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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2023 4:00am-4:21am EDT

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is called direction, but again, but we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think a every night ask myself, why should every country have to be tied to dollar for trade? why can we trade in our own currency? the brazilian president calls for ditching that dollar and using national currency as brick cast and even bigger shadow on g 7 economies. he's but not like this, an american state funded bank tank. rage is a saudi arabia restored ties with us regional rival, syria, and iran. f b, i arrest an american servicemen over an allegedly of secret military documents with bite and only concern with the league nodded content and south africa surpasses its investment target over the past 5 years. and attracting new backers in spite
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patient security and energy challenges. ah, coming to you from moscow, this is our key international with the latest news updates. i'm fear ella is about great to have you with us. results president has called for new ways of trading around the globe during his visit to china, suggesting to use national currencies instead of the us dollar. it thought the lawyer committed want every night i asked myself, why should every country have to be tied to the dollar for trade? why can't we trade in our own currency? today, a country needs to run after dollars in order to export it, when it could explore in its own currency, the loss of who decided that the dollar was the currency after you know, the call for the dollar is asian funds, as china and brazil have conducted their 1st transaction in you on ahead of the
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brazilian president's visit to china decides are expected to find several agreements, underscoring beijing's role as brazilian he partner. so marisa, the head of the new development bank says that breaks nations continue to. 7 prosper and have already outgrown the economies of g 7 countries. on our end on my brakes has become even more relevant. together the countries represent over 40 percent of the world's population, and approximately a quarter of global g d, p in purchasing power parity. it is asked me to take the bricks, economy's already larger than the economy of g 7 countries. i think a drip by lula, the relationship that's evolving with between lula and the rest of the bricks. countries and especially with china, is an enormous step in a long process. that long process has to do with the world adjusting to the
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enormous economic growth achieved by the people's republic of china. over the last 30 years, the united states is now going to have to share the position of super power, economically speaking with the people's republic of china. and one way that, that happens is to allow the chinese to enjoy some of the benefits and they are economically very significant. some of the benefits that come from having a currency that is used around the world for economic trade and capital flows and so on. meanwhile, the chinese currency continues to grow more popular out shining the dollar as a cheer world markets has doubled over the past year. last february, the u on accounted for less than 2 percent of global trade. since then, the chinese currency has reached 4.5 percent with it now breathing down,
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the euro's neck. the dollar share is also in decline as more and more traders turn to it. moscow is among those dropping the dollar in favor of the u on brushes. turnover was china in the 1st quarter of 2023 increased by more than 38 percent, amounting to almost $54000000000.00. according to chinese authorities, moscow in beijing aim to reach $200000000000.00 in trade by next year. professor of economics, richard wolf also said that the world is witnessing a radical shift in the global economy. one that could result in the dollar losing its dominant position. both sides, russia and china on one side, the united states in europe on the other are recognizing that the global economic situation is radically changing from what it was. we are going through a period of rapid re adjustment. it's long overdue. it was facilitated
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and stimulated by the events around the ukraine war couldn't result in the dollar becoming less and less dominant. and i think so how long it will take? i don't think you can tell that yet. that depends on many things. so it is gonna take time to adjust. that's what we're seeing, an adjustment process. the u. s. funded middle east institute is in an uproar over the normalization of ties between syria, iran and a number of arab countries preferred to back, so called moderate rebels, terrorist groups and syria, instead of damascus. a little bit of background on the middle east is reconciliation. saudi arabia is restoring diplomatic ties with iran and syria, while damascus, as announced a mutual reopening of embassies with denisia. meanwhile,
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bahrain and could tar have taken steps to resume bilateral cooperation after years of discord. ortiz, donald quarter explains why the u. s. is upset to see peace in the middle east. a historic meeting of reconciliation between saudi arabia and syria after 12 years of several diplomatic ties re adds even set it supports damascus. his attempts to reassert control over syrian territories and eliminate armed militias plaguing parts of the country. but as always, someone in washington is not happy about the prospect of much awaited peace in the region. a polling and desperately short sighted, so it has welcomed a sas, foreign minister face on my dad and deputy foreign minister, i man. so son to jed that this is an escalation. it's unconditional submission to a criminal regime. an arca state an l. i of iran's islamic revolutionary guard,
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cor, that's charles lister, a senior fellow and director of to syria related programs at the middle east institute think tank sponsored by the us state department. it comes as no surprise then that he spent his career white washing the bloody deeds of syrian jihadist groups. rebranding them as moderate rebels despite the documented atrocities they've committed against civilians. these opposition may not necessarily be the kind of opposition that we wanted, but it has a very significant constituency in syria. so these are not necessarily people we would want as our allies. but we have to acknowledge that these are syrians, and if there is going to be a political solution and they are not involved, then we will be creating more of a mass than their already ease. this is a part of that american catastrophe police's of the middle east. how we will make it a conciliation with terrorists with criminals, with that in a criminal, unlimited space knows very well that are,
