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tv   News  RT  April 13, 2023 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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yes, yes, what a good. i feel you snap on it besides you cuz what we found the cd just because i eat, but there is danielle wars, but it lula ah ah, moscow's f s b says ukrainian special services and their agents, including russian up on members were involved in the killing of a war journalist in a cafe bombing earlier this month. also, i had 20 years of us military occupation viewed with us contractors efferson got a son, have only made terrorist more ramps trying to point the finger at the un nato. for the crisis in afghanistan. bring a saw met to address security concerns related to pub seriana, ron r, restoring relations with saudi arabia starting from mutual disdain to unity in
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cooperation. as we had discussed, as damascus is returned to the arab league, and a lot of outside the see jobs, maybe one of the locations with planning to launch the counter offensive count referred to from our team more august. the of explains how russian border cruise breakdown ukrainian forces as cath plans, inoffensive, and little gone for public. ah. coming to you from moscow, this is our international with the latest world news updates. i'm pure ela is about . it's great to have you with us. we start this hour with breaking news as moscow's f. s. b has said the killing of russian war journalists lab led to tar ski. earlier this month was organized by ukranian special forces and their agents
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or more details of the latest findings were joined in studio by art correspond that maureen across the river moreno. welcome. can you tell us a bit more about the f s. b fight f s. these findings absolutely well, according to russia's federal security service, the girl who was arrested in connection to the explosion that took place, the girl that at the up of all who actually delivered the explosive device that was camouflaged as a plaster bust of the war. correspondence she is said to have been working with a ukrainian national this ukranian national. his name is denise self, and he apparently flew to moscow. he came here. he left kiev through last year came over to the moscow region. she spent some time tracking lapland to tar. sky, he even went as far he bought a car, he even rented an apartment near to tar sky home. and i guess that we're looking
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for the perfect time and place. and i guess the perfect time was april 3rd, which is when they did what they did. they delivered the device daddy at the up about when they're delivered the boss without the explosion. the rest is history. of course, after that, according to the f as b, this man, then last bratia, he went to our media armenia and then he proceeded on to go to church. of course, the f b has now opened a criminal case against him. he and is now working on putting him on an international one said list now the f. s. b claims, of course, denise was art working on the orders of ukraine security services and also the agent. so there are multiple agents and including members of russians, opposition who are hiding abroad. so you mentioned that the f s p has identified opposition roofs having a hand in the terrorist attacks what role that they play? well, it's mainly through repeated calls for aggression on russian soil. we'll see numerous
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videos from ross's opposition. members, for example, we have supporters of alex and the volunteer. his jailed of course, but his supporters are still out there exit on people, asking them to continue their acts of aggression. and according to the f as be, what they see is now that alex and the volunteers behind bars, his anti corruption foundation is still alive and going. and the leaders of that organization learned bulk of the bonds down of they are also abroad. they're also accused of inciting, for example, extremist activities and insides in people to carry out terrorist activities on russian sold. they're also on the wanted list, but they're continuing with their calls. so inside hatred and for violent acts in russia, let's have a listen. some examples. there are some people who no matter what participate and protest organized actions of civil disobedience and even blow up military warehouses. all of that is great. well done,
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honor and praise to them. you can set the military salary at an fire, then do it. he's a request from la milan view and that we've got an armed resistance. could you kill someone more significant next time? so these are the kinds of statements that will save time and time again since the special military operation began in fact. so they're seeing this as dia, triple was inspired by calls such as those that really and this is how it came about. now we know the identity of this man, denise of who orchestrated this on the orders of ukraine security services. now this isn't the 1st time marina that moscow has accused ukrainian forces of committing crimes against pro russian figures. it is not the 1st time you're a law at all because we know as soon as this happens, woodland to tar sky, straight away. everyone remembered what happened in august of 2022. why and we saw the killing of daddy. do you know who was the daughter of a prominent russian,
