tv Documentary RT April 23, 2023 5:30pm-5:59pm EDT
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to destroy the international order, based by based on the carol declaration and pasta decoration established in 1945, regarding the return of taiwan to china. then to, to complete a change the international order in asia. that might also change the international order as established in 1945 after the defeat of nazi germany, including for example, the status evolving the sovereignty of the 3 baltic states, etc, etc. so i think you need to read ambassador shaw's comments in its totality rather than in isolation. as always, we appreciate your company here on our t international. you can find a more of the latest news updates on documentaries and discussion on our website. all t dot com will be back with
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earlier than i am postal. i had no political parkway bureau that cedar will be on him, set a buy in for him, australia dock with adobe adobe retail too much which i thought i thought it would be on the blood inter strongly with you know, the political washout. got a topple. it just as the volunteers us or she line douglas social not that goes
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beyond eco's. me for that foreign yell over national was that should the city would not be obvious a godaddy. com he's flemister all day is to want to be with the question. probably body, we should use s one, you 3 political, a private aqua must be 0, e dot in. indoctrinated or you dr. bush, an actual youngest eat on the phone. you for your decrease. so oddly causing it is largely they ordered a ca, queen, i queen arches that are mostly muscular, still oregon zavalla luggage, who bars with center political quick se, eventually coupon your georgia cock wishlotskis amaya toys or be from augustine. i usually social worker all day, a dollars loaded, rosie would that be my not on future scheme. elani lucas? scott lucas. char. we whistle co. buick holly, holly shrinkage what that hasn't changed or who to talk on our show. i know when you're better than the children, you were the now usually myrtle who was thought it was semanski,
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velocity grade yellow or group, showed it to his settled on a bridge like way. don't us look, you know, what could i beat? daniel college. b kalonski. eli whitney a business aspect her. oh, what going to 0 and put a window but up polizzi school on it, but oh bugger, stay normal renewal mostly mask is around. it would have hasn't change. it is a former member of the young muslims organize a who along with aliya, is a pick of it, went to prison for 6 years, maybe in a key figure during the civil war in bosnia and herzegovina, responsible for the distribution of weapons equipment and the militant fighters from various islamic countries, you may stuck with them, then you wouldn't even get an error, but it was new. yes, no, it's just a cook children's drunkard. they program. it said it was effect of our similar to just a pizza. jessica, i'm finding
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a charity cross over the country on that or anything. yeah. but i thought you said what was, who did you personally to preach and if she doesn't get it i system or several against it is to us. yes. would you be she any, some is pursuing soccer strategy. conduct the one about you ask not a sports expressway, predict interest. if you're things to look similar to not that he may have shame like or the system, but you know, when you knew it was new smyrna, there was an education system around you, a girl that's one door north union of us. and you know, there's even been that the believe, but it's one of the best landscape against the condition your legislation with so oh, with though much in some on that bush knock will you
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be or 50 of you not we bill delegates, he's out. do you just gotta sudoku talked about to know john, that beautiful keith, i'm just repeat. tell you of you so much. he beat them to his dena. cut quite enough to stan. you see it to cut his level, thus book mallow, bodine. what? obviously the love guinea, one of the between your vote that the on the mirror image and out of the fuck, not to say all the stitches to the saga. gretzky husky deal at seymour. i started a flea, muscular wash, now cou shorter than the dealer. why 63 affect what i have a brother with her? she's not too busy with walk me. so was wondering if that some of you show what this is, is it possible you are from scratch with them?
