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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2023 1:00am-1:29am EDT

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memory loss can extend back decades. ah, the start an intensive course of memory recovery on our t. mm ah, we start with breaking news. a russian war correspondent has been killed in an explosion in saint petersburg with at least 32 more people in europe, including a 14 year old girl. we spoke to a victim of the attack in the pool. i was talking to my compatriot bloodline to tar skip. i managed to ask him a couple of questions and then the blast happen. a woman is suspected of bringing the bomb into the cafe before the blast. took place, witnesses say she handed the explosive device disguised as a statue to the correspondent. a 1st she took the
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microphone and started asking him questions, then she continued. now i would like to give you a statue. then she brought it to the stage and gave it to london, and suddenly everything exploded. the smoke appeared. everyone ran, rushing. journalists are constantly targeted by the key of regime. that's the response from the russian foreign ministry to the attack. also condemning the west for turning a blind eye to the woods. again for corresponded with . good morning for moscow. this is our international with the latest world news update. i'm bureau le isabel, it's great to have you with us. and we start today with our main story high profile russian war journalists, lab lin, to tar ski, has been killed in an explosion in a cafe in russia's northern capital st. petersburg, at least 32 other people, 10 of whom are said to be in serious condition, were wounded in the blast,
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including a child. this video shows the moment the blast occurred at the cafe, where the war reporter and blogger had been hosting an event. as you can see on the footage, the buildings windows were blown out by the force of the explosion. eye witnesses describe the moment of the attack through the sleeves, which overseer? the book, i think my friend and i were walking towards the university embankment and at the time we heard an explosion. it was a dull explosion like a pop. after about 10 to 15 minutes, we found ourselves in the heart of the event. we didn't realize at the time that it was a terrorist attack, but we understood that it wasn't safe for us to be there. at the time, we saw that many wounded people were coming out. there were 2 ambulances, fire fighters were nearby. people were being carried out on stretchers. a warning you may find the following footage,
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disturbing. this footage shows the aftermath of the attack from inside the st. food bar venue. we blurred some of the distressing images of the victim. the cafe was left devastated by the force of the glass with a wreckage of tables and chairs scattered over the room among the debris. here, we can see some more footage from outside the side of the glass. this video, released by the russian investigative committee, shows the force of the blast which blew out the taffy's windows. the cafes interior is almost unrecognizable with the ceiling collapsing in the explosion. we heard from one of the victims of the blast was taken to the hospital for treatment and who spoke to tar ski just moments before the explosion. shows us whimsical. i was talking to my compatriot bloodline to to our ski. i managed to ask him a couple of questions and then the blast happened after that i left the building
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with everybody else. so fortunately, the police and ambulance arrived very quickly express immense gratitude to the doctors. they're just saints. i take my head off to them. i've been in this cctv video. a woman is seen entering the cafe, where the blast happened, carrying a box, she suspected to be the person who brought the explosive device into the building, which was eventually given to vlad learn to tar ski. the russian investigative committee has conducted a search of the suspects apartment with the federal security service is also reported to be working on the scene. according to media reports, a family member of the suspect has been detained while the woman who brought the device to the site is still at large or corresponded dawn quarter is on the ground in saint petersburg with the latest updates. behind me is the cafe, where this blast took place and the aftermath in general of the blast, you could see the destruction that that explosion wrought on that cafe. you can
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also see that 1st responders are on the scene as well as government investigators trying to get to the bottom of what exactly happened here. so far they've established that 30 people. unfortunately, i've been wounded in connection to this incident and of course one person has been killed. the russian war correspondent blood lent petoskey. he was 40 years old and really rose to fame with his war corresponding sarah after the beginning of russia's military operation in ukraine. now right now, around $700.00 police officers are searching around the city for a girl that i witnesses are saying brought a statue with an explosive device inside and handed it over to vlad, lend petoskey during his event at this cafe. let's take a listen to what i witnesses had to say about it. and john, are you? i'm going to come to the 1st. she took the microphone and started asking him questions, and she said, do you remember flatland, i gave you a postcard. he said,
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is this the one you drew? she replied yes. then she continued. now i would like to give you a statue. she said that when she entered the cafe, she was asked whether it was a bomb and was asked to leave the statue at the entrance. and she brought it to the stage and gave it to blandon. it was a golden head in the helmet. it didn't look like a flat when it and everyone laughed and they put it down. they put it back in suddenly everything exploded. the smoke appeared, and then everything was like in a slow motion, everyone ran. those who were nearby were covered in blood. i go stand in room and whenever can happen. she came out with me off to me. after some time from 2 to 10 minutes to an explosion account from my seat. it looked like smoke and fire somewhere in the distance. people came out and the girl came out with everyone now . so there was a crowd that ran out some one normally can discount and some had red blooded smudges under faces. my name is dana cordova, my friends and i were there rushes investigative committee is investigating this
