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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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very clearly, not marching insane with india is determined to buy russian crude oil near all over the price cup imposed by g 7 states, remaining one of moscow's t impulses round to 100 dead, hundreds more wounded in sudan as flashes between the national army on the rapids the 4 forces our military group and to the 3rd day we heard from an eye witness. we were sitting down stairs when suddenly a big explosion occurred right in front of us was so building collapse and got very scared. after that, the only thing we saw what the debrief we didn't see the rocket itself. today, this colossal ship is answering the defense ministry call to snap naval drills, intended to test the far east fleets, combat readiness,
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any event of anatomy attack. and dorothy follows russia's large scale naval drills in the pacific region that over $25000.00 service men taking part in the exercise. ah july, from our studio here in moscow, you'll watching oxy international on his pizza. scott, here with all the latest this monday afternoon. thanks so much for joining moscow. a new deli, all working on signing a russia, india agreement on mutual investments. that's according to the russian trade minister, dentist. montauk, who's in india, currently to discuss trade in economic ties between the states was use. we have vaccinations for friends, the states, particularly for india, we pay significant attention to allow products from other states to answer our country's markets. we plan to intensify negotiations between the eurasian economic commission and india in relation to the free trade agreement. we are working on
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signing a russia, india agreement on supporting and protecting mutual investments. i have no doubt that these trade preferences will be useful for russian and indian businessmen. apply national currencies in mutual payments and currency of friendly states may minimize costs and currency risks. let's call live now to our india correspondence . runjun sharma, thanks for joining us. runjun. could you take us through the key takeaways of this meeting, please? yes. in fact, on the russian deputy feminist, i will go to the minister mister monterey. all is in new delhi. i'll through to deal with essentially to follow those trends and bilateral and 3 dies would renew deli called earlier today out of business for them. when mr. essentially spoke about signing that agreement. we just heard him, but also strengthening our clea ties between the 2 countries in several sector. now
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there were also a re present details from moscow as well as from new delhi, from from the business sector. i talking about all possibilities in various sectors . now also the foreign minister over india, s j shankar was present after the event he echoed, walked off mister montreal. really had to say all, do you know about about doing more and more freed. we've spent, the countries in local calling sees, of course, including india, india also been working on that with the russia since the last yard. all but of course, so we would have walked up before minutes to read the instructions. i've got to say the believe that in times of global instability, the world economy requires a more resilient and reliable set of supply chips possibilities i think are
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both in, you know, i would say gaps which may have emerged in recent months, but also new areas and i completely agree that i think today payments, logistics, certifications, these really be and i'm convinced that that's possible we're talking about strategic dies, strengthening them. oil being an important sector for the 2 countries that we also heard new to will our seat on was the finance minister. audio speaks to a blue bargain interview where she clearly spoke about defined western sanctions. that price gap remember, which was fort by the g 7 and the west stock are saying that india will a buy price oil is that price gap which has been set up on that. the primary,
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even for india, really is to take care all the energy security for it's 1400000000 people. so even if it breaches the capital, how you probably have to keep importing it. yes, because otherwise i'd be ending up paying for more than what i can afford. the as far as the west has been led by the us, it has been pressurising, india to distance itself from russia. i never last saw india not to come to any of those special. this would be chick tie. the trade between the 2 countries has already grown. when you look at dell from fed last c, r 2. now, not just the noise sector, but since we just come up as the finance minister of india never lost the total money. talk about oil there defying. is that price gap set by the g $7.00?
