tv News RT April 18, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm EDT
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ah, a push it back against new policies that control greenhouse gas emission standards cool, and the current credit ranking system with everything was said under the orders i was in my into all the 90 percent is a lie. before the wagner group, i just said he was a black lab by a human rights group. to tell lies about the russian military a reporter they agreed to receive, while the $800.00 civilians killed in just a few days. a
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very welcome to you from the anti r t international news saying we're coming to you live from much that i think a lot of the top of the founder is government pushes back against what it describes as neo colonial is policies by western agencies that they take their own environmental agendas. there is a danger that the logs and their application will be decided by small click of western agencies. this is a form of new colonialism. we need to push back against it whether into 20 or any other platform. so we hunt on jesus sarielle, there is the member, wendy else, prime minister, i mean, the more these f economic advisory council basically saying there has an issue here is nor the need of norms that essentially who are monitoring them and how are they wanted to re these norms as well as these are targets, in fact,
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also saying to the existing western ranking system is flawed, and that it is full of biases as well as failures. you also went on to see that data measuring e g, or monitoring e g in this particular system is exceedingly problematic. now, what is e as g? it is essentially economic, our social dornan's self framework, which is used to measure an organization on the basis of sustainability as well as ethical issues. and at this is in fact a really important one for india i'll for it's drawing a business so important to on the line here that these fame was. and are these factors that are used to monitor these are our very best in ideas and by should they be a western ideas? that's the question he saw now is us yet. the issue is not so much about the need
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for some norms, but about who will be monitoring these targets. the existing credit writing ones already have series biases and failures, allowing the emergence of a new bunch of exclusively western agencies to monitor is g targets is problematic . sano hall, so gone on to see and talk about more the governance sa model or idea, or reaching net 0 by 2070. and that is something that india has spoken about in the past as well, in yes, reiterated about these a. d, as in the as environmental minister. moving to jago a queen, the same plus the global goal of reaching that 0 by 25th to require in hans to scaling off emissions by the developed countries. this will provide space for countries like india to which of the development required for his people, which will provide necessary defense against the books of climate change, environmental degradation and pollution. so according to where it is publicly available, statistics and deja india does not bad that much run when it comes to
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carbon emissions. so india johnson smith's about 7 percent of the wool c o 2, we just embedded say for example, you as ease just half. in fact, china and made saw the maximum c o 2, which is about 29 percent. and european union, by the way, is that sees itself as the crusade or a green analogy. it's on smith's more than india doesn't mind you, you, these are 3 times less formulated as far as in the us and so on. so really the idea of being that maybe weston agencies need to back off and the need to lead countries like india do what they need to do before mo wagner fights, he says he was blackmailed by a human rights group to lie about supposed explicitly is in the crane conflict we have on one of those soldiers who indicated
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a founder of the so called gulag new site. vladimir or such everything was said under the orders of oz such kim, 2 years ago i ended up in pre trial detention center number one in serrato for a crime. and then i was transferred to the tuberculosis hospital. there, i was tortured. they mocked me. oh, this was found on video and was h can, has this compromising evidence in my into more than 90 percent is a lie. i was forced to say it was stitch him posted is wrong. he took advantage of the situation. i called the wagner group, and now they will investigate this. we are not hired killers, they just slanted my name. there were no murders of children and civilians during our operations. was it can simply force me into of my comrades who were next to me . what we learned that 1st last week when vladimir, i said again, announced publicly that he was about to sink you've daybreak, goshen,
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who is the yeah, the leader will, the owner of the wagner profit military company. he said that he had information which would make mr. pedagogy, a leper nobody would approach him and it would destroy his career. a little late a few days later he published this youtube presentation. it is difficult to call this an investigation whereby there were 2 alleged wagner fighters who talked about all sorts of atrocities. now this is stuff pulled out of nightmares. you know, the, the, the whole slaughter of hundreds upon hundreds of men, women, children in out. it's almost by wagner fighters, as well as the mud of their own fights as execution of their own fighters, who refused, who refused to follow orders. and to that, that obey their commanders very quickly,
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it emerged that at least what of the one of the fighters, magnified as which these report alleged had been killed by their own comrades. was in fact alive. i can say the following. one of the ones who is supposed to be shot, it turns out he still fighting as for the under h soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, i think if oh, such can is hanging out somewhere in the region of ukraine. let's zalinski give him trust because this mania can degenerate, discredits the armed forces of ukraine regarding the shootings of children. of course, no one ever shoot side or a civilian or children. no one absolutely needs to do it. we went there to save them from the regime they were under rest of this so called investigation crumbled . quickly after that, we identified not just us, but mustn't press identified. the 2 former reported wilma wagner fighters appearing and mr. simpkins so called investigation. they were asked whether what they said was true. one of them said that he was offered money and told what to say. the 2nd
