tv News RT April 17, 2023 2:00am-2:27am EDT
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ah with nearly a 100 people are dead and over 300 are wounded army and the rapid support forces paramilitary group continue union on the ground. there is no cost with 2 stations, a r t follows russia pacific naval fleet as it can, bonds to the us, japan and south korea holding trilateral and the asia pacific region to european from ukraine with others, considering similar measures. planes for disrupting you. markets which has
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triggered a pride to carry the loss with national, with the latest world news update. your la is about, it's great to have you. we started sudan were heavy fighting between the national army and the as been ranging on for 3 days. reports from the sudan doctors trace ivan with over 300 wounded. this exclusion smoke rising over the cities airport as claims that the per mile is circulate online. though the sudanese army says it has all the rebels tensions reportedly sparked after a proposal to march. the national army with both parties unable to agree on a time a mood reports from the scene holy was often with on his knees and empathy for not his that's due to the conflict between more hon. thank you, ma'am. have done the good, you know, what been support forces pulling on guam. multiple cities are under attack, the capital, atlanta, et cetera. as of yesterday,
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multiple areas of the country suffer water shortage. multiple assets in the capital, such as bill boyd and some people are still stuck in these areas. and tense fibers and sedans. army has spoken up since certainty act. real tatum have been suspended . there is a white spate war we and, and he said he had one of the building that goes i, we have a witness that is going to, well, we were sitting downstairs when suddenly a big explosion occurred. relapse and got very scared. after that, the only thing was sold, self managed stories were told of the reason why the only given a socket was over this kid both for the people who are the 2 armies. so, so take that to them in this satellite for it, you can see plumes strategically important sites in cartoon which include the local away and hospital. we heard from local correspond it mohammed audition, while explosions could be heard in the background. the. no, it is. there is no both ago now it's it's,
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it's has been identified this increasingly a number of casualties among this. ah, it was that akin over these hundreds of people also, and you're going to go for the fighting after a through z. as in the after mediation by this newton's, i'm of the junior are so clues. actually, this is the news with a shock of what happened yesterday before is a wanted off leave said don't get off. all the people that don't get using these have you in inside the is where the little of the studio. yes. so just to the continuum. so a going to,
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if you are, since i've been on over the city, i know of getting the fuel that embed is also the demand of people who suffer more and more or less. the u. s. world food programs operations insur dan, after 3 of its workers were killed in class on from the sudanese doctors trade union. who told us that medical levering aid to civilian victims of the violence situation. crises are still very be courteous. here. are blocked by immediately. and some of them very being brought by gangs, and there is no actual hospital. i cartoon stations are on the medical tour well on teams. i also go to the hospital or the medical center is actually in the south of courtroom. not good. now some on the street and we are
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having being taken away only to the military service we have been taken to civilians are left on the seat. and as you know in the country mazama gays and we are really concerned that some of this girl cars may sorry, congress or this one cd, i mean the health of the nation. neighboring chan. but several countries, including russia and egypt, calling for nations. the league of arab states has also urge an immediate cease fire of the crisis. but washington sees the conflict as an opportunity to transition to a civilian government duration. there are other actors since that, that progress. but this is a real opportunity. civilian le, transition, and one that we and, and other conte article respondent and all over you could get, takes a closer look at the you. ok,
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so called of rules mean that to the united states, put itself above all others that it now stands that africa appears to have given up on the virtues of a miracle. so cold, i'm this de, peacemaking and in the case of so dad, it seems like the intention goes beyond what we know. and what we're seeing in 2012 to one decode, drew, a sharp response from sedans, west and back as with the u. s. the e u and the wool banks are spending billions of dollars worth of aid and debt forgiveness, the u. s. administration at that particular time. however, kept talking with the coup lead is a bark restoration of what they call a credible civilian government. the civilian lead transitional government should be immediately restored. it represents the will of the sudanese people, as evidenced by the significant peaceful demonstrations of, of support on october 21st. and we will look at the full range of economic tools
