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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 20, 2023 12:30am-12:47am EDT

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announcing a restoration of ties between rival saudi arabia and iran. so where does that leave us on the world stage? and what does that mean for the rest of the world? you know, more commonly referred to as the global south. we'll discuss it next. all right, let's get into the ammo. ah, it was a $12.00 punch to us foreign policy after beijing drops the bombshell. saudi arabia and iran are normalizing relations after nearly a decade of fractured ties. the 2 listless states have been at odds officially since 2016 when both governments shuddered their respective embassies after iranian protestors stormed the saudi embassy. so we've seen this dispute play out in various theaters like in occupied palestinian territories, yemen, syria, and smatterings and clashes over the years. but was this beef really against one
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another? or because of us meddling in the region, enter the dragon like the film that put bruce lee on the so with uncle sam asleep at oust it had brokered by ladder. firstly on this matter, was it out of the blue. i mean, this news seemed to catch washington off guard, or even by surprise, how long do you think paging had been working on this process? it is not surprising. we saw what happened in the last few days. actually, saudi arabia announced that he would, he was applying to a, c, u, a. so basically it is already iraq, which is part of the s e o. in order to, to enter into the se, or saudi arabia had to somehow make peace with the saudi arabia. so i think this is a, you know, dos negotiation or they take a long time to, to be,
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to happen in, i think this is a, the result of an effort of decades of work that the china has done over the region . how china dos when it comes to establishing relationship. it is about building infrastructure, it's about training. it's not about imposing an order or into fir, into doing interference in those countries. so i think this piece agreement between saudi arabia any ran is basically the result of a long effort of china. that nice to have those 2 countries to be in good terms because they are part of the better on initiative. and there are lots of project related to infrastructure in the region. so they need, they need to have those, those 2 countries to get together and work together because ultimately what china wants to do in the region is to bill stability. so bait is went to be
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a win win for everybody. you build infrastructure, country stock trading in and when you do business business, promote peace and well being rather than than what we saw in the middle east over the next last decades of confrontation and investor. if you look at what the us did in the region is a divide and conquer, basically dividing countries between issues, religion, sunni's against us, china is about is, is much, much more rational. a, china is an approach over they see suits short on st. e. meaning, look for what you like us and set aside the differences in that's the approach that china has used when he come to saudi arabia in iran, it's focused on what you like us, how can we work together? and of course, we have products, but with soft dose problems, slowly,
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as we start building a relationship. anyway, why, why was washington surprise, were they not paying attention? and u. s. secretary of state antony blink and try to downplay china's role in all of their saying that beijing only facilitated the meeting and didn't really have a real part in brokering the relations. i think it is probably one of the reasons that are washington is a bit outside of the realities and there's a lot of dispersion when it comes to foreign policies. i think it's a for you mediation. if you think about the middle east, the middle east has always been for the us. you know, there playground, you know, it was a, you know, there is, there were the applied the mon window, shall they fall from the west. they want the thought that middle east was there and it is a kind of humiliation here you have finally, adults in the room, you know, there was, there were kids like the u. s. like acted like kids, you know,
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creating chaos in the middle east. now you have the adult coming in a china and say what, what, how can we work together in all those was endless. was, it's not working. it's actually you being used to being used under this divided and conquest strategy. and it's a kind of you mediation for the us because, and this is, this is a reason they want to don't really, what china did. and this is actually, this is an advanced indicator of what chinese actually doing. you see a lot of the cartridge belonging to the caller to the global salt that are actually starting to talk to each other, working together and aligning behind this project of the bricks. allying and saw behind this huge project unique project of, of infrastructure which is the best and will initiative i think we should that we should really focus when he comes to job critics. in general, it is about not looking at worse,
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but looking at actions chinese much too into words. it's not into perception. it's about building a tangible results. because you can say whatever you want, you know, but chinese of a, don't you urge, you know, i want tangible stuff. you know, are we going to do trade or not? are we going to build infrastructure? you know, are we going to be the new currency that's what china is doing. it's not about perception. do you think this is merely. 3 detail, i mean, is that a 1st step or do you think the beijing deal has any real staying power? i think this is for the long term. i definitely, i think, especially because saudi arabia is actually applied is actually signed a m, o u, a memorandum of understanding to enter into the su. so you will have countries like that, you know, so you're a jar and you run the same organization. and i think it's very interesting what the
