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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 6, 2023 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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must model situations of navigation through traditional routes across the strait of malacca. and in the south china seen when they could be significantly complicated by the political and military situation in the region. them, it is no secret that there are tensions there from time to time. due to the presence of the us 7th fleet, it is vitally important for china to open alternative routes, but as a country that is the largest importer and exporter of resources and the state that is dependent on the conditions of its c riddles. so china could also go east and north, not only west at the start when you need the roost needs east hook up our so called western partners produced one sided, unfriendly actions in the arctic counselor. such moves destabilized the arctic. the arctic is the roof of humanity. we can do something in the arctic only based on
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common effort. if half of the arctic will live according to the rules of the russian federation and another half lives according to different regulations than such, a situation will bring chaos. oh, that's are up for the hour and coming up the topic of global a leads. and there macro economic and political influence on the world stage in particular. claus shaw, next are modus operandi. they close. ah . what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race group is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time. time to sit down and talk
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ah, hello, i'm manila chan. you are tuned into modus operandi. he is often called the most powerful man on the planet. it's not joe biden. it's not, she's in pink. it's not vladimir putin either. in fact, he's not an elective leader at all. today we're talking about klaus schwab, who's reached from the world economic forum has no borders. just who is this man and why do elected leaders listen to him. all right, let's get into that am, out. ah, the year was $938.00 germany saw the rise of fascist dictator adolf hitler. klaus schwab was born into a nazi germany on the 30th of march that year. now later that fall,
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crystal knocked the night that saw thousands of jewish people rounded up by the nazis of pogrom. that would start what the world now knows as the holocaust. now this is not to say that schwab had any ties to the nazis, but a young klaus certainly spent his early years under a fascist ruler who had dreams of a one world order lead by nazis. psychologist today regularly say that these early childhood experiences shape the adults that we become not to mention our parents and caregivers experiences. so that theory holds true. the world economic forum founders advocacy for a globalized government is pretty easy to explain. but not much else is known about klaus martin schwab. he was born in 1938. he grew up, went to university, became a business man, an economist, and also a professor. then out of nowhere at age, 33,
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in 1971, became the founder of the world economic forum. so from birth to 33, nobody really knows. well, he did eventually marry a woman called hilda, who he met just before the launch of w e f, and married her in 1972. so she's approximately 10 years his junior class and hilda have 2 children, nicole and only be a they all serve and chair positions at w e. f. but this is about as much as the media knows about klaus it seems his childhood is a mystery. who was his best friend as a boy? did he have any girlfriends? did he play any sports? nobody knows. it was as if one day he was born. and suddenly he was an adult and founded the w. e. f. it seems klaus, his personal history only begins there in 1971 to talk more about schwab and the w e f. we are being joined by economist and an
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author of several books. his latest book is called the evil twins of technocracy and trans humanism. that book is out now. patrick would. the editor in chief at technocracy dot news is here with us. pat, thanks for being with us. first, can you clue us into cloud swamps early life? why in this day and age is there such scant information about his background? i mean for a man as famous and powerful as he, how can there be such a gap in his public history? part of the reason is, is because class schwab got involved with a group of people that were at the time moving towards the creation of a very important international group called the trilateral commission. that was founded in 1973 by david rockefeller as a big new brzezinski. at the time, a few years earlier,
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schwab was at harvard university. and it was at harvard that schwab met henry kissinger. and kissinger, being a little bit older than schwab, was, became a mentor to him. he was an engineering student, actually already had his engineering doctorate, but he was an engineer. he was also interested in political science and economics. kissinger took a liking to him and not just because they both had an accent some sure. but he took a liking to him and kissinger role at the time. he was very much a known as a rockefeller man. at that point, he was working for richard nixon, of course, but both nixon and kissinger were considered to be rockefeller. people are agents of the rockefeller dynasty, if you well, and their goal was to expand beyond the united states and other parts of the world
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. that's what the trilateral commission became, they, they went into japan, japan and europe, and north america. 2 to try and influence economic policy around the world. they call it the new international economic order back in those days. and schwab being from europe and from germany at that point, but he was actually born and raised in switzerland. ah, but he was german at that point, kissinger recognized that schwab was a very highly intellectual person. and that he had aspirations to make a splash in europe of the same type that the trilateral commission was going to make him united states and again around the world. so he encouraged schwab to go back and start the early iteration of, of the, the world economic form. it wasn't known by that name. originally,
