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tv   News  RT  April 3, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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ah ah ah, we start with breaking news. the russian anti terrorist committee has confirmed that the killing of russian war correspondent, blad linda car seat was planned by the ukrainian special services. the statement comes as the main suspect in the st. petersburg last which killed a high profile russian war reporter is detained by police. at least $31.00 people, including a 14 year old, were injured in the glass. we spoke to a victim of the terror attack. when i was talking to my compatriots, bloodline to starsky, i managed to ask him
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a couple of questions and then the blast happened with good afternoon for moscow. this is our international with the latest world news updates. i'm fiorella isabel. it's great to have you with us. and we start this our with our developing top story, the killing of lad led to tar ski in the bomb blast in a cafe in russia. northern capital was planned by the ukranian special services that's according to the russian anti terrorism committee. diarrhea temple by the main suspect has been detained on suspicion of involvement in the attack. for the scary, a traveller was detained on suspicion of involvement in the explanation. in a cafe in saint petersburg, by the russian investigative committee, together with security operating an investigation is ongoing, the motives for the crime. by being established, the committee will decide on the method of detention for daria trap of us to change
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the russian anti terrorist committee has confirmed that or released a statement rather than the anti or that the ukrainian government was behind the murder of 40 year old russian war journalist of law, glen tar ski, it said that the official statement says that it was done in collaboration with some sort of agents that have ties to the russian anti government opposition activists, flu, alex i, alex, in of ali who is currently in prison. and this is an organization that is considered an extremist organization in the russian federation. this goes, this ties back into another recent development in this case that we got not long ago from the russian investigative committee saying that doria trap of a is, is a woman who was detained by the authorities on suspicion of being behind this murder. and it's important to understand that before russia's investigative committee confirmed her detainment, we were seeing a lot of reports in the media saying that she was detained. not only that she was
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detained, but also that she had a history of being detained at anti government rallies in russia, of course, and that she was sending money to an, an, an organization in russia that was considered an extremist organization by the russian government. so putting 2 and 2 together, it is very possible that that organization in question was alec st. of all knees. anti corruption foundation, which, like i said, is an extremist organization within the russian federation. now, it's important to understand why this is important. the detainment of daria trap of a because i witnesses on the scene. when this blast took place, said that a girl, a woman actually came up to lod, lend to tar ski just moments before the blast took place and gave him a small statuette. many of them are saying that there was a bomb in this, in this small statue. so that's the main sort of explanation for what happened that
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the russian investigative committee is looking into right now as the reason behind why this explosion took place. so now we've got it up with the russian anti terrorist committee as well, that this was something planned with the support of ukrainian security services. and with, with the help of these agents from the anti corruption foundation. and this is all, despite the fact that ukraine has officially denied involvement in this explosion, but then again, it's not something out of the ordinary with this kind of stuff. because last year, when another high profile russian journalist story, a duke and i was assassinated, pretty much all the, all the evidence, all the information pointed to key ebs involvement in this. and nevertheless, they denied any sort of involvement. so we're getting some major developments in a very short amount of time here, of course, we're gonna stay on scene and bring you the latest as it becomes available. now this video shows the moment the blast occurred at the cafe,
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where the war reporter and blogger had been hosting an event. as you can see from the footage, the buildings windows were blown out by the force of the explosion. an eye witness describes the moment of the attack. hey, doris, please. michelle. this difficult, getting my friend and i were walking towards the university embankment and at the time we heard an explosion. it was a dull explosion, like a pop. after about 10 to 15 minutes, we found ourselves in the heart of the event. we didn't realize at the time that it was a terrorist attack, but we understood that it wasn't safe for us to be there. at the time, we saw that many wounded people were coming out. there were 2 ambulances, fire fighters were nearby. people were being carried out on stretchers. a warning you may find the following foot. it's disturbing. this for, it shows the aftermath of the terror attack from inside the st. food bar venue. we
