tv News RT April 10, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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foreign policy, i'm your house, manila chan. thank you for turning in. we'll see you again next week to figure out the ammo. ah ah, russia react to. i'm a legend last in legal classified pension document saying it is nothing new for washington to be spying on world leaders. french for emmanuel mac loans statement about the need for strategic tanami from the united states needs backlash in washington. china conducts large scale military drills near taiwan in response to get another provo evocative visit. i talked to you at officials with
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hello well there was just go on 4 pm here in a rush and capsule where ever you catch in the news hour from today across the globe. this is russia has issued its position on the report, so i'm verified leaks, documents that supposedly emerge from the pentagon. the kremlin says this is not an unprecedented case. really to these creatures, nothing should be excluded. there have been some interesting leaks. every one is analyzing them and they are being widely discussed. the fact that the u. s. has been spying on some world leaders, especially european ones, has been revealed not just once. there have been many scandals. there is also a tendency to blame everything on russia. it's a common obsession right now. these sir documents are photographs of documents were f, 1st spotted on relatively marginal gaming, air, and chat sites at discord and fortune. most people would know,
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but they very quickly leaked out into the wider media and did the story brokerage with the new york times on friday at reporting that over a 100, you know, detailed intelligence files will apparently look like intelligence files, korean, a wide range of topics you know, the western media, of course and picked up on the story and picking up the ball enthusiastically and running with it. and it's very interesting. we can have a look an out of what, what their narrative has been on it so far more. more details are emerging about how and a parent trove of intelligence documents leaked under social media sites over the last few months. with the justice department investigation already underway. classified government documents covering not only ukraine, but other parts of the world have started showing up on social media. this appears to be a major compromise of pentagon seekers. they describe a range of us intelligence activities, including america's spying operations around the world, and iran and north korea's nuclear programs. time something sensitive like this
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comes out of the pentagon leaks from the pentagon. it is taken very seriously by the administration, from plans on the ukraine conflict. significantly detailed logistical plans on western weapons when they are meant to arrive at different their ukranian units, unit strength to the placement of those units. so in great detail, it also features a documents, routing to what the western powers would consider signals intelligence, which is intercepted intelligence. and a lot of that intelligence actually comes from there. i suppose it allies no, when we talk about all these different little countries like kicks in, i suppose. am a props perhaps even worried? have we seen these reactions from them? yeah, well there's been wide spread a dismay of currently a report in the western media, but all from anonymous sources. so so 3 is the only a country that is officially as said that they request an appropriate measure from
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washington. once the 2 countries finish figuring out the situation, we plan to request appropriate measures from the u. s. if necessary. that process will proceed based on the relationship of trust form between 2 allies. of course, ukraine has come out and has suggested that this is a russian dis, information ploy at to distract and confuse the, the media and the public ahead of this much vaunted and telegraphed ukrainian, a counterfeit. the aim of secret data leaks is obvious. divert attention, cast doubts, and mutual suspicions. so discord, it's an ordinary game of russian secret services. all these documents real pops only authentic. well, we don't know whether they're authentic, and i think it's interesting that the western media have now uniformly picked up the ball room with the authenticity of these documents, which is interesting, you know, when you consider that it's the same media have also uniform. he failed to challenge
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the u. s. government on the allegations relating to the north stream attack, for example. so we've got a big disparity between this group think now. so i think really, you know, they've also turned a blind eye to numerous breaches of the geneva convention, for example, in ukraine when it comes to ukrainian military. so i think, you know, we have to keep an open mind, but i think we have to view this with some skepticism now to say, right, let's discuss this now for independent gym political allies. and all that pepe escobar is in the studio with me that a good to see you. thanks for taking the thyra. interesting saw this one. what do you make of these unverified leaks? you asked ok. i mean, 1st of all, all they real look at me. you and zeroes, remember mad magazines, spy against spy cartoon in the sixty's. now that was the black row and the white crow, it was absolutely delirious. and this is something like that. but the problem is,