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the changes name soon thereafter is formed. and the purpose of the world economic form back then was to bring about a to see more or less a discussion group amongst some leadership of the region and europe to discuss policies related to globalization. and initially it was pretty much a meagre effort, but then so was the trilateral commission as well. it was a relatively small organization, just a 17080 people with i'm in that 9073. and, ah, at, in any case, the role that schwab played early on was to see was to create a beachhead for globalization. for this new type of globalization in europe. kissinger was about to enter into the 1st membership role of the trilateral commission, $973.00. that was just a couple years later. and so over the years both organizations have grown and i'd
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have to say that klaus schwab is not the independent instigator of the world economic form at all. he was very much tied into the original crowd of that, that focused and i rotated round the rockefeller world and he went on obviously become very successful in his efforts. so did the trilateral commission at that's a long story. we may not have time to get into it right now. but anyway, that was kind of the early genesis of us and schwab has maintained connection with kissinger as and a couple of his other mentors that he learned that he met at harvard. and in fact, i remember i can picture a conference that schwab participated in maybe 2 or 3 years ago where somebody ask him, who are the most important people in your one of those 3? so even to this day, there's this relationship here between that part of the quote unquote global elite, and i'll schwab in the world economic form that hopefully that kind of cover. so
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the question, now let's jump to today. the w e. f is attended by the who's, who of the global elite. there's no industry ceos, presidents, prime ministers and so forth. why? and how did schwab managed to make global elite desire to take part in this? i guess we can call it a social club. why did they take part in the 1st place? explain price if you can have a w, f, w e, as became a thing. the world economic forum is on one hand, a discussion group. they don't, they're not like united nations exactly where they make policy. that has it can be enforced in various countries. however, starting back in the early 19 seventies, again, the trilateral commission said about to create a new international economic order. that's what they called it. i now know that to be technocracy, that was not known at the time, but least to us,
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but that turns out that's what it, what exactly what it was, a new international economic system. and so as that new internationally can account order grew. of course, all the businesses of the world are involved now have to be the international corporations, the global corporations that have no roots, any particular nation, or least, no loyalty to a particular nation. maybe like we have some companies in america for instance, that are not loyal to america whatsoever. they might as well just be in china or uganda doesn't make any difference where they are. they operate globally. but when, when you shake the money tree in the world, people line up to get their share. that's may be kind of to simplistic. but when you're shaking up the international order and creating a new flow of money, a new flow of business activity,
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all the people that are playing in that space want to be intimately involved. and this is what's happened at the world economic forum. the will, the comic forum brings all these business leaders together along with government officials, along with backing officials are you know, the heads of central banks is on. i mean it's, it's a place to go if you want to network and, and get in the flow of things that is where you're going to go. al. conversely, why is class want invited to events such as the latest g, 20 and bali? i mean that of that, for example, is supposed to be for elected leaders, heads, estates, foreign ministers, and so forth. why does he get invited to these big official events? good question to the world. economic form is not a nation state obviously. and however, the w. e, f has been recognized by many nations and well including the united nations,
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but also switzerland and germany and a bunch of other european nations. they have been recognized as a global institution. and this is kind of along the lines of schwab's stakeholder capitalism idea. the in fact, he's been pushing the stakeholder capitalism stuff since he 1st started 1971. and but the, um, this, the stakeholder concept means that outside parties can be involved with whatever it is, is going on in a given country. and schwab is very open about the stakeholder capitalism. thing he says, well, you know, the environmental groups are stakeholders, they should be involved in meetings and stuff. and of course, the corporations are stakeholders and the government, people, government leaders are stakeholders and there could be, you know,
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other entities around the world that might be stakeholders. but in the, in, in the frame of, of being a stakeholder class, schwab use the world economic forum as being the most important stakeholder non governmental stakeholder in the world. and they've been declared to be an international organization officially and international organization. they have a birth that have the highest rating, for instance, with united nations. and so it's no surprise that he would get invited to and even if he didn't, he would just show up who's going to tell him to go away. wow. ok, let's, let's take a moment to digest all of this. so, coming up next french president, a manual, my crohn and his ties to mr. swab patrick would will be back to discuss it. the ammo will be right back. ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah ah,
