab raid search various monasteries, various members of the clergy, their homes, their workplaces will over the country. a v a information turned ah, was a result of that has been scanned. and we can say that judging by the fact that the s b, u hasn't come out and shown anything damaging. nevertheless, they've been as it, they've been trying to find dud. on the ukranian orthodox church in order to shut it down once and for all. and these, as i said, ease. the culmination of these efforts of dr. 7 gaiety from the institute of european studies in belgrade argues the persecution of christianity, has all but become official nature policy, which has no spread to ukraine. what we see now is on one side direct prosecution
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of christianity. busy orthodox were shouted to be more precise and silence. busy busy of officials, of course, in the west where is also from the, from the lion. where is rosa bread. there are other politicians to say that the basic right to worship is being denied in the center of give. and i'm unfortunately not even surprised that that the west is so silent because it seems to me that persecution of christianity is the official policy of nate. we see the re emergence or emergence of not only naziism, but other forms of paganism, which is quite obvious in ukraine, even in front lines with the symbol symbol of symbols and so on. but, but in europe as well, i mean the whole, the whole crazy audrey is and now we're talking about the last is some kind of a anti christian substitute for christianity. and emotions are more
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important than the facts. and so. busy and so forth. so this goes hand in hand with reemergence of paganism, a paganism which is in european context, white gloves to nazis. i'm a neo nazi while events surrounding the church and ukraine have resonated in ethiopia, where the largest orthodox christian community outside of eastern europe resides. ethiopian orthodox priest cuz it's miss gable from holy trinity theological university in addis ababa fears that cracked on could fuel and optic in violence in ukraine. any government or any to this issue? really? when speeding decreased. not really a lot of the questions, much should be
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to one of those shot international challenges. so if under prescription by government off, i mean it's kind of something, it's a nation on uniformly on my piece. this is the point. it's not, it's not the optimal, not the most. it is not something that you have to try and it doesn't, it doesn't define what, what do you mean by, you might, might use different kinds of expressions of painting you can do what the fox news is that even force who doesn't want the people to be gone and who doesn't want to go to my feet in the bus to get started. but this is natalie
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to look because i'm not, i'm saying this is the fact that we have going to go to us for some reason. we not get from the regal either physically or many tiny, even to psychology. they will not get why they don't bring in why they begun them from doing this. so it is so obvious. so please, are they not in the intervention of that? but who doesn't want us to be in communion? we've got no one else to be good. and if we keep on prayer to do something this, because this is one of the know, you know, ducky western powers are hipaa, critical to lashire at most schools, proposal to station nuclear weapons on the territory of its allied bella roofs. the
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u. s. as long positioned, it's nuclear arms in nato countries near russia's borders. that's what moscow's deputy and buster to the u. n told r t earlier. the west is trying to act within the concepts of rules based international order where it's all, it's all. ready and the rules and seeks that the others should implement these rules. they want to do everything in their power to preserve their privileged position in the world to preserve the well being of the so called golden helium by any brice. they are not hesitate to acting very much colonial or neo colonial logic in deploying nuclear weapons in the western countries for many years for decades already. and then when the russia analysis similar lance simply analysis, they already stopped hysteria. many developing countries, especially weaker developing countries. there, of course,
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aware of the possible consequences of the criticism of washington economic consequences, political consequences, financial consequences during a un security council meeting on friday, rushes ambassador of the ceiling. the bench pointed out that russia had longed among the u. s. withdraw the nuclear weapons. it has in other countries, he said moscow cannot sit idly by nato countries conduct drills on how to use atomic arms. but i see is should do it. so do last rushing in the ninety's took all measures to withdraw nuclear weapons from the territory of the former gala, urged americans to do the same to abandon the thinking of the cold war period to return all of us nuclear weapons to the territory of the united states us weapons are deployed in the netherlands, germany, or turkey and other nato countries. recall that poland also agreed to participate in the joint new exercises. this is exactly the area that the measures taken by the
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president of russia are aimed at the 15 member body that leads the united nations, assembled to discuss the issue of tactical nuclear weapons being deployed by russia, dela, hello ruth, agreeing to host those tactical nuclear weapons now, many us aligned countries used this meeting as an opportunity to simply attack russia to blame russia for the conflict in your brain to a huge rush of various things that we've seen throughout western media over the past months. however, when russia took to the floor, they pointed out something that many countries have failed to acknowledge in western media has worked to just simply not mention which is that the united states has been withdrawing and getting rid of nuclear agreements. and he went over in detail all the withdrawals of nuclear agreements that we've seen from the united
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states. from there, we went on to highlight how you asked policy as been aimed at trying to dictate and control other countries and escalate tensions around. the world. zeppelin is thrown at the can, will, western countries are simply trying to impose their own rules on the rest of the world. beneficial only to them in order to then demand this freaked compliance from other states. they themselves, of course, do not consider themselves bound by any obligations, such inherently neo colonial attitudes are aimed at ensuring the personal clarity of the so called golden 1000000000 at any cost. neither. we know our colleagues from developing countries can be misled, and he more the apparent hypocrisy of the united states in demanding that russia not be able to deploy tactical nuclear weapons to bel roost. while the united states and its allies have nuclear weapons,