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blurred some of the distressing images of the victim. the cafe was left devastated by the force of the blast with a wreckage of tables and chairs scattered over the room among the debris. here we can see some more footage from outside the sight of the terror attack. this video, released by the russian investigative committee, shows the force of the blast which blew out the cafes windows. the cafe interior is almost unrecognizable with the ceiling collapsing in the explosion. we heard from one of the victims of the blast who was taken to the hospital for treatment and who spoke with a char ski just moments before the explosion. no, yup. shows us a swimming pool. i was talking to my compatriot blood lent at our school. i managed to ask him a couple of questions and then the blast happened after that i left the building with everybody else. fortunately, the police and ambulance arrived very quickly, expressed immense gratitude to the doctors. they're just saints. i take my head off
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to them to tars, he was a prominent figure in the online community of war time correspondence. the 40 year old real name was maxine foe. men and he himself was from the don bass. he fought in the early stages of the conflict from 2014 to 2017 in little gongs people's militia. this experience led him to becoming one of the most followed war correspondence. before his death, amassing an audience of over half a 1000000 on social media. russian foreign ministry spokeswoman merisa. hi, rober commented on loud then sir trasky steff, stating the attack was an act of terrorism. russian journalists are constantly hearing death threats from the key for g. money, supporters, which are increasingly being implemented. they're harassed, branded in the literal sense with special markings on the digital platforms of american internet monopolies. well, there is a witch hunt in the western media. all this happens with the tactic, disregard of the romans international structures, which now can be interpreted as an approval. if not complicity in any case of the
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violent death of a russian journalist which was assessed by the key of regime and his thugs as a success. neither western countries nor international organizations, nor foreign professional communities conducted investigations. they didn't even show elementary human sympathy. not so long ago, the west was fighting extreme asthma, terrorism marching with the united front paris in defense of journalists against whom terrorist attacks were committed to day, the lack of reaction, the white house down the street, the alizae palace, et cetera, given their claimed, concerned for the welfare of journalists and freedom of journalism speaks for itself. relatives of st. petersburg are bringing flowers to the university embankment. were war correspondent, vladin petoskey died in the terror attack. the site of the blast is corded off, while security forces carry out their investigation. let's cross live 2 political analyst alexander passage. joining us from belgrade to discuss the latest developments ah, alexander, welcome. what's your reaction to everything that we know so far about this
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terrorist attack? well, i think this is just a continuation of this total war being waged against russia. it's taken, taken now to the streets of our russian cities. and ukraine is just an instrument. and certainly it looks like the ukranian security services had a hand in it. but the green light for everything, including the persecution of the church. it comes from washington. it comes from london. it comes from natal. so this is just a part of this total war being waged against russia and nobody's going to be spared . you know, that's, that's the whole thing. we just see a midst all the rhetoric of escalation coming from western capitals. it was to be expected that were given engage in terrorism as well. we've seen what happened with
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last year. and this is just a continuation of that until until as long as the kia regime exists, or we can expect more of this in the near future wise, you mentioned key of has denied any involvement. however, the russian national anti terrorist committee says otherwise, why do you think there's such a difference in this narrative? well, you know, the key, the key regime has them also denied involvement in the murder duking. but again, it's, it's the same thing as washington denying enrollment in blowing up north screens. we have to see who benefits our school would want to do such a thing with profit from such a move. and in a while, the science point directly to and to its masters it's, you know,
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it's the same. we can, we can compare to what they, what they did regarding russia, false accusations regarding butcher, for example. they, they practically conveyed, convicted russia and in the part of public opinion with no evidence whatsoever. and you know, so how are they to be believed regarding anything? i think their denials really aren't worth anything anymore. and i'm sure that the russian state doesn't believe them. and i think the russian public doesn't believe them because there is no other. why would anyone else want to do such a thing regarding going to you not regarding mr. tar sky i sent regarding the north stream pipeline. it all points in the same direction. well, the 5, the korean special services, the committee states or was active involvement of agents that were collaborating with alex nevada and these anti corruption foundation, which trip of a allegedly supported to these allegations come as