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available to us in coordination and consultation, regional actors and other key countries to make sure that we are trying to push, ah, the, certainly the entire sudanese political process back in a positive direction after this significant in a warming setback, and we call on the military to unconditionally release and re reinstate all detain civilians in order to allow the civilian lead transition to continue. now americans have been told that if they do not to dominate the world to will descend into chaos . when in reality, as mediation from different states have shown, other powers, the likely to step up to shoulder the burden of security in peace making. not so long ago, the word demands of from an immediate end to all fighting is sedan. and that was to ensure that delayed elections, i held peacefully and freely bats this to the knees leader promised to hold those
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elections, examiner who we affirm the complete withdrawal of the military from the political process. this step should be accompanied by the withdrawal of political forces from the transitional period. as a response to the revolutionaries demands, the military must go back to the barracks while political parties should head to elections. what we do know so far is that to many was that the u. s. has waged and participated in have not only left the countries in positions of failed states, but have also caused increased regional instability. many say that the u. s. has left a countless trails of bloods and term oil around the world, all in the name of democracy. ah
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many of also said that the west is guilty of crimes. which recently it has accused states like russia of committing. and when it comes to russia, that only has the waste gone to fall, but it's also led to warnings that prevent russia from establishing a naval base off. it's a red sea coast saying that it would harm the country's interests. all countries have a sovereign right to decide which other countries to partner with, but these choices have consequences, of course. and the west hasn't stopped there. it's mainstream media carried out a smear campaign to brand russia as a gold to smuggler. but then soon after that, a sudanese minister denied those reports saying that to prison put in had bolts, it's reserves on smuggled. sudanese gold are also stating that it was part of a campaign. promoted by western power was against russia's war in ukraine. what was reported in western newspaper is baseless accusations that closer to the aspiration
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of western parties to justify the western campaign against russia over the invasion of ukraine. unfortunately, they didn't get any benefit from the work because worst bulk of the time. quite to go there just for tourism, and just to get the wealth of them without giving them any where were dough any? think as against all the compensation for that they did it demolished, they, they baby ecology and the climate and the resort. the natural resources in africa, but they didn't get anything to them. now the biggest source of concern for the u. s. administration and possibly the reason it was 1st to call a ceasefire is sedans, party in china's initiated sudan, and china have deep economy ties in various areas including agriculture, energy and mining. and now the strength of these bilateral relations explains many
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things, especially when it comes to this particular conflict. china's role is improved by many other african countries, which see china as an alternative to the u. s. or pursued a hedging strategy between the 2 to maximize their own interest that this now allows china to carve out a sphere in the region and challenge the u. s. influence. no, lou, we're kuhn, k r t to hannah's book, south africa. russia has conducted snapped girls of its pacific naval fleet. the move comes in order to test the navy's combat readiness amid sore intentions with the west and an unstable situation in the asia pacific. the heightened tension swallow an announcement of the trilateral drills to be held by the us, japan and south korea in order to counter in a legit north korean threat. russia has conducted missile launches entre pito test
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. as part of a surprise, inspection of the fleet, according to the nation's defense minister, our chief quarter reports from the ground. welcome aboard, the crown jewel of rushes, far east fleets, the mighty marshal shop. a sneak of a soviet made multi purpose frigate fully loaded with anti ship rockets, long range tactical missiles, anti air artillery batteries, and high powered torpedoes today, this colossal ship is answering the defense ministries call to snap naval drills. intended to test the far east fleets, combat readiness in the event of an error, to put its skills to the testy marshal shop. a sneak of is preparing for anti submarine drills using helicopters to seek and identify targets in the water, as well as anti naval planes for close air support. it's also locking in loading. it's artillery for massive firing drills against a simulated enemy. and we're going to be right in the middle of the action.
