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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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ah, ah, the chinese president welcomes brazil's leader in beijing. he says the bolstering ties between the 2 countries as a top priority. both china and brazil shift away from using the u. s. dollars. that means that you local currencies trade deals, which is foreign minister explains moscow's revised international doctrine, responding to the west sanctions against the formation of a multi polar world to improve it's a result of the hybrid war that the west and least for its global dominant trying to feed the objective processes of forming a multiple, a world with some india, those are big ride. the rails on an indian made trade in the african states. that's during the visits aimed at boosting bilateral ties on highlighting mozambique as
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a case weight for indian investment into africa. ah, watching oxy international monies, peter scott and wherever, joining us from. welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis. chinese present cheating, ping has said the boosting. ties with brazil is a diplomatic priority for his country. as the leader welcomes his brazilian count spots looted to silver to china. china always considers and approaches. the development of relations with brazil, from a strategic viewpoint and with a lens to a long term perspective, making china brazil relations a diplomatic priority. ahead of his visit to china, the brazilian president, the silver. it's all about moving away from trade in dollars. his coal combs, those china and brazil have completed the 1st transaction in you one in a bunch of the trip. besides, also, i spoke to to sign several agreements on exchange views on other international matters earlier,
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president lula called for using international so national currencies, instead of us dollar for global trade, you thought, don't do it every night. i asked myself, why should every country have to be tied to the dollar for trade? why can't we trade in our own currency? today, a country needs to run after dollars in order to export, when it could explore in its own currency. who decided that the dollar was the currency after gold did the dollarization is also high on, is janda. it's one of the highest issue discussed. and it's very much in the interest of people and both china and brazil, and maybe in the future from our bricks. countries will know that china's largest commercial bank of the industrial and commercial bank of china has possessed is 1st cross border and settlement in brazil as local branch. and it marks one of the most significant step in the bank globalization, and also in the deep dollarization in the brits country. and the movie suspected to
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boost original economic and treat recovery and post pandemic. and perhaps will help companies in both countries to find it more reliable alternative to the u. s. dollars as they see. safer cooperation portray investment deals and reduce your risks of the bullet. tell us dollar president. she spoke highly bella relations between china now and brazil during the talk saying that china seized a relationship as one of the top priorities in it's in the countries diplomatic agenda. and the 2 leaders agreed on forging stronger ties between the 2 countries. economically, politically and culturally presidency that he's very much confident about the, a brit china and brazil relationship to that continues to enjoy down in steady growth,
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which is bound to play a very important role. a very positive role to repeat the stability and prosperity in the region. for both and beyond. i'll do my research, the head of the new development bank says the bricks. nations have already grown the economies of g 7 countries. now in the, my brakes has become even more relevant together, the countries represent over 40 percent of the world's population and approximately a quarter of global g, d, p in purchasing power parity. it is estimated that the bricks economies already larger than the economy of g 7 countries here from, i mean, while the show of the chinese currency and world market has doubled over the past year. last february, the u on accounted for less than 2 percent of global trade since then, the chinese currency has reached 4.5 percent with you on it. now breathing down, the euro's neck. the dollars share is also in decline. as more, more traders turn to its chinese rival.
