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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2023 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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ah mm ah, they can use on up the this our, the student is report carrying out strikes on power military bases. authorities claim are staging and attempted to their issue thing on explosions. heard across the country, a sudanese or military claims. it's the 3 airports in the country, which the federal government denies emit ongoing, cautious across the country. with the japanese by ministers evacuated after a loud explosion on white smoke or ropes in an area where you set to speak,
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one suspect has been detained. also, the power the united states needs to stop encouraging more and start talking about peace. it is necessary for the european union to start talking about peace. brazil's president criticizes the west virginia to stop in his words, adding fuel to the war and ukraine. that's the route. so this trip to china with watching the international, almost been another busy news day with one story dominating the headlines. i'm peter scott. welcome to the program. and we start to start with a break can use as we've received conflicts in accounts from sudan, where reports of going fi and explosions have come in from across the capital, treasures between the nation's military and rapid special forces. power military have broken out. dozens of wounded have been reported by health officials. the our
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staff has said that they were attacked by members of the national army. the sudanese government denies the claims and says that it was the r s f, the tides, an army base. the claims have taken control of called through international airport and another in the eastern province of morale. the national army has denied this in the fighting. the fault is still ongoing. report suggest all traffic call to international has been halted and several flights have been diverted. there are still part ministry has claim to taken control of the presidential policy. and this footage shows trucks with paramilitary finances and seeing the nearest city of on demand whether the i spoke with ortiz, shay bowes, who shared details on the conflicts. don't surprising that. there sedans difficulties, stretch back quite a long way. it was
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a colonial possession of the british from $8099.00 to $956.00, and since 1956 between then and now it's offered several, a civil wars and a lot of economic and tribal fighting. this latest event where this or a septic, or assess the rapids, special forces are now fighting in cartoon with the army. is really an order at a generation of that in fighting where they are as if is commanded by a general mohammed hand. don die gallow and he is also the deputy leader of a unit he council, which was established post another 2 at which was supposedly going to lean towards democratic elections. now this r s f force is very powerful and very large and has over a 100000 men at its disposal, a lot of significant weaponry. and also interestingly, you know, it has its roots in the judge we'd militia, which lot of the listeners and viewers will remember. we're, you know,
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instrument and quote, a brutal, a civil war in the early 2, thousands that militia was used by the then president omar bashir at to put down various rebellions on the borderlands as well. they were accused of significant civil rights and, and you know, quite brutal, persecute, prosecution of this conflict. and a 2015 the r s f, along with the soon these are, they are now fighting in cartoon, a boat started to send troops into yemen as well. so it's a quite complicated regional conflict in fighting between 2 elements within the same group. if you like, i think just jostle for position ahead of elections. now, you know, in, in 2017, they were legitimized by the cartoon government. and then subsequently took part in a to, to actually overturn to go. so you can imagine it's quite a tumultuous, complex, a situation where the moscow moscow has, has declared that, you know,
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they would like to see an end to the conflict. they would like to see the shooting to stop and talking to start in a move towards, you know, this idea that there would be actually free elections or such as like a very chaotic and complicated situation that she now you get as moscow's statement . there are of western officials said anything about the current situation in the country. well, we've only heard really from the united states and anti blinking has says that made a statement, but it's interesting in the context of a shifting geopolitical map and, and you know, a scuffle in a, you know, american essentially playing catch on in africa, in the post colonial world to exert its influence and anthony blink and has actually made a statement which we can have a listen to. now here i spoke with sovereign counsel, cheer, general abdel for to help her hand to day to highlight you as support for so danny's democratic aspirations and urge this week formation of a civilian lead transitional government. yes. so as you can see, i think what's important knows that we watch this face because it's
