tv News RT April 10, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] ah, ah, russia claims a leak of classified pentagon documents about the war and you praying reveal nothing new that those questions remain about the authenticity of the file. the us could call it support for ukraine and leave europe to face the conflict on. and so that's the warning to the french president from a republican senator and you were in choppy water tension spike in the pacific region. as a u. s. navy vessel sailed through the south, trying to see how well the j, old major drills all around taiwan with coming to live in the russian capital. this is our
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t international. i'm rachel blevins here with the top stories of the hour. welcome to the program. questions are still being asked about the authenticity of documents, supposedly leaked from the pentagon that had been making headlines, but russia noted it wouldn't be the 1st time washington spied on its friends. literally these creatures, nothing should be excluded. there have been some interesting leaks. every one is analyzing them and they are being widely discussed. the fact that the u. s. has been spying on some world leaders, especially european ones, has been revealed not just once. there have been many scandals. there is also a tendency to blame everything on russia. it's a common obsession right now. they were initially released or discovered on the relatively on known a discord and for cham chat sites. there, there were there some time apparently before they were picked up. and the new york
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times did a story on this last friday. the league of over a 100, very detailed and documents covering a huge range of topics and the western media has really picked up the ball and run with, with these as authentic, and we have a look at exactly what they're saying right now. more details are emerging about how an apparent trove of intelligence documents leaked under social media sites over the last few months. with the justice department investigation already underway, classified government documents covering not only ukraine, but other parts of the world have started showing up on social media. this appears to be a major compromise of pentagon seekers. they describe a range of u. s. intelligence activities, including america's spying operations around the world, and iran and north korea's nuclear programs. time. something sensitive like this comes out of the pentagon leaks from the pentagon. it is taken very seriously by the administration plans about ukraine's their preparations for a,
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a much vaunted upcoming counter offensive. the papers also mention what the western intelligence agencies would call signals intelligence, which is basically information that has been harvested through spying and spying on their allies. also with south korea. and israel boat being mentioned air, you know, the western media is talking about dismay among these country, but the sources are all listed as anonymous on cnn, et cetera. so, and we're kind of watching to see, are there gonna be any more a statement so, so cory, the only countries actually made an official statement. big hitters like israel of the u. k. remaining quiet on it. of course, ukraine has road in and suggested that the whole affair is essentially an elaborate a russian dis information campaign to distract and deflect from a confidence in their upcoming offensive. the aim of secret data leaks is obvious. divert attention, cast doubts, and mutual suspicions. so discord,
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it's an ordinary game of russian secret services we have to sort of look at the way the western media has really a, you know, swallow this earl, hook, line, and sinker. there's very little questioning in the western media now as to the voracity, despite the fact that any confirmation of their authenticity is essentially from or, you know, anonymous sources. and i suppose we have to think of, you know, the same. a western media has been very shy to question the u. s. government on, for example, the nord stream affair, and they're very silent on that. but on this particular subject, they're very vocal and seem to be, you know, promoting the idea that they are definitely real. so i think we have to kind of be skeptical and have a look at this as it develops and it's probably a story that will rumble on for some time. so i think, you know, the did, the main view is a take it with a pinch of salt for now, and let's see how it develops and will keep you informed. independent geopolitical analysts have a escobar claims, there are numerous inconsistencies,
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and the li documents look at maybe you and so my viewers remember mad magazines, spy, i guess spy cartoon in the sixty's. now that was the black crow and the white crow . it was absolutely delirious. and this is something like that, but the problem is everybody on twitter and telegram looked at the secret intel, which is not that secret when you actually read it. there are a lot of inconsistencies at the language is pretty weird. did the nominations of the weapons sometimes is at the west, cesar and russia, sometimes it's natal, it's not coherent at all. so you can see there is some sing dodgy about and so you, we don't know the details. of course, the pentagon is desperate to spin. this is a fake, but we know it's not a fake. it was leaked probably by an insider, according to their documents, assuming that they are true. they spy on every one in europe. all the 5 ice
