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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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ah ah ah, i see you as well maker suggest there might be an american military presence in taiwan. the j already views washington's involvement with the island as a breach of the one china policy. washington is deliberately provoking beijing, just like it did with moscow. that's the view of this. so can still podcast host. there is a guess on the latest episode of going underground. have you believe c, u. s. has abandoned its previous policy, which is walking back, you know, we're trying to spread light. red light is just like what they do with people
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pushing russia red line. oh, pushy, made it easy words, thousands of refugees and run the base. having their already meagre ration slash and half with the world food program saying it simply doesn't have enough funds. that's as large chunks of 8 are allocated to ukraine. we are starving, we eat only once a day. i suffer the heart attack due to hunger. the government and other stakeholders need to remember us. and the central african nation of chad, orders the german ambassador to pack his bags. i can't think him of making an diplomatic comment with coming to you live from the russian capital. this is our t international. i'm rachel evans. here with the latest news. welcome to the
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program. us republican congressman michael mccall, who heads the house foreign affairs committee, believes washington will not hesitate to send troops to taiwan. if beijing makes them move on the island. speaker mccarthy and yourself have said that multiple times now that we need to arm taiwan. now before there is any sort of invasion. what about u. s. troops arctic? you know, then you're talking about an authorized use of military force. what would come out of my committee or a declaration of war which we haven't you license war 2? would you support that? i think if, if the of china commerce, china invades tie one, i think that is certainly if the american people support this, the congress will fall. or the politician arrived as part of the us delegation to taiwan on thursday. while in washington house speaker, kevin mccarthy met with ty, ones, leader, despite china's objections in a potential response. beijing launched 3 days of large scale military drills near
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the strait of taiwan on saturday. the chinese foreign ministry in them. the presence of u. s. officials in taiwan, amen. i. one is an inseparable part of china. china sovereignty and territorial integrity has never been divided and division won't be allowed. some countries hype up the false narrative of democracy versus authoritarianism, and use the pretext of democracy to support and connived with separatist forces and tie one for independence in order to contain china. this approach is extremely dangerous and will not succeed. member, the hamilton coalition to stop the war. kennestone believes that u. s. officials need to tone down their war rhetoric and begin to accept that they're living in a multi polar world. now president m g of china said one month ago that he looks forward to a peaceful reunification with taiwan. but statements like mic calls and mccarthy's
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are doesn't design to prepare the american people for war and are what motivates may call in particular, and mccarthy. ah, are there is the domestic audience in the states? the republicans like to accused the democrats of being too soft on china, while the democratic use the republicans of being too soft on russia. in actuality, they're both part of all of a singular war party that can't see any other way out of their a declining status. and loss of prestige in the world other than war and i it, we, what really they need to do is to tone down the rhetoric and stop treating countries that are other countries around the world that are rising in their development status as enemies and seeking instead to realize that we're living now
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in a multi polar world, the controversial visit to the us have tie one's president, was the focus of the latest going underground show it welcome the host of the silk and steel podcast curls off to discuss china's red lines. here's a preview. what you think of this tie when he is lita arriving? i don't know why. why do you think she's even in the u. s. she said she's going to guatemala and billy's, and it was just to she couldn't get a direct flight and had to fly through new york, which is presumably why she met the democrat, her house leader in new york. and then on the i came jeff recently on the way back to the reagan memorial library to meet kevin mccarthy, the number 2 in the u. s. power structure that has speaking. yeah, i mean, of course you can get like a u. s. and to, you know, obviously challenge size
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a u. s. u s. knows where scientists red light, you know, china, they say publicly no one can do whatever they want, as long as they don't do not keep clear on it. but now us lawmakers are making statement my time one is in country we should respect time one song which is going back on their own commitment to one kind of policy that was signed by president nation back in 1972 years a lie we form the foundation on the sign, all american relationship ever since. so us is walking back on that because they know we're trying to spread my red light and just like what they do is rochelle 1st keep on pushing rushes red line on pushing. they don't use words. they are now trying to push china red line. i want you to understand for china with a time,
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just as ukraine issue is a motional issue for the russians for the chinese high one issue is a highly emotional charge issue that comes in japan moves closer than ever to becoming a defacto member of nato canada says it's going to deploy military aircraft to the country tokyo. so that's part of a plan to track north korean naval activity. but not everyone's convinced as our cheese donald quarter explains. the north atlantic treaty organization has been sticking its nose in the endo pacific. that's as japan's foreign minister saying it's time to get cosy with the supposedly defensive military alliance. the security of europe in that of the indo pacific region can no longer be discussed separately . that was my main message when i attended the nato ministerial meeting last year for the 1st time as japanese foreign minister. these efforts cannot be made by