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a very important space. postcolonial africa, the global. so the move towards this multi polar word, which stitches into why this is a very interesting place. and again, it's a significantly wealthy country when it comes to its oil resources, or to get more on the situation on the ground. incidentally, cross live now through more thought abraham, who's a local journalist most up, thanks very much for joining us this afternoon. obviously, a very fluid and quite concerning situation there in sudan. we believe you just stopped by the sudanese military. can you tell us what happened there? while we woke up this ordering the song of the fire scene, the army and our is according to the procedure, was given up in a very privacy and our 1st house. the bad news now consume is full of glasses from the directions into downtown, and to west and east, and even in the state to and how much from then take
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a little the general of our as, as he's showing the resistance against the member creek. and he's an on call now, and she's, he did a lot of achievement. he said he was controlling all the residential places and he controlled earth boats and controlled and merrily. and he's continuing clashing and he doesn't understand, or he doesn't know where this class is going to be. and people adverse frustrated that there is a station in the army far risks and people the street. it's a very, very bad situation. and every one of the free to everyone who locked his house and stay inside. and we have no news and no one able to go even i was out of his house and certainly sounds very, very terrifying. the situation with people not been outset to leave their homes. and obviously this is quite the footage on social media the circulate seizure and both the sudanese military, including the air force blocking roads as well as
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r s. f fights is on the streets and it's very difficult to verify who's in control with, with one side accusing the other and vice versa. but having said that, what do you think? what do you see been the as the situation on the ground? the f says it's overtaken the presidential policy. the number of airports are counterclaims by the sudanese army. who do you think has you'll find her? well, it's, it's, it's very difficult and it's very sensitive to, we cannot predict and we hope this class can be. and so, so, so because this is risk and but all of our lives and are under control and the never a tree are sitting if our are resistance and so, so the army, the r s, the military are fighting inside and outside now. and i'll be using plans,
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they destroy iphone link and friends of the air was already farms. and people in the airport are screaming interest rates. it's and it's very radical situations, were very afraid. and we think this could be stop soon. this is could live these to death damage for all country, for citizens, for democracy, for force, army. well, you actually brought me on quite nicely to my next question. what do you think it would take for the situation to be resolved peacefully and for cooler heads to prevail? well, also danella 3 and ours are very met. anything during misunderstanding between all of them. so everyone is follow is all the steps. and i believe like this is not the time for set, so darn, it's a matter of working it out. so it's, it shows like who's the one canister country and who's that will be one of the countries because of the claim. they are advocating and caring to my
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country and everyone accused are another right here says fire, or he's not a true love to the country or never were for the country. so are accusing each other and everyone shows the traits. and as a problem, we cannot know the truth and everyone asks people ask, are we to join to another army or if it's called, the soldier and another teacher turned to him. and the same thing happened to the general coming. there were hundreds for this order for artist teach on came to not follow the general come down little bit how to use it. a life tv did you 0. and his brain is going to continue in this portal and he's going to fight and he's going to resist. and he asked him to look for advocate for all the harnessed and the sudanese and all one kid him and 2 right from were had and this, this was a,
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there we are and dangerous message from him. it's life now a jersey gra tv. well, most sub abraham, a local journalist, thank you very much for sharing your personal story with it, as well as the situation on the ground to stay safe. thank you. the while for to discuss this further, i am joined live now by award winning journalist based in su, donna martin j. martin, thanks very much for joining those. certainly, a very fluid and troubling situation. the moment you witnessed anything personally where you are, why me to get you. i'm not business. you done so i didn't know how you got the information. apologize. apologies for that math in i'm following, sudan. i was actually in sudan in 1994 in the so called the covering the rebellion approach. so i do have some insight on su, done. so i am following it very carefully and i think we're sick now. seems to be
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some sort of middle, she could, i mean it's pretty difficult to pinpoint it. generally speaking, in such situations, if mill translations, government need to go into palaces, ports are captured, usually, that's pretty much 9 tenths of military coups. so thing would be what we have to watch very carefully of the coming hours today and tomorrow, whether these installations do full and whether the air is much of a crossover between the regular army troops to r, s f or not. but we seem to be in the throes of a huge power struggle, currently in sudan, which has been really going on since 2019, when sure, of course, was overthrown. was you so you believe that we are witnessing the beginnings of a q here. obviously there were the signs the past couple of days with increased merger presence on the streets as well as the r f s. so the r s f, you know, wanting more more autonomy. but there was also some discussion of them being incorporated into the army at some point. could you break down the situation in a,