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everybody on twitter and telegram looked at the secret intel, which is not that secret when you actually read it. there are a lot of inconsistencies at the language, is pretty weird. did the nominations of the weapons, sometimes is the west cesar and russia, sometimes it's natal, it's not coherent at all. so you can see there is some sing dodgy about and so you, we don't know the details. of course, the pentagon is desperate to spin. this is a fake, but we know it's not a fake. it was leaked probably by an insider the probably a u. s. insider is that a u. s. i u. s. insider and up for instance, ray mcgovern, pharmacy analyst who knows one or 2 sings about the beltway in the how intel works . he said, look, this looks a little bit like viet nam, when the pentagon used to put up the absolute inflated figures,
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then it was see the reality was completely different. but it could also be a mix of there, an element of miss direction in it. this or not another ca shores. but why is that? why, why in the 1st place, why leak it in the 1st place? ok. let's say lamb culprit number one. tony blinking himself a few days ago actually telegraphed that the famous counter offensive is going to start in a few days, mid april and next week. probably. so this, if this is i'm, is direction the russian missile defense, really, alberta so okay what, what are the exactly trying to say? so they're going to be slightly puzzled about that. i'm not sure they will be puzzled till probably laughing about it, right? so i don't see any, i'm assuming this was constructed to misdirect the russians, the purposes forget it. but the problem is, which i think is the way more serious these documents prove that united states is
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at hot war against russia. and now this is and the speech too much is extremely serious, and people are forgetting to discuss this serious new su. yes. interesting. i'm, you know, they told us that they're gonna try and find out what it looks good. so that's why i'm so sharing down a bit here, but it's also the trying to find out who leaks it. is that important? is it really important? who leaked it as opposed to what was leaks? it's a very good question because it, it's down to the heart of how the american system works. it's about optics. it's not about content. right? so, you know, your question is perfect because that's it. so ok, let's try to find the culprit for missing a new to my new chelsea. manning well, and then is everything that is going to happen is going to be chelsea manning to
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point 0, but nobody is going to discuss the actual facts and the fact spell out ah, the american, they have a form. it's inside the russian ministry of defense. according to these documents we moved, this is true or not. so that would be lovely to hell, an answer from the russian list. okay, my job, if that is true, i mean, that's a thought even was an allegation. was it say that because they wanted russia to shake the tree and see who would they would fall out? yeah, i called to panic. yeah, cause panic, copa cause scales. it's thing pyre of scales. we can have my forget that in obviously i throw the restless. busy off balance, wow. me too is preparing the so called counter offensive. when i spoke to under a marciano, which one of the best, a military analyst, right in the me, english anywhere in the world. he said, i wouldn't stress him if you think that offense, i got that off. okay, i'll keep my distance. you'll have some free, right?
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so even if it's through and if it's true or failed, it doesn't matter. doesn't matter because the russians and i would say, i would say that to me, therapist scave, we with a few words, he nailed it. he said, we know that they are at hot war a gas stove, so natal and us and whatever they do, we know that the yes i'm always going to continue the way we organized. my so that's all right. so entering fluence in of it, in other parts of the league there. so what showing that. so the u. s. is and we said politely, keep an eye on its friends and allies. that's it. so i've never really understood right. have allies and we have friends though, every, every statement that you know, and the blinking comes out with is like, no, our friends and allies of a different people festival. and now the u. s. is just keep an eye on it just to make sure. i mean south korea's come out with this is a healthways air. dear. not friends in there are not allies. they are vassals,
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their puppets. that's it, you know, so did, according to their documents, assuming that they are through day spy, on every one in europe. all the 5 ice and the most sods, and people who are outside of, as i call if nato stan, including south korea. yeah. so everybody is treated like a vassal, nobody is equal to the super power in everybody's us by the phone. but this is something that we know for the past 75 years like, there's nothing new about it. so we've known it for a long time. not going to change anything then. oh, but would it, is it likely to bring some form of pension or re oh you know, i know no ramp up the tension between friends and allies and the us because of these it could be severely counter productive. we should look at what
