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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 22, 2023 8:30am-8:48am EDT

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says at the compound of, oh ok. so most one of us seen that. no man, i'll be honest. we congratulate the arab and islamic nations on just eat. he's about sharon was an old participants in our someone's role and character of put us in your body. cupboard galia. it's my help in the week have the pool so that the almighty will be please hunter in a tit for tat measure us off a german authority decided our thanks for joining us here today. up next the have. mm i'm rick sanchez. i've been doing who's now for some 30 years, and so i'm through all that. i believe news should be, ah, news that i can share with you because it's a bit of a nato and russia and the ongoing chaos in the middle. this is a battle that could be potentially anybody's, and they share
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a border that is both disputed. 2020 to 2021. 2020. and as you can see, as you watch these video or beating each other, pushing each other, try to drown each other. and so i just sat and make it vice versa, right? so well, and it displays an apparent sense of almost the eye and china are the most populous countries on earth whose population and for decades. now, india and china of actual control indian defense officials are ready to protect. that not only what they consider to be their is biggest rival pakistan, dan, which then leads one to wonder where, where is this all going to leave? the latest skirmish occurred in the indian state of military posts. china says it was just come doll. some indian politicians are now saying, look enough is enough. this is for not taking the chinese threat seriously. he
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accuse read it to you. he says, i have been saying this now for the past to an obvious threat. he's referring to his government right, his parliament on all of this could india b the key to the wanting us. this is an interesting discussion. cage, a euro. you're a political out of skirmishes, these battles really, between mappings during these battles. what's going on? well, out of a man malay type of fighting, that's the one on around and right the, you know, there's a being different levels of escalating and deescalate. but yes, this is serious stuff. and at the same time as the west and bees of the united states, well, what are your stand traditionally? has been an ally of china and other and it's created of varying set of relationships, the civic strategy before we used to call it the asia pacific. then it became along the left quadrant or along the west and front became when this became
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a hot conflict with its agenda. yeah. therefore, since then the quote for nationally is playing more of an independent role in many of these jaw. and i mean this whole thing. busy goes back and forth between some of these can like a peninsula that comes out of china with a very cilla in india. i'm pardon me in china. the geographic irv that and who doesn't really belong to? well, unite at different times. they had 11 different orders that they would use ah, is. busy oh, almost a 100 years ago. some white do the head of a han. yeah. so this guy sits down reading road. 2 countries with that bottle of june. twin are the ones that were single in south korea and north korea. what happened along the boat? what do you make of this comment by this member of a period? i think he saying 2 things. a lee and perhaps other indian leaders are asleep and
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they're not paying on my think they're over the top. i think they're very extreme line of, ah, you know, line of conflict. so, ah, expansionist or imperialist designs in that area. and of both parties, usually with china, giving up quite just 2, but 3 countries in that area. all of me the most a is that the united states terrible disturbance in pakistan and my where the chinese done. and so i think there is potential for further disturbing nuclear engagement between these countries are as borders that are conflict. true, you will see a large ocean essentially what we looking at is a conflict between r t u. s. wants to resist this and i, it's not beyond does good, you know where i as a journalist as a latino, as an entrepreneur. so when we come back, we're what
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we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race, movies on of very dramatic development. only personally and going to resist are those 3 how that strategy will be successful, very political time, time to sit down and talk blue, blue, blue a
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a . ah with ah, welcome back. i'm just sitting here thinking, and i'm thinking about what it would be like to only get your news from one place or one type of place. so i'm thinking, if you want me, been listening to western media, right? china is a pariah. the u. s. is number one enemy, our government is trying to find ways to put china in its, quote, unquote, proper place. we ship weapons to taiwan, we ship weapons to guam and the japanese islands and australia and malaysia,
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et cetera, et cetera. we sent battle ships to the straits of taiwan. we conduct military maneuvers and we even arrest the daughter of a chinese magnate, but still china's economy keeps expanding. then there's of course, the belt and road initiative. china has used this differentiated strategy now to be able to expand its reach globally, and it's countering the u. s. is more military based approach to those types of things. so what's the key? what's the key to the west's own desire to counter even defeat china? many around the world who study this g, a political battle would say, the answer is in a word india, india. if the u. s. could get india to really join forces with it. and as it's taking sides against china, against russia,
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and against all the other job us proposals, it could change the global dynamic altogether. and that may be why that border clash is more worthy of attention than what it's actually getting. which is why we are focusing on it. we're back now with k j no, to continue this. so part of the conversation and kj you mention that previously that the united states would probably like to see nothing more than some kind of a dispute. ah, in that border that involves countries like pakistan and india and china. and while that's unsettling to anybody listening to you thinking, oh my god, these countries are very powerful. they have nuclear warheads. we wouldn't want to see that happen. you suggest there's several reasons why the united states would,
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would, would, would almost take some pleasure out of it. you mentioned belton road, which obviously as an economic play. but then we've been watching what's been going on between russia and ukraine and seeing how the united states is just played into that full bore with the help of the u. s. media. and it seems like every week we send another $11000000000.00 and armaments to ukraine. i'm thinking this sounds to me like a money making venture. would that offer another money making venture, whether to be that skirmish for the u. s. and might that be another reason for them to want to go a lot with? well, that's certainly the aspect of the military boon dog involved. i mean, no war is good business if you are an honest manufacturer or if you're think tank related to an honest manufacturer, or if you're a politician who's funded by a think tank or an honest manufacturer. so definitely there's the aspect to, to put it kindly, military canes,
