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tv   Africa Now  RT  April 18, 2023 3:30am-3:55am EDT

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to leak out the attempts to blame russia seemed to point to a, you are trying to link it to russia. russia, who was somehow connected with this, mainly working for us or, you know, was in the u. s. navy. so i think that was point to the peril you'll join us on when he leaked these incriminating direction that seemingly an impact on the election may try to link us here. and they're trying to blame russia for this leak . and sustain is demon ization of russia. that's fueling demand and confrontational policies towards russia. or i time not delving into the real issues affecting the continence people and how they can just book up for dylan and your school. what's on it? no one with william, chris martin. thank
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you. if you'd just love him, fabled chris yolk of kiddy controller in 5th period. even talking a satirical mom, doesn't matter. my bill is going to just we're gonna have to walk home because of the business with the phone with nothing kept is there. and with that early was the one away from a hot. thank you so much. i just mobile phone. i'm gonna go
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find out the typical structure can be bigger than we're will the us we need for me . and they're really when you might say, you don't believe you do. i thought what all's available that you wanted your storm? no, i did a shooting for more when i did talk a little bit a i'm sure she probably, but i'm still it because the believe this is nicole. we're down. she went to being senior class and it's it's a dodge just on a new appointment too. good. yeah. now she bought good grass will quickly him you too. i used to do was it was a bully. you brought the lease on google grain. and yet i've shipment with
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almost always goal vehicle. if i'm not good youth, molly was going to be a good us go there. that said that the problem with them. i mean, you know, took from greenwich more things to people who are the i don't, my ratliff was ordered not more deep related from over spirit. the one thing i do that, that channel boy, the football. no special. just clear. zoe, that always was all. but that was giving you a stock from we church, but on thought session, i'm all good. all right, so not my surprise. you to stay to me here for 2 years for the open house and budget
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into hello hello. are you to move in this unit to the nazi lease? oh picker. what me mostly with other what are your routes in and us? how many going your takeaway? oh, dear, up so much my thing. each door, when you to new answer costumer to sweep road with a 0. much nice thing saying is what that what, whatever door ball may group you choose to wish to resume, no bodily pick. we do enjoy, emma to be another. no. does he have a gentleman, a representative for the quote, you know?
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oh, okay, sure. do you know the, again brittany hunt? 3 worship little theater in could hospital hooker hooker. marsha, sienna, want to put it. so i got the store hook, nashua stuff sonata brought. you don't when you choose to live depot or the cook, i honest each of you, not a war for her ocean, will find out a wic image from from the gulf seka gathers to us like north and on which she does. ag. as a thoroughly krakowski, i'm really an authority muslim inter is 0. it's called come, we should snap mark. i see no difference may been there of south point. you see the jewel is this, num phone should similar voice. if a do right,
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they were form cleaning and you forgot fleet. i'm over foremost you but he would need to put out a go aqua 3 will hear a bit uselessly by 6 our go through here. oh no my go i to those upright. teela chiefs game. okay. but you know
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what i'm booking is that when you become oiled. no good for the boy. so it also flores abriana snowed up on a kid named george g. he's the musical captain with he was killing me. yes. go ahead. yes. so that they were, did his yoga up on when you open up against you don't want others to pull names for me now that will be recorded. move to the but it is often that of mine. yeah. learn yet north america. authorities her go to that anymore. yohina o m a z children yesterday, depending on your way, not. she sure. burnett. my job moves him star slips zebra yachts. i got i
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came by jada, 4th, noiseless, kirk, those scores deal with july 4th. but does that you talk to me by isa thoughts to lately have total put his show up. i just i had spoken with lisa horn her to be 0 or dish nasir delighted, filling me through. but i know that that's not nicolette, or what to do. it does have the key cuz woke up with
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with hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to play with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new shell seriously. why watch something that's so different, my little opinions that you won't get anywhere else. look of it please. if you have the state department, the c i a weapon, bakers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, to your fax for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do, don't watch my show stay mainstream because i'm probably gonna make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way. thank here. oh oh, 00 one. so i would prepare himself for
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that could only go to her when really to talk to her the other day with the child and his motor home list whitfield for her doctor for grandmother. so beautifully. and if someone could accuse such us spinning story doubled. oh oh oh really we're not listening is up. i'd needs to renew it.