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welcome back to the m o i manila chance we're continuing to learn more about cloud schwab. patrick wood. thank you so much for sticking with us. so tell us more about the w e f. what is that? the nature or the point of these annual davos son, it's what did we discuss and are these topics really consequential to us regular civilians? very much. so i'm schwab wrote a book called recently called the great narrative. and one has to kinda get an idea of what narrative is all about, but, and i don't have time probably to explain it right the 2nd, but whoever crates, the narrative, pretty much cru controls the down line of that narrative. and that's the most important thing that schwab contributes to the whole w e. f. crowd he crazy narrative. and so he wrote this book called the great narrative. and especially when code had he put out the propaganda line that this
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rep basically is paraphrase. this represents a unique opportunity to call for a great we said that this is necessary now with covetous. happened in the world is on a side down and, and we need a great reset to reset the economic system altogether. well, of course, as what the global crowds been calling for for decades, but he made it lot sound like us brand new idea. and so he wrote that when he wrote a book called the great reset to but he then he wrote a book called the great narrative. and so when people meet and in davos they hear elements of the great narrative. now they didn't, the people at 10 davos were not the ones that created the great narrative that schwab wrote about. i traced the history on this by the way, all of the contributors were named in the front of the book. i went, did
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a research project on all, i'm to see where they're from, what kind of industry they were and blah, blah, blah. and, and i found out that the vast majority, like 80 percent of the contributions to the great narrative came from academic institutions in the united states. not from europe, not from any country in the south, not from south america, not from africa. it came from academic organizations within the united states and very elite ones at that. so you have a foreign, essentially, a foreign narrative that's been created on how the world is going to look at 10 to 15 years with steps on how to get there. and this is the narrative that is promoted at the world economic forum. there's never another alternative narrative. there's never any pam b, whatsoever is always this one that's presented. so how would you expect,
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i suppose any of those companies to act when they get drilled with this new great narrative, they're going to say, well, it sounds good to me if that's where the money is. that's where i'm going to be. and that's what i want to do. um and so they run off after the great narrative. i'm sure some of them don't even question it to think well, this is the greatest thing i've ever heard. and you know, i can't wait to do it. i can't wait to fulfill that. others might be skeptical, and they might say to themself, i'm skeptical, but i want to get rich. so i would, i want to follow the great narrative. either way. whoever controls the narrative controls everything. this within that narrative, you knows as time moves forward. this is exactly what's happening here. now talk a little bit about the world economic forums. young global leaders program, the why g l. what is it? who's graduated from that program?
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what do these people go on to do as alumni of this program? will? yes, the young leaders program was a stroke of genius on schwab's part. i'm sure to bring young people to the table to indoctrinate them with the great narrative at st as as lead back to the great narrative. again, this is where you get a dr. nate. it doesn't matter what your education or skill level is or what your, your skill set or what position you might hold and government. but the young leaders program is basically, i hesitate to use the word brainwashing, sorta, but you know, they're, they're talked about incessantly about what this future is going to be, what they created. the young leaders are not invited to create the future. and other words, to have discussions about what the future should look like. no, that's left up the class schwab and as high level cronies. but once they have determined, well, this is the way the world's going to go. then they're going to bring these young
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people and, and they're going to put him on it, put him in at the table or on the table, whatever to the pow this into their head that this is where it's going and you need to participate. you need to follow along with it and do the things that are appropriate that will get us down the road. so when they go back to society, whether they ever become something or not, some don't, by the way, there's boons. i think 3000 or more more than 3000 graduates of the young leaders program over time. some of them amounted to absolutely nothing. they just went home and maybe they became, you know, started a business or some they never really got involved in global affairs. but others did . and for instance, half of the people, the top level people right now in the canadian government, happen to be young, you know, graduates of the young leaders program and saw like a university. exactly is not like becoming a rhodes scholar either by the way. it's not that high level and, and,
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and it's not really educative. it's more, you know, conditioning of the people to think a certain way. and, you know, to realize that they need to play along with a game as a, as they move forward. and there's been lots of people the that have been surprising that had been on the young leaders list. and the list is public, by the way. it's, i don't not really sure who got it, but i've received a copy of it and it's about 31 or 32, but maybe 3200 people on the list. and i look through the actual, i read through the whole list and i was compelled, it just, it took me awhile to get through it yet probably gave me headache too. but i looked at the whole list and there was a few names on the pretty surprise i can't, i don't have it in my mind right. the 2nd, but some people it's kind of wouldn't expect maybe would have done that, but they did. and they're all over the world as not just in one place. it's all over the world. now the young leaders program, it's interesting to say here, this is