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the philosopher, alexander the duke and, and there was so yet another explosion. her car was basically bombed and she died. and she had nothing to do with a special military operation. even though oddly enough, they were in the same circles as lapland. sitarski, just so happens because they're, they're moving around the same social circles there. so, but explosion seems to be the method of choice that we've seen from ukraine. we've seen the explosion, for example, on the crimea bridge, the nordstrom gas pipelines that we've been talking about for how many months now ukraine, of course, denies responsibility for all of these, all of these devices. but as soon as they happen all these terrorist attacks, they are happy that they happened. and some are, we've seen ukrainian officials themselves hauling for attacks on russian solid in moscow in particular for example. so even though they deny responsibility, the f s b has time and time again, seen evidence and prove that they are behind these terrorist attacks are to marina cancer. and i think marina oh,
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china intends to close airspace over tie one next week, but only for half an hour. in contrast to its earlier announcement of implementing a 3 day no fly zone regime, the restriction is said to be a safety precaution connected with a plan launch of a satellite. that comes as tension between beijing and taiwan have escalated, falling. the taiwanese regional leaders visit to the us, beijing responded with drills to send quote, a serious warning to pro independence forces. on tuesday, the chinese president inspected the navy southern theaters command, and called on armed forces to step up military training artes caleb mopping braces . more details the government on taiwan says that china is preparing to launch a war, and they say this in response to the latest drills from the chinese military stimulating and circle many of the islands. look at the military exercises and also their
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rhetoric. they seem to be trying to get ready to launch a war against taiwan. beijing says these drills were a warning to the government on taiwan and to independence forces. similar drills were conducted after the visit by then speaker the house, nancy pelosi last year. but rather than trying to de escalate this anyway, recently we saw they had of the us house foreign affairs committee visit the island of taiwan and compare chinese president. she's been paying to add all hitler, talking about a provocation. but taiwan foreign minister doesn't seem to concern about what these actions might lead to. he says china has no right to dictate how taiwan chooses to make friends. what. what is it that these friends of taiwan really wanting? she has some c manufacturers, 90 percent of the advance global supply of advanced semiconductor chips. oil was so important for the economy is, is this sort of the 21st century version of that?
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i think it's about democracy and freedom. the u. s. a has been in circling china with military bases for over a decade. and recently the u. s. military just conducted its largest grill yet today with the philippines. the usa is now selling tens of millions of dollars worth of weapons to taiwan. and at the same time, we've got a meeting coming up in may. 25 representatives of pentagon contracted corporation are sending representatives to taiwan to discuss joint production ventures for drones and ammo. needless to say, things in the pacific are rapidly escalating so rapidly. in fact, that some of washington's friends in the west are not sure they're down with it. the questions you repeat need to answer is it interest accelerated cry since i won . now, the worst thing would be to think that if we, europeans, must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the u. s. agenda and the chinese overreaction as in dental hum corona's, right. we must be careful not to become
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a party of the conflict between the united states and the people's republic of china. europe must try to plan and burn and troll as far as possible and not to appears and appendage of the usa. only 13 countries in the world still recognized the government in taipei with honduras being the latest to drop taiwan, they threw their support behind beijing last month. washington whose relations with taiwan are on official and who still claims to adhere to the long standing one shine of policy has been escalating things as much as possible. who really benefits from these moves. caleb martin, our take new york let's her us live to theodore. looky out of research shirt director at the blot, a discussion club, and editor in chief of russia in global affairs magazine. welcome of theodore recently many european politicians have spoken out in favor of europe's independence. do you believe it's possible for europe to have autonomy
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away from the united states? no, unfortunately, i don't because of course, i hear and listen to what the president micron is saying. and some of the european leaders, at least partially support this, this idea, but objectively i don't see any potential in the european union in europe to formulate and to pursue the independent security and foreign policy. and since the campaign and ukraine started last year, we see that the only obsession of europeans is actually to get the more america in europe to feel secure. and in this regard, i'm afraid that all this statements by micro and us is just talk. now this is mentioned in regard to china, taiwan, but there's