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in a, in a minute, 4 hours or so martin, what was, was, what was it stemmed from it stem from frustration from the earth, which is a brutal militia which came about bush's rain to, to quash the uprising. a door for which was about 3 and a 1000 deaths, to enough people displace. this is a brutal shot which was wanted to integrate itself into the regular army to have its own status and power based. it had a number of agreements signed with the government with the military, and i should say of albert, but it's not enough and they're frustrated. they will more power. and i think this is what come to had. they recently disagreed on how to go about the process of reintegrating them. so there is a certainly a belief on the left side that when push comes to show they could take control of the country. and they certainly have chip, loosely speaking, they have
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a few players in the middle east and russia who may, will support them if that would happen and t now. so this has been condemned by african leaders as events are unfolding in su, done. do you think this will spill out into the great region or is a very much an isolated situation into done and you expect leaders from africa through to help resolve this situation? well, they lead it, but too much from african leaders. but whether it becomes original, not very much, depends on who gets involved later on down the road. you know, the present government, the military government hasn't done much in recent months and is to reach out to international player to superpower to support them. so they're slightly lost in that respect. whereas on the upside, the leader of recept, i got a lot as very good relations with russia. unimportant united arab emirates, just emerald, sort of supporting the sky emeralds,
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who made indications. but you know, in other circumstances, he could have more support for them. it's possible that he's been given them not in the wing by the way, to go ahead with this, but i think come with seeing a power struggle. it may well be that because of the frustration between yourself and the incumbent, me, what we seeing now is we are actually showing me what it can do if it, if it needs to. so it may, will be about points about proving just how much power this session has. but i mean, none for man, you're looking at $100000.00 strong soldiers on both sides deal me and are assess the me of course, as much will hardware this disposal. so it's quite difficult to say whether they can actually take the country, but you know, many african countries have fallen just simply by capital schooling into rebel hands. i think that's some new should look very closely for, but interesting to see which institutions have gone. wow. well indeed, rather, wait and see how the events unfold in the coming hours and days. well, a woman,
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janet martin, j jordan life from morocco and not sudan. apologies again for that pleasure. as always to have you on the program. and i won't be surprised if you have you on tomorrow. if there's a situation develops into done. thank you. a lot explosion has been reported as a fishing fault in the japanese city of walk. a yama near were prime minister, female casita was set to speak. he was evacuated from the scene. the the local media suggests that it may be caused by a smoke grenade. a 24 year old suspects has been detained according to local police . they also said they found another potential infiniti device. the rest was made. no one was home to casita, gave his speech at another venue. a number of japanese cisco possibly does have
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condemned. the attack comes months after the nations former prime minister sions though our baby was shot dead with a home, a gun during an address he was giving in july the perpetrates nuts incidents that he was dissatisfied with ministers policy, asia, political risk, analyst ross find gold speculates the motivation behind this attack could have been similar could be with regard to a specific policy of the current government in japan. it could be something of a more personal nature. as we saw with the tragic fascination of former prime minister observations. there is a history of political chassis, nation in japan going back many, many decades. although that has become more rare. it really does reflect poorly on the police's ability to provide production to the public events as well as for
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intelligence gathering and we look at other countries now that is a topic of brain discussion, right? we're always here in from the united states, for example, whether it's investigating groups on the left or the right and both sides. the point if you say you're growing too far and you're interfering in what's normal kind of public discussion discourse or even arguments over policy issues. but again, it does, it does indicate that japan police and intelligence agencies do a whole lot of room for improvement in the work that they do. the front 24 television channel has deleted a video reports on the russian soldiers training and ukraine following threats of prosecution by key. if france 44th reports in boston, troops preparing security cranium, people is a disgrace to journalism, going to occupy territories without ukraine's consent. why lights ukrainian legislation and those who participate in such actions will be held accountable by