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love them. with the most custom florida all intern illegally, we was miss luck showed up with the fiddle. queer, which will be more on the back. many hasn't changed. age. which civilities are those any? so 6 a year or so, like what is worse than to patricia said, don't know what he did. urgent. the planner. good. i did put in a nickel co 6 up you spoken with think cetera, materially missed. must really started speaking on opium teaching. eliano still motion with that, bobby emma budget at a deal. sunny store, honestly would it kill the islam cali slump or so she went to, does she use niema ali, how much money and they call somebody, put out a trailer, you ali and i know we sounds good to go out there, but i see at least be bullshit where your dad that william at, at the b o, y,
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john mostly mana subscripts from a new mobile, a particular pool on a near molar brief with the booty, the widow grudge any of the, the nuclear ease, but on the presence in them or with those flood as well, police units you know, lot bravo in with your daughter's was oh, i put the throttle with some astonished cock which would be though then it was that there were so well that's a pretty good deal. double the worst they had said when it could be a good 0 measure to me tony a bill of the window was much, it was the most funny, mostly my square. i still thought you and i still a bush my head soon as i said, b east let me see it on it or not. he below the platform, a particular quote, the landscape. i thought that about the private pro, the pretty much it will be a lot of the say, bush i out. i you especially not. it was me and my that was on now i me a buzz me guess to go in there with you. i am or put a man, it is pakistan,
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a salad, the scott bay doors union waterloo area with sort of a 1000. but on the water with those that i have not heard a drink water with your, with your profile off the about iran, a board or so talking about was the had to go any not put that about jacqueline put about dog jail kinda thompson released to being rosie victor, trigger events. dog a, j. r. course. bailey is scottish. chaney unicoi. so paper money. eliquis. so is scottish chimney
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b. arthur het darby or proud $1000000000.00 shania. bellagio will truitt you fully teach? give on book. lucy said to him, a samo by the she said mom i it is a little, gave me a lot easier with just couldn't see her . they yeah, that order was issued a subpoena. i mean, medically that she booklet up the little survey and appears to mark hello, sorry, i will. docile. de explore via c o v beer. re said tv la said disability, of course. uh huh. plus the possible causal. thus the periods planning period keep for it was really bring in it called us was now about semester dogwood clog league cornea also would invoke the mud, colored me through our met lelona, compress miss laughlin the bill of bookers,
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that he was the least pilot program out our little premium vouchers, globeop marty reaper amy said, go on a som, you register, but i to national, put out all about faith is more, is polizzi mascot. so will be forestall exposing will novel. you will swear gradually. i'll totally still sort of go to mud. com for it switches to the shower euros, see berkeley samuel cranes, now pro his lot, made this his separate pin comedies of toys, prem altura. so of course, the last ran only quesnel, thus was not she toys the national store? spoke. stone wasn't all cousin calling up parallel me. mamma done us? yes. the door cuz it a pre med gear. gear. radical nice. let me just look daughter. the risk organs are too busy. probably him are qualities. this koya serial austin only use the mostly miles consumer furnished for is the 25th floor of your study when we
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ordered any collab cushioning. you know we're running. see do you believe ski he boy a little bit. thanks marie ignacio you either with style play was to get under that anger without really the form with them on you. it will stay human smells will thought over. what was the most get believe disc, avoidable? excuse log. it will be a foist that'll nissan. w 4 because of the cold. i was watching the fool delaware lea, a risky motor was yuma bullied sus color. what the leash that was the last one we'll start over. or of course of control, he thought emma is player so not without that are not all to go. so let's keep it the fema give full august body will via voice gold go vauder. your theory on
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la police filled out the slip to get his key oversight for the says law, the she did so did not the did some god know eliezer deckervidge was governor clinton watching press you let me try to still not that of sublease you were saying it's still been listed on your machine you want, but i feel at the ball miss you my yeah, and they push, oh, clinton's got o clock. if she were middle abby's no, i them they should walk. hampton. normally, i'm bobby's nino. i mission narrowed number ivy. a list a month. it doesn't come with me for it. moving a bullet one year with a plan, usually one glee from see under step jaime, for
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ah, by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities had imposed that heavy death bringing the people into poverty and were exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the provisions of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those who cooperated with them. the fact of ignoring the religious beliefs of the hindus led them. you'd never see boys mercenary soldiers serving under the british crown. rebellion began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may
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river, north of india. in the form of a mutiny. the rebels quickly took over daily. the heroic resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels cruelly thin slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the devils when the obliteration of the mutiny resulted in the death of 800000 inhabitants of india. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will for resistance. ah .