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ah right now in the ship's bridge, we're all of the commanding for these operations is taking place. you can see behind me the officers both steering the marshal shopping in the curve as well as commanding the entire naval exercises. here in the front, you could see some officers who were communicating over the radio with a different crews of different ships, as well as helicopter cruise to make sure that these military exercises can be coordinated correctly and that they can accomplish their objectives. ah, you can see behind me the fleet has organized around the marshal shop. a sneak of
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this is the part of the fleet that has only organized on its right flank. there are a lot of other ships that you can see on the camera right now, but you can also see a chapter carrying out the exercises that i was talking about earlier. that helicopter is dropping something into the water that's going to use hydro, acoustic technology to detect enemy submarines under the water. ah ah, what you just saw behind me is that ship launching its rockets that are intended to both disable and destroy submarines as well as neutralize enemy torpedoes headed in its direction. ah, well guerria is considering a ban on grain imports from ukraine. that's according to the country's agricultural minister, in a statement to
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a bulgarian news agency. the move comes after 2 other countries, poland and hungary have introduced a temporary ban on ukrainian grain imports. bulgarian interests must be safeguarded, particularly when 2 of the countries react in this way. if we do not react in a similar manner, the accumulation of ukrainian grain on bulgarian territory may become even bigger. earlier this month, prime ministers from several central european nations including poland, hungary, slovakia, and romania, turned to the e. u to address the excessive brain imports from ukraine. the group asked the union to establish fixed quotas on imports from the country. farmers from several countries protested against the influx of agricultural products that has led to the under cutting of domestic growing crops for some time now, cheap grain exports from ukraine have been flooding. europe with brussels waving customs, duties on calves exports, to support ukrainian producers,
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poland and hungary introduce a ban on green imports from ukraine on on the same day last week, warsaw made the move after polish farmers rallied in protest near the border with ukraine. poland says the ban is intended to protect its domestic food market. budapest says the ban will last until june, 30th this year. he have reacted to the initiative with accusations against warsaw in budapest saying their decision contradicts previous agreements. meanwhile, the european commission has reacted negatively to the ban. se unilateral actions on trade by members states are unacceptable. it is important to underline the trade policy, ease of exclusive competence, and therefore, unilateral actions are not acceptable. and so challenge in times it is crucial to coordinate and align old decisions within the e. u. the russian president has assess the black sea green deal and says only 3
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percent of exports of ukranian grain have reached the african continent with a majority dispatch to europe legal expert and independent analysts. will car diaz says, those who are in dire need of food haven't received the much needed grain? believe this is the proof. the 1st place or the destiny of that green is not for the poor countries. when the era pinion or the western countries make the noise from, for the russia that went seek, make the signature of that a great deal with the see did. the 1st place is the do the poor countries? because that good question need, we have a so many different kinds of are kind concrete, suite diplomatic changes. and that said that we see the different move into the dead serial for that greens greens are going only for the rich countries in particular in the europe sector. so that just one be proved. the words are very
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different from the actions here in the muslim league is expansive. you will refer to other countries. it's very expressive because we have the magic changer created the big impact. in the most part of the african continent, we see for example here, and we're going to have that example in as of as yes read. now about this for a cycle and we see to so many people don't have any food. we don't to as any insight to the development agriculture. so that is the one big problem. the problem for now, the migration crisis, indonesia, which has been a source of growing concern for years, has once again come to the forefront of public debate. as recent reports indicate an uptick in migrant death, you an estimate more than 400 people drown while trying to cross the mediterranean from north africa in early 2023, which is the highest number over
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a 3 month period in the last 6 years this comes as tensions remain high and tenicia after its president accused sub saharan african migrants of fueling crime and labeled them a demographic threads. these remarks have caused an international outcry and prompted the refugees to call for evacuation. from tunisia, the country has become a transit point for asylum seekers headed to europe with the number of immigrants increasing several times. this year. we spoke with some seeking a new life who described the conditions there. i'm not in a get up in general. aisley haven't been allowed to contact any embassy spirit told to go back to our country, but there is more and famine there. i can go back to yemen. my parents died there and my children suffered there. how do you want me to go back? my husband even received death threats there. how can i go back on break utilities when we go downtown into nissans? look at us when they call us names,