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a training school. this was important to somebody like henry kissinger way back when and even over the decades. this has been an important issue. how do you train leaders to go into government to do the things that the great reset wants him to do that will, that will facilitate this new international economic order? the united nations is also picked up on this because they do a lot of training to of course, you know, they, they take people and work am over really good somehow that they get the un ideas in their brain. but the world economic forum and the united nations work hand in hand are very closely aligned and it's all over the world economic forms website as well as the united nations website there. what virtually one in the same like 2 peas in the same pod as far as operational concerns go. is it fair to characterize class schwab as an, an elected world leader,
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as an unelected leader? no. i, personally, i would not. he is an academic, however, like henry kissinger wasn't academic and normally the, the power structure is not run by academics. more often than not is run by the international banking community. that would be the central banks and certain, probably some commercial banks as well. you got some really giant banks around the world like like the j. p. morgan chase like city group, like wells fargo, like deutscher bank bank of england so on. ah. but the power structure seems to be where the money flows that was rockefeller's role in 1973. he was the chairman at that time of chase manhattan bank,
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which later became j. p. morgan chase and chase manhattan was the 3rd largest bank in the world. well, it does, it didn't mean exactly that, david rockville around the world because he didn't, he wasn't like, it wasn't acting like a political liter. um, but it shows that the influence of the narrative, the influence of the other to on the other people that came in, who would be more interested in creating a new international economic order than a banker, a money person. that makes sense because money is the heart, the heart, the blood of the economic system. so over the decades we've seen this banking institution flux a little bit where some banks would kind of maybe drop out, others would come in. but today, interestingly enough, the power structure and the trial out of commission especially, has shifted from what we would view as commercial banks to central banks. and
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there's not very many central banks in the world and one for every country, but one central bank, like our federal reserve does not serve other countries, just serves us or our government. but every central bank in the world right now, for instance, is working on creating a central bank digital currency. now that'll change, but the economy, i said for sure. and you have at the top of that pyramid, if you will, the bank for international settlements and basel switchover, they are the ones that are, well, that's the central bank, the central banks around the world. they pretty much set the policy and the tone for all the other central banks in the world. this more likely is where you see the power coming from. in other words, who orders the narrative? where does it? where does the narrative, the research for the great narrative come from? if you look at clos, schwab's book, the call, the great narrative,
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you'll see that i don't know 80 percent or 90 percent of the people that contribute to the book were academics. will academics don't act independently? they, they don't just one day, stand up and say, i'm going to write a paper about the world bag or something like that. not, it's not the way it works. their pit, they work for pay, they work for hire. and the money that flows to educational or academic institutions to crate studies that support globalization, they're all funded by somebody. question is, who? because the funders are the ones that pick the topics. if you understand what i'm saying, they could pick exactly what they, what write a paper about is justified as policy, whatever was some type of, you know, do some academic magic on. it's all, looks good to everyone that this is what we have to do. so the academic class,
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if you will, that section that layer of globalization academic class actually doesn't have any power at all. do they have influence? yes. is clos, schwab and influencer. absolutely. but as he really a substitute controller, i dare say no, he's not pat. this has been enlightening. it's unfortunate. i have to leave it right there. i am out of time. thank you so much. patrick wood is the editor at technocracy dot news. and that's is going to do it for this week's episode of modus operandi. the show that dig deep into foreign affairs. i'm your host manila. chad. thank you for tuning in. we'll see you again next week to figure out the ammo. ah.
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation. let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully very critical time. time to sit down and talk ah ah
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her a fresh clashes a rough between israelis and palestinians near jerusalem after the idea afraid the opposite boss for the 2nd night in a row or thing muslin, worshippers out of the holy sites. south african employees protest outside the u. s . embassy in pretoria. demanding fair treatment after many were stacked by a local retailer owned by the american corporation. wal mart. you understand that when the company one month came into saw that we've got it promised that.


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