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a lot of action going on in the middle east. what does the normalization of relations between long time adversaries in the middle east indicate and how will this change the region and its role in the international arena? yeah, of course, the middle east is a very interesting curve to put it mildly, very interesting region. and you never can be sure that you can predict what will happen there next. but of course, what we are witnessing now, it's extremely a positive and promising development. and we see that many actors offer different conflicts there. they are, are inclined to, or to find solutions of those very, very deep facilities the, the, their head. and there are actually a, it's a little bit strange to see. but i think the main reason why the atmosphere has changed, or is starting to change towards a more positive scenario. that sir,
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that united states, sir withdrawals from this region and base, much less attention to that. the less america there, the more prospectives for p settlements. now also recently we've seen china, russia and the u. s. actively pursuing african nations. how do you see africa's role in the newly emerging world order? so africa is looking for common joint identity, which is not easy at all because we know that africa has been suffered of different, many, many very severe control overseas for decades. and even st. surest. but this time, i think it's, it's the new trends that african nations start to realize that joint
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efforts can bring much more success for them for all of them. then the continuation of the struggles in science and attempts to rely on outside forces, beads, americans, europeans, chinese russians. and i think it's an extremely positive development that the arise of africa and south perception leads to. busy this idea that africa should co operate and then invite those outside forces those outside partners who they will see necessary for settling their problems, not the problems of other outside powers. and in general, again that's, that's the sign that the international landscape is changing rapidly and profound. yes, so we've mentioned china, the middle east and, and also africa. why are we seeing and european so many historical geo political
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events lately? and how does russia fit into what's happening? so russia is now of course, in a special situation. so all major efforts are dedicated to one particular theme and one particular problem. and that's quite all of us that the ukrainian crisis is the ultimate priority for russia. but what i would like to stress is that iraq served as a very powerful catalyst for trends in the international development. have been some national relations, which did not lunch last year. they did they, they started much earlier. but now we see that this understanding of major parts of the world that they have their own interests, and they have beat africa,
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asia, latin america, middle east, they have their own interest and they don't want to be used by any body against anybody else. and i think that in general, we have a very positive threat which is very favorable for russia because russian idea it will look beyond this particular ukrainian situation. russian idea is to each you for a world where no one can dictate the world without he g money and we are and the way there well, you mention russia be the catalyst. you actually think that a block of countries opposed to the west is unilateralism, may take shape in the near future, or will this not actually create a sort of unified anti western front? no, i don't think we're going to expect the unified and i was in the front. it's not it's not realistic to, to,
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to see this happening. but actually i, a process is sir going on, which is more important. it's not about, and they wasn't ruins and their russian for on. it's about countries who start to realize their own interests. those interests are different. of course sir, a china, india, african countries, sir who whoever you name it, you name them or they, they have different interests. but they are very much committed to operate according to those interests. not according to any or ideas by ideological dogma, imposed by who whoever americans, europeans, whatever. and this is actually the, the most important development not to build a new bipolar confrontation in the world. but to create a really multi polar, multi centric, polar centric system. where all countries are ready to pursue their own interest
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and to cooperate with others, how to reconcile their interests. theodore. lucky on have research director at the what i discussion club and editor in chief of rush and global affairs magazine. thank you very much. foreign minister from nations neighboring afghanistan have gathered it is pakistan to discuss the current economic and political crisis affecting kabul. a chinese representative has harshly condemned us actions in afghanistan, said they have only made the situation worse. i, after 20 years of completely failed military interventions. the u. s. and later, military forces have pulled out of denison and the future of afghanistan is back in the hands of the afghans. the u. s. withdrawal from afghanistan was carefully planned strategically to focus on targets in china and russia. the u. s. is using the turbulence in afghanistan to contain and destabilize central asia, china,
