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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 10, 2023 6:30am-6:55am EDT

6:30 am
ah, ah ah, ah ah, ah! hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered? i'm peter labelle, western elite, or in the cute state of anxiety in america, there's a state sanctioned effort to destroy trump in his followers. europe, faces mass protests and economic dislocation when it comes to foreign policy. western gemini, hinges on the fate of ukraine. overall, b outlook is bleak. ah, discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess martin j and mary cash. he's
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an award winning journalist and commentator. and in budapest we cross to george semi while he, he is a podcast to write the gobble, which can be found on youtube and locals are joining cross grills and effect. that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate it. and i start out with georgia in budapest. my introduction was a bit rim, but i think it's a good reflection of what's going on right now. really want i want to distill by the end of this program is how domestic politics and ideology in the west is infected and bled into quite literally into foreign policy. where we have this post . modernist agenda is, is dividing countries at home and threatening world peace abroad. it's all interconnected, you can't separate the 2 charged. i agree with you. we have it throughout the west. political leads that do nothing go out of the way to do nothing to enhance the interest of their own publics. they boast about it,
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as we've seen with ally in the book and the others. and we're, we're on the inexorable cycle of this war in ukraine that enjoys no public support either in europe or in the united states. but it is absolutely fully committed to on the part of the global elise. now, in the united states, there's an additional twist to it, which is the clear front runner on the republican side is donald trump, who is the one political figure anywhere in the west who is called the ukraine war into question. he's attacked the elite that delivered this war is called for an immediate cease fire, and as says exactly what needs to be said, that this war serves no other interest. other than this a wall making global is to lead the destroying our economists for
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years. now, this is, there is a powerful conspiracy afoot in the united states to stop him. and we don't know whether that will succeed or not. but it is instructive that there is such a conspiracy to hold to the presidential run of the one you know, there is a distinct lack of interest and an emphasis towards who has been wrote the very beginning and cynicism as well grades of cynicism. but now what we're finding is more than one year on the post that i'm reading now are indicating the in america something like about 50 percent of people polled don't believe in the ukraine, wouldn't believe that the, that is a, was a genuine sincere inertia from, from by it to actually achieve wherever sitting out to achieve the need to just believe in their, their little confidence and that, you know, and i think us as your point though, you know, the, some factor is incredibly important. why is bullied and so obsessed with the green
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war in a we'll find out one day. one of the things is that the truck has to be stopped because trump represents common sense trumped, represents ending the war, and turning over a new page. and they'll be a huge amount of probing going on after that process star. some will actually get to the bottom of the links abided by the family and the ukraine will. you know, there's an interesting guy, that's what we're seeing in america right now. it reminds me very much the o. j. simpson trial. i think we're going to get to a point where, you know, with biden's in the office blends president, but he has no chance, no hope whatsoever of winning a media scrap online with trump. and i think he knows this, you know, i think it's already started now the, the clips have started because recently left out a button over the fiasco of yes, to canister withdrawal. you know, i think there be a lot of this, but, you know,
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the plan is so political, i mean it's just so incredibly school. i've got democrat friends in america who just shrugged shoulders in small. and when i put it's, you know, this is really a political stitcher, but i think we're heading towards a massive failure of boyd and i just can't see how he gets to the end line in this with this already fails, the more trauma and people like that are going to be blame george. i mean, that's why this is foreign policy and ideology in the issues complete very, very closely. ok. so if you, if you're against a biden's war, pro russia, but the best there, you know, very simple minded, you know, simple binary, everything the more we move forward, everything becomes a binary. if you're not with this you're against us. i thought we got over that that, that the uh, sophomore at thinking with the iraq war, but we haven't george yet? no, i think us. right. and then, you know, when you examine the, sorry,
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the trajectory of a biden's recent career and not even going to go back to it, or his belligerence that he was a neo con in 198 is that he was an arden boehmer of yugoslavia. in the ninety's, but just a recent times, he was an, an enthusiastic, zealous. ah, purveyor of the russia gate thesis. the trump was an agent of pollutants all the way up to 2017. and he was a, along with obama, suggesting that somehow that the u. s. government, the u. s. intelligence agencies do not cooperate with the incoming trump administration because it's infiltrated by the kremlin. no evidence of whatsoever. and he did, but he was the purveyor of this rubber. he said that, oh hey, maybe we can get michael flynn on logan act. violations, and then in the 2020 election when he was, he was able to attending the world. oh dear, give those a plot between
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a putin and trump with the bounties that somehow russia was underneath and it's like, is it on the taliban? no. you know, the bounces on the heads of the america, so just this is, will biden is, this is either the worst post possible person i to be present. and now we have the consequence of his when, when he said the other day that, oh, we will stop trump from being president where he was blurting it out. he was gloating out what he had settled. so he did. what did he say? we'll stop the nord stream tightly. the tone was exactly the same. the words were exactly the same and either he was essentially bothering out what was clearly true, that there was a plot within the biden administration to stop him. come what made, and we already know that there's been co operation with the abiding justice department and alvin brag in new york. you know, now, is the story in the new york times in georgia?
