tv Documentary RT April 6, 2023 6:30pm-6:56pm EDT
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wasn't able to save anyone. i did nothing that i that's wilson. 2013 in god. but really in my way to make me start talking to willy waiting for me to have him i'm happy that trying to find is really little john. you can go to sleep. my mother, he become my new friend. the one was not going to die or because he is going to stay alive. it was they next to me. if i'm not crazy enough. i'm not gonna make it
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the and 2021. the global alcoholic beverages market reach $1454000000.00 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 10 percent from 2022 to 2028. and in the us, the wine and spirits industry generates $122000000000.00. indirect economic impact creating over $2000000.00 jobs and paying more than $47000000000.00 in local state and federal taxes. but what is the cost of the alcohol industry? i'm christy i and you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be breaking down the lucrative costs of the hard beverage industry and the hidden costs associated with ah
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we see very celebrities jumping into the spirits industry from ryan reynolds aviator, gen to the bron james's locals, tequila. and it's easy to see why they're so attracted to this industry where the average standard margins are at 60 percent gross. so how the margins for the spirits so high? well, for scotch and whiskey, they're not particularly expensive to make the glass bottle itself some time can be more expensive than the actual liquid. barley, nice grain and water are all that you need, which comes out to only about a dollar a bottle, plus the electricity it takes to run the distillery. then you have the cash costs, which is highly variable between the spanish oak, the ex sherry barrels, etc. and this can cost anywhere from $2000.00 to $10000.00. so produced a scale, a simple bottle of scotch would cost less than $3.00
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a bottle. it's the liquor where to be aged, then the cost will go up, given the cost of time in the loss due to the vibration due to the aging process. so the fancy last balls and packaging would add about another $2.00, but by far, the biggest cost is the taxes. by law scotch must 1st be sold to an importer that then sells a model to a wholesaler or distributor. beyond just the markup, the wholesaler pays taxes and the cost of their wholesale licenses and both state and federal taxes. by the time the wholesaler actually distribute to the retailer, the retailer then puts between a 25 to 33 percent markup on the bottles, which goes to the end consumer. and that is how a bottle that actually only cost about $8.00 to produce sits on the shelf for $3999.00. and then on the other end of the spectrum, tequila has
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a lower profit margin, though still quite decent at around 30 to 50 percent. and currently at a rate of $28.00 pesos per kilo a truckload of a god, they needed to fill a $25.00 ton of it would cost around $36000.00. and that's just the one ingredient on one oven. load. a got a is the largest expense in tequila and for a one liter bottle of traditionally made blog. go to keela the gov. i would cost about $11.33 per bottle. then when you add the cost of packaging, excise taxes, distillery fees, harvest and transportation that would add another $15.86 in the cost just to have a finished product. then when we have to factor in the markets that occur at the distributor and the retail levels, the markup can very, but it usually is between 35 to 45 percent. so that brings the entire price tag
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back up to $25.00 and to $0.40 per bottle. and this does not include the cost of marketing, p, r, travel expenses, sample products to give away, or even salary. so with all of these costs included, the total cost of a bottle is approximately $35.00 before you can start. now turning a profit. so to get everything up and running, you will need to spend between $500000.00 to a $1000000.00 to start. and there are currently about 2345 different brands of tequila on the market. and 2900 loan. there were $181.00 new brand simply entering the market to fight for shelf space with hundreds more as there is always ample demand for tequila. and now for more, let's go to a week, but so ciara, senior policy analyst at the institute of alcohol study,
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why are the global excise taxes for liquor? so expensive and actually, why do even excise taxes exist in the 1st place? so basically, there are 3 different reasons why governments might choose to tax alcohol. and the 1st one is because alcohol causes harm to other people. so we have a transaction between either the shop or the bar that selling the alcohol and the consumer. and, but there's what's called an externality because someone might go out and drink and drive the micro and get into a fight and they might hurt people in various other ways. and for that reason, in the same way as we might want to put a tax on carbon dioxide because it hurts the environment. and we my will to produce a tax and i'll call for that reason. the 2nd reason is because governments want to approve the health of their citizens because they know of it and people will drink
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harmful li in this will have effect on their, on their own health, on and on, and public health care systems and stuff. the 2nd reason to protect is now called her in order in order to storage units. and the 3rd reason is simply because i've done a fair bit of research for markets that are selling it. and so the conversation went on economy is kind of dominated by, well, is this going to close down? pups and bars is going to lose jobs in these industries. and what i've done is kind of said, well, hang on a minute, the people don't drink alcohol, they will generally spend that money on other things. see how you're only looking at one part of the picture. so if alcohol consumption goes down and what are the gains and the other sectors and how far to build net off. so i've worked with people to do some modeling on that on. and that generally can offset a large portion of the expected losses. and if we were to say, put our taxes on alcohol. but then on top of that, the thing you have to remember is that because of the health harms of alcohol,