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incident as a murder. it's also said that it's possible this girl did not know that there was an explosive device inside the statue. they're all so this, this also has to do with reports that, that her bag was actually checked before she entered the building by a security guards who cleared that bag for entry. but it's important, understand that this is just one of several explanations for what exactly happened, that the investigative committee is looking into right now. but according to one friend of an organizer of this event where the explosion took place, he says that this is the most likely scenario. i'm just a good example. 99 percent certain that the statuette exploded. who gave him the statute? do you know anything voltage good or they say that a woman introduced herself? who said she was from list valera? i don't know whether it's true or not. this is a bookstore. oh, let's go to specials that i can tell me about the yes, an invitation luther more, which maybe there was a list on a well then
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a records of these people shortage clergy hills. ah, i can't say because i'm not the only organizer, but the fact that every one will be found. that's you sure. russian journalists are facing more and more seriously grave threats from kiev and ukraine. and the west is basically turning a blind eye to all that. let's take a listen. journalists are constantly hearing death threats from the keep regime and his supporters, which are increasingly being implemented, they're harassed, branded in the literal sense with special markings on the digital platforms of american internet monopolies. well, there is a witch hunt in the western media. all this happens with a tech to disregard of the robins international structures which now can be interpreted as an approval if not complicity. in any case of the violent death of a russian journalist which was assessed by the key if regime and his thugs as a success, neither western countries nor international renovations, north foreign professional communities, conducted investigations. they didn't even show elementary human sympathy. not so long ago, the west was fighting extreme asthma,
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terrorism marching with the united from paris in defense of journalists against whom terrorist attacks were committed to day, the lack of reaction, the white house down street, the alleys, a palace, et cetera, given they are claimed, concerned for the welfare of journalists and freedom of journalism speaks for itself. there are also some reports that the police may have detained a one girl that it may have been that girl who passed over the statuette to laud lun to tar skia. according to these reports, this is a, this is a girl that has been detained in the past and anti government read a demonstration several times. i've even allegedly transferred money to an organization that is considered an extremist organization in the russian federation . although these reports are unconfirmed, we will continue to bring you new details as they become available. we discuss the latest with radio host and political commentators, steve gill, who says that western credibility is undermined by one sided reporting and the silencing of alternative narratives. it is tragic that the u. s. government,
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that eastern governments, western governments in europe have failed to speak out and condemn this murder of a journalist. even if we don't know all the details, even if we don't know the whole fact behind it. i don't think it's too early to say this is an atrocity that everybody should wildly condemn. you know, i've spoken out loudly for a long time about the lack of journalistic questioning and the lack of skepticism by western media when they simply pair it. the propaganda being dispensed by the ukrainian government about what's going on in this conflict from the very beginning . western media has not been curious about what the reality is on the ground in ukraine. i've pointed out repeatedly the lack of journalists on the, on the front lines on the russian side of this conflict. again, they simply repeat the propaganda, the ukrainian side, about embedded journalist as we see, and every other conflict on the other side, in black mood,
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in the don bass region. and now we're seeing that journalists who have been reporting from that side of the arena are being murdered, as we see, in this case, whether or not it was directed by ukrainian government, whether it was assisted by western european governments or us, you know, they've denied being involved in and other atrocities, including the bombing of the nordstrom pipeline, the bombing of the bridge that was referenced earlier in the story. the credibility of the west is being lost in this fight, a lot quicker than the ukrainian soldiers are being lost in this fight. earlier r t shay ball spoke to my colleague union o'neill about the important role to char c, played and covering frontline stories in the don bus. well, i think it's important to say that the suit shock and there's anger, i think, as well. friends and colleagues are sort of making statements which are, you know, don't founded at this event in the center of
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a large city to 2nd city. if you like to, of russia to free media has become anything but free. and those that are portraying themselves as the defenders of freedom of speech have become essentially quite the office in some ways. wlan petoskey was the man killed. he's a well known figure, online che prominence as well in his work, at ticket through what's known about him. vladin petoskey his real name. actually maxime, a foam in a 40 years old. he hails from a place called my keys in dumbass. it's, it's, it's, it's a smaller town than done. it's a city. but it's, it's one want to prove the situation. what i want to say for sure is that rush, he said, because people like him shut their blots a homeland is alive, you to these kinds of people rush and war correspondence as well as other media figures. believe there are certain parallels to be drawn with
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a similar attack that took the life of another prominent journalist. daria do get out last year. she was killed in a car bomb attack in august 2022. daria was a journalist and the daughter of a prominent russian philosopher, moscow claim you korean security forces were responsible for that attack. some think you have denies. we heard from former us marine and geopolitical analysts, john mark doogan, who believes there's been an effort to silence pro russian journalists using violent means. i was surprised because of, you know, i lost another colleague several months ago during deanna. and, you know, we had to spend time in dumbass together and we did some projects together. and now him, and, you know, i have to say maybe some anger because he, you only see this happening to the russian journalist. you don't see the russians
