tv Cross Talk RT April 2, 2023 11:00pm-11:24pm EDT
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seeing revolutions to ensure that there are no independent players in the world anymore. ah, we start with breaking news. a russian war correspondent has been killed in an explosion in st. petersburg with at least 30 more people in europe, including a 14 year old girl. we spoke to a victim of the attack, given your goal. i was talking to my competitor with mud leonard, starsky. i managed to ask him a couple of questions for them to glass happen. a woman is suspected of bringing the bomb into the cafe before the blast took place. witnesses say she handed the explosive device disguise of the statute to the correspondence? shows you, i'm going to pull the door 1st. she took the microphone and started asking questions. then she continued, now i would like to give you a statue and she brought it to the stage and gave it to boston,
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and suddenly everything exploded. the smoke appeared, everyone ran russian journalists are constantly targeted by the care for game. that's the response from the russian foreign ministry to the attack, also condemning the west for turning a blind eye to the which one against war correspondence with . good morning for moscow, this is our teen or national with the latest world news updates. i'm virile, isabel, great to have you with us. we start today with our main story, high profile russian war journalists, lab lin, to tar ski, has been killed in an explosion in a cafe. it rushes northern capital st. petersburg, at least 30 other people, 6 of whom are said to be in serious condition, were wounded in the blast, including a child. this video shows the moment the blast occurred at the cafe,
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where the war reporter and blogger had been hosting an event. as you can see on the footage, the buildings windows were blown out by the force of the explosion. eye witnesses describe the moment of the attack that overseas been short as difficult that my friend and i were walking towards the university embankment. and at the time we heard an explosion. it was a dull explosion like a pop. after about 10 to 15 minutes, we found ourselves in the heart of the event. we didn't realize at the time that it was a terrorist attack, but we understood that it wasn't safe for us to be there. at the time, we saw that many wounded people were coming out. there were 2 ambulances, fire fighters were hereby. people were being carried out on stretchers. he warning you may find the following footage, disturbing. that's what it shows the aftermath of the attack from inside the stream food bar venue. we've learned some of the distressing images of the victim. the
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cafe was left devastated by the force of the blast with the wreckage of tables and chairs scattered over the rooms among the debris. and we can see some more footage here from outside of the sight of the glass. it's video released by the russian investigative committee shows the force of the blast which blew out the cafes windows. the kathy's interior is almost unrecognizable with the ceiling brought crashing down in the explosion. we heard from one of the victims of the blast who was taken into the hospital for treatment and who spoke to tar sky just moments before the explosion was williams. you can recall i was talking to my compatriot loveland to starsky. i managed to ask him a couple of questions and then the blast happened after that i left the building with everybody else. so fortunately, the police and ambulance arrived very quickly, expressed immense gratitude to the doctors. they're just saying, i take my head off with them a lot better. in the cctv video,
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a woman is seen entering the cafe, where the black happened carrying a box. she suspected to be the person who brought the explosive device into the building, which was eventually given to flatland as har ski. the russian investigative committee has conducted a search of the suspects apartment with the federal security service also reported to be working on the scene. according to media reports, a family member of the suspect has been detained while the woman who brought the device to the site is still at large. less cross live now to our correspondence, don quarter coming to us from st. petersburg. a don. good morning. can you take us through the situation on the ground right now and the aftermath of the attack? good morning, fiorella. well, behind me you can see that cafe, where this blast took place in the aftermath of that blast. you can also see a fireman and 1st responders acting on the scene as well as investigators trying to
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get to the bottom of what exactly happened here. so far they've established that 30 people have been injured in connection to this explosion, as well as, of course, one dash, the death of the russian war correspondent vlade glen to tar sky. he was 40 years old and he really came to prominence with his war corresponding following russian, the russian military operations beginning in ukraine now around 700. the police officers are right now looking all across the city for a woman that i witnesses are calling nasty. they say that she had given a small statue to, to tar ski right before the blast took place. so let's take, listen what they had to say. a 1st, she took the microphone and started asking him questions, and she said, do you remember lovelyn? i give you a postcard. he said, is this the one you drew? she replied, yes. he asked her name and she said nastier than she continued. now i would like to give you a statue. she said that when she entered the cafe,