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meanwhile, the russian foreign minister also echoed the brazilian president's call for the use of national currencies. instead of the u. s. dollar and global trade. those major and looters visit to china level of audits that the process of detail organization is inevitable. loveless, the west, great chaos undermining all positions because the countries of the world understand how both american leadership and their satellite states inadequately and grossly exploit their positions in the world economy. brazilian president lewis spoke at a conference in beijing cohen to move away from the dollar and rely more on their national currencies. in trade, please don't, is irreversible. the americans have already seriously got the branch on which they were sitting. the statement by russia's top diplomats comes out of a meeting of foreign ministers in the capital of was becky done. ministers of the commonwealth of independent states were present, including the chinese and syrian officials. single of,
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of also said that moscow revised international doctrine just respond to a so called a hybrid war. the west is wage and against russia and an attempt to maintain global dominance sensitive pneumonia. the focus was on the international situation, which has been unprecedentedly, aggravated. it's a result of the hybrid war that the west a least for his global dominance trying to be the objective processes of forming a multiple world order. for these purposes, the grand regime is actually used, which for many years has been nurtured as a spring board from which direct military threats to russia security are projected against these background. russia said that we have developed a new concept of foreign policy, which contains conclusions on how we can further develop our state, how we can interact with states that routine independence. a special place is given to the development of a broad partnership throughout the eurasian continent. we just heard that the minister mentioned rushes and new foreign policy doctrine that was a release
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a couple of weeks ago. and what's special about this document is that if not, the only change is the way russia positions itself on the international change on the international stage rather, but also redefines, russia's own vision of itself. because in that document, russia being described as a unique or self determined country civilization. i know that's quite a mouthful, but what essentially means is the end to russia's efforts, which began after the end of the cold war to sort of get itself integrated into the western lab international system, or the so called the woo based order. now, clearly russia had suspicions and doubts about the success of this endeavor for wide a number of years. but they got intensified with the launch of rushes,
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military operation in the ukraine, which according to the kremlin, according to moscow, was unnecessary staff to withstand not only western pressure or western hybrid war against russia, but essentially weston. afterwards, you fight against the natural law history of china, india and a number of other countries share this view of the way international politics is developing. many of these countries believe that one of the reasons why the west was militarized and ukraine to such an extended to essentially tried to preserve its dominance. now for a minister, a lover was specifically asked about the possible peace process in ukraine. he reiterated before the minister's position that russia is open to negotiations. in fact, a russia has tried to reach some sort of compromise with the ukrainians last year.
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thanks to the facilitation of turkey, for example, but done the ukrainians had to backtrack under the pressure of the united states minister abroad said today that it's ultimately not about any piece talk statements repeatedly made by major leadership, american leadership, french, the this of germany. this british leadership, they say one on the same thing. it does not time for negotiations. your grade must be on the battlefield. russia must suffer a strategic defeat on the battlefield. and only after that, conditions for the negotiations would be ripe. ukraine is used as a spending material and the the state of the west is not to
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allow a single event to cast doubt on this claims done in the the world border. the whole problem is not between sure and ukraine. the whole problem is between the west and the rest and the western efforts to use any means possible to preserve its dominance to preserve its had germany, to preserve its unfair privileges and advantages, both in economic system and insecurity. their main ass until that remains. the western position that there could be no change on the battlefield with africa becoming an export on investment destination for india. good diet was said, so a set of engagements in terms of education and every culture, the plans, security of science and technology capacity building and also foster church, which india, her rewards, to not only do just to mozambique,
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but also other countries of africa is been appreciated. pope the continent and as far as mozambique is concerned, even during the head board named brenda mc india. them. and this has been turned the already existing partnership with who country and as one of the african goes on . but in the and more adult or flood for african countries, a unique blend off deadlock mental package. technology is key. and i will talk to mid tech transport infrastructure development, which hot in accordance with africa, needs and priorities. and it does look like having any strings a days for any conditional, refused it like in case of some best turn donors or journals or does that matter as far as india is concerned? yeah. mozambique area laws. park not in africa, but also south africa idea. yeah. when you print those on your own for destination,