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and a massage. and people who are outside of, as i called it, nato stan including south korea. so everybody is treated like a vassal. ah, nobody is equal to the superpower in everybody's us fight upon. but this is something that we know for the past 75 years, right? there's nothing new about that, according to the best russian military correspondence on the terrain that the racial or of casualties extend to one. according to these documents is more, alas, a 6.57 to one which is closer to the truth compared to what was being spun by the america and to what the week ago. right. so obviously of ukrainians. the completely freaked out about that because it's more closer to the end, a few extrapolate to what could happen thing for you. and then we apply our amazing machine. this is simply what they did. he knocked them off and worth brill. and the
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most extraordinary thing in martian, i've said that i cannot believe that ne took lenders did not see this coming. the russian union at green exporters as climbing under hand attempts are being made in the west. just her foreign companies from trading russian, wheat, and fertilizers does buy those products. being excluded from sanctions don't always toilet us. we just see that this is a back stage process. when all banks refuse to make payments, all insurance companies refuse to corporate are all ships under a certain flag refuse to enter russian ports despite all existing licenses. what kind of private initiative is this? when all this happens on a scale, those are clearly coordinated actions. and this is confirmed to us in informal conversations that there is a verbal command to do this. of course, no one can confirm it is completely unofficial, but it works very effectively. so if there is another surge of these hidden
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sanctions that were experienced last spring, it could lead to famine. we were on the brink of this last year. as soon as the sanctions weakened, the grain price immediately returned to normal and it happened as soon as we went public. when we asked these uncomfortable questions, then people who state one position are forced to justify their actions, as they don't correspond with what they're saying. with the neutral several global corporations have said that they plan to quit russia's grain industry by july ending activities ranging from harvesting to having ships at sea. 6 asking to leave a domestic void, but a russian agricultural giant is expected to buy out assets. now that means that daily operations in the industry are not expected to be hit with specialists in suppliers working to export the food abroad. now, in fact, russian green exports are increasing with the customer base up a 3rd year on year, including an expansion to the middle east and africa. mean la moscow has not said
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it all back and extension to the ukraine. great deal, claiming that western partners aren't holding up their side of the agreement. don't we've done for streaming, but sure we have approached this with a degree of aggravation. we have offered to extend the steel for only 60 days. that is based on the fact that if there is no further progress in removing obstacles against russian fertilizer and grain exports, we will have to consider whether or not we really need this deal under. the alternative made me to increase trade partnerships with countries like saudi arabia, algeria, and south africa, and get we ultimately to the nation's most in need. and while the war in ukraine as being painted as the main cause of global hunger, western traders involved in the grain deal are reaping benefits more than 23000000 tons of food exports have left for its on the black sea developed countries. sab, recently they received nearly half of that, the poorest nations, on the other hand,
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got just 6 percent. one of the reasons why direct partnerships with consumers may be a better option according to moscow, and so on. and they got a kitchen like a crop them, but is actually our own company is have already surpassed foreign ones many times over. and of course the situation has evolved over the past year. and so we just ready, we've been faced with attempts to strike us out of the world market to reduce us to 0. but one must understand that russia is responsible for more than 20 percent of supplies on the world, great market. and so these erroring of such a volume would lead to a serious food crisis. those sanctions that they tried to impose on us were an official because grain belongs to the category of humanitarian goods. but the sanctions were imposed by verbal commands by individual officials who were obstructing us in any way possible. but over the past year, we've established direct relationships with our biggest customers. these are the countries of the middle east,
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north africa. they're the world's largest grain consumers. that is today we've created our own unique trading space outside the global one. and this for us as it turns out. as a much more workable design, francis president has been facing a barrage of criticism after he warned european powers to be wary of washington. a manion that crop said the ear lacks its own autonomy, but in response to republican congressmen claim the u. s. could end it support for ukraine and leave europe to deal with the war alone. we need to ask your, did you speak for them? because we're pretty heavily involved in ukraine. right now. we're spending a lot of our tax payer money on a european $1.00. and i've supported that because i think this in the national interest in the united states to be allies to our allies. but in our allies position, in fact, chrome speaks for all in europe and their position now is they're not going to pick side between the us and china, or taiwan. maybe we shouldn't be picking sides either. maybe we should basically