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a surprise to absolutely not. because as i said, a total war is being waged against russia and everyone that is interested in regime in moscow because in a washington london land, they haven't given up when they're called regime change, they're going to engage any after the town, whether it's and whether it's in the cycle reset itself, we have to remember that, you know, the, the drama to some of the drama tax on, on russian soil. they couldn't come without, you know, inside support with, in russia itself. so again, you know, the russian security just going to have to, it's difficult, very difficult. but in fact, russia is going to have to and it's, it's internal security because it's just a big country. russians don't treat ukrainians living inside russia as a set as another people which really they aren't. so it's something that's being
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abused, taken advantage of by, by the enemy. and the enemy, as i said, is the western capital. so unfortunately, everyone's going to have to keep their eyes open. security is going to do to be tightened because we can really expect more of this to happen. know they have as the what as they're ready to fight to the last you find the same thing applies to civilian lives, whether it's ukrainian civilian lives, whether it's russian civilian lives. well, this isn't the 1st time, as you mentioned, aria, do you know, the late journalists also knew daria, do they know who is killed in the boss? do you believe that these a few incidents were related in some way? well, you know, i have no proof, but i would say once again, the same actors would benefit from their murders and the same actors were now being affected by what these 2 are brave people stood for. so it
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stands to reason that there are murders are related and they have to be treated as such. you know, this is war actually. and in war, you know, there's some things that you just have to take for, you know, you just have to kind of thought be a little more strict and more cautious. you have to assume that when something happens, the enemy declared war and you stand behind it until proven otherwise. you know, unfortunately, it's not the same as, you know, proving someone. so someone being innocent until proven guilty war has been declared on russia. and so, you know, unless there are clear indications otherwise it just has to be assumed. it's, you know, the key evidence masters that haven't handed this well, you mentioned war has been declared but why specifically attacks civilians? what is the purpose of that?
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what, as we can see, are western propaganda, propaganda care propaganda. they've been dehumanizing russia. david dehumanizing his leadership, david, dehumanizing, and the russian orthodox church. they've been dehumanizing russian, scott, russian athletes. so in that sense, you know, they're treating civilians as enemy soldiers. ah, it was, and since it again, been waging total war against all russians and so civilians are being treated the same as soldiers. so i'm not surprised, and i don't think anyone in russia would be surprised a dealer. they're going to be treated like that. we can see just how russian culture is being eradicated is being us, demonized in the west. so all, all things russians are a russian are being targeted and that unfortunately include civilians as well. well,
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given this escalation, and the latest statement from the national anti terrorist committee about who is behind the attack, how do you think russia will respond? i can say for certain is that public opinion is gonna be more. i think it's going to be radicalized inside russia because this is a 2nd terrorist attack against, as prominent civilian in russia. i think of public opinion. russia is going to support more even more radical steps on concrete steps against ukrainian regime itself. i think that's going to be the ultimate, the ultimate result of all this. and i think it's going to be easier for the russian leadership to get support for whatever they need to do, including are actually conflicts capitulation of the key regime. because otherwise, obviously nobody's going to be safe and there's going to be no peace. i think the
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end result is actually going to be counterproductive for both kevin, it's master. i think you're going to have a more determined russia and more determine russian public opinion. political analysts, alexander pavis. thank you. the killing of lad land to tar sky in the st. petersburg bomb blast was a terrorist attack planned by ukrainian services. that's according to kremlin spokesperson did me 3 pets of there was information to be creating services are involved in the planning of these terrorist attack. and this is definitely a terrorist attack. and we wish a sweet recovery to those who suffered in the blast and sent condolences to tossed his relatives. the president was immediately informed. russia is in a stand up with the keep regime, which is behind the murdered of de geena and killing of people since 2014. and that's why the special needs to operation is ongoing. we discussed the latest with