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a self screening us are going to do. ok, most of the other friends in our lives are supplying fossil south korea. they have an independent streak, you know, here they are pretty substantial mid power as it stands. and there's a lot of people in south korea, even in the south korea political, sat up dak disagrees profoundly with the fact that the country technically is still an occupied country americas now. so this is this assumption that if any, on the next governments of south korea could change in a heartbeat. and if south korea starts thinking about that, you region integration, russia, china, and everybody jumping into bricks. plus, i'm want to be a member of bricks. plus i didn't really good course. i mean, we could talk for hours. you admiring this, the jip politics. but intel links, how every one does business, especially the brakes, especially in china, is the special relationship between now back in the 8th is reesa here about the
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special relationship between the usa and the u. k. that's the special relationship between russia and china. things have changed in geo political, that's for sure. but let's look at new quain and see how they respond. and they said basically false. nothing, nothing to see here. nothing to loving to save if death. some, some guy on twitter just now ruffling feathers. what i mean clearly the thump this and the. 3 old saying there's no smoke without fire. so is leg. is there anything to see here? i mean, we are, i know we're speculating if they're, they're real or not, but what, what she crane, what would ukraine get out of this if they are real? d freaked out with the, i wouldn't say real numbers because according to the best russian military correspond is on the terrain that the racial or of casualties extend to
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one. according to these documents is more, alas, a 6.57 to one which is closer to the truth compared to what was being spun by the americans and to what a week ago. right. so obviously the ukrainians, the completely freaked out about that because it's more closer to the end, a few extrapolate to what could happen after the end of the current to slaughter house in the mosque while it's going to be the russians are big. this the rushes strategy, what's bringing about it is that they just tweak it, but it's essentially the same strategy come here, we're waiting for you and then we apply our amazing machine. this is exactly what they did, inactive watson and worth brilliancy. and the most extraordinary thing in march, and i've said that i cannot believe that need to planners, did not see this coming. so this proves that militarily they are nor,
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and void really, you know? so discounts are offensive, which is basically being designed by the americans, by natal, by effect until mister kings, al, sent his business card. that same was under ground to am command center near viv, which was flattened by a king's ours acting. these are the people who are playing the counter offensive center. so when you look at it, i mean, when this, this special measure operation started, i remember thinking back i'm, i wasn't in russia that's, i'm, i remember thinking back saying, no, i'm sure puts in, has thought this out. you know, russians are a world famous known chess player since, you know, i mean, we'll champions and fights the all these steps a plant. and he probably even knew that these were going to be like these dis, information leaks or information leaks were gonna come out as well. but this counter offensive that nato is talking about. it is this just smoke smoke and
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mirrors? it's desperation. it's to last act because if this fails, that's it, it's over. so you know, we, we are, we are getting crazy numbers like 200000 troops. ok. but these are not the best ukrainian trips which have been if this are rated since, so since february last year, you know, these are people have been recruited probably last week. some of them, you know, so actual combat troops, 1st class, maybe we're going to have what? 30040000 including natal mercenaries, 50000. that's it. it's not enough. our accounts are offensive. and the russians, they have been digging trenches. they're waiting. they haven't even launched their best weapons yet, except for a few kings 1000 fuser con. so it's a threat it's, i would say this is a art that mosque as a giant trap. if you think actor mosque is bad, wait for the cancer offensive and it's, it's still the same way. decimal was plan,
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of course. look, we all know there were many, many mistakes committed, especially in the 1st stage of decimal. they are being more or less corrected with general armand armageddon, sort of, you know, of course, among other factors. and of course, the minister of defense went and i heard here in moscow severe critics directly against the minister of defense. but the article reacting more or less mistakes, let's see, look, allies mistakes. but the overall strategy remains, which is we should always remember dreamily dim light and military zation not only of ukraine, but of me too. and this is being accomplished. yeah. there's no stocks left across me too. so you know, i you want to go on for your for another year. no problem. you're going to have one kalashnikov left in one year from now. yeah. yeah. the yeah, sorry already angela. you and i,