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the law. a bad example of so called neutral journalism, a report from france 24 from the positions of the invaders who are learning to kill ukrainians and a preparing for a new boucher other pods, was filmed in an unnamed location about 30 kilometers away from the phone line it showed us soldiers conducting training exercises, as well as 3 short interviews. one of those who spoke in the report said that the russian arms are superior to those of the west and that he's fighting for his country. another soldier expresses his readiness for a counter offensive while the 3rd underline the difficulties have been away from his family and concerns for the future. though the duration of the peace spell exceeded 90 seconds fancy for has yet to comment on why they delete the video. they can still be found on 3rd party sites. well, let's to discuss this more. i'm joined live now by author,
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journalist and founder of the don bus inside at crystal neon crystal good afternoon, and thanks for joining us. now ukraine has called this piece by funds 24, a bad example of neutral journalism. what more can it says about the situation here? i mean, really, pete's a good example of neutral journalism. i have to admit, i was really particularly surprised by this report from france, 24 because usually they do really, russo for beach reports. that a bad example of a report they made in 2016 when, when they lied from the beginning to the end. and it was a report meeting that on bus. so i was really amazed to see that they need to job properly for once. and then i, so was a journalist who made this report needs to journalist from france to was here in the don't bus last year. was him, are you boy, so all you work to and it's in
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a one is journalist. so i understood better how would this report was possible, because really i was amazed as i said. so it's not a bad example. on the contrary, it's a good example of journalism to try to t. and for me to shame that friends 24 decided to defeat it, just because i'm some pressure from ukraine. so do you think it was right that they deleted this or not? what, what do you think the reasons off for them during that? i think ukraine made pressure on the, on the fringe government and the french government asked france in 2422 d dead. because though we have to remember that friends, 24 is a public tv channel. so they directed the pin from the, from the french government. ah, well, off a journalist i found out the don boss decided christa now and thanks very much for breaking down that situation for us. you're welcome. on the west needs to stop encouraging the war in ukraine us according to the brazilian presidents as he
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concluded his visit to china. what ought to pay for that? now another important country is the united states. that is, the united states needs to stop encouraging more and start talking about peace. it is necessary for the european union to start talking about peace oversee during the visit brazil's president also called for moving away from trade in dollars. that was just out of the trip. the 2 countries completed their 1st transaction in yuan. the chinese president stated that roosting ties with brazil is a diplomatic priority for his country. at the top level, meeting the side signed several agreements and swapped views on international matters. brazil, officials that say their country is free to choose its trade partners. this is thought we must overcome the previous stage of isolation from other states. the country cannot be isolated from others. brazil has the size to be a partner with big economic blocks and other countries and bilateral agreements. so
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it makes no sense to choose to be closer to one country in order to be further from another. sheena air america, china is brazil's biggest commercial partner in terms of the direct flow for an investment. relationship speaks for itself. and today we're innocent. bullock and political point of view. the state visits speaks for itself as well. me, well, john, as commerce ministers criticized your sanctions against chinese companies, for ledger ties to russia, dismissing them as groundless and harmful to business. the u. s. sanctions had no international legal basis and i know sanctioned by the un security council. a typical example of unilateral sanctions and the application of extra territorial jurisdiction which seriously harm the legitimate rights and interests of businesses and effect the security instability of global supply chains. china strongly opposes them on the share of the chinese currency and will market very the you on accounts