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really the, the trades, the old freed between the 2 countries have sets a yet another record mom's off to another. and now we're buying over a 1000000 barrels all the food from moscow, pud v. and that's really now when you look at the latest figure, that it is the more than what the india is buying off both strong, solving good lock and goes to remember war india, the dominant oil suppliers. so the 5 do want to do the rest from sanction. moscow and new delhi are continuing their growing big lava incorporations, not just an oil, but all those sectors as well. runjun the thank you very much for breaking down those trade talks between russia and india. fascinating stuff. and talking about international relations, the russian foreign ministers trip to latin america kicked off on monday. the
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brazilian as his 1st destination. siggler broth is set to hold talks with his brazilian counts spots maro vieira. moscow's top diplomat said the tools to goal is to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation between the countries and says, including all the things that trade the economy and education about the american trip will also include stops in venezuela, nicaragua. and you back over to sudan. now where heavy fighting between the army and the f r. a miniature group now officially declared rebels and ordered to despond. as then said, it's the day reports from the sou, done. the doctor's trade union puts the death fall. it's almost a 100 with over $300.00 wounded. now this exclusive footage from the sudanese capital shows smoke rising over the city that bolts as claims the power military has entered the presidential polish circulate on line. for the sudanese army says it's already recaptured that tensions report to the spots after a proposed proposal to merge the recess into the ranks of the national army with
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both parties. unable to agree on a timeline of journalist adela mac mode reports and the scene, all the ones off hold on is also not listed as the one of the piece and empathy for not incidence due to the conflict between or hon said, you know, one of the sudanese military and ma'am, mm hm. then the girls that you know of that were being support forces. they are right now battling small grand multiple cities are under attack the capital and why you casela or saddam angina, et cetera. as of yesterday, multiple areas of the country suffer from power, play out and drinking water shortage. multiple assets in the capital, such as building hospitals, schools are destroyed, and some people are still stuck in these areas and tense. fighting between the rebate support forces and sedans. army has spoken up since saturday, april 50 flight to and from told them have been suspended. there is a weiss,
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fate war we and, and excite eddie across ceylon. right now i'm in one of the building that got damage and we have a witness that is going to will us for what happened exactly. we were sitting downstairs when suddenly a big explosion occurred right in front of us was so building collapse and got very scared. after that, the only thing was saw what the debris. we didn't see the rocket itself. many stories waste, although the reason why the only given a thought he was the only thing that we know until in his neighborhood that we are this kid both for the people or the 2 armies. so. so take that please. in the autumn, the capital of to them on this satellites 14, you can see plumes of black smoke billowing can near the airports, defense ministry, railway and hospital in carts room. we heard from local correspondence, muhammad ahmed, so as we end does the same day as it is, there is no. maybe you've been here in the background now, it has been intensified. this increases becomes aggressive. now the number of cars,
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while it is among the 97, a hundreds of people also. and so i was just going to go for the fight after very short a list of all of the fight after this was actually this is the news were very shocked. of what happened as of what happened yesterday before yesterday, and continue for a few days. now the also disappointed of they did they, did they need to said don't care or are the people that don't care of the safety of
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the people. they are using the heavier ones in inside the neighborhood and the areas where there are a lot of civilians. so there is no just, no, just if the people that and the glasses are continuing, so they did their own experience, a question of the people that are going to 2 or 2 since yesterday night. there is no power at all. been all over the city and now there are problems of, of getting a few getting bad. so the question is also the people who are more and more this class is going to the un, wilford program says it's been forced to suspend its operations. insur done us up to 3 of its workers, were killed, inca beauchamp from the sudanese dots, his trade union. he said that medical services with the man measure,
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hospitals are in costume and a medical personnel. they can get you to institutions and the medical for one tv that was not gross abilities to go to the hospitals or the medical centers. now somebody bought, especially in the south of cartoon, not now. some get cor, was used to still on the street and having, being taken away, not only knows, well which should belong to the military services they had been taken. the civilians did personnel still less than on the jeep. and as you know, the country is still in the summer or a still high. now we are really concerned that some of the court was made parking decay and decompress or this when
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a national submission. when a bring chart has closed this borders with the done with several countries, including russia in egypt, calling for a cease fire. league of arab states has also urged an immediate end to the fighting and offered its mediation to resolve the crisis. despite the conflicts at washington, still supposed to be moved to a transitional government. it's a fragile situation. there are other actors that may be pushing against that, that progress. but this is a real opportunity to finally carry for the civilian la transition. and one that we and other countries are trying to, to bolster our tea correspondence. no over you can, gay takes a closer look at the crisis. and saddam, as we can see, washington is trying to make its prisoners felton this conflicted to so that the was the time would all roads to peace went through washington. but over the years