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she was asked whether it was a bomb and was asked to leave the statue at the entrance. then she brought it to the stage and gave it in the helmet. it didn't look like a flat ever happened. she came out with me discount, and some had red blood is smudges under faces. my name is dana cordova, my friends in iowa, that there was sitting at the table with his gal. her name was nice 10. while the russian investigative committee is looking into this incident as a murder, it also says that there's, there's nobody's really sure if this girl actually knew if there was a bomb present within that statue when she handed it over to to tar sky. this is something that is, is, is being reported as only one of several possible explanations of what led to this explosion here in this cafe right now. but according to one of the friends of the, one of the organizers of this event, he says that that is the most likely scenario or not
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a good example. 99 percent certain that the statuette exploded. who gave him the statute? do you know anything bosses good or they say the woman introduce herself? said she was from list. i don't know whether it's true or not. this is a bookstore. oh, let's go to purchase the own cancelli ball the get an invitation move or more was maybe there was a leash on a well there any records of these people shortage for g hills? ah, i can't say because i'm not the only organizer, but the fact that every one will be found. that's you sure. reacted to this attack and have we seen any sort of condemnation from the west? yes. well, we've heard an official response from the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria's, or harvard, who despite the fact that kia has said it doesn't have anything to do with this explosion. she says that russian journalists are facing threats from key of an and you and ukrainian security services every day,
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and the west remains more or less silent on the subject. let's take a listen. russian journalists are constantly hearing death threats from the keep regime and his supporters, which are increasingly being implemented, they're harassed, branded in the literal sense with special markings on the digital platforms of american internet monopolies. well, there is a witch hunt in the western media. all this happens with the tactic, disregard of the romans international structures which now can be interpreted as an approval if not complicity. in any case of the violent death of a russian journalist which was assessed by the key f regime and his thugs, as a success, neither western countries nor international organizations, nor foreign professional communities, conducted investigations. they didn't even show elementary human sympathy. not so long ago, the west was fighting extreme asthma, terrorism marching with the united from paris in defense of journalists against whom terrorist attacks were committed to day, the lack of reaction, the white house down street, the alleys, a palace, et cetera, given they are claimed, concerned for the welfare of journalists and freedom of journalism speaks for
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itself. so far there are reports that one girl has actually been detained by the, by the authorities under the suspicion that she could be that girl, that i witnesses are calling nasty. that she could be a part of, or a suspect in this potentially, in this murder case and, and apparently, according to reports, she had been arrested previously before it at anti government protests. and even perhaps transferred money to an organization that is considered an extremist organization within the russian federation. of course, those are still reports and were waiting on confirmations on lot of information but will bring you the latest details as they become available on this case. article responded on quarter reporting from st. petersburg. thank you, don. political scientists and retired u. s. military officer. scott bennett, believes such attacks against journalists are aimed at silence seeing the truth.
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this is a pivot moment. this is a change in the direction and the nature of the conflict, largely because every one with a brain recognizes ukraine has lost this conflict, and russia is victorious, as we've seen the moot and elsewhere. so this isn't an elevation of the, a symmetrical terrorism campaign that the united states and britain has been orchestrating from the, the attack against aria, to gain up to the crimea. in bridge. they are targeting the journalists to silence. they are telling of truth and what the truth has been is that ukraine has become a puppet of the united states, his head, bio chemical labs on its territory. earlier are to shave our, spoke to my colleague, union o'neill about the important role to be played in covering frontline stories in the don bass. well, i think it's important to say that there's huge shock, and there's anger, i think, as well as friends and colleagues, are sort of making statements which are, you know,
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dumfounded at this event in the center of a large city. the 2nd city for local of russia to free media has become anything but free and those that are portraying themselves as the defenders of freedom of speech have become essentially quite the opposite. in some ways bloodline petoskey was the man killed. he's a well known figure. online che prominence as well in his work at ticket through what's known about him. vladin tar ski, his real name. actually maxime, a foreman, if 40 years old. and he hails from a place called mac eve cur, in ad dumbass. it's a, it's, it's, it's a smaller town than done. it's a city, but it's, it's adjoining it. it's essentially a conservation of $22.00 towns. so he would have grown up in a don at skin, the don bass a he fought during the initial stages of this conflict between 20142017