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a certain as i'm out, we've got of identified as, as a mom was not have said that he was blackmailed by miss that shit get. i missed that was done. of was convicted for robbery and assault several years ago while undergoing treatment in a jail, a hospital for tuberculosis. he was sexually assaulted by don identified individuals who filmed it on camera. he, these disturbing footage miss that i sich kid a human rights activist, funded by western governments, including the state department allegedly came upon this video and use that shoot it to mr. dot of threatening him. that if he didn't say what he wanted him to say, he would release it for the public to see. at this point, even liberal activists did much of which had previously spoken the in support of you lag dot net. i have come out and expressed shock. the missed i shaken,
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would come out and, and suits who brazenly publish this video off the what the wagner fighter had said that mr. hitch can had blackmailed him threatening to publish this video, which again will perhaps segment the opinion here in russia, not just in russia, but increasingly around the world. the less than funded n g 's, who quote human rights organizations. ah, they're not only the further their own goals, but perhaps the goals of their sponsors less return to our top story. india is pushed back against environmental agendas of western agencies. and to talk about more of this as was like to form or indian foreign secretary commonwealth of a sir, thank you so much for joining us out. we heard it in these western powers, a sort of setting the global standards for environmental his policies. but what do
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you make of us? no, no, it's much more than that. it is the s g environmental, social and governance issues. and this project is being led by the was economy for mr. klaus shawl and all the big, industrious and foundations that are members of this group and in the entire project is to push an environmental, social, and governance issues in accordance with what they want to push in terms of how to promote them outside the governments. they want to take this out of the control of the governments and push this agenda independent of the gums to reduce of all of the governments. and the private sector is therefore taking upon itself this agenda. now,
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what is happening is that if let's say a big engine company which needs funds wants to go to investment houses. and then they have to satisfy themselves that the e s. the agenda is being is being implemented by them. and there are certain markers and certain levels of this engagement that they have to constantly update in terms of the feedback you have to give to the investment banks or the credit rating agencies in order to be able to attract funds for the, for the expansion. this is much deeper than what is what is actually being discussed are publicly because of the whole objective, as i said, is to reduce the role of governance and push this agenda in terms of what they want to be able to control the, the, the, the industrial sector,
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the the, the, the, the, the productive sectors of the global economy, in accordance with their yardsticks, off of what these countries, what these companies would make in terms of receiving form funding. so that is why we ask, that is why we are saying that as it is that the credit rating agencies and all these foundations have the biases. and they want to steer the agendas in order to control the these companies in the that's of the world. and take control of their domestic policies outside the control of the government. so it's a pretty dangerous thing for developing countries including india and they, i mean, it's an excellent point advisors in 5 minutes. i have denounced western environments as all of these, these policies, as a form of neo colonialism, would you,
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would you be along with but i don't think the prime minister has done that. it is the economic advisor, the prime minister zachary, who said this. and he has said something which actually we have been discussing amongst ourselves for some months now. in fact, there are these, apart from the world economic forum and close all that is the book bill gates foundation, that is the foundation that is the open society foundation. and they're all involved all involved in this because they find that the government or the governments want to control the michael sectors of the economy. and they want to control down through these yardstick that they are set up in terms of what these come to, what these companies should do in terms of implementing the standards set up for them by these big groups and big foundations. so that is
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why our economic advisor to be prime minister economic advisory council has made the point that as it is, the rating agencies are very biased and they re frequently try and manipulate things in their favor. and this is something which needs to be supervised and checked and acted against so that we maintain government case control over policies. and is that the way for them, for governments not just governance like in the old governments? should they be looking to be in complete control, or do these so called green agenda agencies? do they not have a place in society? no, actually there's more than simply the green agenda because when you come to things like social, all those walk isn't mand, women's empowerment, which in some sense is a very good thing. but when it is pushed beyond
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a certain point and the gender issues that come up and stuff like that, then they begin interfering with the decisions of companies in 3rd countries which cannot actually formulate their policies unless they are alignment with and respond to the agenda of western capital basically is the western capital which wants to control the economic development of the private sector in these companies. which of course, as a private sector in these countries, which of course is going to be the motor of economic development in countries like india. and take the government out as much as possible from this very vital area of decision making. like the environment and society, social issues and governance issues. now governance, why should the capital get into the issues of governance? because this is a, is a tool, then they have to interfere in the domestic affairs of countries. and again,