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bombing any journalists in the west. there was a lot of thought that obviously went into this fits if the details are correct, that we're hearing now that a lot of thought went into this. and same thing with dory deanna, a lot of thought went into carrying out her attack as well. so certainly it could have been the same group. they had to have some intelligence and they had to have significant research to do this beforehand. we've seen the west, they are doing everything they can to silence the journalists that are either the even neutral or have a pro russian stance. so they're doing everything they can with the censorship, demonization, or deletion of their social media channels. and even resorting to these bombings now, like i said, you don't see this happening to western journalists or ukrainian journalists done
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at the hands of russian forces. now, you only see this terrorist activity done by ukraine and people from the west coming in in killing russian journalists because they don't want their points of view to be erred. they have no defense against it. and so they have to hide the truth just coming out of their mouth. every terrorist attack we have seen in this operation has been done by the ukrainian military for the west and were talking yes, just the not just the car bombings, but we're talking about the bridge to crimea. we're talking about the notary and pipeline. every single significant can terrorist attack, or every single terrorist attack has been carried out by these western elements. and it's really, it's, it's disturbing. political scientists and retired u. s. military officer, scott bennett, believes such attacks against journalists are aimed at silencing the truth. this is
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a pivot moment. this is a change in the direction and the nature of the conflict, largely because every one with a brain recognizes ukraine has lost this conflict, and russia is victorious as we've seen in buck moot and elsewhere. so this isn't an elevation of the, a symmetrical terrorism campaign that the united states and britain has been orchestrating from the attack against aria to gain up to the crimea. in bridge. they are targeting the journalists to silence. they are telling of truth and what the truth has been is that ukraine has become a puppet of the united states, his head, bio chemical labs on its territory. $59.00 to tar sky was featured in an r t documentary only last month. dedicated to a firefighter friend of his who was killed on the battlefield in don bass. it was one of his last interviews. yeah, i got to know on trade when we had
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a youtube channel called gray zone, the channel administrator suggested recording a video with a firefighter. from st. petersburg, we talked on lines on like what he was doing and i wanted to go to the conflict. so i was trying to convince him not to. he was opinion lead to a man of words. he wouldn't listen and came anyway, we will marry opal back then. he learned really fast. he got into heavy fighting for over and pavlov. unfortunately, he was killed by mine together with his friend. he was also a fire fighter from st. petersburg press. the journalist, johnny miller raised concerns that ukraine's long history of promoting violence against journalism may be related to the latest attack in saint petersburg. we don't know the the, the details of, of the attack right now. but what we do, you know, is that as a history of merging violence against journalists, of course, the attack on dia, akina, you, of course, out the middle of that list,
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the peacemaker list. somebody will call a list in which children journalists and ukrainian citizens, people in the 4 regions are put on this list. violence is promoted against them. one of her journalists is put on this list, or kills it like this and liquidated over their food. so that, that's the biggest concern for me, and i'm concerned about whether this tax st. petersburg may well be a result of this emotion of terrorism that we're seeing in ukraine and kennedy with the acquisition, presence of nato. now to the latest developments on the front line and on bass, the founder of the wagner, private military groups as the city of art, film of also known as bach, mood is formerly under the control of russian forces. there has been no official confirmation yet from moscow. in video footage, wagner had to give getty b. goshen can be seen raising
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a flag over the city hall thoroughbred. the 2nd of april 11 pm shop. there is the city administration building behind me. this is the russian flag with an inscription in good memory of flatland, todd to skate to europe. backward is under our control, and the commanding officers of the units that took the city hall and the center of back route will carry and hoist the spanish. this is the pm g. wagner. banner. these are the guys who have captured the city. the enemy remains in the west of the city. but her flight to our correspondent, roman coast of their morning rome on take us through the latest development on the front line. well, as we have just heard, according to the statements all for you, jenny, pre gulshan, the head of wagner, a private military company, his volunteer units are currently in control of our thomas. can that says city here in dunn escrow public, that's a key of regime have renamed as bob,
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back in 2016. now. the city is off of paramount strategic significance, both to russia and ukraine and a win on a battlefield. there allows the russian armed forces to advance further towards the cities of slowdowns can crumb a tourist kanza. that's another major stronghold of the ukrainian military. and currently an occupied territory ordered the nest republic. now, for key of it was important to hold on there in order to keep up the morale in the army and i keep in sacked, it says 70 kilometer defensive line and efforts to gain control over almost have been viewed differently by the west overtime in the early stages western officials and media claimed that it's of principle, importance to crane and recently with russia's advances in the area. they have been saying that losing our tom of sc bears absolutely no strategic value to give
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our, to respond at roman casa with a late a thank iran, and that's arrived for the hour and next australia risk becoming the u. s. as ukraine in asia, as their proxy war against china escalates the discussion, coming up on going underground. thanks for tuning in, stay close. ah, ah ah ah.