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in the dumbass, who hands malicious. so he would have had a 1st hand knowledge of at the conflict air. he would have been essentially a local, a man who would have had significant contacts and access to the front lines, which i think would have fed into his huge following. and he was a prominent blogger, and, and a journalist that you say over 560000 a followers on the telegram platform. and anyone who uses telegram as, as millions now due to access 1st hand information, they would tell you that the 560000 followers is a significant following or are on telegram. was our cross live your radio host and political commentator, steve gill. good morning steve. what's your reaction to everything we know so far about this attack? good morning, fiorella. i think it is tragic that the u. s. government that the eastern, a government, western governments in europe have failed to,
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to speak out and condemn this murder of a journalist, even if we don't know all the details, even if we don't know the full facts behind it. i don't think it's too early to say this is an atrocity that everybody should mildly condemn, you know, i've spoken out loudly for a long time about the lack of journalistic questioning and the lack of skepticism by western media when they simply pair it. the propaganda being dispensed by the ukrainian government about what's going on in this conflict from the very beginning . western media has not been curious about what the reality is on the ground in ukraine. i've pointed out repeatedly the lack of journalists on the, on the front minds on the russian side of this conflict. again, they simply repeat the propaganda ukrainian side without embedding journalist as we see in every other conflict. on the other side, in the bach mood, in the john bass region. and now we're seeing that journalists who have been reporting from that side of the arena are being murdered. as we see in this case,
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whether or not it was directed by of ukrainian government, whether it was assisted by western european governments of u. s. you know, they've denied being involved in other atrocities, including the bombing of the nordstrom pipeline of the bombing of the bridge that was before reference to earlier in the story. the credibility of the west is being lost in this fight a lot quicker than the ukrainian soldiers. are being lost in this fight. yeah, you just mentioned that ukraine and of course have, has distance itself from the attack with landscape office denying any involvement. do you think that they had any knowledge about this attack? i think it's too early to say it's easy and the kind of fog of war to, to have individuals, individual groups, individual entities who are either trying to spur things on or her, you know, kind of taking action into their own hands. so i think it's too early for,
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for us to say with 10 point accuracy that the west or are you brain was involved. but i do think it is not too early for the west for, for again, europe, america and others to condemn the murder of a journalist. i mean, we're hearing loud condemnation from the west, about the detaining of the wall street journal journalist in russia. and yet their silence about the actual murder of a journalist who was again on the front lines trying to report what is actually happening in a conflict rather than parenting whatever puts out of their propaganda. well, the late journalists knew daria do going to who was killed in a car bomb last summer. do you think there could be a link between these 2? i think it's possible. and again, when you're seeing journalists like her, like this particular individual, argued it whether it's by one off organizations or whether it's the complexity or the week and not of government entities. it really doesn't make much difference. the result is you have to individuals to journalists, you've been murdered,
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and again, the west is way to silence in condemning it and really showing an interest in trying to find out the truth of who is responsible and holding them accountable. now reports suggest that the journalists had been handed a handmade bomb that was hidden within a statue. what does the tactic tell us about who could be behind the attack? well again, when you look at the north street pipeline, for example, the idea that ukraine itself could have conducted such an operation, so deep underwater boggles the mind. i mean, you know, that others had to be actively involved in that. so the, the denials by the denials by the west don't really carry much weight. again when you look at this kind of a murder, it takes some skill. it takes more than somebody just kind of wrapping a package together and making it look like a statue. the kind of of weaponry, the kind of explosive that would have to be used in something like this is not
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something this is available in, in some supermarket. and now we know this isn't the 1st time journalists have been at hack. now, the organizers of the events that they had security measures in place that admitted that they weren't enough. is it possible at this point to keep journalists safe in this reality? i think it's a challenge and i think again, when you have an individual journalist like that, who is not really given the protective cover of, of government like we see, you know, politicians in the west or in europe even in places like children and moscow. it's easy to penetrate that sort of, uh, kind of lack security. again, if you've got a and i don't know anything about the young woman that's being accused of being complicit in this. but if you've got someone that looks innocent, like a young woman, it's, it doesn't raise the, the eyebrows, it doesn't raise the hair on the back of a security officers neck when it looks like somebody so innocent, so non violent. and again, when they're presenting something, it looks like