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russia, back to sun and the run are the key forces in afghanistan in relation to regional guard nation. the most striking is the, is the change of tone or the change of style of chinese diplomacy here and some are kind of foreign minister thing gone demonstrated that today the stress and we just for the constructive role of our regional powers, china's neighbors like russia, iran pakistan in trying to bring stability to this region, but he also very heavily criticized the west for not doing the things that it should be doing in this region and doing a lot of things to undermine the security situation on the ground and the humanitarian progress in particular, he criticized the westport, continuing to raise occurrence reserves around $7000000000.00 were seized. and i still on inaccessible to you. i've got people in
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the i've got any authorities. he also called on the west to refrain from installing it on military basis, or it's military facilities in the, in the region or supporting any of the groups covertly here, this trust was on and making sure that the ability and security to returns to this region, john us failure in a dentist on his multi face at such actions by fours, do not bring peace of galveston. the 20 years of us mail to occupation have been filled with conflict, enough canister legion. so co democratic transformation by the u. s. and the west do not coincide with the current local conditions. national reconciliation of johnston remains elusive to this day. u. s. counter terrorism, efferson of galveston have only may terrorist more rampant that emphasizes a new development in this region. many countries here believe that this is time for
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them to join forces in bring their own sub continent in order without constructive or destructive involvement of western powers. and that's going to be the focus of meetings later on today. when the ministers are from china, russia, pakistan, and their round will meet with a, with a number of data. central asian colleagues from to chick is time from was back hassan i'm from turkmenistan. those countries are still being ported by the west with the cleese to sort of remain on the right side of history. but i think for many of the countries present here, it's pretty clear that destiny and the future of this region should be in their own hands. and they should be the ones who are providing not only security, but also con nomic development. here from a decade long conflict to a new era of partnership series, foreign minister has arrived in saudi arabia. as the 2 nations aim to restore relations after more than 10 years apart,
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riyadh said it wants to see the reunification of damascus and it's returned to the arab league. the 2 sites have the session of talks discussing ways to address the syrian crisis in order to preserve serious unity security, stability, error by the entity and tutorial integrity, while also serves the interests of his brotherly people. both sides also discussed the steps necessary to achieve a comprehensive political settlement of the syrian crisis. that would, and all repercussions. a chief national reconciliation contribute to the return of syria toots air poles, and the resumption of its role in the arab world. syria also announced them util. reopening of embassies with tunisia for the 1st time in a decade with the 2 nations continuing consultations on waste to further restore ties. according to a joint statement from both states that countries will now reopened or diplomatic missions, and appoint ambassadors, tunisia, several diplomatic relations with syria,
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shortly after an outbreak of conflict and damascus over a decade ago. meanwhile, iran in saudi arabia are continuing on their own road to re unification with a delegation from turan, arriving in saudi arabia to reestablish a diplomatic mission archie contributor use of july brings us the details. i'm running a delegation of technical delegation from iran visit a saudi arabia was announced by the warning foreign ministry that delegation arrived in the capital re all war. it is expected to follow up on the implementation of the peace deal between yvonne and saudi arabia, which was quenched in the chinese capital blazing back in early march. so do you want delegation is expected is expected to do 3 major things. one is to reopen the one in embassy, and real 2 is to open a counselor for the mac republican, the saw, the city of jetta, and we used to open
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a permanent representative of these long republic to the oh, i see the organization of islamic cooperation and no exact date is so far provided by the 2 sides as to when the embassies will officially start working. but based on remarks made by the iranian spokesperson for the foreign ministry, he said that efforts have been made to reopen the embassies before the arrival of the annual hedge co remish, which is due in late june and early july. so he hopes that the embassies will officially start working by then a similar saudis obligation is. iran has been in iran since saturday. he's doing the same worth. it is doing the same work and the procedures to try to reopen the saudi embassy in the capital one and also the launch consulate for the review are in the one in city of mesh out. of course,