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say we're going to focus on taiwan and the threats that china poses. and you guys handle ukraine and europe. it sounds like sen rubio is playing the. how could you, after everything i've done for you card, now that knuckle is 40 with china? yeah, washington has done so much for europe in ukraine, which is why my call is pleaded with washington for a lower prices on gas export to your, from the us. now that the block is dependent on us l. n. g. after being encouraged by washington to cut off their chief russian supplies and the ukraine public is just so good for europe that michael was begging us lawmakers on a visit to washington last december to. ringback reconsider the impact of biden's, protectionist inflation reduction on european industry as a result of europe blindly following washington's agenda on ukraine. so if the us wants to europe handle ukraine alone and sen rubia was threatening, well, there's a pretty good chance of peace breaking out. so maybe you didn't think that through
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very well because it's worth recalling that rubio was a strong advocate for killing off europe snored stream pipeline with stations. and he hit the roof when biting considered lifting sanctions. that when it was mysteriously blown up, rubio claim that it's just quote, common sense that russia did it, which is weird because there weren't any russian officials running around like rubio and his fellow american neo cons word demanding its demise. now the panic over mack holes comments has really hit fever pitch here on this side of the atlantic. my trunk could not be clearer, and even clear pots were removed by police ago on the request of the embassy in his v. taiwan is not europe's problem, and europe should not become vassals of the united states. this brutally on demands his credibility as leads in europe. my cronin joins shows in, in the lexicon of shame. for me, emmanuel micron is a political disaster for the you,
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mainly contributing directly or indirectly to for exit. exactly what good and expects also arkansas sen plan. cotton was just calling tv here. a catchy mackerel over his this interest and blindly following washington into a conflict with china over ty, one at the risk of that conflict popping off militarily. cotton was most recently seen advocating also in favor of the american troops into us ally next door. neighbor, mexico ostensibly to fix america's own fentanyl drug problems. but it's also noting that not co went even further in statements about china than simply expressing this interest in being dragged into a new u. s. like conflict over timeline. and this is really been reported not who also expressed an understanding of china's position via the taiwan. and according to the german press, the french president said quote, as europeans, our concern is unity. the chinese are also concerned with their unity and taiwan as
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a component of that unity from their point of view. not sure has managed to get washington's attention in a hurry for president. it goes over to china, leaves with a massive new economic deal for air bus to sell $160.00 new commercial jets to china, and also doubling of the french headquarters multinational production in the country . which ultimately amounts to a major victory over air buses. big. busy rival and pentagon contractor bowie, and on the way back on the french presidential plane, michael, had this pitney, the paradox would be about overcome with panic, were belief where just americans follow us. the caution europeans need to answer, as it is now interesting to the right to christ on taiwan. know, there was thing would be to thing that we repeats must become full, was on this topic, and take our cue from the agenda and the chinese of erection. it's worth noting if there's perhaps more going on here than meets the eye as michael was using,
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maybe his new position on china to pressure the us to give europe more to keep it on 5 of the us. because mac hole, who remembers the president of the country that synonymous with seduction games, sounds like someone who is just given a pricey gift bias tutor and then flashes it to everyone in town. so then get back to their partner who hadn't given them much recently, except headaches in the lower networks. and now that frustrated partner washington is pretty much acting exactly as you'd expect. a possessive lover to action frustration. art he spoke with the vice chairman of the shanghai center for room pack and international studies. nelson won't care in the studio. he said, europe is a hostage to conflicts where the u. s. demands complete support. there is no need for china to, to try and separate europe from america. because china look at the world in a totally different approach that fire respecting everybody's interest