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japan alone, and we welcome the enhanced engagement of nato, its members and partner countries in the indo pacific. as tokyo declares, it's looking to develop a deep strategic partnership with nato member state canada's wasted no time. and taking advantage of this new window to the pacific. it's already sent a military aircraft to japan with the stated intent of helping and force un sanctions against north korea. and while pyongyang has been under un sanctions since 2006, there is no mandate for any one power to enforce them. no auto has taken the liberty of appointing itself as a policeman of the pacific with japan as its deputy. together we are promoting a free and open indo pacific and protecting the international rules that keep us all safe. i thank japan. one of canada's most important defense partners in the in del pacific region for the strong relationship based on shared values, economic links, and people to people ties. what floor is that this japan nato partnership seems to have been in the works behind closed doors for
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a while. back in january and stoughton berg made an important visit to tokyo, less than a month after japan unveiled its biggest military build up since world war 2. a $320000000000.00 plan to buy missiles capable of striking china and prepare japan for sustained conflict. on surprisingly, beijing feels threatened in its own back yard us indo pacific strategy is in fact an attempt to gang up to form exclusive blocks to provoke a conference pacific strategy. that is to encircle china. as japan re militarize this for the 1st time since world war 2, who and canada asserts a military presence in the pacific. the western august military alliance seems to be preparing for war with china as well. specifically with australia planning to construct a nuclear powered submarine fleet. all things considered it doesn't exactly look like nato was involved in defense if operations on the other side of the globe. asian affairs specialists, andrew long believes that the move by canada is part of
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a wider western strategy to contain china. this is a part of intro by the american 7th street. and now you, as you just recorded at all, cuz and you chris marine deal with australia and end of life eyes alliance with canada. and you see the united kingdom and old focusing on china. and now japan with this new am newly invented a new pacific strategy and tracking ad have in india. again, the whole black alignment is the conn's contain, and con, from china. and naturally, china feels threatened because the south china sea is china's life blood, all international trade and also supplied raw materials. and he sent you an ingredients for china's manufacturing power house and which 16 the stability of the child has government. so naturally china leads to react and hands john is building
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a root water navy. so you got to look at this and, and present happening out would canada, japan and all the rhetoric of all natal. i'm is only a camera raj, a to bring natal to asia pacific. a review of the chaos make us withdraw from afghanistan has been published by the white house national security council spokesperson, john kirby appeared before the media praising washington actions of putting all of the blame on the previous administration of donald trump. the rapid pull out from the country, so us troops leave behind more than $7000000000.00 worth of military equipment. hundreds of people were killed including a number of us servicemen. nevertheless, kirby still remains proud of the fateful withdrawal. i remember going through all that for
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that's pretty remarkable. ah, that airport was basically for all intents and purposes, american property a, i'm sorry, i just will buy the whole argument with all this. talk a chaos. i just didn't see a, there was a lot that went right so yeah, there's a lot to be proud of. peter, a leak of classified us documents about ukraine in china, which are circulating online is being urgently investigated by the pentagon. media
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outlets. site u. s. officials as claiming the files are genuine with one even in meaning. it's a quote nightmare for washington intel agency. my colleague union o'neill discussed the revelations earlier with our t shake bows. it's the astounding air league of over a 100 highly classified documents. and they were released widely on the social media as well, which means they proliferated rapidly, globally as well. and it is a significant embarrassment for the, the western intelligence services, if you like, if they are indeed valid as so we've had a lot of speculation as their origin, their authenticity, of course, unit that claim and counter claim. but, you know, we're looking at these and having a little bit of experience in this sort of area. they look exceptionally a valid to, to a lot of observers. and if it is, if they're not actually genuine,
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there's been a huge amount of effort and resource put into making them look exceptionally genuine. a course, you know, most of the watching the situation around the world waiting to see what the develop and sorry, but we'd like to have a look at what the new york times actually said windshield the story. now, analysts say more than $100.00 documents may have been obtained, along with the sensitivity of the documents themselves, could be hugely damaging us officials said, a senior intelligence official called the leak, a nightmare for the 5 ice a. so interestingly, they also mention in this trove of documents at china and the middle east. they're basically at intelligence that would be of interest and would have been widely shared among what they called the 5 ice in the west, which is, australia, canada, and new zealand. that united kingdom in the united states, basically the anglo sphere of course. the key area of interest right now is what it says about the ukraine, inoffensive, which is apparently coming up much telegram the much advertised it. and there are significant military details mentioned in these documents about the buildup of