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what in the other sporting bus mas as orthodox christians around the world, prepared to celebrate easter israeli authorities have been de garza worshippers from entering east jerusalem shrines, causing a negative reaction from the orthodox pe truck. after many attempts made in goodwill, we are not able to coordinate with the israeli authorities as they are, enforcing unreasonable restrictions on access to the holy sample cur. on this footage, you can see a group of israeli men spitting up palestinian nuns while walking past such actions . so religious discord in jerusalem city, gaza, and are required to get permits to visit a jerusalem shrine where also those christians believe jesus is buried. the decision to suspend the firmness during the whole, the holidays from the mid violent israeli government, crown done on palestinians. both muslim and christian allies are gender from the orthodox church. council says the nest in yahoo governments is creating religious
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obstacles due to an ideological agenda or the west is ignoring human rights violations. the hood, jewish people have no right to prevent christians from reaching this place or force are the existing christians to immigrate property. this place is the core of christianity, whether it was bethlehem, where jesus was born or in jerusalem, also from muslims. it's a holly place where you find the alex, a mosque displace that has a huge holy value for muslims and christians. jewish people have no right to put restrictions on it and make their life harder for its citizens. also for those living outside of jerusalem, where have the right to go there and worship freely without a permission from these railey side. but these re lease forces to apply for permissions. and for those who apply these railways, reject a lot of them. and for one who gets accepted, they faced several harassments on their way to jerusalem to day with the arrival of the extreme right wing to these railey governments,
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we see attempts to make the contact a religious one. we say attempts to implement new laws by the news really government based around racism such as prevent and christians from breach in new jewish people, which is freedom of worship and faith. but they look at the recent wave of jewish people convert to christianity and consider it and turn off threat and try to prevent us from preaching. but this is about freedom of faith and worshiping, which is a personal freedom. but these really extreme mentality can't understand the freedom of faith or converting within religions. they claim to be the ways of democracy in the middle east. yet they are the ones who practice the most racism and religious extremism and prevents free themselves any one who is different from them. this reflects the nature of the sanity which is based on extreme zionism which is considered racist. political movement by all means this racist idea was rejected more than once in the united nations, by the way, yet they still have support from the western communities and many countries that have interests related to israel. moville,
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now the u. s. based middle east institute isn't suppressed by the normalization of ties with in syria, iran and a number of other countries. 30 back, so called moderate rebels in syria instead of the government's saudi arabia is restore and diplomatic ties with both iran, unsteady, or, or boskus has announced the mutual reopening of embassies, which you nicea, new operating can have taken steps to resume balance of corporation after years of discord, she's done quarter as well. a historic meeting of reconciliation between saudi arabia and syria after 12 years of sever diplomatic tides, re adds even set it supports damascus is attempts to reassert control over syrian territories and eliminate armed militias plaguing parts of the country. but as always, someone in washington is not happy about the prospect of much awaited peace in the region. a polling and desperately short sighted. so it has welcomed a sas,
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foreign minister face on mac doubt, and deputy foreign minister, i man. so son to jed that they seasoned escalation, it's unconditional submission to a criminal regime. an arca state an l. i of iran's islamic revolutionary guard, cor, that's charles lister, a senior fellow and director of to syria related programs at the middle east institute. think tank sponsored by the u. s. state department. it comes as no surprise then that he spent his career whitewashing the bloody deeds of syrian jihadist groups. rebranding them as moderate rebels despite the documented atrocities they've committed against civilians. these opposition may not necessarily be the kind of opposition that we wanted, but it has a very significant constituency in syria. so these are not necessarily people we would want as our allies. but we have to acknowledge that these are syrians, and if there is going to be a political solution and they are not involved, then we will be creating more of a mass than they're already ease. this is
