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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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ah, a voice from briggs nations gather in south africa to discuss a polar world with delegates condemning western countries for they say the side lining, the global south brick stand for peace break stand for burning. a global community that is inclusive, that is shared and where no one is marginalized, like we have present the, the global south is on the part of 3 of the global geopolitical geo. can i make gil financial architecture? claims of black smoke rise over costume international airport in sue done as foreign states scramble to evacuate the people from the country. i made the ongoing military clutches in the latest episode of going underground,
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pulitzer prize winning journalist seymour hersh discusses how us media outlets are provided with times in response to trump in all, all the horrors of january 6, the invasion of the capitol. has it been? i think to make a very distinct commitment to being pro, by very little criticism or by the petition to the italian government calling for a whole to weapons supplies to ukraine is gathering pace late in the program. the author of the petition you go, might say, explains that the objective on the goals of the movements with watching out the international monies. peter scott, where the joining us from welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis. south africa
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is hosting a bricks conference on the middle east and north africa with voice from leading economist gathering in the country, the head of the hosting delegation. and so clo has told us that the group wants a feldwood where no country is pushed behind, develop ones. this is our night meeting. and the merger is, there's always been one of the global hotspots mud in conflict and as bricks. we felt that is important that we add our voice and caucus on the middle east, north africa region, to see how we can bring about peace and reproach month between the conflicting parties very, very much. you'd like to see a multi paula world as against a unique color, bipolar what we would like to also be an active participant in addressing the global security challenges, including in the middle east and other areas. because brick stand for peace,
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brick stands for building a global community that is inclusive, that is shared and where no one is marginalized, like we have presently, the global assault is on the pedal, free of the global geopolitical joke and it feel financial architecture. so this is the focus for breaks to bring about peace to bring about corporation to bring about an inclusive bill. this is i to the session will be held over 3 days in the south african capital cape town. more focus on peace building in the middle east on developments of the deserted north african regions. so me thing is a preparation for the break. some it's all leaders me think which will also take place in south africa in august. these couple of has more details. well this particular breaks that meeting of deputy foreign minister, special envoys into the middle east and north. busy africa is of
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paramount importance here, especially with regards to the host. in this case of south africa, the chair of bricks for the year, south africa saying that they very much want polarity of voices in florida to your views in order to bring back the stability and bring about peace in the middle east . not of course, ignoring how important the area is as well as north africa with regard to global economics. most of those economies are really what drives the economies of the world. major. busy oil producers and the lakes and they continue to occupy a very important part in. busy the economics but also in the phase of where the future waited and currently where the bit of conflict has been. the feeling here, amongst brick members, is that it cannot be a single, a voice that is leading within the middle east and north africa. and primarily
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being that of the united states, which to this day remains a conflict and partner and has been accused by more than one country as a meddling nation with in the middle east. south africa is also trying to not only us or in the, the importance of the middle east, but they're looking forward looking at this as one of the events that will be taking place, leading up to south africa, hosting the heads of state of the bricks club later this year in august, and this will be happening in johannesburg in august. now what we understand is that we have a situation way, way and not only south africa is looking at hosting there, but they're looking at inviting the bigger african countries south africa did the very same when it held the chair ship 5 years ago, we saw a wider african family representation,
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and that is very much expected to happen again. this year. when a staying in africa, sudan has entered his 10th consecutive day of clashes between the army and the power military forces. there. in this process, you can see a plume of black smoke rising from costume international airport from where multiple european middle eastern asian states in the u. s. are trying to evacuate diplomatic stuff and civilians. russian citizens are also waiting extraction from moscow's embassy in khartoum. under the evacuees in 4 planes, landed at a military airport in jordans, a man early on monday. leo men at the had that on today we're talking about 343 jordanian citizens who were evacuated from sudan in addition to a number of arab brothers from palestine, iraq, syria, and to citizens from germany, colorado. unfortunately, there were death in the streets. my factory was broken into and some equipment will
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stolen, praise be to god, lord of the world's. i do not know what to do in such circumstances. we have not seen anything like it in our lives. on sunday, more than a 100 evacuation were sent to distributed by the french military. one french national was reportedly shot during the evacuation process. the sudanese minutes here accused the power military rapid support forces of opening fire on a french convoy. while they claimed it came under attack by military aircraft, the french for ministry as no yet commented on that situation. but the ongoing violence health paralyzed su dunn's main international airport just joined civilian plains and damaging at least one runway local journalist of de la hussein brought us the latest developments. unfortunately, the last window offered support for us as military. you are still looking to list ongoing is science does have comments on how to model for their own sedan. nice. i was finally able to get some sleep.