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western equipment at when equipment is arriving at various ukrainian units. field intelligence who is where, when equipment is an issue to arrive and also fascinating about training strength. how well ukrainian troops have been trained, or how much equipment they've received, how long they're waiting for their equipment. so it's a, it's an exceptionally complex at trove of documents. and it's a serious concern that the pentagon, i would imagine we have been in communication with the department of defense related to this matter and have begun an investigation. well, that leads us on to the big question, then j of who could be behind these leaks. just looking as well as to the fact that there's 2 separate probes into this by washington. you've got the pentagon, i'm the justice department suggesting they're fearful, but more leaks emerging. yeah, of course. and i mean, the nature of this, it will obviously bring allegations in the west as well that this is russian
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interference and meddling. and we've already seen some of that now from the, from the western media. but of course, the nature of these huge operations is there's so many people have access to data relating to logistics. these are huge, combined arms operations, the likes of which we haven't seen in europe since the 2nd world war. so you've got a lot of people access to data, so it's very difficult to keep this absolutely. watertight. of course, dmitri past cough in the kremlin, has suggested that this is proof apparent that nato has a granular and high level. and you know, involvement in the operation of this conflict. so you know, in, in, you know, in the round we can't for sure say who is behind this, who we know would be very difficult to find the source of course. and you know, we're gonna have to watch it as it develops you in. and of course we'll, we'll get back and let you know soon as we know more for we're planning on official michael mole. if questions, whether the whole story could be a dis,
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information campaign, somebody with him, the bowels of the pentagon, were leaking information out and putting it on social media. which is strange. because if it was, if the documents were real and they, they were, they would have been handled and it was meant to get to the, the get to russia as the audience. it would've been handled a lot differently, not through social media. secondly, it's a number of the documents seem to be altered. i think that this was a very feeble effort at different this information, not misinformation, but distant formation effort by somebody within the pentagon to expose. but they would say what they would think would be considered sensitive
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documents by people who they probably didn't think would go and, and test the veracity of those out of the content. some of the things in there just didn't make any sense. the pentagon is really upset because those documents are even though they were altered we're, we're actually originated out of the pentagon, so they've got it. they've got their hands swollen, trying to understand who and who was involved in this. what appears to be a massive leak. he, even though the information may have been altered, it may have been, it may have been a concerted effort by the pentagon, or it could have been a, a lone wolf who wanted to take it upon himself as to throw off and create an atmosphere of confusion tens of thousands of refugees in
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the east african state of burundi. faith receiving only half of their daily ration needs the world food program, so that simply not getting the support it needs more than $56000.00 con gleese refugees will soon receive only half the food rations they need due to a dwindling of funding for food needs in 5 camps in burundi, the russian court will worse and food insecurity and an international status of refugees and could further exacerbate tensions between the host and refugee communities around the camps and transit centers. un refugee a variety as currently hosting more than $80000.00 refugees and asylum seekers. many fleeing conflicts and the democratic republic of congo. according to the world food program, each person should be given cash or a food equivalent of $0.55 daily, but rations are now being haps due to funding shortfalls and soaring food prices.
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the war in ukraine has also seen the w. p. distribute more than $450000000.00 in cash to support ukrainians. the world bank ranks burundi as the poorest nation on earth. we heard from our free geez, in the country, who said that they haven't actually seen food rations for almost a year. the world food program used to provide us with food, but it has been almost a year since they told us to wait for the used to give us rice, beans and oil. so we could feed our families, but now they have abandoned us. it is a horrible situation, but we are calling upon the head of state and other organizations for needed support, or we will die. you get to get a lot of money. luckily, i have 3 children. i couldn't feed them all. so i had to send 2 of them to relatives in the city of belgium border. we are starving when we arrived here, the world food program provided food for us. since it's stuff doing so there has
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been no other organization providing help. we eat only once a day. i suffered a heart attack due to hunger for less. food is not a problem. as long as they bring us even a little of what they say they can provide. a lack of food and water is a major challenge. we are facing the government and other stakeholders need to remember us. take a look of the sobel. it's her rift place, especially when it rains earlier, the world food program used to support the camp with 50 kilograms of maze. that was enough to feed our families for almost 2 months. we call upon who so ever for urgent help were in agony. since most of us are widows and orphans, were begging the government and the other stake holders to support us immediately. ah, the central african nation of chat has given the german ambassador 48 hours to pack his bags and leave the diplomat acute, still making divisive comments about child's government. and behavior said to be