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and to, to look after its own inches to as well. but most importantly, i think that china is presenting to the world as a different kind of global power. it's an interesting so that is how this is operating out. you know, we had of ursula on the line. we had micron visits in china shortly after she simply was here in russia. speaking with put in the u. s. seems to think, well, my car seems to think that the u. s. is using the e as a vice, as a, as a way to sort of, you know, push the u. s. is terms, do you think of us that could be a possible that that could be a possible know of advantage for the us if it has the e. u, as as a power piece? well, i think the europe has being understood to be supporting the u. s. a
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whether it's willingly or unwilling, les or, or being held hostage in a sense, that's up to everybody's interpretation. i think europe has being taken hostage in my view or when it comes to the ukrainian conflict, or you know, to, to be all the us side to support ukraine in a sales. but i think this trip of president mc cross in china has reviewed that the europeans, or at least mac chrome, being one of the european leaders is coming to his senses. that it should actually look after their own interest. as i always say, facts are facts. because inflation is going up in europe and the cost of energy is going up like crazy over the last year. so it's people's,
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i swear talking about him when you have people that are not happy with what we have . the politicians are the leaders. we're have to think and to do something about it . a u. s. navy ship has held them to the south china sea at the time when beijing is conducting large scale exercises in the region. the war gates were taking place in air space and water surrounding taiwan, military aircraft, or company naval destroyers and an aircraft carrier, taiwanese official, say the american vessel was providing support and coordination for taiwanese forces in case of an armed confrontation last month. a russian fleet also carried out exercises in the sea of japan, a correspondent from the c g t n news network told us, or took us through the significance of the latest military drills this military dre all happening in. so i was sweet and also i found one iowa and the eastern theatre
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command of the chinese people's liberation army. stay that they try to have what they call an approaching gesture around tie one island. on day 2, they said their focus was she was what was the so called simulated precision stripes. so this is very important because according to a research fellow of the academy of the military science of the p o h, this is the 1st time that a stimulated precision strikes him on targets in tie. one was mentioned in its official public report, and the command also released a recei animation on sunday night about a stimulated physician's flight so that we can see that the missiles were launched . to follow me, it's rocket forced air force and also maybe force and target on several occasions in taiwan. and also earlier you mention that this is also the 1st time that's
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a aircraft carrier named the sun don't participate in the military trails. so i think this needs are clearly excellent friends. the scale of the military is definitely not. the israeli prime minister has backtracked on a promise. just the country's defense minister, falling mass protest on the streets of jerusalem. benjamin netanyahu announcement comes as thousands of israelis join senior government officials and a pro settlement march in the west bank. the march was led by the israeli national security minister ban giver, as well as other cabinet and can asset members. givers said that the rally sent a message that israel was standing strong. the tar outpost that they walked to is considered an unauthorized settlement by the international community and was evacuated by the previous israeli government. the palestinian foreign ministry condemned the march as
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a provocative act. your shea fleischer is the advisor to the israeli national security minister, and he believes the key condition for peace in the region will be the return of israelis to the westbank region. we have every right to live in our ancestral land . we are an indigenous people in the so in this place, we're not really settlers at all. we're really resellers. we have come back to assert our rights are self determination in our ancestral homeland and judea and samaria. this is the heart lance of the holy land. this is where we're from, this is where we're going to go. and we liberated that land in 1967. and we intend on indeed settling that land holding on to it, developing it, and really making it into a strong middle eastern country, which is a really a partner for middle east peace and progress. but the prerequisite for that is the jewish people's rights and their ancestry homeland. that's what the march was about . the most provocative thing for the palestinian leadership,
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not for every individual palestinian but from palestinian leadership. is the existence of israel that it's just very provocative for them. it bothers them to no end since they're committed to the destruction of israel. the march comes at a time of rising tensions between israelis and palestinians, falling last week's police rate of jerusalem's all oxen. moss. the 1st rate happened on wednesday morning when israeli forces storm the building, claiming dozens of young men. i tried to barricade themselves inside a senior member of the policy and group. hamas believes that western countries must apply more pressure on israel to ease tensions in the region. so i let them in the expansion of settlements, the demolition of houses, the storming of the amex and mosque. that's what we need to respond to. if you want to achieve. com and if you really want to reduce the escalade and try to put pressure on israel to stop this policy and these actions. however, unfortunately neither the europeans nor the americans want this. every one who
