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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2023 1:00pm-1:17pm EDT

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yeah, oh interesting. it's still incredible to see what this looks like inside what goes up must come down. we take a peek inside the very capsule that took a russian film crew up among the stars because the world's 1st feature film in space that, that today march the 62nd anniversary of mankind reaching the cosmo with coming to live in the russian capital. this is our t international. i'm rachel evans here with the top stories of the hour. welcome to the program. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski and fellow senior officials have been implicated in the embezzlement of at least $400000000.00 from western funding . that according to the latest bombshell report from fuel as their prize winning journalist seymour hersh, one estimate by analysts from the central intelligence agency put the embezzled
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funds at 400000000 dollars last year. at least another expert compared the level of corruption and key of as approaching that of the afghan war. although there will be no professional audit reports emerging from the ukraine. for a $100.00 per gallon. is the price that the american taxpayer is being footed with to facilitate kia, transporting gasoline, quite a half the amount and from what we understand over $400000000.00 are estimated to have been embezzled by zelinski and his cronies. now the report also goes on to say that ukraine is buying russian oil. what is interesting about this is that apparently ukraine claimed back in bring in 2022 that they had ceased all purchasing a russian products. but they are not telling the truth apparently was not being
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directly purchased from russia, but purchased from 3rd party countries with these front organizations that they've set up for the purpose of bottling money and hiding funds. it sat around the country, bulgaria apparently is one place where this is taking place. there are other front organizations that have been set up for the purpose of embezzling funds. embezzling mind it's intended to spend on weapons. seymour hersh describes a kind of the outlines and the methods of ukrainian corruption in his article. many government ministries and key of have been literally competing. i was told to set up front companies for export contracts for weapons and ammunition with private arms dealers around the world. all of which provide kickbacks. many of those companies are in poland and shaqia. but others are thought to exist in the persian gulf and israel. i wouldn't be surprised to learn that there were others in places like the cayman islands and panama. and there are lots of americans involved, an american expert on international trade told me now. lensky dismissed 10
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officials in order to appease the united states. and these were officials who were so blatantly corrupt and showing off and bragging about their corruption and the amount of taxpayer money from the united states. and still, that was that it was felt that the lengthy let them go. now. some of the meetings between zelinski and his top military staff have been described according to the theme or something out of a mob movie from the united states. apparently, they were angry quote, he was taking a larger share of this money than was going to the general. and apparently there has been fighting between zelinski and his inner circle about how the lute gets divided. now the article also goes on to describe that. well, there is a total breakdown between the white house leadership and the intelligence community that apparently there are quite a bit of disagreements within the biden administration and within the us
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intelligence agencies about how to conduct operations. anthony blanca apparently does not want to hear any criticism of the ukrainian government. he dismisses all the point to things like corruption and other problems on the part of lindsey and his allies being both throw. meanwhile, in here at the biden administration has no real plan for the conflict, for resident, resolving it or moving ahead in any way. at the same time, there are us troops stationed in poland and ukrainians, are being trained in how to use f. 16 fighter airplane from the united states. many are looking on this new report from seymour hersh and saying this shows what many people have been pointing out is the case all along. ukraine is a very corrupt country and a lot of the millions and billions of dollars that are being poured into ukraine by the united states. that the expanse of the american taxpayer is not actually going