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yeah. cool. deal all the way through this little yeah. alright. official on us with here with them both for me. sure thing. no problem. jojo in it, nor by any work up a default on your real estate support scale. we're ah north with hope of the labor. when you're here, it's not like to watch carpet on what z settled on speed it moves on, but because i still don't south state bank low from what i did not catch marty lee more little reinstate video mortality. hello to law mccoy. ne, short need you to do another 3 letter, though we're not like you're watching the floor. 3rd one is
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just lost with burnett. want to come, wasn't from the day. did dornan's piece up that they were all over it. i thought she flora my lawyer for your but of the funny funny which includes that i'm with the leading human way. thank you. my name is frost. i'm calling as little bottle. why use more destruct? wondering? pardon me for the little yard for line. yes. what you'll see the notes will nikki hamilton, fedramp speak much the over shuffling awards, or what the me try to look for a bottom denture,
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home visit with the for the 4th grade teacher. and before those years of move this bullet pointed here. and then where you have to pick a 3 and the do combo, which in the china she talks about money and for goop with does it because a lot of what she was still fortunately he knew really the horrors ross. i thought the most money out any trace by give them walking around in it yet doesn't like funny. they probably anybody might now, but almost the ticket before monday. but he's not going to me,
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is that you know what the shalaka check with them is the channel to glover. well, there are them fallible in us, but it is always silly. need that morgue, do people resilience, which i'm not going to eula for a new new and a model. computing was done. nobody in egypt, oil just yesterday. we had a senior of eugene, but almost a wesley millette that it had been monumental wally at of cinema moga this year. so she actually a video of the moon williams ultimately is actually my father. no one, no stop though and put that on there. sheila, political, you know, they down below carrollton mostly for 20 years to my daughter smitley agony is able to prostate. lucy, they go, which is latonya not diminished agreeably. then you push me to g, the monkey thing. right. and the postal bit, they go interesting, but you know what, i'm can i sure most of the state. i got the hope that the what the most issues in your question. yeah. is tom. yes. mr. port we go see that i missed
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a few more like that when you when it's when you boston cammie could deal with the annual jordan. it's music patel. name christy pushed out all that was he wasn't able yet. there was a william so that janet alone can we can get wind 40. there was a more which would along these rules. obviously you learn in the past. i see view mirror show that what is your, your point emotional movement die ship. you watermark by wilbur rose. mom. lucy? no. really? cuz she each a dvd woman told him to play good. penny murphy, can medic medical controller. these scores? dormer new york elite daughter gomez. edwards. earl bra. stretchable stood i. it was normal sunday and her bed cherry at 8 a gipsy. me her whole scroll some one when you see out. so it was
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from not only of meetings naturally, will she and i have no more chance do spotted her took should a keyboard duleigh almost a thief printers better option these which include up own, could easy live tired and browse through the bridge own walk them. they ask us all, so when you, when you will, what you told me now she is willing when you should walk or get whistle, she'll number to dial one for one. number of black shoot new huddle quite clear to them. we learned in eudophoria middlefield from publishing. you are open. i would say what i'm getting would start to be a cop. no, and i assure no yellow face cap. i that i should be trainer who told her since they had the dead of it. that lodger headed to reach him. that would suit the teacher to reach him. good. total applicant are somewhat abruptly spotted
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. amy my name's quarter so much. and william passmore m options. my simon, he is renewed. you got out of his old hemoglobin. that marzano please ignore. sooner boy was who did you come was napoleon i don't, i don't believe it. then you're not feeling a boy on the crop for the actual time. can go on there for them and i watched him, but i was always, there was no, you can't keep a point on it. the boy who i think that and you've not there been a dancer and he's just
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a doctor. they missed their proposal. susan eudoxia says paula a to our point, a lot in that i know i know they do give me the so to though i scored a little news lower. 6 i mean, it's just too bitter to those juices the room door hold on the jaws. bits of betsy museum with the little hob showed he took madden am i meant? ah, i will drive him away. li got up. oh my nobody but you bully dumps from awhile if the crowded little door to find you marshal keith of moral brittany pinocchio,
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g i b b a don't shift. and he said he was gonna change scary. b, as you're still employ, brought on poor salinas to don't remember almost done all the great woods summer which human up all much but jessica on actual stood children, nicky castillo i need you christy. bill, you the truth about those each enough that on my little any floor mr. denado will of innocent us more than much low. their bus wants him come home with didn't i didn't much so much. david audits thrilled with on the grill and both some of it you're also pulling all of their with
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with resort and i got all you need control center 4. with all the stuff i realize like with
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for thought ordered in fact let me change in what would you please hold? principal wasn't i didn't want you to miss, pardon from not from you. because i need to do the cases of spoken to do for her, the or stalwart
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bluetooth is by noon right now. does the um, the how i deal sir the passcode either, so click on it you, it will pop savvy. do wants to come up open and we have not heard from william pittman so they look at the machine. we're going to bring out 2 more to all . why is just to be honest with you, nathan? is who he, when you live there, my own mumbled on with sort of thought, my visual fellow agreement much? yeah, i used to live a wise old
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with w ah ah ah, i think in the south there is a much
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a clear understanding of the causes meeting up to this crisis. even though the best in position is that it is an approval. i think that wilma, so understand that this is part of the u. s. lead to question strategy for the can team a pathway to the containment of china. ah ah, breaking news this our blah, the mirror visits the recently incorporated russian territories of the loot, delta republic of her soul region take here and military updates directly from the commanders of local forces with president also hills, the high level of stop naval trails going on in the pacific that ortiz correspondence is embedded with the russian late,
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which is being held on high alert, protested readiness commit story from tensions with more than a 100.
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