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a part of that american catastrophe police's of the middle east. how we will make it a conciliation with terrorists with the crimean, as with ariana criminal under my fits, they snows very well that her off sham and other and military groups then, or that they are those odd dearest entities. and they are classified as a terrace into this and that from national living. how we will make a reconciliation with them and how we bring them to the political operation shouldn't bring to the rest of the government and c van to the parliament in syria . should we bring those whole be headed serious civilians and sit in san jose and killed and make exclusions here and there. so we bring of him for the parliament, should we form a parliament on a government of real criminal. aurora shaw, mal new straw al qaeda. i says, there is not exactly a gaping ideological difference between them and lister knows that as he even admitted that aurora shot command structure was filled with former members of al
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qaeda. but for some reason, those in washington never really lost any sleep over working with islamic fundamentalists. in fact, the u. s. has a long history of using them to accomplish american foreign policy goals. to be fair, we had helped to create the problem. we're now fighting, and now once again, we're seeing history repeat itself in syria, america supporting moderate rebels by this time to bleed the country dry of its oil . its no wonder america's war. hawks are upset, that damascus is making friends in the arab world. all out of space has changed their policies and changed their positions and respect to the syrian crisis. the only party will do then to change its position as united states here as a middle eastern nations. we have a very long experience with american and, and with western policies in middle east, which was very catastrophic indeed. and i don't think that due to the states now in
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a position in which can classify who is the criminal and who was the same? who is the tourist and who is not an accomplice is always really catastrophe in middle east and they didn't do anything good for our nations, which we can remember us has but listed an international investment bank based in hungry and has become an outpost for russian intelligence. in europe, sessions coming through the past has taken a more conservative done towards the ukraine. the us and buster to hungry said that washington has concerns of budapest relationship with moscow. unlike other nato allies previously engaged with this, russian entity, hungary has dismissed the concerns of the united states government regarding the risks its continued presence poses to the alliance. we have concerns about the continued eagerness of hungarian leaders to expand and deepen ties with the russian federation. the sanctions coma dafter hungry, agreed a gas deal with ukraine. prime ministers repeatedly states that his country is
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subject to constant pressure from his needs. so allies with demands going from washington and brussels to set the energy ties to russia inside with ukraine. budapest is firm is position the americans have not given up on forcing hungary into the pro war stands shared by many of our allies. but hungary remains convinced that peace is the only common interest. there is no allied, diplomatic or even friendly pressure that hungary will not resist. with national consultant, l rasmussen believes the u. s. is undermining trust between the 2 countries? i think the, i think when you're sanctioning your allies or if you're blowing up their pipeline, i think that's a bad way. a very poor example of, of international relations. but it seems like certain countries have a foreign foreign staff or foreigner relations who seem to have
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their own way of diplomacy. and it's definitely not enough for way to do it. and i think it creates creates more animosity within the country. and maybe you get your short term gains, but i think long term you destroy the trust. and trust is perhaps the most important thing in diplomacy and in relation with her or mine is actually very has been very, very strong. i think in supporting initiative and positions that are important for the hungarian people. he actually unlike a lot of politics in europe, mister or bun actually puts his people 1st. and it is actually fighting to help create a better environment for them or to mitigate the damage that the european union and the u. s. than posey across europe. as the c a marks the 62nd anniversary of the
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1st money space, gar, in russia and iran, hoped to further develop their own space cooperation contributor usage to lolly, things as more today we hear a lot about mankind trying to travel back to the moon or turn mars into a new home for human beings. but all these wild ambitions or their existence to soviet cosmonaut here regarding the 1st man who braved outer space and took the 1st man fly to round earth's orbit back on april 12th 1961. the russian embassy into iran has hosted a ceremony to celebrate the historic occasion marked worldwide as the international day of human space flights. the event brought together experts from the iranian space agency, as well as officials from iran and russia to celebrate the occasion which is viewed as a milestone in man's obsession with the extra terrestrial universe. it was actually a very remarkable day, not only for the soviet union, but worldwide for that is what we celebrate. because i think it's though i do not
