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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2023 4:00am-4:29am EDT

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a a one mileage killed and multiple people wounded as a car, plows into a crowd at a park and television in response to that and other recent violent instruments. israel's prime minister has ordered a call up up the military and border police reserve as beijing wardens the west of using the false pretext of democracy, of supporting taiwan to contain china. a nightmare for the 5 eyes. that is the assessment of self u. s. officials as over a 100 classified documents are li, containing allied plans for the conflict in ukraine, on notes on china. and also coming up in the program this hour with don't do you want to sell to nisha?
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tunisia is not for sale, foreign dictates that will lead to more poverty are unacceptable. trinity, as president safe is country will not yield to what he called a foreign dick tut. rejecting the international monetary funds, conditions on it. $2000000000.00 a year catching the program from this our welcome to moscow and the global news roundup. here on our tea. let's get into our top story. we begin in televi for a one mom has been killed and several others injured. after a car plowed into a crowd of people of a c side park on friday, authorities are calling it a terrorist act. according to officials in tell if he's the person killed was i'm italian tourist b, a sealant was shot dead by police according to reports. in response to a recent op take up such incidents, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered military and border police reservists
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to be called a local journalist out the senior centers. this that we can see behind me the car that use the terraces here and then many policemen. they are trying to investigate and understand exactly what happened. but they couldn't do that. show the police men, they killed that terrorist after a dram there on the group of tourists and the police also try to find if there is some other suspects that may be involved in this attack. so right now the police think that the ban here and the terrific area to be of is and that, and they just want to understand exactly did the loan or there were some other people that were involved in this that there was that night try to ation and try that, it will not go out of the tray,
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but it's not all in the hands of the throw and then maybe event for israeli government before leaving the would be good that something had been here that people forget about this to go back and say government will be a comes just hours after 2 is really women were killed and another person critically wounded during a shooting in the west bank. medics and soldiers were quick to arrive at the scene where the victims were gunned on. the suspect is currently at large. it's really officials say the man responsible for the attack, again as a palestinian with the id f in the middle of a month. well the escalation of violence comes on the heels of a cracked on by is really security forces on palestinian worshippers of the yellow mosque in east jerusalem earlier this week. now it's spurred reaction or on the islamic world with some of the harshest criticism coming from israel's main rival around r t contributor,
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use of july ali at lines for us know the response in the nation. come violence against palestinians. angry demonstrators chanting to front in protest to israel's new wave of violence, against palestinians, people into one and other parts of it on stage demonstrations after weekly friday prayers in order to vent their anger at these, ready for his assault on dozens of palestinian worshippers inside acts a mosque during the holy month of ramadan. ah with right now if they are trying to, i mean attacked,
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watch repairs in port say. they are trying to tell the other people in the war. dad, we are going to tell you, or we have paul, where he can do every scene. so that is no, i mean doubt that they are going to i mean now lose their power in the thought johnny johnny hook be say case had it little be international community, mainly european countries. and those that support the zionists try to side with israel because they benefit from these railey people and capitalists. this as well muslim countries and freedom seeking nations, especially the gulf states. and islamic countries are aware of the aggressive and oppressive spirits of israel. so none of these countries support the regime. iranian foreign minister hossein, i mean rob de la, he on also condemned these ready desecration of an ox mosque. he said, and a twitter post that these rallies are confused by the wave of convergence. these
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law mac world, the desecration and night attack of the fake israeli regime soldiers on the machine, alex saw worshippers created painful scenes that are the result of the behavior of human rights claimants who turn a blind eye to the crimes of zionist terrorists. zionists are confused by the wave of convergence in these la mac world and the prospect of internal collapse. here inter was weekly friday prayer officials called on all muslim countries to rally behind palestinians, and wears awareness of these really atrocities against muslims in palestine. they all i mean here they have built in iran dome. but more than a 100 rock had struck the zionists regime, the iron's own could intercept only a few of those rockets. they were only thought that their iron don't can prevent the invalid missiles. these really move has triggered one of the worst flareups between israel and palestinian resistance groups and overseas gaza strip. the hamas
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movement has launched a volley of rockets towards the occupied territories. is ready. troops have also launched airstrikes targeting come off positions in the besieged enclave. while the un has express deep concern over the escalating violence against palestinians activists hearsay, this is not enough. they called on the international body to avoid paying lip service and instead take action to stop israel from further breach of security in palestine. use of johnny r t different another overhead line stories today, beijing is wanting the west not to go down a dangerous path of using a false pretext of democracy to support tie one's independence and therefore contain china. i ma'am, and he wished i. one is an inseparable part of china, shyness, sovereignty and territorial integrity has never been divided and divisions won't be allowed. some countries hype up the false narrative of democracy versus