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radio host and political commentator, steve, gail and journalists and political analysts, john rowley, who say that there is a possibility of foreign involvement in the attack, which was a, that's sewing fear, and russian society as well as silencing journalists. it is tragic that the u. s. government that the eastern a governments, western governments in europe have failed to, to speak out and condemn this murder of a journalist. even if we don't know all the details, even if we don't know the full facts behind it. i don't think it's too early to say this is an atrocity that everybody should mildly condemn, you know, i've spoken out loudly for a long time about the lack of journalistic questioning and the lack of skepticism by western media when they simply pair it. the propaganda being dispensed by the ukrainian government about what's going on in this conflict from the very beginning . western media has not been curious about what the reality is on the ground in
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ukraine. i've pointed out repeatedly the lack of journalists on the, on the front lines on the russian side of this conflict. again, they simply repeat, they're the propaganda ukrainian side without embedding journalist as we see in every other conflict. on the other side, in the bach mood, in the don bass region. and now we're seeing that journalists who have been directed by the ukranian government, whether it was assisted by western european governments or the u. s. you know, they've denied being involved in and other atrocities, including the bombing of the nordstrom pipeline of the bombing of the bridge that was perfect reference to earlier in the story. the credibility of the west is being lost in this fight, a lot quicker than the ukrainian soldiers are being lost in this fight. it is certainly an effort to shut up journalist journals for trying to report the truth or the truth of the past 9 years. british and americans are training,
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ukrainian terrorists and sabotage groups within your times report that, that's almost a year ago. so think of how much they've done, how many people they have trained to commit terrorist attacks sabotage attacks in the past year. goal of these people who are behind the attacks is to create more fear and pan can russian society to and for people to russians to start to doubt their own government. so it is also psychological warfare and basically trying to say that the russian government can keep you safe. but for sure, we have reckless people in power in washington in london, in brussels. and they're the ones who are pushing, trying to push russia to do something extremely rash that could ignite a major war in the entire continent. using the ter, tara method is quite, you know, it's just part of the rule book by which natal operates unfortunate again as an american. i'm disgusted by this russian more correspondence as well as other experts believe there are certain parallels to be drawn, which is similar,
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a task that took the life of another prominent journalists. daria, do, you know, last year she was killed in a car bomb attack in august 2022. daria was a journalist and the daughter of a prominent russian philosopher, moscow claimed you create in security forces were responsible for that attack. something he denies. we heard from former us marine and geo political analysts, john mark again, who believes there's an effort to silence pro russian journalists using violence means i was surprised because, you know, i lost another colleague several months ago. doria, deanna and you know, we had spent time in dumbass together and we did some projects together. and now him, and, you know, i have to say, maybe some anger because you, you only see this happening to the russian journalist. you don't see the russians bombing any journalists in the west. there was
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a lot of thought that obviously went into this fits if the details are correct, that we're hearing now that a lot of thought went into this. and same thing with dory deanna, a lot of thought went into carrying out her attack as well. so certainly it could have been the same group. they had to have some intelligence and they had to have significant research to do this beforehand. we've seen the west, they are doing everything they can to silence the journalists that are either the even neutral or have a pro russian stance. so they're doing everything they can with the censorship de monetization or deletion of their social media channels. and even resorting to these bombings now, like i said, you don't see this happening to western journalists or ukrainian journalists done at the hands of russian forces. now,
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you only see this terrorist activity done by ukraine and people from the west coming in in killing russian journalists because they don't want their points of view to be erred. they have no defense against it. so they have to hide the truth that's coming out of their mouth. every terrorist attack we have seen in this operation has been done by the ukrainian military for the west and were talking yes, just the not just the car bombings, but we're talking about the bridge to crimea. we're talking about the nurturing pipeline. every single significant can terrorist attack, or every single terrorist attack has been carried out by these western elements. and it's really, it's, it's disturbing. earlier are to shape our spoke to my colleague union o'neill about the important role to starsky, played and covering frontline stories in the don bass. well,