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is i building some kind of a rico conspiracy case against trump? no doubt the biden administration is involved enough, so this is the total talk with him within the government to stop them from the democratic. well, bear you just took the words out of my mouth. martin, let me do elections play in this. apparently they don't play a role at all. okay? because if you're not going to allow your, your competitors, you're not to participate, you're not allow debate. you're not allowing descent in democracy is worthless and meaningless. it's actually an empty ritual market. it's an empty ratio, and i completely agree, it's totally worthless, but it will all come down to just this one parallel of this engagement between trump and bite and on social media and trump will dominate this. and i think this is really where we're heading now. we're heading towards the election, which is completely unprecedented on so many levels. but it will all be about trumps ability. incredible ability, you have to add to dominate the media agenda,
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interest stop journalist writing about the hum drum minute show of every day, boring political stories about health, health care and environment and economy. and just focus on the idiomatic tweets. and he puts out every 30 minute then what it's gonna come down to this is what the election is going to be really to think the biden as played a bad movie. i really do think it's going to blow up and his face because, you know, even if we manage just to get trump in jail, you know, a think reaction from american people from a lot of swing voters. i mean, what swing voters do we have in america? say 20 percent, say something like the people who, who don't actually stick to one particular policy, those swing voters are going to vote again for the republican side as approaches. really because the danger is i see your on your thinking. but the danger is they might not vote at all. that is also a possibility. yeah. and that could be something historical if you have
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a massive built in western politics when you have a great deal of the, because of that's a bad thing. as a method of sanctions. so in other words, the countries are unable to trade with what they have because of the american control of the dollar. what, how our country is going to react. well, we're going to can conduct now international trade with using national currency is, are you on or something else, but not the dollar when the, where the united states can just simply prevent us from doing business. and then of course, by seizing russia as central bank assets, something unprecedented. it wasn't even done to, to hitler again, who is going to hold his assets in dollars. the euro's any will because they know that they're going to seize them anytime the americans see like it. martin over the last new cycle or so to under secretaries of treasury visited europe
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threatening sanctions against their low says that our eyes are not keeping the sanctions against russia. i mean, this is what they do to their friends, not. they're opposed 20 seconds before we go to the break. yeah, that was, it was the missed coming into power. supposedly trump had terrible relations with nature, european countries that died and was gonna come in and repair the fix. the problem button button is just as nationalistic and protection to stick as trauma. not more so. so i think there's a real crisis living there between. i mean, there was something here that the germany guys were going to go to a short break. and after that job rebel, continuing your discussion, i had some real estate, the murphy ah, ah ah,
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in 1884, the german empire began its colonial invasion into namibia. from the very start. berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local tribes. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to a rebellion. in 19 o 4, the hero and nama tribes rebelled against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined and ordered to suppress the rebellion with the utmost severity against the inhabitants of nam may be a germany through it's 15000 well equipped army. all around the country concentration camps were built. in humane medical experiments over citizens were
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conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans killed up to $60000.00 people, among which there were 80 percent of the hero tribe. and 50 percent of the nama tribe. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later after the massacre in namibia hitler's assault unit put on the same brown colonial uniform which push the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war lou, welcome at the cross top, where all things considered on peter lavelle. this is the home addition to remind you. we're discussing some real moves. the. the
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go back to george in budapest. i want to go back to the, the idea logical origins of this melees that the elite are experiencing. there's no reverse gear with these people. it's very total list again, what, what we've gotten down to. it's not really even politics in a way. it's more of a culture of it's a purity test. everyone has to pass a purity test, which means if you're pure, then there's something wrong with you, your, your defective. maybe even evil and impurities need to be extinguished, demolished here. that's a very, very dangerous approach to social policy, to politics, to security, george, i agree it's, it's a very divisive policy, but it's a matter of somehow, you know, we, you know, the least we are blessed by logical purity of the sort of the sense that we are on the right side of history, you know, the end of history culminate in us and,
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and everybody else is on the other side, whether domestically or internationally. but it's also very curious phenomena. we're kind of western. so grandma say that we have a right to rule world one at the same time, despising everything that was vital and strong and funny about western civilization. so they despise, obviously christianity they despise even. you know, much of this, of the, the sold, that is permeated western civilization and, and i pretty much despise every leader. and every one who whip one led to regard it as a hero of western civilization. so it becomes a completely empty, vacuous look out of political correctness woke us, whatever you call, that is now the representative of western civilization. well, you, if you have nothing to offer the world,
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he can't go on expressing this'll do. western german is on because it just nothing i renewed and people are going to turn against it. i mean, there was a time in the, the great air of a western imperialism when people kind of admire that may not have like the western imperialist. but they did admire what the west of the chief in the science industry, technology, military prowess, old athens area, and especially for the people i've been for here, we need imitate that. we need to get to be like them in order to compete with who, who is my i and all the so that will the western civilization of today, the anna lena bear boker style of civilization. you know, in a martin, the thing is with this ideology, it's, it's, it, it, it projects a, i think, a fake morality a quasi morality because there's nothing there. there's no foundation to it. and, but it doesn't really even pretend to want to solve problems. it's either,