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are america so called of rules amend that to the united states put itself above all others that it now stands that africa appears to have given up on the virtues of a miracle. so cold, i'm this de, peacemaking and in the case of so dad, it seems like the intention goes beyond what we know. and what we're seeing in 2012 to one decode, drew, a sharp response from sedans. western bacchus with the u. s. the e u and the war banks are spending billions of dollars worth of aid and debt forgiveness, the u. s. administration at that particular time. however, kept talking with the coup leaders about restoration of what they call a credible civilian government. the civilian lead transitional government should be immediately restored. it represents the will, the sudanese people, as evidenced by the significant peaceful demonstrations of,
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of support on october 21st. now americans have been told that if they do not to dominate the world will descend into chaos. when in reality, as mediation from different states have shown, other powers, the likely to step up to shoulder the burden of security in peacemaking. not so long ago, the word demands of from an immediate end to all fighting is sedan. and that was to ensure that delayed elections, i held peacefully and freely backed this to their knees leader promised to hold those elections. examiner all we affirm the complete withdrawal of the military from the political process. this step should be accompanied by the withdrawal of political forces from the transitional period, as a response to the revolutionaries demands. what we do know so far is that many wars that the u. s. has waged and participated in have not only live the countries in positions of failed states,
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but have also caused increased regional instability. many say that the u. s. has left countless trails of blood and term oil around the world, all in the name of democracy. ah, many of also said that the west is guilty of crimes, which recently it has a cue states like russia of committing. and when it comes to russia, that only has the waste gone to fall. but it's also led to warnings that prevent russia from establishing a naval base of it's a red sea coast saying that it would harm the country's interests. all countries have a sovereign right to decide which other countries to partner with, but these choices have consequences. of course,
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work bulk of the time. why to go there just for truism and just to get the wealth of them without giving them any where we're dough any. think as against all the compensation for that they demolished a baby, baby ecology and the climate and the resort the natural resources in africa. but they didn't give anything to them now or the biggest source of concern for the u. s . administration. and possibly the reason it was 1st to call a ceasefire is sedans, part in china's initiatives that china's role is improved by many other african counties, which see china as an alternative to the you is or pursue a hedging strategy between the 2 to maximize their own interest that this now allows china to come out of a sphere in the region and challenge the u. s. influence and aloof. we are kuhn k, r t to hannah's burkes out africa. the 1st stage of snap
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naval drills of rushes. pacific fleets have been successfully completed his while the nation's defense minister said gay, shall you have to say that this is no longer showing him? supporting to your order? starting on april 14th were holding snap drills of russia specific fleet, which includes over $25000.00 service managers, $167.00 warships, 12 submarines, $89.00 planes and helicopters. the fleet forces have been brought to complete readiness for the drills. michelle franklin, us shooting to it's obvious that we are now clearly prioritizing our armed forces in ukraine and doing everything to protect the people in dumbass. but we still have to develop our fleet, including that of the pacific and others. their assets could be used in other tasks . the 1st stage of the snap drills has been successfully completed on a very high level. i think everyone who took part the drills come amid tensions in
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the asia pacific that follows and announcements of more trilateral drills to be held by the u. s. t. upon and south korea to counter an alleged north korean threat, which it has conducted missile launches until pete assess is parts of the snap drills us, according to the defense minister of russia. aussies donald quarter census this report. welcome aboard. the crown jewel of rushes, far east fleets, the mighty marshal shop. a sneak of the soviet made multi purpose frigate fully loaded with anti ship rockets, long range, tactical missiles, anti air artillery batteries, and high powered torpedoes. today, this colossal ship is answering the defense ministries call to snap naval drills, intended to test the far east fleets combat readiness in the event of an enemy attack. ah, to put it skills to the testy marshal shop,
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a sneak of is preparing for anti submarine drills using helicopters to seek and identify targets in the water, as well as anti naval planes for close air support. it's also locking and loading its artillery for massive firing drills against a simulated enemy. and we're going to be right in the middle of the action. ah right now in the ship's bridge. we're all of the commanding for these operations is taking place. you can see behind me the officers are both steering the marshal shopping cove, as well as commanding the entire naval exercises. here in the front, you could see some officers who were communicating over the radio with a different crews of different ships, as well as a helicopter cruise to make sure that these military exercises can be coordinated correctly and that they can accomplish their objectives. ah,
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you could see behind me the fleet has organized around the marshal shop. a sneak of this is the part of the fleet that is only organized on its right flank. there are a lot of other ships that you can't see on the camera right now, but you can also see a helicopter carrying out the exercises that i was talking about earlier. that helicopter is dropping something into the water that's going to use hydro, acoustic technology to detect enemy submarines under the water. ah ah, what you just saw behind me is that ship launching it's rockets that are intended