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a switch, naples he is not showing. they read each year with putting it where she was just talking her set up, bring it by law over them almost every month that i was told with the c olympiads in the balcony lice cannot nato's airpower alone cannot prevent further. surg, aggressions or advances are silence every gun in the military expert will tell you that was the bill says that it's at the end or beast almost for the month. what is that? isn't that because i see i don't even look at the data and the key is sitting here is an issue, but it will get closer to them. but if it's, if it's not yet that, that was given us to go to some guy dot com that i bought the bulk on laps yesterday. princeton, guardian. why did you grab a snippet into stella gording to her pussy?
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doing the best of a good but almost a bad the mcgloid. but i'm doing them. i'm just going with cisco budget legit you actual get on the ledge? you buy a car, you stuff like way in yesterday with him. i need for ashley, sorta most of them asking didn't even provide the yeah, i watch. it was a sort of mine. yeah. any rationally balance it gone. but then you got 3 of 7 to sale through a little spark when of 80 going is the bridge of nelson. i'm actually from the convention disease did, but that and i left the luggage so she was feeding my luggage credit card. that's a good idea. yeah, get on the luggage, nist buckley, william bus b,
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that part of the mr. version bus number for the month. good. you only deal with it . it doesn't get a lot of with it. i spoke to a a in the call only. i privately, i believe gord, you doesn't believe, look pretty jesus copies of emma story. him was this. when is duncan having him over the emmys? like, you know, with vision. yeah. those will, it will is still claiming you used to done it, those chemical here, but i'm going it, it will let us in the just chest the least 1000000000. but let us then you by sure group or plan was this is your storage when you're there. jessica smith and we're just the really hear what spits up your i'd say. i immediately francy young glee.
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oh, really? by gibbs diluted by name done that by given vista. chill over for them to easter. by next i'm done them via the she did to walk the central area. note the furniture done. there got more than a garage double service from you. that's it. issuing the conservation to do for us to nail down mostly minute solice. now. it took i thought it was a bully. oh. borrowing in their door, but don't buy delegate not to burn with burnett level. you lost a simple accent of is by gibson. ne, merely bully, rearranging reciprocal sharla defeats again. it's either but i listed like a formal quote of a lot of yet. i took books, i and thus i close. let's put us logically. so this was sentence resumed on his
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body more than with the dark olive garcia craft. i'm in a pre but he says i missed it. i b b laquia logically. so does your order, would i to study to would arlin on august the shoulder was yes. come out to denison, that sort of maricel dipper, vienna b. b, s. recessed. are hearing me to me or to put him essentially for that to my presentation without smart, not coastal. he that you would, you probably are not traction so comically slash dessie or to baker. they still wouldn't hapchick them year. now it's an answer from the order vinnie kim doug. doug, do not the breadth of those to shift on god. it would do with our full boy. i bet if it's our prospect net, you repeat ammonia or previous job them get that. see if the difference, if we have no sir,
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was just up with you. is of that option to buy disc is ripping it, but i wouldn't. greenville was being at a preemptive car because not on memory. i like i thought it was so the bulleted, blushing a signal that from media kit richer. we'll talk some about different processes like adobe unapologetically. i wish knock on that liquid. yes. a few other bush knocking a seal on. i didn't assume as luncheon put out the boss. no. she'll anya call you know would night. does she abi that's what would it? yeah. or some stuff that i'm there, sit. she's bush snacking, our slattery ordination apple. once in a gesture, he da douglas leacock, all propaganda porcelain. i will see it there. the city. what? danasia he my morsel sandwiches. coaster mammal is sort of peanut coil fly to swap, but also cielo, i know, would have, would subscribe order from sex problems last, ariana casual, tackle or break cost tersely called just a heater,
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cielo on the bush now. okay. done. us said, we're seattle prologic called in for marcia jacqueline, a put was snatched. she's only stuck with me boys, it's a day more ominous domino percept, you, you would, you don't miss on the, to perceptual douglas fido asked. it could be a question instrument zap, either czar, the shoreline, you see to i to b e r caching the monotonous answer, chris, gosh, katrina jelly doubt that his laker lighted. okay. queen mella, he saw all grey mella. what betia sydney barely narrative on the sunset eternal billy discourse school year, post playoff. oh you said a blended ca, brett, or got a year a doctor to know for me to your spray program for you no matter who boston he had to go in. he took his place, ppo, but medco, who couldn't squeeze, declare one the lazy, of course, of course some radio declared was our easiest. they or camecia or is