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you know, institutions or people who rubbish, you know, when you look either ukraine countries and america's well election in italy last september. i thought, well, maybe there's a change with this, a georgia milan who, who was, you know, said you know that immediately before they lecture, oh, most celine is coming back. this is most celine in high heels. and then given the 1st thing she says, as soon as she's elect the very way i am 100 percent behind zalinski and she me the telephone zalinski. same thing happened in fin on the other day. the, the fin chick otherwise known as son m are in the finish by minister. she's defeated in the election. the man replaces a 1st thing. he says, we are 100 percent the i'm finland behind ukraine. they're fighting for us. i think because george, they don't want to be urban damage here. no question. i mean, but they know who their pay master's. i know you do you stand. i doubt with the santa marion will be coming back to be prime minister. she's going to go on to bigger things in the it's just a stepping stone for
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a big some international career. and people with not is that was so very interesting about how journalists now are just simply co spokesman for the leave, the people in power. and all of their hostility is directed toward ordinary people . the way they are treat ordinary people is, is with rage and feeling because they ask awkward questions. mil somebody from the street with the say hey, why exactly are we in ukraine? i mean what, what you brain down for us? what, what was to think pinnacle because they don't have an answer to that because the politicians are used to answering any of the ridiculous questions like how it would come. we trust bruton to stick to his word. and when, when, when can we be sure that putin has been defeated and removed from power? they ask questions if politicians love, they're just swamped away, but older people don't on thinking like that. hence,
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we need to be treated with utter contempt. you know, they're just firm in on the street. oh, yeah. i saw a very interesting interview a few weeks ago. oh, this whole trans activism and all that. and it was this of female swimmer and that is in the news right now. and she said on tucker carlson, she said, what is the difference between these transgender activists in blackface genes, an ordinary person, and that such a great question. what is the difference? i think they're probably the same, but no, you, that's per bowden. you can talk like that, okay, cuz it's not part of the official narrative, but to same thing as what's our interest in ukraine? what can you explain to me again, why we're supplying so much weaponry and money to this government and why? and we still in theory, all these questions are very valid in there. there man and women on the street questions just as george has pointed out more. yeah. you know why we in syria, you just said well,
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and it's one of the questions that journalist will never race when they have these moments. so and study will be addressed by spokes persons. of these institutions is the lyrica is stealing a 100000 barrels of oil a day from northern serial. and that particular strip of syria, thompson, american administration doesn't call syria anymore puts it's got a new name for it. i know, you know, but we are living in a town with many of these stories. and there is this extraordinary ability to fudge over the facts and stick to what i call the perceived truth rather than the real truth. and i think this is where we've got to now with all this work is that george is talking about, of course the global. so the rest of the world just rejects work isn't totally i do . it's just totally stupid. but it does have a purpose. and the purpose of locus them is that you start to identify particular subjects and then make those subjects to boot. so for example, in the u. k,
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the opinion editor of the independent newspaper, who happens to be a black, letty, toby, i could not write an opinion pace on black issues in the u. k. think about how can i know, how can i know how about racism or black people in the u. k. you know, you'll just eliminate it. and i think the same thing is going on with the american press with the ukraine. you know, you're not allowed to write about the nazi groups operating there because that doesn't really fit into narrative. and this, this, this information that's coming from america is so, oh, it's been around for ever since to see a was invented, you know, and it, unless for credit was the bridge to help the americans get the ca, off the ground. the 1st place we're going to just information going back several hundreds of years. but you know, it's, it's interesting. it's still going on. there's still a lot of fake news out. the people are from, you know, really a stress to the time it could bring the whole thing. and that will be talking about
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will be forced to talk about this for the next 18 months or so. yeah, but i remember everyone, most of this, this information you hear that you read comes from the government. that's where it comes from. lot from from conspiracy groups, the government and we have to react to a gentleman. that's all the time we have a want to think, my guess in budapest, any medication i want to thank you for watching us here. are the see you next time . remember? ah, operation aerodynamic began shortly after world war 2 and lost it almost 3 decades . it wasn't a major effort to try and split the ukraine off from the soviet union, us intelligence together with hypnos execution i was trained hundreds of savages to be deployed in the soviet union. this focused on the east of, of so well, i'm starting with today,
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security service of ukraine uses not only the statistic message, but also the ideology of the nationalist. a with a form, the initial you want to pull up a post on a can use to put value. what do you do or change? but you also still a
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what i see the student post. there's no rule you lation says diesel tutorial on bob. ah, if there is another search of these hidden sanctions that were experienced last spring, they could lead to famine. and then he exclusive the head of a russian grade. next, autism unit reveals the unofficial hurdle that western powers use a block. otherwise i'm function, trade in agricultural produce, am fertilize with press in the russian language are no longer allowed in teams, most problems honestly as the playing authorities types. and they grip on both of those church and made the east the holiday and the v. v. c appeals and twitter
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to remove the government funded media label, slap on the profile despite the broadcast, receiving their.


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