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units and where you're stoking up economy by pouring funding into the military industrial complex. but on the other hand, geopolitically it serves the u. s. is design in the fact that the u. s. is looking for unipolar, a gemini, it wants to control the world. it said this since 1992. and it has been working its plan and planning its work since that period were talking about project for an mc american century, which became the bush doctrine, which became the obama doctrine, which became the trump doctrine, which is now the bide and doctrine, otherwise known as the end of pacific strategy. so there's a strong continuity and there are a lot of invest at players that want to see this escalation. not simply because it serves them from the economic standpoint. but from a geopolitical standpoint, anything that bleeds out the 2 center countries that they see as the greatest
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challenges are greatest enemies than, namely russia or china. they see as being to their advantage. sure, i've been doing a lot of reading lately about the vietnam war and coming out of the korean war. and it seems like at the time our fathers, i guess on our moms, were told that this had to be done. because you know, my goodness there's, there's domino fury and these folks are about to take over the world and they're communists. and if we don't stop them, they'll eventually be in your backyard. and we bought into that theory until the media wised up. and, you know. busy great journalism institutions like cbs news and the new york times and started writing that this was all bullshit. and that it wasn't true and that we were being lied to by l. b. j, and by president nixon. and ah, eventually the truth caught up with us and we stopped on to a certain extent. we did the same thing after 911 and we used instead of the domino
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theory, the fact that although the hottest were coming and soon they would be in our back yard, ripping our daughters, et cetera, et cetera. and now that's kind of waning, and it looks like we need a new argument, but there's a sameness to the story, isn't there? yes, it's exactly, you know, it's a template. they keep on repeating the same formula, the same tropes and the same strategies. so this time brown, china is the great enemy, the great satan, and they are using the same kind of information warfare in order to deal legitimize and to attack it. and then having done that, then what you do is you create, as of you know, heard, you know, the leadership has said you create, quote unquote, a binding strategy of other countries against china. and currently the thinking is that what you do is you provoke a conflict over taiwan under the pretext of preventing conflict,
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anti want this all highly forgiven a tory and then once having done that, then you're going to rally other countries against china. primarily, japan will be on the front lines. it will tie one island itself will serve the role of ukraine. a japan will be the kind of big attack dog and south korea because it has the largest conscription capacity will also be involved in units. i go, the south korean prison is already, you know, hinted that he's on board for this. she, she, that has also said that he's up for this. so really, you know, this goes back to what you were talking about earlier. and i think this kind of puts this whole conversation together now, which is fascinating thinking about how we started this conversation. we've got chinese troops fighting on the border with in these disputed areas with india. we've got pakistan looking along and saying which side am i going to take? most likely, i'm going to go along with china because i hate the indians. ah, and what's the cause and what's the root cause of all this?
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and as you're explaining the rest of the end to mind, the rest of the story and putting all the chess pieces together, oh, i think we lost you for their 2nd. no, you're good. you're good. as we put, so as we put this chess pieces together, the missing piece, the missing link, if you will, in all of this for the u. s. if we're going to talk a gemini, if we're going to consider the end, the mind that you're making now for what the u. s needs, it's india is india doesn't go along with this. the u. s. is in a bad place to try and job. um, meet its goal. no, i think its very important india's in fairy very important part of this. once again, as i said, this is why we're using the 19th century terminology of the indo pacific before here it was always the asia pacific. this the bismarck enter, that the ursus brought back because they want india to be the left flank of this encirclement. so they need so they need india. ah, to be in
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a conflict with china. so therefore, that situation. speaking of the west, they would like to see more bodily royals, as we said earlier, conflicts they, they would like to not see india take russia side and the situation with ukraine. they're disappointed with india for buying rushes oil when they sanctioned it. and now they're probably disappointed that india is not coming out. ah, perhaps so more fervently against us sending trips or partnerships along that dog, taiwan straits. correct? yes, and you're absolutely correct. and remember, india traditionally has been non align. it's tried to steer a path between the soviet union and the united states, but it has a long and close history with russia. and remember that russia or u. s. a song. and remember, russia has close relations with china. now they are in,
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you know, they say they're, you know, they're closer than an alliance. my, thanks to you. thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. we very much appreciate it. thank you. pleasure to be with you. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission. it's simple, really. we kind of want to de silo the world. we've got to stop living in these little boxes, right, where we never look outside of those boxes to see what else there may be truths. don't live in boxes, truth as everywhere, some expansion. and i'm going to be looking for you again, right here. or i hope to provide a direction ah ah, ah,
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during the 2nd world war in nazi occupied poland valencia was a farming region. today. it's part of ukraine. between 1943 or 945 members of the ukrainian insurgent army, led by stepan. bandera. nasa could thousands of poles in virginia in a diabolical ethnic cleansing process. the murders were particularly horrific and brutal villages were burned and property looted the bellini. a massacre is without doubt, one of the bloodiest episodes in polish ukrainian history. why are ukrainian politicians still reluctant to talk about these events? how to modern day ukraine and poland view this tragedy of the past? and why does the memory of belinda still divide people? ah, so real problem is the fact that nobody knows which is the you. is it
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just an audience of countries and zahn, ah, you had to lead this county's side of a position before iving. an easy position or is it is a kind of 50 rish. we school to camtree's being glad to state in the united states . ah ah, i live with our fly. reportedly rob's out of the port of saddam's capital, where for nationals were supposed to be evacuated during a decay 72 hours of money being sent to claim a right. pillaging of the total us expenditure to heave since last year. it is the pass code who fun given
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