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authoritarianism and use the pretext of democracy to support and connive with separatist forces in taiwan for independence. in order to contain china. this approach is extremely dangerous and will not succeed. without response came as tele, one's regional leader paid a visit to the u. s. and met with several high ranking officials. they're not the same. so i mean you leaders were lobbying in china meeting, which she jin thing in an effort to pull beijing away from moscow. are to contribute to ritual. marston takes us through our successful manual macro or hirschler of underline, were in that regard. western press likened to dynamic to good cop bad cop with mack home being the charming good cop and vander line. being the schooled, some french commentators there wondering why france needed a chaperone at all. and why michael, couldn't just be diplomatic and play both roles. good caught and by cough like
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pretty much every other world leader and diplomat does. now president, she's invite did give michael an opportunity to play states then an scorsone p. r points at a time when he's not really scoring very much at home with the big news beaming around the world from france being images of authorities flashing with pension reform protesters violently, in some cases and deploying tear gas as trash and buildings burned in the streets. of cities around the whole country, but the photography that came out of this visit wasn't all good. the 3 leaders sitting at a table that was so massive that it looked like mack holland vander line weren't even in the same postal code as the chinese leader or with each other. for that matter, like he had found a way for them to meet with him in china while not leaving their respective european countries. pretty glaring contrast from she's visit recently with russian president vladimir putin. so mac hall demanded during this visit that china town russia. what to do and ukraine,
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which went about as well as one might expect. it was ship. what conditions? no one can count on you to bring russia to its census. and every one to the negotiating table drove on. tincture chase, full talk should be resumed. as soon as possible, international community should work for a political settlement that accommodates all parties, his legitimate security concerns, count on china. he could have played that role himself as one of the guarantors of the links to records by insisting that ukraine respect the agreement or macklin could have taken the same neutral position as china when the conflict went hot. he didn't so now macklin trying to dump the whole mass in china's lap with a gallic shrug. michael also brought up the issue of nuclear weapons being deployed in allied countries. this was doctors ranchers, the opinion that nuclear weapons should be completely excluded from this conflict. that all international treaties on this issue should be respected, and that under no circumstances should nuclear weapons be deployed outside the
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territories of nuclear powers, especially in europe. if in this regard, it is necessary to remind every one of their responsibilities in particular, russia, who is so and no foreign new deployments in europe are the americans aware of macros position because the u. s. has needs deployed pretty much in a whole lot of european countries and has for the past several years. the 2 leaders also talked about the need for global food security, underscoring the need to facilitate grain and fertilizer exports. no word though about what france is doing to stop the 44 percent of ukrainian grain that's getting out from going to europe as the turkish president pointed out earlier this year, where it's then being used to feed pigs in spain to beef up european pork exports on one hand, and to undercut the price of local farmers in poland, bulgaria, and romania, whom the u. is now having to bail out to the tune of 56300000 euros because of that fiasco. speaking of the e. u. it turns out that vander line didn't quite spend her trip,
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eating big macs and mcdonald's while macklin was swanning around in the state banquet. but it sounds like it was pretty close. shiny social media treated her like she was team america or world police's bad. she also didn't win over too many fans by waiting into the taiwan issue in china, saying that no one should change the status quo by force. and that tension should be resolved by dialog. connor, it's coming from someone who constantly talks about the need for force and to up the military, anti against russia and ukraine to the detriment of de escalation. she can bring, basically told her politely to buy out the taiwan issue is that the core of china's interests, the chinese government, and its people will never agree to any one making a fuss about the one china policy. anyone who expects china to compromise on the taiwan issue is engaging and wishful thinking and will only shoot himself in the foot. no military tensions are mounting in the indo pacific. it follows canada's
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deployment of a military aircraft to japan, which tokyo sees as part of a plan to track north korean maritime activity. the surveillance plane will monitor for a sanction evasion activities in particular ship to ship transfers of fuel and other commodities bombed by the un security council. it also comes shortly after japan's moves to deepen ties with nato. those ortiz, donal quarter bricks on the north atlantic. treaty organization has been sticking its nose in the endo pacific. that's as japan's foreign minister is saying it's time to get cosy with the supposedly defensive military alliance. the security of europe in that of the indo pacific region can no longer be discussed separately. that was my main message when i attended the nato ministerial meeting last year for the 1st time as japanese foreign minister. these efforts cannot be made by japan alone, and we welcome the enhanced engagement of nato,
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its members and partner countries in the indo pacific. as tokyo declares, it's looking to develop a deep strategic partnership with nato member state canada's wasted no time. and taking advantage of this new window to the pacific. it's already sent to military aircraft to japan, with the state of intent of helping and force un sanctions against north korea. and while pyongyang has been under un sanctions since 2006, there is no mandate for any one power to enforce them. no auto has taken the liberty of appointing itself as a policeman of the pacific with japan as its deputy. together we are promoting a free and open endo pacific and protecting the international rules that keep us all safe. i thank japan. one of canada's most important defense partners in the indo pacific region for this strong relationship based on shared values, economic links, and people to people ties. what's more is that this japan nato partnership seems to have been in the works behind closed doors for a while. back in january and stoughton berg made an important visit to tokyo. less