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i think it's important to say that there's huge shock and there's anger, i think, as well as friends and colleagues are sort of making statements which are you know, dumfounded at this event in the center of a large city. the 2nd city, if you like, of russia to free media has become anything but free and those that are portraying themselves as the defenders of freedom of speech have become essentially quite the opposite. in some ways violin petoskey was the man killed. he's a well known figure. online che prominence as well in his work at ticket through what's known about him. vladin petoskey, his real name. actually maxime, a foam in a 40 years old. and he hails from a place called mackie in ad dumbass. it's, it's, it's, it's a smaller town than donnette as city, but it's, it's adjoining it. it's essentially a conservation of $22.00 towns. so he would have grown up in
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a don asking the don bass. and he fought during the initial stages of this conflict between 20142017, in the dumbass, who handsome malicious. so he would have had a 1st hand knowledge of the conflict where he would have been essentially a local, a man who would have had with significant contacts and access to the front lines, which i think would have fed into his huge following. and he was a prominent blogger, and, and a journalist that you say over 560000 a followers on the telegram platform. and anyone who uses telegram as millions now due to access 1st hand information, i would tell you that the 560000 followers is a significant following on telegram. according to independent dutch journalists, tanya vanden n de ukrainian security services want to show they can hit targets, not only in the don bass, but also in major russian cities. this is the 2nd assistant nation. we can say
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after that, you know, they were proven, and russian blogger, journalist, a political analyst, and then it's a woman, again, i think, don't think it's exodus me the 2 times. it's done by a woman and into major teach christ is what most call and now we have because book . so they clearly want to make a statement that fee we can do tara attacks on russian soil. not only in the don't love most likely it's done by the s b u, the ukrainian intelligence service. with the help of western intelligence services, we all know, like me and also on the middle east and all the journalists who are reporting from the dorm us. and this is very terrible. so actually the war has come to a russian soil and not only from ukrainian, but i think there should be a connection with western intelligence services love lend to tar ski was featured
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in an rti documentary only last month. dedicated to a firefighter friend of his who was killed in the bit battlefields and don bass. it was one of his last interviews. yeah, because local news, i got to know on trade when we had a youtube channel called gray zone, the channel administrator suggested recording a video with a firefighter from st. petersburg. we taught online, i liked what he was doing. andre wanted to go to the conflicts side. i was trying to convince him not to. he was an opinion lead a man of words. he wouldn't listen and came anyway. we burnett, mario called back then he learned ready faust. he got into heavy fighting for oglethorpe and pavlov. unfortunately, he was killed by mine together with his friend. he was also a fire fighter from st. petersburg. stay tuned on our website for a closer look at our top story today. the explosion in st. petersburg, which killed russian war correspondent flatland, sitarski. find out more about the late reporters background,
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the eye witness accounts and footage from the scene of the attack, as well as the latest update on the ongoing investigation. visit our t. v dot com to keep up to speed. stay tuned and that's wrap on the hour and next biden's democracy. some it seems to be out of touch with the fact that the majority of the world views the us as an expression of ideological had gemini, coming up on cross talk. thanks for tuning in. stay close with ah,
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ah ah ah ah, ah
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hello in welcome to cross stop where all things are considered on peter labelle, liberal liberalism was again on display this past week with binding 2nd democracy summit. the problem is most the world doesn't divide countries into democracy's or talk receives, in fact, much of the world views western democracy as an expression of ideological gemini. ah, ah, just guessed these issues any more. i'm joined by my guess. martin j america. she's an award winning journalist and commentator, and here in moscow we have to meet re bobbitt. she is a political analyst and editor at in us me internet media project by telling process rules and effect. that means it can jump any time you want. and i would appreciate it, i start out with martin here a more we had the by the administration. i guess the 2nd.


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