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appeals to us once israel to continue its policy while palestinians do not respond, but such an outcome is impossible. we will not humiliate ourselves before israel and will not recognize it as our land. israel uses only the language of forced brutality and murder to day in the west bank. we see many people being arrested. dozens of officials from different sides have personally address me. all of them were seeking de escalation, but we have no other answer for them, except that when not a party, to what is happening to those who have been subjected to injustice and persecution, a palestinian summer pharmacy as even from enemies to friends or ron and saudi arabia have held the germanic thought in their ties, that has seen diplomatic relations restored after 7 years in the wilderness. he iranian foreign ministry said it was not just good news for the 2 countries, but for the wider region that i thought, based on the subjects degreed in beijing,
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which is based on the joint statement of the foreign ministers in both countries. the official ties between iran and saudi arabia has been resumed on a practical level, the weekly press, or by the iranian foreign ministry spokesperson. now, so can you said that on saturday, a technical delegation from saudi arabia visited iran and is still in iran, paving the ground for the reopening of iranian, of this o. d embassy into one and the saudi consulate in the city of mash had now we are expecting that a similar technical delegation from iran, from the islam republic to visit saudi arabia in the city of re all the capital react were an iranian embassy will start working and also in the city of judah, the saudi city of judah were, and iranian consulate, while the establish there, of course, saw that delegation will visit 3 all in the coming days can on he said, in the coming 3 days, the impact,
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the positive impact of the normalization between iran and saudi arabia, onregional and international levels. and he said that already it has played out very well in the region by national agreements between iran and saudi arabia for receiving ties. ever see positive feedback on regional and international levels. therefore, it will have a positive effects in the field of cooperation, increasing piece consistency, security and commercial and economic cooperation between iran and saudi arabia and other countries. we see that that normalization and the resumption of ties was brokered by china, a key player on the eastern blog right now that country china hosted the talks between iran in saudi arabia in the capital aging. and we see that ronnie and, and so the foreign ministers visited in the city are placing officially started the
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diplomatic size between the 2 country. and kennedy also said that that specific location and the resumption, the official resumption of the ties will bear many more positive consequences for the region and for the entire world. when it comes to security. politics and even economy christians around the world have been celebrating easter. it will be another week before orthodox believers also mark the occasion. in the vatican, frances held a special math syrian catholics took part investigated in damascus, while in south africa, events were held across the country as our tooth corolla, our reports. and on this day she shall rise, and so too rises. this delicately populated township. here in the east of johannesburg, called ivory park, where christians wake up with
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a verve of the day. and some do not even sleep as the usher in the day with a soul. this is one of the most important days on the christine calendar. and this is how solid africa celebrated. ah, what makes us do an overnight in church, on this particular sunday, is that we don't want to sleep in our houses because good friday is a remembrance of jesus when we look at this remembrance, it starts his our hearts through taken off the body of christ so if you have accepted jesus christ to will touch you because one must take the body of christ with a glanced heart. and that is something that makes us not sleep and seen and prays jesus all night long. i was told by speaking about our lord jesus christ from thursday to become back on friday. he will come back and speak this 7 last words from jesus stomping and leaves and trees,
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and we take him to the cross. we preach and we read from the bible and his holy church. oh, i see lie. a we here to ivory park as worshippers where praying for the horrible things we see happening in the township. we pray for our kids are kids smoking drugs. we pray that they leave these drugs, those they kill our parents, we pray they stop the killing and come back to the house of god. that is what we are preaching. ultimately is the least the friend things to different people. but here in africa, it just really centered around relief. got, i believe that that will oddity in alexandra johnsborough. and that's all for now. be sure to check out our t dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. we'll see right back here at the top of the hour.
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