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something in democracy are you then measuring up to the standards that they're laid in terms of democracy in terms of social issues like minority protection, minorities, like human rights, like stuff like that. and of course, environmental issues in terms of fulfilling the environmental obligation of the moving it, clean energy to new energy, setting the base of it, and making investments available according to the yardstick that are said that the lead on this is direct interference in the policy formulation in developing countries, but these are, these are when we talk about the governance fair enough. and these companies, the private companies that need to, like, let's say for, for more than the, for a better world, clean up their acts. but all the other, other options out there other than for an investment or foreign uses is to help countries move to
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a clean or less global c o 2 emissions factor. no, the thing is that everybody wants to do it. i think the world is becoming conscious of the fact that we have to move towards clean energy and invest in renewables because the climate change issue and global warming is becoming more and more apparent in terms of changing weather patterns, as we see. beautiful and bitter and terrible heat waves that are cutting and floods and everything else. but this can't be done unless it's a collective effort and collective effort, especially in terms of technology and finance. now here, promises are made, but they're not delivered. now they're suddenly been able to how much the bank is giving, how many, $1015000000000.00 offer loans, ukraine. they have gathered about under $1000000000.00 of financial support or you
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can. but when it comes to financing, climate change technologies would have been agreed to in the, in the, in the climate change goes, asians, they're not able to meet those targets. so therefore, it is not entirely in the hands of developing countries or the global found to be able to deal with the challenges unless it's really a collective effort in which finance and technology are very important. but when it comes to setting up a timelines and setting up the goals, you know, when we should achieve this target or that target did a lot of pressure on that as well. but when it comes to meeting dog guests with regard to climate financing, then then the developed countries refused to bind themselves to the same exact thing. timelines. as the impulse on other matters. similar to the case of technology, they're not willing to part with technology or create a global fund,
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which will then finance and subsidize the transfer of these technologies. so it's not an easy battle. and i, you know, that seems to be hypocrisy really when it comes to ok again, for lack of a better word, western countries that try to set these global agendas for environments as policies when it comes to perhaps sharing, like you said, the technology, all the double standards when it comes to emerging economies, such as, i don't know, in the what you mean law, other countries, either countries that are growing still should they be have different standards perhaps? well, you know, there are double standards in every field on, on, on the economic side, on the climate change side. certainly there are those standards,
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which is why at one time, the west had accepted the principle of common, but differentiated responsibility with regard to climate change and global warming about. and now the agenda has been shifted progressively and the whole concept of common, but differentiated sponsibility, which means the west as to do much more because they have occupied the common space . far more developing countries in the country like india, which is where, where the carbon emissions at about a couple of 1000000 tons compared to what 1000000 tons of china and 890000000 tons of united states are far below. and we are one for 1400000000 people. we need to use more and more in energy. we need governance space. therefore, we argue that us at 2050 as your to gender or income neutrality. you should achieve that agenda before. so that other countries i can get in the developing world have more government space available to them. you can do more energy as we go along with
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at the same time as india has done shifting to renewables. we are one of the largest countries, the, one of the biggest producers of renewable energy in the world today. and we have a target of $500.00 got loss of a new energy. and we are the only country which as a team, the the commitment that we have made at the, at the, at the glasgow summit in terms of achieving human energy by 2030. we will keep them, but in order to move forward and not commit, if the mistake lead germany has done a moving into the new world without really building up a inadequate energy system to be able to sustain that we need time and we need. and then we need to technology, whether the same guy and good faith is demonstrated by the fact that we are doing a lot of things on, i don't. sure, right,
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says added on to me. as we all know, they've switched back to court warning, but says the 185 days now earlier the r s. as in suda, there is currently not a single wagner p. m. c fighter. in sudan, i emphasize there is not a single one. it has been this way already for more than 2 years. there have not been any wagner fighter since you don, for 2 years, and there were none today. where is british media outlets from the daily mail to the times have really simples, attempting to link the wagner group to the chaos. in sudan wagner, members have been deployed in parts of africa to fight it, insurgents and terrorists in actions coordinated by local governments. problem 5 is, have served as instructors for the armed forces of the central african republic, as well as molly, and have also conducted counter terrorist operations in that region.