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than a month after to pan unveiled, it's biggest military build up since world war 2. a $320000000000.00 plan to buy missiles capable of striking china and prepare japan for sustained conflict. on surprisingly, beijing feels threatened in its own back yard. buell indo pacific strategy is in fact an attempt to gang up to form exclusive blocks to provoke a confrontation by plotting in asia pacific version of nato. its goal is to undermine regional integration through decoupling cutting chains. the u. s. claimed shaped strategic environment in which china operates actually reveals the real purpose of its indo pacific strategy. that is to and circle china as japan re militarize this for the 1st time since world war 2 and canada asserts a military presence in the pacific. the western august military alliance seems to be preparing for war with china as well. specifically with australia planning to construct a nuclear powered submarine fleet. all things considered it doesn't exactly look
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like nato was involved in defense, if operations on the other side of the globe. well, on developments, we got the thoughts from asian, a 1st specialist, andrew lung who china would just seem to be a pacing challenge, eastern seaboard ah, and, and, and, and, and, and of course the, and in addition to our, for example, to, for us iron chain center in okinawa, the 2nd on the chain center in guam are there. of course the, and monarch, a straight outside singapore are controlled by the american 7th street. and now you as you just recorded or orcus and you chris a marine deal with australia and end of life, eyes alliance with canada. and you see the united kingdom and all focusing on china. and now japan, and with this new em newly invented a new pacific strategy and tracking ad out in india. again,
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the whole black alignment is the conn's, contain, and confront china and naturally china abuse. threatened because the south china sea is china's life blood, all international trade and also supplied all materials and i am and he sent you an ingredients for china's manufacturing power house and which 16 the stability of the child has government. so naturally, charlie leads to react and hands john is building a blue water navy. so you got to look at this and, and at present happening out would caliber japan and all the rhetoric of our navel . i'm is only a camera raj, i to bring natal to asia pacific now be re ok to a story, generating quite a lot of interest today. the pentagon said it is investigating the leak of classified documents, circulating online. western media outlets,
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citing washington officials claim the files are legitimate unless say revelations and the classified docs contain u. s. a. nato plans for ukraine and china, and i've called the leak a nightmare for western life. analysts say more than 100 documents may have been obtained, along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves. could be hugely damaging us officials said, a senior intelligence official called the league a nightmare for the 5 eyes that comes after another li, just days ago. expose a legit us plans for a key of offensive against russian. it highlighted specifics regarding ukrainian troops detailing information about at preparations, equipment, stockpiles on battle ground until the kremlin has said its so were of the information being, it's got no doubts about nato's direct involvement in the conflict. kiev house called the leak faith, alleging the information has no connection with its real clubs or the we spoke with
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former pentagon official, michael lewis, who suggested it could be a disinformation campaign, purposely released by washington. somebody within the bowels of the pentagon were leaking information out and putting it on social media. which is strange. because if it was, if the documents were real and they, they were, they would have been handled. and it was meant to get to their get to russia as the audience. it would have been handled a lot differently, not through social media. secondly, the number of the documents seem to be altered. i think that this was a very feeble effort at different this information, not misinformation, but dis, information effort by somebody within the pentagon to expose
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. but they would say what they would think would be considered sensitive documents by people who they probably didn't think would go and, and test the veracity of the out of the content. some of the things in there just didn't make any sense. the pentagon is really upset because those documents are even though they were altered we're, we're actually originated out of the pentagon, so they've got it. they've got their hands swollen, trying to understand who and who was involved in this. what appears to be a massive leaks, even though the information may have been altered, it may have been, it may have been a concerted effort by the pentagon or it could have been a, a loan was wanting to take it upon himself as to throw off and
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create an atmosphere of confusion. some more serious claims to some emerging from the russian ministry of defense. it is the key of government is preparing to stage a full flag operation using chemical arms with plans to then blame moscow. ortiz remind cost truth is in don boss told us more about the legit plans there. the russian defense ministry says that says this data has been confirmed by several independent sources. the goal to discredit russia internationally and to divert the attention of the world community from war crimes committed by ukrainian nationalists. now defense ministry claims that over the last 2 weeks, he of staged a fake front line of defense near the city of sumi. according to the defense ministry, ukraine plans to deliver corpses of ukrainian servicemen to the equipped pseudo positions and claimed that their death allegedly occurred as the result of russian