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still your side i will eat were serenity. i know the 0 sum is establish whether she is up in the media nobela, sleeker automata so. so it'd be wash him on c, r was the man you could have arty. it's lorraine, see, nobody wanted a sticker foreign min on it, brick or ted car. so callback log, roman g o tributes, is that your system image and from the sun shall say on equal done after you run for political to man i sent over to us on the 3rd in whiskey i medicare loss, so much so much missing the thought to single out to bill it is the, the 0 that all you last for. they were slow. you there's, this is eva heritable. c sharp to gordon. so the, to run an hour reinerson my motto, put out the door, j. o. gilbert, madrid she denies that obscure samaya. brickle. okay. straight to the eta. oh ask
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wiper on there myself important all as if it's on some of boston. oh, i don't see notes on a pole much is slang and i'll run away. no premiere to the nostril, them all, none of these phil crane tucker bill is still to reimburse sanford. that's on the bill. close. similar them. yeah. so so be approach showed cna put criticism of the me a ma gluck is another love measure of the mobile truit on is a number quiz, stood as a meal. ah, bill for profound want may this humble tie them up or not see it but she only dental schools put as a window shows a while your chairman, such not only concern your daughter that they suck up there about the breast any but terrible as a bullying report report, robber is botany thermal. okay. they cleaned on several of the ordinary men. that one does so on it, but it was really thought the supposed, but it would be sure current japanese talked, etc. what don't be a total cost family who she's got ball not was $1.00. and this zone is valley
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zona brown. the breed, dora carry those when seated are more to zum city. the source tasha are misled. she now robot. yeah, are they all populous who command the car that audrey down, jacket, r g. now, queen that to the misty did seem better. put be sunday to ski, meet all these different did to us commute only a spot assume either. so tried net read by you wish it would you had increase of the with any. now aboard for a pork is that will probably take comedy, cut me melody must say. mr. cutter school. they will shoot mostly really, you know, or the ne richie sailor premier who stop posted on bro, present to bill as, as of jenna, just looked in almost the mask was the least vocal. i sheila, sheila,
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cello, where mirrorless of course on are you still ah, several years frances wheeler, silica or quinn, must really cur shedra hosea need serves it look as they need to. so tackle squad no really, that they all of that is the dentist video of colloquy abuse, acronyms key in that part of the quiz and say his book is dollars key, it polish key, her rouse will go now imposed to remark, it is be a garage and kit i'd put her at the dose plato poetica. what fremont maintenance was put as will remarks will, or providence, when a sweet within us, where we can use that, which, you know, stone eco know, put through tree in our to report simps. casey is several atlanta mass where both chevrolet moreno, that article said berkeley nissan. mowgli variety, morgan was not there though. sorry. lucky or she done than us. nice or at least one of it. bruni of siri. oh, a queen, queen my niece, or no more. which another at this william or no sir be so i wasn't chair so bobo
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o'con on the lusty w. yes. look at you and of course similar to it. and of course with white marsh this way. no vehicle is acquainted with it. we mama said, you know we should go out to the scene. all we will cover is i need to do is i had no you didn't put a cheese. i had no. oh yeah. so she, with what i channel literature, she was a be celebrating that he will be though much he oh i am was tamani bouchard seat is quote, the school has an issue with emotions. so some of that about the memo plummet moved to we had to go to political question. bt, which would be good. i just it out then school tuition scott will be upset, knowing gross. ah ah
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little opinions that you won't get anywhere else. welcome to please. if you have the state department to see a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, choose your fax for you. go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it, because it might just change the way things with is america decision to deny visas to russian journalists for the upcoming un security council meeting. of course, i knew how famous our american colleagues offer such things, but i was sure that this time, given the attention that was drawn to the ugly behavior, everything would be different, but i was mistaken. indian state police detain is think, separatist organization leader off the along manhunt. and in the latest episode of going on the grounds, pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh.
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