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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 6, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

7:30 pm
that's very nice, guy is the capacity based level voice music i thought a little nicely and principal it dasheka dykes the death ago. i doubt the result. thought i would think you'd be to be pushing it would not. i need to know if any of those eat adults just had this problem. now. sure, good dealer thought the place that i was promised that by did made back in december and january that there will be no boots on the ground in ukraine. it's not on the table, it's not in the cards, is completely reversed, and that's being done incrementally, drawn down as we call it. and that brings our total commitment, insecurity assistance to ukraine's in february, $213.00 and a half $1000000.00. so support for ukraine. self defense is an investment in our own security and prosperity as well. but we will stand by your brain as a district likes to defend itself. the concept, chad humor, schumann data, me a lena dean. can you, keith?
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afraid to go to me july, it will grow as a bad. it is good. she thought you were. i mean to speak to them because it will go if you have the words base to better assist you out with nothing, you know what i mean? because it's on east exterior when you can, you know, my grains. well, one thing we know is that the cia is been training people in eastern, you crank to kill russians. that's a direct quote from some of the people being trained and their, their goal there is nothing to do with helping ukrainians. it's fighting russia sway and other countries are building up tune at
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a time in order to certify the ukrainians. nope, on it, no gun. oh, i see him there. yos. i saw a rushing run from his by position in a little hole and he ran to the next fight position. i think i hit him. i hope i did. they got to, they dethroned trump for trying to improve the situation with the russians. and on the screen to be allowed to this, not in the interest of the c i a . so for this or this weighs $41.00 each, that your mother has no bigger c. sponsor of terror in america. every single terrorist organization that became prominent in the world is directly due to american actions and influence and funding. i can't think of any that's not been looking at my sis has villa on all of them from south america
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to, to you know, asia and africa. america has done more damage to the world than any other country. and now we have a war between russia and ukraine with potentially hundreds of thousands of people dying that would never, ever, ever, in a 1000000 years have happened. if i were president, security agencies, the fbi, i in a say the f b i. or on the democrat side, we've seen that since the appearance of truck in 2016. i mean, what was russia gate about? it was those agencies operating against drop? what was the 1st impeachment about of trop the same thing? the 2nd appeasement? the same thing. oh, what is the so called insurrection? or the same thing? is the same agencies operating and just prop park directly after i
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a with correct to say is not so much their own that democrats side is they are against truck because he has threatened to take away their enemy. that is the basis for their power and their existence and their budget. and that lamp shall plastic, be a west on still a lot stuff, cause any c, f, a globally been seen as the shop about to be a state id is more economical than us. we have to, to go monday up actually join us, need a glove or to set the controllers in there on the next the let me see because it makes it seem i charisma, stone, i think it was, but it's not the gosh, never did get a little general hospital, i show it minister, but on the market,
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if you did get a split piece that really got excited, this is for my food also, i'm flexible. she's going to start on them search. it gets worse or provide you troy political, notional beach, or to reach table with our caller. that was a pull up somewhere west. well, believe me, let's stop. ashley. i just needed to catch up with the steepness was because we didn't want to be diesel. what's your grain show after school opened up? said my, you will pretty well. why don't you just double pretty up with us for each of those go well, what would be a lot of struck me those lot. oh boy, should i make i work with the miami doug and noticed he was being followed and realized the f. b. i wouldn't let him escape to cuba. he came up with a new plan on the go, this is this and me and my wake. but yeah,
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this is jessica. this is when i was sneaking out of the country driving north towards new york. so i gave them the slip in miami, and i went to my lawyers, so my kids a letter. and then i went to my mom's house, got a blonde delayed, some blue glasses. yeah. returned from me jessica. yeah. well you know, l g b, t for quincy change my appearance left out a different entrance and i went to new york. ran into small plane. was it like being give up like team sick? i was the show secret missiles with the shot. you see it so much to wait for months . we do a lot, maybe 6 out of that. they stood age america at one point was the manufacturing center of the world and was proud of it. but at some point, the wealthy decided, why don't i just make money on money and they build a whole economy. it would turning into a giant casino where we don't make anything up. all money is, it's just,
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it's just a baby is. so it's not a real economy. there's no way the sustainable this will not last. this is going to fall par patricia price or near west thinking of a struggle condition. you know, so we're good to go. i mean, it goes before the weekend, but you know, a lot of capitalism since nobody in the house junior, by the west, to me at the cost of new computer. and it was in this is jim or somebody looking to the show us what, what those could be felt once more. what she needs to be just to learn how to make a pathology and the proposed to circle and, but she knew it would be view your film just the image source of the term banks does appear in the 20th century journalist started using it to describe the bankers who legally control the u. s. federal reserve system and made money out of thin air . this term refers to the 3 large new york