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need to explain to you the meaning of uh, this breakthrough went for the 1st day when history, the human being, the man was launched all the space though the course was anti returned back, safe and silent. as you know, so you union was the 1st in this course, mich, grace and hugo guide. and he was just a minute the station of our cosmic program, and cosmic science in line with its plans to promote space technology rush hour has helped. ron take its 1st baby steps into space to ron started a space program less than 2 decades ago by launching its 1st ever satellite dump. see no one in 2005 using get russian launch vehicle. the successful project opened the door for iran to capitalize more seriously on the cutting edge sector. while it one launched his 1st satellite with the help of rushes, cosmos, 3 m. carry a rocket. it has since moved to develop its own carriers. in 2009,
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iran launched its 2nd home grown satellite army. it is its own domestically built safe here launch vehicle. the country has says, developed and placed into orbit a range of research, telecom and imaging satellites. in 2020, it shot into space. its 1st military satellites, dog newer, using an indigenous built to phased satellite carrier. the uh car said that we have the full cycle of space industry. this means that we'll be able to design, construct, test, launch, use, and actually use the applications of today. and a, this is the point that makes us outstanding in the region regarding actually investment. we are working with our colleagues in russia. we have good abilities inflicts on each engineering's. and this, i think, gives us a great position that we hope to be able to have some common projects come on investment, even in iran or in rush. it goes without saying that using rush and know how as
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a pioneer in space, tech has been instrumental for iran to pursue its quest in space. the 2 countries have in recent years decided to engage in more joint space projects that could speed up the development of the space industry in iran. in december last year, the iranian space agency and russia state space corporation rose cosmos signed a cooperation deal that will seat at ron and moscow collaborate in manufacturing telecommunication satellites and related infrastructure. we have now prepared some joint working groups. it'll colleagues and roast christmas. and we hope to be able to finalize the items very soon, and we can give you some very good news from eureka gardens. first glimpse of the earth from outer space to the construction of a space station. rashaw stands as a trailblazer in the space race against this western rivals. rather a new to the game. iran relies on russian technology in order to pursue its own
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space exploration, ambitious use of generally r t to rod of them all on any of those stories. do checkouts on websites. you don't call moneys peaches. scotts will be back in 30 with another rundown of all the laces. thanks for watching. ah, ah, ah .
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ah, ah ah. hello and welcome to crosstalk. were all things are considered? i'm peter lavelle. french president microns visited china, has the atlantis is world and neo cons of all stripes in an uproar. instead of being a mere cutaway in service of washington, the french president actually stood up for his own country and europe. but his mac, crown a buck short and a day late ah, cross sucking microns visit to china. i'm joined by my guess. rachel marson in vancouver. she's a syndicated columnist,
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an rti contributor and in pittsburgh we crossed the anthony mode at the he is an associate professor at robert morris university, are across like roles and the fact that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, rachel, let me go to you 1st and vancouver. thank you. i know it's an ungodly hour there right now, but, you know, i think you've known me pretty long and i've never been a big fan of the french president mc chrome. but what he had to say in beijing and his flight home and what he said subsequently from returning from beijing, he's sticking to it and you know what? i agree with a whole lot of what he has to say. my only lament is wise and saying it now and not years before rachel. i'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he walked away from china with a major deal for francis airbus, which by the way, is in b competition with america's boeing and they're in a do awfully globally. so the deal he got in china was a 160 new commercial vehicles for china made by airbus and then doubling of the
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assembly and production in china for airbus. so i'm sure that did absolutely nothing his ways opinion that made it good to keep that relationship with china, particularly, and later the fact that europe has gotten nothing by greed from the united states. even though it's gone along with everything in terms of washington's agenda and ukraine, for example, of it, your cut off cheap brush. yes. which fueled it's, it's whole economy essentially an industrial base and what you get in return really expensive. allen g liquefied natural gas from washington at $3.00 to $4.00 times the price, as per michael's own words. and he went over there to washington and talked about all this to our makers last december and even said, look, you have this new biden's, inflation reduction act as well, which is re protectionist against european industry. so that's going to harm us, the expense of energy you're sending us now in lieu of the russia. yes. that we cut ourselves off to please you guys is killing us. so he goes over to china and all
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the suddenly it's starting to look pretty good guy. he darks on the board economically speaking at a time when inflation is skyrocketing.


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