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there figure that we have to talk about what can happen with finland with simon. that's another top story, but sadly, now we ran out of time at perverse go. our pleasure. so thank you so my pleasure. any me so much today on archie, always good to lindsey. thanks again. thank you. i. let's move on out to our other top stories now. france is present. backwash has been facing a barrage of criticism on line of the he warned european powers to be wary of washington. a said the lax its own or ptolemy am could become a vassal of another global superpower. in response, a problem, republican congressman says the u. s. could end a support for ukraine and leave the conflict for europe to do with we need to ask europe, does he speak for them? because we're pretty heavily involved in ukraine. right now. we're spending a lot of our taxpayer money on a european warning, and i've supported that because i think this in the national interest in the united states to be allies to our allies, but in our allies position. in fact,
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mc chrome speaks for all of europe and their position now is they're not going to pick sides between the us and china over taiwan. and maybe we shouldn't be kick picking sides either. maybe we should basically say we're going to focus on taiwan and the threats that china poses. and you guys handle ukraine and europe. the 1st time the european leader has been calling for the e. u to have more independence from washington. last, despite the fight with the e, u continues to follow us policies of sending increasingly more weapons to you claim his r t contributor rachel madison. with her insights on the issues as president emmanuel nicole revealed to journalists on the way back from china, aboard the presidential play. that he apparently had some kind of an epiphany while he was in china. it sounds like he's now saying that europe really doesn't have to ride shotgun alongside washington every time that washington decides to load up the warm veal and speed down the regime change highway. the paradox would be,
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that's overcome with panic belief which as americans follow us, the caution europeans need to answer is it in no interest took to the right across on taiwan? no, that was the would be to think that we repeats must be comfortable on this topic and take al q from the agenda and the chinese over action. so math all just figured out apparently that france can have a foreign policy that's independent and not aligned with either the east or the west. not sure how we managed to miss that lesson earlier since michael claims to be a big admirer of former french president, shot the gun who kept france. other nato built a relationship with moscow and kicked the americans out of france when they wanted to stick around indefinitely. after the 2nd world war like they have in germany, it's just that macklin didn't have that lesson at top of mind prior to the ukraine conflict popping off. he may been able to convince his european counterparts not to jump off an economic cliff at harm their own energy supply in industry. just
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because the u. s. wanted them to mistakenly buying into this idea that it would bring the russian economy to its knees as branch economy minister, pulling on the mass, said mac, who said that european nations should also reduce their dependence on the quote extra territoriality of the us dollar. and avoid becoming, quote, vassals, macros, new found concern about us economic overreach might have something to do with the potentially devastating impact on your of, of biden's inflation reduction acts particularly on european industry. as mckelvey lately begged us lawmakers to recognize during his visit to washington last december assisted young him. what he thought is, what has happened in written months is a challenge for us, because we're starting to how differences and annotations and the cost of the war in ukraine. is not the same in europe and in the united states, but most importantly, the choices that have been made for which i shall goes. in particular,
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the inflation reduction act on the chips act. i chose that will split the west, now renewed interest in french strategic autonomy might also have something to do with the fact that china sent him off with a really nice party gift of a massive new deal. beijing has agreed to buy a 160 new commercial aircraft from the french, headquartered european aerospace conglomerate air bus, whose chinese production is also now set to double with a 2nd assembly line in change in that also has airbus ahead of its american rival, bowie in china and gives europe a major new advantage in that fierce economic competitive do awfully. which is really just an extension of u. s. and european interest since boeing and airbus is so economically critical. so heading home with this new yet from china for the french economy at a time when the u. s. side has given europe a string of headaches and empty promises. it's not hard to imagine why michael
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might suddenly be singing the praises of keeping his geopolitical dating options open. i spoke with the vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and social studies at mills along right here this year. and he said that europe is a hostage to conflicts where the u. s. demands complete support. there is no need for china to, to try and separate europe from america. because china look at the world in a totally different approach that fire respecting everybody's interest. and to, to look after its own inches to as well. but most importantly, i think that china is presenting to the world as a different kind of global power. it's an interesting stuff that this how this is all playing out, you know, we had. so ursula, on the line we had macro visits in china,