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banks and maybe the 2 large california banks. so that's 5 american bikes. it refers to probably 2 of the large british banks, ah, to georgia bank in germany to credit suisse and switzerland. and that's about it. that's the, that's the bank sters. these are the banks that are too big to fail. the banks of the united states, a federal reserve is always available to bail out laughter. the sooner we get the form they insure the maybe it's down to who i 1000000 shouldn't be slowed day going the semester. and i really surely finance. she still are channels for i'm good. any gel, would you like history? it? democrats? yes. a hoist. democrat of 3 battalions met the last financial bank. you cleaned
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them it backwards biden. to me, bully yada can chest a financing with a dominant financial group of course or, or the united states and u. k. bikes and their objective is their head, germany. they basically control the international international financial system or their means of control or the federal reserve bank of england. and of course, the world bike in the international monetary fund. would you be shot? the g, i need is i, the mich. 12 he, me? when he is all at the premier edi premier, which 1000 youth can think, you mean that, you know, go, lism is not a multi polar globalism uniform. it's in the hands
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of american hegemony. and therefore the head, jeremy of american financial and corporate enterprises. a news, what if i told you that the key to understanding the universe who was a tiny particles, which is nearly impossible to detect so much so that they are even called ghost particles. they do exist and they're called neutrinos. this brings us here to the caucus. it's mountains here in cub dino berkadia, where we're going to visit the unique box on it, you know, a verb rhetoric. and it might surprise you, we're not going to find it out here in the open, but instead we have to go about 2 kilometers deep underneath this, not in range. mm. i may be able to
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try to atrocities and other countries the united states of america is different. wearable people long to be free. they will find a friend in the united states. ah, with a human being a little bit out about it all to anybody. phase the only city draw the look at the book they incentives of each cigarette. a few color revolutions is one among several means to reach the goal of conquering foreign lands and bringing them onto the help of u. s. western economic interests to popping sadie. i don't that he did to everybody get them. okay. yeah. getting training, correct. so no, we just say low their softball emory. ah,
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the final goal of these seem revolutions is to ensure that there are no independent players in the world. anymore i am rick sanchez and i am here to plead with you whatever you do, you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. my list of opinions that you won't get anywhere else. look, if it pleases you to have the state department, the c, i, a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show, stay mainstream, because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change dwayne thing. ah, doug, i knew the place and the f. b. i went hunting for him. he'd be detained at any us
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samples. but he found a way out of this apparent impasse for smaller planes. nobody checks a, so i found somebody with the $172.00, which is a small where cedar airplane. so i knew which coordinate to go to i. and this is we got to that court and i think the heart attack and he made emergency landing. it's a small airfield. as soon as he landed, i for 600 bucks that grab my bag, you'd better get the hell out of here before somebody shows up and i grabbed my bag and i fled to toronto. and then i, i flew from toronto to assemble 2 months ago with they used to say that the business of america is business. now, the business of america is war there for
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a better word or anyway, i knew the crew most always used to live there. sure, we can, you do cover it. i will go to you with the research. if you're waiting for some tax credit card, you're snoring on. okay. you currently have a good medical school for in the parameters team complex so that they should run the world and that anything they do to reach that goals. with this type of excusing the way, madeline albright was, was very blunt in her the speaking of the u. s as the except should old nation, and that when the u. s. does something bad, it's for the cause of good. ah, we are our javelin here. was active case. ah,
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the idea that america would furnish these high to weapons to terrorists? ah nancy, cherish the day designated in 2019 congress designated the fact that there are terrorists and she got a 90. they can justify it in a way they want, but we know the true dugan post the truth on his website. what he seen with his own eyes due to the position he took, he was forced to flee the united states. he hasn't even been able to return to his homeland, to say good bye to his loved ones. in christmas 2018 christmas eve actually ah, my mom died and i couldn't go. i had to see who bye to her on face time and her. my father, he got covered at a see you bye in face time. can go to their funerals. ah, so in that regard, it was an easy but honestly, i don't remember having here i,
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i feel like i'm oh, do you believe trauma? as a general rule? no, never donald trump has a very creative relationship with true. very good way with but we have no other choice doing. i mean that's the whole point. there is no choice of american politics. would you prefer coke or pepsi this year? i included that. that's it. i mean that when does american foreign policy change number, which is only one that says, lead so much sir. committed cons. massaged him, nist, it still showing is us the very last proceed. if you total total for each of those a summer, not by 9, mr. thought sit stone, still sign a garage, then you senior lecture. dog of not with combs. leslie. good. we're slimy. i made it guns of thought. not naturally didn't funny you got enough. it got some way up, but us overly even though. yeah, she's from these companies. got most kids that got the idea of pleasure need deal.
