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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 21, 2023 8:30pm-8:54pm EDT

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twitter, something the media should have been doing all along country that twitter is a private organization. it organization, whatever they do is up to them is up to that to do with the government, their independence. ok? now we're finding where the government, they might be a proxy of the government. they may be a whole employee. when you say that again, when you have a piece of the government and 1st amendment rights are being cut off that connection. now you open up a new realm. big companies cannot violate the 1st amendment. it only, this is huge. this is here. you are told specifically that you are breaking the law. this is the people like, then you will whistleblower your look. if you're going to papers during hero, it just never station others who have come forward to to basic know what the media, what they are, the media hubris of this is inexplicable news and updates or see you next
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time with ben wallace recently said, i'm often missing between this year and an an a position of strength. the also said, there's no magic wand reside ah, ah, caesar augustus jo haro, and now ru alexander, all names of past leaders whose reputations have a great power, i've left a legacy worthy of the history books. however, what all are putting into power from the charming french president, a manual mcqueen placed into
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a power around the globe are definitely you're going to look at why certain populations are electing a different types for the present day era. let's get started. ah, does it serve today's society to a judge at the quality of our leaders? we're joined by our international correspondent, roxana salon. powerful leaders is a pressing full team writing a bare so whether or not we hold strong men leaders in oh, or think that there are making at least a conditional comeback. of course, the mainstream media he's own countrymen, honor him as a leader, tional politics. he's a lie and see no, but name on it. challenging almost a century long of you as dominance of the globe ramp in the united states. he's a much as a no nonsense of at least half of the american population. i miss him finally in 2020, most recently we have seen he created
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a 40000 mega prison. i live in that country lap us. second through we're going to go to so i didn't get in unless there is a set amount of quality as much important to me because i lit up in that has got to be the rope. well, kelly called on people to look to god as all, but there has been cripple by gang related violence from m. s. s. incarceration had been greatly supported by the people of south darrow. both nero had the much of a tough guy in brasil and in europe. there are other examples. victor tourist has put him in the red conflict with that youth. technical though, while technically a strong woman leader has used to office. of course we cannot go too far with the emma kroner friends and just seem to don't fit into more quote, certainly held onto power in their respectively con c global, leasing the world over it looks like we could be seen more footers. reserve
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traditions and to focus on the local population think that present donald tribes actively pursuing policy algebra is of course, as me, the grand strategy has to win. the 2nd bill was interesting. you talk about strength of the strength, you personify to the outside and there's a strength. obviously the inner strength that a lot of leaders are expected to have. but when it comes to those that the stereotype is put out to people. do you think this type of masculine strong man leadership is usually associated only with the right leaning movements and right when populace leaders around the globe. i think the old strong man idea of history championed by thomas carlyle at the end of the 19th century is largely debunked. it was promoted by william james, the psychologist, philosopher from new york in the 19th century and kind of destroyed bob from a bit of max labor on hitler. i mean, you know, it isn't great, man,
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i'm not saying it was a great, but you know, the strong matcher individuals. it was structures of the treaty of versailles, arguably that capitalized and nazi germany. it was that other events that capitalized napoleon it, the whole idea of great men in this way is a mit which actually protects power structures because it's after all, the power structures that are there. and thankfully, some weights and trump supporters would say they are all structures in the united states that are willing to support and create the conditions in which someone like trump can actually overthrow prevailing opinion in the way it's always done. democrat republican as usual kind of politics. so rather than a scribe, all the change and all the power to great men, it really tends to be structures, i think, even when it comes to it goes to the on the left men like j,
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guevara and fidel castro, hand, you know, they quite little left during strong men as well in history, little or no on the right. was interesting to bring that up because you know, you look through history, you look at people like we were time out ramsey's the great. earlier we were talk about caesar, augustus, you can bring in history, and there are a variety of personality. so you're saying it's necessarily the structure, the create that shows strength, especially when you're looking back on history. not necessarily the personality of the leader that's elected at that time. i think so. and then i think we now know that it's not really to do with identity politics because recently i think 5, really because of the cult 27 called france maybe no, i think was a syria syria war. the people began to understand queens and obie are in the power of the great syrian, the ancient queen of syria, not an angel. i think it was the famous director director of which film was it now that i was scouting for locations in palmera before the war started
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to resurrect the idea of green zenobia, of course, in the egypt voucher. and gosh, the number of russian famous queens that were powerful and thought so much the same way as the great men, history myths continues as well. we also talk about there has to be an element of narcissism, that goes into those that run for office and, and there's obviously a difference between the legacy leaders, the ones that inherent their position in their power versus those that are elected by the people. you look at the current leadership around the world today, the countries of those that are being elected. and you cannot say that someone like a manual, a crone of, and adjusting trudeau is in the same category as those that even say, you know, a, donald trump, or even a bull scenario. type personality is the for a completely different personalities. and that side of it. so what do you say about the reflection of the people when they elect someone that might be considered more