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but also there was some, you know, a lot of stuff on find the location, especially especially around the areas near to the army. and he's dr. watson because just your pocket this morning that the more 9 people were killed yesterday . so dismissed. the total sum of all and so down if i was 273 people who are was into more than 1500 or for other things besides the army. not mentioned anything about offering the buyer or the robberies before person didn't mention anything about already. also learned that there was some, there would be a 70 days, but if it's not for the people, because the previous, the fire on the previous to this or not,
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we're not implemented truly between the 2.15 that they have broken the law to fire but to fire the fire fire and also our fire and there was our fire. all of these were broken because the size of them on this let's cross live now. so the regional spokes person and i robi, of the international committee for the red cross alone, a senior colleague. and thanks very much for joining us this afternoon. first of all, what can you tell us about the humanitarian situation in sudan at the moment? the money tenants, the amid the ongoing violence is no a to sole able to get through a country. but it is far from being enough. we urgently need to many care in these why we need some meaningful pools on the ground for the humanitarian workers to be able to reach people in need for i'm going to be able to operate through but to aid
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the want to collect dead bodies. but now have been lying on the streets for date. sounds very dire, indeed. aliana, do you think that the international community is doing enough to help or should it increase calls a more permanent these 5 between those warring factions? well, we've been trying to do everything we can as a human determine organization poorly on all those who take part in this fighting. reminding them that providing you with children space is not an option that it is an obligation that they have under the international humanitarian law. to ensure that convenience can get some respite that people can get to take and re applied to ensure the ambulances can operate. and unfortunately, until now, this has most material. i know, obviously you mentioned the difficulties getting aide into sudan, but obviously it's also very difficult to leave the country as well. there many countries are scrambling so to get the people out of the country and some of them
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said they felt abandoned by the countries at the moment. i how is the evacuation process going? is there enough security on, on the ground that being provided? was it still very difficult at the moment? well, the international committee of the red cross is not too bold about to ation process, so i can't speak to them that i am, of course, very happy for all those people who can reach safety, enjoying their families. it's been a tremendously difficult way for everybody who would drop a meet these horrible fighting in cartoon. but for us as a human kevin organization, we need to speak on behalf of who needs to be. and because they don't have the luxury of being, at least it's a safety and they are there. so our priority is to be able to reach them and bring from kevin assistance to them. that's absolutely fair enough. do you have any idea of this, the, the casualty figures at the moment? i do know that i believe yesterday,
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there were the around 400 and almost 4000 people injured. what, how this figures look in today? the speakers are constantly arriving and the most worrying thing is that because of this insecurity on the going spikey, nobody's able to, to provide the ball if accurate figures. but yes, we are counting dead people by the 100 wounded people by the thousands and the hospital cannot operate if i'm building is cannot operate. those numbers will continue to write. we seem to have a double problem with the hospitals, not receiving aid and these and these figures rising by the hour, they just completely inundated, in sudan last time i spoke with one of my colleague from the news rec christian society, what he told me is that his biggest fear with the entire health care system in sudan was on the verge of on the verge of collapse. so that was last week. and in
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the past couple of days, the phone lines will cause the internet was not working. so the situation was getting worse and the ability of us to get the accurate picture money. 7 situation is also becoming watson, was the senior care regional spokes person in nairobi of the international committee for the red cross. i can imagine extremely busy at the moment. thanks for finding the time to speak with her today, and we wish you the best with your work in q. we're moving on now, today's us media outlets are committed to being pro biden a new context, but to find a balance supporting in the mainstream media. that's according to police prize winning journalist seymour hersh as he discusses. that's in the latest episode of action returns. he's going underground. they can watch the full interview today on our see his quick preview. i worked for years at the new york times and as i'm sure everybody to pay for it, i always want a lot of prizes. and one of the most important stories i wrote about them ca,
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spying on american citizens, had nobody named in it. and so they are the notion now. so this or is this, the, it's, it's, i'm certainly an outsider. now i'm publishing on a subset, which is a, i'm self publishing in essence. but i will tell you, for sure. i am retained the terrific editor, somebody i worked with at the london review books last time. you are criticizing your old paper the new york times. now it's not so with the new york times, not printing important news of interest in the public interest about what's happening in europe and who knows where else they're actually and growing about aiding the f b i and capturing alleged whistleblowers. that's a new one, isn't it? in let me make it broader than a new york times because there's, you can't win an argument with, you know, i just, i don't want to get into an argument, but i sometimes do. but,
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but trump terrified the press that he won. after all, the mocking they did, and they're terrified again, i will tell you there's a lot of people very worried that we may end up with a biden trump ticket in 2024. and so the times response to trumping all the, all the horrors, the january, 6th, the invasion of the capitol has there been, i think, to make a very distinct commitment to being pro biden. there's very little criticism about him. none of the stories i've written about buying. none of the allegation of the more than allegations with a lot of specifics i look, i know much more than i've said about what that mission took place in the base. it was based on knowing what we were doing. and so none of them follow the story in any way except the right counter stories given by the intelligence community. so the fact that the, it does wash 2 ways. i, you know, you cannot be shocked at the times, would be,