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here we're dealing with global inflation is result, pandemic includes more in ukraine. we're also handle it better than most other advanced nations in the world. always put the needs and interest in american people . first, the government, it really is not accountable to the people. i mean, how could it be right now? the u. s. is sending billions of dollars to ukraine while i just saw yesterday, 50 percent, half of americans now live at or near poverty. the american people, the taxpayers of this country deserve to know where their money is going and how it's being spent. of the 5x4b4x4b is for aid to ukraine and other affected countries. what other countries, how they impact it? are we talking about poland, where ukraine fired missiles and, and accidentally killed 2 people in poland? is that what we're talking about? on december, the 8th 2022. the majority of us house of representatives,
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members voted against the republican bill. the audit funds allocated by the u. s to the government of ukraine and members of the democratic party feared it would make it difficult to support keys with to report the vote. mr. channel on that boat, there were 26 eyes and 22. notice 3 crystal partial storage. oh, would you think i would you i think that will good here. or she could see what she said, that when you, you know, could own, could own the little speed. and she said that with that could you go little firstly, go to honda. why didn't i mean, we live by the restroom and because of us are more well, since the laser was restroom schools to really got you to some less recruitment,
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you know, from what could be found here. this is jim or blue book when you look at a t shirt. well abided is pushing us to world war 3. i mean, i a, you have to consider that. that is the worst. i mean, we should never be in a position the u. s. has no business in ukraine. in 2022, the u. s. military budget was almost $800000000000.00. the u. s. house of representatives has already approved an 858000000000 defense budget for 2023. an absolute well record for army maintenance, a new weapon types, production yeah. lockheed martin raytheon, boeing non core. those are the ones that come to mind. i think the big 2 are lockheed martin raytheon and they openly talk about how they love war. i
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mean, they only say that my guess purcellville with us, we will know that she will disappear yet them companion. i don't know just as i do . so my daughter had to go to c as in business. i mean, i mean, he comes, gave me some, i don't know, say, doing the stuff. how many units up my son, yet m cortetia combining a technologist could, will prescribe to my daughter if this is getting thinking of which more than it is to know that the machine took many of company and i via e. p. i make us because, you know, when you go to business as a 5th variation, they had to hopefully japan monday because for business videos they move from executives in armor. much industries, for example, into a pentagon offices into the sector defense
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and into security agencies. and then their return to their companies, it's away for executives to increase the income performance of their companies and thereby benefit from the bonuses for from higher profits. and this, this revolving door is a common place in the united states government. it affects every our cabinet office. it affects every industry. now that he's had the new strategic policy, the united states is we're willing to use a nuclear weapon 1st. that's never been true. never a u. s. foreign policy does not change. it is the policy of the head, your mind,
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whatever, you know, president may think when he takes office, he finds himself inevitably following it because the foreign policy elite, the blob as been roads term, the bureaucracy in the state department and the national security agencies. they run things, there's the aluminum democracy. there's less democracy there than i've seen in princeton's done at the people's republic. that's the true democracy. i'm so i'm serious. i'm serious. america hasn't been adult democracy in over 50 years. us is a danger to the world as it is and because it has all this economic power that it uses for the military about my country that most of what i understood about my own country was not true. you know that it wasn't the land of freedom and democracy and equality. you know that it very deep problem.
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it didn't state to the cia is not going to permit. oh dear. on stage to be peace with the world we've got to have with, you know, to be very dependent on it. and we're going to have an enemy period and it was a whole new day as a matter was there, there's no way better than what you believe in there was a lot of stuff with you put it in the process of latrice listed on the lease. you know, these are sick and twisted people, they care about nothing but money and power i. it's not even hate. i think i think they're indifferent. they just want money empower and they don't. they're indifferent to who dice as long as they can get that money empower you could wish somewhere. so you put in tissue. i really cook with the group. are new to cook. nobody. hello. my name is julie,
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sorta. i made a complaint initially with him. so i will go by the school system on the same one minute. yeah, i wrote in that when you're near the point, you know, so know or would you see it says a dollar to sit down ash wasn't even finished. now i still do go to do with free. he's given me by mistake. little formulas. the family close to lose it is so something is not coming choice people it ah ah,
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in the year of 1954, the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt puppet government of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese turned this war into a total hell for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and napalm which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, wary 969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all in all,
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during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bombs, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam. and only 2 years later did the puppet regime in saigon fall . however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. so look forward to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence, and the point obviously,
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is to create trust rather than fear a job. i mean with artificial intelligence, real, somebody with estate own professional for date and r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with ah, the 1st time in history, an entire country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapon cancel, culture. really desperate. wonderful. i wish i feel my last little boy willie frog
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here. just me sitting there with the phrase now, particularly refers to counseling russian culture. and yet that no way to create a few orders. because you can when you miles for cure, which have over your choice. so that the most of the temperature random eat them, we what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and rejected to sit in line and use that for me at the will of bramble, there's a lot closer on a whole bunch. thank you said a little short list. joining total condemnation, gross daily, and now includes dostoevsky to cascade shostakovich that i need to you all left. but yeah, she says that with the www. obama lee,
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you're not going to look it up with a glance that comes on the israeli military fire as prime minister netanyahu played just to make aggressive pay a price of the rocky to $5.00 across the border into as well, from southern lebanon. also ahead, under no circumstances should nuclear weapons be deployed outside the territories of nuclear powers. over the thing china, the french president conveniently gets to mentioned that several non nuclear you were p and countries. i've been home to american,
8:00 pm
meet with ortiz in the western ukrainian city of laval, to say the history of the orthodox church that is over to the last local chapel tour with.


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