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china has achieved to see. so this is not in reality, the not the 1st time the china united to countries because, you know, you, you know, china is as done as for help or small some heart. you have a pakistan in india under the same organization of su, so they did it already. so you start slowly, slowly bit by bit. they managed to have, at least you make pakistan and he needs to sit under the same roof, you know, on the same table. and those are achievements already that china has done in the, in the past. iran is a shia muslim country. the saudis are considered sunni, or hobby muslim. we've seen sectarian fighting between the 2 play out in theaters like yemen. prospective embassies had been closed since 2016 if this bilateral relationship sticks. what does this mean for the broader middle east or how about
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israel given that b, b, netanyahu's government isn't a very fragile state right now. when he comes to is, well i think we need to be the question is, well, is or is well, ok, what is going to be? actually, when you look at paul geopolitics, it's going from a dictatorship of the us tours of democracy, of the rest of the world. so it, this is going to empower those countries to make their own choices, just to make sure that they can begin to sovereignty. you know, once you do not actually try to the us dollar, then you can have you, your currency, you, you begin your car, your sovereignty. so here it's about how we can do this transition. this is a theory of a that we call the to city is trap where you had the shifts in was history. you had the 16 times, i think, well, you had to shift where you had the, you know, declining power and you're the raising power. and out of 16 times, i think,
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or 13 times it ended up in a war. so the big question now is to, to see how is the collective, what's going to be rational enough to make this transition peacefully. but here is a huge difference, is that this is the 1st time we have this transition where you have countries in front of you, you have nuclear power countries. so now if you are going to wall, you know, this is mutual and elation. so it's about, are they going to be rational enough? ultimately, if they really cherish so much sir, democracy, why, why don't they, they accept that, you know, they are not alone. and again, maybe the collective was, is not exceptional. like we seen hollywood movies, maybe it's time to be more rational to sit down like a dos. whoever does all over under the table in. can we bill these sir,
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this world where we have a mutual project of harmony of peace in knots. oh, my gain against you loss a loose loose in or he, it's about building a one more democratic and working for mutual prosperity because ultimately averaged jaw either in rush hour china, the u. s. i'm talking about average to not deletes is looking to improving its quality of life. how can i bring education to my kids? how can i have health care longevity, tangible things in this is what we can achieve. you know, ultimately it's about really having, having peace in the work and, and, but starting from home, you know, because ultimately, when you look at those geopolitical games or the 1st victims,
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americans living the u. s. themself. maybe they, they need to regain no power. you know, it's because democracy means demo cutoff power to the people. maybe maybe they, they want so much to explore. democracy won't use deep bac power to your own people. so you're probably at home and that may be maybe you can work with other countries after. so we need to start from ohio and then extend an in, in how can we work together rather than 0 sum game that the collect you wish forced one was us to go to angela juliano. thank you so much for weighing in on all of this for us. all right, so as you can see under the bite in administration, there pivot to the pacific is not without cause. the sharp comments coming from military brass in the us talking about war with china in 2025 is cause for real
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concern. as the u. s. desperately seeks to hang on to had gemini, by trying to tame the dragon that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi. the show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chan. thanks for tuning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the ammo. ah ah. 9 man boston separately put 4000000. so you know this it will vehicle car yet know bless this house that was sort of be fish she do so do you know the pin? i'm going to let us, but that's our growth net that was on the left in the one on the desktop or joseph. this alex is launching, you know,
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and i was unable to be almost remind me of that. you're going to continue listening or yes. so it's just shortly. thank you. me serious. and so for the credit for nice dollars on i box, which i put in a 2nd, a little pause, even lynch 6, going out of the 6. good. jenna says image does not say on the present. ask you, i'm sure political man, i said i love to us on the 3rd, the english and medicare. not so much so much. nathan saw to see about bill is a, you know, the one that you have,
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but they were not on their promise. she's planning on running away. nope. me me release the russian state. never. i've gone in the north scheme. again. the 50000 speedy one else was even though we will ban in the european union. the of yep. machine, the state on crush to day and split or t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with
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mm ah ah, i am rick sanchez and i am here to plead with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously, why watch something that's so different, my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else work of it please. if you have the state department, c, i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, choose your facts for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do, don't watch my show, stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact. but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just changing dwayne thing ah, ah, more and more troops are wiping to build a house ahead of the expected ukrainian counter offensive, which may also take place here. are tea in beds with frontline, russian forces in the loop gumps republic of moscow. and he had prepared for a looming escalation also had on the program this our russian foreign minister arrived in cuba. his last on a tour of for latin american countries. and that's spent with russia has no problem with those. we have never had a problem with.


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