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a small trophy, it would not really raise alarm bells, i think in the future it will because we've now seen this particular tactic in fe. but i think if you're wanting to kill someone, even the best security can't stop you if someone's willing to either give up their life or, or do it in a way that allows them to escape without, without being held accountable from whatever explosive device they might have used i think we're going to know a lot more the next 24 to 48 hours. i don't think it will get any better for chia for, for the west. and again, the denial by t of the delay in condemning by western european and american governments does not look good. if you're not involved, you should be condemning it loudly and throwing all your resources available to try and figure out who is responsible. that the lack of seeking an answer may be part of an answer. and i mean, we're in the middle of a conflict right now,
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but this is an attack on civilians. what purpose do these attacks on civilians serve? while it silences a journalist who is actually going into the, into the wars down and reporting what we're not getting reported in again, europe or in american media. again, the lack of reporting on the, on the front. my. i mean, i embedded a couple of times in iraq during the previous golf course, and there were not many journalists that we're actually going out with american troops on patrol. many of them were staying in hotels and just kind of repeating what they were being told. but there were these journalists going into that theatre of conflict in this one. we don't see american media. i mean, they're happy to report whenever ukraine dispenses us as a press release. they're happy to take photographs of celebrities, the presidents, and let's see. but they are not going into where the action is actually happening and reporting accurately whatever atrocities maybe being committed against civilians, whether it's by russia or whether it's by ukraine. but we're seeing bombing
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targeting civilians. we've seen it since 2014, 2016 and in the eastern ukraine training, the don bass region. the media wasn't reporting it then, and they're still not reporting it today. and if it's for the attack was organized by ukrainian forces that would be an escalation. how do you think the kremlin will respond? i think, militarily, i don't think that the, the kremlin, or president putin will respond in kind with, you know, terrorism directed at civilians. but i do think that the military will up its game in terms of targeting military and government targets. perhaps in chia directly mean so far the, the russian government has, has been targeting the, the areas of the claimed disputed regions again and eastern ukraine. there were some initial fates toward g of to, to kind of draw forces back from the, from the front, binds. but i think that russia has,
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has showed pretty good patience in not targeting some of the major areas in kiev. i think this is shown to have been directed by president zalinski and his government . i think the carnage in t of will certainly raise to a new level. and that may be the intent of this terrorist attack. and you've got a lot of folks in the west in europe, in america and in the ukraine. certainly that are trying to draw this conflict even more deeper into involvement by the west. and if you can use this to cause a retaliation by the russian government against jeff directly, that may both for their argument that the american forces american military resources should be dumped into tia. because i think as scott ritter may have mentioned earlier, anybody that's focused on what's actually happening in this ukraine conflict knows ukraine is not winning. despite all their press releases to the contrary. they have not taken back territory. and russia has certainly been sitting back and allowing the, the back move region to be just a chilling ground for ukrainian soldiers. there's really been no reason for russia
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to try to advance at this point when ukraine is sending people into the grinder and, and losing personnel on a daily basis. i think i saw a report at one point that there were talking hours of, of life by ukrainian soldiers put to the front line, not even days, certainly not weeks. so i think there are those that want to draw this conflict more into russia. being directly conflicted with the us, with western european forces and certainly with more resources being dumped into ukraine. this may be the intent of this terrorist attack and try and causal reaction by russia so that the west has to has to respond. radio host and political commentators, steve gal. thank you, steve. thanks bureau and r t war correspondent who was wanting to tar skis, fry, and shared his emotional reaction over the death of a fellow conflict zone reporter. i should li, national, all the comrade in arms dice this?
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absolutely no. was i just so i'm not into towers can last week and events remember, tell friends andrea also called tommy who died recently. maxine is also not with us now. i want to give myself a gill trip regards, clarity with a special security forces, so statesman aster blame may try to look for guilty. one wants improve the sensation. what i want to say for sure is that russia said, because people like him shut their blogs, our homeland lives you to these kinds of people. russian war correspondents, as well as other media figures. believe there are certain parallels to be drawn with a similar attack that took the life of another prominent journalists. daria, do, you know, last year she was killed in a car bomb attack. in august 2022. daria was a journalist and a daughter of the prominent russian philosopher, moscow claim ukrainian security forces were responsible for that attack, something kiev denies. we heard from former us marine and geo political analysts, john mark doogan, who believes there's been an effort to silence pro russian journalist use.
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