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for military purposes or humanitarian operations. but in reality is going to line the pockets of some very well connected people. we've seen this conflict as an opportunity to make lots of money for themselves. earlier american radio host and political satirist, randy credit got talked over the findings with my colleague here in the studio, and he says he's not all that surprised by the claims. well, it's like a clod ringing as an casablanca saying, i'm shocked. there's gambling going on here. it's, it's, it's no shock at all. it's, it's not surprised. we've known, i think people, it's an open secret that his government is corrupt, that, that he's corrupted. he's been rake and money off the top from the very beginning. what see more hearst did was really lay it out in a way that hasn't been seen before. the only problem is will the western media, the compliant media actually pick up on it? i mean, you got a smoking, a bigger than a smoking gun here. my seem or her,
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she's an impeccable reporter in best investigative journalists in america over the last 50 years. so when he says that it's true. all right, so what do you think the wes will be able to pick up on l? well, they just, you know, high been under the carpet brush over it and maybe look a different story or will there actually have to, you know, say something about it. well that is reporters veterans, sconces, western reporters in k will rake it under the carpet because if they don't, then they'll be thrown out, all right, and they will get fired a at c n, n and m s n b c. if they report on it, just like they didn't report on the north stream bombing explosion by the u. s. a. norway. so i expect that will just go along with it to get along. i mean, well, you know, we look at so how the news is report it. no, we try to repair aussie, we try and ripple all sides of the story as much as we can. we know it could be, it's different on the other side of the pond and as we know,
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but this corruption or this specific corruption of $400000000.00 would affect the key of military. for example. i mean, is it slowing them down to think was he doesn't care events. i don't think he cares at all. he wants to keep it going. he's got his orders to keep this going. don't negotiate. he's basically a puppet of the u. s. nato nato course is us, and he's just going to do what they say to do because he's basically in a box. so i guess he's rake and then a lot of cash in the process. i doubt if any of it's going to be lower ranking military personnel, the russian region of can chaka, has experienced the biggest volcanic activity since 1964. but the sudden interruption, i've chevy, which leaving the surrounding area covered in ash, the volcano is the northernmost stack in russia's far eastern peninsula. the rupture footage you're seeing shows a huge mushroom cloud that dropped 8 centimeters of ash on the town below. warnings
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were given about the flare up and there have been no threats to people or wild life according to scientists working in the region. so to go further in depth on this, let's cross live now to dr. robert constant. ask you a vulcan ologist at free university of brussels. thanks so much for taking the time to join us on the program today. now, can you start by telling us about the a ruptured at kim chaka? how does it compare to similar volcanoes? or when it's made, so for the magnitude of disruption, we'll do optional for index. so for on a scale that will kind of just used to classify reactions, basically an index one option is more explosive and index. it is a logic. this is an option somewhere for, from what, from yearly dot estimate, which makes it a motivator option on better book events in the past history of shipping. and we
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got the interruptions that we seen in 2021 in lots of here in the sand or similar in indonesia, in significantly smaller than what we saw in hong kong, for example, it's 10 times more than dr. option. well, that's good to keep in mind. now local scientists are saying that the threat from this volcano hasn't been serious for the region. is that typical? well, it's not necessarily. typically what you do to help is to explore their options. all sorts of what kind of phenomenon can occur. some of them will be fine when area closer to the you know, others will be frustrating. like, for example, the one kind of guy stuck, it's like now it's carried to the east across the, the north pacific. so, so we're going to rupture would be confined within a couple of kilometers from the vent. and if the settlements are a considerable distance from the, from the vent,
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then the out in the city and the prevailing williams on a. busy cross, i'm happy to regions, they would have a good one, bye. ok. and now there was also an earthquake income chaka this week. what have any connections are there between these natural phenomena in the area? but there is no connection with the rupture. in other words, the ruptures do not trigger this launch event. i am not aware of this month. i haven't heard anything of it. but given the major general chicken setting of con, ciocca, which lies at the seduction zone, where the pacific blade slides on the plate tectonics earthquake can occur independent of work on interruptions, india. now when it comes to this volcano, might we see other or larger or options? is there anything to be concerned about right now?