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shortly after. she's in p was here in russia, speaking with but in the u. s. seems to think, well, my call seems to think that the u. s. is using the e as in vasa as a, as a way to sort of, you know, push the u. s. is terms, do you think us that could be a possible that you think that could be a possible know of advantage for the us if it has the e. u, as as a power piece? well, i think her europe has been understood to be supporting the u. s a, whether it's willing lay or unwilling les or, or being held hostage in a sense that's up to everybody's interpretation. but, well, that's why we have you head out. yeah. your interpretation, well, fact is the fact that i think in europe has been taken hostage in my view, or when it comes to the ukrainian conflict, or you know, to,
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to be all the us side to support you crying in a sales. but i think this trip of president mc chrome in china has reviewed that the europeans, or at least mac chrome, being one of the european leaders is coming to his sensors that it should actually look after their own interest. as i always say, facts are facts. because inflation is going up in europe and the cost of g is going up like crazy over the last year. so it's people's lives. we're talking about when you have people that are not happy with what they have, the politicians, their leaders were have to think and to do something about it. try that has been conducting large scale moves. he drills and if i was regionally
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the has returned from a trip to the u. s. which included a meeting with congressional. how speaker kevin mccarthy. the war games are taking place in aerospace animals, those surrounding ty, one near miss military aircraft, along with destroy ships. and an aircraft carrier are taking part in the drills. on the last day of the drill, the us naval ship sailed through the waters of south china sea, taiwanese official, say, the american vessel was providing support and coordination for taiwanese forces in case of an armed concentration. last month at russia's feet also carried up exercises in the sea of japan. after the japanese leader visited cave. as was live, now she taught china as a discuss. this was c g t n correspondent. oh, thanks a lot for joining us there. now how do you assess the scale of these latest chinese ability jewel, is it just regular training session, or is this something bigger?
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yeah. well, right, so it's hard to say this specific, scary, especially if you want to compare with previous previous similar ones. but i can tell you is definitely large a regular training. why? so i answered, slim is, i think i need to tell you some highlights of the 3 day military rails during the around high one fine and show this military very all happening in. so i was great and also our grounds. i one island and the eastern theater command of the chinese people's liberation army saying that they tried to have what they call an approaching just around tie one island on day 2. they stay, their focus was to what was the so called simulated a precision stripes. so this is very important because according to a research fellow of the academy of the military sciences of the p o h, this is the 1st time that's
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a stimulated precision strike in on targets in tie. one was mentioned in its official public report, and the command also released a read the animation on sunday night about the committee, the precision spikes. and we can see that the missiles were launched upon its rocky corps air force and also maybe for an target on several occasions in taiwan. and also earlier you mention that this is also the 1st time that's age aircraft. carrier named the sun don't participate in the military trails. so i think this clearly excellent explains the scale of the military. it's definitely not exactly as interesting. you say that, you know, another thing that springs to mind is the timing is this was this always planned or has something pro, vote what's going on now?
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right. so the military dreyer's happened after taiwan leader try you one match with the us house speaker. mccarthy. and after high you will return to the island friday night and the military thrill started on the saturday morning. so the timing, everything this is clearly, are you part of the contra matters of meeting with kevin mccarthy? the director reason you asked me, is there anything about the military trail, the direct reason, of course it's hard said i think is what the represent. the chance the chinese military have already said that this is the military drills are serious warnings to try one step. right as an external force. so i think on this that shows that to china, the question is non negotiable, and then china doesn't accept any violation of the one china principal,
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whether the violations are made by thailand, stuff with a separate support or external forces such as the west then c, g, t, because one unpleasant to lead usa. thank you so much for your time. thanks again. thank you for having me. thank you. well, i wrote this a news our check out going on the ground. that's next we'll be back in just on the 30 minutes. oh, the blender, the leaves are an acute anxiety in america. there is a speech sanction effort to destroy trunk followers. europe faces mass protests and economic. this location when it comes to foreign policy western in germany hinges on the state of ukraine overall.
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