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that was made clear by the remark spine to ben z a before the council. overall meetings highlighted very big differences between major countries represented on the council when it comes to their interpretation. roles advance, russia made clear that the united states is acting in a way that is provoking conflict rather than seeking resolution. and not really enforcing any of this rhetoric we hear about a rules based global order. ok, let's turn attention on the program to the middle east where a clashes are once again being seen in israel as mass rallies continue against controversial judicial reforms. the demonstrations are rating despite the prime minister, postponing those plans earlier this week. ah
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love, this looks like a familiar scene. it is because the mosque protests have been rocking israel fraud month, sol, ready on monday. prime minister. netanyahu paused the legislative process for the plans to live for negotiations on a compromise reform package. but demonstrators are not satisfied. and are demanding their total scrapping. sh. meanwhile, israel's new government is on a, quote rum page against human rights. those comments coming from the head of a prominent international rights group. what the current state of the israeli government and the tax on the judiciary in particular. we see that this is not a human rights complied government. this is a government that's actually on a rampage against human rights domestically against its own people. in israel. the
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controversial reforms are aimed at to limiting the power of the country supreme court, some allowing the government to select judges, it also 6 to ground parliament, the power to override supreme court decisions and limit judicial review of laws. critics say it would seriously affect the system of checks and balances in the country, or wherever the foreign ministry is hit back at human rights watch is criticism, healing israel as an example of democracy. the remarks are an amazing example of how bias she in the organization of israel is a strong and vibrant democracy. the demonstrate is over the last few months or an impressive example of it. hundreds of thousands of people are manifesting in the streets. no violence protected by the police. this is how real democracy works. it is yet another example of an organization that targets israel on anything without the minimum understanding of fairness. or we spoke to psych daughter counts
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washington bureau chief for the jerusalem base palestinian daily out could. he agrees with pe, charge abuse assessment, but is of the view. israel will not be held accountable. anyone has always been a human rights abuse rampage against the palestinian. you know, i mean, and it is great that we see demonstrations in and israel in pursuit of reversing lease and judicial reforms from time to time. we see some statement there . i managed to give the spokesman last week or the week before to say some strong words. again, it is really abusive, but it never really go beyond that. i don't know how it will be held accountable as long as it is being protected completely by the united states of america. i mean, it really should be held accountable by, let's say, cutting off a then as this applies israel with $3800000000.00 a year and armed alone so that, that's quite a leverage that they can use. i don't see that this current will be accountable. i
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don't see it's really reversing course. i see, unfortunately, that will move forward. and when probably implemented these sit, do these reforms the head of india's flagship or line has insisted it will continue to conduct flights over russian aerospace, the spy pressure from western partners they had over india ultimately defended the company's decision, saying it's simply a matter of economics if that's the way the winds are blowing and it is most economical, if we prevent certain carriers from over flying certain places, it doesn't necessarily stop people moving. it just changes where they're moving through. i think the chief off and india he defended the right off air india to fly through russian skies. in this cells on the pool continued into view to the telegraph. the journalist with the telegraph, who interviewed mister wilson, he basically was giving him the logic that if you're flying or russia,
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then you're basically helping russia fund the war in ukraine to which sha, mr. wilson raised strongly, ah, have rubbish all those cleans. in fact, i remember most of the western a lines they have quoted flying through russia, ukraine as well as bended, who was, and essentially, what's that done is it has made the hours longer. it has made the dig, it's more expensive. needless to say, more feel well already there's a shortage of feel was not insisting lee, also us ever and line. they've approached western government saying that an airline which is flying to the russian sky should be prohibited for landing western soil. now when they seeing you that india and china, they companies have an unfair advantage. foreign airlines using russian air space
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on flights to and from the us are gaining a significant competitive advantage over us carriers in major markets, including china and india. this situation is directly to the benefit of foreign airlines and at the expense of the u. s. as a whole, with fewer connections to key markets, fewer high paying airline jobs. so you're paying as far as a, a east to west, the route from east to west is concerned. the best possible way is flying toward the giant territory of russia. what does it it makes a shorter it makes it cheaper. but as far as india and china are concerned, they've not signed up to the sanctions, so they still may be able to use this rule. but interesting how in a sense of entitlement, they think that it's okay for our eastern airlines to suffer as much as western airlines and why perhaps it's time to think the other way. now it appears
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a new global trend is gathering pace that of de dollarization, following a number of recent high profile business deals where the dollar was ditched. india's new trade policy now features the decision to move away from using the greenback in foreign contracts. the legislation is set to come into effect this month, and this aimed at driving india's foreign trade and giving a boost to domestic production. it comes as the rupee is being used more often across the world with 18 countries having adopted. it had been cross border trade with new delhi, including moscow pivoting away from america's reserve currency. earlier, we spoke to economist vic from lindsay who sees the wave. all that d dollarization is only going to pick up and going forward. there is a larger, a wave of d dollarization happening around the world. i mean it's, it's, it's, it's been ears now that the dollar had him and he was there and has been there for