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the few still came. they told you in early march this year, and he was broken by china as part of efforts to try to escalate the regional troubles in the middle east and also to build mutual funds between one and so be aware of your security for more on latest events in the middle east, let's cross live now to i met all abraham geopolitical analyst. welcome a med so syria announced a mutual reopening of embassies with tunisia. is this a surprise or rather a signal that damascus may be returning to its former place as a valuable ally in the arab world. thank you very much for having me. definitely one time to review the whole little east or did you see countries of north africa? so there is definitely a some sort of a range on cooperation to bring back to the nation to the league. and everybody was an issue with a spectator and jim in moscow,
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everybody's doing with their problems with, with the area and they are trying to was them and bring them back and try to stay below. because the, the whole of the nation and basically put away their problems. so it definitely does not come with the rate rate is taking in order to bring everybody back to the table. and basically have, i'm an east or human east that has no problems to the best capability that i get to. yes. so you mentioned saudi arabia earlier, sirian saudi arabia and a ron and saudi arabia restore ties as well. get the growing unity in the middle east, be attributed to the u. s. is waning influence in the region and why now? definitely the u. s. and the u. s. a definitely love to vacuum in the region, especially as your administration of the u. s. had their own challenges there,
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divide with are these, they have so many economic issues. they have the ceiling that they have many, many problems. and it seems that also the war between ukraine and russia, it made the u. s. focus when back region by them focusing on this, the region actually moving are going to be as moving. they have a vision 2030 that they want to accomplish us with the g. c. countries. these kinds of things can be achieved unless you actually have a stable region. so much has been digging into that because china stuck into the middle east and try to broker the deal. and they offer services that america, you know, have to fight with iran now for 5 tickets for decades. and nothing actually can happen. it's maybe a lot of my, many things. one of them is geographical. maybe it's a trust issue. maybe so many things that the american left in the region lately, actually by phone got form of data. so all these things that china came into the picture now, and they're trying to, you know,
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give you guarantees to the region whether it was a iran on the m and on many positive region. and i think it's working so far. we don't know. it's too early to get excited because you know, all parties needs to trust each other and it's going to take time. but again, it's for right now rather than leave everybody excited in the region, it's a different piece. imagine we went from a place on the world to, you know, and god willing, one of the best places that people can come and enjoy some security at these. well, let's talk about a major player and us ally, how may this affect israel if at all, and it's new hard line government position before we mentioned that israelis an american ally, israel ism at least true. so whatever the release there is, some sort of stipulation, i think this is going to translate into his ribs. everybody's in agreement in this region. the other security is number one. and it's important. and i think by
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defusing all these pilots in the region and come into understanding and maybe in the future sitting on a round table, everybody's going to be dissatisfied. so i think as of if using iran and getting everybody alive and if you can buy the law and the human and get rid of countries to govern, read a real government for to govern real countries. i think israel is going to be much safer than where israel is today or yesterday. so i think i don't see some issues providing israel needs to they bowl and they need to leave arrogance aside and actually see what's the dynamics in the region and work with the countries in the middle east and not actually being back. but i think that is the stuff 1000 miles away and the challenges of the region is really not. it's not the main concern of the u. s. administration of these davis. he, i is busy with work. you're kind of russia a division in
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b a. c. so i'm from maybe the 2024 election and somebody actually comes and bring back america. so they say maybe america is going but the role in the region, we have seen that the c i a director actually wasn't. ready and days ago, lindsey robin was there last week to they are trying to, they kind of jump or to new. their commitment is how they definitely these are the a bit in the state. as an american ally, we have a lot to shape and a lot to differ. however, the structure just changed. saudi arabia, they demand some stuff that actually it's good for the country. it's good for the people who are going to be at the united states. also they have their interest in the region, but now what you're going to give me as what i can give you back in order to satisfy my vision, my economic needs and many things like a metal, abraham jail, political analysts, thank you very much. thank you.


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