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artillery ammunition, equipped with poisonous substances. now the key of regime plans to treat this area as well as the remains of ukrainians serviceman with chemicals. russia says that ukraine's next step will be to invite experts from western countries to document the allege of use of chemical weapons by their washing armed forces. now, in order to make the publication more credible, the crane and special services were instructed to prepare and publish faith radio intercepts on social media as well. now, those will involve the alleged discussions by russian military, about the preparation for the use of chemical weapons, as well as fabricated orders to receive special ammunition for grad multiple launch rocky systems. now defense ministry concludes that this provocation will allow keith to launch another media campaign in the west or media in order to discredit russia. k turning attention to north africa where to new z as president house brundage demands by international monetary fund. officials a foreign dick tut,
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after rejecting its conditions on a 2000000000 dollar, lo, matt's up, please do. what do you want? you want to sell to nisha? kanisha is not for sale. foreign dictates that will lead to more poverty are unacceptable, and the world must understand, as well as the financial institutions such as the international monetary fund that human beings are not figures or a set of numbers for subtraction. and addition to new year's president, a ca, you say he has rejected a long away to 2000000000 dollar i miss package suggesting that subsidy cuts could lead to public and rest. now, when the president was asked about alternatives to the i am if loan, he stated that a to media must to rely on themselves. and on top of all of that, we've had the use foreign policy, chiefly doze of borrow warning against denisia, saying that
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a looming economy collapse into easier is being seen. the policy chief went on to disclose that a very dangerous situation was developing and which you flows of my grooms would hear it from north africa. am to saw that you wrote for either to initiate it in a rush across china. i was happy there has an immediate impact. the rush, natalie, begrudging, grisham migration flows. because you create more instability and insecurity in demeanor region they're made to read. it is as foreign ministry described all these comments as overblown. denise, there has been struggling with an economy crisis that is causing a recurrent and lack of basic necessities such as petrol and cooking oil. it was at that time that to the i am, if demanded that to the county carries out reforms including the gradual lifting of subsidies and basic goods and restructuring of public company in
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t. yeah. okay. some direct marks from political sociology professor at cairo's american university side subject on this. he believes the i m f is just an instrument of the west making, developing countries more dependent on interest laden financial support. those institutions are controlled by big capital, discontinued, especially ignited states and other western countries. and it looks like it, computers, all mac calculations, but actually it has also political influence and political ideas. and the want to guide that country in a particular way. but the mean, of course, it cannot make and political dependence on developing countries that enter into relationship with because i think it's like drug addiction. so they get used to it
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. and after a period of time they just can get out of it. they've become, you know, it's like they can be computed in a different way. and of course the, using the old data using it can make the systems economic development. they have not any successful i m f, a developing countries. they have not shown that this is this is always full of a master manipulator. the words of a bank of america executive regarding ukrainian president log mirror, the lensky, the follow to that many apologies from the company after a conference call on geo politics didn't go exactly the way some in the bank wanted to. or external speakers are independent and the diverse views expressed are their own. we have apologize to those clients who voice their displeasure at some of the views expressed well from what we understand. the reports we have received indicate
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that the bank's head of research has called up a number of clients to apologize for the meeting. and among those who attended, who were offended was one timothy ash, who was a russia specialist. and this is what he had to say. i still don't get why us bank steal we loud speakers had events full clients who so often roll through moscow's talking points on the war in ukraine. if i recall it is booting, who has been dictate for war crime, scene ukraine, not joe biden. now the event is being described as overwhelmingly pro russia. and among the things that seemed to upset detractors was the fact that daniel she, ham, who is the bank of america securities international relations, had he apparently criticized ukrainian liter zalinski. he called him a master manipulator and a maker. and he also said that there was serious concerns about zalinski from
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u. s. officials. now bank of america spokesperson clarified that these were not daniel, she hymns personal use. rather, these were the views that he had understood coming from other u. s. officials. he was simply reporting them to the clients at the of that regardless, there's been a lot of outrage. another point of outrage was a professor from the university of rhode island, nikolai petro, and nichol. i, petro says that he wasn't really being listened to. he was trying to explain the realities of the conflict, bought some of the clients just didn't want to hear it. here's how the professor put it. under any scenario, ukraine would be the overwhelming loser. if this is what russia meant by removing ukraine's capacity to wage war against russia than it will arguably have one. so one of the largest banks in the united states dared have an event that spoke some
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certain truths about the ukraine conflict. and this is deemed to be unacceptable by the american status quo. it shows how narrow the terms of the debate in the united states really are kill him up. and now that is our last night, but stay with us because everything you wanted to know about the 1st former us president to be indicted for a crime, but were afraid to ask. will it hinder or help donald trump in his plan and returned to the white house next year? rick sanchez is direct impact. who has that.


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