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this beat in our faces and we cannot defend ourselves. we can. what can we do here where refugees want to be? take you to know the country in a place where we can be respected by all the people clinical stuff. i used to work for tunisian employ after the president's remarks. i was for it since the president said that if it tunisian cause an illegal, sub saharan walker fulfilled them will be banned from the business. however, the official representative of the tenicia pro presidential 25th of july movement insists it's european countries who are to blame for the escalation of teenagers, migrant crisis. when european politicians talk about our country's economic collapse, it is done to instill fear, particularly among certain segments of tunisian society. they intend to purposefully push individuals to move, including illegal migrants, and then use african migrants to argue that there is racial discrimination in tunisia. and that the 25th of july movement is incapable of protecting all national
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religious and ideological minorities. as a result, i believe that all of this is done to incite public outrage and produce st riots which is simply one aspect of this program. brought her cooperation between russia, china and african countries will lead to increased self sufficiency and contribute to less dependence on the u. s. dollar political advisor. robert hockey, discusses that and more in the latest episode of option returns is going underground. you can watch the full interview here on our team throughout the day, but for now, here's a preview. there is a good deal more talk now about the dollarization than there used to be. i think largely going to the fact that a number of the brick nations and other nations as well are trying to kind of get out from under the us dollar as the sort of principle trans national currency. so if you had a training block form, say, between china, russia,
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maybe some other bricks, members, maybe all the other bricks members and maybe a few other nations. it's highly likely that you would actually have the makings of a kind of all tarkey within that particular training block. as we know, russia has vast natural resources as well as a great deal of technical know how we also know, of course, that africa is very resource rich and trying to in particular, but also russia have been expanding their trade relations and their economic relations with africa and you know, between africa, russia and china, it would seem to me that you've got the same sort of diversity of resource availability and maybe even a greater degree of diversity of resource availability and productive capacity. then you have say, in north america or in europe as a whole. so if a block of some sort of form among those countries, they will be simply no need for them to rely on the dollar or to be dollar dependence. and thus they would be no real danger. opposed to them by dollar
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related sanctions. ah, that's our up on the our and coming up the start of the military operation in your brain. we've been told that the was isn't locked up. unity. however, what does unity mean? following washington's orders without question, and are they really that united the discussion next on cross off the ah, ah, nice to come to the russian state will never be as tight as i'm phoning most landscape with within the 50 bab, with anyone else with
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ah ah ah really sensitive water is thrown in the old hon and the snow falls about scheduling. this comes with the last dance fidelity dealers. we sprung from ours from them to lower the do it in b. c machine you could give to way in the politicians, kills at the edge on the ball asia, or was to live it. i'm done with this in a little bolcom in the crucial chest middle school. that was it was all seniors with the modem is not, but it's good. p t d still not off what you to do but you did. you did
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a lot. well then you do it with up sheet and you video picks, that will be a good way to go with when you go see sure, he missed his piece. they need to know something more and you can give us his net. but did he thought he is a fellow spoken this? don't say this material, but he lost power source. but even in the supply unit should update those mydebit. you still owe me? it doesn't help out with me. she go. she returned with a, you'll have to renew my squad so to do most of his emotional specially to renew with lisa those up when you took a doing piecemeal. mm. ah
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ah, ah. hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered non peter labelle since you started the military operation and ukraine. we were told the west is in step unity. in this case, unity means following orders without question from washington. well, that unity has begun to unravel. new europe and old europe are clearly not marching in sink. ah, discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess, george semi ali in budapest. he's a podcast or at the goggle which can be found on youtube and locals. and in st. petersburg we cross to alexander.
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