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well, it's incredibly difficult to predict the size of should you look at your options or to see if any rupture would be smaller or larger than the current one. if we look at the she story of shift launch, we see a v, i 5 your options in the bus. so your options 10 times bigger than this one. so we know the game was capable of creating such ruptures, but we cannot really see in the next one is going to be big or small, or when the big one will call it's, it's estimate will be with serious degree of uncertainty about how to get to know an oil certainly continue to keep an eye on this one. dr. robert continent, you a researcher at for university of brussels. thanks so much for your time and insight. been to variable the allegedly said, the pentagon documents continue to provide revelations about the war and ukraine, claiming that serbia secretly sending weapons to kiev,
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despite publicly refusing to sanction russia. the latest disclosure comes from an alleged secret report called european response to the ukraine in conflict. the vials say that serbia refused to provide military training to kids forces, but did commit to sending lethal aid. it also quite so great has the political will to continue helping ukraine. something that serbia and officials categorically deny . we have denied those falsehoods more than 10 times. and here we are. we will do it again. serbia has not, nor will it sell weapons to the ukrainian or russian side, nor to the countries surrounding that conflict. someone's goal is obviously to draw serbia into that conflict. but we consistently stick to our established policy. serbia has taken a neutral stance since the beginning of the war, calling for negotiation instead of escalation, even offering belgrade as a venue for peace talks. and it continues to reject sanctions on russia despite an
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enormous pressure coming from the west. according to the serbian president, this possession also seems to have some support among serbian people several times since the start of the conflict. crowds have gathered in capital displaying russian wax and rallying for long term friendship between that unique ah, was very overwhelming, that we were kind of shocked and we were after the take off and the, and the dog there. when we were very then we were exhausted. there we were shooting like of, of movie live action film with the artistic white i was trying to create an atmosphere as cinematic atmosphere. there is good capsule of dust. you see how the capitalist banning you see through the ford toe and you realize to gloss is this fake than you realised that the chair start spinning? this means the parachute has opened? well, you're not panic, and at this moment it's already happening. it's too late to panic. it's no secret
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that hollywood wants it to be the 1st to release him movie filmed in space. more specifically, it was tom cruise, who was supposed to have done it by now with the help of the nasa n space sax courtesy of ellen musk bots. their project was postponed while russia plowed through with the challenge and beat them to it. and that's with about a 16th of their budget. apparently the song we're talking about factors in space. but just moments ago the russians beat us to him. last year, nasa said it was planning to make a movie with crews on the international space station. but the winner in this space race is moscow over hollywood gleam chapin co and eula per sealed are now pioneers in their field. who can sell other filmmakers, watts expect in space? because this is probably just the beginning. it was difficult. i was also doing the cell, the engineering and her dog jammer mechanics, and i was betting up material of those thing known,
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sending it to earth for my editor to check on for li color guide color as to to make sure that i'm doing all the over technical aspects of it, right? and it's not too dark, and it's not to write it. so we were schuman many scenes of, with the white, from eliminators. once every 40 minutes for changes into being dark, is that a change about to be lied to me about those transitions are really magical. it seems that even though space travel is still very far from being accessible to everyone, it's definitely opening up and becoming popular again. whether it was intentional or not. this film seems to have revived some interest in the field of space, which has yet to return to the hey day of the sixty's. the cues are all the locations the saw use wrenching, model was displayed, were surprisingly long, and some people waited up to 40 minutes just to catch a glimpse. this may be taken here on this part of the capsule. there's
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a message from the leading actress of the film julia piri sailed. she wrote, thank you and left her autograph right after the crew landed on earth after the journey into space. and there is a little tradition from what i understand. if you rub your hands on this and do something your wish will come true of fear in the back. that's right, it's a good luck ritual. and we tell our pavilions, guests about it too. as the capsule passed through all those layers of the atmosphere, it was subjected to certain stresses and it covered and what's called cosmic, such as the ritual. here you have to make a wish touch the capsule and collect the space on your finger and touch your nose. let's try it and see right. ah, that i don't have you made a wish that yes, as you find that i really liked it. it was very interesting. i would like to be in their shoes for cooper such a fabulous feeling. like we're getting closer to space. well the question,
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well it feels like you close to your dream and you remember your childhood when you had big and bright dreams, then your chin and tears.


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