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that also has economic problems. so are people turning up who work over? oh is it is a drain on productivity? people who have problems with alcohol being stop sick and missing work that way. also has ambrose productivity is contributed unemployment and then come star clean most tragically. people who die early are people who are of all the other terrible things that are happening there. i want to think this happening is as people who are losing from the workforce. and so once you factor in those kind of health benefits and the impact that they have on the economy, my argument is that some of these restrictions on alcohol, which might be bad news for some alco producers, might actually net be posted for the economy are certainly not anywhere near the negative, my fear, given all the celebrities that have now and had the liquor market, ryan reynolds with his gin in so much harder with is the wire man, car gash ins and they're tequila. is the liquor market really and lucrative
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business opportunity? do the producers enjoy high margins, or is this simply a short term money grad? um, i mean, as in any kind of economic market, there's always a bit of guesswork and saw position going into trying to figure out whether it's going to grow or not. and this is a very different picture and in different countries. so social trends and particularly in which countries are moving towards growing awareness harms. valcall young people are drinking less. and so in the long term, i think there are definitely challenges for, for, for, for alco producers which is why, for example, we're seeing kind of shift towards a know, with low alco categories. and for example, alco free beer, which is, which is more of a thing that, that i was or so i think the kind of medium term out, certainly in rich countries is probably quite negative. ah,
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but this is a case of how long do those trends come into force and how far is a public policy kind of supporting those trends in terms of discouraging i'll call you serve, we're trying to support the local industry and it could be very different from country to country place to place depending on what the kind of cultural background is and what the political and economic context is. has production of the spirit exceeded demand, or? well, there always be ample demand growing to meet the boomy supply. yeah, i need to think of the top my, i don't know where we are globally, but i think in a lot of rich from trees we are, it'll seem lincoln crested the way across much of europe and the us as well. i think, i think that's the amount of alcohol to bohemia alcala, people are consuming, is probably on a downward shatter in most countries will have fastest growing and will vary from place to place where a peak to that is different from place to place. oh lou,
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just because people are drinking glass isn't necessarily economically bad news if you can, for example, and encourage people to trade out some premium products. so drinking glass, but drinking drinking or premium products or if people are drinking in papason bars and restaurants like where generally that will be higher margin compared to buying and buying. and it's like supermarkets and grocery stores in the light quickly which be lower margin. so yeah, i think overall we're probably hopefully i think from it from health perspective, hopefully coming over the crest of the wave. and but that was necessarily certainly in the short term how to mean can about news for the uncle industry. thank you so much of a quiet time and insight and when we come back, what are the hidden costs of alcohol and which includes the cost of mortality, loss of productivity and other healthcare related costs. we'll look into that after
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the break with a russian station. oh, never does. i'm phoning most lansky investment. i'm not getting all something set up for a week within the 55 would be. okay, so mine is coupon speedy. when else calls with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin media machine, the state on to rush up to date and c, r t sport that even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with
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donald trump is again at the nexus of american politics. he's also the 1st american president to face jail time. the entire legal apparatus of the state appears to be aligned against trump. can the rule of law survive this legal odyssey a wrong one? all 3, just don't hold any you well. yes, to feed out disdain becomes the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. the. now let's talk about some of the hidden costs of alcohol.
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nationally in the us alcohol consumption cost society $249000000000.00 per year. and within that figure includes the cost of the individual level. one also has a c. and on top of that positions require a background check doubled, which many caused by dollar rule that 18.8 percent or true in health care, call the rest of that $249000000.00 loss productivity accident even could why in crime, et cetera. especially when you talk about do you dance work related lag? so very expensive. while the alcoholic beverage industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, are there actually any positive or benefits that come from alcohol? it seems like alcohol drive down productivity in paris judgments,
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and promotes more negativity overall. there are just a couple of studies that i personally know subscribe to their find the item. question how they were fun and it's about one, was that moderate drinking alcohol left and part of the subset of the population and that moderate. so like great about the hall decrease and 3 bro basket. accidental strokes. most of the experts that i've heard from national institute or drug abuse, the national and sue the hell, basically debug those studies. and the latest that i'm hearing people alcohol point them alcohol, but this is not for human consumption yet for thousands of years, humans have used it and abuse that both. but i always tell my patients the ever go to the doctor and he said,
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i think you should start very good. ok. he's definitely going to say we want, we want you to watch the solve. we want you to watch your why once you make comply with your blood pressure medicine course, don't smoke cigarettes, and then he take the progress that don't drink alcohol. how much does alcoholism affect society and is alcoholism rising? was the good. there is a certain clubs, the population, the rear, i don't think i have any information to show that at the higher percent of the population than it ever was, will certainly more attuned to it. now the diagnose the big my we do know this of patients with alcohol used the border in the united states only wanted him. busy ever received formal treat, 90 percent, don't ever get treatment, and they live the lives on out with all the consequences of alcohol. many live to be deep, think the maybe even saturday,