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to both disable and destroy submarines as well as neutralize enemy torpedoes headed in its direction. the push for peace in war torn yemen continues, as saudi arabia has released more than 100 prisoners to go back to santa the latest release, fullest prisoner exchanges between the warring parties and yemen of the last few days. but more than 900 people from both sides returning home, saudi delegations stressed that the gesture of good will is in the spirits of seeking a permanent ceasefire in the decade long conflict. we had also participated in the recent pito peace talks between both sides, stating that further negotiations will take place. ah, and outside of the story we're across to day, netflix has found itself the center of controversy once again. after releasing a trailer for the upcoming documentary series about egyptian queen cleopatra, now the film a spot criticism of the actress playing her having darkest skin and cleopatra is believed to have had with some claim in is historically inaccurate. let's take
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a look at the trend. i tony learned the very 1st told me as a general, alexander, the great possible that she was. rejection, i imagine her to have curly hair like me on the similar skin. i remember my grandmother saying to me, i don't care what they tell you in school cleopatra was black. the series is set to be released in may, but a petition to cancel. the phones release was signed by of 85000 people before been removed from the websites as well. some 20 users have to say left real cleopatra. 180 right. netflix cleopatra, 2023. quickly. potter was of greek origins. she was not black. i suppose black rights facts, right? this act of egyptian history continues. american vision is decided that the greek egyptian queen cleopatra was somehow black. nothing wrong with me in black if it
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was the truth. but that is a big, fat pathetic lie. this is considered cultural appropriation and cannot be called a documentary as it lacks accuracy and truth. queen cleopatra was from a macedonian family and was born in egypt. you could have chosen other queens to represent black women. we jumps for the minister for of state for antiquities affairs zahir boss. how us says that ancient artifacts prove the historical accuracy of the series, kill you. but i was not the black at all. what j di smith, the wife of willie smith is doing is not fair at all. they are trying to prove that the origin of the egyptians validation was black. you look at kelly butler, she was greek and all tested unions. queens and princes were not
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black. chose a daughter a booth to remain somebody else who has looked black and she had nothing. it was black. if you look at all the statues of cleopatra in museums and even in our excavation in tom was in his magna that you are said she was getting martinez on the top of getting better. we found one head of can you better was completely white . also, if you look at the coins that depict the vase and the name of cuba, it does not show harry black. if you look at a seat, then debated, let them bill after i've done that, it showed that was looked black. and finally, as the us led invasion of iraq marks is 20th anniversary this spring, we recall one of the most controversial events of the war that were revealed by wicked things co founded during assange in april 2010. now
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a video named collateral murder showed footage of a group in to rochester unless it's shot by us helicopter 4 people were killed in that incident. r t s d sweeney's, but with a man whose relatives were among the victims. it was here, the 2 royces journalists were among those killed as a us apache helicopter, open fire on on iraqi civilians. the crew laughed as people lay on the ground dying . at least 12 people were killed and 2 children among the wounded in 2 separate rod or 24 or 4 rather than wait. that's a weapon. 1856 individual to take a 47. permission learn by wednesday by now let me know when you get what you might of all up to traffic to safety. come on
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if you think thing on the consequences of those events still effectively we've suffered huge losses. my brother was wounded and still hasn't recovered. we also suffered financially because our current house were damaged. of course, what happened was a war crime. 12 people from our district died, wives became widows, children became orphans. some people lost their children and others lost brothers and fathers. we know about this because of wiki, the expanded judy, the sounds who publish footage of the attack in 2010. but it was an inconvenient, too for washington, and the sound is paying a heavy price, locked up in britain's high security by almost prison. he faces 175 years in american jail under the espionage act. but
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a rocky say that it is bush and blair that should be behind balls instead of judy in the sounds. that sounds very well, assange is innocent. he simply revealed the truth. he should be released from prison. it is blair and bush, which should be behind bars, danbury, the u. s. move to cover up the truth making excuses to justify the attack. the pentagon issued a vice a journalist to identify themselves and inform the military of their whereabouts. effectively blaming the reuters crew for their own death. members of the press to be encouraged or required to wear, identified vests, or distinctive body. alma coalition forces to be notified when members of the press are operating in their area of responsibility. washington's efforts to hide the truth about the crimes committed during the iraq war. continue today. the u. s. kind we fighting for freedom and democracy. but can anyone really be free as long as the sounds remains behind bars or the wall was based on the false pretext of
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weapons of mass destruction, the compete on lead to decades of turmoil in the wider region. you know, nazi will be chronicling the conflicts as well as his aftermath in our coverage of the u. s. lead 2003 invasion ah. or for more on any of those stories as well as all the latest updates r t c dot com is your place to go. my name is peter scott. my be back at the top of the hour with all of today's top stories. hope see them. ah, since you started the military operation in ukraine, we were told the west is in lock step unity. in this case, unity means following orders without question from washington. well, that unity has begun to unravel. new europe in old europe are clearly not marching
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in sink. ah, i'm after resents here, welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from dubai in the united arab emirates here in the mid least economies. a booming.


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