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are sham and other and military groups. they know that they are those audit doris entities and they are classified as at their us into this and that from national living. how we will make a reconciliation with them and how we bring them to the political operation. should we bring to the rest of the government and see it in to the fundamental syria? should we bring those whole be headed serious civilians and sit in san jose and cade and make exclusions here and there. so we bring of him to the parliament, should we form a bodily man on a government of real criminals? are our i'll shaw, mal new straw al qaeda? i says there is not exactly a gaping ideological difference between them. and lister knows that as even admitted that aurora shaun's command structure was filled with former members of al qaeda. but for some reason, those in washington never really lost any sleep over working with islamic fundamentalists. in fact, the u. s. has a long history of using them to accomplish american foreign policy goals. to be
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fair, we had helped to create the problem. we're now fighting. and now once again, we're seeing history repeat itself in syria, america, supporting moderate rebels by this time to bleed the country dry of its oil. it's no wonder america's war. hawks are upset, but damascus is making friends in the arab world. oh, out of space has changed their policies and change of their positions in respect to the city and crisis. the only part you wish to do then to change is suppose a sion as united states here as a middle eastern nations. we have a very long experience with american and with and with western policies in middle east, which was very catastrophic indeed. and i don't think that to like the states now if in a position and which can classify who was the criminal and who was the person who is the taurus and who is not on the company, sees always, we have catastrophe in middle east and they didn't do anything good for our nations,
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which we can remember as the american sphere of influence over the error, broad drastically decreases a leading us senator has criticized bite and stan tom tunisia urging the white house to slash military aid to the north african country, accusing it of not following washington's democratic values. born noticing that we still stay in business with brutal dictators. we still fund regimes that move away from democratic norms. tunisia at the top of the list and i think it becomes hard to claim that your priority is democracy and human rights and the rule of law if you don't change your policy. and i think you've got to put the conversation into in that broader context. washington start a new turn in rhetoric, maybe do just the need just progression away from us policy. usually when the
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united states does something like this, it is all about who taneesha might be aligning with. and of course, if somebody goes rogue, if a leader all of a sudden doesn't want to tow the line of washington than in may, they become autocratic. they become undemocratic. if they tow the line, they are supported in the middle east, the sort of sun is setting on the u. s. empire. but the sun is rising in the east and we see both russia and china playing strategic and progressive roles. and of course, we're seeing it in north africa, no doubt about it. and julia remains one of the most important countries in north africa. and it is a very close be aligned with washington that remains to be seen. but if this narrative is continuing, i have a feeling that it is opening the bridges toward algeria and towards the east rather than the west. the u. s. department of justice says the f b, i has arrested
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a 21 year old air national guard service man in connection with an allegedly leak of classified national security documents. american officials say some of those files were altered before release, which has raised questions over the legitimacy of the papers, are to kill them up and reports us officials say he came peacefully, he did not resist arrest the 21 year old jack t x. the era is a member of the massachusetts air national guard, and it is reported that the new york times was involved in figuring out that he was responsible for the leaks. he was a member of a discord server with 20 to 30 other people. some of them were teenagers under the age of 18, in this discord server, they shared jokes names, themes were firearms, racism, as well as christianity and opposition to us foreign policy. apparently this member of the air national guard wanted to let his friends in the discord server know
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about what was actually going on. he had access to this information and he provided it in the discord server. now we understand he is arrested and charged being responsible for the recent leaks. however, questions are raised as people look into the details, for example, why is it that a 21 year old low level member of the wing of the u. s. military, the air national guard, the state of massachusetts, had access to these kinds of documents. and furthermore, why was it so easy to track him down with this kind of high level leak? you would think that the leak would expect to be arrested and set up more barriers to protect their digital fingerprints. so many questions are being raised, but at this time it appears. this is the individual who has been arrested and charged for the recent pentagon leaks. now in a early april, over a 100 classified ca and pentagon documents flooded social networks and media,
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the leak was reported by western media to be one of the greatest in years and comprised of intel on ukraine and america's support of it as well as information on us rivals such as russia, china and iran, american allies such as egypt, the u. e. south korea. and israel also turned out to be the target of washington's espionage. president biden went even further, showing disregard towards the leaks contents. a contemporary moscow has said it was not surprised by the allegedly evidence revealing nato instructors and fighters are taking part in combat operations in ukraine. russia's deputy foreign minister has also supposed that the leak might be fate with the aim of misleading moscow. western media has tried to turn the scandal in its favor by claiming that the leak documents assert internal divisions within russian