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some time now. and that seems to be, you know, kind of leaving a bit of late and, and in the way of us getting stronger, i, every month or every or less britain that way there's a general trend worse, multi bowlers. hm. happening. and with that multiple lives and currency, of course, the currency, mechana, zim and blower trade mechanisms also have to therefore become a multi polar that's essentially the reason 70 years back. i mean, there was in the nixon shark and before that the britain words and all these were forced were war kind of mechanisms are just structured with the vest and perspective, the wireless change a lot. now china and india and lot of asian country has gone to build a large and sort of the other country is also underwood, so gender, democratization of currency, gender, democratization of trade. a large and mighty bullet environment seems to be emerging. and the currency multiple reservation is just a function of that. there's a, that's where it is,
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a natural function which is happening at this farm armed conflicts, more natural disasters. mean the situation in this central african republic remains dire this year. according to a new report by the u. s. agency for international development, the document claims more than 3000000 people in the c a. r, or need of humanitarian aid on predicts nearly half the country's population will face severe food insecurity in 2023. the nation's also crippled the paper concludes by conflicts between militant groups which displaced almost 60000 people in january alone. from the press secretary to the central african republic president told us it's still possible for the country to be impoverished despite its wealth of resources because of the thirst of external states for africa. natural riches moves of ho, our land is rich in gold, diamonds, iron, manganese,
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and oil. when it comes to agriculture, we can grow cottonwood coffee produce wood products. this should have made the population of the central african republic prosperous. but unfortunately, we see how some nations are plunging our country into poverty. it has not gone anywhere. we still live in an unstable situation with the crisis. rebel groups and military formations are president says those are the reasons for the continuing poverty in the country over the last 60 years if he has been facing one crisis after another. the proposed solutions have never worked liberally. president tor dara has decided to ask somehow like countries for helping combatting the rebel gears. the 1st country to respond was russia in the people of c, a r, r, really grateful for this input to bring peace back to our country. while the african countries agree that we lack technologies that we need to develop bilateral, mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries. and the un charter allows that any sovereign state, like ours has the right to cooperate with any other un member. nobody can prevent
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us from working with friendly countries and brotherly people. we count on technologies that will help us to use our resources. africans have realized that the c, r is ready to collaborate with any friendly country that are open to mutually beneficial cooperation. we have the resources you have, the technology was in. let's sit at the table and discuss how we can move forward together. today, the central african republic has become the object of slander and live, but it is associated with war. when it is not true, the c r needs investors. we are open to any cooperation based on mutual respect. and i can see that we intend to develop this way so that russian investors economy is leading enterprises come to the c a r, so that they help us use the natural wealth our country has including agriculture. we want to move from traditional and mechanical farming to industrial agriculture. we want to develop our minerals close industrial methods. that's what we're aiming
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for. but there are lie surrounding our country. western media are trying to discourage those who want to come in. we are ready to work with all businesses in countries of good will, who will cooperate with us on a mutually beneficial terms. okay, let's keep attention on africa as uganda has announced at sending 5000 troops to the neighboring democratic republic of congo in an effort to restore peace near they were wand and border kampala has emphasized that the soldiers main task is to restore order not to engage in fighting with a militant group that the d r. c sais is supported by rwanda. we are going to be in de buena, gunner rocher area, not in order to find the am twenties free, but to act as a neutral force. as the congolese used the time to sort out their political problems, unless we are attacked, we're not there to fight. fighting may come later if one of the non state groups
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doesn't accept based on what we all regard as reasonable conditions. ugandan troops entered the d. r c, town of buena ghana on friday near the borders of uganda and rwanda. the troops are serving under the auspices of the east african community, a grouping of which the 3 countries are member states. the soldiers are expected to oversee the withdrawal of the m $23.00 insurgency group. after a recent peace accord, was signed. local residents in uganda, say the peacekeeping efforts will be costly, but necessary to restore peace in the region, uninsured the safety of their own nation. it's would for them to deploy day i'm a there then did was to part of it. it's the expense down encoding on what on to playing the pdf. so yes. so my opinion is i think it's
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a really great experience to uganda to deployed. there are media god they are helping to fight against the idea who are also they both feel gun, but that's what you owe you them very okay for that that believe me. all right, now me as at bethany, i think it's very okay for them to kept them from them for me. yeah. i'm just gonna let you know, finally for the 1st time in 3 years, high level talks between china and japan's top diplomats will happen will happen. this weekend, it comes in mid tensions over tokyo was plans to restrict the export of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to china, curbing beijing's ability to make advance chips for its high tech sector. earlier we spoke with c g, t and report a young fish out who say the countries are important to each other but issues remain. well the.
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