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passive versus someone that's actually outwardly very bullish? i was just thinking of just intruder. i still remember that i encounter and she gin ping where he was just dress down like he was some little child. but then again, was bolton are a really that tough was that he detached a really that tough to death. it keeps the u. s. maces there all the time was both scenarios 7 to raleigh galks and brazil. the in which case and the people that are considered by many as strong people. are they not merely engaging with public relations and marketing and such ways to produce that image just to just intrude over for him? the idea is why don't, why don't i seem less of a big, powerful man. and that will help me when vote said you at my constituency level that i want you. so i'm not sure whether this is really reading in different piano
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tactics. and the actually mostly does, maybe every lead and i will be pretty sad. it is well, no matter how narcissistic they are relatively weak and the prisoner of those structures. and the reason why they get to be those leaders is more often than know because they do reflect a wider opinion, even in countries that on to as t, the democracies, they do reflect a wider opinion of what it should be to be a leader and of course the, the promises made by those leaders to those electrodes before more often than not made promises. and the trust stop is all hopelessly dashed. when we come back, we'll continue our conversation with ashley ritathui and look at why some of the most brash leaders seem to lean towards nationalism instead of globalism. ah huh. ah,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order to conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point, obviously is to create trust rather than fear a take on various job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with ah,
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watching it was a in a national z. m a not by mia. i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to play with you, whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something, but some more, you know, stand up in the room than others would have to be that many, but would have to be do you think that that kind of style, it's not just reflective in the men, but other women in history. i mean,
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i think identity politics, we've seen the effects of it as identity. politics is increased in base over recent decades. is led to was that of killed wounded or displaced tens of millions of people. so i'm fearful of ever ascribing those identity ideas to leadership. in any case would imaginative obama that'd be the white man. i mean the drop bombs and predominantly people of color living in those places. it made very little difference. i suppose. if a g, b, g, q, leader, i think there are some and they back was the how many l g b, g, q, people died in iraq, afghanistan, syria and other countries. so regardless of sex, i'm not actually sure that, that, that's not important. if we think of mrs. thatcher, the cabinet with famously old men and women, politicians said she, she preferred men around her, but then on the other hand, with the men pulling the strings around her in the premiership as regards italy.
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and so far it has to be said, i've seen very little to suggest that she is going to depart from the scripts given to her. i was going to say nature for me and stole to his work, but actually probably from, from mr. blinking then the us state department. well, it's interesting cuz i think you hit the nail in the head, it has to destruction what's going on with the countries and so far, right now it seems in the present. there's a lot of countries that obviously when they're not happy with how things are going, they look to a new leader to, i guess, adjust things and make things go in the other direction. in that idea, do you see a style of leadership fitting in with the trend? you're right, not identity politics, but maybe towards nationalism away from globalism. and how is that reflective in the type of leader that they elect when they're actually looking for someone that goes opposite of the path that that country is on? at the current moment. nationalism has been and has always been po to him to,
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regardless of the it has to be say, said the kind of ivory tower academy views that nationalism was going to. and somehow with the fall of the berlin wall. i mean, that was clearly a myth and there were people on the left, predominantly, i'd say you philosophized about this and wrote quite a lot about the importance of nationalism. i suppose because they knew that nationalism is so often gone together with liberation. movements, whether in cuba or throughout the global south. now we have nationalism as another means of rebellion, rebellion against neoliberalism. and that is what's been happening, of course, around the world. but then we should be aware that wary that, you know, joe biden does cloak himself in the flag, doesn't. he's very proud of his relatives in their service regardless of the fact that he appears to ever more money into wars. but he knows nationalism plays well
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in the united states as well. and of course it happens the same in britain is the nationalism of those against new liberalism, more powerful, more vote and to force that lead to fascism as it does on the street. sometimes in narrow position is a grand alliance, is from the extreme right to those that are nominally conservative, tried to overthrow the grand narrative neoliberalism. these are all questions that are being debated in the academy. but sure nationalism can go along with many things. tell me you're a student of history, you obviously look throughout history at different times of different cultures and the people that they put into power. what is the big difference that you see between countries who elect their leader? first is one that inherits their position of power, is there a difference you find in their personalities and what is being expected of them,
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depending on how they actually rose to that office? you know, in so thinking johnson said here on your program, i'm just going to have it down. i don't, you're watching the crown too much. but in fact, it is a constitutional monarchy. no power except to exert, extort next to the taxpayer. hundreds of millions. it's been reasonably estimated from british public money to pay for his balances, inherited the leaders. i'm not sure they have them that many. i mean, the powerful countries. i think in nature, nations to know, go from media, they talk about children being as if he wasn't elected. i mean, the kind of elections you need to go through to become she didn't bring in china from the lowest chinese street up the actual logs of local parties, community parties right through the country with the largest g, b in the world on the thing about barry it's certainly not an urgent. i don't know