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roches, parliament claims us boy labs and ukraine, violated international law, allegedly creating potential biological weapons that could be masked as outbreaks of natural diseases. the parliamentary commission has determined that the pentagon conducted research in ukraine that violated international obligations under the biological weapons convention. it has been unequivocally proven that these so called ukrainian projects were primarily focused on developing potential biological weapons with natural sources, enabling the use of those pathogens to be disguised as a natural outbreak of disease. po roha has been talking about these bio labs for quite some time now, but now as gathered all this evidence which it expect that to present to the american ambassador here in moscow bottle. and tracy didn't accept that invitation
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and didn't show up here in the parliamentarians here say that she decided to stay away probably out of fear because she wouldn't have anything to say to their findings. now moscow of course wants answers of, from washington regarding these via labs and the m. p. 's here warned that they threatened the security and the safety of not only russia ukraine, but european countries. and they could have what they're doing in those labs could have far reaching consequences that affect the whole world. in fact, so moscow one so answers from washington and it's not satisfied with what it's heard so far from under secretary of state. but for a newland. they say that her explanation to what she slipped up in the saddle last year, letters from mine to our viewers, where she did admit that washington was working and is working alongside ukraine to make sure that russian forces don't get access to our by a labs there and the sensitive research material that is there something they don't
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fall into the wrong hands as she put it. so moscow one's answers when it comes to that, but it's not getting them anytime soon. because lynn tracy did not show up to hear this evidence, but she did show up somewhere else at ross's foreign affairs industry where she was summoned to day, alongside the lady and ambassador, and also the british ambassador and the trio of women were summoned there after meddling as what moscow sees this marilyn in russia's internal affairs because the trio of women shot up outside of fords on monday were rotten opposition. activists . vladimir kara moors are received 25 years. he was convicted of high treason and sentence to 25 years behind bars. they saw this as a politically motivated case, and there were there to make sure that their feelings were heard. and the british ambassador even spoken russian, i guess, for maximum impact. now, this guy received 25 years of the high treason charges and conviction because he
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was lobby in western governments for years to impose sanctions on russia, his home country, and also on russian individuals. he was spreading a false information regarding the russian army discredits in the russian army, which is why he got 25 years, but saw the street women, the ambassadors, canadian ambassador, american ambassador, and the british ambassador weren't happy with this conviction in london, ross was ambassador, was summoned for sort of telling off and now today here in moscow we had the 3 women summoned where they were all put in their place really, and told us that such statements are outrageous and unacceptable, especially considering their diplomatic status. so it's all about our foreign countries meddling in ross's internal affairs and moscow wants to see and then to this. wow, that's all from me to day of summer boy who is on wolves or paul next. my colleague,
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to part. europe has to grow out of the mindset that europe, problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not here of problems. this is how india foreign minister is summed up piece countries position, visit the western frustrate, to take various side in the ukranian conflict. how is this war changing the balance of power, responsibility, and wisdom? it's been the so called develop and the developing world. well, to discuss that i'm now joined from massachusetts, bye quick.
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