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but they have all black health consequences liber hard risk of camps. but we know i'll called actually i level one carcinogen, but yet you don't see that warning label like we now have post that i'm figure it. now. alcohol has always been used as a social lubricant throughout human history. is there any replacements where something like alcohol or will it always continue to have a prominent place in society despite its negative effects? quite possibly, we don't the worst i want to tell you. there may be a anti anxiety medication for people that have a social anxiety or people that it may have some anxiety over speed or meeting new people that's want to be one of the things we keep alcohol around for
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a long time. i mean, obviously we have some things that would really socialize body, but they can be worse than alcohol value back. com, a restaurant to deal with those really lubricant for sure. neither would cocaine or methamphetamine or heroine that example. so most people that use cannabis don't necessarily become more social if anything they become anti social for the words down came from around a $1000.00. so i don't know if it will actually replace that part. people may finally come to the conclusion that many of them recovery have their life simply better without mind. all 3 was patients. i use this little playing all the time that i borrowed from the old army commercial. be all you could be. what i tell patients stuff that for you to be happy as healthy as part of that you can be. it's without my doctor and left the brilliance of
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a computer. ready and body that we have been born with laura and do what it meant to do because all of these other thompson is particularly alcohol are here. and sometimes they'll go along with me and that makes them there. the other time they have such a tight in grain with reward and what success was celebration, it's like, well, how can i ever have funding? you know, how can i and will be rewarded for their pocket when the super bowl and not pop the champagne model. but i think through education, we may find out that the world is black and smarter. cooler air blow prevail, and people will stop breaking this. in fact, i don't know when that will happen though, why alcohol like beverages industry continues to for now. nothing last forever. and current studies have found that gen 0 is actually drink less than their older
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counterparts, as they fear what will happen when they lose control and how their actions may appear on social media. as a result, they consume less than their parents. generation did as teenagers, about 20 percent, less per capita. actually, a survey found that 57 percent of gen, thier said they rather go to the gym for an hour rather than go to a bar. and 69 percent of them find heavy drinking culture. boring. 49 percent of them claim that their online image is always at the back of their mind. 41 percent of these gen the years associated drinking with the loss of control, vulnerability, anxiety, and even abuse. and this decline in youth drinking is widespread and most high income european countries, as well as the u. s. australia and new zealand. another reason for the shift is perhaps that gen veer's have a deeper awareness of health risks given their access to the internet and social media with gen the are, is now accounting for
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a 3rd of the global population. the alcohol industry is adapting to young people's new preferences with things like mach tales. hearts alters heart, boucher and beer with very little alcohol. so while the alcohol industry seems to be losing its shine with the younger generation, it still enjoys massive popularity with the older generations for now. i'm christy . i thanks for watching and we'll see you back here next time on the cost of everything with ah us is a danger to the world as it is. and cuz it has all the 2nd nomic
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power that it uses for the military. these are sick and twisted people that care about nothing but money and power. i'm not even hey, i think i think they're indifferent. they just want to empower and they don't. they're indifferent to who dice and as long as they can get that volume power, oh, ah, washington dc. a when i was shown seemed wrong when i just don't know any new world. yes. to shape out disdain because of the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves will the
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more we choose to look for common ground? ah, because they already are you a see here? cause they gotta scroll through a premier e mail, you are just great of inland to the euros. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finish style, 4 years of caribbean, ss, occupation, 14 concentration camps. 30 full prisoner of war, labor camps. 10 prisons. any will give you a little stone level. she's the media finishing the senior. i need in the chest, the reading it all, and i could, elephants been listening. it was going to city approximately 25000 people went through the audio kind of go of finished camps according to official figures. his
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most stuck dumbly. my daughter, if the ship did you toil legged medina, chester snyder, a sorcerer, yan cookers try me in your water famine, disease forced labor torture by the warden. so for mutual was even up on the water that also need you to keep it, you got that it's 0 blood human off. what does it mean? 9 pushing to think of, but give her what she only do duty, but he doesn't go to school for you. thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. not war when you've got here. you know, wanted to thank you to speak loudly in the gerard julia. yeah. what a good i feel if not why me did it because i lose. you got to live with the senior just because i you, but there's a dang yet. that was, but it really luck ah,
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a comes on that is rainy military fire as a prime minister netanyahu player just to make aggressive pay a price of the rock. it's a 5 across the board, a into is well from southern lebanon, also ahead under no circumstances should nuclear weapons be deployed outside the territories of nuclear powers. over the thing china, the french president conveniently gets to mentioned that several nuclear you appear in countries, been home to american, with authorities in the western ukrainian city of nevada. say the history of the orthodox church that is over. the last local chapel is toys down.
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