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race, movies on, often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with related. so glad aisha graphic who, what is the best time you want to go about them? this is a little bit of a lady with what i see school for
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carbonate port, backwards. thank same. you have something that might give me a port to nick carter. read the status of a national crime, get back to work, which it it said to jeff. so, i mean, i mean you can even gone can be calmer, loosened up and be a couple of somebody. and the community that they've got a lot from the knob is all like it's supposed to be set up. like you said, a kid door only out of them. so i did need it with a start. some is clear but but then with the burden the spook leaving it right. nobody for a 4th is looking at them during the summer because of my seat. not with so much pretty them we're, can i love correctly, was it was the was a. and then you build us over for you. that this is a couple that were still
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a when are you with a ah, i i imagine that antsy and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from dubai in the u. e. it may be the beginning of april, but today we're wondering of australia recently announcing a deal with the usa and u. k. just spent billions on nuclear submarines to fight a war with its biggest trading partner. china was an early april fool, china's his australia is walking further down the path of danger. so how did it come to this? how could it ever benefit australia to find missiles or the closest business partner in maybe 20 as time, while amid spiraling poverty at home,
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subsidizing us arms, companies already profiting from the war on russia through ukraine? can it be stopped? joining me from cambra to talk. orcus is about to attorney kevin, senior foreign policy advisor and australian diplomat for decades. thank you so much, a bastard for coming on. i think we have a few sound issues. don't know whether that's because a pine gap. i'll get to that in a moment, but just in the past few days, the national center of a social and economic modeling in australia at 1000000 in just new south wales are in poverty 100000 more than 2016. and that's on top of other reports. why would australia threaten its biggest trading partner? china with nuclear submarines rushing. thank you for inviting me under the program . very good being here to answer your question. australians of always relied on great and powerful friends to great and powerful white friends in particular, britain and the united states. we began as a penal colony of britain, 220 years ago. shortly after america declared independence. we've always had
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great difficulty and not believing in the regularity in the honor of aggression, powerful friend, british and increasing lessons. just 945 will not change. so i think actually the background attitude question we've been struggling if you like to find out how many of those integration the last 4050 is. but somehow random sharon call of washington and london kings calling us back. and unfortunately with our president prime minister today, ma'am, i don't think he's the milan figure that is a limited vision of the world. and he automatically wants to think, well, of a french. i mean, always he's got morris, i would say is not my line as well. but navy, we shouldn't even perhaps focus on him because it's bipartisan is,
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is often emphasized in washington as a on small stations in connecticut. they're celebrating the, the amount of investment from australia, de facto in that military industrial complex, arguably at the expense of the australian taxpayer. why is it so bipartisan? i mean, they must understand that the united states trade comprises less than 5 percent, 39 percent. and the chinese trade is more than 25 percent. well, australians sentimental a bad allies. their sentimental about big, big navy ships carrying the british or the american flag. they lack uniforms, uniforms of africa. some australia well, most frustrating and emotional strain in the name of that toner, face, leery of china. you know, old nursery, if you like,
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he's come into play with china's concern for man too and so on. and unfortunately, we've gone down the wrong path. we allowed american advisors to become very prominent in the defense. we got quite a number of american admirals on almost 10 minutes to comment to their influence surveys even widespread. they managed to persuade morrison to destroy what was a reasonably good deal with the french and the fury of of president of macro. i replaced it by a very bad deal of america album. maisie, when he came into office, held onto the advisors who had advised morris on this matter. he didn't get rid of him, he should have and now she's coming home to roost. very surprisingly, there,
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there is a back swell against this. now it was gotten by the typically former prime minister katie, but also an extremely brave and capable editor of an independent online journal. close in invitation. john managed to form a secretary of granted assistance for my head a wanted john and he has a carriage on my single handedly a very lively critical based on this decision, the government tried to basically present that as if i had a complete trumping.


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