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not befitting of his position. this decision of the government is motivated by the discovery his attitude and the non respect of diplomatic practices by the german ambassador, as prescribed by the vienna convention. quick has previously stove, as a diplomat in new cher angola and there in the philippines. he was also a special, but a presumptive of but germany government in the what they called the as tables and states. and now he has been serving. is that a germany a buster to childbirth syn, sir? 2021 digit on the for i are for officer, very disappointed about these decisions. for us, the reasons for which the government of chat has declared alan beth trenton, jemina bison, a non grad today. absolutely. in compensable, we are in contact with the government of chat on this matter. the child guffman is
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still on his pause issue. he has a record release seen quite as an inch to 32 much. and i think he's making the busy remark. the gout man of the chat says that the chairman, ah, so in german or received civil war warming about the but he didn't chance he the we talked or that's why bit little decision to ask her beverly to change ambassador. they don't need to leave the wall kibbler fossil monday and chad, the tree assoc and cycle. so come to us all already made the decision to expend west them a diploma that they believe do not respect me. oh, they have been disrespectful to the local governments, african regional analysts,
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mood mohammed ali believes that some countries are trying to lessen their dependence on western powers. well, actually it is the beginning. by the time we will see how this thing will go, maybe in the coming, you know, some coming months is going to be more african nations to be more independent from the bus on the trying to put itself not a country the colonized in the past about foreign countries in the world to have their lives. i think they're trying to show, you know, what african nations, who's been to the pressure of the west. not taking away the yes. you have to do like what happened then year 26. yes, it was. so the condition of trying to work more and more beyond capacity of diplomatic relations with their west and once becomes something of a tradition. thousands of once again gathered into levine for
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a weekly show of anger against the government's judicial reform plans, journalists and political analyst, amir or it takes us through the latest development. for more than 3 months after these demonstrations started to ny, these a beat less noisy, less people have showed up for various reasons to hold the day. many people have gone out of town. others have perhaps decided not to come over because of the terror acts. but there is no problem with security here. the demonstrators feel very free. and what they are doing now is refraining from marching up, the demonstration refraining from blocking the main roads. so that if there is it not there easy, then the security courses and the medical unit can really role the country.
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but nevertheless, if huh, once nathan young to stay lower because it is better for them. and this is why they stop at the recent way. then they have not managed to get away. obviously, these demonstrations are going gone. and as for the feeling here is that while the country must stay carol for security, the brought, this must go on and be visual over, must be stop. the protest comes despite an attack and television on friday evening, a car was ran into a crowd of people at a park on the sea front, which left it telling and tourists and dead and scores of people injured authorities that branded it an act of terror. local media reported the assailant was shot dead by police in response to a spike in such incidents. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered the call
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up of military and border police reserve. it the attack happened just hours after 2 israeli women were killed and another person critically wounded during a shooting in the west bank. medics and soldiers were quick to arrive at the scene . this aspect is currently at large israeli officials claimed the man responsible was palestinian, and that a man hunt is under way. the latest cycle of violence or rob did after idea of forces conducted a raid on the all accent marks on wednesday. it was packed with palestinian worshippers at the time. i leather rate was carried out on thursday triggering the escalation, political analysts mohammed now he says fridays, car ramming shows. israel's idea of solving everything by force does not work on palestine because one is think that it would have been good. it could be sold by force. what is it? what with us, you know, as we witness and listen from them,
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read off to you. yes. is because also there were some who loves it under with a virus sensitive issue. as all that one is spirit lying. they will not allow the greatest the power to break it really. and the students, while she was waiting for the whole year to come to be denied access to alaska are removed by both as a witness during the day on the wednesday of this week. so it's a very romantic situation, and i think there's a lot of promotional and regional with as well, who is the situation in the last blog? i think that is what it allows you to look. we'll watch a lot, then things will get come. i french court has forcefully shut down our t france, that it says it comes after last year. censorship measures taken by the european union and france shortly after the start of the russian offensive in ukraine. the european commission demanded all channels of r t in sputnik in europe. the silence claiming they were propaganda tools of the
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kremlin. and january of this year, the french treasury decided your fries are t, frances assets. this week's final sanction imposed by the french authorities once again provoked the anger of a number of journalists and trade unions. a french professor at the moscow state university believes that europe's judicial systems are being used as a political tool where you will, i make a decision. we see from this decision, which was made by the way, by the french court that today within this framework, within the framework of the ukrainian conflict, the judicial system is being used as a political tool. it is impossible not to recall that r t has been under sanctions for several months even years because it did not distribute the so called correct information. the number of restrictions and journalists and the media is growing. if they don't follow the needle line, the globalist line, we node the restriction of freedom of speech in europe and the closure party, the forced liquidate.


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