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as good citizens turned into the history, hide it for, of course i am, but you can't be a petition demanding that the italian government holt weapons supplies to ukraine has been collecting signatures since saturday. now prominence, public and cultural figures in the country were seeking a general referendum on the issue and we spoke to the positions creator, you go my say, a law professor, universities in san francisco, answer in the explain the aim of the company. it is important understand that this is not the petition and the italian law, 500000 people. that is half a 1000000 people can actually directly ask for a referendum and the referendum is valid and has a force of law if half of the population participates. so this is a form of direct democracy that is enshrined in battalion constitution that has been used in man important cases in italy in the past. and now we are using it to
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stop the absurd participation in a war in which italy is not part. that in fact, our government has brought us in by sending weapons of mass distraction to mr. zalinski and that to the nato alliance. right now engaged in russia. we started collecting the signatures to day nationwide. we hope that we can actually arrive to linda, says, sorry, number or half a 1000000 signatures in order to call a national referendum to have the italian people decide whether a want to use money for weapons to kill people in ukraine and russia. or whether we prefer to use the money for building hospitals and for, for the caring of the people in this country. of protesters in italy have been speaking up and rallying against,
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sending arms to crane since last year. for example, men of ember, thousands of people from the streets of rome to demand an end to such support. also pointing out that it's damaging for the country's economy. anita member, italy has been supporting here for since the outbreak of the war, it's least provided 6 arms packages, mostly filled with artillery to ukraine, along with 900000000 euros of miniature 8. rome has also been providing special training programs for ukrainian soldiers. you got my st again, so does that. washington's defense sites of interest and taking center stage rather than the wellbeing of european citizens. i don't believe that there is any interest in that piece on the nato side. i don't know whether there is that interesting piece on both sides. certainly, there is an interest in war by the corporate power of the military complex in the united states, lockheed martin and other large companies that builder guns and weapons and stuff
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like that have a big interest in keeping the others, the war open and very hard. therefore all the efforts of negotiations especially in the west are being torpedoed by this kind of interest. i dont think europe is doing its own interest. you are up is actually in this moment completely colonized by the us and is doing the interest of the american complex rather than the interest of the people in europe in ukraine and in russia. bulgaria has also hosted a demonstration for peace with his own petition which has got to thousands of signatures in favor of the country. refraining from involving the self managed conflicts, tens of thousands of local people floated the countries capitelli, nancy nato, protest demanding a peace process for ukraine. initiated instead of arms delivers the russian black sea fleets has repelled
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a ukrainian maritime drone attack on the ports of sip estoppel and crimea. ah, mm. the russian defense ministry says its re, drones were destroyed. the attack caused no casualties or damage. however, and over a little guns republic, a huge fire ruptured after ukrainian drone stock. local fuel depot, no was injured, and emergency services have managed to put out the place. the suspected ukrainian drone loaded with explosives has crushed near the town and against in the moscow region. i hear some images of that drone. it's had several western made explosives on board. a local residence reportedly found it in the woods and according to media reports, the drone could have struck a tree and come down. meanwhile, in the done yet, st. republic, the russian defense ministry says the wagner, faces have taken over 2 blocks and the embattled city are musk, also known as bach mode. this comes after reports that russian forces have taken
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control of a train station in the western parts of the city. the russian defense ministry said that a large fuel devil of the ukrainian army was destroyed in the area on monday. masika also said that the recent ballistic missile attack killed up to 60 ga mercenaries and destroyed over a dozen miniature vehicles in the ukrainian held town of constantine of car. according to russian officials, some of the mercenaries were accused of torturing russian p, o w. c. r t s. broadcast the f reports from dumbass. we approach through ruins and the long trenches. the weather remains miserable. mud and sludge everywhere. we accompany a squad armed with a guided missile system, their destination, the top of a slag keep bare target ukrainian positions in mud, inca ah, free guided rockets away targeting that might, inc. muddy gut is perhaps the most fortified settlement that ukraine
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has under its control. for 8 years, they spent shoring it up, digging underneath, setting up foreign positions to make sure that it holds on as long as possible. only about 25 percent of monica remained suddenly ukrainian control coronet missiles, common multiple variants, armor piercing fragmentation, and sometimes with the dreaded thermo barrick warhead. roberson was just zulu what we just did was planned and put together over 2 days. our people were constantly on watch and we confirmed a large and me presence about 20 soldiers. the best case scenario for them is that they get buried on that probably the fight for mighty anchor is the longest. ongoing battle in the ukrainian conflict. new building remains untouched. many no longer exist, it is slow going. speed is not
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a priority here for my don't get so m volume in on a whole, we're moving forward. it isn't quick, but almost a minimal. our objective is to cause the enemy maximum damage while minimizing our losses. depending on location, tactics and strategies vary wildly near by and backward. the pace is much quicker. much more savage and apparent radio intercept of ukrainian communications has sparked outrage in russia. good. we're going to work night. i wonder boy. oh boy, in to 40 radio and what brand new beauty old gunshot you yeah, i already didn't know that not only does it take a little more your 100 game keep growing in the battle already infamous for its viciousness. dubbed the meat grinder by key of officials,
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these boots eel, recently the wagner private military company and ukrainian forces had conducted a prisoner exchange. it now seems unlikely that there'll be another one about this radio intercept, according to which ukrainian saw executing all prisoners has great humanitarian significance, humanitarian law against. when you take some one prisoner, you have to take care for them. we want while a that law. so we won't take any more prisoners were, will kill all who we meet on the field of battle. we won't take any one prisoner. this will come as unwelcome news to ukrainian families already on the edge from the horrendous casualty rates among ukrainian troops. they've dead challenge the military leadership. wow.