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for less than 2 percent of global trade. since then, the chinese currency is reach 4.5 percent with you are now breathing down the euro's neck. the dollars a share is also in decline as more and more traders turn to its chinese rival. let's get more details from political unlist, unblocked alex reports for thanks very much for joining us alex. i'm certainly thinking reaction from china regarding those us sanctions. what are your thoughts on it? will it should be a strong reaction? i mean, the united states is like a country with a train that is out of control with no conductor. we see the chinese that are building relationships all around in connecting nations together while the united states is inflicting sanctions on other countries. the trust is gone. people are going elsewhere and other nations are now saying, wait a moment, here we've been lie to, we've been cheated to and this is, you know, words from, i would say my pompei was mouth as the excess cia, a person in charge in the united states. so the trust has been broken,
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the americans have broken that trust. and now the only way that they can retaliate is to a increase the sanctions will call it the sanctions escalator. and as well impose these sanctions on companies in china. that's their only way to get out of this mass, and that's the only plate last play they have in the playbook. no, said the u. s. just like many countries are facing very at. so blends economic times, the moments now got a song by it from the former president, donald trump. let's have a quick listen. i'll ask you a question about eventually i have to stay the u. s. a is a mess. our economy is crashing. inflation is out of control. russia has joined with china, unthinkable. saudi arabia, great people have joined with a ran china, russia, iran, north korea have formed together as a menacing and destructive coalition. our currency is crashing and will soon
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no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest to see in 200 years and was unthinkable just a few years ago. unthinkable that that could happen. but it's happening before your very eyes. oh, so donald shut down his typical flamboyant sal self on the campaign trail where he called the u. s. economy, a mess. and obviously, you know, it's many dismiss. what from says, what do you think there's a, there's a hint of truth behind what he's been saying. and if so, who do things behind the mask? the economy isn't? well, i mean, this is, you know, the land of the free and the home of the double standard here. a lot of the words, it's in the sound bits that we just heard from. trump are actually true that these relationships are building daily and they are happening very, very fast. the train is moving, it's on the tracks and it's well organized. these nations are waking up saying, wait a moment if they can seize $300000000000.00 in russian assets, which is
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a very, very big risk. no other nations are going to be wanting to belong to the banking system, this with banking system. so they are aligning themselves with nations that are actually, you know, going down the diplomacy route. look at what china, the deal, the piece deal that they broker just a few weeks back here. more that is happening. this is really worrying to the united states. they have no option unless to sanction if the sanctions don't work, get ready for military conflict. that is the american play book. and like i said, a few weeks ago, they are running on a nation's to invade by talking about relations between countries. we've sit, we saw the, the 1st transaction between china and brazil in you one. and indeed a number of countries on are switching to using their own national currencies for trade. what are the benefits of this and what implications with this are for the american dollar?
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well, i mean the benefits to this if you're a nation that can get out of the crossfire, i mean, this is a, you know, a sinking ship with no captain. it is definitely going down. and you have to do what you can to protect your currency. look, it happened in libya who we all know what the americans did there when a, you know, kid off, he decided that hate wait a moment. let's d dollarization here. let's get back away from the u. s. currency well, history if history is have any truth to it, which it does. then these nations know very well what's gonna happen to them if they don't get out of the way and to ally their partners with china. china has always believed in serve the people, and it is now showing other nations that it is serving other nations of best interest right now. well, alex reports of a political analyst on blogger. thank you very much for your time and your full sedate here on h. c. r t. present of you in the program. thank you. well,
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that's is all for now. mine is peter scott's my back in just over 30 minutes time with all the lights this, but do have it's all websites for any developments on that unfolding situation in sudan. thanks very much. the company. ah ah ah ah. ah henry sanchez in, i've been doing news now for 30 years and 2 languages around the world. and here in the united states, i've interviewed for presidents, founded a $1000000000.00 business. i think new should be honest and direct and impactful.
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that's why we call this direct impact. ah, okay, here we go. the case against the of new york versus donald trump is on. and here's the very latest. the former president's chief tormentor i. e prosecutor, ivan bragg, has spelled out what the evidence is that he plans to use against mr. trump. and it appears it has a lot to do with this dude. this man, you see right here that is alan weisel. burke used to be the money man for mr. trump's company, her last year he was indicted for a grand larceny and tax fraud for failing to pay taxes on compensation that he received for cars apartment.


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