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which inherited ones can you think off. i came down north korea. i'm the he comes to mind. as probably went on this is, this is out the most. i mean, it's very difficult to get information about north korea, isn't it? all we know about north korea is arguably propaganda. because it's in the interest of nato countries to build up all moments and spend public money in european union nations and in the united states to fight this unknown person. and we know that the korean people, they lost 20 percent of their entire population, men, women, and children because of the killing by american and british soldiers. and we know that those career prides itself and saying that will never happen again. so i'm not saying we know that much about him. we do, i suppose know, that the only president that's really taken seriously,
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the threat of north korea poses to the united states. and presumably that was shown to be shown to biden by knew about it, shown to trump it over the short term and then a missile because it los angeles as a relatively short order. we know that trump try to tool to can joint and we know how hated trump was for trying to negotiate some kind of piece. ok, so i have to finally, you know, this last question with you. i want to talk on the flip side, you see a lot of left partitions, like just in today, just say zealand and she seems, you know, you kind of, uh, even she can sometimes be very strong. sometimes a little bit less of a bullish figure. there is with very strict covered locked downs trudeau and administration. with response the trucker protest, do you agree with these all authority and actions? and if so, why don't these leaders get the bad rap? the so called a strong man leaders? we have been discussing because we haven't put those 2 necessarily in the strong my category. i mean,
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i wouldn't cool just in there and then or judo left wing in the slightest. i see them is extreme right wing politicians interested trudeau only in the past few months was exposed as having a secret service that was sending sex slaves to i. british school goes to isis. that was a story not covered by many media. i see just katrina is extremely right wing and as a person who certainly impoverish is the poor of canada and otherwise is an absolute servant to antony. lincoln's foreign policy as for just india and then she's a slave all the nato. she is endangering a country by its opposition to the superpower for where she lives. china, which isn't on the left. i suppose it's a communist body that runs it just under ident intruder. both extreme right wing populists, arguably. but of course, the media doesn't want to see it like that because they do play well on identity
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issues of sexism, racism, and until g, b, g, q issues, as if is if true, those support for the destruction of syria didn't kill women and l g b t q people and just in their ident basing of troops in new zealand and wholesale belief in nancy lincoln. so world view isn't going to endanger women and people to help g p to states us. it's all a lie. well, we're going to have to save our debate as to whether or not just a 0 is left or right wing. i kind of my disagree with you on that, but that is a conversation i know that we can have in the future advertising always in lightning. a lot of things to think about. thank you for joining us. thank you. scholarly, i must admit, it's kind of i to compare the leaders of yesterday to those of today. you know, the 7 deadly sins have been around from the very beginning and throughout history.
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we later come to find out various leaders. we're guilty of many of them. mainly because of the lack of communication outlets at that time. big difference between information being spread, the a word of mouth and stone tablets and the world wide web, as well as camera phones. now, could you imagine the tabloid headlines for the wife of the emperor claudius ready contest for the prostitute on? who could sleep with more men in one day? and i doubt any woman would accept it a date with king henry the 8th is to be heading over. the 2nd wife was a live stream on social media. but it's not just scandals which would have been able to be shown, but also leaders in their natural state. and it would be interesting to see if the people would still support if they knew the true intelligence and a mirror. of course, there are more leaders today who are put in power by the people then by birth than yesterday years. which leads us to believe that a leader is supposed to be reflective of what their elected base feels is needed to best handle society. and the various challenges present at that time. sometimes the
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people get it right. and sometimes they get it wrong on election day. but sadly, as the integrity of elections around the world are becoming questioned, then the consensus of the people might not be considered the best measure of determining whether the best person for the job was actually picked. but only time will tell. this has been your a 360 view. thanks for watching. ah, ah, ah. during the 2nd world war in nazi occupied, poland valinda was a farming region. today. it's part of ukraine. between 1943 and 945 members of the ukrainian insurgent army led by stepan bandera. nasa could thousands of poles in virginia in a diabolical ethnic cleansing process. the murders were particularly horrific and
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brutal villages were burned and property looted. the valinda massacre is without doubt one of the bloodiest episodes in polish ukrainian history. why are ukrainian politicians still reluctant to talk about these events? how to modern day ukraine and poland view this tragedy of the past? and why does the memory of belinda still divide people? ah, the real problem is the fact that nobody knows which is the easy. is it just an audience of countries and zahn? ah, you have to lead these counties decide of a position before iving an easy position or easy kind of for did rishon we schools countries being like the state in the united states? ah,
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ah, ah, ah, the head of the russian wagner group offers humanitarian aid and mediation support for peace talks and sudan counter and claims by the world for military forces in their fight against the countries army. yet to become a money laundering center. as the u. s. continues to throw all kinds of aid on the crisis that says this summer grains total 8 is expected to meet the outcome 2 decades of support for afghanistan by washington in the e u. lectures, tunisia under mark.
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