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in cowboy, a rogue, the relatives of ukrainian soldiers, the missing and the injured, gathered at the military officer to protest. they accused the army leadership of sending their under trade, fathers, husbands and sons, to their deaths under, equipped and lacking even food. many on leasing, and people were ignored. the military officials shut the doors and said nothing in all the front remains static. ukraine continues to prepare for its being offensive, and russia further fortifies it's already formidable defenses on both sides, pension mount. so head of a battle with made this side, this conflict more ad gazda of arti, from mud inca, than yet screeching. while i'm moving on. now the use foreign policy chief has encouraged the setting of military ships through the taiwan straits, which is of course, a region of contention with beijing,
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as he contributed rachel marson has mon story. in our view, there is only one china, but not under any conditions. and certainly not through the use of force in reality, europe must be very present on this issue, which concerns us economically commercially and technologically. this is why i call on european navies to patrol the taiwan strait to signify europe's commitment to freedom of navigation in this absolutely crucial area. so each chief diplomat, yoseph burrell wrote in his office in france's, you'll know, judy mosh over the weekend. that on one hand, he wants european countries to send the warships into china's backyard. but on the other, he says that quote, china doesn't directly threaten our security. he also reiterated europe when china position, which is aligned with china. so then why does he want european worships on the other side of the globe in the taiwan straight off china's coast, if there's no actual threat to europe from china?
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while he says that would be to quote, signify europe attachment to the freedom of navigation in this crucial zone. so basically, he wants european country sees their military hardware and personnel for virtue thing like that's quite the president. imagine if all countries sent soldiers and heavy weaponry around the world as a symbol of their coat attachment to use browse term. i will just selling some chocolates or maybe some long stand red roses like normal people would do. it would be a lot cheaper and wouldn't risk inadvertently provoking yet another armed conflict somewhere in the world. remember that the one a ukraine popped off after western countries had loaded up its border with russia with weapons. and then they were absolutely stunned when russia actually acted on it around doesn't seem to recognize that they risk repeating that here with china. also, burrell white on is op ed to blame china for europe's lack of economic competitiveness, saying that beijing subsidizes it's companies like we're supposed to believe that
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europe doesn't. suddenly he calls china's values the opposite of europe's guess. it depends on what european values he's talking about. today does he mean that blanket media censorship, without the process of outlets like r t, or does he mean dictating europeans hot shower time in or she stick it to russian. president vladimir putin are also tells china that flow isn't in your interest to support russia, saying that doing so only quote increases the polarization of the international system that you otherwise lean to want to fight. that's ironic because french president emanuel michael literally just argued that europe by blindly following washington, your new polar agenda for its western allies on matters like taiwan does itself exactly the same kind of disservice to the detriment of its own strategic autonomy . is it in our interest to accelerate a crisis from taiwan? no, the worst thing would be to thing that we, europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the u. s. agenda and china's overreaction. so we're elder marks and now clearly set up
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a clash between european leaders like michael, who are saying that european countries shouldn't just jump on the taiwan bandwagon because america says so particularly why it's against their own economic interests . and on the other hand, bureaucrats like burrell here, who seemed to be placing the need to virtue, single european unity at all costs above everything else. but not cold guys have this longstanding fantasy of building a collective european defense. and any european navy patrols would depend heavily on france, so it remains to be seen if mac home is ultimately tempted. seduced by barrels offer to use the china taiwan issue as a showcase for those european defense fantasies which could end up being a big display window. that risks getting a huge rock tossed right through it. we'll see child university chair professor to go says it's such a dangerous step by european countries could hom peace prospects in the region?
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i was straight as of now and for many decades in the past has been a peaceful. ready straight it is a very old route, straight full international commerce and china has more vested.


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