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establishment over ukraine, while also demonizing moscow's allies like china. suggesting the pentagon, you, it's plans to give arms to putin. for marine corps intelligence officers, scott ritter says the latest leaks on american spying are no surprise to the public, but shows a trend of military forces exerting more influence on us intelligence. from a logical standpoint, he should not have access to the information that was contained on these documents . his job was probably in handling the documents either for destruction or simply filing them, or he's not an analyst. but the problem is the expansion of the american security state, so to speak with national guard units playing a,
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a more and more important role. ready in, in the intelligence establishment there should have been better supervision or for whatever reason. um, the security was lacks. we know that the u. s. french and spies on its friends. this is not a surprise danger, isn't that? oh, you know that people know that we listen in on friends. the danger is that people now know how we listen it on friends, though, because at same technology can be used for other things. our ability to collect intelligence may be damaged down the road and that could be a danger to the united states of america. as yet another incident of the us flying on as close as friends is revealed, it leads many wondering if its allies will respond to the breach of confidence for more information on which states have secretly been spied on and the prospects of backlash visit our website. our teeth dot com the sudanese military has warned of potential clashes with the countries rapids support forces after the powerful paramilitary deployed its troops across the
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country without the armies consent battle cock when these movements and deployments happened without the agreement of the leadership of the armed forces or even co ordination with that continuation will lead to more tension and divisions that could lead to insecurity in the country. the rapid support forces are national forces that carry out a number of national tasks and duties guaranteed to them by law. and they work in full coordination and harmony with the leadership of the armed forces and the rest of the other regular forces in their movements. so dan's army has been trying to establish authority over the country's military forces and the r a sub is determined to preserve its autonomy. late last year, the 2 parties signed a power hearing deal to end flashes between security forces. and protesters stemming from the countries 2021 to western powers, in turn, tried to put pressure on sudan loring. it was proposed financial support. once
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a civilian lead transitional government was form. let's cross live to an international policy consultant from south sudan. a call me up. welcome a call. what can you tell us about the stand off between the sudanese army and the our staff paramilitary force? is there a real threat that the 2 forces may class? thank you for having me look deeper into the issue. the issue has to do more with power and various factions, i mean to class between the rapid support for us in the military. it's a class rooted that start after the sheer and then you have to stick to the components. and now there's a new proposal that states that the rapid support forces should be inter get into the army, and then the army should be overseen by civilian administration. and this was created most of the tension, the rapid support forces. if they were to become intricate into army, they lose a lot of their leverage and they lose
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a lot of political power and it be under the military. so you can see a lot of tension between these various factions. well, you talked about what is that steak for the forces, but what is the power struggle mean 1st to to any citizens? do the 2 groups have a specific agenda? well, the specific agenda is the power maintain their power. because acid overthrow of there's been a power struggle on this are struggling between the various factions and the political side. you look at the various political parties who have been buying power and civilian government. and then the military, you have different faxes in the military, faxes and the security faxes, the police and the rapid support forces. and so the rapper support forces has been trying to maintain autonomy and trying to maintain and influence it in the structure. whereas the military proposing that this has to be under the military has to be under the administration and authority of the military because they become very become very autonomy. even now the leader, the support courses,
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is the deputy jefferson sovereign council. i mean that level that was, that they have to be come in to get into the military, then they'd lose a lot of the info and a lot of their leverage. well, in your opinion, how has the international community reacted to this internal crisis? is there some hope for people leadership as opposed to a military ran government? well, let's look at what the international committee to do for the international community really supported. the establishment is a civilian government under the prime minister of the book and this government and of collapse and because it was overthrown by the military by the current chairperson. hunt. so then tragic. i mean it's kind of taken a backseat because they're starting to see that the influence of the military of the security in this country is still what they're trying to do is they're trying to propose and push. i mean, secretary of state lincoln said that he wants a civilian government and he wants us to build a government as soon as possible and he prefers civilian government as opposed to military lead government. but one thing the committee still to understand has the
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level influence at the meltzer has in south sedan, and it's very in various other african countries. the military is in fact a political, an extension of the political wing and the middle jazz more influence.


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